Newspaper Page Text
MILWAUKEE A ST. PAUL RAIL’Y. going eorTH. Passenger r * M ' Way freight a. m. Mixed tram 1 Aa r. m. GOING NORTH. Pussengor :I’7 a. m. Way freight 11 a. m. Mixed train l:l->r.M. SUNBEAMS. Beautiful. spring-like weather. Fine job printing a* Piik Si s olliee. (’. W. Stafford is fanning this week. Tinware cheap as ever at Hubbard s. Roof hoods and saddles at Hub -1 Kind's. Miss Kingston visited Ashton on Thursday. * Four inches of snow fell in Minne sota last Friday. Everybody assisted I nr, Si n in getting settled down. Fire backs and linings for stoves can be had of Hubbard. If you want to see Hubbard good uatiiml tell him you want to bu\ a stove. By the way Hubbard sells brick, we should presume every one was building chimneys. Schnurr Bros, have rented room fora meat market and will oj>en No vember Ist. Stove pipe, all sizes and shajics, at Hubbard s. Miss May hose of Bonded has been the guest of Miss Mine Anderson fora few days past. 11. I). Smith left on Wednesday for Osa <r e, lowa, to be absent a few months. The Sun will pay him weekly visits. The Sun office is now located in the Huberts & Jones building. where we will always be happy to greet our ( friends. Mrs. Charles Cooper and Mr. Kelly ' attended as delegates the Sunday school convention held at Aberdeen on Thursday and Friday. Racine fanning mills kept on hand by Hubbard. Ou Satuivlav last the elevator took in 1,400 bushels of wheat and on Monday 1,250 bushels, the latter lieing ulwmt the daily average. Mr. Green, of the firm of Green & Anderson, has lieen on the sick list for u few days. We hope he will not «*liegr 4 w as usual, but come out first best. - O' 7 ‘» *ur»’« 1 liiwl eniy-six ( stoves on hand. ( Our citiaens will lie pleased to learn I hat Sehiiurr Bros, intend opening a , meat market in W arner on November | Ist. This will prove a great con- , tcmience. , Ole A. Swanson is retouching and 1 his sample room and -when < Completed is will lie second to none in the country.. Ole means business from I Hie word go. Itubbafd sold five stoves in one day 1 and wants to sell as uialiv every day. . letter heads, bill heads, statements, < envelopes, business cards and all kinds ( of commercial printing tastefully, expeditiously and cheaply executed at . |pt* The Sun ofticej $' > Mrs. Martin Kile and family arrived in town last Tuesday from Alma, 1 7 W is., intending to make "Warner their t future home. They will occupy rooms j EB|Bn The Sun blocki 1 1 Mr. Hetman's residence is about completed and will soon be in a con dition tb bid defiance to the ice king i when the chilly monarch breathes 1 s »' cr the prairies of Dakota. Mr. Fred Fishers residence has fe. taken unto itself a tangible form, the building being now boarded in. Judg ing by present appearances it will be , one of the finest in the territory. A 15-pound atom of humanity hiadc 1 its api cam iat at J. 1, Kellys rOsi- \m week, seeking a home, no doubt, Mr. Kelly is happy and ft >r the tittle Henry Anderson of Ipswich, Ed monds county, tells of a wonderful Kkiiu at that place. Three villages m: being hauled thither Ixidily with teams, and fifty buildings made an If appearance in one week. No doubt rhe railroad will stop there until the boom reaches the highest point and 1 hen march on f urther. MmmMoXmM, Bueket, Ander- Bp -p l ’ I)n | w 5 !Hlli Wheiß went gfe mi a wild goose chase last Sunday and home a few of the ObjdJto of tfinr serch, ai»o some small game. We .nsjxiet however, that they caotfirod P«tv of huntsmen than myn »ud divided the incite At Sip ' i,f> iuid lots of fun. I m H i ■■ Pocket knives arc cheap enough at Hubbard's. All kinds of job printing done at Tin: Si x office. L A. Hubbard was Tim: Sen's first visitor in its new quarters. Jacob Twedt will return in a day or two to settle down in the vicinity of Warner for good. Mrs. Hr nest Childs and child ar rived in town last week, intending to settle down to housekeeping. Scandinavian service w ill be held in the school bouse at Warner on Sunday morning next at IP :30 o'clock. Waukegan and Racine pumps are so id bv 11 übhard. L. A. Hubbard is building a ware house wherein to store a |n>rt ion of his mammoth stock of stoves and other heavy liardware. Joseph Bidtiless, of the firm of Bidtness A Husehy. is absent ami has ’neen so for several days. Wonder what lie's after!" ilojie lie's bringing home cigars for the boys. Hubbard sells from six to ten barrels of lime every day, which shows that people are getting ready for cold w eat her. Towns Idl and Id'.’ in range 'll, towns 123 and BM in range d’-i and 73, town i'BJ in range GS and town 122 in ran ire <i» and PS came in mar at Aberdeen last Wednesday. Hubbard lias a lot of paints and oil be wants to sell. The niiuiv new brick chimneys ob servable around town, liesides being an ornament to the buildings, demon- , strafe that our citizens are fully alive to the requirement of the approaching season. N. I. Gilbert has erecte<l an addition to bis store and packed it with flour and feed. Yet, by the enormous quantities of goods he is dailv receiv ing* we should judge that he will re quire still more room. John Kennedy, George Dawes and Charles Dawes started on a buffalo hum last. Wedncsnav, and if there is a buffalo or prairie dog this side of the Missouri its fate is sealed. The party are “loaded for b'ar.** Charles Quinby left for lowa last Thursday, where he will spend the winter. His host of friends in this vicinity wish him a pleasant time, and also that he may return early in the spring and not exactly alone. Big stoves, little stoves, cook stoves, heating stoves, hard coal stoves, soft coal stoves, in fact any kind of stoves pan lx? had of Hubbard. A. E. Berg's blacksmith shop is overrun with orders from all parts of the country, which is the best indica tion of the manner of work turned out. He can sharpen a plow, iron a wagon or shoe a horse second only to old Vulcan himself. The Lyceum Reorganized. A goodly number of the old mem bers of the Warner Lyceum assembled at the school house hall las! Wednes day evening, pursuant to a resolution of adjournment passed in March last, for the purjjose of affecting a reorgan ization. Yioepresident Gilbert called the meeting to order in a brief address setting forth the benefits to be derived from the organization and expressing the wish that all would lend a helping hand to make it a success. After Some further remarks of a similar nature, the following officers were elected for the ensuing six weeks: President—N. I. Gilbert. Yicepresideht—W. 1). Fisher. Secretary—B. L. McMaster. Treasurer—-0. A. Swanson. Secretary McMaster was appointed a committee to set fie with previous treasurers and also to collect all books, etc., belonging to thelyceum. * Afsubjeet for debate at the next meeting was then considered, and the following adopted: Whether or not it is advisable to divide the territory of Dakota into two states or territories. Messrs. N. I. Gilbert and W. D. Fisher were up)minted chief debaters. On motion the meeting then ad journed until Wednesday evening, the 10th inst.* at 1 :30 o’clock sharp. It is to be hoped that a large audi ence will bd present at the next meet ing and thus give the organization an impetus that will be felt throughout the entire season. Of the many bene fits to lie derived from the lycewji it is unnecessary for us to sjieak, as nil can readily perceive its aavaiitages, both rocially and intelectually. We would attendance at this next meeting. All are cordially invited. Business com |mcne?a at f m o’clock sharp. Soldiers, Attention! All old soldiers in Warner and vicinity are requested to meet at the school* house m Warner on Saturday evening, October Oth. at * ociock, to consider the advisability of organizing a jxist of the G. A. I!. + #-#- ——— Notice to Oddfellows. All who are interested in thcl.D.D.b. are requested to meet at the Warner school house Thursday evening, Sep tember 11th, 1883, at 1:30 o'clock. S. L. M< Master, B. M. Anderson, A. S. Ciieasrro, ( ommittee. Estray Notice. Game into and strayed upon the premises of the subscrilver. where he now resides, in section 13, township CM. range 03 west, in Brown county, Dakota, on the 10th day of Septem ber, 1883, one dark bay or bright brown horse about eight years old, weighing about 050 pounds and sweuievcd in right shoulder. The owner of said animal is hereby re quested to call, prove projiertv, pay charges and take the same away. Henry H. Slack. Dated September 24th. 1883. W arner Mark ets. —Wheat, No. 1, Tse: Hour p) ewt., 83,50: feed ewt., £1.50; salt pork <jdib, 10c; hams lb. 15c: lard 11*, 15c: butter lb, 20c ; cheese 11>, loe: eggs fd doz., 20c. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ill'’ EVERY DESCRIPTION Done Neatly and Promptly THE SUN OFFICE. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS. STATEMENTS. ENVELOPES* |BUSIN ESS GAUDS Roberts & Jones’ Building, Warner. Bidtness f Huseby DEALERS IN General Merchandise. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS* BOOtS, SHOES, ! GLASSWARE, Sfl i .. , CROCKERY. I FLOUR and FEED as Low as the Lowest. mm m - ; , jjJR J ' £ . - ' •• .. .V # WARNI* - - b A KOTA L. A. HUBBARD, H A R Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, WARNER 0. A. SWANSON. BILLIARD HALL Sample Room SELLS THE CELEBRATED ANCHOR BITTERS The Choicest Brands of Wines, Li(piors and Cigars Con- stantly in Stock. WARNER - - DAKOTA. L C Turner, Carpenter and Builder Estimates Furnished on All Classes of Work, WAKHICU e» McMaster & Blair, nUALKHS ilf *t ■ ** m 4vii FARM MACHINERY ■ * ’ '«V'T .;'V_ V V *' r 'S : *. 'Sktf OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. I WatUftT * * » « IlakntA jj 'fe $p |y>4fop rns l jfy DEALER IN I) W A E E Brushes, Glass, etc. AT 70 CENTS PER BOTTLE DAKOTA to l • The use of the term SI!(i TI I 111 ( * “Short Line” in con vCllv*l l ljlllv • nection with the cor porate name of a great road conveys an idea of just what is required by the trav eling’ public—a Short Line, Time and the Best of Accomim>dations —all of which are furnished by the greatest rail way in America, Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul It owns and operates over 4,500 miles of road in Northern Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, lowa and Dakota; and as its main line, branches and connections reach all the great business Centers of the Northwest and Far West, it naturally an swers the description of Short Line and Best Route lietween Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Chicago, Milwaukee, LaCrosse and Winona. Chicago, Milwaukee, Aberdeen and Ellcndale. Chicago, Milwaukee, Kan Claire and Stillwater. Chicago, Milwaukee, Wausau and Merrill. Chicago, Milwaukee, Beaver Dam and (Ghkosli. Chicago, Milwaukee, Waukesha ami Oconomowoc. Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison and Prairie du Chien. Chicago, Owatonna and Faribault. Chicago, Beloit, Janesville and Min eral Point. Chicago,Elgin,Rockford and Dubuque Chicago, Clinton, Rock Island and Cedar Rapids. Chicago, Council Bluffs and Omaha, Chicago, Sioux City, Sioux Falls and Yankton ; Chicago,Milwaukee, Mitch- f'i | ■% ■ S A, tm-, *—■ • *— l m eu ami v nam<*eimiu . nucn. jsimm. Dubuque, St. Paul and Minneapolis: Davenport, Calmar, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pclllman HlkkPkrs and the Finkst Dining Cars in tub Would are run on the mainlines of the GHiCAGtb MILWAU KEE & BT. PAUL RAILWAY, and every attention is jmid to passengers by court eous employes Of the odfnpafty. S.S.Merrill, .A. V.II. Carpenter Cen’l Manager. (ten. Pass. Ag'.t J. T. Clark, Geo. H. Hbafkohd Gen. Kupt. Ass't Gen. Pass. Ag C WARNER HOUSE, * FIRST-CLASS ACCCMM3DATI3N I I ' I « 1 * Afforded tlio travelling public, fay | J G-Bw '-I* ■ the Best the Market j * '-v*. i ' ‘-"i/- i A mUM l , A, 4 DAKOTA