OCR Interpretation

The daily critic. (Washington City, D.C.) 1890-1890, May 26, 1890, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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22D TEAJI--NO. 0,807.
HAVE you a boy between
3 and io years of age?
II you have you should
sec OUR elegant assort
the newest and prettiest
conceits ever shown In Chil
dren's Clothing. Ail com
binations of colors, in plaids
and plain weaves. Most of
them arc OUR exclusive de
signs and cannot be found
clscwcrc m the city.
Oi course you know that
WE arc headquarters for
shirt waists of all kinds that
arc reliable. WE have
tried all makes and have
discarded ALL that did not
come up to the highest
point of EXCELLENCE.
Some that wc have refused
lo handle have been taken
up by other dealers as the
best they could get.
OUR stock is replete
with artistic effects in all
colors in Percale, Linen,
Flannel and Cheviot. AH
at prices that are GUAR
ANTEED to be the lowest
for the quality,
Boys' and Children's Outfitters,
909 PA. AVE. N. W.
A New Move Acalnst the Sulooa
Keeper! That Mar IlMuIt la Trou
ble on Iloth Side.
It Is now understood that the police
force will follow the New York prac
tice of making cases against the saloon
keepers by forcing entrance into
their places. Two places were
entered In this way yesterday, and some
of tho lieutenants have given instruc
tions to their men to report all the per
sons who refuse them admittance to
their places of business if they go there
In the performance of their duty.
In time the facts will be reported to
the District Commissioners and tkey
will act accordingly.
He Got Off Basjr,
George Davis, a colored boy 1 1 years
cf ape, was arrested by Omeer Lewis
ycsterJay afternoon for disorderly aasv
(Itut and carrying concealed weenoas.
The clheer found a revolver end bos of
cartridges ia bis pocket. Tun boy ha
Icen in the babk of eertyia a "gun"
f. r some time, and has beav diaekarg''.
f r m roe or two places bcss be
wruM leftist on baring ana U kl
prcket it being bis fret oaTeaae ke
was required to pay a tun of $3 and
tie (. ucealed weapon can wh dte
t barged.
Keep the SiUauralk Wear.
One legged Jim, Hue colored boot
Hack whobasaitlraadkueasfevatTueat
j cars was before tke Police Cosirt to
day charged witk oUructiag la atde
va:k ludfsmlasUgJlm.JitdgeMtUcr
j.MH"iiu that kerenfuir Um orrkest
n.ust ke. pth sidewalk frasm atxlk
j' net ta IMlce Headquarter eseaf ot
1 luurs lie ordered ike police to
I iiQiT such parlies Into court us lb)
Lir.'e of vagrauer-
OUiu' llmMi OiwtvsMW
IK cry Oliver, cotocsd, was kMMgsnt
into the Police Court ikw atoruiag
tie double ckarge of vognswy tad
icUccct exposure, (lancers Batty and
tinaiii testified against kirn an
J u.Igc Miller was iiinViaally wM Mtfak
j id i-E Oliver general ckaracnar and
ri i ui tiun and gave ih aleaty day U
iv v. l i khi uae osi eack ckarge.
4 CtMtS.
s , Uif leave to tanoeirc the r ensues
-. aa u J ibange wktekus U)U lung
i .... iu euuumv'atiun, vU: tke suasiHn-
t u i.i i Uc 'rVKaluu Wine 1wm to
i.-iuiti ul iAmadott Co. Tee
. va,t Mr F.Q. Poksdor SUS be
i , . l.aci b sir. W. T. Jekaaon, the naa-
i uJ. rtiMwaeetaMve ol Mr. H V.
i Uu uruurlelur ol Uw To Kftlttn viae-
""' .. ...vi K Wkatmae retire to give
i .. . to Mr W. J. Kane an MrT E
J AIiiu!,., u bu kv beeu liitsulUoii wit
1 , I ualUtos (rutu it lliiotto
Klic lUUb- vtuMslDthe nsvwal
Ila.u uuitiuAiugisu.bi A Uhcger ami lU
U .a'.ULtc. Lj ai, .m-JOtot tllUlClSil it
. hJiL'.l.v bupcil t i Vk uk tke tutceea
i iL.o tuuri'iue k lu&b-ed cuuipetiUou
1 1 . u (a., r, i (.ul LLrtlu uX tbe cau
i a a .- I I ima reliable Unit uxi llie
i ,i j. . LKn H VlIj.
Tlie District Has a Day in
the House.
Its Opponents Filibuster and Fight
It Bitterly,
Tho Hou80 District Committoo's
Comprchensivo Plan of Work,
And Kcnluckians Turn Out in His Honor.
A Bill to Abolish Landlordism.
Nows and Gossip About Con
gressional Doings.
This being tho regular District day in
tho House, tho House. Committee on
tho District hml laid out a largo corn
prohcnslvo day's work. Dr. Atkinson
of Pennsylvania was In chnrgo of tho
committee, In tho nbsenco of General
Grout of Vermont, chairman. Tho first
matter to cotno up was tho hill to ostnb
llsh tho Iloclc Creek Park. It was de
feated by ten votoa at tho last District
da, a month ago. A motion to recon
sider the vote defeating it was made,
and n further motion to lay tho motion
to reconsider upon the table. Tho first
vote came on the motion to table.
At 1:90 the House began tho consid
eration of District business. The yeas
ami nay-, were ordered.
In addition to the Itock Creek Park
bill, the committee proposed to take up
other bills as follows, If time could bs
House bill 7070. for the relief or
Thomas 0. Parker. It refunds to him
f 10 taxes he raid for a sewer which
failed to go by his property.
HotiM bill 5-tlW, to Incorporate the
Georgetown and Arlington It ill way
House bill 0703, to amend the laws of
the District relative to general coi por
tions HBd trust companies.
House Mil 3-101, for tho rcltef of
holders of District special assessments.
House bill inilKt, providing for the as
sessment ami collection ot water main
House bill 0-iee. to construct the
Kaeterti Drench liridge. House bill
7705. relative to the owners of certain
ironerty Is the square east of square
House U)l 3M7. to purchase a site
and erect a Girls' lteform School.
House bill 9105, requiring railway com
panies to make annual reports. House
bill 818, concern lug the tracks of the
llalllsHore ami Potomac Itallroad, and
House bill ?06, to establish a free pub
lic bathing beach oa the Potomac, near
the Washington Monument.
The motion to lay on the table the
motion to reconsider the vote by which
the Hock Creek Park bill was defeated
was beaten by 7J to VU, and the motion
to reconsider was then put and the yeas
and nays demanded.
The motion to reconsider was carried
by lie) to 70, and Mr. Hemphill of
South Carolina Immediately demanded
the previous question.
Itefore tbls was voted upon Mr.
lllounl of Georgia moved to amend the
bill by striking out ibe amount
apt rotMrlatrd. fT.9uu.0QU, and in
ter lag f&I.OOO, and to recommit tite
Mil to U District Committee wish
suck ieesiucUotui. Mr. Htount
wiinslrew bis amendment, but Mr. Can
non of Illinois mm wed It, wttn
uMtruessosM to make Ike a.m.Mut $).
WW. and to rcfott Ike btU immediately,
Zr. HemsmlU mawnf to lay tub mo
lt, .n u utile. Carrie! by W so tJ.
The lUwk Creek Part bill wet inaUy
Maeed by Ittf to mV It ie,vitas ike
Distrtrt to ney one ksif ike exmrnea of
TWbUt In cetaMsek ike City ami
nuKurbsm tieHroerf wm reoimmllieii to
ike ntststrt fnmmrrtse
Tke bulto sea skits I bstine isieox
Ike Eaetmns Bevtck ei Wseimiw
Tke HU to tesakUsk
a free
on tke IV
snken sw
tket tke) TiatrtrS
smimsnHI wfjrti "wtteeirHIp
ueCjf naif Use
li ww atiH
tkst ssusies sji
House bill, ea
kn sjAslsNT tke
ug wmM
hutkcrmiieg Seavase biiL
Mi. rSsMJiawn moved tkat tke
wiMee be not nrgeel to give tkesr
rstaeosM foe tke reconanteeslstraosn est tke
9jm beau in tke bill, but give a sjen
I IQ&MMR&llkttitMl Osf Sm WkflJtB.
Iff- CiM'el WrstOlttsAWrt fenHtlstf Q fa-
hmM9i9iMmU Cmi &, Watv, m
TlW IWrfrt04, ttf IrW Kr r
ntWBnMXkliM smtM Wemt IBsmnt
mHwl emweis.
A Ps'SMorraiSnn t isigreeeJiMyi ifom
fuwsy Ivaad. wko is u anient poUti
cnl ltknJ of ex Bannsmr WnlUse. tU
tkie tn4)snsinsT tknt sun ntsenani van keisu
made npnreBtly to twiet tke confess
between tue ex Snuulur aud ex
Cutciaur FattUau into a struggU
belULiu ex Fceeideal C'iuv.laud aai
Ciovcruir Hill lie Iboukt ikX v
t. i.u . teeau.ii a Williain L Soli vtos tc
Mirttnjt wkem tkse report rluesm.
I Mm hs.
U tke Msmnat toOajr Mf. Fbtwk
rtfuirisl a rcvceuliea tnstrsrllaf tke
llMMMBtf CuflisVstllisff ( tMrsnfC 1st
rseesrrire wfck Tnrkf
m a lawmen tsein tk
sktsiM kMiei uade efietikr men.
sponIWe for this atote of affa'rs. He
further thought tint this condition of
thine gare an unfaTOrable owtkk for
the Democracy of that State in 1892.
A inn to Abolish I,nniltorllam.
In the Rena'e this morning Senator
Ingalls Introduced n bill "to abolish
landlordism ami for other purposes,"
at the request of the Wage Workers'
Political Alliance of this city. The
hill contains a preamble that the United
States has at present less than B00.000
land-owners and more than 20,000,000
renters, and that the rent-rolls exceed
M.0O0.OO0 annually, and that it is the
duty of Congress to abolish nil forms
of organized and legalized robbery.
The bill authorizes tho tenant of any
property to draw his warrant on the
Treasurer of tho United States for 200
times tho amount of rent paid by him
dining tho preceding month, which
shall constitute a first mortgago on tho
properly In favor of tho United States.
This shall bo considered a's full piy
ment to the owner, who shall bo Im
prisoned for llfo if ho refuses io ncccpt
the warrants as logal-tondcr. Tho
tonant Is lo he given thirty years In
which to repay tho money to tho
United Slates.
A Penalon Precedent.
Tho Houso Commltteo on Pensions
to-day reported favorably Mr. Caruth's
hill to pension John .7. Tully of
Louisville. Tully Is not a soldier,
sailor or marine. Ho Is a
vctoran In tho Life-Saving Service. Ills
pension Is tho first of Its kind in this
country, and is Important as forming a
Kentucky Turns Out In Force
Honor Her Favorite Son,
Kentucky's first Senator, John Drown,
was sworn in November (5, 1702. nor
latest took tho oath today. Tho Sm-ator-clcct
entered tho Chamber in tho
company of his colleague, Senator
Illackhurn. When tho journal was
read they advanced together, Mr.
Carlisle, sworo to and subscribed the
statement required by law. Tho Vice
President shook him by the hand, Cap
tain liassett, the vcncrablo Assistant
Sorcoautat- Arms, tool: the new Senator
by tho arm and led him over to his new
desk, nt tho end of tho second row
from Iho front nod to tho right of tho
Vice President as ho faces tho Senate.
On tho desk was a fine bouquet of
Mowers sent there by Captain Htmuel
Donclson. ex Doorkeeper of tho House.
Tho first to concratulate tho new Sen
ator was Colonel Isaac Hill, tho Demo
cratlc "whip" of tho House. Tho next
was Senator Uerry or Ar
kansas, then Congressman Stone
of Kentucky and then, why more
Kcnluckians. They woro all there, and
they all shook hands wlih tho new Sen
ator as though they meant It. Logan
Caillslv, son of the distinguished ex
Speaker, was In the gallery.
An Interesting and almost amusing
Incident occurred Just after Mr.
Catllslohad ontcrcd the Chamber and
occupied n seat with his colleague.
Mr. Ingalls about tho same time
had entered and taken his
scat. He looked across the centre aisle
and saw the new Senator. Hu arose,
walked over to Mr. Carlisle, and was
tho first man of either shlu
to shako hands with him In
congratulation. As tho two men. each
tall and slender, shook hands they
smiled slightly and the entire audience.
Senators as well as other spectators,
smiled In enjoyment of a pleasant scene.
Kentucky will contiuue to hold her
leading place In the Senate. Clay,
Crittenden and Carlisle llrown, nreck
Inridge and Deck few States have had
a better list of names.
Nuiuea of (lie CoiuiuUloner-at-Laree
Staila I'ubllp,
The President to-day made public
the names of the Commiseioners-at-Large
for the World's Pair as follows;
August K. Iiullook, Maw. j
alternate, Henry Ingalls, Maine;
Thomas W. Palmer, Michigan; al
ternate, James Oliver, Indiana.
11. O. Kerens, Missouri; alternate.
It. W. Puree, Nebraska.
lulward II. Amklon, New York; al
tercate, Gorton W. Alum, New York.
Peter II. 11. Widener, Pennsylvania;
alternate. John AY. Ckalfant, Pena
tylvania. immuel W. Inman, Georgia; alter
cate, William Lindsay, Kentucky.
Henry Kxall, Texas; alternate, Henry
L. King. Texas.
Mark I. MiDouakL California; alter
itnte, Tnnmai Burke, Stele of Wash
ington. For tke Dmtriet of ColuwUa: A. T.
Kriuon and K. Kurt Joknaon, 'com
mtesiwnm; Allied A. Wikon nasi Dor
sry CUggeU, attetsinint.
feMvfeMM at U JmU-mTtut Arraaa-
sJnmksVA vs ii fttu &ssAaal
Tke streisM of tke seed old bymn, "I
wilt stuf you a tong of tknt beautiful
brad, tke fur-away kosne of tke soul,"
welled up in volume from'tke tkrontt
of ncwrryone bundled colored Ckrkv
tteM in tke main rotund of tke jail
yesterday afternoon. Tke eekoea of tke
uueint, old f aeksoned melody not only
tiled tke rotunda, but it severkcated
tksougk tke ironclad tiers and found
enuaere into tke cells of Bonjaniln
HnwUne and WilMnsns. wko are to be
executed next Tkuradey. Tke singers
wese uwsubers c several Washington
r-kutcke. ko k)dd religious services at
tke Jala every SeJbbatk itemoon.
' Tke condetuned men were not el
iimrilj U leave tkeir celle und nartU'lyate
in tke services, but tkey listened eagerly
to tke singing. cMaaUy tke kymn
-""- wk&et fcrttmrtil Alrasureiv nnd
esepmmii wrw m msnm rsjner
oddly apiwoprUle
Services, kowever. were keld in
Hnwain' cell by kw olrUul sUvinern,
Hevs. Boberts wd Hovntd, wko
preyed witk ike man so soon to moot
kJU dojoj, end at tke Ultex's ietueet
joined kis f alkrlua voice In singing nis
fnvueate kytun. ana one ke never atweu
to tire of, "Nearer, My God, to Tkee."
Butk men y tkey axe oreuaf ed to
meet dentk m-xt TkunwUy. IlnvUne.
tityniaHy, U calm and cool nnd only
akow eutoiioA wkeu uiked to nkout
tellgious uiatWri Old &uu strong, tke
kangnuut, baa hie roots iu readaaaw.
a.uJ the uuituok U tbU ike V'gBg will
j;... ufl wiiUv.uibiu.bur daw the xmt
a nil the .iv.i.i.ditt outs bi.
Socialists Heard FrMu..A 011 on the
Preafdent Remarks of In
terest to Mankind.
The twenty fourth anniversary of the
Universal Peace Union was begnn last
night with a meeting at the Friends'
Meetlng-IIouso, followed this morning
with tho assembling of the dele
gates nt tho Rev. Dr. ltyron Suther
land's First Presbyterian Church, Four-and-a-Hnlf
street, between C and D
streets northwest.
Mr. Alfred II. Love, prestdont of tho
Union, presided, with Honry .Taney of
Ualtlmoro and Hcv. Amanda Dayo, sec
Mrs. Bclvn A. Lookwood, read a let
tor from Hon. John W. Douglass, presi
dent Hoard District Commissioners,
who was announced to mako tho open
ing address, who stnled his inabllty to
ho present on occount of a severe attack
of neuralgia.
President Lovo tlinnked tho Commis
sioner for tho kind scntlmonts ho had
expressed in his communication, and
Sladamo Acnes Valllo sang "Camping
on tho Old Peace Ground," with chorus
by tho delegates.
Ilomnrka were mado by Mr. Droomcl,
Hcv. Dr. Ilutlcr, Hcv. Mr. Mort and
Itcv. Amanda Doyo. Dr. Jlutlor said
ho thought tho National Legislature,
was In sympathy with tho peaco move
ment, and tho Itcv. Mr. Mort thought
that Mr. Stanlov might learn somo man
ners from tho African race, with whom
ho had been for so long a tlmo asso
ciated. Africa, ho said, does not want
war but peace.
Hcv. Amanda Deyo o (To reel a resolu
tion to arrango for a Poaco Manuel, in
which tho children should tako part.
Mrs. Mohl referred to tho Interest
taken by tho proos in tho meetings of
tho Universal Peace Union, and the
purifying and crystallizing effect It will
hnvp upon tho community nt laree.
Ittv. Dr. Kdly also spoke, of the good
lime coming through the efforts of the
Universal Peace Union.
Iti-v. Amanda Dcyo was named as
chairman of the committee on the
peace manual. Mossrs. William Wood,
Henry Janncy, Ida Dennett, Seneca
Urooniel, Mary L. Wood, Alfred II.
Love, Emma Ueckwlth, Itev. Alexander
Kent, Uulversallst Churoh; IUv.
Paulus Mort and Itev. .Mr. Kdly were
alto added to the committee.
soct.VLisra iikahd mow.
A communication was received that
representatives of the Nationalist and
Socialist movements would like an op
portunity to show tho rulatlon between
their great social forces and that of the
Peace Society. The Invitation was ac
cepted, and the representatives will lie
given an opportunity to be heard this
Among the letters read were those
from President Harrison, Vice-President
Morton, Secretaries W'Imlom,
Dlaine, Tracy, Itusk and Proctor, Sen
ators Sherman, Colquitt and Stanford.
Postmaster General Wauamaker, At
torney General Miller. Jacob M. Troth
(Virginia), and from Ills Eminence
Cardinal Gibbons through his secre
Tho Cardinal says:
i!. .1. ir. tent, PsikSik: IIU Kiulneaee,
the Cardinal, dlreeU ate to acknowledge
tb receipt of your letter.
lie direct um to My In reply that you
utU) aware ot UUbtgk regard (or your
society and jour efforts from tbe waaaer
Iu width b ha lauded tae principle of ar
bitration Iu bU book, "Our CbriwUu Heri
tage." Keaoeetfully your, J. T. Wmnv,
secretary, 918 CUeataut street, I'blladel
Ibia, The Cardinal's letter was well re
ceived. Mrs. Amanda Deyo said that
those who bad read the Christian
Heritage were delighted with its beau
tiful expressions, and that she thought
that some of tiuuu should be adopted in
tbeir proceedings.
President Love said that soma of the
Cardinal's views would be ineorp rated
in tbe next issue of the 1" utmultr.
The Union at 18:30 took a reeees un
til 3 p. w. At 1 SO p. m. tbe Union, ae
cowuanied by tbe Women's Press As
aceutlon, wko were preientat Ibe meet
leg ibis moiniof in a body, were re
etiveri at tke Wniie Hojac by Proi
dent Harrison.
i'ttUM af MIIU tVuuruUu Oauul By
'.Kev. 1. Warbar or llulUware."
Clkvklaxd, O., May Si. Yesterday
was tke tenet of Weeks, a sacred day
among tke Hebrews, and its observance
in tke Synagogue on Woodland avenue
was marked y a sensation- A large
congregation was asneutkted in reemmee
to a summons by a man falling nimaelf
"Kev. P. Werberof Baltimore." Tke
miabuer appeared in kit rabbi's cap.
but bis opening remarks were not re
crived witk favor. As ke gradually de
perleu from tke Jewiak doctrine Indig
nation was mauifeeted, but ke went
boldly on.
After nt narking for an kotu ke de
clued tkat tke Jewiak idee, of tke Mee
aiak was ridiculous. Men from all
parts of tke kouae ntsked to tke plat
form, spat in tke preacker's face, and
Ukd to tear oat kis cap. Several miaU
tere of tke German Beformad Ckurvk
were in tke audience and wast to ike
reacue of tke jweacker. Violence wm
pceteated. but scenes of wild coniasion
continued. A squad of polkeuwa
InaUy arrived and Werker. wko kad
anleted tkat ke was uot a KabW. wa
cuaviucted to a aired car in safety.
Veal xmm 'auuer
VkUe ascending a iaddaw sear the
corner of leveatk and G ntineni north -west
akotti noon to-day Joneafc t'-oliiiw.
wkke koy, was seized wik a at aud
fell to tke ground and received severe
injuries- He was tltendrfcj at lIk
mergjeawy noniwiaJ
To day was tut anVne ky tke Crtaunal
Court tot tke "mrtirtimnnt of the
trials of tke parties now In jail chir. 1
a ilk tti order and manalaugktcr f -case
of Patrick Burke. ch-irjeJ. U
uiuoklaukku.-r waa called, bu -
wuucmcs Wcic -U'Jt. ivady
New ronmllnnil I'lshnrmen Orowlne
Wtw York, May 5r. A spwial to
the World from St. John, N. P., says:
A crMs In the quarrel of the ao-ealtwl
Fronth shore of Newfoundland may
stum be reached. Maddened Iry the
neflert of the English Government, ami
tbe increasing Incursions of theFrwch,
tltf nnfortunate fishermen of the West
coast, are banding together to maintain
their tights. Under the modnt rirtnHi
recently arrived at between the English
ami French Governments the captains of
the war vessels of either country are In
vested with jurisdiction over the fisher
men on the French shore, and It Is
claimed that the French are taking ad
vantage of this power to forcibly expel
Newfoundlanders from their own bays
ami harbors. A French war vessel
entered St. Oeoree's Hoy, drove out
the Newfoundland fishing schooners,
confiscated their nets. Naturally, the
most intense excitement exists, and
everywhere fishermen are arming to
protect their Interest against French
Her Majesty's sloop of war, Emcratd,
has been ordered to the spot. The gen
eral feeling is that, while tho confisca
tion may not In-ltself precipitate a con
flict between the Islanders and their
oppressors, It represents tho first link In
tho chain of aggressions on tho part of
tho French that must ultimately end in
an appeal to arms.
- - i i ii ii
A GanR or Trnnipn Commit Depreda
tion nml Detj- Hie T.air.
Connv, Pa., May 20. X gang of
tramps yesterday nflernoon surrounded
the houso of Mrs.McLaughlln, a woalthy
widow, living In tho western part of tho
city, and attempted to rob her, but being
dlicovcrcd by the family fired a volley
of shots nt tho Inmates and then disap
peared. Chief of Police Potter was sum
moned, and with tho assistance ot two
officers soon had a greater part of tho
gang cotnered In n barn.
After disarming them tho officers
started with tho parly for tho lock-up,
tho chief in chnrgo of four and the
other olllcors two oach. Suddenly ,wlth
one accord, the prisoners In charge of
Chief Potter mado a desperate attack
on him and escaped. The others were
safely locked up. The officers went
back and recaptured one of the other
four. When tho officers returned to
the lock-up they found the four they
had placid there had picked the locks
to lliclrcell doors, dug a hole through
a solid bilck wall and escaped. The
mei), all desperate characters, are still
at large.
a i-
He flu Away Willi Over $ 1 1,000 No
Cltlo Yet
LAWftKxcKHDMa, Kv.. May 96.
Early last week T. 11. ltlpy gave to
Slarmi Deputy AY. O. Patty a check for
1 1,0-17.90 In payment for tax on
whliky. Petty placed the cheek with
others In a drawer In his office. At night
he rarrled them to his residence where
hn kept them. Having no stamps at
the time of the receipt of the check, lie
held It for a few days. When he began
to Ittue these stamps he found that tbe
cluck was missing, and all search for
it was fruitless.
Several other articles of value were
alto missing, clearly proving a robbery.
Petty came here last Friday, and steps
were taken to prevent If possible a loss
to any oue. An Indemnifying bond,
signed by Collector A. It. lluraam,
Chief Deputy Stoue and Mr. Petty, was
given to the Lxwrenceburg Dank to se
cure It against any loss slnuld the check
have been cashed at some other polut
ami a new check Issued. The matter
has just beea made public. There U
bo clue to the thief.
linragetl Parmer Aft - nogm Com
uUaluu 31 en ban la,
Vbms.wm.K8, Kv.,May So". A dele
gation of enraged farmers from near
Nlcholasvflle arrived here Saturday
after Pettlgrew Bros., commission mer
chants, but thev had disappeared. It U
said that tbe Pettlgrews have for the
past two months been working this and
other county seats as eowmiaeloa mer
chants, promising large returns. They
are aalit to have secured in all between
$10,000 and $15,000 worth of grain ami
produce, which Ibe Arm sold in Cincin
nati and Louisville, pocketing the pro
ceeds. Tbe men are supposed to be in
I'letuature Bxpletlaa or a Uubbsb.
HuuiUiaMAM, CojkV., May 98. In
tbe village of Snellen on Saturday,
while tbe selection of a site lor a new
petloltke building was being celebrated,
a cannon exploded prematurely. Two
men, named Kendrick and Bennett,
were very seriously injured. Ckariee
Jones, John Larkine and James Skor
rock were badly hurt in tkeir face,
and it is feared tkat all three will be
made Vile!
A Carrlasa Srk by a Ttvla Willi
Vtttal K4HU04.
GnaaB Rarws, Mich., May 98. A
carriage occupied by JCvetett KadcliCe
and wife, and siater-ia-ww, Mrs. Liittw
Hunt, and tke tetter's daugkter, wkile
returning to tke city from tke take yes
terday aitrTuoou, was struck by tke
dummy cars and Mr. Hunt was in
stantly killed. Tke otkers eacaued wit
slight bruises. HadclUfe. wko was driv
ing, saw tke train coming and tried to
get across irai.
Ftuubti H ul rut mi at a Pan-Jar-Haae
Wkxvevu.I4S. Cxl . May 95. W.
F. Sudtk A Co.'s nowder kouae blew up
Saioadajr aigkt It was located just
out of town, and cantajned about l.Ouv
ixjund of giant powder. Tke force of
the explosion was fearful Lamp were
thrown down, windows broken, doors
blown oscn, and plastered kouaes badly
wrecked. Aaotker powder nouae lew
fitt dieine was badly skatwred, but tke
eiatakm did not explode.
X HbJUttapIC Unnsnt Mr9JkatlMr V4utraJtfuntfnw
Dsk Sat. Cot.. , May .-Ufomasioa
has bens) sectived kene tkat tke man
u'cuiy eonwictad at Clay ton, Mo., for
frUeltag koracs na keen tdeaiirWa a
I tbe man. wko robbed Fntaideua laostaU
of tke Finat Mational Bank, a year ago.
of 9i.em Papers wUl ke made out
lo mov aiking lor kis rciiujattioav
mm vim!.
Tkece aw an un usually large lot of
one blue ink in ike WaaUiagtoa mar
ket. Advkea from Norfolk aUte that
there Is a great ruu ui tUcsi. JclUiuu
Liibcs uutaiJi uf the C'ai.9 A -u t'u.
niuidud S jilk Caiulioi - wU
Made in Which Engineer OemmtafaMr
Rebtrt ii Praiml aa4 OMMimJoiar
DBBglaffi DeneuBed.
It wiw not a very large audience that
Mr. Dr. Iteily greeted reatenlay after
noon at the First Congregational
Church, Tenth ami G streets notthweat,
but the speeches were spirited, and, In
some respect, aggressive.
The meeting had lieen called by the
Non-Parllsan W. C. T. U. to dlsctisa
the question "How best to aid the Dis
trict Commissioners In their efforts to
enforce such laws as shall make safe
paths for our sons and daughters?''
Made a few brief Introductory remarks
In which she praised Colonel Itobert,
tho Engineer Commissioner, for his
efforts lo rcgulote the liquor traffic.
She satd that Colonel Itobert was a
Christian gentleman and by the help ot
God ho intended to do his duty.
nsv. ecoTT f. iinnstiKv, n. n.,
began his remarks by saying that he did
not wish to he considered an alarmist,
but before ho got through ho told his
audience how lie would like to become
n revolutionist. Ho said that there
were 8,000,000 of young men In the
country, nnd that 0,000.000 or them
never entered tho church, and that the
young men of tho country were the
main support of the liquor men. lie
took a notebook from his pocket
nnd showed by ocular evidence In
his visit to several saloons that out ot
tho three hundred persons he had
counted in saloons whore both drinking
nnd gambling was carried on, that
three-fourths of them wore young men.
Seventy per cent, of the convicts In the
penitentiaries throughout the country
wcru young men.
Dr. Horfliey, when referring to the
efforts being made to rescue the you tin
men from Intemperance, took occasion
HKl'lilMANI) COHMIBfllOMUl t0UUt..(M
for Ids speech of welcome to the United
State Hrcwers' Association, In which
he said: "I know your beer Is good for
I have sampled It. ' "Such an outrage
upon Iho moral cnslbllltle of the eo
pfe should be denounced," added Dr.
Hershty, and which was receive. I with
feivent "amens" by persons In the au
dience. "Give me," continued Dr.
Hcrahey, "a committee of one hundred
young, energetic and plucky men and
1 wlliguarantee in three year time to
revolutionize the liquor trattlc In Wash
ington." This assertion of Dr. Hereber was re
ceived with applause.
The reverend swaker spoke In
eulogistic terms on the efforts being
made by Colonel Itobert to elevate the
moral tone Iu the District, and sug
gested that the ladle of the W. C. T. U.
write that gentleman an appreciating
letter, which will further uucouraice him
In his good work.
said that every man and woman ought
to call on Engineer Commissioner Itob
ert, and personally express approval of
his course. He offered a resolution,
which was adopted, "that the moral and
religious people of the city of Washing
ton herein- tender to tbe Hon. Mr. Itob
ert, the Engineer Commissioner, their
heartfelt thanks for the noble stand be
had taken In executing the liquor laws."
were made by Doctor La Fetra, Mrs.
Tlltcn ami Mrs. llurrU. Mrs. llurrU
tokl of how one Sunday Colonel Itobert
went to a hotel down town ami found
tbe bar open. He asked tlie proprietor
of the hotel to close It, and he refused
to do so. Colonel Itobert then made
himself known, awl the bar was elosetl.
She bad beea tokl of tbls occurrence by
a minister.
A Man KllleU Hie Wur Department
TnuBa-roKH, A. T., May 9a Yester
day leorning tbe town was excited by
tbe biining In of tbe dead body of
Kobett Ilardfe. a prominent Ijm A age
It s lawyer, who was killed Saturday in
tbe Cklticabua Mountains by hostile
Apaches. HU companion. Dr. Hay net.
ei-ed. Ilaynes' own horse was shot
under him, but when ke saw tkat
Hardle was dead be leaped on his
fiknd's bone and fled. The two men
were ambushed by tbe Indians while
out on a pleasure trip. The band of red
skins wbkk committed tke murder
numbers about ten, and is made up of
renegades who escaped from GeaWal
Miles ia bis last raid, witk a few addi
tions from San Carlos agency. '
At tke inquest of liardit s body tke
coroner's jury returned a verdict cen
suring tke War Department for Us
failure to bunt down tkeae renegwies,
although ike Souora authorities ntade
overtures to tke Government for united
action with tbe udlitia of ArUona to
corral and kill tkem. Tbe verdict, in
tke form of resolutions, was Wlegrapked
lo President Harrison.
Lee Annate' PtllUmiattac VixUUajt
Saa- Fnaxciaco, May 9e A Lea
Angeies special says: Walter A. nejttk.
editor of Ike ana Dingo &u, is in tke
city and naye tkat ke wUi mit avelee) ikje
ckallenge of Colonel Feeaw to igkt a
duel la Mesico, but win give rvf&er
tttftfnftfok kt kn? omce.
Four Wauikoto, Vie., May Hi.
Wkik trying to raise a small cottage
yesterday, tke support gave way and
tke kouae tell, cruakbag Julius Hikers
and August Syokz to dcatk and fataUy
iejutiag Lmum Beyer.
A tMuasjiW Pistal ifrrsw.
iUuuufc Fat-e. K- Y , May M.
Mts. P. A. Pruae took powdered opium
Saturday nifkj in wMekif for ifwanG ajnl
died ejrday from tke effecte of tke
tsiison Prugffiwl Ckarsjes Ssseak ia
acs-uaed of fastmalbiiaty loc tke fatal
'" w
m.1-. uj fSjt taiM& WSaat a ataaeaa.
Fkohls, In.., May 94. in a tuareel
LiieUsi nJgat Joku Lcalie mi El
Minis' htudopeu a lib a hUlu-l t&ui
, 1 (.alu's t.uu in la 11 L.iU.u.A Ue.
L.'Ut. la lvv'a.id i-l'
Narrevr Mnenpe from n Terrlhle Ilfw
nitter nt n linll Mnteh,
StnArrMt, May . There wtra a
narrow escape from an awful ttlsttr
at Three Hlvera Park, twelve mllea
from Syracnee, yettertiay, where the
Syracniw and IonterlI1e team played
ImII. Just after the game, as the crowd
of 9,100 people present were rushing tn
tbe train, about twenty feet of the
rami stand fell with a craeh, hurling
fifty or more people to tlte ground, a dis
tance of len or fifteen feet.
The excitement w Intense, and,
after order waa partially restored, tbe
work of removing the tfmlier from the
half-burled people was begun. Fortu
nately no one wa kilted, bnt nearly
every perron that fell with the stand
was more or less bruised. George N.
Ktinterh, proprietor of the grand
bllllatd pnrlors here, and the champion
pool-player of Central Xcw York, was
the most seriously Injured, hi left leg
being badly jammed. Captain James
llutler, deputy county clerk of Omw
(Intra County, had his left ankle
sprained. Charles Stoddard, an S-year-old
boy, and Charles Stroll, a clerk In
the employ of I). M Edwards, had
their head severely cut.
Manager Frarer of Syracuse say that
llarnum & Itamsey, the proprietors of
the Three lllver grounds, ate responsi
ble for damage resulting from the
fintnon Krciiem Were tlin Principal
Uaimo ii r tho lMUIrtilljr,
IIki.knv, Mont,, May 90. The
sti Ike nt Cokcdale has been settled and
the miners will return to work. A
proposition In writing wa mado by a
committee representing tho Cokcdale
assembly of the Knights of Labor nnd
handed to the chief of the force of detec
tives nt the camp of the miners during
Iho trouble. Tho proposition wa re
ferred to ox Governor Hnuser, who
wont to Cokedalo yesterday morning,
and t fleeted n compromise im
mediately. The terms of tho agreement are that
the miner shall receive $1.10 for hard
coal and $1 05 for soft coal per ton of
9,210 pound. Laborer' wages around
(homines will remain as formerly, $9.30
per day. All the old hands who have
committed no violence will lie given
work, and but few will be excluded from
the mines. The men agree to boycott
two saloon keeper, who the company
claim have been the principal agitators
of thesttlke.
AnlngnnlKlIc Kenulutlon Will
,iliiiril lij (lerinuii Oiitlnillen,
Mn. walk kk, Wi., May 96. The
executive board of German Catholic
Hcnevolent Societies held a special meet
ing yesterday afternoon and revoked Its
dicUlon to have all business acanlon of
the convention la secret. General pro
ceeding will be opened, but several
questions, and more specially the com
pulsory education Issue, will be constd
ered In executive tewtoue. All proceed
ings, excepting the addresses of Mayor
Peck in welcome and P J. Somers on the
school question, however, will be In
Geunan. It wa authoritatively an
nounced last night that resolutions an
tagonistic to the Dennett law will lie
adoptul bv the societies and presented
to the mass meeting of German Cath
olics, at the Academy of Music on
Thursday evening, for consideration.
JuiMpfil hlxty l'et Into a Itlver ami
Amstkhdam.N. Y., May 9. Thomas
Sheehau. aged 99, was drowned here
yesterday morning. Bbeeban, with
several other young men, wae crossing
tbe bridge over the Hobawk Itiver
when one of the other men dared Sbee
ban to jump from the bridge into tbe
river sixty feet below.
Sbeehaa immediately pulled off Ids
coat, mounted the railing, and jumped.
He sank Ih tbe water, rose to tbe sur
face agafu anil swam ashore, a short
distance, w ben he was apparently over
come by cramps and sank. HU body
baa not yet been recovered. Tbe men
bad all been drinking.
The xVuluuteer" IVIlt Nat Ilaae.
IloaTOK. May 94. General Paine
said yesterday that the Volunteer would
not be entered tbU year for the Wren
ton Iteef cup against tbe Ire, in fact,
ke practically said that tke crack sloop
would not be entered in any of Ike
races, but tkat ke would put her la
commission for pleasure sailing only.
If any other plans had been arranged
for bis boat ke knew aotaing about
Sal Tbwtas Wilt Go Unyiinlaetair,
Ottawa, Out.. May 83. -Tka Do
minion Government has informed tke
owners of sealing vessel on tite Paeinc
coast that they can otter no assurance
tkat their vessel will be free from mo
lestation if caught by Ametkan cruisers
in Bebring ea, and tkat in hunting
seal in tkose waters tkey take tke waoAe
mpoatiUlily for wnat may follow.
Vuraareu to a Trivial Cane.
Caikxa, Iil , May 2. -Job Quil
lan, a young man emplo4 la a brass
foundry at Dubuque, was murdered
kere on Saturday aigkt by anotker
young man named Vincent Hoes, a farm
laborer. Tke men quarreled la a salaon
ever a trivial matter. Buea ieft tke
saloon and waited outside foe Quiliaa.
As soon a tke latter opened tke door
Hose ejaot ktm dead, ryoea s njflfllfff ar
ms. - .
6t. CLAiusviLLg, Onto, May Sn
ail tke rrftrnTtin frnflnarf 1 tke Bel
mftui County JlaM keen iMr&s taymv eaceAe
vfesteadav. Amoaf ikena wens WUltam
ffi'biajtrnj- r3ftYJcte oi j&vufaNiMjb&& '
Mifca MclkkooujEk 4Ual E&to5mkL
aaiaiif vanRf mi "waisi'iwismsm1 Sas waanpspn' smwsr
convicted of bijekway robber , and Abe
Boatoa. IuleKoiw and WiftUun Man
fey, burglar.
aav Xnajamae sm ateeeatAeaji taa
1 Tke several division of tke (M$
keei oamn for tkat iraiumTfrisi of ksmi
neasfor ake uublic on tke 30tk of Maw
warmv sajsasmt ja ''"' s m wwnm wist ejmjpmy
until Boa.
4 delivery by eanriera wiii kt natnV at
: e o'clock a- t-
Vsanwisa-rew'enlaw pjaim vjh amsmsmy vjpi F tm aPa
aud 5 p. ui.
TUt iuriier aiodows will be opt.u
from t U i 81
TL.. ytiii il lu.ivery will u.l be
MaJe hy a RwHrwl f Ike Haek Foratt
Metwwiir if lk Ottr ffther
Fettifn rftWS,
IiOjinos, May 8. Itnron Siumm,
the "hing" of lh St. Johann mines
ami factories In tbe Sear districts, ha?
recently been having long conference
vi 1 tli Itaron Herlenach, the new German
Minister of Trade ami Commerce.
Huron Stnmm, In hi own Interest and
In lite Interest of hie cl, is seeking
to Interest tbe Minister of Commerce in
a reactionary sene. He la. In common
with many other mine owner, grcttly
dlwatlsftetl with the new social reform
plan of the government, ami Is bring
Ing all the pressure In his power upon
ltarleptch tochanee the contemplated
order of thing. 8lumm has the sup
port of the notorious Mine-Director
Itarre at Kwen, nnd both these men
have had until recently some little In
fluence with those In power. The
present government, however, Inspired
directly a It I by the young and en
thusiastic Umpcror, will hardly be at
the bidding of these men. nnd the work
ing classes seem at Inst tn be nearemin
ciiallon from this most rcpellant typo
of factory and mine baron.
Herr iCIamoroth, n large factory
owner at Halbersladt, ha devoted :M)0.
000 marks to the establishment of a
fund for aiding merchants In distress.
General Von Her Hoop, formerly
governor-general of Odessa, has been
designated a successor to Count Helden
In tho governorship of Finland. Hoop
I brutally severe, hypcr-orthodox and
thoroughly llusslan. The poor Find
lander have not a delightful prospect
before them, as doubtless, undor their
new governor's rule, they will be de
prived of many of their constitutional
The Cxsr pronosc to hold a Urge
hunting party tn Poland during Septem
ber. '1 he hunt will extend over four
week and great preparations have been
made for It. The lmierlal master of
the hunt has had the stock counted, the
result showing that the preserve cn
tain HO deer. 390 elk. 21 Mags, "il'l
aurochs and 1.10 boar.
It Is expected that the Cuar and (Vir
Ina will arrive In Copenhasen at the
end of July. The King of Denmark
will return from Wiesbaden to receive
and entertain hi royal guests. Tho
German Kmperor has fixed his sojourn
In Itiwsla tn extend not over a week, nnd
will confine hi visit to these towni
only which are included In the man
neuver. A few dars ago there died at one of
the hospital In Jk-rlln tbe last surviv
ing veteran of tbe wars of 1M:-Isn
Ills name was Sergeant ltnge. He waa
born In 1"U7. ami served In tbe Curaluth
Twoltuaslan agent have been arrested
at liurghaa on whose persons were found
50,(100 rouble. In their effects weru
thousands of Inflammatory proclama
tions addressed to ltoumelians.
An interesting item among tin;
"Stanley" literature of the sea will 1m
a reprint of the Hon. Itoden NocPa
"Livingstone la Africa." It will be an
edition Ik l.ujct, with twenty-one orlg
inal Illustrations by Mr. Hume Nlsbet
and an introductory poem on Stanley by
tbe author. Itoden Noel is a near kins
man of the late Lord ltyron and an in
tlmate personal friend of Lord Tenny
son, who is a great admirer of Noel's
works, and designs, it is said, to use his
Influence to secure tbe succession of the
laureateeblp to him Noel is 31 years
of age, a man of nervous temperament,
and neatly as great a recluse as Tenny
Herr A. Noel, living at Iterllngen. tu
the iilack Pores t, after Ave years pa
tient and arduous labor, has constructed
a wonderful clock, which he consiJere
surpasses ia marvelousaees all clocks
of ancient or modern times. This time
piece U warranted to no without stop
ping and without winding till midnight
of tbe year WW, practically a Io.ixm)
year clock. On its dial, besides the
time of day. it shows years, stasias,
months, weeks, days, festivals and m
and moon changes. It is not known
a bat guarantee Tie maker gives uf the
works sustaining tke wear and tear of
so long a period, but ke evidently h
full faith in his product and demind
80,000 marks for it. The clock U now
on exhibition at Beriingen
I'ratu h Kt matM Tfuta tu the
IdtekstMratuut HV?.
WiLktsBAunjs. Pa., May -.M.-T he
body of Mrs. Bekeeca Gilmorc was
found in tke Lackawanna River near
Piustoa yesterday. On last Tuesday Ue
was arrested by Constable llinej for
conducting a disorderly bouse at Mo ik
While being conveyed from Moiieu t
Scran! in charge oi tke ortker she
made a sudden daak and jumped UuougU
tke window wkile tke train wa nun iu;
twenty mile aa kottr. Tke train w,
stopped, but no trace of the wj.un
could be found. Tke next da inr
skawl and bonnet were found o'u the
rivet bank. Tke police tkouuht this
we a ruse on tke woman's pan .ml
tkat ske kad eacainsd.
geileawe ec a Tewte4 jtevtewiaa ataau
kvAaA Citk. Mo., May - -rh.'
twenty aecond annual meeting -' he
Turn Venin of tke Misaiasiiiu x ley
took place kere yesterday. The game
took place at Waldorfs Grove, xu-l
fonntlnyd of comtwtiUe ioaleu ia
atklertc eecle and were wuac.il
by 5.000 people. Uuiia Ike aluc
one of the uvkwieg sUnds tulUp-Ll
preeipllatiog tke occuaaals i 'U
around, ko one icriousiy kurt 1 h
liMUusti csli3B of tke Turner- , .: 3
W-4af .
Maaal JSatiaaii VTMfcaiAitii
mPP vBsranmrssp sraaiT''a
i'tucauo. May 3D. Anexploeij iu
fuauaceof the iUiaola eaeel Wi.
it Tkarty fret street and AsklAnd ae
ue yesterday fatally tnjureU Amcoi
MuHatstkoHer and aefioualy UiiauJ.
Mfckael ituinlan. ttuuo' 4y xlii
Jokn Bruaskl. Taa cauae of tke ex
ploskm U unknown-
t-ecal Weaake Vaceeatf
' r t lhbul
1 Jw .

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