OCR Interpretation

The daily critic. (Washington City, D.C.) 1890-1890, October 04, 1890, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn2008058170/1890-10-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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rIxns Daily Ottrno
TU 0n Dmoenttte bnttf Pap Pai-
tehed'at WfMnfto-
TfiriiwiN citine etjkrusr.
urn I ..
fmmt of snwciwfTos.
JfwS WHM trepaM), J t J
1 month 89
tSMIM, In ttW efty. 1 Month
" liiilCitifiC
Ml 6 WrtPSV
irwifcwmow, p. c.
WaMmrwTOS, fl. C, OcrWRRn 4, 19W.
iwirn t ii 1...... .,- -M .
Th New Tor tfM of lata mat
Iff fs a graftd ttlratMoftht He
Rthifraii readers to rotonltt tatlaaa.
VtiH Vltal-la and Coiitwetknt with
Wftf ts Iw-m Xorth Carolina, the rmr
JWHj Mas; to malt these doubtful
Stttfc eertalatr WefttibUcan. A man
HMKd Liswkt, who llrad formertr
ill 444 II street northwest, In this
fy etlglgajeit 'bo scheme, awl
(VAT, Li!aRok nn.t IH'DMT
ate ertlnterts It. Kliht to ten tbon
fund ate lo be taken to Indiana, three to
four tritmsaoil to Yfest Virginia, ami
two to thtee thousand to Connecticut.
Quay tattle an order upon I.tsiwitT,
dated September 8 last, lo deliver two
b Nml ted Xortk Carolina colored f.tmtlles
at Itramwell, West Virginia, mltllnj:
"I'lme act promptly." lie erlilently
desired to get tbem Into the State loner
enough before Ibe election thin fall to
fllve them an opportunity to vote. In
the "expotnre" an autograph letter by
QUAY la printed. "Now, iny dear
friend," say I.txoeicr, wilting to a Mr.
J. It. AVhitxiirah ami explaining the
tctic tne to htm, "read this letter, which
I hope will put you in better
spirits; ami then. In the langutge
of ere of our great statesmen, let me
sey: 'Hum tUIs letter." Don't tear It
tip, but burn 1'; for, m some of our
friends lay. If It were to get out thot
Is, If they could prove that our work
hail any political significance at
lacled to It It would not inly
luln rur chancet of suscots
in these doubtful flutes, but the e.Tort
would be sack at to do u Incalculable
Injury In others. In a word, It would
cause vw to lose every Congressman In
Loth Weat Virginia and Connecticut
tbfa fall."
What an uaaodly fellow Is the pro
frttedly godly man of the name of
Jomx Wa:amakrr, Postmaster-General,
by virtue of unvlrtuons par
Irsea boodle and the mysterious action
of an aJRtctlsc Providence ! lie U as
tricky m a circus mule, a hrpocriircsl
M Iaoo and at bumble In a cheating
way h elawmrpalmed Uriah IIkkp.
This li the opinion that the Btilg
Jfttrs f Birmingham. Ala., baa formed
Piesidaat IlAMiueoK's man of many
jsreyetr, scaatimoeius feature sad
tattsVaeeplas; iaius, who, in polities.
with keen, dlteeisaiaatisa' sight.
Stack's cot a Terr black, nor waits so My
In the following brief and al
most beart-reodlnt; recital may 1m foinnl
the eauae of the bad opinion the iVi
baa of the bead of tfce I'oatottice Dep-irt-roeni:
When Pfeeidest IUmruoh, lm
pJUd to the action by the salveHae
poMey of PraUe-God Waxamakbk,
leeomrBended to Cosgreee "the esact
reent of a law dealgned aa the AiitM
pte It to destroy the crime breeUIne;
lotteries of thii coua'ry," the Xs
Irekeeut into a scarlet fever of la
foiumeat. It praised the President In
the extravagant language of enthus'ai
tie admiration, and ealled biua a
catHageous attaeker of vice a St
George of Reform advancing to the de
it ruction of the horrible Dragon et
Tfew OrWam. And all the time the
Jk'm was publishing the iHasjoa's ad
t tttseanent. t he remark be nude
that the Aitrs was aeting. in these neo
Ji ssisnt as preily a pUce of hypocrisy
istbkir Pieaident IiAHRieoK or Pj
MaMer General WAKAMAKiutr
Will, the Mil authoriains; the bowl
log rttifioeUl of the Admieistrit'bm to
tk maeseesios of the malls was enacted
bf Cfiegress, and again the AWe, In its
wee annenVed kypoerhkal masuhtr,
yiiifaingfy a ounewd end aswfored rke
IHeasiesU's answovai of tbe outragoi
And tben tisis meek and gentm and
Hs tmmr, anxious to hold Us
wirkf) tetsaey advertisement as long as
went to Holy josurs past
as Btiaaiagstaw, end. for tke
of awning time, asked skat
HMMsnaWy alao godly man to teiegraok
W tk Pesaeslce DeBArtnteat at Vask
ingaen. ttqiwatiag a reply by tekgrspfc.
"fMaf a synopsis of tke law. and
wkii It would go into eafcet. all ex
jaM to be paid by tke Xtm."
tirWseufua Holy Howls Wajia
HtM'e me at Htriatngfcam, wttk. a
wjsjg, pwimrtdy, tsdd tiae Mvn that sack
lammmmV VM WOt. sMCMMSV llaVsgtt )M WflmmW
Vw Mjgiii. and tkt tke Mmt would be
Vjgjpiwi'l d wMt kt waoted to know,
asjs) aJJ ig tssnn.
'itwisanngly" tkus tke aisaoat tnar
ftkl Mm "the A'm cosHinund pub
s&atf lostary aveftisnaasts until"
fctt kjooiMWi of tk fact that ta bwr
wna in tfltost ksd beset dfosmUed
kr a tasMl aotke gsww to U by
IMaanlngkSJn nlsnaatat "Hot
dm faa r ttMti i(4titiaans has since
to these coUuuot." ttji the
i ka a kind of (eneoackiul ton.
Swt sjkout uoost on VrMnv, 8etsa-
ktaa on bA 4Sui asam tkta daa hi
4RP Ml sslmm flaww mmy pmmm aRB mm
vmkch the) pesjaastei had inionaed the
kUneiir'j ifaoiant Asc that the ti
stims isiv was in effecta deouty
Vnstaa etttes marshal arrested Mr
Kins N KuuiJui vl ike .ca, ua a
WJrii for aebJiO tbrouL lUc Uiua
tatnt." Te warra)t had been orn
out by rosToAm IMmwstarl 8. T. flow
ten and Fkd D. SMm fam deemwd
befrre blah Irtavtn and Ml tire aMnta
of r artn, that "t1wff action Wat najwi
pf.n reregtapbf' ! frwm lb Pott
jratler Gmtl, so It ." they eH
drttly wished te jfnra lo kw that
they ouW rwit Mve been mean of their
oem totnion.
Swlitow tbla world It g1m H
Ijlltf ' what was the amaemeM of the
rfttttn-trodden nnomsa when, upon hit
apfwerawe before the rnlred Statw
Coitiiolettoner, that ofRrlat made what
tml jVif ralla, In a surprised iwy,
"IhestttlHrigatinounccmcnf that the
hretor had gone the lone distance of
three mll, after mldnlaht dark and
dreary, to sweat out the warrant up-n
which he had been draeeeil. n to jpeah,
hum boni nmi bwlns' To bis crellt,
be It antd, the Commhslontr refined to
lame thewatranl before dayllcbt, ami
in Rttonitt was not dragtetl to the Cor
ir l.h'ner' rfflee until about high noon
tie neat ilty.
Kut ttm this Commlasloner, who
could lie thus merciful, wa? cruel
brattrd at laM, for although," ys the
JS'tri, "the offense charged could not In
ahy event render Mr. Huohes liable for
wore than fl.OOO of fines, yet the Com
miraloner placed him under a f.1,000
I ond, a heavier penalty than the Com
tnlslrncr rets fit onllrarlly to Inflict
upon highway robbers of the mulls,
rnunterftiteis and other criminals of
moral obloquy.''
All of which facts the Atr sets out
In detail "for a double purpose," as
the parwr state! "Firstly, to show that
the ltitmlbpham pteas did not 'know
irgly' (In the language of the law)
break or si ik tn evade the anti-lottery
statuir: and secondly, to give a ghmpw
Into the meihods of the hirelings who.
In the event of the peerage or such lows
a the Fort bill, would attempt to an
noy and itnlmirass the people of the
Awl thereupon the AVirs proceeds to
"Lay on, Macduftl" and to give It to
Waxamakkh and bis minions In the
mott approved fashion of the Indignant,
lucerne outrsred, editor. And among
ollur emphatically indignant remnrks
he interjects the following concerning
rcntlc Johk of the (hop and the malls:
He comes before I lie country delivering
titllu nlttione hsmt, ami nttti Uol's Itook
In the ottier, mid take snip Judgment nn
die press under tlie pretense that tie would
iiipprtss vlee. The taw a silmlnlstered Is
u ior crime tlian the dreadful lotteries.
Certainly it Is. We thought you
would flnl out that fact "In due o ur
of ii all," di sr A" ir, ar.d you Dave.
Dut jmi wanttd Ibe outrscous U'v.
0h1 A'ltr; ynu conimendeit Hamkimin
whin he rirr nuncmkil It to Congress;
uu n jcirnl at Its passage; you leaps 1
fcr joy when It was approved, and now
jou sp enj"lng It. ileal I v, through
our tears of symnalhy. we almost srr.lle
at you. Indeed, wo are tempted to re
proach you and to remind you of i
leas' two facts, lllbllcally Indorsed,
that the teeth of children whose fathers
hi vs eaten sour grapes are set on edge,
and that they reap whirlwinds who aow
wind. In other words, you got wit tt
you wanted, ami you must now Uku
tbH effects of what you have obtained;
ard you should do so without whinlnir.
You helped to build your ovta slaughter
pen, and It would lieooiiie you to go to
the slaughter meekly like a lamb and
not noWlly and stubbornly like a bihlng
A xohnino t'APKK print an account
of the arrival of the head of the French
houses of Uourbon and Orleans, which
Is a gets la Its way. It refers tn that
distinguished gentleman as the "Comte
de Paris," the "Compt de Paris," ami
Anally drops Into plain English and calls
him the "Count of Paris."
It makes a gentleman in the Count's
suite say, in announcing the programme
of the parly, that
fUHimortt Is our next place, ami from
there we go to Itl-eliwowl by boat do n tbe
Potomac and tbe James River.
There la no occasion for alarm on the
part of Washlagtoalans over this aston
ishiae statement. Tbe Potomac River
was flowing past the foot of Seventh
street this morning much as usual.
How the party will go down the
Jam '3 Iliver from Its mouth to Rich
taoal we leave to the ingenious French
engineers of the Count's suite, or to the
Imagination of the able morning paper
Johk Chkhok or Chic aoo died and
left an estate of 3.MW.0OO, $8,000,000
of wkieb was to go to found the Johk
Chkhok Library. Now eosne tke hun
gry belli and demand tke settinz aside
of tke will and tbe diaiiibutkMi of the
estate, library fund and all, among
themselves. Tke ehanoes are that H
will be done, as it was done in the
case of the Tiumuc estate ana his faro
prad library m New York. Tke
ground k that a bequest cannot be
legally aaade to anything wkkh does
not ehL
Tutt Knw Eei-Au Bahetmen are
oswAted to the saw tariff law. The
furaiture aad Uuak manufaeturers of
of Michigan are oupaaad to lb Thase
peosde as Heoubllcaas. bait the VcKut
lxv act will operate agataat their busi
ness interests. Hence thairall too-Urdy
opposition. They lock the stabtodoot
aiter the hassst kas Vy11 saoiaav
SftuUba 8ss said la his campaign
harangue at Kew Havea last night
that "You caaaot haw a government
by the naoasabjr leasing It to aoe
other fatiow." We sgsa with tha
htakef esptcislly if the 'othar fel
to" he Toat Kb.
mi i.- njir
Tm caaiasT of the Ktog ed all tha
Hawaus hi Uueateaid ih m unaat
PolitkaJly tosnathlag at siwayt unaat
teg, or tjinf ftilBag, of nvafttisalaf la
i iiakt utn- lilnaiie n iha Bnsnh
mspsmm em mapa swmpwe tmw mm w
Mjst W teW4IJ4KBal t&fc fgf ftgatsjiftHM
MmaMammff Im IsmmmamU am CtaUkV tam'tammltamMOWltjr
yssssSyajt fg taftMgUUf Qgf hg9 9Qi0nj&Ot
is forsniag. Let us hoost that tgW hi a
east vaeae tha Wmt M1 ssrkad "
A m iibia u errurs of stUiorf lu
l,uf. ILc '1 lilllf ll. I All UitOt LUliIJ
have bad It gone over carefully by a
ensnftW proof reader. A It Is thev
ttHI stand monument, as It were t.
ihemms bste lireeltabit leads to In
rmtUera of this kind. Hopowprrut
rrnlfy thrsr- rrrort rtrrpt Cm:ress.
rsrm these minor t rmrs Rectlofl ni
of Tbe Mil a entirely k-ft out of tire
ett, and. of conrw. cannot tm lwserwl
imrreln sate by artwn of Cowerest.
A fRtw ntrAtrn From KftnxvHte,
Tift., atwnl the trnnton of Unlift and
Cbttfedwraw men In that mowatatfi city
twt wttk says: "0 A. It. men ate
ctwwdrns; In from points s far West as
Amah and Nebraska." Tmsw's a goml
deal of room to crowd between those
two prdnta.
Mrtrtmnhtitn tmrton MansleM, !w
listen, Conn.: Ororte H. Rmery and lf,
t'oneotd, X. H.j ft. Rnrnetetn, New Turk;
Jl. T. Osrttson, 5sngatnek. Conn.; vr. tV.
Aihey l.eettmrt, Vs.
Xnftonai ff. Q. OoiMsnl, mtttletphts;
.tohn M TIHek. Wheeling; r. K. Bm.. 'St.
I on s; X. F. Make and J. K. Jones, New
York; Alex. Kllgotrr, Maryland.
St. Jnmer (tiarles Mttehell, ttarrtsbnrs:
Pa.; James lt-)am, Clnrtnnstl; Hugh H.
frnyngton, Hartforn, Conn.; T. 3. Morsn,
H'ilfnrd J. V. Ayer, Indianapolis; S.
C. mdeh. Term Itnnte; Rajmoml exenrton
party from Jew Kngland; ex-'tovernor
I'liflimood, Kentnrky; Morria Aitkr, New
YolV; A. Hankesrm, Cincinnati.
llipfft Alliert Bait and wife, (talreston,
Tex.: W. O. McCormtrk, Salt Uke Ulty;
(I. M. Viniaro. I'litledelpiila: V. ii.
Craven, Marjland; K. I.. Cottier, New
5totf ftnm V. Provost, New York; A. K.
llomt ahd wife. 1'lillailelpliln; Cotoftet A. 11.
Young and H. N. Yoiing, New Yotk.
drfingfen A. 8lmms. jr., Brooklyn;
Jsmts Hart, New York; Kobert Stead,
KlkiMge. .Md.; Zeimento, Mexico;
WIIH.m 1'. Hunt, Boitoti.
Aino. V. P. Caruttiers, Denver, Col.
lYnfinnnrfiV Mrs S. J. .Tnnes.Mrs.lt.
M. I'ell and flilplev Ames, Nevr York; D.
U. Shelby, Iltintsvf.te, Ala.
EbkiH. .. K. Dojd, Oreensboro, N. C;
(1. O. OrirTIn, (Ireetville, Mis.; Clareme
Moore. Charleston, W. Va ; V. V. tVII
belm, 1'otisvlllc. IV.; Cliarten M. Hrtnimi,
Mlnersvllle. t's.: Kngetie.1. Couttn, Han
Vraneleo; Wm. It. Harris, U. 8. N., Nor
folk, Va.
lolrl Jnhiwn J. It. Kekman; Krnet (J.
Welib, New York; K. H. Chapman, llattl
morc: K. K. Forsler. Post on; Tint. C
Worth, Chicago; C. It. Dogky, Seattle,
llotifrt),'R. I). Koberts, Baltimore; 0.
W. Hltihcoek, J. P. Slnchlm, lUltlmore.
Mr. Klmcr K. llouk left on Tuesdny
evening last for Knoxvllle, Tenn., on a
business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. It. Knapp of 1935
Twilltli street northwest leave this
evenlrg to visit friends In Ohio.
The Duchiss of Fife knows which
wnj tie wind Mows. She wears Scotch
coo' for the public occailons.
Knipi ror WlllUm Is In favorof calling
acnthcr peace congreas At onn. ml h.n
been mensurid for n new military suit
to wear on the rccaslon.
Gad's Hill Place, Rochester, famous
as the home of Cbnrlcs Dickens, has
Just been purchased by Francis Iw
1. album, advocate general at llombay.
Quern Isabella has been seriously ill
from the results of a cold which she.
caught at Oberammcrgau. The d'ty on
which she was present nttbo "Passion
Play" a violent thunderstorm drenched
all tbe spectators. Ilelng exceedingly
stout she was unable to extricate her
self from the crowd when the storm
The rrcent death of Ilaslle Alexindrl
at the ageofUO deprives Ummlinf
one of her foremmt writers, ami. In fact,
of the creator of bur dramatic poetry.
lie also rendered great rervice to his
country aa a patriot and statesman, and
until a abort time ago filled the post of
Roumanian minister to i' ranee.
A letter has been received from Dr.
Oscar Ilsumann, tbe African explorer,
telling of bis trip over the Pare Moun
tains. The letter was written at Upegui
and says that the journey, which was
made in fourteen days, was inrouju
territory which hail never before been
travemd by a civilised man. Dr. lUu
mann is now in Northern Upesegui. In
a district that has not hitherto been ex
plored by a Hurpean.
Here Is Mme. Modjeeka's onlnlon on
the arrangement of color "Red worn
below the face deadens tbe complexion;
worn above tbe face heightens tbe com
plexion. If, therefore, a woman wishes
to subdue tbe color In tbe ebeeks she
should wear a red gown or plenty of
red ribbons about her throat; on the
other hand, if she wishes to give her
face a certain touch of color, let her
wear a red hat or red flowers in her
Miss Kate Field thinks that the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
mifht well expend some of its surplus
tnrgv in reforming the women of
America who spend $18,000,000 a year
for eosmeiies, most of which are made
of sine, oxide, calomel aad similar
poisons. "How," (he asks. "eaa women
vain enough to paint aad dye taelr hair
btiaic forth ehlbirea stalwart enough
to resist tesaptatiOM that lead to all
manner of vlee, including drunken-
TijlDe la Fiwl ibe Wotklastuea.
All tke labor bills passed by tbe
House for buaeosnbe puraoads the
Eight Hour Back Pay bill, tha bill mak
ing eight hours tha work day la the
Qovetasneat service, the bill to smand
the alien Contract Labor law, aad tha
bill to prevent tbe use by the Gwera
mcat of goods made by convict labor
IsNAVstt kgtfMi a&aWAfeaSawtaaainal 4 ttlgeB ShMUaStmf
They had bean aaade useles for any
good purpose by House aaeadsaaats;
but, kuag up as they are, aad worth
kas as they ate, demagogues will still
make uae of thasa as bait to catch
gudfaosw. Working wen are aavar died
af bfiag tooled by tha aatkaof the
Grand Old Party.
Wlieu SS Draws M
as (as fa aiasajmlO Mum' ibr
A Trnsaag will face a faawuiag world
aadcttagtothe saaa she laves thsougk
tha atoat kiuar advarauy, but saa
woulaVt waar a hat that was out of
style to save tha CtoeerBsnaal
Whea cat tha satis haag usakaw in taa sir.
But iiji saakaa by the long groual
aad vhha ctoad iaatt satoss the aeatae
ahi thaa, ssjr ntoa, I tone thy trsraace
jsiis aura tana
As nSSasaasl
tfetewhaa, oasusw
(skf PmnJ rstw
4 haar seat awate wafted ea the
orjeatia isjatMam eWsfW tkasdad
Coayasgr tJamh with leases sad
ur wutasaaW taaeugh the visas sad
teats eaartaed,
A tar 1ST, draasejr, Wclal:- bul Luue,
At iLtu I love U, U ii. o.jlilujt
AtJ Ub U) -. ui-i;Lr -ui k' lU , lj.i.
.1 V it
Ssrn's !( riiantavm" rnwiiMtny at
the ritaM rtieatrt).
The Olobe Theatre hm had a pecnlisr
and triqiuTtd ramr afd, but fur
errors of tbe managtment tn nre pas
wonld now rs otn? of the mrt popular
and nsprctable hnwsia of pg das. A
new ira has dawned for If, however.
and It Is now In good hands. All oi
Jrrironable fearttn have ftweti Hlml
natrd and it H promtatd that hereafter
It will be a rewitt which no owe nerd
htsttate to fnnutnt. Tire best of
traveling combinations have btcn en
gsgrd at-d a goorl eartteat of the msna
grrial premise Is shown In the an
nouncftnrnt for next week when Run's
Niw Phamasma" Company will o
rnpy tbe board. One of the Interest
Int'ftatmis will be tbe great skirt
drctr, Cyrem. of which the Memphis
Aohniht said: "??o such dancer as
t'jnPc has Veen sren In Memphis fr
n si y a Inrtg day and she made a arcs!
ar.d Ihstsnianeous hit. Her movt--mints
conetltnte the very poetrv of
motion and she csn alve the renowned
Sata, who made such a senatin a fev
vears sjro, points ami then bent her.
She drpatts from the orthodox billet
rrmiMrms in wearing a Ions; accordion
plait shirt. She handles her draperies
in a manner which Kate Castleton can
not approach, and the effect Is eleetih'at.
Cirenc must be sicn to Ire appreciated.
Her dancing cannot lie described.'
All the other members of the company
hare been highly praised.
Tim ltnllwaj- MhII Snrvlce Oonsnllitatert
nml n Chief Applnteil,
Captain .1. 15. 'White, Superintendent
of the Chicago division of the Hallway
Mall Service, was to day appointed
General Superintendent of the seiviee
In place of J. Lowriellell, whobtoomes
Second Assistant Postmaster General.
Louis L. Troy, Asststnlit Superintendent
of the Chicago Division, has been mnde
superintendent of that divMon. The
Postmaster-General to day Issued the
ortler placing the Rdlway Slall Service
under the supervision of the Second
Assistant Postmaster-General.
Anybody who came alter
one of our $10 FOUR
within a day or two and
didn't get it.-CANNO.
This morning the stzs
were filled in and there'll
be no more disappointments.
You've no idea of the
amount ot hustle it has taken
to keep our Black Cheviot
stock stocked especially
the particular grade in ques
tion. This rush is a "dish
of our own cooking"--the
making so good for so little
but it's what we intended to
do and keep doing.
Sals and Company.
BIoyIde the Temple or Justice,
Beginning with Monday morning
Judge Miller will bold Police Court at
tbe First aad Sixth Precincts. All of
the prisoners from Ibe station houses
east of Seventb street will be tried at
Luuienaat Kelly's aad tnoee west of
Seventh street at tbe First Preeiaet
station. The Judge anticipates that
this will be a very iacoavealeat way to
dispense justice, but it is the best ar
raagasnaat that ha has beam able to
make. It will probably take two
Moaths at tha least to complete tha
work aad tha contractors may ast be
gin oa It for a weak or tea days yet
Dhitrlot UsvsrBwiwt 'w.
Tha Cosauaiasioaers will have a meet
ing at s p. m. Tuesday next to decide
uuoa tha proper sites for the aaw school
bulldlngi to be erected under the Coa
giasatoaal aptwpHsitoa.
Dr. David II. Hasan has been a
noiatad school trustee for South Waak
togtoa, A lsauor Ueeaae has baea araatad to
Qaorge B. Davis of Ko. 11 Moaase
TuklAS Ttuut Ut
Savarai dajs will etapaa bafosa coa
traati ase fotsaatty eaaesed toao for tha
rrrattrurttvp of tha Uasae battle shins
aad fast erulaer. Tha Secretary It aow
staaagly iaadtaad to wake all thate hat
Oe ships lO.Ma ton vastale iattaal of
9,000. as coatowplated by the deput
SiaaM Ttnantm tsaa's fiuMua Oa.
t'jieas Thar loielteat aad wtMt graceful
jh)irrr who ever afpard uyoa a H ewphh)
stasss, tstsiaad out tfetues tbe audbmaa
The oneaMUs idaysd a sweet strain aad
Cyteua began to asaiue. Her movasseats
m.m tlu doMtv of m.iw ami Uuj sttlact
iasjr whft VMM lf)sfltgliiyHi WsV04jtcb to SsW !
"mm a'ttaaas.
liiataa tHllar thu aftaaaooa haad a
witaata aasaad tteary Saaw 3 fut eosv
lesnpt of court He tuale aa icapdrti-
litot sxa.r, and ibe line was doubled.
Lu-j...r .
iu.i J 11 KcL.
, aerai !ertmmtsi iHteAitw Mike
Cartan Kfssrrt tnn llrlrts Tm rirtoti.
F ra thr Xft Tork 5.
Ycterttay Timothy Morlarlty ami
Miss Bridget Lynrh were joined In the
hrnds of wrdlofk In Wamthnry. After
tbe memory the happy pair adjourned
to the houac of the bride, where a re
ception was bttd. There was rttenty of
ratine and drlnklnc, more drinking than
eating jndclng from the events of the
nlcht. Amons; the eueata wwe Mrchael
srid Patrick ('nrrsn. Michael had offlcl
attd as beat man at the wedding, ami
therefore had the seat of honor at tbe
left of the bride. Tbe Hqnbl refrsh
nent airmcd to harp a peculiar ettrtst
on thr guct. It made Michael swear
that He would be a bachelor no longer
tl an the flrt opportunity ottered for him
tortt a girl and weti. lie smtneniy
tn k a treat liking for Morlarlty's wife,
ard between ivry mouthful would Im
plant a kiss on the ripe, rosy lips of the
Moriatlty stood this for some time,
until he thought thst Michael was get
ttnp more than his share, and objected.
Ills objection had no effect on the gil
lent Mike, however. Moriatlty finally
became desnemteand pushed him away,
whereupon Mike raised an outcry, which
cpilcklv brotieht his brother Patrick to
his aid. Patrick, thlnklns; thnt his
brother was eetline hurt, jumped for
the newly-made husbnnd, ami with one
blow of hi fist knocked him and the
table wilh all the good things flylm.
Then the scrlmmaee became goner.d,
and continued until n rcpiad of otflcera
arrlvid, who put the three fighters
ur.der arrest. To stet the prisoners out
of the house the olllcers were obliged to
draw their revolvers to keep the crowd
or guests hsck. This mornlne In court
Mike and Pat were each fined 5 for re
sluing tho officer. Morlarlty was dis
charged, tho judge saytng that he did
not know of any worse punishment than
to keep n newly made husband away
from his wife on his wedding night.
A Divine's Views nn Christianity's
Duty tn ttio Inilimtrlnt Mnvc.
tnthtm ItitnHngten In tht Iklobtr firm.
lleccnt certified revelations have laid
bare tlic multlplletl horrors and depravi
ties of tho tenement population In great
cities, where forty-ono out of every
bundled families live each In a single
room, where the poorest piy tnoro rent
than the richest for osch cubic foot of
space and air. These facts put It be
3 nml ipiestlnn that, In the name of n
common humanity, and ns sure ns there
Is nn ethical element In Christianity at
nil, tliero are social sins unit uumnn
equities which have n more ureent nml
Imperative claim on tho consldonilon
of ecclesiastical councils and of weekly
eirmons limn any questions of disci
pline, ritual, bymnolfigy or nrcdimlnn
lion. It Is not necessary to cill out tbe
names of real estate tyrants or s ivaee
gnuatirx In New Yotk and Philadel
phia. Thvto Is a rense of right, after
all, which can be reached and silrrtd
wllhi.tit personal vituperation, by nun
called and let apirt to holy nlllc-ii. If
they atu sincere and candid, an I If
their lives ngreo with their pre ich'riif.
Is Is shIiI this would foster v.ol-nce
ami provoke Insurrectionary cl.tnor'
Telling the truili has aencr illy 'm-i
tnfo la the long run, and It was never
safer than It is now, when tho truth Is
likely to bo told at any rate. An earn
est and patient treatment of social
wrones by n wide and large hearted
church Is as likely aa Congress or the
a urts to heal dlscont' nt and forestall
Insurrection. Suppose the Churchmen
and thuditsintcrs hail seen their duty,
and had discharged tt with clearalght
edness and courage; who can doubt
that Knzllih statesmen, Parliament,
and people would have found out in
lew than three generations that.through
monstrous manufacturing Interests and
their Incalculable profits, Koglund,
since the factory evstem came in. has
made Itself Infamous by tbe most hide
ous and brutal form of slavery ever
known to the civilized world the
white slavery which, on n vast scale,
has tasked, tortured, and eUuihtered
children tinder 10 years of age. extern
Inated chastity and decency In dwell
Ings of factory workers, turned men
Into brutes, and made society Into a
Lelir Would Lord John Ilussell's re
mark still be true, that "It takes Kntc
land forty years to accomplish a reform
admitted to be necessary t "
m i
SeDorlla I-'raseunlla Would Tone Dawn
llcr .iui, Hut ttotlilai; I!le.
fitm At r LIU It. HI. ImU.
Eerwritu Marie Fraseuslla, tbe daneer
and wife of the noted Spanish bull
ticbter, Ecoor Fraseuella, dkl not ap
pear in "The Crystal Slipper," as
billed. Tbe last week ot the engage
on nt in Chicago she appeared la a
costume entirely too decollete to suit
Mr. lleadtreon, tad hegave her Instruc
tions to "tone down" the dress. The
next night she again appeared, but Mr.
Henderson could not distinguish any
change. It was a bare faet. When he
sgsin spproecbed tbe lady she aabl
"I dtnl tone down in dries, Monsieur;
ze pbff on de sleeves are not so baeg."
"The sU-tvee be," roared tbe
manager. "Its tbe lag drees lam kick
ing ab ut, not tke arms."
Uut ike Preach vtosuaa refused to
"loae, " and ska was released.
Corrupt, Abjhuj,
Fiuai Uu ConrUr-Jvurni.
It is said that Mr. ltaed would have
beeu ra-elected to Coagrass uvea if ha
had used bo corrupt eiaatioa methftrls
It seems that eartaia RafuibUeaa states
wea caaaot keep out of corruption.
even when there is not tha least excuse
for it.
s the moU aaeiaat aad awut gaaaraJ of all
assesses, acareelr a faaaily is aatlreir fraa
iem it, wbsla Ihoaiisarts everywhere are tu
latsastaa staree ltuua's Sarauiacttta aas
hast rassartahUi sueoaas la eariae arerr form
of arofniii. Tea aaat mhuss J aaialul
raaatur tutu. swelUaas ta the aaefc or aetue.
haauria tea nys. cauainc aartial or total
Mtastaees. save jtataaat to the nawasfui at
taats of tats ssealiijse It ihaauaaalr w
wave everr trace uf baaarttr ftosa the
atoaa ual baUU aa the w an teas I unum
ail who suitor truss aurolal shasW eartalutT
sise atoaas araaaHlla a tair trial.
Tba luwt Tta
"Hi aoa was atalotea with the worst trae
of aewrfela. aa4 oa the laBBSsasaaasilnn ut
atf aracattf I se htsa Nooa's aasaanarMia
Toaaraeis aoaaa aad watt. ataaaataa4-
tt nu A&si tha was mj4 aMMuh saaat
etna la Uuaets u efueta sew-'-JCaau
a a. -u sou eautaa. (so a what sou ke
itKiof read, that aaa wtlttaha akettSVssa
asanHaaoautbe ladaueato hw aasahUMt
Sold by all dnjalts I J mi f"r 5 Pra
Ixotl oiiiX ''J t" I Jiool; to uoll .
loo Doses Oua ItoIJUur
hdjoining twb
Corner Loughboro and Tunlaw Roads.
The Sale oi this Most Delightfully Situated
Property Opens
Price, 10
and 20
J Splendid Opportunity to
a Reasonable Tim?.
This property is most beautifully situated on a high
ridge overlooking and in close proximity to the heart of
the city. The electric cars pass within a few hundred
yards ol the place It Is high and dry, and the great
panorama, ever presented to view, of the Government's
beautiful buildings, ihe hills of Maryland and Virginia,
with the historical and classical Potomac River, makes
WESLEY HEIGHTS a most charming and attractive
place for a home. As an investment it is unrivaled.
TERMS: One-quarter cash, balance In one, two
and three years, with interest at 6 per cent, per annum.
Fifty dollars earnest money will be required upon each
lot and will be applied to purchase when settlement is
made. Deed to be passed free of all expense with ab
stract of property. From the gross sales, seven 7
per cent, will be placed in a sinking fund to be applied
to making improvements.
We can recommend this subdivision in every pir
ticular and feel confident that your investment will prove
one of piofit in a very short time.
John F
Fourteenth and G Streets.
Wilson k Can's
For an Easy Shoe
We earry ttw Ut Ua ot Tatrnt
Leatbar sbeas for Ladlas aad Ca
tlrntB at $t a air at
Wilson & Carr's
I'uhtiiouuble M100 Jlen.
Ko. oso r bTitutrr n. w
WasUfiEtaa, D. C.
WiMQloctou Stock Kxchnnao.
al Kaaular Call 18 o'cloek m.
v. c. 8.65s, iteoataa.
MUeaUaaaoas iteiuls U. H. Eteetrlc
LtgVU 1st, V. ICO; U. S. Klsetrie Uaht
WT as, 16S, W. & Q. K. K. 10-t0 t?s.
ifVtVM, WW, V. & 6. CeavarUUe, Ss,
115; Masoale Ull Ass's, Sft, 0 lbtsj, 1W.
Wash. Marhat Co.. 1st Mart.. . 11a;
Wash. Market Co., Imp., 's, 1W: Jafd A
Saaboara Co., 8's, C 1T, -; VV'aafc. IX
Iafaatrv, 1st, tvs, 1801. ; Wash. Lt. Ia
UbUv.W. 7's.JSW. VS; Waab. Qas Uatt
Cu., Sir. A, 8'. lltf, Wash. Qas IJaatOa..
8r. B, tVa, ISO; Hyajtaaie ice Uoatpaay.lst
Matt., Ha, ; Auerieaa Security aad
Trust, ICO.
a'atkaaa! Bask Stocks Beak ot Wash
asjtaa, 485; Saak ot RaniiUk, 370. Masso
aaUtaa,V:TO; Caatral. J0O; Sueoad. 9j
Faraaaw aad Maebaatea'. 190. CttUaas',
U8: ('Atkuataa, ITi. (Jaattal. 11 Wast
Eiui.; Tradara. iati.ldaoola.117.
Bnl'ff"1 aiucks Washlaataa aad
Qfeontatowa, , MetrotioitUa, ; Ga
huobU. Ti, Capitol aad Vorth O aaseat,
60; XckiaKtoa aad Soldier's Hosaa, ;
Utoraetowu aad Tcaaaimowa, Mi
vaatL .
lasaraare istoeas ytiasaaa's. 4A, Fiaak
tta. !M- KetroiiolitaB, 70. N'attoaaJ Uaiaa,
abj, ArUaxtoo. 1W; Corconia, tie; Oaksai
ata,17; aerauM-Asaasteaa. 175 Yotnmtt,
H; Klgas, H. Paotda's 54; Uacota, M.
TtUa lasuraai-e SsuduKaal Jtatate
TStk,iaS;CausBUaTitla.ai, Waalaaiao
Saa aad suecuic usaat atocas wi isana-
tea Sas.t8i; Gaoraetowa tiaa.
so. u. a.
Siaetrie Llt, 155.
Telepaoae saaeks feaaayleaata,
hfaflr1t1T sad ifotaataa. Ti; Asaa
Qasahofihuae. W .
ttVelUnaous haacks. Wssaasoa its
ket Co., i, WasatiMitea Bekfc Marhay
Co., 3fi5, Uteat FaHs ke Co., SHO, Sail
Kaa yaaowssa Co., ti. Xattaaal aata Oa-
ousit, 390. Waahiagtoa aaie Oaoat, Ut,
waaasBMoa utaa aaa isewi w, js, m-
tad ftystCa-t jfc Mg-
h a1! Baaspsattit) f
Tarrtasa i. Asastaasa
QevTW UaaatsM.
lleaal Tjoossaasc, 15, Js
laausaaUc Sua Carrtaga,
Eaaausas- aad Truss Co.. tR:
: Ssxtaate lee Co.. SO. lotar-Qcaaa
MsWwtUQtK Cv
A ciesaVsasa, after years ol suajertaf
Ii0ji tea loeJdeauBM) aaaase, Catars aaa
lately tryiaa war kaoaa reuiod. at last
luaad a yrwartotloB waioh enmolatelr
eared audiudaiui trues doata- Aaysui
lanar taoss Oreadtoi dtaease suadias;
s laht sill- ' ' tt-ai'cd eaekN to rtor
taMor J- A- Lnuu, e8 Warma atseat,
JS'ca Vurk, aiil rtudv Ibe roUv true of
,. A. jftunff
Cents Per Foot.
Double Your Investment
GeorgetownllnWersHv School of Law
" ItEV. J. HAVENS MCIIAltDfl. 8. J..
l'rwiiifnt oi live iiiwrn'r.
Iaa or tte Faculty.
(Chief Jiutlce V. 8. Court ot CialoM)
Leetarvr oa ttatutory and Admlnlttrattra
Law nixl I tiaal Maxima.
Leelurer pn Contltiillool ami Intrna-
tloaalLsw,Aillralty nml Conparaslre
Lecturer on tba Law cf Heal JJ.tate aad the
Law ot ETllnce.
( Juttlre tapreica Court. UUtrli't or Colum
bia ), Lecturer oa Cowroon Law. Itaad
iBKKBd KqullyJurUprudonce.
JOeKl'll jriARLlSllTvlN, LL. T..
Leetureroa tba Law ot I'ersoDali'rovarty.
ContraeU awl Negotiable Iaper.
Leetureroa tbe Law of l'itrtnerlilp.UuTpora-
lluen, n aeiiee aau i ecuaaieuiary uw.
H. IlOka I'KKKY, A M.,
Lecturer on Criminal Law. Domeatie Hla-
tloat aad Torts.
Ctreult Court: 1'rof Ueori E. Hamilton
Coarto ApfvaU: I'rof. Jlartla F. Murris,
Aulrew C. Bradley and H. Rom Perry.
Iatroduetory laeture aad aasouoeaiBafits
for tbe PBulB(t terra at tbe Law ItulUtair.
eoraar Stb aad t" t. B. w .on WEDNKDAY,
OCT. 1. at &S0 p. ra. 'All Interested araeor
dially laTlted to attead. Tbe library, bow
eoBprbdeK tbe BmrlUU and lead lair Auwrlcau
leport aad tbe latest text book upos raot
legal tubjecla, U lucated la tbe Law Batbl
tir, Vkith rouuaodkMU readiiur ruoou at
laebed . aad will be open iron 8 a. ra. to 10 p.
ra. dally. Sundays excepted, to studauts and
aluaial of tbeeekool.
Ike icrtary can be ea at tba Law
BuiUe ob TuMleyii, Thursdays audSaiur
das. fmra TsW U Sae p. ., (or latoruwtbMi.
earollraeat, eta. Circulars alvlwc e.miM
atady, tans. at.,eaa be obiatiad at book
aiotee of W. It. Morrboa. WS4 Y at. a.w.,
aad Lc kiiatrailk & Co , IWFM.iw, aad
at W. 8. Thorapena's drug atora.lOS lSthat.
a. w., or oa aaellaaltua. paranaally or by kK
Imt ta uui uHdacelsfiad
aaata-Ua f ear alary aad Treaairer.
T.JOtttfa COtiSHK,
awH &mnfm-
unB SliCsa ftatsttsssVflkssiSkBl lUkJ taUV u
of staslr. WnHrttnai haaSad ar staaai. Tat aw
Far saltikTSr r-'itrtii tha
ftWMstAH gJU LL.B.. Hi. B.
aLa tt stftBHhftsTssfsVT fltlWetttfa
mm LAKaiasl aad Mi
aaa aasaas taTtOsMUt -i. For
entaatsjaa nsldsass MaWtatAltY RAU.
MAaaUHaw wtswtwtW tUU,
tTfj-ALaMl tkBstl Btiifitlfatjaa Qns&ssaM
atasraurataraC SaTk stMbVattiUM SWi
ajseaar .
last t sTTtMT St Ml M t .
MS IHf stWll BfTUfini fllBtlfi.
BBP ssssa"SW eaaa'SRaaa'se' saPs" mawirsw
Lumiofidt, Cttjft-
wahMnkftJ as aSSSk fkHkuaaAA Sac afiMaaSV
...j mmA W!akA. sa aia'hiri Yar -Mult tha
sBatawansw taantF sptMawp'' '' n- - " J"1 w
atUsul AiaMMMssW MS MsttUttMei Vtftl te laHMll
ta tba sccoatf eoittoe U Was Ajaas Baav
ptilct uo "t uai.antratd Atteatloa." uow
AI.J ll
rr C. A. Byrne ana rnt irr k
tJTB fnrfnt Trnlne y r" int f ,'
Mr ttnmer tilil fhtrwtni-B hH ii"1
ttaretali ! ifMW."iarv nt ',
ritrB9-ti f, '. fr ai't jv .
Jtt Wf-J,.T LTCI
ttlKKt OMPAST la "rhe '
,TrRft TltK
rna ItylSi
usACch'S ouasd orfcR nousi;
TO JtreitT AT ,
tatt Afrearatpecf thoFmlnrnt "o-ii i
Vtt. L S JtlTH MTSSKt.r,. tlT
sir. t. tjsrnt ku-ri i., i n
R. KMder's Qutlnt C'omeilr-Dr.iaja,
Mr. Rnssctt w II sin
the rest will Inrlmle IIs L"nta P'. ,
Lillian Owen Mr. R. II. T.nnehlll. Aid vl
llndson, Frank Lawton. etr.
sc: 'f
For the Bneajcemeat ot
Oae Week, MORilay, Oetot-cr B,
Matinee Saturday Only.
Fly rielftfco ami Dc Mllle.
Cast Includes ltertwrt Kctccy. Netsvj
Ulieatrrofr, W.J. Lo Moynp, Charles Wale it'.
Frltr. Williams. Wallr IlIIow.. flc .r .
Ceyran, Henrietta Crnsuman, Mrs Chare
Walcott. IIHe Shannon, Mrs. Tliomai WHf
fen and ethers.
1 lie mof sneeeesful flay ever pr jdn e I nt
tlie New Yotk Ljcenm ibeatre ijnl -tt
Comraenelns: MONDAY, SEPT. CT,
18th Coneecutlve Year of tlie Eminent ArtlU.
In I Is own famous cotnody-ilrn'na nt ed
TlieOrcat Fire Ecere. Hie Womterfiit tlim
blliiK S-coiip. and "the Villain Mill
l'lirsued Her."
Next week-".M V JACK." S),'t
nil U IltrATt-E.llTIIST
Gus Hill's World of llsvellles,
ntrs hill
m HLKH ii. iioky.
t-M'UHOIlK IlllO". I
CblaKil. llortrii. r'elleei;iPrton, Era:iIo
lear. t Imo. (J teynwiir. V J Iluber
ami Kl ty Allrne. (.llbert Harony.
tbe Krana. Kddle and lat'.o,
Wek Comma cine Monday, October 0.
LadleVMstlneasTufS . Thus, and Sat.
The Distinguished and world ro owned
And Ills Grand
Ineludlng tte Colel.rated En ell ah Character
aad lies erlptlre binder,
V.T 0 Matinees Monlay, Wednesday, t rl
day and H.il unlay. A rare nnnoancennt.
Buss l'linntasina Novelty Company, ore
icntine the isreac iviik.ib, in
marrol; her eiitml never born. II
Mbr A solid show, llt-eUed.
Is the drat ol All Musical Instruments
Beeaase It perform any muslo
trora a waltz or a ballad to an
oTertare or a symphony moro
beautifully and more nearly
perfect tbaa any other single
Tbe Aeottaa la not mechanical, but the
manipulstk b of It Is so strapla that a person
aaa las ra to play It wltb from one to three
weeks' praetke. Tour vUlt to see this In
strurasBt will be esteeaed a favor at
fete Agaat for Stetaway and Other First-
Claw Pianos aad Organ.
cat aau jwniaj iwuaiiineiis oi iu)
inUia LBivailr. The klxtv ninth an
Bual course of raedk-al lectures and foattli
dtuul courte will begin on Wednesdtr,
October ll. at 8 p. ra in tba C'ol'eo U an I -lait.
5 H kt u w. Inlrodavtory o a.' uii'
tureby ProfiHcrWlllUraLeu. M l. D-'n'jl
latroductorr by Professor Mark M. in y,
fl. 1) B Tba aatuoia examlugtl. ns w j, Lu
held oa rbuisday OetoberAI. at . W p m.
For elreulara f both deparlmen'-sari y t j
Iir. A- V. A " lag. Deaa. 7' Th rtccn Ii : t
w. OSVca hours s to 10 a. in. aii J t ' n. m
Telephone See. rep K n.
J the ColumbUiB I'altarsity Tt.n (.'t
will opes at S o'clock p. lu. l Ti"'1-- i 1,
with Iha loUowiag eouraa of ln-.tr i -
via: All dattaflBWUts of Knli,. l ,tne
auulca. Civil EaglBai rur. Cheu-l-iry. A"y
tauc. Physics. Muvraluer, Frem
Jsarhaataal aad othar breaches
with iasture courses on Astrono
TenjLlt i..i t i -,
of (Iran .,.-,
Astronomy. A n:
ZtMtluH. Bolauv. tit alli.ia- t
Beat ia tha etekMa, aad are ope i. t I ' i
mum. ror rartaar uvorautiwii anjij taiao
lkta.FteJeaorK.T.PBUTOE.M i
f.r yoi sn
Haosiaas WWOAY, SEPT a
Maaie aaai Faiattaa Receive Spei nt
Us Mass- Ave..
Aaaads aaear iaatUtr for acquiring ah r
eaah wteaattua w Uterataie, muaic and arf ,
The slnisiiTli turhr - piano, harp.v
sta. aattar. a aadolie aad banjo. Iiniw.if!,
ajpkaai voaal. dsawiai aad fancy wurit 1 1 cc
;Fiaf wiia) at'atKaaa colleus
vor. via aaa u su a. w
as ax ax-Buou. u
aud A.r. -. r -
Practical En,-1 j
ad TvLwrllio.-
Paautlcal Kuuia'i.i. ,i
tchOkSttfCtriJ Mrstos Traiiuoz
iaMStaataataluiu. lUu-
triii 1 ati
""Tl p. gPaWl'tUt. LL B.. Pi .a
lUtSv U A- WRiCKK. Vuc In
turasaJth En,,.i
Cuuunertiai -
sjsstnfiT-1 ' )i"u '
In uAaiaBtkukia adiif fios
, V- aU-YaafKR.
ibar uD.
&u . :m
&t V
Fcheai W Fracttcal a
iita U Faawktatoy
su4kflol uf vrvurikaua a
achool otoaaoeriau
fiohttd utXadLaBSei

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