IHHHHHIIHIHHI'n . . ,.., . n wtu x fn&aSi""" r iTTi'"i i;" f r 'rTt-fiT iswrwifnswissMiiww rMt !) 'l''ii Ti rqnf ?"" ? ',v. TPS3P J THE CRITIC, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMKEll 1f, 1800. I A , - ,, ..-. .t,.-., - nnl.il.ffflaaiakaaai , H " . I ! , I 1 . , , 1 ; ; , P II ' t NATIONAL UWilAKKllS. uunk.m;v the Ni.m.. Hit. llhAllt l'ltOTKSTrt A0A1NST TUB I'ASSAtlK OK "TltPENNY" IlllilA lAliiln Mr. Teller Think (tie J IrrlloiK 11111 AVns Not of Very lrnt Iinpiirl uiico Air. Ilonr Trios te Hiivn n Time to Voto J Ixi-il. siinati:. Jlr. Quny this morning cnllcel up In tho Kcnnte a bill to sell tho old custom-hou'o ntl.ric, Pa. Tills Insignificant mciisuro il iirccipltntcel n worm discussion between Messrs. lllnlr nliil Toller. Mr. Wnlr snltl the Sonnlo wns wrtstliiir, two hours ailay on "ttippniiy" bills. AVhnt liil It mutter when this blll.passtil? Who thcrthls jenr, Inst year or next venr. Tltcro nro lmpurtnnt lnnticrs; iloinntiillnir tho 11K tcntlon of tho Sonnto tho KIcctloiiA hill, tho fellver hill uml tho hnhnr hills. Tlio fccnnti', hosnlil, shoulel llmnolts rules sli it could do tomi thing If Jt took all winter, then, nt lcnst, a miusculinu cnntu could uo something, Jtr. Teller thought tho subject now on nrrroliiK the nttcntlon or tho Sennto (tho juration hill) was not of us much iimxir tnnce lis some other matters. Hostile, ho ivns tired ofllstenlna to Jlr. lilnlr lccturu iu utiiueej, uuy liny. lie llloltirllt. tllllt. illilv nili.lit 1u mUi Icfttothovciiiiv-n-lhu-rsji Air. lllutruoiild rail tho labor bills up whenever ho wanted Ions matters were, and If ho wanted tho nileu changed ho (llhtlr) shouhl move In that direction. When tho question of changing tint rulc$ comes up ho (Toller) would bo ready to votofor or ogalnst tho chango. but ho tic (.lined to siy which way. Tlio bill was passed. Jlr. Hoar then atlomptcd to have de bate on the illcctlons bill declared closed on Friday novt at 3 p. in. but wan met with a storm of objections from tho Dem ocratic side. Sir. Hoar I would like to Inquire what Fcnator objected? Air. Cockrcll I did, for one. Sir. Hoar Will tho Senator agree upon a time? ' Jlr. Cockrcll JTot now. , Tlio Fcnnto then took, up tho T'.lcollons bill, Mr. i)olph continuing his speech. nousi:. In tho Houc tho journal was approcd nftcr somo dtlay (n securing a quorum and tho Appdrtionment bill taken up. Sir, Klowcr presented tho claims of New York city for a census recount. lHEPOSTOrFICB SITE. The JIonrliiK In thnCoiiileinnatlnii lio cccillngs llcforo tho Court. Tlio application of tho Secretary of tho Treasury to tho Supremo Court of tho District cniuo up for consideration In tho General Term this morning. Tho Gov- thu property to bo condemned. Among thcio were Messrs. Albert, Mattlngly, Perry, Harnett, Cook, .Morris and otheis. . The question under discussion was the instructions to bo gnen by tho Court to tho thrco comniNslonirs hcrctoforu ap pointed to assess damagos, to guldo tlieni in their labors. hceral dlllkult props hitions were presented touching 1st. Thotlandard of alutlon. !W. 'iho proper method or distribution of an awai-d,as between an owner and hlj lessees, whero any of the property Is under lene. M. Whether tho Gocrnmcnt should liay for the alleys laid out In 18.M, and to whom tho money thereforshould bo paid Over tho first proposition tlierowas no perious contention, it being conceded that the Fccral ownerswero entitled to hoimid for their property accordlngto a alnitlon bnsel upon tho mot Miluablo pitrnosc for -nlilch it can bo utilized. According to this mcasuro of damages if tho property is more valuable for tho purposes of a postofllco site than for any other purpose, then tho owners sliullbo paid accordingly. Jlctwecn tho owners of tlio Mirious properties and their several teinnts or lessees there wns bomo cpnllicr. M). t'oylo contended that thprccan bo but one award as awholo for any piece of prop erty, and that tho commissioners must apportion this amount and distribute it among landlord and tenant. According tothis, whatccrs.um la paid to tho ten ant must bo deducted from the total award, the owner of tho fee rccel ing that much less. The. proposition led to a long coutnncrsy, In whli h, honour, the Gov ernment took but littlo part. The owners of the property contended that tho lessees can recover nothing for losi of business, lrollts or good wll, nor for tho Jncou lonfcnco and expenso of mo ing, and that they can bo allowed oiily for theMiluoof tho lease o cr and abo o tho obligation to pay rent. In other words, If thq rent laid was tho fair rental laluo of tho prop erty, tho lessees could get nothing. The case was still being argued when nur report closed. It partakes somen hat or tho Parnell-Daltt contest now pro pressing iir Kilkenny. The Cmtio hopes that c cry party in interest will be fully laid for hia property, and speedily, so that prompt steps many be. taken in tho direction of providing tho community with proj)crposto01ec facilities. ii m i 011US1IED BY SNOW. T'ho ltoof or tho Itonnofco Jlnclihic Woilcs Tails In. 1Uh:v0kf, V , Dec. 17. Tho roof of tho Itonnoko Machine Works fell in under a heavy weight of snow at 2 o'clock this morning. Ono man of tho night forco was killed and eight ijerloiwly injured. The damage to tho building and ma chinery is estimated at JlOO.OOOi unin mircd. Work w ill bo resumed at an early tiny, Tho heaviest siiowfrtoriu for years came jcttcrday and last night. Two feet of snow Is on the ground and tho storm till continues. MUKDE110US REDSKINS. Kepoitcil Indian Attack on Tioop lulling or rirty aiuh. Divkii, Col., Dec. 17. A Jim' courier from a camp near Dul's ranch has the following from Itapid City, Dak.: A rancher just arrived in great haitu to commanding oillcer and reports . a com mand of cavalry attacked mid two olllccrs and fifty men killed, but the Indians wero Topulcd with heavy losses. Tho number t Indians killed is not known. The In dians were put to Iligbt. This report Is credited. It is not known whose com mand It was. It was probably that of Slajor Tupper of tho Sixth ( avalry and mill bis troop of 1 10 men. Our command jnurehes to tiulr asslstauco to-d ly. vViinhhiKtim Dental Six lei j. Tho Washington Dental Society met in tho parlor of tlio lUibttt Iloufo hot night for tho. transition of legular business HiidthoaiiimideVitlnn of officers, Tlio fellow ing olllecrs were elected: President, Dr. II. II, Itiul; he-piesldent, Dr. W. Donnolly, soerctary, Dr. J. 11. P.llcnsou; troiiMirer, Dr. It, 11. Donaldson; librarian, Dr. II, M. Seboohy. After llsUniugto 1 lie reading of Dr. J If. how h essay and thu eloso of regular business, tho mem hira adjourned to tho dining hull where an elegant banquet was seived. Those V iiueniwi.ro, jrs. uarrcji,i; ii. anvis, j MiWini, wiMmun,MJ, yiiiiiuiii i.-u-'Mi Kinloy, Green, Guuneil, 0 L. llillJ, T O. mis, nugo, jiuur, i.numer, j, u. i.uwis, Merarlan, Munson, Noble, Hust.Sehooloy, Mebold, ltlch, Tulbot, Thompson, Wads w oi Hi. WMeh, Woll, Dlffeudufer uml Mr 1'.. J, Lewis. Collision mi the Avenue. Miout IW o'clock ycilerday afternoon there was a collision on Pennsylvania ave nue belnien a private carriage, occupied llavovou a muckiutoshf If not, see tho Fplcndld assortment at tho American uut hltirs, H, Kubiiibo'i ii Co., W) Pennsylva nia avcnuenort)iwcst. Jl 1 83 salo c f Suits and 0 crcoats. jimn llrco., 7th and K, Kiso- ny .vrs, j, ii, eunus, u giust or tlio hiioie liuni, and a wagon bc'ouging to (he Union Transfer Company. Mm. Sunds cuirlitgo was damaged, ami tho horses hurt, butslio escaped injury, Scnnlnr Clormnn's llnmlAmitfl Country Kmlilcuee DOstroyed hy J'lro. 1'alrviow, tho Iftautlful country seal of Senator Gorman, in Howard County, Md., four miles from taurcl, Is In ashes. Yis terday morning the glided gables and tiled roofing of tho quaint octagon shaped Mructuro glMcned in tho sunlight and bade welcome to tho coming of Mrs. Gor man and her daughter, who contrary to tlulrusuul custom Intended spending Iho holiday Beasou In thu country Instead of nl their hamliomo residence on K. street. H was the intention of tho Senator's wifo to glvo an old-fashioned country dancoou Christmas j:o, and, In order to make tho necessary preparations Incident to tlio nlTnlr.slio and Miss Gorman, accom panied by two fcmolo servants, reached Talrvlcw yesterda morning. Tho day was fpent In decorating the rooms with evergreens, holly, and mistletoe. At half past 10 last night tlio oecupints retired and the lioiito was wrapped In quiet, broken now and then by tho hang of a shuller as the high wind swept over the Holds and spent lis fury against tho stout building. A short tlmo after 2 o'clock this morn ing Mrs. Gorman w.is startled from her slumber by a piercing scream f fire that lienctratcd every room and corridor In tho homo. Wakening her daughter, who occupied thopanieapartnicnt, tliey started for the place from which tho sounds em anated, When tho staircase leading from tho kitchen to tho servants' quarters wos n ached dense clouds of smoke poured up thoMalrway from tholpwerstory'iiiid tho two terrified ladles were joined by tho ser vants, ono of whom explained that she: aroo in the night to closo the shutters and saw tho llnnus bursting out of Iho kitchen (over which her bedroom Is cltuiitcd), and shu Immediately sounded Iho alarm. Tho entire party, wrapping themselves in bedclothes, mado their es cape through tho front entrance to tho dwelling of a neighbor, n.halfiullo dis tant, where Ihoy witnessed tlio total de struction of the mansion whlihwasa mass of charred ruins In a short time. No asslstanio was available, the nearest point being Laurel, four miles, distant, with which communication was Impossi ble. Senator Gorman was Informal of the disaster this morning and left on iin.cirly Iridn forl'alrvlcw. In his absence' thu total damago cannot bo estimated. Tho houso was built three years ugonta o?t of $10,000, and was refitted throughout hist summer. Tho property Is Insured in Ilaltlmoro companies. WE MIMllEIt 0'.,B2.',230. The Jlgiins us fllvtu 1) the I.nst Cen sus. Census bulletin iSo. 10 contains tho pop ulation of tho United State? by States and Territories. It gives tho olllcial count, 0J,0JJ,2riO as against 50,16'5,7K1 In 18S0, and 38,n.W,371 in 1870. Iho figures for ISM exclude whites in tho Indian Terri torv, Indians on reservations and Alaska. Including these tho population would probably reach 03,000,000. 'iho absolute increase of tho population in tho ten j ears last past was 12,100,107, ami tho percentage of incrcasuwas 2180. The Increaso between 1870 and 1830 was ll,r07,lt2 and tho pcrccntago-Q 03. Thus tho absolute increase in tho de i ado hctw ceil 18S0 and 1800 over thatof the dicado from 1870 to 180 w as BOO.OW, butthc rate of increaso has appirently diminished from M03 lo 21 80 per cent. Tho Superintendent then enters upon an oxhau'ilvo defense of his nn figures mid work, claiming that the census of 1870 was full of irrors ami omissions, duo to tlio fact that tho .law under which it was taken was "clumsy, antiquated and barbarous." llowcvoi, here are tho figures for 1800, as compared with tlioso of 18S0 . bTATI S ,D TritlllTOMIN, rOrULATIO.V. 1890. 18S0. 1 ho United States.. 02,022,259 00,155,783 .Xorth Atlantic Di vision 17,101,513 11,507,107 Malno OOl.OSO 019,030 New Hampshire 370,530 310 Ml Vermont..., 332,422 .T.l-',280 Massachusetts 2,238,013 1,783,085 Ilhodo Island 315,500 270,5.11 Connecticut......... 710,258 022,700 New York.., r,0)7,853 5,082,871 New-Jersey 1,111,011 1,131,110 I'ennsjlvanla 5,25.s,0U 1,232,801 South Atlantic dlvl slon 8,857,020 7,507,107 Delaw are 108, 103 1 10,008 Maryland, 1.012,300 0.11.913 District of Columbh. 230,392 177,021 Virginia , 1,055,030 1,512,505 West Virginia 702,701 018,457 NorthCarollna 1,017,017 1,300,750 South Carolina 1,151,140 005,677 Georgia 1,8.17,353 1,512,180 1'Iorida 391 ,422, 209,493 Xorthcm Central dl slon 22,302,270 17,301,111 Ohio i. 3,072,310 3,103,002 Indiana 2,102,101 1,078,301 Illinois , , 3,820,351 .1,077,871 Michigan Cfn.SSO i;o80,037 Wisconsin l,oS0,80 1,315,407 Minnesota 1,901,820 780,773 Iowa 1,911,800 1,02-1,015 Missouri..- 2,070,181 2,108,380 North Dakota ,. 182,710 30,90') South Dakota 828,808 08,208 Nebraska 1,058,010 452,402 Kansas 1,127,000 990,090 JJ 2 Southern Central di vision 10,072,893 8,019,371 Kentucky 1,858,033 l,ftl8,W)ft TciuiCHSeo 1,707,518 1512,350 Alabama ,... 1,513,017 1202,605 Mh-slwdppl 1,289,000 1,131,507 Louisiana 1,118,587 l),9l Texas 2,235,523 1,091,71 Indian Territory (6) Oklahoma. .......... !l,K,lt Arkansas..., ,.. 1,128,179 802,62.4 Western division.. 3,027,013 1,707,097 Montana 132,100 .f),15 Wyoming W,703 2i),7rt Colorado 112,193 101,32 New MoMco irO-Xl 119,51 Arizona 50,020 10,41 Utah , 207.905 113,911. Nevada 15,701 02,201 Idaho 81,385 ,12,011 Ahiska(0 Washington 319,390 70,11(1 Oiegun 313,707 171,708 California 1,208,130 8QI.0J1 a rcrMc I) '1 lie number of white pirpons lattieliiJlin Territory 1 not liiclndeil la thin tnblo, os tlio tcninft t't IndlaiiH mul other proiu on luillaii rc-venntlonii, wbltli wnd limdo a subject ot rpctlnl liiTCBtlgatlou liy law, lumiot yot leei couijilctcil c Including 5,118 peiooin 111 Orccr County (la Indlnn '1 crrltory), rlulinisl hy Texas, (I 1 tin number ot white persons In AIubKO l not included In this tnll. na tho ccnmis ot Alnkj, nlilth was nindo a ful'Icct ot ppcLlul luviMIUiitlun by law, lirx net jet beui cum t'lctelt. " i i Smashed hy an Ihiglue. YeMerd.ij afternoon eiigiuo No, 828 of tho Ilaltlmoro ami Potomao 1'allwaj struck a wueii driven by JoH'ph Knit at tho liiteHiwltou of Third street and Vir ginia avenue soiithust, and threw It sonio dUlanco from iho truck. Kent cm taped with u few ellght bruises, but tho wagoir, width bihuigisl to II. l l'ettlt, was deniolisheil and tliohooo Injured. Artlst-Arllsaii'i. , i'lua thi Atis YvtK Tinui William Hamilton Gibson, tho writer and artist has Just accepted cliurgo of the Department of Illustration and Design in tho New York lnstituto for Artist-Aril-tans, In Wist Twentv-third street, Tho institute has iccelved soveral marked demonstrations of tlio approval In w hleli it Is held by nun who mo interested In tho development of tho Industries of thu country Upon tlio lines of art, beauty and usefulness The Collego of the City Of New York Imsj established six Kcholirshtps fi r the Institute course, and General Alex ander fr Acbb, president of tho colli j, has written to Professor John Wind Mini son, tho worthy superintendent of tho In stitute, saving "I liavo licon for n long time exceedingly anxious tu nuke a pub Uo exhibition ortho Interest I liavolu the w ork that v ou nro doing In creating artist artlpans. 1 have among my young men hard-working, Intelligent follows who do dro to liursno tho courso at your institute, and it Is to ba hoped that this experiment may meet such success r.s to Induce, other citizens to add to this iiidowiucut." WAT IT WILL COST. TilK D1STI11CT APPKOPIUATION lllhli HKPOllTEIl TO TUB HOIIHIl. It Will Cost $S,(IS,8J7.07 to ltiin tlio District (lovcrnmont, and Taxpavcis Will Have to lny One-Half of It It Is he Than the IMImales. Oho CommlticoTon Appropriations of tho House to-day completed tho District Appropriation bill and reported It to tho Houc. Tlio total ninount recommended to be appropriated for the general expenses of tho District for tho fiscal j ear 1892 is, ex clusive of thoAVatcr Department, ?5,033, 227.07, of which sum the General Gov em inent is required to pay2,0lt,OI3.0, that being the one-half of the whole sum. Tho whole amount recommended is $03,330 kss than tho estimates. The amount appropriated for thegenc ral expenses of tho District for the current fiscal year Is en,500,53(J 97, being 177,39) more thai) Is recommended for 1892. 1 ho Items aro us follows: joiisM tm ami fovmniNT rxrfxsrs ion ixibnvr. otticu Tor two Commissioners, at- ?5,000 each; ono L'ligincor Commissioner, SI2 1 (tonmkc salary KOiXi), ono siorctary, 2,109, one clerk, ?l,CO0, ono ecrk, Jl.ioo, "three clerks, ono of whom shall bun stenog rapher and tyiiowrltcr, at 1,200 each; one misscnger, JO0O: ono messen ger, SIM), ono driver, ?I30, one insjiector of buildings, f2, 100, ono assistant inspector of building!", (1,200, one assistant inspector of bulldliigsvvho shall also perform tho duties of inspector of elevators and tlrccsuipes, without addi tional compensation, 81,uop, one assistant Inspector of bulldingJ, 61,000, one clerk, 1 1,000, ono clerk, Woo, ono nicssenger, 180, ono janitor, 8700, one laborer, at $1 per day, S313, one stuim engineer, WOO, ono jiropirty ilcrk, 81,(100, one cleik, t'JOO, ono clerk, 9720, ono messenger clirk, $000, ono nicssmgcr, 80, three watchmen, ?4S each; oncchlcf inspector of plumbing, (2,000, two assistant In spectors of plumbing, 31,000 each; ono harbormaster, 81,200, lor rent ot property yards, 81,000, for arranging and indexing old n cords, complitlou of same, $1,600, In nil, Wl,678; n total increase of ?l,50t' J'i oi Mai, That tho accounting olllccrs of tho Treasury aro authorized and directed toro-cxanihio tlio accounts of thu Com missioners of the Dlstrht of Co lumbia accruing since July, 1873, nnd prior to March 0, 1833, and credit tho samowith all such disburse ments and expenditures made hi good faith, heretofore suspended or disallowed in settlement of tho same, w herein it shall satisfactorily appear that tlio money was paid to cniploj es of thuDWrlct prior to t heir discharge, and for goods sold and de Hvcred, work and labor done, materials furnished or services rendered to tlio Dis trict in occoidanco with contracts and agreements mado in good faith on behalf of the District, and also to adjust and settle equitably said nccounls, allowing all p ij -inents made In settlement of claims ugalnst the District, and for cx)cnscs incurred In good faith on account ot the Dlstilct. coMii.ni-nt rxwxsrs. Tor contingent expenses of tho govern ment of tho District of Columbia, Includ ing the Mnklng-I'und Olllco, Health De partment, and Police Court, $21,000, ami the Commissioners shall so apportion tills sum as to prevent a deficiency therein, rorcontlngent expenses of stables of the linnlnecr Denartnfcnt. 80.000. and no expenditure on account of tlio Ungincer Department for tho items nanieu in mis parngi from any otiicr fund. Kor rent of District olllces, (3,C09. i or general advertising, M.uoo. l'or advertising notico of taxes in nrrc.ir July 1, 1890, as required to bo given by act of March 10, 1890, 85.000. To enable the ltccister of Wills to com- plcto'th(rroproduction of tho old adnilnls-' tration anu guardian docueis prior to loiv. Including clerical servico and purchase of books, 81,000. To pay tho llcglslcr of Wills for pre paring papers in connection with tho an jKilntmcnt of guardians to enable indi gent bovs to enlist In the United States Navy, 150. ron vssresou's orncr. Tor one assessor 3,000, two assistant assessors at 81,00i) each; ono special assessment ( lcrlt, SlJo1), one clerk at 81,200, thrco clerks at 81,000 each: ono clerk in chargo of records, 81, 000, ono llcenso clerk, 81,200; one In spector of licenses, 81,200, ono assistint or clerk, 8900, ono clerk and messenger', 8000, In all, 817,300. To enable the assessor to continue to prepare and complete within tho llcal j car 1892, a book show ing all existing ar rears of t ixcs on real property duo tho District of Columbia, Including tho pay ment of necessary clerical force, 82,000, Itedueed 81,000. l'or tho purposo of defrajlng tho ex pensoof tho assessment of real, property in tho District of Columbia, as provided by the act of March 3..183J, 815,000. rpn cox LKCTon's omcr. Tor ono collector, 81,000; ono ca?ldcr, 81,800; ono bookkeeper, 81,000, four clerks at 81,100 each; three clerks at 81,200 each; puo messenger, 8000, In all, 817,200. I'oi necessary exiicnsQs Intho collection of overdue personal taxes by distraint and sale,, or otherwise, and for other nccesaary items, ?2,000l ion vumtoi.'s OFtjcr. l'or ono auditor, 83,000, ono chief clerk, 81,800, one Jinok keeper, 81,800, ono clerk, 81,000, two clerks, at 81,400 each; three clerks, at 81,200 each; one messenger, 8000, in all, 816,200. ltcduction, 81,000, . l'or ono disbursing clerk who shall bo authorized to pay laborers and employes of the District of Columbia, and such payments may bo mado with moneys advanced to him by the Commissioners in their discretion, Upon pay rolls or other vouchers audited and approved by tho Auditor of the District of Columbia, and certified by the Com missioners as now' required by law. Said pa -rolls and vouihirs shall ho Included lu tho account of the Commissioners. J'iiuMkJ. That he shall give bond to the United Mutes, to the satisfaction of tho Conunissiunirs, In the sum of 825,000, for tho benefit of tho United States, tho Dis trict of Columbia, tho Commissioners of ' the District oi uiiumoin, anil all persoiw Interested, conditioned upon tlio faithful pirfonuanco of the duties of his ofilce; but said disbursing clerk shall bo subordi nate to tho Commissioners of tlio District of Columbia, and they shall lu every re spect bo responsible to the United States, tho District of Columbia, and to hull, v liluuls tur tho acts and doings of tho said disbursing ilcrk. J'mtihtl fmtlicr. That Ids accounts shall ho audlttd by tho Au ditor of the District of Cohmiblu, who shall promptly forward tho same to the ( iimmissloncrx for thujr approval, 81 5no. l'or horse, wagon, etc., foi tho disburs ing ilcrk, i?00. rou vttoiimv's ouicr. l'or one. altornev, 81,000, ono assistant attorney, 42,000, one spot ltd assistant nt toiniv, 8l,l.iw, one law clerk, 8I,'.M0, one misMiigu.8200, for lent of olllio, 8100, for judicial expenses, 82,500, in all, 8II2CU loiisiNKixn-njMioincr. roronoilerk, 51,500, one "clerk, 8900, in nil, 2,10J. tlm couoxni's oi'hce. l'or ono coronn, 81,800, for horsohlre, juiors' fee, etc , 8900, formouue, 8.KW, in till, 83,090, imriuso, 8700, ton Mviikirrvurii its, l'or two market masters, at 81,200 each; one market ma-tor, 8'00, for hlroot la hoi en for cleaning markets at rate not oxcredlng&lOOpir market, WOO, hi all, nm ixotxi m's oniei', Ono chief clerk, 81,000; ono iloik, l,(o, ono tlerk, 81,100, four dorks, at 812(10 (.ub, ono Ueik. 8900, one computing engineer, 2, loo, ono in spector of asphalt and conn nts, 82, 100, one inessinger, HmJ, ono inspector of gas and miters, 82 000, ono superintendent of roads, 81,100, oiiosupulntendcntof lamps, 81,000, ono Inspector of lamps, 9, superintendent of parking, 81,200, ono assistant superintendent of parking, 8700, ono assistant inglncer, II.ijO), two assistant cngluiorH, at 81,500 each; one draughtmau, 81,200; four Inspectors of Btncti and sewers, at 81.200 each, thron xodnun, nt 87SO laeh; thrco ii.xmen, nt 8CWoach; one messenger clerk, at 8000, two messengers, at 8IMI enolh una two laborers, at 8300 each; lu all) 812,350, 111 crease 8J.0O. oAltii oi- EXAMlMiis, MrvM js;oiNrni. 1 or compensation for board of examl nccrsof stiam ingtnctrs In the District of Columbia, thrco at 8300 each, 8900. l'or construction of county rouls and suburb in stre ts, 811 0W, condemnation of street and nllej s, "S,000. PH.lMtlJNOi SWJ'l.rlMl AND CWVNtXVI. l'or sprinkling, vvi oping and cleaning streets, ovcutiis, nllcjs nnd suburban Elicits. 81)0,000, lnoroaso 815,000, l'or improvement of river and harbor front, 82,000. I'ifty additional school teachers nro pro vided fur in Iho bill, and 8917,200 appro priated for school purposes. 'I ho appropriation for the polloo force Is i 157,000 Major Moore's salary H In creased 8000. Tho llonllh Department gets 850,800, an increase of S3,2ij0. l'or the support and maintenance of tho Columbia. IIcplt.il for Women and I.j Ing In As) In m, 820,000. l'or the Women's Christian Association, 84.000. l'or the National Association for Desti tute Colorul Women and Children, 810,000. To enable said association to care for colon d foundlings, Jjooo l'or the Children's Hospital, 87,000 l'or Saint Ann's Infant Asv him, 87,000. l'or the Saint Hose Industrial School, for malnti nance, 82,500. l'or tho German Orphan Asj him, 80,000. l'or ninintcnanccof thoChunh Orphan age Association of Saint John's Parish, 82,000. l'or the Washington Hospital for I'oundllngs, for malnttiinhti', 87,000 l'or Association for Works of Mercy, for maintenance, 2 O00. l'or the National llomcopathlo Hospital Association of Washington, District of Columbia, for muliitcnanie, 8(5,000, for payment of Indebtedness, 83,000, In nil, 80 (XKl. ' National Tempcranco Home, 82,000, Homo of Good Shoplu rd, 3 000, Grand total for charities 8117,200. Militia of Iho District, 822,(150. T he comiuittio adopted the following amendment to the bill" Provided that, pending tho action of Congress upon the report of the bo irdop lolntcd to consider tho location, arrange ment and operation of electric wires hi the District of Columbia, pur suant to tho act approved Au gust 0, 1800, tho Commissioners of the said District shall not permit tho ctmt rni Hon of any conduit or mihn ay for ilcctncal purposes In any strcitor avenue of tho city of Washington or Georgetown, nnd any and all uiiusul permits for con structing thu said conduits aro hereby re voked. PAKXFLIS t'AUSK WANING. Tho reeling Against tho i:-I. indcr 31uth Stronger. Dldlix-, Dec. 10 Dublin, lu contrast with Wednesday night's meeting with re gard to the great leadership question, is now so calm that It Is difficult to believe that the city was recently the scene of such tran'tendent Parncllito enthusiasm us was described by tho press on tho oc casion of ParnclPs reception, savs the New York 1 liiiei to-day. fcavoln theiominltlco rooms of either party nnd in tho olllces of tho 1'iunnm and other newspapers, tho struggle excites at present littlo lntucst. Indeed, con siderable misapprehension Inn hicn created by the exaggi ruttsl uports of the ox-leaders Kception in Dublin. Of course, l'arndl wnsucilalmed vociferously by n mob, but It was not mainly a votingniob, nor even so formidable) in numbers as we were given to understand. Moreover, the rcsjuetablo element of thu imputation was wanting. WhenParnell last vMted Dublin, tho vc.irs ago, ho was met by a huge proies sion of trades, hearing enormous banners, and also by a largo procession of priests. Hoth theso elimcnts of voting power wero conspicuously nbscnt last vuek. As a prominent Dublin citizen said to mo last night, "1,'arncU can nlwuvs get a mob when It is not engaged clsewheie." At this moment the Dublin mob cle ment is mgaged elsewhere, in Kilkenny, vvhcrePnrnell's committee has imported 100 Dublin larlkins for purposn of amica ble adv ocacy. Uaclidav, however, tho feeling of tho populace in favor of I'arncll Is modifying. When vcr ho goes there are cheers for tho mun from those who as et ignoro what has altered tho man's position, but that is the extint of tho ieellng for him, nnd cat h day dimiiu'shis its sticngtli. Parma's cau"0 Is waning with tho light ing strength of its leader, which is now almost ut Its lowest ebb. l'arnell will breakdown phvsiiully, If nothing more, beforo niony davs liavo passed. The last few da) s, during which ho has encountered a hostility to which ho Is altogotlu r unaccustomed, have thoroughly sapped the stieuglh, born mi rely of pas sion and audacity, with which he entered on this painful contest. Against him. through tho neighborhood, nro nrraved forces with which ho never thought to liavo to compete. Tho priests aro solidly opposed to him, and It is almost needless to emphasize the power wielded by tho hierarchy throughout tho whole of the district covered by tho present campaign, Ontof over two hundred priests there is but one who hns declared In favor of Parncll and who. from personal friend ship, is stauchly lighting for him, 1 nrnoll ow es all his present success to his surprising and abnormal terrifying energy, coupled with the fact that the Irish party have no .newspaper organ through whoso columns to reason with a people who eagerly devour political news, The suppression of United Ireland had a great temporary Inlluenco on popular sen timent in the rurul districts, hut now that tho momentary effect of Parncll's audacity In suppressing. O'llricn's organ litis sub sided, tho public mind of Parncll's con stltuencj Is rapidly bearing round again to the rcul Issues nt stake. It Is Innlly too much to prophesy that the resultof tho election will entail the collapse of tho present unprofitable cntn pulgn. If the majority is successful, nnd iho odds nro greatly in their faor. Par noil w 111 ilNnpptnr lrom thu scene, broken, exhaustc el, Incapacitated for further client, and having succeeded only in wrecking, by W anton egotism, tho work of sixtion J can of noble iolltical struggle. A nlicAtto liKhhi: Acts in tights. Iroiueiulous Sneciss of n Hold, ltlch, lnlr and riiHliloiiahlo Chlrayouil. fnm (fit Chicago Hit aid. Mies Gertrude Potter stalked thostago at Hooley's cstcrday afternoon In eloublct undho'c. Miss Potior is tho daughter of O. W. Potior. Sho Is an heiress, Sho Is a belle. A thousand persons prominent in society and finance applauded her. Dig bouquets with long talis of wiithlng rib bons rolled at her feet. Mho doffed her plumed oh.ipcau and smiled and buw.nl while tho curtain s.iuk. Hut tho crowd w us not appeased. The hip canvass with tlio dean pc.is.uits dnucmg on it was hoisted again. And thin tho applause rolled up and beat about hcr,jndiruc:kleil long uftu Iho curtain had descended mid ceasell to flutter. Thrcujlcces vvoio picscntod by socletj people for the sake of snect charity. T he procieds of tho performance go to the Hospital for Women and Children nut on Adams mul Puullnq stn ets. Tho tlckits wero 82 each, and tho boxes sold for largo sums. It was what tho 1'our Hundred call an "event" According to society latitt slmg, tho wholp allalr was vcrj ,'toppy " Miss l'oltei did not appear In her tr!k lug costume until the .second phvv v,us putoji. It wtisupoetieal conmlv m one act, nnd wns called "(.lipid's Mew-wiior," laid in the time of (Jttccii lnUabclh of ihiglund The costuming that tlio llngllsh gently wore In the tlmo of the virgin ijuci ii gnvo Miss Potter thu opportunity of displaying her chirms tli doublet ciud linn Anon Miss Potter e ntorod H'elit) elrow its breath, hhe wore n doublet of gill iu t velvet, lloso of the sainomatcilal, laced like leggings up the sldo with gold lords, hound her shapelj limbs. A little cape with golden fringe swept hirshouldcrs. Gold br.ild glcunoil uriguiiy uii iner ner iiouoiei. uu uir ris a u: nhthtlv can sat Willi a dashing plume nodding over t. mul a sword ill a scarlet sc ibbard clanked at hor left hip. Arrayed thus ono of Cldctuo's social queens strodo in ross the stage, The spectators endured, but after tlio first wnvoof apphuiso curlcnl over the costly bonnets a modest sJlcnco wu", maintained .Mhs Potter was im personating tho pari of ii eourier 01 n noiiiemaii, mm sue was unyiiig ii oxceciiingiy wen. tho part lttcdhcr. There uns n iTqli nt rmtiMW Inlt.whltli, with the costume, mado it I delicious to tho I'our Hundred, 1 Iho plot was soon unraveled. Mli i Poller (old her brother, Sir Philip, that 1 sho had a letter from her or his hml containing n proposal of marrlago to tho glitlo Miss Walshighatn. Immediately blr Philip gut angry and found that ho loud her. Hoand "Iho boy" wero about to light with swords win n Miss WnNIng ham entered, Sir Philip, after cursing lilimclf for his own backwardness linnic diatcly jiroposcd to Miss Walslnghani, tho coii'pirnty was revealed, and tho curtain iliavcd Its way through a red cloud of bouquet, whllo society clapped Its gloves! hands. Tho curtain w as hoisted again anil ngaln, whllo Miss Potter, In the garnet lostumc men wore In thu sixteenth cen tury, smlliHl and bowed nnd honed and smiled over and over. Her ilcbitt as an amateur uctres had been a pronounced and artistic success. TUB roiU'HIN HUITOK. XAhy lie ! Attractive to no Man) Anior lcnn Ulrls. Ono reason why American girls wish to marry abroad Is that foreigners have, ns a rule, n cirtnln enamel of manner which Is very attractive to women, sajsMrs. John Sherwood In ITarptr' Ilazar. Tho hand kissing, the (lattery, tho deferential mnn mcr, all theso nro tlio most agreeable be ginnings of an acquaintance. It Is, to an Idle cirl, a great pleasure to find a man has all hisdaytodevotetohcr. TlioIjtiropnn man hns mado a study of how toamuo himself all day long and no doubt ho has picked up education and much that Is verv agreeable along with this effort to get rid of time. Tho American man hash.ul no such dif ficulty in disposing of the golden houn; ho bus worked hard to iiuiko his living; he has had a terrific strui-glu for It and ills, love-making has bee n uthingapart, un In terlude in the busy life. He has had no tlmo to enamel himself with foreign muni ncrs and to nil idle nnd selfish girl ho is far less ngrcoablo than n man who can take her to picture gnllcrics, to races, to tho Hoi, to dine, who knows all nbout dressmakers, their prices, their degree of stylo and their costume. A Kuropean mun Is a gazette, a news poper among other things, and ho is full of delightful anecdote. He knows all tho gossip about the Prince of Wales, about I nily Agatha and the Duchess of Nowhere; he is selfish In everything else, but ho is not selfish In thin. He docs try to make himself amusing and agriiable, and to do him justico he generally suc ceeds. If he goes to theatre or opera with a party of ladies ho knows tho history and it Is apt to bq a piquant one of ev cry prima donna, every tenor, every basso. He remembers what hapjiencd at Nice two winters ago, and he has an amusing story about tho Grand Duchess of Pimpcr nlckcl. Wo nil know that thero Is no moro fascinating reading for tho idle nnd cultivated than the stones in which titles abound. And perhaps, when treated with the genius of ' Oulda," they nro very good reading for anybody who has nothing else to do. FINANCIAL ANO COM3IKUCIAL. Washington Stock KxchniiKO. frides llegular call, 12 o'clock m Capitol nud North O htnet It. It , 20 n 50. People's Fire Ins , 10 nt 5. Col. Title Ins , 100 a 53. Mm oln National Dunk, 5 a 101 Wash. Gas, 10 n 30J; 0 a .T)l; 25 a "SOU, 25 a S9J; 25 a It'll; 10 a !JU. Miscellaneous llunils W. & G. It. It. 10 10 Ls, lt'0.1-'23, 1025; W. ,t G. It. It. con vcrtlblo (Is, 107; Mtv-onlti Hall Assoili tlon, 5s, C ltf'S, 103, Wash. Market Co , 1st mort. 0s, 1071; Wusli, Market Co, imp. IV., : Wash, Lt. Infantry, H, 0, 1COI, 02, Wash. I.t. Infantry, 2ih 7s, 1001, 92, Wah. Gaslight Co i Per. A, !,, 110, Wash. Oasllght.Co,8cr. It, 0s, fioj; Hy gienic Ico Co , 1st mort., 0s, ; American Sei urlty and T nut, 5s, , National Hank Stocks Hank of Wash lngton,135, Hank of ltepubllc, 200, Metro politan, 205; Central, 300, fcccOnd, ; l'aimirs and Mechanics, 190, Citions', 170, Columbia, ; Capital, 120, West Kiul, ; Traders, ; Lincoln, . Itallroad Plucks Wash, and Geo , 215. Metropolitan, ; Columbia, ; Capitol and North O Street, 18, Ucklngtou and Soldiers' Home, CO, Georgetown andTen liallj town, 45. Insurance Stocks Firemen's, 1.1, Franklin, CO, Metropolitan, SO, National '111. fH Title Insurance Mocks lte.il IWnto Title, 123, Columbia Title, 52. Gas anil illectrlc Light Mocks Wash ington Gas. ,10J, Georgitown Gas, IS, U. S. LTcctric Light, 185. Telephone Stocks .Pennsylvania, 25, Chcsaicaka it Potomac, ; American Graphophone, 101. Miccllaneiu.Mocks Washington Mar ket Co., 15, Washington Hnck fachlno Co , ; Great Falls Ico Co , ; Hull Klin Panorama Co , ; National fc.ifo De posit Co, 210, Washington &afo Deposit, 120, Pneumatic Gun Carriage, t; Wash ington Loan and Trust Co, 1; Am. Sec'ty and Trust Co , 02; I jncoln Hall, ; Hvglentu Ico Co., ; Inter-Ocean Hulldlng, -. A Ghott-ns a Witness. Fran th( London Dilhj Tiligram. There was onco a "ghost In, court," con nected with thq rnemorablo Bolt case; since then the phantoms liavo not troubled the High Court v cry much. Hut there Is an action pending, all about a will, in which nspectro forms a loaeling feature, and will possibly be called as a witness. A ghost in the witness box would cause a forensic sensation of the first order, and would "clear iho court" moro speedily than tho efforts of a dozen ushers. Tho way In which tho phantom "comes In" tel this particular ease seems to be that tho testator, being dissatisfied with his testa mentary dispositions, revisited tho glimpses of thumoon and told the sexton all about It, "Hut," Lord Justice lion on pertinently inquired, "can what a ghost sajs to n sexton bo taken as evidence against anybodv Tho legal view would bethat6uch testimony requires! substan tial corroboration; but wo know fiom 'Silas Marue,' that 'ghostcses' elo not care about being ty-Hcud by tho hopelessly 'Ignorant.'" Yes, ho loves jou now, 'tis true, 1 ass with eves of violet blue, Lit s as sweet as honev-dCw, Iloniiv littlo bride 1 Will ho lov e v ou as to-dav, Whin j our bloom has lied an ay, When v our golden locks are grey Will his lovoabldor Yesjf it h tlio ttito kind, It wlllsurvlvo nil tho inevitable wastes uml ihnugcsof life. Hut It Is every woman's desire nnd duty to ictniii, ns long ns sho cm, the at tractions that mado her charming and be loved hi j until, No ono tan keep her vouthful bloom or cqinblu temper, If weighed down and silffirlng from remain vuiikniss and ill-ordirs. Dr. PIcrco'4 Fa vorite Prescription isaicmedy for thiso troubles, (-old by druggists. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspspaia, In digestion & Debility. .xi.viiitu:i. AWIU Hl'M-lir on liiimlay, Tkconi. lifr HI, 1U. nt tlio renliloiue ut tlm hrlile, lWi llllrli tilth Ktrest. by tlio ltd T. Wlillcman, t lmrk VVHe) to lToienea VI lluvrtt, lnitli u( Oil. ell, Dl i:n. HOW I r.s On jrnnila), Dcitmlitr 1". 1. at 11. .0 ii i lode in , s-uiihl VI , n lelon ot tlw I,1U Mlilu-elll Hunk i:si)N On T uesiiliiy niiirnlug, Decoiiilrar 111, 10, nt " 13 o civile, lila , ltiwiou, wife ot W'lllliuii II I.ast.m. I'iiiii rut prlvnto KrvHIIP-OnDsremuer 13, lH. WIIIUui , arre, utter tt nlmrt unit pilliitul llluo'4 ut luirnlisls, hiehli bore iv It Ii patltnoo. (ln,VOOI)-At llluamhigilili, l!ox ( uunt), Now ork, em tlio night ot the lMh nt DiTonilit'r, Ihkj, Oiiiiitructur Klelurtl llatu uouit, I nlteil htntM Ntevy, ugul il voars, JOA ( I! - On Dficmbcr HI, 1H). nt 5 ii clock n in , lr .lumen W Juveo, brlovwet butban I ot smmliA Jouc, tu hlmlut jour lunernl (rum rnldcni', 511 hlitli street northnctt, 'lliurKilny at Ji m Interment In Itotk I'ntk Ccuicttry, lrtcnit. anil relatives luvlteel toattcuel VON l'rT'lKMnit Ou Decembir 15, lKH,Allro T (lobl Vim I'nttkauior, beloved wilcotF b.Aoul'iittkmucr, Union, 1; Arlington, 10.), Coicoran, 58, Columbia, 14: German American, KB, Potomac, 80, Illggs, 7, Pcoplo's, 4?; Lin coln. I!: Commercial. . Itimliilarrncfs of llrlmolit. from tht Chicago Xtio. August llclmont, tho noted New Yorker, who died the other day, waj related to Carl Wolftohn, Ihouiustclaii, at 1115 Miihl,sin avcniie. "1 Tincw Helmnnl but ftllgbtlv," Bald that gcnllcnian to-day, "although my father and ho were groat eronloH and friends, Hchrtont was a second cousin of my mother, and camo from tho same part of tho comitrv mv folks did. bv. I .know, or did know, nil his friends then, ami an uta relations, onu, aiiiiotign l was much joiingcr tlnm him, I took an In terest In the same things ho did. llclmont was born lu Alzcl, In llhenlsh llcssla. Ho tamo to this country when but a J oiing man and secured tho lttcratlvo nnd Important position ot Now York cor respondent forthoIluthschlhR That was thu making of Jklmont llu was not an obscure or low-born person, vou under stand, but lament- good, well-to-do folks That Is, ns richest wero oouslderisl then but now his folks would not be lcckonid wealthy, llclmont was vtcecssful in nil ho did. Tho very position ho held give him unlimited opportunities for tho exer cise of his business capabilities, and hodid not neglect his chances. "When August llclmont was about .15 years old he married tho daughter of Commodore Perry a very advantageous, match. Ho continued to be successful, nnd when James Buchanan took tho Presidential chnlr llclmont was favored with a good political position, lie wns mndc Ambassador to The Hague, and it was whllo lie was there that 1 first saw him, He did not Impress mo as being the man of whom sp much was said. Uu Iho contrary, I saw only a wnnll, insig nificant man ono who apparently under stood business, but not the beau-Ideal I had pictured to mvsclf. "It has been often asked It Helmont did notchnugo h,s name, and what his rea son for such a course was. That is a mis take. Itilmont was his right name. It wus tlio family n.amo nnd was my mother's. Tho only vwiv that ipicstlon was rai'cd was that in tlio old country tlio name was Schocnbcrg, a translation of which Is Helmont. The family, you see, lived near the borders, and, llkomuny others, intermingled 1'iencli witli the mother tongue. That Is how it came about, but it Is wronging tlio memory of Helmont to claim that he ever changed his name. "I do not know nHimichuboutthatman asl would bavo llkrel to. Ho was a lino man and a good scholar, for beforo coming to this country ho received a good educn olon nt Fr.iiikfort-on-thc-Malu. Ho Is nl hided to ns Helmont tho horseman, but the fact Is that lt was only during the lat ter period of his life thathespent so much of his time and energy on horsollcsh. As I said before, iny lather nnd ho wero great friends ami doubtless It my father were alive he could tell many agood an ecdote about August Helmont." ll'IX! U.MlTItl.S. m WILL PAY ruLL ixnuiissioN to ItEALlSTAlHAfinSlS 10U SM.L1M1, Per Prices nml Terms Apply to EMMONS i. K1XO, llullelers ami Owners, Atlantic Itullillii - iion is KST-Kllt SAl.K-COHNEU OV M'ltUOi: -3-"' street nnel llnrewuoel nvenue, I,o Droit Park. Five New Two tory nml Attic Uriel: Duell ing, with l'oicnrs, nil .Moilern Im . proveininti. ou fcprure "tru t. Mxllonse, 'luo Mnrlrs, Attic anil Cell im llnlbl with 1'nper VII Muilem Im provement", on llnrrwaoil nionup Also curncr House, corner ot fpruco null llwc wood nvciiuo. l'or Price nnd '1 crms Apply to A 1I.L1AAI J. LEWIS, Owner nml llulldcr, On premliF'. ilclltf s' LlllltUl'Olltsr, 1410 l'liinsjhanln nvenue, uppoIto Wlllanl' Hotel Ihuusnnilx rrom lur nml nenr vl'tt Dr. V bite's establishment torrclletftoin nndniulil. nneeut eornn, bnnIon, dltcnseel nalM and nil other toot troubles llonri, 8 a, in. to II p in. Hunilajs, !l tol.'lOnicufec jl nervlalt tor put Hug tho teet Injgood order. Ijstnlillshcil 1M1, JrJ. WILLIAM LL'E (siicccsi-or to Henry I ec's bONS), UMIKIITAKKH, X2 rilSKSi I.VAM V AVliXUK X South Side. llrnnch OIllcc, lis Mnrylnnil nvo. s. xt. JCTW1IV NOT HAVE UUU HHIlllH iJ made by ouo ot tho most celobrated cutters In America 1 Prices sumo us thosn third rato cutters charge,. 1 T. HALL, OW 1' street n w. WANTKIJ-III.M'. 17A rtii-A KAT woman ron ue.v- T V rnl housework In n ininll tsmlly: stv at night; rcfcrcntcs. Apply Ifii H tt. n-.lt "Wi ATEI)-A SIAN 'IU ATTEND TO lurnaio. untii-un si n w. i.-.it WANTiD-A ItESI'LCTAULr, UIUL iOIt general lioune; muat know how to cook; private faintly; references required. 1311 Kith st n w. 17-t 17-AM FDCAHIHKU IlOji VOU HIE Critic; Xrom north, mirttii'Unt, southeast andnorthwrxt srrttonsot tho city. Apply nt 'III!'. UlllllUOl FlUEoH o'clock. 10-tt w ATKl)-A aiHL ron oeveiivl houeework. Apply at HI7 K t'ii t, HI- It .Mftll-.l HVll.l.il II' e.llll Wl.MF ilu light boukcuork; uai;e, Jli Apply iai IJth si ii w. ...-jt WANTED-A l'OI(Jltl.l) WOMAN VOU general bouscwurk. Apply 1'ru 13th t n w. 1(1 3t "1X7 AN'TKIl- WOMAN 10 COOK, WASH V andiron, hiln reference. Applj lsvi I orthst, 1 e llrolpiirk. JjMt X-irANTEIl-A CUI.OltI.il JIAN 1(1 ACT V ai;riiom and rootmmi; must Unim the city well. Apply nt stable rear or nil II 1 uve irANTKD -A ITHS'l'-CLViS WHITE cook, Willi good cllyictercncc". Appv ls.nl I t. itti itfAMM-A COOK, WAsllEU AMI TT Irontr for a small tamll),gool wage Mi n l,ood cook, Apply in Mil uvo n e. Kklt Wi ANTED- ClOCID HOlt.SK.SIIOllU. AP- lWt ply corner ulli and I "t s u, 17"AN'U D-.V HLSPECrAllI.E WHITE t V girl to do geucr.il houBcworli for small famll). Call nt 70.14 1st e. ljlt -7"AVl ill) -A UESPlX'TAllI 11 Olltb 1 Olt V plnlu tooklu and general houicwinl.. Apply utuisiitliitnu, lt-.lt -VirANTLD-sEUVAN I' (111th 1 Olf GUVh Y luiuntuurk, iiuiKt stay nights; refer ences ruiulred 1 Kit M ML,l-SllUATIONS. rANn:i) PLACE '10 IKMIEMIKVI, houKowork. Apply rUMInt n w, can che refere-uces. T It WAMHI IIV" VN "lAPIiIIIENCED MaherMiman, un.hliig nnd lioulng to il nt home l .ill ui adilro" IMltith t n u. -irAn.D-n iti.si'EcrAHLE avium: girl, n ultuatlo'i en iliimherniild tiul waltrimi In nprhato famll); refereuisi ghen ( allorndilrc.) southnet corner llthnnl W sl.nw 17 Jt AirAMIII 1IA V Mil NO KILOinTl) lunii, npliteen porUrur meiwciigcr. Yd ilirmt.Y T. ICTS Lt n w H-lt "XIT'ANIHI-IIA A ltiWl'l.CI'YIILi: UNO- 1 11'hflrl ltuiitlun ai liifmits uurae; can take entile ilurgu. tall at -Wl Ct e M-K -lfYNIEI)-llY Y UI.SPI.C I YllLlTui'L'T) Moiniin, ii.Uilnllon lu a llrt eluss fnmlly ns cook or ctiumhuiiuulil und wait1.. Apptv 1111 ail st il w Hi It WAMMl-sin YIION i A IIOOI! 11 lauudiis, . en 1 laillos' uohIi nbuitiweb iuilnipkluliiuulerMl er) renaouablo (at at .iris I nt u e 111 II 1101)11 II 111 It "irNtlH 1IA Y UK-tl'I'l lAHLKlilLI) TV itlrt. n .Uu ittou us ihnmheimil'lor tu itu gcnrral huueuwoik, I nil in lulil.tis Ills lnll son it n v in It XirAMIl) IIV A AOl Nil "(llLllllKl) woiiiun, U.'lit washing to take liti.iicurn phcatudoeluiuberuurk und plain .owlic lu n family AihtrcM or call Jt.M I Itli rt n w i tut sail tut i:oiiMii:. 'l.-AOIt hMli (III PACHYNUU vou ur .1; property LnrK" hcjlihy farm, with brick borne and other bulldlnst'' ono hour by rail tiom WontiluEtou on Annapolis It II V( djtts 1310 Jlaits vc. dcOlui AUCTION SA1.I.S. I"Nt'M N"OV 11110 'iflt'HTEns'HVIEoT kt'M N"OV llltos . Aiirtlimcen. IP M.u utile k- tmiHi! UN I 111 It AND Y II Yl.r SI III, 111, III' TWIfcN N M) O S1I1LLIS UOLIII W1S1. 1 niler Mid by virtue nt n died nt lrnr., re rorilrd In I II er No 1 Ml, follii I III it sei , one of Iho land record of tlm lll'trlitot Coluiiibl i, the luiileislgneil IrusteeA will -ell nt public nuitlon. In trout of Iho prtiul'C", on Tl'IM HAA.tlio'llllinil.lll II YA orill.CI'Mlll.ll, 1S"(I, ntlJl'YIIIHtOI'l IVi:o( l(H K V M . lot seventy four ("Hot .lohn 11 VIcLenn mm leihn Ann Itlmuek's -lib iIItIi-Ioii of squaru llio hundred nml fortj-slx (Alii), In tlio iftyot W A.lilnnliin, I), ( , n said sub division In re ron1e.it In book n, pigc i', together with the Impnivemcnts, ell firinn of ssle" Ono third o( tho iinrcliaxi money to bo paid in e ash nu 1 re sldun fu tie clve (13) nud elrthtccn (lHiinunths lit six O.I p"r 1 1 nt per niiimm, jiu)able semi aniiunll lor vv lilcli plirclin.fr to ghp promlnnury uuten eiiirnlbj deed of trust on ptoputv sold, o nil ro'h, nt npllon nt punhmcr If tertnn of flilcnrti iiotenmpllrd Willi lutcii (111) dais rrom il nf sale, the trusli es reserve tho tb'lit to re sell st rink of ilefnultlni; purrlisser, A deposit otJlOlwlll I io iioiilrril vvlirn bid Is nrieptrl Ii MIMO.NSIO.N. 'Itiutee, Nm Firth street luntlnwlt C 11 AMI l.l.Y,MS()N, 'trustee I'elTeoil.Ydn 1" I'M ANSON IlltO'S, Aiiclloueers 'i ins rri. s sai i: or "new iimcic itorsi: ON KltJlt VN1) YIIAIV SIIII.I.I. in: IAYI.KN N AM) (I STKI.EIS, MIU1 II I.ST. Vnder nml bv vlrliisnt n deed ut trust ro eorileil In I Ibcr No lliri, folio 117, rt iei , ono of the laud re curds ut the District of t'ujunibla tie undirr-lgiud trustees will sell nt public m Hon lu fiuMnf tbeiirrmle, un 1 1'EsD YV 'im: iiiiuriKiiiDYA or un i:uiKit. ism, nt IJIAIIIKK PAST 1()1 II 0( LOCK P.M., lot (eieiit-tbreo(t1)nf .Inlin II McLean nnd ,lohn Ann Itlsutrks .lib iltvl.luii of -fitiarn tlio hundred nnd forty six CSIiU.ln the clt) of AV'nh Inftton. D. C , ns uld siiImIIiI'Ioii Is recorded In Hook 11, pace nil, together with tho lm prntements, etr 'lenua ot sale: One tblrd of the purchase money to bn paid In cash, nnd icidituohi twcho 00 and eighteen (IB) mouths, with Interest nt sK (ii) per rent per unnum, Interest pnnblo semi nnnuall), (ur which purchner Ut give liromls-nr) nnte, secured It) deed of trust un iho property "uld, or nil cash, at thauptlun ot pm-charer. It terms ot nnlo nro not compiled with In ten (10) days from day ot salo tho trus tees reservo tlio right to resell nt rlik of dc tniilllug purchaser A deposit ut $10.1 will bo required when bid Is nieepied AV. U, i.DMONSlOV, 'Irustre, an nrtli street tiorttiwest. . C. 11. AMI.I.IAMhO.N, Iruitcc. ucli cod Aili. nv A'ntTt i: or a'ceiitvin deed or Jl trust, duly recorded In liber No ll'T, tollo Vit of Iho Land Itecoids ot the District of Columbh, nml nt tho request of tho holder ot tho notes secured thcrcbj,wu will offer for sail nt publlennrtlon, In front uf tho lircmlscs, on JIONDYA, HLCEVIllKIt l, WiO, nt III o'clock p, in, tho fiIIulm;-descrlhid real mtnte, hlng nnd belnj' In Iho eltj of AVnahlmf ton,) t'.towlf Part of lot 8 In squnro No 777. 1 ring premises No an II street northeast '1 inns of mlo ensb. A deposit of WI villi ben quired at time of sale. All couvcinuclng nt pnribn.er'siost 'Irrmsof silo to bo coin plbd with In ten days from day of sale, or thu propertj will bo resold it risk and coH uf ele laultlug purcha-cr OOODV.MN Y. ATLEE, l.DWAKD W. WllIiAKEI:, delJeodAds IruHcos. Gho7AV. S'IICIvNEA, " W) l.lountli street mv, Tiiiisrrr.'s' saii: Tiv ai'uv valitaihe JMl'llOVhl) PKOI'EUI A ON Oltl.C.ON AAKNtr. NEAULIllllTEEMH SlltLEl' 01llIlVVLSf. llv virtue of n cutnlii deed of trust recorded hi I Iber, No 1, w, folio HI-1, ct seq , ono ot tho land retords fur tho District of Columbln, mil nt the rcqurstuf tho party secured thereby no wlllolTir for sulo In front of tin premises on THE Mil DAA 01' DFCMIW.lt, ls.nl, nt 1 1 o'eloik p in , all of lot "It" lu II, ilngritder's su1mI11soii nf certain lots lu square l5l as tlio "line Is rciordtd In book O.ll II , pago 7, In tho olllco of the Siinejor of the Dlxtrlct of Co hunbla; sold subject to u certain deed ot trust to secure tho um of fl 'M nnd Interest, Terms of s nlo All cash la exi ess of flrst trust; $1110 deposit nt tlnioof t do. 1 enns to bo com piled with In ten dais AV. 1111 l.Y BCnilLV. ril'i 1' "treet nw. AY'lllTEFILLD llcKINLAY, drcl eUels lit 11UJ V sticel nv. I5EAL ESTATE HULLETIN. A nv :T1I0AIA!) r. AVAdOAMAN, (117 T street. Changes nindo AVcelnesdnjs nnd hntnrdays. TA O h'l OltA' I1I1ICK AND VILYME HOUSES 1'Olt SALE. inilTIln EST. 1-llOJMll M, hb, in 1,11 rs $5,000 11 J 1 tilth st, l'.h, d is, and 2 houses In rear, I rs each 0,000 lJIVnnil WU .Minlloii st, f h, 1 rs, and 2 brlrk bouses lu nar 1 KI1 SSia.W32Wst, t b, (I rs each 4,5011 10JJ nnd 11)1 Mh st, b h, in 1,0 is t.ioo 1W st.fb.tl rs l,(xw Alley bet bill and 7th, L nnd M sts, t 11, I rs '..Wl bOLtt-bli, ml, 7rs IVU niniidVMPiiicoBt, f h, brs T.5HD ..lOSN'-t, bh, m I, 7rs 3 mi l.'lOlSrWJIndisonst, f, Irs 3.UU0 btuble in nllc, bet 1Mb nnd 1Mb, K nnd Lstsuve 1001 4l nmUU Illdgo st, t b,SrS i... 1,011 H0T.J tltll Bt, Il li, U rs..... T,U(I0 lllHlhst.rb, I rs... ssno rw.lnnd Mi (1 st nllcy, f h, Irs a,aOO 01b and (118 .Morion alley, f b, 4 rs V 41 nnd Kii 11 st alley, tli, -1 rs 1 ton 1S(0 tiilJI'l Wth st. Ii b, 0 rs ench 1,NH 11J to l."J 1'lerce n, b li.ilrs l.MXJ TO LEASE. Torn termot 50 jrsnvnlnnble piece of busi ness property ou ilth st, near Vn nvo 11 w, rent rltO pir inuiith nud taxes. Lessen to build on mini, building to cost not less than $1.0,000 II st, bet -tth nud Mh (Is 11 e, rent per an num $U1 00 UNIMPKOALD 1'ltOl'KItIY TOII tjALE. Per foot. N E cor 201b nnd 1 its n vr $3 nil Kst.betlltlinminthstsnw IM 1. rt, bet IStli nud ltithsts 11 w 1 00 xthst, bet 1. Cap nnd A st 11 e 1 00 Ost, bet Ut nml .id stun w 1 00 7th st, above Orant ui on w SO HOESKs. Mill HLN1'. lSlTNstn w ((or), lira $53000 aiMl'Ftiiw (fur), 11 rs som Jll A st e, 11 r no 00 1 '.'0.111 (tne (fur), 8rs IV 01 liloth st ni.'Jrs , 13(11 lOnif.'d it n ev, !) rs II 50 ll.MN J aion w,8rs , iV 00 Sill I. stn e,7 rs , ,,,,,. 3S Ml lEOtHYnsw.l.iis 3iio :"M M t 11 w, II rs.. '.'3 00 1 J 17 'list st 11 n,(l rs , '."Ill) 1111 Mill st ii w.Mrs Ilia) UINsln w,H is , , IS II llliinthstuc, U rs ,.,, , 1 1 03 Til Idstsu.Urs 11 11) S( hninplaln air, Sr , Ill OI '.117 31 st uu, I rs 10 Oil I, "i mid i Pi 01 tor's nllc) 1111, In ,, sill 7nml H II111 0 nve i,-l is H W 11V! (jrceu s nllej 11 iv, 'J rs . 3d) lOANS III eiiins Io i tilt at (1 per rent IIEYL 1'STA'IE INVI.SIMEN'l'. Snfc ns 1' S bonds Mx per cent .pas nolo qunrterl), In sums of $1,000, hiuall prchiliim cbareteil. 'Iho ulove only n liortlou of the property on m; I ooks. l'or full list call at ulrlce fur bulletin liened on the 1st and 1Mb. r r vv.vein yai vv. 1 ou iii:m' itotnis. FOIt IIE.N1 '1 HANDSOMELY l'lMslll D iiururni.hed rouiiis ou 14 ilnor, lit! lutli it n w II It ITtOll ltI..NT-lll!NIMIi:i Oil I'NI'llt I1 ni.hed ruoiiii 011 -M or 'M floors, bath 011 .0 Hour, boird near, adult', retercuie, Ills Coirorinit 17 Jit I7IOH ItENI-115 JDsf N '-i lllfll.lir nml ihierful ruonn uu .'d iloui, iinfiir ulilud, with he-it. gas mil bath, terms ninli raje I7.it ITVUll IlhNl-nroOMs. AND II Y 111, J lloor. Ypply 11W l"i st i 17-Jt 17101t IILNI- (OMMINICAIIMfpYU ; Ion at 1 CM Uth st 11 M, lurattheU or uu Iiirnlslirtl M-lit TTOII III N I 11 ItNIMIED HOOMS Jl) V and si llooii, or will lent homo fiunisti'd 21711st 11 w llM,t 171011 HINI-'slNOIA OU UN hiirn l1 llauiUomcl) MrnUlieil loomt near lout c In Io, In pi Unto rsuill, tfontlouion only; IWI lllh ituw 15-Ht -lTlOlt ULN I ONE NUM. A VbliNlbll-l). V niirm, 1 iur) front loom. UWUtlist 11 la-8t ITIfsONAI., VTOAV 1- 1 III- 11ME WE Will. 1'AY lsi bl oiuuei ' lur lieuls' lliteln m uml baud eluthln Yflctri n 01 isll at .11 1-HI sol lisl'YNI), UlUD.t ii 1 Olt h YCK. ITICIK SYII-HYIOON YNI) ItKM'Yt ' runt rur iiiluMiktluii ad.lreai UU Est 11 111 lt "JTIOItSMt EMMONS & KINO. IlVir.1) 1' irn, ileilre to cull ouenttnn of the publU to their N ii llnlldlnits, uon nearly iliilihed, on 1. uriet Vlumubusi tu nv. one nud Flnt north init l.iiiiitlon HlKh YMII sell In turo Jiuui nr 1. At IL retlll linn nf IS lie re it nnnn t, I tranrdluar' eaiy terun VYorkiunuahlii 'gjj ' n.ut l.i.li.. il.illiail ..I.I. ..u... 1.,.. MU. MV..CVH U.t.U.U ., .U Jinj..lU I OH HILNTimiNI . IIOIl HI NT -UNI UII.N'IMII II nnMstiM,ii rs 1 in A(am oio, lTrs anil stable IWI M st 11 w.Mrs 1'Jv.HMitu w.l-.rs , . Iirs M it 11 w 15 rs . . 1117 Mass nve n w, 12 is lllbitci , lire Ulirt II it 11 ,IJ m. lliniitstiiM.Urs lMRCoimnioii vt 11 rs . ., 171 1(1 it iim.II rs, UII Ost 11 iv, 11 ro nil e'cniii nie. Iilrs till I (hit 11 w,ID rs lir,l 0 it "1 rs KM Pit 11 m, 11 is IWI (J it 11 , 11 rs. lswllsi n w, II is tVrlEitit , 1 1 rs ... ll7()stiiu I Irs l'.ifje oirursiist, 11 rs , Kl I ( ntiurnii it, 11 rs ,, ,, turn hag In it, II rs llld H itn w.lti rs in At sin w, 11 rs. Li-Ill I ntn 11 , 10 n , llOIMiMiitbtoii 11, Mrs VI 10 II si un, ft rs flat HWI I lupin st'lrs , INVIiSHIistii w,7rs 1IVl7llirt n vr.strnnelilni! KM I lorlilanie,8rs IWI. thst 11 u,8ts , , 1 1.1 AI st 11 w, tl rs lsi I'omcry it, Srs 'Iboalintclionscs tun lie cannnnut lull from our otllci onlv Sitr 11 .1)01 Urt 11 IV) 0) 1-sl 01 in a 1 U10) in 01 mi 01 III HI IS) III no m Hr M Kl l H1 H M 1 HI I) HI II !l 01 iA OI 7)(rl 7X1) 110(11 III 0) V) 0) V)0) .V) OI 43(11 MOT 73 OI 13 00 11 IX) 31 (II SO UO) by per THOMAS J 1'ISIIEII A, ( ') IfllKst 11 .AION l.Y TO MIAN. I ON LA TO LO YN ON Itll YL M r YTK Olt 1 llrit rluis securities nt loncst rates ot Interest, No dilsy ivbero 11 curlty Is pood O. C. (IHPEN, .xil "Hi ir n w TyroNEA, 11 I.N ALL SUM, TO IOAN ON HEAL ESTATE IbEtUltlTA", AT AND II l'EIt CENT. M. M I'AHKEII, 1118 I' St. M ONLY TO IOYN in sunns (o 'Hilt On Appuited Ileal Kststo t-e turltv. II II. YVAKNEIt tt), 1110 I'stn w KAIt.HOAllu. qsilE (1IIEYT P1NNSALVANIY 11(11 ril X to tho North, est nnd Southwest. Double 7 rack. rplcndld Sceucrv tticlJtnlle, Aliiiilllccntllqulpmtnl. In 1 rrtcr Nnynnn1.11 an, im Trains lemo AV nshlurtton, frnm station, eorncr of Slxb and II slriuts, as follow , 1'mi PiTTsnt 1113 nnellhoWf at, I'litcsKo Limited Exprcis or Pullman A'eitlbulc Cars at 10 V) n in ilaHj.I'ast Line. ID SO n m dally to CM (jtlto, ( olumbus and St. I onls, vvltn Parlor ( er llarrlsburi; to l'ittshuri; nnd Sleenlnir Cars from Plttsbiirit to Indlannpolls, Pitts hurirtn Cnlumbiis, Altooni to thlcio. St Louis, ( hlratro and Cincinnati Express, 1 I) 11m dally Parlor Car Washington to Harris Imic, and Slcepli.p Csrs Ilarrlsburi to St. lotus, Ihlrajto and ( luelnnatl, an I Dlnln Cor llnrrlsburR to St. Louis, t hlei-o nnd tin ilnnntl. AVest'rn Hjpress st 7 10 pm dally, with Slriplng Cars A rislilncton to thlcnjo nnd St I ouls, connecting d illv nt lUrrlsburg with IIiidiikIi Sleepers for Loulsvlllo nnil vlemphls 1 ullmnn Dining (Jar I'lttib ire; tu lllcl innnel and thlriiito l'nclrle E"inrcs, 1(1 (Opm dolly, for l'lttslmn; nnd Iho West, with through Sleeper to l'lttsbnri; and Vltts ljurpt to Cblcuito DALTIMOKE AND 1 OTOMAC IIAILI10.Y1). Ion Kadi. Cannndaljua, Itochcsler and Nl aitnra 1- alls dully, e vupt Sunday. 8 11) n m lor. 1 iiik, L'anamhlrrai and Itorhestcr dallv; fur IliilTnln and Mairnra dally, oxecpl Sutnr iiriItij,l()U)p in, ultli Slceplns Cjr AVnsh Inftton to Ituchestcr Von AViiiiAiisriuir, Itocheiter nnd Nlnpiri 1 nils, 7 10 ii jn dally , except Saturday, with Sleeplnj; Car Waslilneton to Itocheiter ron V itiiAsisroi.T, llinoio nnd Llinlri, nt 10 10 a ro dally cxcipt Snnday. Von VV iLLiAMSimiT 'tally IJOpm Inn Pint ADiirniA.NcM A ork nnd the East, 7 CO, Il IKI, II 00 nnd 11 40 n in, s 10, 1 15, 4 SO. 6 III, 10 01 ami 11 Ti p m On Sunday, 90). 1l40niti,9lO, U3,4. 1000 and liaipm. Limited Express of l'lillnnui Parlor Cars, with JHnlni; Car Daltlmoruto New A ork, 0 111 n in dailj, except Sunday. Foil Nrv York mil), tlmltcd Express with J)lnln' Car, r. 00 pm dally. Von Viiilaiilliiiia only, Vnst Express S10 n m weik elajannd Ipmelallj. Exprcss.Sun itay only B 40 p m. Ton IIostov without ebannc, 8 10 n m week davs nnd & 11 p m cicrv dsv, Vonlll'nniiLVs.N A' , all throuijli trains con nect nt Jersey Clt j with bouts of llrooklyrt Annex, ctfnrdliu direct trnnsfer to Pulton street, aiuldlnj; double Icrrifco across New Aorh City. I'oiiAtlantic Cirv, 11 10 n m week days, 11 ai p m dally ii)llllAlTlvinn,(iS3, 7 ai, 810,0 00 0 ID. 10 0), 10 50, 11 00 and 11 10 a in ; U 05, i 10, 1 11 1 SI. IWI, ISO, IT), BOO, .1 10, 0 00, 7 40. 10 00 and H13,pm. On Sunday (100, 1)03. 1050, 11 10 n in; J 10. 3 13, 1 in, 4 00, I si), 3 IX), 5 10, 6 00, 7.10. 10 00 and 111.1pm. Von Venn's Cnti n Lisl, 7S0nmnud4Wp m dally, escept Sunday. 1'on ANNAioti", 7'.'0 and'lOO 1 rn;ljaiand ISO p m elnlh, except Sunday. Sundajs, 0 00 n m and I 20 p rn AVAS1II.NOTON SOUTIIEHN ItAII.WAY. In Effi-CT Novembsh 20, lfiHQ Foil Alkxamiiua, I DO, 0 33, 7.4A, 8 10. 0, 10 37 a m, IS 01 noon, S.(B, 3,, I S3. 1 5), II 01 , 8 02, 10 03 and II ) n m. On Sunday at 4 D), 7 K, 9.13, 10J7 rem, 2 30, 0 01, 8.W and 10 03 p m. Aicns0DATI0K for iJuvhUco 7 13 n m nud 4 15pm weekdays 7 45a mSuudajs. Foil IliniMONi) and tho South, 130 and 1037 n m dally. Aicomiuodatlon 4 53 n m week. day s, Tiiainh leave Alexandria for AVashlncton, )i (ft, 7 05, H Oct, 910,1015,1107 n-m; 1 W, 100, 3JS0, 010, 0 03,703, 9 'JO, 10.50 and HOSp m. fin Sunday at 11 10 and 1101 am; 2 00, Slo, 7 03, 7 Y9, 9 SO and 10 50 p rn. Tickets and Information at Iho nlbee, north east corner ot Thirteenth street and Pennsyl vania avenue, and at tho station, whire orders tan bo left toe tho ehrikluj? of baitsaijtt to destination from hotels and rcildoncir, CHAS. V. 1'lIUll, J, 11 AVQ(ll), (Icncral Manaeer, (len Van Audit. B ALT1J101IE OHIO 11AILUOAU. Schedule la crfcit November 111, 1893 Leave Washington from station corner of N'eiy Jersey avi nuo and o otrict Ion Chicago md Northwest, Arstibulil Limited rxprcss dally 11 31) n m, ex. rre 8:x)pm. Von Liscinnati. M. Louis and Indianapolis evpiesn dally, 3 30 and 11 SO p in 1 on ViTisBumi nnd Cleveland, ctpr.s dally (lisOaniandacOpm. Ion I fxisuton nnd points In the Shenandoah A alley, tlO U a ru. Vent A iNcucsTcn and way ttitloni, 3 Upn y on i, on a v, mo p m oit ll.lLTiiioiiL, neck dnvs fas (109 n.11 7'.0, 7 to. (8 00, Bmluutesl, H JO, 9 13 11 nu (Utfl, I. minutes), n m. Illi.ii.15 2 i Mil ISmlnuKs), 3 21, 4 23 111(510, u mln s, ft C3, 5 Eft, 0 00, C 13, 0 SO, 7 P. 7 10 Oft). 10 .1 and 11. "0 p in. Sundays, 4 1 7 il, 1 d .i, ill a in, (U0O, Umtniiksi. 1 Oi 5 r . a. I mi, 1 V, IW, Kl lllllllllOII U' IjUl II VI) 7 JO, 9 00, 10 JO, 1 1 7) p iu Inn AAY Statiiiss bctueiu WaMilu tin llnltlmore.B00,il!11, Wain lt III 12 II SO, 7 'U, 11 tfl p in. Sundays 8 110 a n 8 23, UO, 0 20. 7 II, lt 1) p m lllAlNS I KAVI Ilaltlmoro for AV nihlnirlon 3, ami Hi, li ck unis, o wi, o -.ii, o ou, uo, t ai icni t v v -n 0 to, 10 '.0, 10 J5 ll m; 12 00 12 to . IO 10, 210,111 500,1100, 1120, 70V, 10 1 I) 8 II, I' 03. 10 10, 10 JO and II (10 p in Miming , 1 13, 8 tA 8 '3, 9 JO, 10 20, io Hi in 1 4 00 t UV 210, 210, H3, 500, 1120 (05 710 7H HJJ. 1010, 10 20 mid 1100 pm Inn AMtAluM, 0 33 and s 10 a in I- t and 1.5 p in Sundays, 8 10 a n, I si o in liavo AnnapulU ll 13, K51 am in 50 p in Sumlujs, 8 JOn in, 3 55pm lint SriTioss on tho Mctropolltun Munich, 1li SO IS JO a m, (t 15 p in, For prlnrtpai Mutloin only , HO til a in, 1 1 V) nnd I v p m I un llAtTiiEiisiiiiim nud Intnrmcdlntopolmo. (9C0, kiotm, n iu, 11,M), ttui, tit), Sui, kioco.iiiiupm. 1'uii Ucviis nnd Inteiinedlrte station., T() pm Ciiuiiii tiiais Icitiis AViuiblngtun un siindiy nt 111 pin stopping nt all stations en Met lopolitaie llrsuen Foil ViiKiituiiK, ill TO k89), 101), til JO a in. 1 15, 1J.SO, limipm I uu HAiiKiisrnwN, MO 10 a in, and 13 II p in liiAisxarrhe lrom Chle-tuu dally II W a m nnd 4 IBiim; from Clnilnnatl uml st I mils dvlly ,I50a in und 3(13 p m.frum Vitlibur 7 10 a 111, A CO p m ilnlh ItOA A I. Ill UI. I 1NE FOU MAY A'OKK YNI) Villi AD1.I PHI Y luilNcv. A cm., I ronton and (ho Eait '101, 18 Ui l(l,0u, u 00 a m, 2 30. 3 (y) un I 10 in ii in lluiTit Varlor t ars on uii dnv tr i Mrepln Car on tho lOVJp m, open nt 90) pm Tin. IIii.tos ltiflp m lth Pullman Dnff t Wciplim car runuliiK thruunli I IIomiiii without iluuiljo, via I'oughkoepsl Hililjc landliiK paBie.iii!e in It II station ut Ho ton Vim Pun AUU I III v II 800 tool "1.01 ouun, 41l OU, 'il 15 o I to ipm Von NtviAiik, Uil , AAllin uri m mil I In i i 4 05 48 (Da Ii lHUUii n 0 "ion -ill , aud 10 i0 i in 1 Inn! 1 y ir sto.iiiiu., a Y tltiiliDttem unt ) ' nl in lllll ISTHKIS v II. I u lllllllll li and Vhil ae i.i i j i 10 n i . 11 SI n in illAiss lrv Ne Anil) (oi VV Hlilti . MIIU, 111 lllll in MJ 15 nle'l.t Willi -!.'), 0J p 'Iiuins Im I liilsiielphla for V i.bhi -1U4, "si 15 II 3nlu 11 , 4SI, 'tU ,l p U lull All antic ti.v, 409 and 10 HI i n K'll) nuoii Suudii) , 4 On a m. 12 U) noun tlixcept Sundiiy 'Datlj, isunday only llac'iriuro elite d for and rheekiid frum hoi and rtileli nees by 1 iilem rronsfe r C el on urei i lilt nt ticket offices, t.U nnd 13j1 VcnuHylvanlii Bveiiiioand ai depot J 'I ODI'IL. tHYS O Sll'LL Ucu ManiiKcr, Ocu Pass j t. ' 1 vrtlnj t !. -i . . !-.e t. r