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MmmsaMmmmmmmmmmmmmmBBamsmKagmamm !iS!S5H5!SSS5 1SB3BS5H THE DAILY CRITIC, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 20, 1890. The Daily Critic ?7t Onlg Ptmorrntic Itoiljr Pnptr Pith U'htiiitt Wnmhingttm. KXIKV xsntMo m,m enalsh TVASHINTN OHltlO 6tt.fifAY. OFttCt: 9H9 D STRT NCRf HvfMT, WASBHWroif CHT, ft. C. lty asati trawtae iieeistM), i rest rt IfMMtfc. . DrfT'er. hi the efty. Itteetft .... A.. iif CrpB wasMafrsmt, .'? WABmiWItW, MAY 9. WW. we renin? it. According to tee Haw To fW the Panama Canal protect Is dead. We tl ubt it. 9c lone, m De heseep lives and France cnMHilwR to (rfflrlttce i rcdniity. the ceeei retain Ashling tharrt bold hex mrrrjtntroRTH. Mr nen,emla Bwtterwwrth, the null tirotectlonftt hr word of month, It a spontaneous talker awl a Hfttr.trljrfrer thinker. The other tiny, la tin 1 tonse, he thought like lightning ami went off like dynamite on the tariff question. Jte made loud report, Imt when the vote on the McKlnley protect km Iniquity In ectlotts ww called, the ItaM llenj mln went off, deliberately awl silently. Into the House clonk room Ami thought, slowly, for awhile, A MAID UNDISMAYliU. Miss AVIllard. pctlictMletl ami defiant us usual, declares that the "original package" decision, which has given iruisolallon, beer, Joy, whisky, lillarlty, wine ami several other cheerful ami de light fill thing to the personal-liberty people of the prohibition States, cannot I relied upon at a bulwark ami defense ngaiott the assaults of the l'rohlbithn lots. Indeed, wo mar ey. it In titw that this maid, More tottnlh than yoHinrlsb, Is In nealse dismayed; For hc states, with set lips ami the prtmmiwt lueoWofl, 'Jbatthe"orltnal package" DvpteaM Ororl iteclstcn Ilaa made Prohibition dsSftflt, A Heron tee, SrtHoa a ataat An Issue, a national Issue The national spelled with WtcN With fleh, blood ami let ot nerve IImh. And 'twill "Hp ami at 'em again " T1IK CltlTIC. Tiik CitiTtc, under Its present man t cmint. will not belle Ita name, dulls! a nut who pawea Judgment upon man rur, morals ami the like. Hut It will trileavor to be neither a cavller nor. a iaiji And It will not Indulge hi too i Id distinction; or Ira inclined to riml fmdt, ir to be unreasonably fastidious; iTtnlii captious, or to be unduly mi vtre In judgment. Occasionally, no d ubt. wo shall be bound In duty to be a harsh examiner or judge. Often we shall censure, and frequently we shall not be enabled to character! our dls vuMlon of public tptesllnns with deelr able thoroughness and a reference to principle, "as becomea a critic" but we chall endeavor, at least, to make Tiik CitiTic, a general rule, a genial fault tinder, a judge without mallee, and a welcome visitor to those people who cnjiy pleasant companionship and fair play In all things, uml hale shams ami tlttett hypocrisy. And, In good time, clad in a new dress from top to toe, Tkr Ckitic will take Its place among the handsomest well as among the brightest ami beat of the j( urnal of the day. MANY IN ONK. In the memorial sermon, mode yee ttidny by Itev. Dr. Naylor of the Ham lice Church to the Grand Army of the lie- uV.Ie, DeparlmBt of the Potomac, that very good man said: "Several; one" Is a fart cow, before it was but a seat! 11 ;t The dead of the South, not lew than the dead of the North, Indorse the b tto and give it a significance it can m I. ft." AVith some difficulty oBe it. ay struggle into the meaning of this t'.njuent utterance, and extract from it, as the Idea the reverend gentleman In n riled to express, the generally-eon-ceded doctrine that this la a Union of Irdestructible States of States "dl. tlr.ct as the Ullowe but oe ae the sea." Ardtfi tils doctiine all the Jik people e f lit Fouth as well as of the North as rent heartby. It may be true, that a few political nuwuiiw make protests f'bl'fct it after the feeble ef suck i iu in k-r. but all the wkte-awak pea j!e f iLe 1'nioa tieeUie K with a uaa iii i us vt'Ice. mi fruta ail Ute hixe t r f the Keputalltt. PKNATOR BLAIR OP KIWT IIAMP. siriKE. besater Plumb, the Jofca L. Sulliwaa f the Senate the cnampiesi vtwhal 1 iigillst of tkve Ua4ll Statee-to Us geulest busht, the osker day. charae tciUed Seaakwr Btair. Use muMiaeea sntly coatiaviona-ia mwaeh-smm la the .nd us aa ssswraace to the United h'ait that Great BrttaU would aever i ant a udlB nnelWialed attack ,-c the Sew ataad ooaai. Wksav , u ihe Seaator from Hew Jfiimnialtiii. -.', -!)i Hut delicacy la repattee wakh '-fcgftVT lfwTrlilT aeaatofwl . utuee, aalajajki Uust ae was not to kaew susueiaiog about 1 1 '.iijett of our coast aad naval . fctsts altkough" me added, 'the Nxntcr froiB l(ajsjp aaight lasiai that ic lilaii) ought to he aisaoata brutal f t n the subject, Uka " "Seeae- uwr " reiiiarlnxi aapthar Scnakw, I uuug the iwpectuaafciie JHiuah. w l til led the Iisciaja tueathm -n ike uui by ntvSmmVM 'i iturk, iMwuatiafiy Mate, that he . i inu to sunyast how much i ... valuable the Becator fiomlaev iiii.t'hire vas than a meat or eve a i.. .. Livy. Iu scnakM! from Me HsiwpaMre i lt,t txBiUM bow Kaaaw m justke ...-.i. he 04 that the Baasiiis fseea a, i. a w a lit. ely i hMtat thai the g- i noat Mew Humtamiie ought to he r .jtt a biuUJ idi.ji ou euajg liefaaaes . . ix any other ubj.ct The Boaster i . KioiM ku-.i tJUat the 8atoi t u. New Hasawhtre Is bus a hcuiai -1 u any atthetsi hut a ejsfitfce Uaot kl u.l suhjecta JUad hearted la v 'icuiun ad asayh to last, he m tJitu ku the rlfbt side id iflitmfasj; hut In ndvoracy he alwaya makca the hcttct apf ear to be the worser reaton, or de Me It forever from tire yW of erery man In the worM by plllitt upon tt a monntaln, a whole Rocky Mountain, of sterile sentence. He h a man whom roegwe rwnt away itttn htm every time he opens hie month to ay anything. Conremtng tome pnMIr matters he la h above his day and generation, but nnkm he continues In sllenre upon evtry nueatfon on the right ride of Which hfi thonghts rnn he hi sure to exhibit htmeelf m a stnmbftftg weak ling, and the caoae he advocates fh a light that does not show Its merits, bin brings imt Into boM fnlW all of Its weak points, and makes It appear to be rMlcnkros. Thete am In the twM imwy worse men than Senator Blair. In fact, there are not many men, If any, who are honester ttnt no other sane man has a re f(wllh month than la the m-mth owned by Jllalr ami owned. It mry be sawl to the snrprle of some peop'e, withont shame, and Indeed With a cer tain kind of nnacconntable pride ' TIIK IlEFOrtMlXa COMMISSIOXKK ItOBBKT. The Engineer Commissi iner of the IMstrlct, Colonel ltobert, Is wearing w 1th pride the Congregntlonat Church meeting bouquet of praise of his official action as a ridel amang the downfallen w ho drink bed whisky, stale beer, and worse wine o' nights In ont-of tlie-way plates of iniquity. The Colonel-Engi neer, or the Unglneer-Colonel, or the Engineer Commissioner Colonel, proba bly deserves the praise that he is receiving. Ileally, upon serious con sideration of the question, we bare no doubt that lie does. In truth, he has no purpose In view but the good of the District, the enforce ment of the laws, the reclamation of the downfallen nnd the punishment of the perversely wicked. But will he permit u to say that he luxuriates, as a practical reformer, in too much brass band? that he descends upon the rev cling wicked with too great n display of banners? that there Is not In fact but In appearance Just a little too much of tlio Little .lack Ilornor boaetfulness in the way he ents his reform plum-pie In tho eye of the public 7 No doubt the Com missioner Is a good man, doing good work In a good way, and tli'nt ho de serves praise above his almost wicked partners, Commissioners Douglas nnd Illnes, but it does seem to Tiik Ciutic tl at he should work In a more subdued light than the electric glare of the look at'ine publicity In which he has been busily reforming the slums lately. TIIEOWL SUI'KItSKDKD 11Y CIIAN TIOLKKIt. The owl w.w one of the two birds to width Minerva, the OixldtHs of Wis di in, was partial; and for that reason, piobably, this bird has been tliu pir titular favorite of Tiik Ckitic. Hut the owl Is not of unblemished reputa tion. It Is carnivorous. It has n dis agreeable voice. And It gets ita liveli hood In what is called owl light, be cause that Is a glimmering or Imperfect Hlit. In abort, the owl la a bird ot the night and a bird of prey, and In Leviticus, as well as In other books of the Ulble, It Is denounced as a foul abomination among fowls. Job also, ami other miserable or complaining men of the Scriptures, have made other disparaging remarks about this wise looking creature. So, we have be come prejudiced against the owl. We believe It to be a bad bird; and, to be frauk, wt believe, also, that the wis dom of the owl Is all in Ita eye. We are compelled, therefore, to take the owl from Tiik Critic, as the bird that Is emblematical of the paper's mis sion; but, in r lace of the hooting ami screeching looter of the barn-yard, wo we will give to Tiik Ckitic as its em bh mullc bird the other favorite bird ef 3Iinerva, Chapman's Democratic rooster, that ever-glorious, cheery voiced, never-say-die, always-ready-for-a-tigbt bird the bird that has crowed so often and so loudly over many a Demo cratic triumph, and was during all the (lark night of Democratic disaster what Shakespeare has designated it, the bird of dawning, and that even now Is the herald of the morn of Democratic vic tory, the promise of which Is reddening the eastern sky. EIGHT HOUR AND LRAVK OF-AU SENCE LAWS NULLIFIED. The letter-earrieta of the eJty pt otfee are makiag as attempt to get flfteea days' leave of ahseaee with pay, la this attempt we hope they may he successful. Rut if, after obtaiaiag the law, thy nut It to aa better use this the eight hour aad the thirty days' kave-oi-abeeace la the Covetaweat Piiatiag OsSce laws have bee put. the mave-of-ahsesw privilege will do the carriers but little goad. Is lesjt), Oeagteas passed aa act kaowa as the eight-hour law, nsovkUag that jajH hours shouhl eoustisuh? a dej's work for ail Uhfliaw, wariuuea aad machauhes asasjaaued by w p ha half of the Qoeessuaestt of the Uahud States. la the laaguage ot a report matw by the House Uommittae oa Labor, oa February 7, 1SW, this law was a pUia, yMgsjHs? coaciae stasamesst by Cosuisess os uVs aujuhar of hosics ass'vico tha4 tht OoMsnsjas'Ut wt&stld seemiaa to ha aes lor saad to aaoh calassoac day to consM tute a full day's work. A low vaass ago a saw v giviag thirty days' laavs) of to the esapleyas of the UgOike. Fsiat Bttah sheas saass have htdaw 8ssoJy riowaad. Puriag the (two Mr fuhMe Friator the sach4-hosr utv was opioMadt, aad the httsevoJ-ajkoapcii lsw This asauM van hsoauths ahssjs hjf lha actioo of Copcaaw aftd of the Cusiuooia Typosaphkajl Uasas, But stoca the adseos of the Harrisoo A'JJSJjjtrsJaos) both thp tdsjht-houf lav aad thp leave of shears lav haw baejs iHsntgasdaid to the fioaexasjaapt Prtotiag 0t. Is that oStoi ess jPtoSM iM bMtas svQsHeUMt SAOfltt tlfciUVIi eight ho. aad Mr- Fetaaer. thp Fuh 4c Prtoser, to maojr laalaaoas ku as&M raaajuixfial Uf TVAEHaiattaWi ssmawa majojajgaTw 'pp amp"sp-maTP' pdpian to -pork duriag the thirty daft In which they sho-ild have takon their lcave-of-abence. and has paid them twrf-ermrt flreir full wages, becawee they were entitled to bjave, snd tbnn their foil trages again bccaue ihy hsrl worked rlwring lh Ihfrty In which they shmiM have been absent. As enfom-d the eight howrand resve of -absence laws are maths to operate to increase witcs, awn not, ss wns Inronwerl, as laws, the enforcement of which would gine to the wsgn-trothers of the Gowfwwawt tnwa rn srhfoh to rwst and rrruperate tbetr wasted energies. And the ehtwrrent McCiwnas of Mary land Is dumb, and the Cnfnmbfa Typ graphical Union makes no sign' TIIK SlTSAKBlt YKRSUR TIIK MAX. tpeaket K ed looks like the plctnre of a ChMiamsn on a ten hex. ot like a plump pumpkin with a lathw's thlmWe Mmk on it for a head, ot like Tnr vtydropas that worthy is represented In the wood nils of the original edition of "Martin Chnxriewitt." He has all the slyness of Joey Bagstock. He Is tough tongh Is Tom Iteeil tough ami de-vllish sly. He has, too, something of the sltekncss of Oily Gammon ot the Arm of Quirk, Gammon A Snap, ami a good deal of the brutality of Sykes. Hut It must lie said to his credit that al most all his bad qualities have grown from seed planled In the well-manured soil of his intense partisan nature. He is ready In I lie Interest of W party to do anything good or bad. In Its Interest he would Are the Capital with Ihe air of a man doing a patriotic duty; but, in his own personal interest, he would not do any, even the most trivial, act of lawless violence. In the interest of his party he Is ready to do, and actually Is engaged now, nt what may be called Congressional robbery of tho Treasury by opproprlatlou acts, into which crime outer, In alKiut equal proportions, the elements of burglary, hlghwaymanshlp and pockct-plcklng) but Tom Heed would not enter the wide-open door of the Trensuiy and curry off the surplus for tho purpose of cm Idling himself personally, even It he could do so with out trouble and In the certainty that tho act would never be disco vcred. Ho Is probably ambitious to bccomcncrimlnal after the fashion of the fool who tired the Dpheslan dome, but to his own en rlchmenthe never would consent to be n loolor, n traitor or an Iconoclast of any kind. He Is n true-blue Republican, and In that phrase is contained a lurid explanation of all his nIHclal tergiversa tions and brutalities. AhRT mast profound an iiig'iilott crlllclHit Imve liven written concerning the I'erfoiniHiier of the Straus orchestra from V ten us, and nearly all of litem eoucued In a vt-ln of unMliited prale uml commenda tion. It U, therefore, with the turnout re luctance that we eonfcM to a tie ot JImp point went, niter a ercf'il hearlna;, wherein all otiririlprtloii(i vtti enlist d favorably. All that we had beard about the dellcaey ami preeislon of the orchestra's work wm realized In one expertenee. We discerned the light and dainty touch, the (gracious dash am Irresistible swing of the de livery. Hut there siael to us a sad deficiency In the matter of volume and eiuphttls at time. ThM were not always needed. Esilallyln the eompotltlon of .Air. KiluarU Strauu himself would any save tlie very 1'gbtMt treatment have been out of place. Hut one occasionally encounters In the works of the elder, Johami Strauss, a rauc.e Abere the demand are very great and wbers the west powerfully dramatic treatment would he appropriate. A ease In point may be found Iu the waltz move ment which closes the second act of the Queen's Lsce Handkerchief. This figured on the programme of Sunday night ss "Hose of the South," but it is more generally known In connection with the very tuneful opera we have named. We venture to say that uotxxly who attended last night's iterforaaBee and who had previously beard the same raueJe rendered by the .MeC'aull or the Casino Company of New York felt quite satisfled tbat the fullest use bad bB made of the ojijiortUDUIt. For ourselves, we found greater saUtfae tlon and more to admire and enjoy In the perforraaneea of Ollraore's Hand. This aisy be a narrow aad prejudiced view of the nutter, but we think itot, IT sbiuis to vs tbat the trial of Sureeou Sriaby of the Capitol City Guard partakes somewhat of the nature of persecution. No colored gentleman of high rank, either In the civil or the military walk of life, bos ever been expected to atteud a picnic, a frh-fry, a take-walk, or any other gaudy function tbere free beer, or even subscrip tion teoie, prevails, aad to malaUia that perfect sobriety ot deuteonor whieh is, pre sumably, characteristic of him elsewhere. CerUialy it is not expected at the South, nbere the Begroebaraeter is understood, aad ktt bis UUIe foibles and peeuiiartsiea are tedttlgeatiy comidered. Here iu Waabiag toe, however, where the was aad brother is reacbisg bis most perfect devesofMseas, and where, is view of the eueourageiaeat be receive, the greatest charity should be exhibited, we have the spectacle of per ehtaat effort to degrade aad otherwise punish the surgeon of the CapUal City Guard because be suoady &ad sooaJta asously pursued aa tin m saw rial eassom, aad celebrated a great aad gessaus os- MLAUb1 aMwdiutf tih kkaA sftAakal ahfik olamtaUttd. W f apafchtu wfcek liirgiQM Bnmhy a witk a uua who U umjwt&f V4mIs steeMUtttf lor Islw, w kttft t)6ataMs ernUe) XMsrlflMaMftsVOaV 4t VM seCCttanWk Txa Casric is ptaaseii. It hi used. IS has received from bar own baud, and bar buatsiass card, hy the photograph we have beea fasforaued that the lady is cusaely aad by bar card that she is "Attor aey, aVatfcitor-at-Lav atvd Advocate;" that she "practices iu Probate, CrissJaa), Civil, ataie sad U. - Courts, aad all CoskIussUsI Amssscaa ousta;" that she soasha ltaliasw shiasisshi Vseach aad narsBaa. aad that ahs dees buatosas at ulMi K. Mparoa steeet, aVaow T, Chtcatjo, Ubj., . i. A." U,aow, sap will towud a phosuogcaptuc eystader Csttat4smtefafil' tmlsK IfttMsS Qsf kaMT VfltCS itt tebSsl 4m aVsaty of aa argussent befecs oao of the IMlsMkttaWM eWMslte IsV WleJeV&t Sfaet BemeftaHiH eUel feVrti &&&M0J V tem$ seWitatCpVisMBmUft Opf laaV" sbemo sift eW ftrjHfOCIttapi Tsus o t Hew York TiMti da fP (be eaufiaas) isaaatuMt of Moa. Clark sos) bs Uoa. Cabist liirtfH' ttlsths teturt eoertaosM that Cabot U4asBakeuabr Cteduoa's attack ueetvU msesse saiutsa ut hcetoa, but ts hi aoae the Ism ssTstifiytt Vbea Vs. Loops asps that atr. rtarfcsfle ssass baas ssada cessaia vtaSeaMaas bt ie&t hssaess hs ssaat have ksuwa tbat tbr ware aaire. as etses s IsaSMii ta the art ul utUu tblaps to Neasn. Ptbub aad tfarrw aad a Utswmtt in verauitT to Mr. Ciacsaoe- Mo osm ca sead M XsifsMpStt'S sWameeMeVft WtwWttt EsteUaaVVJalaC SMst amnV' lfsT)a1amUa lieaaMk lftT- -toslimlfieeV'B aaVftlseflMftaM law tjAehl eMafsaafceWp eW aam 4MiammVlBmVttPa bejel JfsU OM would SbuUM Mr. indue uf Htcrf tcwn-il fellow RepSMlean air! a iritmhrr of the A(ttBlntlraon. AA e sr. ccBTta'oi that Mr larkwm ts PNfeh hetter trrerswtl In the matter of ctvt!-setr1pt1leform twsn Jtr trxii r's rofnments wewfl hsvn no hitatin in tatm eet owl tm iswastun that the Asttsnt fasteMPMtn rat in not twitin the rseje) t sn't WoWn parrmse. "A rnoot. Bor," who f a .wIPMsslpst rmtletter, retnms to the churte agMrnsl the levee men and says, m this IssWe et Twit CniTte. tome canstk thtngs. sraMnd and not exactly fonnded on "the etsraat fee of everhtatmg troth," ss good nM Oeseon Smith express hlmwtf. ireihwSieurSthan this. We Deeomes a prophet of nvpssajr, and wants the people of !tew Orleans that they Meat soon choose between ssetafjt tho l.ttcc Borgne outlet trted St private SVpweae an.t seeing their rtty st oft the Ismhs of the river and go like MrOtnty to the bottom of the seal We tremble for Sew Orteam. when we remember that Captain Cowlen i abroad and that "A School Boy," who setms to be an Intelligent man In a general wsy, ha transformed himself Into an alarnm hell' It nons vov .trrnAn that the swttmrt itcsare greet! y concerned shoot the ft and reckless drtttng in the street, eon eernlng which so mnch complaint has been made. The driving continues practically In as vfelons and dsngerons a form ss ever, and the cttften can see no greater proVMon than before for the protection of the pe destrian. The pnbltc, however, have still some hope tn Mr. Thompson ot Ohio. Will he not kindly press the Inquiry eon ttmptsted fn his resolution ? If the au thorities are determined to Ignore all ap peals of this kind, It will lie some comfort to the peep's of Washington to know Just who Is responsible. SEEN INJHE LOBBIES. Hon. J. J. Jlolt of Statesvllle, N. C, arrived last evening and Is at tho Kb bltt. Dr. Mott Is the leading Repub lican of the Tar-Heel State and Is said to be the "Mat Quay" of the South. Dr. Jlott said to Tub Ciutic rejwrler tlmt in his opinion Ilrowcr nnd Kwart would be ronomlnntcd and re-elected, and not to renominate them would be a confession of weakness. In speak ing of the McKlntoy bill Dr. Mott said It was satisfactory to the Republicans of North Carolina, with the exception of tha tobacco clause. "We would have been butter pleased with the bill If It hnd removed tho cnllto tax on to bacco, as was promised In tho national platform; but if tho revenue from to bacco will be used to purchase sliver wu will be satisfied." Dr. Mott said the ilc font of the Illair bill was a big sur prise to the people of North Carolina and that It hurt the party. Congressman J. II. Hitikhcad of Ala bama 1ms returned from a trip to his district and Is at the Metropolitm. He said to Tiik Ckitic reporter this morn ing that the Fanners' Alliance In Ala bama was composed of white Demo crats, and that the Republicans hid more to fear from the Alliance in the West tlinu the Democrats had lu tho South. Colonel Dankuead sal.l that whoever the Democratic party nom inated for Governor this fall would be elected. He also said that In his Judg ment Alabama would return her present delegation to Congress. Col. Joo MoKlbbln. proprietor of Miuchall Hall, Is stopping at the Hotel Johnson. Richard Morgan and wlfcof Louis ville arrived last evening and registered at the Hotel Imperial. Mr. Morgan runs one of the largest distilleries in Kentucky. He Is bore looking after the Internal revenue feature of the Tariff bill. A. Ijouglass and wife of St. Louis, F. G. Harrison of Lynn, Mass., and S. W. Scott of New Ysrk are at WIHard's. General Thomas S. Roasor of Vir ginia Is spending a few days at tbe Rlggs House. W. II. Delford of Brooklyn, Edmund Welmore of New York, and W. II. Grass of Lee, Mass., arc among the prominent arrivals at tbe Rises House. Lewis A. Scott Elliot, a wealthy ranchman, has returned from a visit to bis home in London. He is spending a few days at Welcker's. Sir. Scott Elliot's ranches are located in Colorado. Oliver W, Mink of Boston Is at Worm ley's. Mr.Mlnk Is treasurer of the West era Pacific Railroad. He is here to at tend a conference ot railroad mea. M. It. Meyer left the Arao this Morn ing aad returned to New York, Mr. Moyer is tbe compiler of tbe hotel rod hook. Mr. and Mrs. K. 1. HoUUwr of But faio are at the Kormaadie. Max K. Moorbead of Pittsburg U at WUlard's. Mr. Meorbead is rsratideat of the Mouougahela Navlgsttoa Com paay. He is here with Messrs. A. K. W. Painter aad Joha II. Itteketoa. tho iroa aad steel manufacturers of Pitts burg. They are hare to ash tha Seaato Flaaace Cottusiittea aot to wake aay ebauge to tha metal treat aad steel schedule ef the MeKtotoy bill. They are latisaed with the rase of duty Used by tho bill. Messrs. Fatolor aad Hfcke toa are sioppUuT. at tha Arlington lioa. Xatfcaa Ooat, sfoompaatai by hie wife, caw to this saoratog aad teak spttrtNaosss at the SMdtt. Joseph A. MUler of Providence. H. K. Uatapf of liotyoke, Mats., aad 0. B. Mgoary ef Ctoriaasti are at the EbMtt Cososu sttohard Lathers of How Yotk gsmo a a"t eojofahte luucheosi at CbimherhVs this afsetaooa to a se me party of butts aad gsmtleanea h4ui "Mm Ytfaekfi. mittmtiQff Uei Mn. spssseajr saisat SfV VPeve wosmsiw ss e" hViUiies, His. Wesms of Mew York, CUacrsi raugjpmr of Virginia. Judgw ad Mm. mtfrdrshur, iuxgeoa-Oumrjel eppFSiaV 4eps4 TpmmrejP epaemis a, s eh WifflamJooMfAtoaof Charlotte U at tibe Mitioip9ii4api. Uf JtmfiOiP QWoSjft kA 'WLJSkmA MdhUill. taat VetlAsldfaW kUstsUl to rhifflriftg Ho. H- C. Fafse of Milwaukee ar rived last eveetog aad registered at hhe Ebhett Mr. Fayoe was suuagiy tafkwl Jo the Posasaastar Ucaexalship, hut as bswator Quay vaatod Waaa aikr, why, uf course, Mr Fayaehad io clvc way. Mr. Taync Is hem on orl- itr lmMness, he will remain ovet to tend the meeting of tbe Nattomil fte ruNican Committee Thursthty. W. R. ReyimMs of Ptbwri, tbe traveling passenger sjajeet ot the Quebec nrd Cresent R. R., to at the Metfopoli- tin t Blebwr and ftwirey efwtt of Jfew York, T. T. Ysnwfl MH Wife ot Al toona, Ps., nnd P. Merth of Albany are at the fcattonnk- T. O. Swlot of riblMmv, Philip & King of Mllrovd. Ml,; S. Sotrmron of Paris. Ky., nI J. tt. CrOhltmlth of New York sre reghtetal l tbe St, W. P. Wakeman of New York, II. leck of Chicago, .Jndge Snmwel Hays of St. Louis are at tbe Ltngbem. CO0NT1NG fliiTPBOPLBw Sftine r h- IntjHlflM to he, Mnile by the tnH KnniemtttrK. In order that the cillsewsof the Dis trict of Columbia may be prepared to answer or not answer the census enu merators, according to tbe pertinence or Impertinence of the questions ashed, we print the following circular Issued br the Census Bureau The Eleventh Cetious of the Unltel States will be taken during the month ot June. The ceneos enumerators wfll begin their work on Monday, June 9, and will vlstt every house and ask questions con cerning every ron and every family In the United States. The questions tbat will be asked call for the name of every person residing In the United States on the first day of June, with their sex and sow, and whether white, black, mulatto, quadroon, octoroon, or Chinese, Jaanee, or Indian. Inquiry will be made also of every pereen as to whether they are single, married, nidnwed or divorced, and, If married, whether married during the census rear. The place of birth of each person, anil the place of birth of the father and motlier ot each person, will also lie called for, as well as a statement as to the profession, trade or occupation followed and the numtier of months unemployed during the census jesr. For all persons ten years of nge or over, a return must bo made by the enumerator as to the number able to read and write, and also the number who can speak Eng lish. For thoson ho cannot speak English the particular language or dialect spoken by them will bo ascertained. For children of school age, also, the number of months they attended school will bo reconled bv the ceDsus enumerators. In tha case o't mothers an Inquiry will bo made as to tho number of children they havo had, ami the number of these children living at the present time. This Inquiry Is to be made of all women who are, or have been mar ried, Including nil who are widows, or have lien divoreed. Foreign-bom males of adult age, that ts, 31 Jtars ot age or over, will be asked at to the Lumber of years tbry have been In the United States, and whether they am natu rallied or bare taken out naturalisation paiers. Of the bead of each family visited the question will be ashed as to the num ber ot persons In tbe family, and whether his home Is owned or hired; also, If owned, whether the home Is free from tnortif ie Incumbrance, if the head of the fani'ly is a fanner, similar Inquiries mil ho made concerlDt: theowuersiilp of the farm. In addition to thew Inq'ilrle. all of ulilch sre inadcontbepopulatlon schedule, the law under which the reneiH M t'en mates provision for special Inquiries con ceriilnx such of the population as nuy be mentally or physically defective In any re spect that Is, insane, feeble-minded, deaf, blind or erlpiiled or who may lie tem porarily disabled by sickness, disease or accident at tbe time ot the enumerator's visit. Certain special Inquiries will also be made concerning Inmate of prisons ami reformatories and of charitable and benevo lent institutions. Ilesldc this, a statement will bo culled for concerning all persons who have died during the census year, giv ing their name, aiee, sex, occupation and eaute of death. To tho above Commissioner Porter adds the following appeal: This olHcljl count of the people comes but onee In ten years, and every family and every person should consider it to be their duty to answer tbe questions of the census enumerators willingly and promptly, so tbat definite and accurate Information may be gained concerning tbe 06,000,000 people living within the bounds of this great country. "A SCHOOL BOY" REPLIES To deorcla" anil Milken Oauttlo Ne wark In 111 I'enullar Myle. KMter Critic. In your valuable paper of May 24, 1600, your correspon dent, "Georgia," attempts in vain to color tbe waters of truth upon tbe iiuottlon of outlets! He squirms like an eel In the hands of Sullivan! It Is useless! He knows tbat tbe law, tbe illustration, and tho application, which I presented In your paper of May 21, are correct and he dare not deny them! I have great respect for teachers, especially from tbe prairies of Kansas, when they tell tbe whole truth and nothing but the truth; and yet when they move into the valley of the Missis sippi and settle at such highland places as Natchez, In tbe State of Mississippi, aad from such points of natural advaat age endeavor to mislead the Govern tient Into building vast levees oa tbe banks of tbe Mississippi River, which often cave into the river, ktveee aad all, 1 must talk back. If I were buildiBg a railroad from Kansas City toNatohez. Miss., It U very probable (hat I should oppose outlets until I got the Govern meat to divide the cost of the bed of ay railroad ia the t'Veriiowed lands north of Red River upou the ground that it was acting as a Mad of levee for the plasters! 1 deay tha absurd figures la regard to the deposit to Lake Borgue for the reason that tbe tidal outlots of tbe Mis sissippi River at Southwest Pass, South Pass, Pass Loutre, Cubit's Gap and the Jump have beea open for periods raug tog from forty years to two huadred years, ami for the same reasons would the outlet toto Lake Borgae, if made osm mile wide aad km feet deep at low water, remain open with a river be tween Its banks just Uke the other tidal outlets named above have done, are detox and will continue to do until aiopptd up by scientific ignoramuses! The luods of the Mhjifasippi Biver wuat be given many wide, deep and direct outlets to the tiulf. or they will continue to run over the tops of the levees, to their mad efforts to get to the Gulf of Mexico ! It seessts to me that, if Congress Usttuu much longer to the sessMlees assertions of men who have the audacity to say that there are no socks to the bed of the Mississippi Shier at Malchez, on which Ave steam brass have been wieeked. the Missie ajppf Sever stii get wad and back oVomn the Aichsiatoya to the Gulf, and thus leave New Orleans upon an Inland bajeui T sjao thins that the Senators from ma must soon choose between the Lake Burgee oustot tried at etae et c4hcrwise if the- es- MfAlp see New Orleans sesaain oa the eea or ttc "iffftafrri laser, and 1 posjr ins tluu if they persist to their onnashton B ihU trial of what seeeas so uJUto to so uuuy thowMnde of people to this country, lUy U1 hate to face tbe sissidjsne that the railroad itieruisinrs and Sapsas umuks ate enuee toiueniial with them iWn U the welfare of the milieu who live in thai dutulate but VoneVurf uily fertile- valley. Very r1ctiuUy, A bcuttui. Bs. Vaenisgtoo, May Hi, loW. (sajttj nvsmas A ttmldr Matter. Cbatfts bnve boen preferred against Captain Sampson of the Navy by Rep rwentntlre MmM of Maryland ami Dr. W. O. Turk of Annapolis, gecretaij Trncy baa tbe affidavits of TTmawrs Walter and GeoTge 11. Ixiwry (CwpSalrt IStoVijawn's colored servants) who atrege that he unlawfully and wrongfnlly re tained part of their pay and tbe amount allowed as commutation of rattowe. The papers will be referred to thn Judge Advocate General for a report ami the Secfetnry will then decide whether to order an Investigation. It Is stated at the Navy Department that some enemies of Captain flnmrwoti at the Annapolis Naval Academy urn be hind the colored servant In this matter. " ., Mini' ICtwtton. Tbe annual election of Washington Lodge, No. 15, of Elks km place lust night with the following result: R alted ruler, E. B Hay; exalted lending knight, Leonard C.Wood; exalted Kvywl knlgbt, BenfamlnEngei; exulted lectur ing knight, Joseph Panning; secretary. J. Y. Potts; treasurer, M. O. Me Cottnlck; tiler, William Williams: I rust pes, Joseph Dorr, J. C. Maxwell and Prank II. Clarkson; grand retire sentatlvr, Hamilton 15. Leach. The newly-elected oftlcerajvere installed by District Deputy EvJlld Grand Hnhw John A. El linger. A lllcyctn Accident. Mr. R. A. Ashton, who resides at !Tl Louisiana avenue, was thrown from his wheel on Pennsylvania avenue Sunday by coming In collision with another bl cj cle rider. He was taken to the Hmer gency Hospital and treated by Dr. Ellyson, who found tbat Mr. Ashton hail sustained n fracture of the right shoulder blade. With tho force that the two men came together the accident might have resulted much more seri ously. CnnErcMinftii-Klcct Vimx Comlnrr. Congressman olect Vaux, who will succeed the late o.x-Sponker Randall, left Philadelphia for Washington to day. He will be sworn In to-morrow after the journal of tho House Is rend. Ho Is accompanied by Squlro Mo Muilcn, William V. Kean and other friends. Woe.' "10 mil's n cent: 10 cents a dime; 31 dimes, a bottle of Dr. Hull's Couj;li Sirup. tt proves a boon to tho alflleted ami costs only 86 cents a bottle "Salvation Oil." Mis Iliiviill's Death. Miss Marthn Duvnll, dnughtor of tho late Jesse Duvnll, well-known In this city, died In Baltimore yesterday after a lingering lllnoss. recursion tn Oettrtliiirr; on Decoration liny Tin llm rennsylvuiila Jtaltroail. The Tennsjlvanla Itsllroad will run an excursion to (lett)sburg, l'a., on Decora tion llay, May 80. Special train to leavo 1). A. V. Station, Sixth street, at 7 a. m., reaching (iett)sburg at 10:51 a. in. ami re turidng, leave Uettysburg at 0:17 l. m., reaching Washington at 10 p. in., allowing seven hours to visit the man points of In terest on the battlefield, tickets for thl excursion will I sold at the low rate ot $1.50. Tbe train will run via Fulton Junc tion and tbe Western Maryland Kallroed In holb directions. This route through the wild and picturesque scenery of the Utile Hldge Mountains presents many attraction to a person desiring to take a pleasant ltotl dsy trip. At (lettysburg beautiful monu ments mark all the prominent points of In terest Tlie people of Washtnuton should not fall to take advantage of this low rate lo visit the famous battlefield, and obtain a day's pleasure at slight cost. The entire train will be run through from Washington ami no change ot cars Is necessary. Frank Ward usually bought a dosen. You buy one for tbe excursion May 'JO. That Tired Feeling I'revBlls wllh Its most eaervatlae and dls eouraclng effeet In spring aad early summer, when tbe days crow warmer and tbe toning egeet of the cold air Is gone. Hood's Sarsa parllla speedily overcomes "that tired feet Ing," whether eaused byehange of ellroate, (tiasea or life, by overwork or illHess aad Im parts tbat f eellag of strength and setf-eoaft-deaee wbteh Is oemfortlng aad satltfylsg. It also cores sick headache, biliousness. Indi gestion and dyspepsia. Xenons lleuiluclie "Early last spring I was very ration run down, bad nervous beadasbe, felt uiUerable and all tbat. I was very mueb benefited bv Hood's Sara parllla and reeommeed It to mr frlends."-MHS, J. M. TtTLon, 1110 BuslM avenue, Cleveland, O. "I have for a longtime been using need's Eertaparllla, and, believe me, I would net be without it. As a sprlag medietas It Is Inval uable." K. A, Ilnense, S0 Ontario street, Chicago, ill. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. !1; six for St. Prepared only by C. I . HOOD & CO.. Lowest, Mtuw. IOO Ilosew Olio llollur HI It KHNT miosis. AttfTHlilnmtt tmOtf IM4 Ktod, fuur Hum Ot Uu, SS emti ftr u li-i.rtoc Vla&UfitT tkru, HAVMOME FLTtNlaHHO KOOM8. BN suite or aiiuile, at t be PoaUagbaa 9S0 tttb st a w. overiooktag Mefbsrsoa Sqaore. Choke table. H RBkT TWO VDHNKBBU UOOOill. ealtable (or gesUtenwa. Mo.9SSMstaw, I.tWsT AND FOUND. LOT. MULAID OK STULXK-CBttTiH-cates uosabsrad S, SS1. 9U. 9SS and SSi for one share etuib Viret 'iartm Cutaen' nuuiiable Bulldlag tssoriathm uf Goorge tuwa. D V Botloe U berebl given tbat v lytkaJtou baa be ssaibj fur tbe tasiiaaoe of euslbiate vttrtiavates. Her MAJtfUitarr HAYUBK. Witaeses- Hark. IP BitMBY. A.M. Kill; strtiJit Jnfaef'tteslenBaisI sttaaef IMsl Jattet JtUf JsMt 9t Uu, Xttmbjtt em (aVsritna if W ttSttr tku. NOW It) THE TIME. WB Wtti PAY te aspeisr lor nsnts' asssV-elaas see Psv-aV X-PujSc. 1 Ita f s4cei. itleswber of WuUtutftuu btMk HkHuuk. AM laeul siuetts uud iiaesiirftlae utwglst uud msI. tiOlbXBV tKAU WsTATal. T SALB-AtUXT IT A('jt-B .QSii ST A.' a exuadeo. on taa uue ( .ta- auitm ton anu sxiuUers is tj the nar-'ri' of thA lebilwajr. being a part cellar JtuwoMOtuse. At- a goon onuortuult bow eallad ' 'Mgewiod;' tut UiVDaturs. Vor t&u-UraufCBAI-tl BBOTW. 5 st a W SaUM-MMWSiKKK Wf UK-SsM. r fLBrarnr. f, CUSf'BO BOB ALL U.asweaa. &jV $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 To Gettysburg I To Gettysburg I To Gettysburg I GRAND HOLIDAY EXCURSION VTA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, (Wt DECORATION DAY, mflV 30. Fare for the Round Trip WO CttAWTJS OF CAHtt. fvtcjal train will reave the Stxth-Street 8t reea at T a. m.. rseeMec Jrettysbwre ft :M p. . see arrive m wtwMertc at te p. m. orFIOK OF WdOlJWAWD LOTHBOr, Cteeer JHh aeat Fsts. n. w. Hoys' Atl-wel Twe-r4e Kilt Suits, cle gsntl; raadeamt nent designs. SteeeStand 3 years, Jtedneed teft.SOealh. lleys- Albweol Cheviot Suits, In pkdted and Norfolk styles, olefjant patterns. Sites 4 to 14 Tear-. IIwtnSe-1 16 J I.7S eaeh. Hoyt' Fire All-wool Cheviot Suits, In llald, atrlpee, ete., oleeant werkmanshlp amt perfcet fit. Sites 4 to 1 years. Ile daetd tott.Uoaeh. Dots' Faney-strlped Outmg Waists. 8les Stu It yearn, ltettneol toJSe eaeh, SforSI, Doys' fine 7aney UnUunde-red rcreale Waists, t-pir collars ami eurTs, oxtrn neek bsixl. StceeSto 1 years, lledueed to SOe eaeh. Hats' "Mather's lrlel" White Uataun dered HH(s, 4 ply Itaen ewlhira ami etilfs. Htcs i to H yean, Hedweed te se eaoh. Dots' Mother's Friend" Funev Laandered 1'ercale WaMs. with sailer eollars. Stse tto It years, lledueed to Tie and St eaoh. Uoy' Jersey WaMs. Stses 34 to 8 years. Hednecd te Jl., fl.SO ami 1.T eaeh. Boys' "Motber's Friend" Flannel Waists, In navy Uue, fansy stripes and plaids and plain colors, blies Stoil yean, lledueed to fit JO each. Third Seer, WOODWARD & LOTHROF, Coiner lltlt ami F Sls.N.W. WKTCHES, I W. GALT BRO. & CO. JI071't:uus)lvauIa Ave.. Call atletitim to tkair sleek of Watehest comprising all the most desirable movements and styles of casing, from the lowest price for which a re liable time-keeptr can be bought to the most expexsire. These watches bmrour firm name and are fuUy guaranteed. American W a It ham Watches of all grades Dlttdsry f Uwfgfs aie Law Fkis QAjtPSaUX CABBUWesjet. A'PfOBSTBY-AT-LAW. us a tlkitseBtkgeBBBl. Waihsniisar. it ft Webster Law Buiseuut- Bessaenee ttnt K ssseat i AVWMttlBtW AJaW 4Mftuetaes, 0-C. B.Wa juber.iie&t! w IMWat'PelT WSMHUReV ATfsHaHtstY AT-LAW. bfl aad SW it St.. Pbsaeaef Jssusjjisg, i tornslsniasn.. t-, esenssgaen, w- v. VrautiiBtts ia the Courts e tbn l FrisMse Oeeeje Conatg. ji- && raUUtft. AC'JjBT )acUMsWr. lciie "WBM&ituWiag.yst- J ALXsUt JOatlstUat. AQRMY AC-LAW. lei&dtaa wtommc $1.50 t Station ot the Baltimore and rotor-r n a. . netarnmir, reave aettystinrri i 1- I AMOSHMBNTS, A IiBVUrjH-S ORAHD 0rKRA-tI0l8f5 JtlMtWe) neeeraMon Day and Saturday LAMONT OPERA COMPANY la the Wrest New York Casino su es". ERMINIE, inert. Orrlrastra. Orand Cher 13 of AX MNt TOH EJWS19 Mlahd ijc tfextOpera-NADJY. VTBW NATIONAL TIIBATHB. Matinees Wctlaeilar and Satnrdar at 2, Every BvenlngThts Week at 8 11. PRIMROSE & WEST'S JVflNSTHBLS. INCLUDINO OKO. II. FRIMItnSB, W. II, WEST. LEW noCKhTADKIt, HAHNBY FAOAN. TIlKOniniNtT.MO FOUH, SWII-T AND CHASE, and Others, KillNAN'S NKW WA8I1ISOTON THEA' THE. 11th St., south of rcr.nn. ave. Ladles' Matinees Tnos.,Tlmrs. and Sat. First Appearance In Washington r f DUMIMICK F. McCaffrey CirtAND DOUHLK ATHLETIC AND brKCIALlY CO. DOMINICK JftCAFFHEY, Whofouehl a draw with Sullivan and de feated t barley Mitchell. li to nny m. wlio will stny four ronnds with him JAMR8 HYAN, Clianiplon Mlddle-Welght of rcnriylvanla. JAMBS MITCHELL,' Cbamthm Mght-Welgbt of rcDnsylv.iH.i JACK HOITKB, Champion 1W founds. .TACK HAltT and JACK MAIISDrN, The Champion Wrestlers. Excellent Olio of Specialty !-tJr. ME1.V1LL8 SISTBItS, f-HBHMAN'8 KUNO IHtOMO. WILLIAM J. MURPHY, WATT8 NI) MclMTADK, ANDY COM.lfM, MAMIK MA.Sar-1 1. LI) VTKW NATIONAL TlInATHB." JUNE a AND 3 TWO MIGHTS. Commencement Kxcrclsesand Draii. lo HnteTtalninent by the MARTYR COLLEGE OF ELOCUTION AND THE ACADEMY 01 ACTING. Humorous and Dramatic Itrrltattoni; Clas sic ranlorulme: FenelnitUatlle; Greek Statu ary; Contest In (lesturo: Hoallnir Vldon Scenes; New ami Veautiful Attitudes In Cos tume with oalclum effects, aided by musical seleethins; "A Halllnir Scene." muslo by I'ro fessor Sousa, who will persocally lead tho orchestra iturlne Its rendition; "How Grand ma Danced the Minuet." "Tbo Famine," with Tableaux. Tragedy and Comedy. Scenes from tbe followlns plays: "Inco mar" tflower scene); "Itomeo and Juliet" (as deciphered br I cnatlus Donnelly); "Nell Owjnn" (a stage upon a staeo): "MeK Mertlles" (entire): "Ma.leth" (murder reeneK "Leah, tbe Forsaken" (death scene); "Hamlet" (Ophelia la tbe mod seece). Tills college will graduate this year soma of the beet professlona! talent In the United States. Complimentary tlekets mutt be exchanged for reserved seats. The latter may be obtained for 21 and 'O cent. at W. 0. METZEHOTT & CO.'d, lllu V st.n. w. Summer courses In Elocution cost from 1 1 upward. Ciroulars bow ready at tbe CoUeee, 6H lsrtb st.n. w. All persons who enter tbe summer class on or before June are fur nlsbed thi best oroeeditra cbairs FHEE for the entertalaraents at tbe theatre, mra)taju3 nine HEOLIKN. Is the Oreatest of AH Musical Instruments Deeaose It perforBuany raaslo from a waltz or a ballad to an overture or a symphony more beautifully and more nearly Irfeot than any other tingle iastrBBeat. Tbe Aeolian is not aseebaiilaal, but tbe raaaliuihtiwB of It Is so simple that a person can let ru Ui j4ay It with f rota oee to threw weeks' praetlea. Your visit to see this la stresMtt will be eeteessed a favor at E. F. DROOP'S, MS PA. AVB-, fete Apeet tor ste'away aad Other Flra CIum Meant aau Organs. BDDOATKINAt.. rpBK JfOKWOOD INSTITUTE. Xtttratt tmuk a trinnu I fn kanlv 4 fiuar ----- -- tar lav AilTli.ji aa to a geasl Msnoot for your daiubter, I oou with enaSilsaffe reoosamsnd Mr. and Mrs. CabuU's NoiwouJ Iaatitste, ts Wajttluion. B. C. Tbe staadard of scholarship trwre U blb, tbe Bssttuethw tbosoash and tbe Inrla eaoes atiod. L. Q. C. Zaxax. Justice U- S. bspresae Court " Tbe sabool onens Sent Sa. aa-dAMf HONEY TO LOIN. C. HILL, BBAL BUTATB AND LOANS. "-'" in oil uu-U ol too city Life S. and Fire Imurauee. Coruer Mb and F sis S w. Le Bsait Bulhiiug. sUS Vt? SSS St. B. W. OaiSYT LOAN ON GOOD BBOUBiTY- uu-, fie lx ave- w mWl' nt ALL BUMS. TO LOAN OK BJUL BsrTATB BBCUOITY. ATI AXBIFBK CBNT. M. M. FABKBK, iSlSFst. sajttusM aad Triut Ooauany of Pblisvielubia on isnvruveu pruptirij m ud to 7S oar oant. or autoai m&r value, wtti or without life uuxuie. 'AUut tanataiy or quarterly in i. runnuur i. 10. UuraOveoni. In IStysta w. 8ti t m w. BSSBassBSMaassaaBseBRWBSSBnaasiBanBisreKBaass VWsalUtTAKaUt. J wttUaM us AHbOsMbbbbNT lO llMf Lattela1 JOBltfi xtxtob st w jk-acaas. m yiaarAVfWj s- . ntaaeh uWen. m Mart land are. . w. - -"i in-fa' ,ig-J--h,JwwPfea-,-Wfc.... -S Y- -w , .- jAlJadaWMMaMMMSM m.,. .Jsi1CTW-B