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srmY m hi H' liHlr E H ' gHBaSBBBBv S3B YEAR StO. (5,&7J, X.10A1. WKATtlEI! KMillKJ.VSt. JP tht IHrtrfU if CMimMtt. PttemiM, Zlrtr tanti, Virginia, Xmth fArtHM "ftwtrt Ctfr t'owt (iem-rpi, tZtttrrn I'htrfni dnd Wto'rrn Ftvriifn, fair vedthfr mM ; MTt -tn-trrln iefi nmt raUtrr. Christmas Presents IN the matur of giving presents at Christmas the tendency is Jo make pres ents that are usefut and not merely ornamental. The more sensible and useful the more they arc appreci ated. There is not a boy in this city who would not be made HAPPY by having Santa Clans bring him one of OUR nobbj', stylish suits, an overcoat or one of those very popular garment?, a REEFER. For Men, in addition to our stock of suits and over coats, we have an elegant) line of SMOKING JACK ETS and BATH ROBES and the most superb stock of Neckwear and other fur. nishings ever shown in Washington. Also a full assortment of Silk and Gloria Umbrellas with the latt-st stjle handles, gold and iilver mounted sand natural wood. Very suitable for presents. All at lair and equitable prices. B. Robinson k Co IJ AMERICAN OUTFITTERS, 909 PA; AVE. N. HJ'HCIAI, MlTIUHtf. gggfI.EADWa INSTKUMKNTg. DKCfCKU BROS WXUlfiit.... ......,...... KUtenun KnTKY...... IVSRaAt'OXD,. .,. BSTKV OROAN3. Ms4f&tt pttat. Ey tMu, iiiato iikea l rt Mirnat, refWHtaff. TWflMwJl. cm luitru Tualug an4 SiWDMB A &TATAM, PKAMK IimMIB, XlMW, WIFStr(X.W. II Nortk CbariM SAtmt, YMUmat. T But B4 iw t. WcluaiMkd, V. mW-te , prrO WHOM IT V Y COMCMBK: Tta Uaw ka arrHJ wlm MMoaj wha owa LUUmutiy lhata er hM tk troradtt. DO BOt tokO UTWtM WhM foMJlM(ll otlev. tat joa ara saalibi to iy o aa I aka aosM aftwunmaat wWk tfc )wty Ju i oa bwaid a itttlaaianti WtotwowaatU aaetkH fur ear awr etoat aiialaat thai tM rf pataaw wte ei, but wtll ast, pay UhttrMUa. TbcM iraas wto luur UUml to bmIm ay ttau4Qtmtmt tor itUitmf tkwtr Wlbafwa havlW b BMumty MtiUwI. wWaiN taftMl to Ik wwnhawaf tk 3IiHHU' Mutual Vwtmaurm Vuiua iw i worthy ( We koM m wu 1MB. m. mm w mkrt Vuba f mhj A Atfini uaaiae ol or taake hi Hat EBMafur h Ehhb .w ISalriiU? ha ')ltTf intrvrtr far keiek wk ymkrWr thM he fcf tm ejwtwMHf Mr hrtoutoltv CMaMrrVM-MIMIfcU., r pPwr flB V Qamelptwi4 IrtyftimorttiW. rwavwsoj wJ WJmp'' jJBPP' "''' pw !' eeiiw " sw-Jlur VanMtoMvtettato tbM bcigk work u every Oi:crli!oa will Us.ytt Icul.uu ill ta boiJj lijliti Bt-lAui j.uI tkcr3 ovcaj a otccLt 'i u.i-lui toWl - Iitvo""' ei" f - TTSLfc "" 8TiHH.vr, jWrtiBii. A MosliO, CftlLD MP OK StHffC, tub ittDfTRATKa siit mem Of tfc Bn9n. dtBietB JltTa. are. usw-thb wan MND Nineteenths, and rA.are.,VMhlBirt On, D.L delljr ggy CHAItTKKBD Dt COXC1P.B9S WtS. FHASKUN INSUnANCnCO. Of Washtevttm, D. C. CAPITA!. AND SUftrMJB SWS.WO.W Has never contested a tos by Are. hntal vrays makes prompt and liberal adjustments. Bit. DAKIBt. P. Ct-AHKB, rrest. OKO. B. t.BMON, Vlce-Prest, CnAS. S. MfADtKY, TrJ. l.FEN'WfCK YOOSO.Seo'r. will t lHJTatnn, A't see'jr. ileO-fm gsyoPHN an account w n O0D3 A j0.t flankers, IMC Y Mrect mwlliwctt. PKroStTP, I.O.US. BXCIIAWI8, CJL LRCTI0N3. We desire lo ealt speeld attention toonr otllttfnle nr iltin't. Umml and bearl 1 1 If tetett as follow-., vie: Jtodajm, lnlnrwt.1 pwotit. 60i)nji,lttret Ipereetit. pe'numiM. Witars Interests per cent. pernHMtim. Issued for both lar,re ami anMll arnonat. Hank or-en Mb. Clow IM. deVtw tar APHOI'O TI1K HTBISaBNOV or TIIK TIMK8. In tbe llmwut th uppiraot Iwh onrt y of nianT iwnrltlM llMhnmil nmI conrv'lr lnvt-r I- very tin to mm In Uftt liHurasHM m ttra btH of all aafa ln-etimit. UaH are it fw u( tlio ailrnnii: Ymi par 'n aisall iatalliaiitj. YttHranuo rUlcn. l"p t rroB I to 5 per wt. eom pWBd latwaat. You teeure protw kn. Your tielm rfelta ilia, auntiat ot your polly HouW yo.JIe ani yu rreelra nearly m nuieh aln a you pay In itould Jo live until U mnure . . - -f You alto roelve IW iaoywbi you ay waul It ot-lM your Jaellu loir year. wlir IteMUteatwxit maklae eh.i afe. wlble ami pnAtaM layevt iwstl Yon canaot il helter with uur money. li.vva your inn loaareu. I5Wir r 1J0VVR8 1 LAU . - lb ? s4 c,,ulUU life Aiwnoim Saehttr. tt ro 1 . im wrtra. w, IMPORTANT NOTIOtl GAS CONSUMER. DrenU-BBfi of petei Uvtoffte wcttew oc iMany, iu bllU, dorinj b&nfclB?lLll sVtL CAPITAL 11AX,K J V oyi Vrs' -- BTq' WB6T SSO t "SAL BAXK. MUitfMU alter tbeSlh t ftiah nasUt we Mt ba tIHIi to the iHiaowaf a ar fbt eoM teat. WASBIXfrTOeJ OASUtJHT OOHFAKY. tarWAT,RqogStoi, (MtPitiirtmn. Ktcfctaa aad 1 Attoiftew AjElAgjIiwaaiMltaHEC ttaW,itr, mty.WlaMliMMl M9-M-tt HtHM Tw 94hv Whlh th atrntevw. WAMM&UtVQM MMtntTiiL liWTTMHiT a; Jw SoscadK-r Ktlal anw-t uald fckaaw ti i3 ja. f mja WJHj'tt aj ki& AMrmlJiria amfliltlWrft .iiaMidliJiHra Curslalkaa anae Uia) Wtft WaUaat ttSura t w luar taiu aa ia m-nn I'ltiiiTTt, ub kMuty aaa par May rifA Head for riiotUr- KukLC O. LAiUI&R. Vrv doai. LtffUML K t.AkUSBtt, eitAry PAkUi-i. AoitatiL Set. rotary .- i, i-OTou'U -.t-iot dgi stmHr nS" aflPIPiaa aiw ferBpMNH Aaa ateiaftateata aul UBtJI-a hy fifeflghaaamar &Mal fMri UMaMairlitaf a eflpp" Rw jjggateag; Washington, ix a. kiuoay StM8tAI, Nr!Cf. TUB (WODYtAft MfUfJOT CO flxriT t!iR to fJI MtMtlda to (Wrf MTrtw ntMtltf of Ihtrifcet fflWPSJjmrt fonw 01 all Knma rnr erery fiwra, "Ww, art, nd avMfocen we ar tM wmtnt 1IS0T the ltt. Call ad 0 !Wt. mXJ11TR'!ttJ(tBCT). ggrtRtKtT TOWt JfOSKt UMX AX11 SMALb StM FfWJM It BP TO SI4. ThhMKfc THB y&flfBR MSB HXellAMl FfB rti pf wilt o J ten t jwr MK..Ttifi it iftMraMeed in alt rKfltr In- Trom S'it tni. iPto per writ gtm tmttH m lit Mwk and land tanHtmetita. liitetttimtta mar be withdrawn at My time rm tMnyrtafs' notice, wMh hrtereit np to TK StHTTIIERS LASB KXCHAN88. The object, of the Southern Land Rxchinxe Is twofold. FtHsT, to alTortl Irdlvhlnilaof iMlelaaaes, rich ami poor alike, to Rafelyln reit moeey l larire or Mnail taan. rnnjrlrn from tkunto S,ew. Hlhet h; Jotnlnxtlra Hx cbanae and beoomlnit a meiinrr thereof, nr frKCUitP, by lnvwurirm thrunch tlio KK IIA(l,(thruH(rh nn nsent in anyoueuf thettJjlPANlSP, Ai-H'IVll()Nior8YN0I-OATBS tepretentel by the Kichanie, the tmrohawr ,r tnrertor in erery l-. aave being kiierahteeil by the KXl'IIANuK. IN TDK IMriMKK CASK any oae raaybe cotr.e a member of tie KXUIIANUK byaub MjtINnr and parlnc for not Im th in Une nor nxtre tuati Oee Tlionand INVKITMKNT TIChKT?, at the uniform rate if J per tlcxet. Time tlokeU.are tetteotntble tir the KXt'HANHK tverr tbtee raontlH, with a auarniitced Interest of twelve ill) percent. rarnea ikiiis lunger man Hires B.oniha become mtnUr stookhohlerln the hXCIIANdS. and at nu-b, nroentlttel to a M "" ixttrtrt In all pr flu nthliii fro n otitrMe AndlnMa lnvet i.ent maile by the t.M'IIAMJB. Iieiilr otorkhulder.4 recelre dlrMendii qtirt nv, and mjy vrlllilrawRt flny line uon thirty ) dar' notlue, and will recelre. In Hildltl'H to the amount In rnted. all dlTldemU due tliem up to date of wlthdiawal. IN UUMO. whore i'iTetmena aromvle tint iieli the iiXtllAM.B in any otieot the (OJtrAKIK", ASU IATIU.N4 it HV.SUI OATKrt repfeonleil ther.ln. the followInK mtm of Interest are i Uiranteil to Inreitori: SI J () pr treat, to ten ili'l liereebt (iii.irati til lutrrwloa all HjeuUr Invest ine its. 'j m 09) inr aent. t te'ty (iOt iwfrent. aiiarnntru'i lnttet on all it.ickaal land . . . ... In eiy niIM li.retor nta tlieiuht to wIIIhithw lnrtmnl. wlih latennt ili to day of wtMruwal,Uii thirty days' WHUe. fced fur l'rorectm. rateitrtm City. INmaoke, iniSf.,nl l llv. nt fMK, II. tk'Cil). l.rmthburrf, RmnaViata, Hutfow, lMttlHwra city. 'IIIB SOUTIURX UWO KXCUANO. Al!Mlt llulIdlBf. Ml aad 9W P atreet. CIBcea4l ami 4. Waahlsfitoa.D.C. Jauuisson, C'LAKKR .t Ch., (teneral Mandaer. I'aeltttlea (or plaelait atock uneqtll. V. oeklnjt (urcea the Urgeit aad BWMt expe rlenewl delt tf 35WBAl:'ER 0g. KUreuth ami U UreeU, Aateettee the PotlowHu BarcMrt tor OK4 WXBK 0LY: Hofer's TfpOM tSeperaet Ofdhutry PthM Sl.Xperiet Mac Hawlle carrer. fully uur- tatwl. Sl. ler pair Ofdlaary price $1 JM per pair Crown Hultowr Maeblae ttaaeaea (nltiy pee S4 twos OU Helta bin t1olUe-wrlr Si.TSMsh 0r toitlre line of ttoUaon at W Per t'ent. IHteount. Cealllo.!. Wlacb. ) OfdIMtry ife We Abo s Kull Ll of 8m aa.1 (Ml 8tTa, rdt Wtaibwr Strip, yurslture Handle and Mechanic," TooU. I3arbekj: Rob. iiakwamr and cotliky. OppaaHe BMtoa Dry QootU Uoum. neetHw t tgrH00LDISK VAVm. Vfmk ArHvU la Waal. St aad Aatruettau, at Low I'rw. ALASKA KEAL 0AP86. Wttfe r , Xuim aad iltak Ptar Otdiaw. SR.VL JACKKTS AX SAWJiJB?. Lwae in PrtM Than litf Pu Ne Had ht Xewcwk. lar'PrtoMBteic ad Fur StSm- HOUflAY UktBKiilXAA. WJLAV VW YOarJC KAKi, " Ri iiakit x iwev. r. at . d-ilw igrTO m w buc. imiaianitliir n iniBafBl SlPrirf. wiyii ijwbakci yioaapt aad Mmwaal aOaatjna aaeeat ty ail mULtmn pUwxdU my baada. Haeai'tliaiy, JamL. Baowit, M Teotfc atnsai a. v. Call?. msnUlm Tlwi Useto f U JiayluMr, "rm ik tWJ Boy (in aubrla. to Ui yA-l. fa yoa ma r Kflitot Oh, kw ii the ' rf Um H4 afeMtof ltoar. , , t Xtto Boy (Utof U.e cytioa which rvvk th KuUic el 3iAk mttel wan ta fimai oim a;aallilaaall wtui wa) x&$$Q$$ y rWoauaa isQaaal apaBBBBMaBBaBaBaaaaBaf 4Vfava i"uc. at gt--M I B&aaaaat VOU to Ml. W WaH" yauaiBpajaaaF v ine t Guiat OU wr Uck aet f lust Uck. Vm vw&i kttdt e l 'm Uttvea. Md I t't t to UMM wjf dwk. Tke Duke uf MariteaaMtgh c ie "W" New York & $ atytts &m MiaiUiukii tktm&. Aaiitet dmw at fitMit a dub wfaidav. WW n ttul toottttt wit iJy io-awilt ai Uitlligeot ma alio h a uc lUiurf tu obu AUw.., W g.U jU 'tt laUBJUt Ji c.i-k'ao iuil 1 ugliah a.i.i.u! - 1 eat Tutkik uuat a. w.. whaee I aai GOVERNMENT GOSSIP. Cabtsrt Mrnwiso To ot The Cabinet mwdltig waa mtcwlwl ttMlny br all the members except A ttorrriy .Qeral JHIlw. DCTAiMtt) Pt Dt'tr. I.ielllellSBtK K. Mmwf, from tb Natal AcIemy, lit PWti onlTPd lo t)fTll lemfwritry duly in tke Bunn of Rqntpifwm. CtJiTOMS l)ECTtos The Trenr Petwriroci t 1 rtlrecictl the Oi!icto nf CM'nrri!i at OlotfMler, Maw , to arl mit fiee of ihitr flfli catthl In Hie wateis of Mewfoumllaml by rutting resttls of Olouceiter. Nbw OkdnAxcr Orrtcit. Utliller Gestral Metrltt b Itjuetl the fallow leg ftncral orrlert: That MaHr.Tokn A. Kit M will rellee CupUln Charles W. Whipple as cblef onlnaa-ce offleer of the Depaitiiitnt of the Mlwoarl. Ki.KCTKtr I.iohts Wwrr Otrr.--Tlte electric llgbls In Hie Stale, War ana Navy Deptrtmenl falleil to do their duly today and cnl cotrtlderable annoyance and dchy In the work. The Got eminent Is nnpatln to put In Ila own plant, Tiik Indivn SiTt'ATtox Uaneral IlrooUo to day ttleeraphed that a few of the hostile Indian had broken through the ramp near Wounded Knee and were making tifints to get through the Cheyenne Hirer line, it believed their Intention Is to move north. Troops havo Ihcd onleietl to Intercept the Indians. The situation Is practically unchanged. TitR Wom.n Path I'liooUReatso. Kx 8tnntnr Palmar, with other memberi of the AVmld's Pair CommlsIon,etllod on the President this morning nnd ub mltlcd paper showing that the nfTalrs of tlio propotd PMr were euch as to justify tho l're'Iihnt In lwulng a proc lamallon Inviting foreign countries to lake part. The papers ware referred by the I'retiitcnt to Attotuoy General Jill lu. IlKI'OUT OK T.MUIRT PltVCTICR lltlgadlurdeneral Merrttl of the Dj imttiiientof Ihu Mlsnurl, has uhinltled n rr port t'f Iho lopctor of small arms (ifirllceinr tiieptesetu iirget year. .c nuui MiiylnaT the n port are t ibif ah nv lngtliewnik In detail. As rnniptreil with ll'i- licotd of last ar tint input Minwsrounlderuhle lniprouurnt In I'll line of duly and a continued Intureat In title and chiMdu rltlti. Cai.i.kd os tiik Phwhoxst. Anion t the I'nalileni'S eallere today were Mr. Jmllre Urewtr. ex Senator Palmer, Urn. IluJ. Uutlerorili, Mr. Pred. P.r.k or Chicago and u Hepreaentntlvti J-)ce of Hits 'Woild's Pair Uomuiltalnn; Keprcicnlullva Morrow with 0. V. Morgan, 51. P.; Kpreeentatlves Me Klnley, Cannou. Mllllken. WailUlli, I looker and Waldo; John It. Maxille, Hetny V. Chubb, .1. 0. Long. Charles 5. Patuldge ami J. P. Nlcholi. FOSTER'S FATAL FROLIC. I'lalnM and Itainra Cnnlllet In a Uur titir Minn Willi (Have Itsaiiltt. 1'iiiidki.piiia, Pa., lec, Vi. The Cotonci's Inquiry jeatetday Into tu death of the colored man, Jamee Pos ter, hIIm Mulligan, from the etfecU ol a gun tbot wound received la a barlier shop ou I.Mkhi street a week xo. kbnweti that a parly of t stored men wi re iky lurking for the paeaeaaloii of a pUtol. and that at the lime It wt dU eaargid it wa In the hand of Charlw Smith, alias Iknaoti. 0 of the wUnetiei, Cbrla Aw hiuli, laid it was a common thing for the crowil to fkylatk with a plilol or a razor. "We often hit each other oa the head with Ihe back of a razor," he added j "just In play, lltough." Coroner AahbiUlge created great cob Murpatlou among the colored "Audi ence" by Biking a wltsew if be thought the tevolver could be produced If every one ptefent waa searched. There was h. commotion anioug the occupant of Ihe hsucbet, some cf whom wule oager ittovenwnl toward their boot evidently for Ihe purpoae of hUllng weapotis. The seareh was not tuade. however. After all the testimony bad bees heard the jury returned a verdict to the effect that Ike deceased met hie death from a pistol shot wound, received at the hanxh of Charfe Smith, alias IWusou, who was acebFtHiigly cowiuilteU to await the act leu of the gran! jury. vraalnl A llrtdaerotiiM, Xw Yok, I. lS-tJailetLw Thtotiora Koop. a ptelty youag wojavaa. uko lives at No- U Park avenue, Uo kokea, went to ike Barge OlHce yeitor day, ed with tears to her eyes told how Samuel StuHord Ileatbcoto, a fora ekeeker of iwatigraats' truaks at the Barge Office, had deserted ker atmoet ob the eve of their weddiag, on Sttaday. the Hth laataal, for which event she had got out card aad had reeigBed her turiiloa la tke IlohokeH SaUk MRU. Ileatheote had got his board for aothUu at thai boaae of Miss Kuoft's tuother, ami had told so tuaey fabulous tales of fiasar1! lealUstloo aad etpacuiloa IhM tke wather aad daughter believed soaae of tketti. lie owed several fetioa -eaavluyes at tke Bargt OAce. UatttUaThrMtMM Tki4 Wuike. KKWAKa. K. J , Dei. 1 Ta tke ra ces discharge by SuperUkiaatoal Walnuky d fotty uniott spiajaett ia tk CUuk Thread kUUs at this plice aad Kearaey to Mirlbuied Uw lockout whkk tke employers have anaouan'od tkt Uwjr will coutlaue uatU Jttry 1, ad u&r which 3.000 operwiies ate Uk. It fa ptobakle tkt aw ea wi aesMtt fro tke lockout. Oaly Ike saisaers have arelUf fuod to look to. Clff aageMit ol tkwasfcaiw llrf U1 he take, at cM to secure telp for tke fbfa. wfco ate U very mmnf cases wholly destitute. a Weaisiui I4aaias a fiaeik'liiiiir taeae WtcatiTA. iUs , Uec. IS. Jim g kttag kcuc of ekaihtf Voa lvdl im atgk' kv ' "t Vtais, vkwa v..j had lost aaaM tharf bhe dtj ama4 tike ftMMwy back t oat aii k vouki v& ker wtl' ttJ tkl U4 hef. 6k Ate pUdol a4 &A l kvfa &&, cwUog 08 ocl Wfa- feU to tke Vh s4 tnifaiiai by yeiliog h!M h kid beta uturdesed. but sk coolly told kb akek4 iwt kwNagJM Vmi. but would tf ke M W st ke mJailatV tt ittttlfaV laaaaft Mtaaaaaatf titx.Ki.siun n. Dec. W 4Awd t'uy of ChUaifu tiom -Net York. .Ntw hi :.'-Attired " iU .1 ''jbUit .Ul.'iWiiJW evening, dkchsmbisb 12, isno an mmiM nm. Onllly nf Imimrnl tnamtMfct tf rficii rtfitu iir.riittirMt N,w Yon. Dec. IS. A apeclal to the ltfM from DtTtwi, Okhs. isy Fathtr Flnncrty, pAtr of the 8crerf I lent t Cktircb, ha le rHtmhwd from tk pnetorate of that Church for alleged Immoral conduct vrltk (Urn of hi flork On lh night of Noiemha I he toik a hamltvmio vonnt: woman who Hsd beet tonfcslntto blm to the nelchbnrlti t tltt of Rlcbrmmil, Ind , ami realstenel It. A. llenneratnl wife at Ihe Arling ton Hotel. Afterward hn wentilown Malrs ami wat recoenlreil by two men, one of whom notified the tntsiees of Ihe Sacred Heart Church. lie was aked to resign by tho trm If cs of denounce the atory m untrue before his coneregallon. He refiwed lo do either, ami Ihe cw was taken be fore Archbfekop Elder of Cincinnati. Here the evidence of FInnerty'a gitlll was so strong that lie was denounced and removed from the pastorate of the Dayton Church. Plnnerty Is highly educated and was very popular with the members of bis congregation. HORRIBLE BUTCHERY. Avl'ntltlan Kill llli. trite and Mutll fites Hie Hotly. Pari, Dec 18 A workman named Lacaodn who had quureled with his wife because of refusal of the woman to live with him met her on the street this morning. After a vain attempt to In duce his wire to return to him Iitcasrtn became violently enraged, and, drawing a revolver, flrtd four shots at the un fnttunatc woman who at once fell to the t(!cwnlk. Then, as his victim lay hclpliM at his feet, the murderer drew n knife and ripped open the woman's abdomen. lie aflcrwards attempted lo commit filicide. Iml wis prevented by the airlval of the gendarmes who placed blm under nrrest. J.iCASsln hts been Identified as n nitn who wis recently tthnl from Imprisonment In Wtr raw after bavins served it three mmtln' ttrm. ROEBED BY MASKED BURGLARS. Tnti Men IWrak Ihtii h ltriiier llnuiH Mini Trrniri lll vir. DfiVi.EtTtinx, Pec. 11. ftslneslty night Mi. Abraliam O. Mnyer. wife of aliveftcck denltrif Plutmted Tovn ship, this fiiuniy, whs aroii'esl by two I no maokcil men. mIio stood over her at iho la dtlde, one Imldlng a 1 intern and Ihe oilier pidu'inira r.K:ked pltlol a few lnchea from her IhmiI. Ihe) di'tnandeil to tie shown iho iiIhm wlierchrr husband'a money was kept. Mri. Moycnaw It was uwkts to re flt the men, and, dtlaying as long as the dared, finally dltccted them to the place wbete the money was. Theyse cured klwut $W) anil then left. Mr. Moytr was away from home at the lime. THE PACE THAT KILLS A Toune Ilciilat .ilmliint HmW a Cnrer or IllMlpUtlllU bv i'lll-Hll. liAt.TixoHK, Jin , D.e. 14 Arthur C. Caldwell, a young Canadian denial student, closed a thort but exciting career of dlselpatlou here by swallowing a time of hydrale of chloral yeeterdey. Caldwell, who was but IB years ol 1. wits the ton of well-to do mretite at Viclo- I., It C fi,l ni In ttlllmnrtt admit ilehleeu months ago ami entered the llaltlmore College of I Kutal Surgery. lie soon eot lain a fast ael and sueui more time la their company Ihw he gave to lectures. The dean wrote lo Caldwell's mother Informing her of her son's conduct and the lady promptly replied that she was coming for him. Heal seise that he was in disgrace. Cald well took the poison to eed his life of dissipation. A HARDENED BOY MUSDE1EB. I.auElilniC Whim Ota Jury lUturnwl the cnllct That t.'utidciHHait IIIih. CintYKKXK. Wvo., p.c. 18. Charles lllller. the boy luurderer. has been found guilty, aad will probably be banged. He beard the verdict without a trtioor. and turning to a wan Bear him, laughed as ke said be anticipated the rt suit. The eriese for which he was convicted was the murder of Hm Pish bttugk aad Waldo Kuieta latitp teteber. SuierlutiiiJut tluiter tf Katlfe, Wukunw, Dei. , D . 18-t-U l iuthotilaiively stated that il. If. Carter, supettalesdeu of tke Philadelphia Wllwieglou asd iiaititMOM lldlroal, with beadHUMtef s in this city, will re tire oa January 1 and probably ai-cept aa tsectitive postilou with the sane coujpeBy fas Washlagloa. 1). C. It U pre. tically settled tkal lit. Carter will remove to Wsihiagto in any eveot. This doe sot Imply that tke wuarU ioteadeat's oiltee will be removed from ikiscUy. lu a Mm1ii' Maatai. BiMtKv,UAJ. Ala., D. IS A re ceiver yesterday took ikarge of tke busfasttH of tke Besseuier ItolHag MiU Company of Utatetjer. AU. Ko state tMa-Hat at I lihl latlttl B aUUl fk&flfjtS aUtVif aakaUtsai stSWVV V MJaTflPstWs) W " siaisBjsssaiaf aa-aspv ar sBasweassB JlUrd- Tke . omi4By employed t aaeav It fa kclieed thit tke eoiapany wliliwy up, atui tkat the receivtr IU kej tke mi! I ia operatic. Au iw fhj4ta Hwmi. Cjucwo, De. 13-lk. p. Mills Tucker of No. S317 Waktak aveawe dkd Wtidnewlay B-fk tltef W UhiiaW vt only few days, lie -mm am of tke oldest j-iJM i the thy ad has praccedkewakiee ikML. Dr. Tvicke was ko ta'aiasaai-riKw-tts to lsW. He vu graduated by Ilarvaid. vmnj i&aMB ate Wsax to Wea-aw F.uiukH:xf, W- Xi.-J'' Ji. It (Mt sJk ax JsWouh. W- '.. J&Uss sW JWW J. ft JWI. miner, wko kd goaw ken-k to work aajbtit ttee of of kM ftilosy pig d9 ow on UUt. Tke tptjiwisiiif f litrariiffi " Kit Yam. ite. . ti a Co mftisM &b miiAmuMiJk to Ijtoiiiaf & v v ninJiBppW wffr w-wq!&& " W"" " " Mamlia toay, wisk om pfeeee to W J iVii oi aMslem Tttv urn oesJaus in kuliding naet4als. an rated ai fsaevMiv. w Ta s.dMjiAa 1m tehiiBih saiSii Tut Cm lu'a ten I.'miu iu IjjJ will tit uu lj wrtu vhi. . iUi. laLi-t spiakvi" .'i.jrt I Hi FRANK WARD'S TRIAL AMWIIR BAT flWSBMe IN TRTIflfl T9 81T A JffcY, The Ketr !wel f SUty Nearly K- haneteil The ItWiHMte Xnmr UhtalHrl !evenl Time, lint UhnllrttKed, Porm after the opening of th iIotts of the City Hall this morning the officials of the Criminal Comt began to make active prrrmroUons fot the asfern bling af a Irfg crowd to witness the third day of Prank Watd's trial. Chairs ami benches were crowded Into evciy available space within the bar. Spectators began to assemble at an early hour, bat they were wslotisly kept without Ihe b-tr by ihe officers, whi de clared their Intention of admitting only wltneeees, talesmen ami lawyers to seats. Tho first persons to lake seats within the bar were two of the sixty newly drawn talesmen. Others began to drop In one by one and soon almost all of the sixty were prreent, and a very In telligent and solid body of cltlttns thev appeared. Some doubts, however, iue expremed as to whether a jury can Iw secured from these sixty, as It has always been the peculiar experience of the court lhat, when they have to co out of the legular panel to secure jurymen, It Is very hard to get them to servo. Shortly before 10 o'clock Mr. Ward, accompanied by counsel nnd hts little son, appeared In the court and took hts usual eat In the fear of Ills lswver. Chief Justice Illnghatii was tlebyed a few minutes and did nit take his place until a short time after 10 o'clock. The court was opentd In the usual manner by the crier and the clerk then called the jury and the eleven who wete tested jetlcnlay all answered to their names. Mttlinel Halllnan, who hid been patted, ntiueslod to be excused on no count of his wife's Illness .ludiW .lete Wilson, on behalf of the defense, stated that they were deIrou of having Mr. i Halllnan tniuive on ilie jury, and te i qut-Mrd that he should tie temp rtrllir I t'XfiUHil. Thht was ordered by tho I couit. with the understanding lhat Mr Halllnan should return as soon m he could safely leave Ida wife Upon the n quest of Mr. Coleman the cleik announced that all but ihrc-j of the sixty tab men drawn hid boon sum mimed One of the as discovered to I' atesideiitU Maryland and thoo'.bers cc uld nut bo fi mid. ls-ac II McCetbrtW.lU Xinth street. WMfltsl called. He had formed a post live i pinion uimu the case, baaed up in conversatloas and newsDper report. He did not know, however, wliether hU Idea of the case was an opinion or an Impresfioo, but he could bring In verdict according to the evidence. Mr. McCathrau was sealed. Mr. Uapley. the Juror whi llred In Marxlacd, was In the coutt-roo. and was culled upon fur a statement. He said that lie was a ci'Izen of Maryland. Hbeieurx'ii Judge Wilson :zetled a Mullu by sajlng that Mr. lUnley voted the Democratic ticket In Miryl tod he hud a notion to ruolth him by msk lag 1dm sctve on the Jury. He xni, however, excoaeil. 'the juiy box b.iog full the da'ense beeaa tu exnehe their right of per- I ('Uil)lutV iballeae. ilr. rruK Jung lorn wu the rlr.t gentiemn thit Judge ' WJIsou txcucd. al uiliam n itir. miw wa caueu. mi. iiihww ni e prtsted a positive oninUm tkat could not be changed aad was excused. I. X. Jackson, who was called next, was ia the seme stale of mind as bU predo cetaor, and was excused. Ueorge lllf man, the nxt juror calleti. bad not yet bees aaturalUed as a eiiUeit of this country. The Court, after expressing the hope that be would bet- we a elli tf, eeuHd him. P. K. Duddewloif followed, and was excused btiiute bit opinion could not lie changed by evi dence. Charles J. McGIll could not reader fair and Impartial verdict, aceordlag to testimony, and was excused aeoord iagly. John K. Pfeil was over Vi years of age aad was excused on that groutid T'kewxt juror, Henry J. Hrlght. n vety hard of hearing, al, not being abkt to understand tke questions asked, M foutd iuciwipeleut on aecojat of his pbjslf d tctlruiltv lUnrt B!'k was excused, because bh opinion wmld siaad la th wsy of stving a fair ver dUi. William P. Uro.k was ike lalhd. bi', drslting lo be eicul, hssilid Ike t't art a dioggiM's prearia lion by wis ake. As his plea was u-k-htm, tfce eir-r wa not ill lime I. Hu was esawisMd, however, by the U v iruwtal atul asued, on ac viutof n opieton tkat couki not be changed by evideece. Tke tenth juror called was Phllt. it Wilson. He also had formed as op4al. and disewstd tke case witk various pw lies. It would reiiulre very strong evi dence t change kls opinio, and, not appearing anstotii to serve, ke was ex cused. The next jtenilemaa ws Tkoa- K. I)!, who, being seventy-five ears of age, was excused alter toe court ktd congratulated him upon bis active sj- Gecrge Stench was tke called, but failed to spnear. Thlnkiur tkat kit pronunciation waj wwem, use cun. but tke juror seuainea uvtiwe. Ltuia l. Skooawsker waa excused n account of kistkelded opinion. Peter Page, a colored att. keteg seiarkd ottcer of tke G vcrnneJ wi rxcuaed- Artkur h Campbell had Bates sutntBoned, btt did m apotw ia eort. D. p. ittwckkUi of suck a. very dtthlcd cpluion tkat ke Wat found lt owtttnt. Henry Flank Wt le of aeU a Geaue. M. Cmakm aati tkat he wouM go tew tke box stjusaWy was tkawefre not given tke owowuiiy t?k m Mi Tke lkUth mm called. Aloytiu eg s SsVtPs Hpgt ls Js'mapesetsw tpts BjsBsjssnsnsnfl sl-J i contcrniog ike guilt ox imtmmm of Mr. Waid, goi wm ed Ilaviig it lM a&med Jumt . tke couasel firr Ute nVfusw pt tktir he UMetkr to ikdde wkow they thvute nt rtMBe. f h W- Carpeirter wattke jMO mwhmjkitsvm tkahr rtakt. and ke luuoudlatelv Uft thf ( bx- nes. TtK exuiw ssja itnt allowed to tke dtfejw fotag iith4itange of toHMttt. AUiuvBaV Eaton, a Isbulrt ei'lw. van CBlkdU) uU the vacxb I. ft Vy Mr C-.ruu'ir lie ini-ai lJ j U'Kt u. t l u j i 1' - '" - 'J, JM.'.lill aagas3f - tkat nt ke eswwdl ftm jwry dlf. Af kti sbttlM ftm hmfrm woH nfted thij.fetic tntemti Mt. Ertoo wm Ifnmbtr IWettt cnWed waa ftenjamt i MnfideH. Ills (pcMI oplnioii left Wm off fro aetvtof o the Jiry. I Tlmmaa P. llmnwlt ptwnterf a wrttfen t .reuse that WM rwpted by hoth rte feme and Crffvernment. Frtt k ItwW had mvhUs In the case, hnt thrmf ht tlmt h conld not render a fair retrlfct In the case. Mr. Bn Id W e.xcnwd. John K ltnppcrt. who ttrlves twer wftgon for T. K Harper, had otre fotiiieit and expressed an opinion, but dW not now retain that opinion, il was found qualified ami took hts teat In the brx. It now being the Oovernment's turn to challenge, tnstttct Attorney Hoge ex cused John St. Olatr. James Semple, a colored man. hail an opinion tkat wowld not tl.-ld csstlv to tviderce. and was e.xcned on that Ac count. Prti. HettK'ig. a restaurant keeper, had never conalderett the cae ami had no opinion rorrernintr It. He' was sonvewlial tlonhtful as to the mean ing of Ihe question- "Have you any conscientious scruples against csptt-tt punishment?' Alter much expUna lion or the question bv Justice HIb ham, Mr. Hetiao Mid thil lw did not belttve In hantlnis a man, when he wm not guijty of murder, and was somewhat doubtful aa to whether a gulltr man should be haneed. He was, however, rcadv to render a verdict ac cording to evidence awl law, and was accepted ssa competent lnrw. The fifth juror challenged by the defense-wie Andrew 4 Ctck'ell. Mr K I, Johnson, the proprietor or Hie Hotel Johnson. w;s Ibon imIimI. William Holmende did uotlhink t'.ist he could rtmler a fair and Imparl il verdict and was exmiwii a'Cordlnl Clmiles 8. .T.ihnsun, rt'ond, know Mr Want hciI had a strons: opinion iiewstHoer arllilcs. Ills otdnlon would reollly yield lo evidence ami he wo aeci p e.l by the court, Mr. Wilson online: an exception. William D. Cumpbtll wa the sixth man challenged bv Ihe defense. Hen MIddleloti was calltd lo fill the vtctney. Ills opinion wtiild stand In the way of a fair verdict, and he was excused. William J. Acker, the thlrty-fli! mtn lallul. sl"bad an optid nihat tt a'uiiI I be ditrti nit n chanjf. and wis rotlil. William nilfoid had never bt-o nti urallxed, and was fouud lufuunnlentun bat ground. Prulerlck Haiigerler had taken mil hia Dill pa Hid WlTriiine a cltU-sn, but. not ya Lclng fully Battiralixul, was ixcusetl. I. hn 1'. Ciilltna, whose biislnees was "at.yiiilfg he conld pit ti !." r mid not rtkd the newinpers, b it Htd an orlidon dertvtd from uiklmr with oHir rople. lie thought lhat hts opinion would Intetfere with a fair erdlct. ami was accotdtngly excused. Gtoree 8. im,Avoti ojJnlon could not be changed by evidence, and he was cxruKtl. Ifc A. lfcnnis hail betn drawn on the Jury, but waa returned not found. Uiorge S. U.IIH. a colored Jnl or, kid no opinion whatever with regard to the cafe. lie was accepted as competent, ami Icciemt'i! the number of colored Juiymtn In the box Ui flvf. Aloyslus (itjer waa then challenged by ilifi!eftneid A B. DeMcdle.1 f r cxamlnaiitm Mr. Dent, hot a clerk for Itarbtr & Hosa. was fiuod compe tent and took bis sent. After the sealing of Mr, Dent a resets waa taken until 1 'Hck. Afurtbeieeessttblier wlastinnTa! the court loom, Had at I o click Justid lilnaham to-k hit stal. A 'Kt,y ol some few wluUU-s wss occlooea t-Y tke spjtearance of the f rand jury, who ureacnud a number of luulctments. The Jury In the box waa then filled, and one of the mhmmNw being found absent another short dilay took ol i mj. Vhll waiting for the delin quent juror Messts. Wilson ami Duhamel consulted earnestly with Warti. Upon tne suggestion or Mr. Ciagget tke iftfidar iKt-euiber jurors, who were Excused from the Ward case, were excused from duly until t mor row morning by the Cuiwt. Every thing being ready to proceed, tke at torney a for tke defense cm-tilted the list of jurors, of which each bail copy, to determine who they swmld next challenge. Mr. Coleman requested that tke times lion ol Michael Uailinan'a excuu from the juiy should be deckleii by the louK, a hU temporary absence was a Mrtotu egabwrassment to tke eaae. Mr. IlalllBun was thefefore nermanetiy ex cused hy tke Court A hU excuie created a vaenarv. the defense were not VUt to tke trouble of deciding upon a cLalUagc. Walter IMWn was called to ftil tke vacancy, lie k4 no rUed ordeur nuired opinion, but it would re.i.!ra evldeece tt affect tke oplniaa kU ; he had. He a as eMstMered opHt and took kbset ia tke keg, an cxevp tten laving reserved by tkedefeuw mum Mr wwwm lu. HtUy Gieen a accused in tke Poike Court tkis aftomintr with keeping ulU-eacd kf moss on the ioounvos), betwesw 4 4 B nwrtbeiMt. Alfaw Bardie loliatd tu Uaviag oh tnjsc4 Wf plt " ?! tke .m fo 1 cents on f-undjy, veU.-r 19, tad on other oc jlas. Hetty kaepa a plsen that ks not vtry goo4 wptisua. I .n.i it u aikrM Aarks Tuxnec was mmaia about a najr g. Judge HUlvr wade tke 8ae 1- UtM Alkasiv. Ihb., llec. M.--Wkie Ctps viaited the house of Tkow t iUr- jites. lawyer living ia Ja'et-ftdai t'wiy. j Kf ., ew'y W4a;dy wornta kklf iid iwowad twu carets, Wi ( Ml setfB pttget d to i tJfeoxi:aerfd.iBdltai-hfritJji ! IBeminlar Isaak I'lliill Mktaaaktaalstl igBatsajpnsBB eBTSntBr BjpnBsr waajseBBBjBasnaaswan Mm Vuava, DC. lJ.H0jrto U- 4 joa). n Si-WrW fl ati AeeJer a-v-l tuoajwttr, m bv ua ul alot that WUkis Gddui Coigv of tki' city to Bterf tk sum of t" i wklck ke a)a ht 4e to hi. 4, u cowmMni fo 4e9 lkwt 'l dafenaUlkt' whuh.iiik giocrr wasm tottKk ..n'ik.fc' f i") ' fsvavbo bt ' lue - s ' t, og kuttdaBM iiBtlog tatht ;iu w '. - i .' I' ,! , .1 hi'j.l iy I ilB'wt Cool 'v i t v - r l '.'aiu. $ "o aaa vmm two omnts, ,, in , J,l,m;llLLlliln.iil ,l liM Jjl' J"T HJjft, NEWS BY m.1 t, 1-- -iv - num. mm isttufft if tti jnuow of an 1aX& TWeiirtrt JmMtwiw M 8wtii tr- hnl lsst Mr. Hayr llir? etree Wtttt . Jsm 4tilB!lirt Other Sews, Inf)0l, Dec. lS.Tke tfl f Bthop Brown Rige of Otfoty M w MMet tk penp'B of Kilkenny kww rote In ike coming prtlmet1afy" ere iron there tt taken by tke PafSnlittin m an Indication that the muntfaato m the higher prelates Is to be allowed in l.ecome a dead tetter. Tke edkertitts of Mr. 1'arncll belrere thai ike tt festo rlhl not represent tke personal feUl of the stgtrera, 1ml was a merj fornsol declaration made to satisfy ike Church t triers. It Is mwnled r.ut thai, thongk tke hither clergy also condemned the Iimsd I.eaene ami several subsequent Irfth popular movements In f-irmsl terms, yet this scilon dtd not prevent the leer clerey and many of the higher from lending thtir e iintenanre, ttnot always their open sttpp.irt, to those mote ments. A similar result of the rmessmt altitude of the clerical body Is l.joked for, with, ol courte. the dilTer tnre lhat the priests will fotkiw their various peraonal prr-fpfcoce as hi the factions and rvmatn neutral m U their ofltctal action. Much amusement has ifen cnttteit In Toty circlet In London by Mr. Ileaty's a ieal tu Ihe Ihibtln nllce for pro tection from Ihe mob. The minions of ltalfotir, whom the fmpulslve Irish memher had no fften detioitnceit In tin meastirtil terms, res pondul to hit call for help Just In tlma. It Is td, to Mve blm ftnm personal tin l in at the him-l of hit own conn rymrit. Ht prlmsliyil assaliatit was promptly arrested. While ilictwlliH lUiiairnl Mr. Healy lv mttii lot co tut -f ibemebe to a pl-tceof rafety. All this is ioierestlng reariltuc fur the CtH'H-rvailves and Ltberal- Lnlnrlels, wh- will dmtbttees enjoy chattltt. Mr llmJ.v in his expetleooo with It I'll mobs Hiid ibe rfustbul.iry when the) nr.v tiw i iitm (a Partlsmenl. Aptopos or Mr Pitorir sneers in his tiittclw-s In IiiUnd to reference to tfce Xsllonsl Lltiersl C uh, It Is reC tiled by members of tint rgintxtit m thtl sev irtl of lilt supporters tru sitll in tke club, and after the recent meethsgt of the cotuendltie Xiionatuts those gnu llemert. estelally Micltot Gooway. John O'Connor and Joseph Xol in, were accuslomid to go to lb c!u. and wblln tefrrthtng themselves after the strttgght Indulge In deniitirintons n( Mr OM stone which wi-rn decidedly nfftHlve to the Kngllah fell w memb-Ts Much ha vie has beta wrought by slot ma on the southern o-Mtsts of Kurope. espectaliy around HiidUU, In which vicinity v.hrven p ;iaoa are knon t have been kilted and fifty Injured, wMle many vessels were wrre'inl and a number of house sbatterel A iteo, fog prevails on th.' Xorih Germvtu coast ami the Ha tun imlUduo yettee dav have not ei miive.1 lit Ik-rllt. Tie discovery tbai the nUoe n the ltutsiau Privy Council r, IvsasftJtl. U ti Nihil', has placet th.t dignitary is a meat mbarraasinj; petition, eaptfilnlty at It is stHDtrt d thai the y mag wossuu is ihe person who siirceeded in emtetisg atiHAls lo the t'z,ir ffr constitutional nfoimi to iw p!aca on tneUbln is tke piivate partmcuut of tke Imperial pal ace. It it suspected tktt Olea tvanwski. Ihelkdv inqu'tibm. madeust of cer tain facilitka gaiaed bv her f re i arc . to kcr uncle's altlce to catry out tke de signs of ker felloar-contpiratora; ud the councilor, though himself above tm piclon. has reilmt from the active pur suit of kit official functions and will probably resien. lie it a director of the Holy Synod and knt enjiyed to a Link degree the confidence of lte C tr Dt BI.IK, Dn i3 I mlid lranl was this morning publUbed, the edtoton being issued from tke otttce of the .Y fsvaoKXatlonaUai). despite tke i4Ct tkat tke lamellitet had seetired an injunc tion restraining the latter piper I root lending tu plant for that purpise. The fatue of I mioi JriUuJ c mtaini an erifele by tke acting editor In-ckief. Mr Bodkin, addressed in the name of Jlr- WlilUmOIirlen to every true hwer of IrtiniKt, Tke article declare tkt tkie txbt eo alternative for tke c uairy hut lo cUo-ise between ike eon tinned ledtr.U of Mr Ptruel! aad tke sicorln of Home itnle for IrebMsd. To avctimplUh tke latter under Use Uadirsbip of that getlean ts. th px per afcert. Isprtkaible A Part!! ttiitka, ui i ,.i rtaw(. prtnarea nt tke office of the paper night, also appears. Cijswiderabhi spc aevotta ineretn so qu tui rrass the legal (.pteioos jumiMag the teixurc by Mr. Parnell of i dives tad plnt of the paper. Tke full ma nsMi. ia dUcussias tke liith prohitm this wornln?, urs upon Mr. Justin ilcCarthy and his fol lowers tke Beccastty for thjdr tgkteg thttrcoau iff and promly getting down to tke wurfc t4 systnaaUc and vigotoos oppoahlonto Mr. Parseii. Mr. Mkkael lUviu has tcnd Dub lin on) kit any to KU1mnm . Khmnsv, Dec ttifr. Mkkl il nfihed in tki city tdgf. A gjNWt erod Bn.t him ettae station. Tiw ttcepiiun accordtd bin, was of a mixed cktet, oe faciion I dly cheering tke voe aroud editor, while the oik rtspontUd witk ktsnet t,l groans nd c.unter ckotr te Panirii. er paasnsl sse toee ataawa. Kk Vo. Vk t-J Tk stesvaaklp Wyotnatt, ki ajid yestenia Um Idverpool. passed two Lt spouts w Kceejlitr i ia uild oc4. t Saxon-teg at ike tfaj gnd ikecA&MBn a tiJkd witk wkite- f h fgtgnmc! at tke water smatist i rishd no Bflir" annMif tke fmma-it. rMt f swibige mm. POOTI-A .. , Ikac II -Hnjoi , tt HM.)uit i Mt$t Inn i.lx iuL !"-sdjf n worth ' r gHi. t :vi, (WWl sjamt VuttttalB "tu.lur l.-J, lt.c i. . i Ji KLlaij I' . . .1 bi i-f a Are Uiw Vl 3 u A lt.1 . Walk' r in tn1. TiliB - li at Crk ,lv 1 bill 1 .-.t.