•Wg pk BBr-. PBBF ' ~IBf ATTi i) ill TWm ' C! FT XI I —l |i 1/1/ i\l It. Bl’V'-m/l/ 1) . Ii , j\ I i IMpJfel j\| lii % 1 h-\ I ft. 11 111 I 1 r :II 1 J 5 i I \ Si I ill) I 1 S 1 J| Jj y y 1 JLw a a.J JLw T T ■ 1-A JLjL. JL—m JL nv_y _A_ " • vrrii i » j. Stafford & Cole, have constantly on hand A Full and Complete Line of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ALSO A LAUGH STOCK OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE Which they arc offering to the trade at the very lowest prices for cash. »3J”Call on them Ijcfore purchas ing, sis quality of goods arc guar anteed and prices as low as anywneie in the Territory. Don’t forget the place. POSTOFFICE, WARNER, DAK. HEADaUARTERS Lumber, Shingles, IIOULDINGS* SHINGLES* i Fisher &iMcKenzie, • PROPRIETORS* • "fft ". 4* t & §1 ■: .• * ,V |B2S *k**kk - - Dakota JAY JENNINGS, i,. DENTIST i m ? r 2 wnk usii* s TfcETll EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN And everything pertaining to* den tiatry attended to in the very beet manner. \ 1 WiHfr#* * s X a DAKOTA I Iff- ' x :*• ~ 'l* ‘ Sbi Tt- . m * M. , c;\ ' ' .V. V‘ /■** . I,AMPS AND LAMP FIXTURES. lumber yard Dealers in ceiling/; SIDING* SASH* DOOIIS, N. I. GILBERT, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Prepared Gutta Percha Paint- See the Celebrated Monitor Plows. Agent for Thingvalla Line of Ocean Steamers, the only direct line to and from the Scandinavian countries. JBfc&“T will sell as Cheap as the Cheap est. Call and see for yourself. Green & Anderson Attorneys at Law, Real Estate, Loans and laNDn »OtD Attention to Final Proofs and all tl. S. Land Office Business. Etc,, Etc LOAN MONEY TO PROVE UP WITH at rates cheaper than ever before offered in the James River Valley. Call on us and be convinced. > ■ v-’' ■ r m ‘ ■ ■■ ,> .. ,-\ tvahnAr - - Dakota ■i ..... . FOSTER HOUSE JOHN FOSTER, PBOPR. ' 1 'Jk . v- I *, *'i J ■ i , s EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS 1 ,■ u< • >i - t ! WaRJNKK - - AAJHVTA WARNER, DROWN CO., DAKOTA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1883. DEALER IN CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, FOOTWEAR, HAtS, CAPS, CLOTHING M. t. GILBERT, WARNER, DAKOTA Insurance, Kennedy & Kingston, DEALERS IN Farm Machinery OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO All grades of Lumber LATH, SHINGLES, DOORS, SASH, &c., &o. WARNER August E. Berg, ... / . GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND Horseshoeing- All Work turned out in Firat-Class Style at Reasonable Rates. OtA first-class WAGON AND REPAIR SHOP is ojierated in con nection by a first-class Wheelright. A complete stock of Fellows, Hubs, Shafts, etc., Constantly on hand; a . i, . ,r , A Charles Cooper Hard and Soft Coal. ■ ■ -T- ■ ■<&:»*.. g 1 \ , : [' 1 ... ■ It : A .. :>. v '' r ‘T' **'' j Quantity and Quality Guaranteed. f * fV', tAuriß 8 ~ Dakota The W ARNER Sun. is issued every Saturday by BESTOR & MACLEOD, Kinross A Publishers. Price of subscription $1.50 per year; six months* 75 cents. Subscriptions must be paid invariably in advance. THE SUN is admitted to the mails at second-class postage rates. Now what’s to bo done about it? Cynthia E. Cleveland who attended the Sioux Falls convention solely in the interests of prohibition, in a letter to the 3luron Times makes use of the following expression: “ Another paper says Prof. Cornwall said in his sjieech at ltee Heights that this 5,000 jietition provision came from the whisky in terest. I have to say in regard to this that no person living is responsible for one single w ord in that provision but myself.” And again: “ The provision was made and passed in every par ticular as I desired.” James 11. teller, secretary of the Sioux convention, denies that the Sioux were either bribed or intimidated iuto signing the agreement to part with a portion of their reservation. In a letter to the Chicago Tribune lie says the commissioners “neither bribed the Indians collectively nor individually, though often solicited thereto. They made no threats, but told the Indians the plaiu truth in regard to their rights. Every part of the agreement was talked over repeatedly in ojien conucil, and when signed it was signed freely and more fully than any agree ment ever before made with these people, aud if at that time it required the signatures of three-fourths of the male adults they could IM obtained.” DAKOTA A healthy activity in commercial circles in Warner this fall conclusively demonstrate that the town is the re tail supply depot of southern Brown county and northern Spink county, as well as further east and west, and as such its lasting and ever increasing prosperity is assured. Liberal and progressive jiolicy on the part of our business men tends greatly to this end, and we have yet to discover a single article which cannot be procured here as cheaply as in any city in Dakota, while at the same time thevefv highest market price is paid for tdl products of the farm. These facts are well known for many miles around, aud consider able trade which formally treat else where now centers in Warner, to the mutual benefit of all concerned. Here’s the latest in the capital com mission business, taken from an edi torial in the Grand Forks Herald of the 27th ult. rlt will lie observed that the Herald clearly and definitely charges Commissioner Scott with bribery in connection with his official duties, and that it appears anxious to sustain its charges More a court: “ We are ready and willing to prove upon reliable and indisputable evi dence, by the most immutable proof, in which the doctor will lie compelled to bear witness against himself* tint he was guilty of gross personal briber) in connection with his duties as a pub lic man in reference to the conspiracy in which he and Messrs. Ordway, Walsh and others were engaged in defraud ing the people of this territory of their just rights. In order to give this statement an opportunity of being proven by sworn evidence hi the pub lic courts, We call the attention of Dr. Scott atid his organ to the fact that this charge, if it is untrue, is a gross libel which no honest or upright man would submit to, and we hereby invite the doctor, dr anyone in his behalf, to vindicate him from this aspersion if he or they can; We repeat that we make this charge deliberately, with full knowledge of its gravity, and that if the opporturiity is offered we are ready and willing td go into court and abide the consequences:|| f 1 v \-p''-f- f^" r. J$L '■ * ri .til Micellaneous Matters* It is said that the philosophers of the Concord school have not yet de termined how a woman should act when her hands arc in the dough ami and an aggressive fly alights on her Mr 3. Senator Logan is a moduli congressman’s wife. She is a fine, matronly looking woman, with snow - white hair, clear hazel eyes, the merry laugh of a school-girl, and the tender kindness of a in maimer, she exercises a jxitent infln-HS enee over the senator, and does much to increase his personal popularity-H She writes his letters, corrects the proof of his .speeches, franks his docu ments, and distributes bis garden seeds with rare judgment. Among the notable American works aliout to lie undertaken is the con- || stmetion of a new aqueduct running from a vast reservoir to supply New York city with water. This aqueduct will be thirty miles long, and although the first estimate is $14,500,000, it will probably cost $25,000,000. \\ hen completed New York will have a water supply of -360,000,000 gallons per diem. Even should there lie a year of drouth there will be never less than 250,000,- 000 gallons per day, an amount suffi cient for a population of 5,000,000 persons. A French savant asserts that tIvJS time may come when donkeys and other inferior animals may talk with- |jjj out any miraculous jxiwer being exer cised to make them do so. This caw be done, he says, bv careful breeding, selection, and an education continued through several generations. Breeding heretofore has been directed toward certain physical characteristics, such as fleetness in a horse, milk in a cow, and a fine and juicy meet in the cattle. Breeders find it possible to create a certain physical type of pigeon, cow, or sheep—that is, they can sketch out on paper what they want and then realize it by selections among the herd. According to this French scientist** ; animals even now communicate by sound. Certain birds, such as the parrot- and the mocking-bird, can he taught Tiwitiise riiekirncuirtr • - of throat and mouth resembles those of the human being. A good many curious speculations have been dulged in respecting the man of the ;j future, but what if the ass, the c<*vß and the sheep of the future should in*|| gifted with articulate speech, and what seemed an incredible biblical legend become an every-day fact? A correspondent Of the Befctoti j Herald thus describes the petrified forest in Arizona: One might almost pass by and notice nothing unusual. But on looking closer the rocks are found to be the trunks of fallen lives turned to stone. They lie- about \<*n here, there and everywhere, some pre serving their shape and outlines, others* broken or cracked. The scene is ;i strange one. It smacks of enchant ment. Perhaps some jxiteiii magician® blew upon this forest in the vigor o( its prime, and before his cnilling breath the stout trees liowed themH selves, and froze into flint and aga«sjH Still you hardly see why you came, but after the coffee bad been l»oijeiJ| and breakfast eaten your Mexican* slowly enlighten you. They bring out hammers and drills, and selecting a likely B}>ot in a stone trunk enden voi r to force their way into if. The stone is like adamant Again and again the drill bounds away, but iinaiiv pieces arc shivered off the chicks made, that you see what the petrified forest has hidden in it. Emeralds, sapphiiw & and diamonds arc convenient uame*fß bid alas, our discoveries would hardly M be counted as such by Tiffany. Yei 1 they are singularly beautiful. You St