OCR Interpretation

The Warner weekly sun. (Warner, Brown Co., Dakota [S.D.]) 1883-1885, October 06, 1883, Image 2

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn2001063566/1883-10-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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banter Wfchtn fun.
BESTOR & MACLEOD, Publishers.
New York City it threatened with a
prolonged Beige of typhoid fever, as it
is spreading rapidly. Defective sewer
aye is probably Its promoters.
In the United States there are seventy
lie railroads which report an average in
earnings during August of S per cent,
over the earnings of the corresponding
month in 1882. This is significant from the
fact that the August railroad earnings of
1882 gave a total of 10 per cent, increase
over those of 1881, 23 per cent. o\er
those of 1880, and 81 per cent, over
those of 1579. Thus for the four years
the increase of August earnings has
been 30 per rent.
It was also asserted that diphtheria
was increasing slightly hut steadily in
the North Atlantic and eastern cities;
It is about equally prevalent in this
countrv and in Germany, and much
more so in these countries than in Great
‘Britain. Typhoid fever caused 3.7 per
cent, of all deaths; malaria!.fevers 2.2;
scarlet fever 1.5; pneumonia 3. 4; mea
sles 0.2 and whooping cough 18 per cent.
The mortality in the English cities con
tinues unusuaiiv slow.
The coining report of the sen »te com
mittee appointed at the last session to
investigate the agreement made by the
Sioux commission promises to add an
entertaining chapter to the lengthy
history of Indian affairs. The commit
tee find that the Indians were,in nearly
every case, coerced into signing the
agreement, and that they strongly ob
ject to giving up their land. After care
fully examining the whole matter, a
unanimous report has been decided on,
recommending that, the agreement in
question he not ratified.
The trial of O’Donnell, the slayer of Ca
rey, is likely to be a notable one, for
length at least. The fact of a criminal
being tried at a place as far from the
scene of his crime is an unusual one,
except in the cases of mutineers an 4
murderer **t sea. Those who sympa
thize with O'Donnell and the number is
a large one, are trying to secure the ser
vices of Charles Russell, M. P., to take
charge of the defense. They are san
guine of acquittal if only eminent coun
sel can be obtained. It is doubtfu
if O’Donnell can escape.
Astronomers have apparently estab
lished the fact that the Brooks comet,
so called, now approaching the earth is
identical with the comet ot 1812. The
Ual»/vw «•»!) Ua !#*••*<#*»*•
1884. In 1812 it was computed that its
return would be about September 3,
1884 or within eight months of what
proves to be the actual time. When it
is considered that this orbit is based
upon observations made seventy years
ago, which were neither numerous nor
widely distributed at the time, its ac
curacy is remarkable. The period of
the comet is seventy-one years, four
months and ten days.
» writer in the London Journal of
Science dwells upon the advantages af
forded in Germany to technical education
and asserts that Chemnitz has already
undermined the glove trade of Notting
ham, and that in the opinion of many
m the hoisery interests of the same town
are being slowly undermined. The in
habitants of Chemnitz cannot compare
either mentally or physically with those
llof the English manufacturing centre,
but they have far superior eductional ad
■ vantages. In Boon there is quite an En
glish town springing up, inhabited al
most entirely by English families who
reside there for the purpose of giving
their children a practical education.
Offical inquiry has now apparently
well established that one hundred thous
and lives were lost by the recent earth
quake and volcanic eruptions in Java,
History does not record an equally cal
amitous convulsion of nature. The
earthquake of Lisbon on November 1,
1755, caused the death of thirty thous
and persons; and the great earthquake
I that occurred in Sicily in 1693 killed just
double that number. Another formid
able earthquake was that of Jtiobamba
in 1797, which swallowed up fully forty
thousand human beings, and the mor
gH tality resulting from the two shocks in
Calabria in 1873 was exceedingly great
though there seems some doubt about
the exact figures. The most foimidable
volcanic eruptions alone, mentioned in
history, as beyond all doubt the great
eruption of Vesivius described by
Plinv, which buried Herculaneum and
Pompeii under the layers of ashes and
covered them for centuries.
|Tbe fact that the volcano and the eaith
quafce combined to heap ruin upon the
unfortunate people of Java, explains the
exceptional mortality caused by the
recent terrible visitations, which in de
structive force and intensity may be
to the violent cataclysms that
labored the surface of this plan-
HB&b prehistoric times.
The following are recent postoffice:
changes: Postmasters commissioned: lowa
iver Johnson, Lake Center; Gibson Dor
othy, Albany. Dakota: Donald McDon.
aid, Grand Forks. Postoffices established.
Dakota: Willian. sport, Em mens county:
Wisconsin: Crivita, Marinette county
Post-office names changed— lowa. Fvelanu
Grove, Mahaska count . Post-office name
an .1 sight changed—Wisconsin, Sechlerville.
Jackson county, two and a halt miles west
to Cur-an. Mail messenger service estab-
fished —Iowa; Cherokee, Cherokee coun-y;
front Illinois Central railroad, eighty-four
rods, as often as required. Montana: He
lena, Lewis and Clarke county; from North
ern Pacific railroad, route 26,001, one and
three-rourths miles, as of eu as required.
Star service changes—Minnesota: I’ayt.es
ville to Atwa er, from Oct. 1; curtail service,
to begin at New London, omitting I’aynes
ville and decrease distance fifteen miles
The adjustment of salaries of postmasters
of presidential classes has just been com
pleted by the postoflice department, and
salaries as adjusted on the Ist inst
The readjustment affects the salaries of
2,176 postmasters. Forty-four offices have
been added to the presidential list and
twenty-five presidential offices have been
reduced to the fourth class, leaving the
number of presidential posiotfices on Oct.
1,2, 175 with salaries amounting to $3,750,-
000. Every part oi the country :s included
in the readjustment.
The second comptroller of the treasury,
in passing upon the pay accounts of cer
tain officers were dismissed from the army
and subsequently restored, has decided that
these officers are not legally in the service.
This decisio* will apply to quite a number
of army officers on both the active
and retired lists, who had been dismissed
and subsequently reinstated at different
times bv Pres’dent Johnson and Hayes.
The following are recent postoffioe
changes: Postoffices established —lowa,
Ross, Audubon county; Minnesota, Fableen,
Kandiyohi county; Nebraska, Pella, Lan
caster county; Wisconsin, Bark Lake,
Washington county. Postotfices discon
t;nued—Pak -ta. Sidney, Cass county. Post
office name and site changed—Wisconsin,
Chandler, Washburn com.ty, two miles
southwest Spooner.
The secretary of the navy has approved
the action of the court martial in the cases
of Commander F. R. Smith and Lieut
Daniel W. IXivis, both of whom were con
victed of gross violations of fhe naval regu
’itions, and sentenced to dismissal from tne
Samuel W. Melton, United S'aies district
attorney for South Carolina, is said to have
sent Lis resignation to Washington.
Parties have been in Helena for the past
few daysjlooking over the situation and
resources, with a view of constructing a
railroad from that point to Fort Benton.
It is started that the bulk of the stork for
the enterprise has been already taken by
parties representing large corporations, the
names of which are not given to the public
The road will be of standarl guage, and
whether the line runs by the Oite of the
Mountains or through the Prickly Pear
valley, it will touch the Great F*fi* nt the
Commissioner Orman has Issued a 'cir
cular to the effect that the rates quoted on
North western Traffic association emigrants’
movables tariff No. 5, dated March 20, will
expire by limitation Sept. 30. From Oct 1
the rates on car-load shipments will be ad
vanced $lO per car above the rates named in
the tariff referred to. For the present there
will be no alteration in the rates on less
than car-lead shipments. A revised tariff,
quoting increased rates, will be primed and
issued in a few days.
The Union Pacific and Atchison, Topeka
<fc Santa Fe, have issued a joint circular to
the general passenger and ticket agents of
connecting lines, asking them in ease they
propose an issue of round-trip tickets to
Lawrence, Kans., on the occasion o< the
yearly meeting of the society of /riends,
from Oct. 11 to 17, to nse $1.50 as a basing
rate between Kansas City and Lawrence
and return.
The Northern Pacific has prepared a new
rate sheet which took effect the Ist inst. The
principal change is a reduction of $5 in the
first c l asß fare to Portland, Oreg. It is now
$9?. This will be the same rate to San
Francisco, but special tickets will be pre
pared t» prevent scalping beyond Portland.
The second class rate $75. and the emi
grant rate $45, remain the same as hereto
The Rock Island, in connection with the
Northern Pacific, has issued a new west
bound through freight tariff from paints in
the East to Portland, Oregon, and all points
east of Portland west of Lake Pend d’Ore
ille. The rates from New York will be as
follows: First class,sß; second, $5; third, $4;
fourth, $3, class A. $2 50; class B, $2; class
C, $1.75: class D, $1 50.
The appointment of John 0. Gault to the
position of commissioner of the California
pool gives universal satisfaction, as there
are few men better qualified for the positien
than he. Mr. Ganlt will accept the position,
although he is opposed to a residence in
San Francisco. The location of the of
fice baa not been determined however.
The r signation of Brayton Ives as raara
ger of the Ohio Central is announced. The
reason is want of time. It is stated that the
$7,000,000 income is practically a second
mortgage, and that this compelled the ap
pointment of a receiver.
The Northern Pacific is now opened for
business to San Francisco and will receive
freight either from or to that point The
rates will be the same as those of either the
Central or Union Pacific roads.
F#r twenty days past Duiuth has re
ceived 150 cars of wheat daily. There have
have been 1,500.000 bushels ol the nsw crop
received thas far.
It is stated that the Grand Trunk will op
erate the Montreal <ft Sorel railway on «
long lease.
It is said that the largest shipments o
V ever reported in one day by the raii
i r °* <ii leading from Minn.,
I wers those reported on the 27th, being 173
car loads, containing 22 320 barrels of flour.
The shipments of imlistufF filled twenty
j jour cars, containing 292 f ons. Counting
i twenty cars to the train ibis would make
1 ten trains, which, with th-ten locomotives,
would make * solid train 0 210 feet, or near
ly one and one-fifth miles in length. Ti e
I other shipments of ‘reight reported -g
--| gregafed 222 car loads, which, made up »u-
Ito trains with the noil shipments. w< uld
I make a Solid train of 4-»7 cars ami 21 loco-
I motives of a total length of two and a halt
Mrs. Phillips of Rochester, Mass., had a
lively tight witn a heu hawk that was after
her chickens, the oilier d <>
were torn, and face, neck and hands severe
|l\ lacerated by tlie ferocious bird l her
fighting for over fifteen minutes, Mrs Phil
lips dispatched the thief with a blow from
! an oak cart stake. The b-rd measure**
I wi'.h his wings outspread, from tip to tip,
• six feet four inches. It is the first case on
record where a hen hawk wis ever known
to battle with a human being-*
The Polish congregation at Nautieoke
Pa., are trying to depose their priest
Father Granins. Recently 600 member
petitioned Bishop O’tiara to remove him
and on the 30th ult , he was met at the
church door by an excited congregation,
who refused to permit him to enter ior the
celebratio : of high mass. Th y charge
him with financial mis management.
The opera of M rtha at Mankato, Minn.,
recently, was a hot one, Miss Abbott was
stung once by waspi during the evening,
compelling her once to leave the stage, and
once during the evening some part of the
scenery cuight tire which was promptly
extinguished without an alarm.
John P. Howard of Burlington, Vf., an
nounees a purpose of giving a new build
ing for tlie medical depa~tuiert of the uni
v» rsity, and using the old building 'or a
gvimnasit-'iu This will make over $460,-
000 that Howard has given the university
ami city in ten years.
The widow of President Fillmore petitions
a Buffalo court to apjMiint a new admin
istrator of her husband’s estate. iir. Gor
man, the executor, lost SIOO,OOO of her
securities, am! spent $25,090 of money be
longing to the estate trying to recover them.
Rand, McNally A Co., the Chicago print
ers, made a con ract with the Lumberman
newspaper to print no pamphlets in the in
terest of the lumber trade for other parties.
The firm has been enjoined from its intend
ed violation.
The Chicago Medical society held a
special meeting a few days ago to listen to
an address or modem operative surgery
from Sir William Mac Cormack, senior
surgeon of St. Thomas’ hospital in Lon
Two R ; ce’s Point men claim to have dis
covered silver ore in richly-paving quanti
ties, somewhere on the hillside near that
part of Dnlutn. They refus° to tell where
the vein is located until they secure title to
the property.
The Hermosillo, Mex., authorities abso
lutely refuse any information about yellow
fever at that place, or state the number of
deaths that have taken place. The lever is
believed to be on the increase.
The post-graduate department of Yale
college will take up this year the study of
railroads and their growth, shipping and in
ternational trade, stocss, and the effect of
speculation on the money market.
A anil, haa hn«tu. A !►>««* U— l -——
o - 0
by stockholders of the New York Morning
Journal, to have a receiver appointed. If, is
claimed be sold to himself $50,000 of stock,
worih par, at 10 cents.
A piece f apparently solid glass which a
Greenpoint, N. Y., man kept as an orna
ment exp'oded recently to the alarm of his
guests and the detriment of the bric-a-brac
on his mantelpiece.
The Concord grape crop along the Hud
son is one-naif larger than ever. Extra
boits and iraink* are run to freight it to
New York. Tne price is 2 cents a p >und
to the wholesaler.
Among recent seizures of baggage at the
Nsw York custom house were the trum-s of
Rowell Smith, business manager of the
Century, and of a cousin ol Mr. A>hmead-
Bartlett Coutts.
Choice grapes are selling in California at
S4O per ton. An acre of fair land there will
produce six tons, while fifteen to twenty
tons per acre is not an unusual crop.
The turnkey of the St. Louis jail was di
rected to discharge an alleged burglar. By
error he let out the wrong man, who had to
be hunted up and rearrested.
A suit to interpret the will or the late Em
ily Grace Nathan, widow of the murdered
York banker of that name, is pending
in the supreme court.
The New York newsdealers are combining
to keep the prices of papers up They
pledge themselves to charge more than the
published prices.
Colored people in New York have organ
ized a club and will build a bouse rivaling
that of the Union league. Rufus Hatch is
their banker.
A fox hunt is to come off at Cote Brilli
ante race track, St. Louis, Saturday. The
Humane society wants to stop it. 1 ’
About 1,000 emigrants arrived in St. Paul,
Minn., on the 26th to be distributed over
and Dakota.
Ex-Lieut. Gov. Mueller of Ohio, sues the
Cleveland Leader for $60,000 damages for
being called a usurer. f, 1|;1
The aggregate taxable value of the Cin
cinnati banks, as fixed by the state auditor,
is $8,045,382.
Thirteen hundred lunatics in Ward's Is
land asylum, New York, had a picnic the
other day..
The estimated expense of the Russian
army for 1884 is 7,000,000 roubles in excess
of 1883
A postal car has been put on between-
Crookston and Devil’s Lake.
Philadelphia shipped twelve locomotives
toßnuil th. 22d.
A Philadelphia justice of the peace keeps
gambling house.
Two crooks hailing under the titles of
Dr Thompson and Prof. Stephens, have
been swindling the gullible farmers* in the
vicinity of Racine, Wis., during the pas
week, with a cyclone preventive. The so
called preventive is simply a lightning
rod attachment which can be connected
with any rod, and, in f»cL l ®. nothing but
a lightning attractor, having instead of one
point, a dozen or more. Strange as it may
seem, many farmers were foolish enough
to purchase the preventive at $2- each.
The coroner’s jury in fcbe Rose Ambler
case at Btrarford,Conn., have rendered their
v-rd etas follow-; We find that the said
R w-Ambler came to her death by being
choked to death at the hands of some per
son or persons to the jury unknown, but
from William Lewis’ connection with her
iti the p-st, and from bis testimony, and
from h’s conduct since her death, and from
the . vidence, we ttiink *sußpicio:a points
toward him.
At a dance at Devil’s Lake on the 26th
inst., a tree fight occurred, pistols and
knives being Jreely tow* EuiLiMjlt Orr, as
sistant postmaster, who w T as standing in
the street, received a ball from a 44-caliber
revolver, penetrating his cheek and neck,
and lodging in his breast. The ball was
extracted and the wound pronounced not
f »tal Seve-al were seriously cut and in
juied. Too much whisky caused the row.
Her elO'h-B
At the Meagher countv, Mont., term of
the district court the following persons were
sentenced: J. J. Bowles, murder, seven
years in the territorial pri-onat Deer Lodge.
John Lynch, grand larceny, two years ill
the territorial prison and SI,OOO tine, to
st-ml committed until paid. Henry Lee,
a Chinaman, murder; sentenced io be hung
February 5 1884.
Ahortethief giving his name as James
Hanley was captured near Hastings, lowa,
recently, and tak**n to Carson City loi ex
amination. Conclusive evidence shows
him to he one of the gang that has been
op* ruling extensively thereabouts this fall.
A vigilance committee was torm-'d, and
fears are e itertaiwed for the safety of the
Phillip Connors, twenty years of age, a
hard citizen of Osbkosn, Wis., imperson
ated an officer at M vlison on the 10th inst,
pretended to arresc a druHken man, took
from bis person S2O and (tiers skipped. He
was a'terward arrested, ami JuOge Braley,
upon conviction sentenced him to stale
prison for tou" years.
Manager L, Degive, of the Opera house.
Atlanta. has been arrested at the instiga
tion of W t). Moore, a colored man, who
was elected from the Opera house last winter
for insisting upon sitting among white
pe- ple. Degive is to be or.?;;ecuied under
the civil rights law.
At Mount Pleasant, Utah, a few nights
ago Pritchett wis murdered while asleep at
his residence. Parties gained an entrance
and held a pistol so close as to
burn his face with p *wder. PritJiwt 1 was a
Gentile, hut it is not known whether he
hail difficulty whh the Mormons or not.
John C. Carroll, for two years preceding
March clerk in the bureau or arrears, New
York; has been arrested on the charge of
forgery. He is alleged to have appropri
ated $15,00G.
George Wallace, (colored) was hanged at
Savanna, Ga., on the 28th inst., for the
uiurt er of a sailor named Jansen. He ad
dressed »he crowd and protested his inno
On the morning c f the Ist inst. the cloth
ing store ol Risentball Bros., Minneapolis,
Minn., was robbed ot nearly all the over
coats in the establishment and a number
of dress suits. The loss was about $3,000.
Thomas Bear, of Winslow township, Jeff
erson county. Pa., went out hunting a few
days ago. He not having returned a search
was made for him. His headless body was
found in the woods, three miles from his
home. His hea<i and portions of his breast
and shoulders were found in the brush
twenty-five feet away from the body. A
short distance beyo» d where the body ley
a large tree bad been foiled. Ihe irnnK
was chopped only half in two and was
split up for several feet. It was plain that
Bear had been chopping the tree down,
probably to secure a racoon which he had
treed, when the trunk split and one-half of
it fl/in* up struck him in t'«e breast with
such force as to tear his head and shoul
ders from his body, arid him to the
spot where he was found.
San Francisco Bpec ; al —The recent ex
plosion at the California Powder works,
situated near the Pinole min**, on the Cen
tral Pae fic railway, took place in ttoe mil
ling ioom. The cause will probably never
be Unown, as ail those engaged, comprtsi g
forty C hinamen and one white overseer,
were blown to atoms, scrape of bodies be
ing picked up in different directions at a
distance ol fully a quarter of a mile from
the scene of the disaster. The only* 1 white
man killed was the over seer of the mixing
room. This makes tne third explosion in
these powder works reckoned runong the
largest on the coast, employing twenty
white men and 125 Chinamen.
While being towed out of the river in
Chicago, on the 28th inst., the large schoon
er David Vance struck the abutment of the
Adams street viaduct, knocking a section
ot it sixty feet long oft the pier to the
gronnd below, a distance of twenty or thir
ty feet. A number of persons and one or
two horses went down with it, and several
persons were severely, but none dangerous
ly hurt.
A lew days ago John Umbs, eon of a
widow, was shot and instantly killed by a
baby brother, in the town ot Ashford, Wis.
The older boy was preparing for a squirrel
hunt, and stood his gnn in 'be corner,
where the little boy got hold of the weapon
and held it hi such a position th t when it
exploded the charge blew the top of the
elder boy’s head off.
A part of Davis’ inter ocean circus was
ditched on the Missouri Pacific, near Boon
ville, Mo., and a few days ago the band
wagon c.nd chariot demolished. Two horses
were also hurt, and two employes, broth
ers, named Th< mas, woe badly injured.
Loss to the circus about sls 000.
G. S. Titus, of the firm of Titos A Co., of
Brohdead, Wis., went to Janesville, Wis.,
ou the 29:h and obtained a contract to tar
the roof of the cotton factory. About 2
o’clock he fell from fne roof, striking on
his bead and killing him almost instantly.
A balloonist named Prof. Dockstader
was dangerocsly injured at Lancaster, Wis.,
several limbs beiDg broken, by the collapse
of his balloon when some distance from the
The Leaadale flouring mill* at Batavia,
Ohio, burned recently. Loss, $10,000; insur
ance, $6,500.
. The Texas cotton crop will be almost a
complete failure.
China claims both banks of the Red river
with neutral zone south. The French gov
ernment has declared it cannot accept these
terms, because to do so it would lose the
fruit itself. Tne text of the Hue treaty will
not arrive for a mouth. The recent con
duct of the Black Flags is explained by the
tact that since the signing of the treaty the
king of Annam has ceased to s*md subsi
Branlaugh has addressed a letter to Bir
8 afford Northcote, in which he declares he
will again demand his seat in the bouse of
commons on t he reassembling of parliament
and charges Northcote with causing all the
mißChic» that has grown ut of the contin
ued viola i >n of his (Bradiaugh’s) rights.
The Nation accuses the British govern
ment and American legation in London of
foul play toward O’Donnell, in the hope
that he may ’mplicate tiie iriends of Par
nell in the conspiracy to murder Carey, the
The pope recently gave audience to 5,000
Italian priests He expressed gratification
at their presence, as evincing the i don ex
isting between the clergy and the Holv See.
It is reported at Simla, India, that the
Ghilzea have engaged with 8,000 Afghanis
tan tro ps and routed them. The Ameer
has sent reinforcements from Cahul.
Croatianmembers of the reichrath declare
they will not take their spats in that body
until a constitutional administration of gov
ernment is reinstated in Croatia.
I)om Pedro has given Prof. Lacerda $20,-
000 for his discovery of perniangate of po
tassium, hypodermically injected, as an an
tidote for the bite of 'he cobra.
A dispatch from Hong K *>ng reports a
renewal of disorders at Canto" arising
from popular dissatisfaction with *,he light
sentence of Tidewaiter Lozan.
Rev. Seguin of St. Cunegonde, Ont., has
been called upon ~y the bishop to explain
regarding the rebuke to the Irish Catholic
from his pulpit recently.
Thomas Burt, member of the British
house of commons for the borough of Mor
peth. is making a tour of the United States
and Canada.
It is reported that Suit-man Pasha, recent
ly rppointed governor of East Soudan, has
been murdered by Arabs.
Batons has rejoined his wife, nee Nellie
Grant, at his father’ef couutry seat near
Three diplomas have been awarded Amer
ican exhibitors at the electrical exhidition
at Vienna.
A man by the name of Waltz has been
arrested in Winnipeg on the charge of for
Richard K. Fox, owner of the Police Ga
zette, is but thirty-fivs years old, and has
an income of $200,0>0 a year. He started
ten years ago with a cash capital ot $lO.
Mrs. Caroline Barrett, wife of J. E. Bar
rett master of tne Howard Grammar school,
Cambridge, Mass , committed suicide a her
home, recently by taking poison.
Giejr, iur pru'ttisiouai fat WOmSH Ot
New York, whose weight issl9 counts was
msrri-d recently to Moses, the cigaretteskel:
eton. The wedding was a big time.
A telegram from Rhasla, Cal., announces
the deatn at that place of S. S. Montague,
chief engineer of the Central Pacific rail
way, aged forty-six.
Gen. Fairchild has given a portrait of I)e
Soto, which he bought in Spain, to the
Wisconsin State Historical society.
Charles B. Pettingi 11, a prominent Cleve
land politician is dead. He was a revenue
collector undei Hayes.
A Japanese prince has arrived at Quebec,
to join her majesty’s ship, Northampton as
a midshipman.
A Tei-rtble Accident.,
A fright ul steam threshing machine ac
cident occurred on the 2Gih inat., eight
mills eontn of Oeakis, Minn. It appears
that the pump was net working satisli clo
nly and the engine was stopped for a few . ■;
minutes. The men were gathered aiound
• iie engine when the explosion occurred.
The billed are: Albert Gariock, £auk Cen
ter; Peter Billeleaux, Leslie; Matnew
Joyce,, Orange. The dangerously wounded
are as follows: Frank Ives sc dp wound,
side scalded, wound in loot; amputation
perforin*d. Charles Ives, fraotured skull,H
tcal< ed face and br> ast, left arm dial cared:
not expected to live. The slightly wounded
are: Mike Riley,Bam. PorteT,Chester Gilbert.
All are scalded and bruised. Gilbert .vaa
blown thiity feet from the engine. Albert
Gariock was thrown nearly 300 feet and
Billedeanx n»arly 160 feet from the engine.
Both bodits when picked ap, were liters’ly
.-tripped of clothing, and the fl*sh and akin .9
scalded off. Tb*y were parched fail of
holes from the flying pieces ot iron. Math
ew Jo\ce and Frank aid Charles Ives
were thrown down a few feet in front of the
riigine. The engine was blown 160 feet
directly over the top ot the separator and
wheat stacks.
•• For Sale.”
A Detroiter who advertised a horse
last week noted down the objections of
all who called t took at the animal, and
some of them are here given:
“Too large.”
“ Too small.” *
“Too old.”
“Not old enough.”
“Too lively.”
“Rather too sleepy.”
“ Object to the white hind feet.”
“Would take her if she had more white
“Don’t like her color.”
“Color is just right, but she is too fat.”
“Weighs too much.”
“Don’t weigh enough.”
“Hasa bad eye”
“Eyes all right, but ears too small.”
“ Yes, handsome ears, but the nose
spoils her.”
“Legs all stocked up.”
“Legs all right, but feet bad.”
If Khakespeare had said that no man
knew what he wanted in a horse there
would bo none to dispute it.—Detroit
Free Press.

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