Newspaper Page Text
ROOSEVELT ROADHOUSE MILE 32 Launch leavs for Cooper Creek landing and waypoints, Tuesdays and Fridays, connecting with car. W. A. ROBERTS Prop. NOTICE Kkkktinm, Carpenter Shop L temporarily removed to build invf aouthaide of Coiuian house. THE NORTHERN Bowling Bar Pool and Billiards Hines, Liquors and Cigars Candy _-THE NORTHERN I.FO M I FS. Vroyr OLD CROW OLD HERMITAGE j OLD WINES Blue Ribbon Beer Olympia Beer ONLY MINERAL CABINET WHERE? AT JACK’S J. P. Stotko - Proprietor H. X. H«pki»» W. F. Vftitan (THE TERMINAL Olympia, Rainier, Budweiser and Lempa Beer Olympia Beer on Draught All Beer and Wine# Strictly Cold Storage Trv Us oner J then You Ik* the jiulgr AL. WHITE Candidate far Representative to the Alaska Legislature Twice elected Councilman Val dez; Twice elected President Valdez Chamber Commerce Stands on a Progressive and Constructive Platform The Carstens Packing Co, Wholesale and Retail Boef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry Lard, hams and Bacon. Butter and Eggs Orders from the Westward and Cook Inlet Qiven Careful Attention Paurth Ave. Seward. The Gateway Job Printing Depart ment haa just received the very latest in new type and machinery. Don’t send outside for your job printing Patronize the paper that is helping t< build up your city. Job printing of every description at The Gateway. Miller’s Barber Shop YVV make a specialty of removing warts, etc. Not .ind Cold BAINS Always Ready If you hate rheumatism or a “atrokc**, come to MILLER’S BAR BER SHOP and get a good STEAM VLt'OHOL BATH and a good RUB DOWN by AGEE. J. LINDLEY GREEN LAWYER 0»«*r Hank of Seward Sowanl. Alaska Igloo No. 9, Order of Pioneers Meets the First Monday Night of each month at the A. B. hall. Wm. Sauers. Pres. Isaac Evans, Sec v C. MATHISON The llald Headed Palmer Will Bo ^our Work kid’llt PRICKS RIGHT. A trial solicited. Seward Cleaning and Pressing Parlors hourr Show) I.ADIKS AND tiKNTS Sun'S t l.KANKD AND I'HKSSKD Suit* called for and deltieml i’ .Main 7% SERIAL NO. 01602 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Juneau. Alaska Notice is hereby given that R. M. Edward*, a cUisen of the l mum States, and a resiueut of Uougbton. Michigan, as assignee of David Lowaru. iwiug entitled to the benetits of Sec. JJub of the Revised Statutes and tne amend ments thereto, has applied to make entry of me tana embraced iu Li. S. Survey 0»o. *it uaieU on tne north shore of Kontraatubuna * Lake. Territory ot Alaska. occupying the list of K-.sii* v reek wnere it debouenes on the take, more particularly described as follow*, to wit: Survey 0»5 beginning at Cor. No. 1. whence U. S. L. M No 2.'. bears N. 84 deg. 26 nun. fc. t-i.41 cts.. thence E. 0.62 ch* . to Lor. No. 2. meander corner. W. C. bear, due W. .40 ch*.. tnence i;ieanuering along the snerre of »aul lake,^ 4u ch*-. more or le*» to Lor. No. 3, Meander Lor ner. VN . C. bear* due W. .»6 ch*.. theme due IN 12 .*i ch*.. to Lor. No. 4 aud thence duo ch*.. to Lor. No. 1. the place of be ginning. containing an area of 76.68 acre*. Mag. Var. 2<> deg. 60 min. E. Latitude 6b aeg.. 12 nun. N. Long. 164 deg. 04 min. W.. ,i» Mdaitionai to original homestead entry of David Coward. at West Point, Nebraska. No. 3sas. May Is, D*70 for the W 1-2 NW i-4 Sec 2* 1 16 R. 8 E. containing 80 acre*. Any and ail person* claiming adversely any portion of the above described traiA are >• •luired to file with the Register and Receiver of the United State* Land Office at Juneau. Alaska, their adverse claim thereto, under oath, during the period of publication or with in thirty day* thereafter or they will be b.rml b, «»tll1.. c B walkkr Register. United State* Land Office. Juneau. Alaska. July 7, 1014. It is hereby ordered that the foregoing no tice be published for the statutory period In the Seward Gateway, a daily newspaper o General Circulation published at Seward, Alaska, the nearest new*pa|>er to the above «i«.?ribm! LaJ. & „ WALKER. Register. First Pablication. July 14. 1014. Last Publication, Sept. 26. 1014. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Juneau, Alaaka. SERIAL 016#1 Notice is hereby given that R. M. Edward*, a ciusen of the United States, and a resi dent of Houghton, Michigan,^* assignee of Nicholas S. Ohlatrom and William Preaton. being entitled to the benefit* of Section --«>• of me Revised Statute* of the United States, and the amendment* thereto, ha* applied to make entry of the land* embraced in U. >. Non-Mineral Survey No. #66. situate on the t anahan river. Territory of Alaska, about one mile from its outlet on Tanalian I*k«. and more particularly described as follow*, to-wu: Survey No. #66 Beginning at Corner No. 1. U. S. Location Monument No. #66 bear* S. 44 deg. 04 min. W l.#8 ch*. thence S. 1#.#0 ch*. to corner Ne. 2. thence W. 20 ch*. to corner No. 4. thence N. l#.»0 ch*. to corner No. 4. thence E. 20 ch*. to corner No. 1, the place of oe gtnning. Aiea 1#.80 acre*. This survey is situate in Latitude 60 dig 11 inin. 46 *ec. N. Long. 164 deg. 18 min. W. > Mag. Var. 26 deg. E. A* additional to original homestead entry. No. 615. of Nicholas S. Ohlatrom at Minnea polis. Minnesota, on April 12. 1864. for Lot* 1 4 and 6 of Section 14. Township 1 IT .V Rang* 33 W.. containing 146.#4 acre*, and -• additiora! to original homestead entry. No. 73-. of William Preston at Winnebago. Min nesota. on July 14. 1863. for the S. W. hrc. 1-4 of Sec. 32. Twp. 106 N., R. 26 W.. ceu taining 138.30 acre*. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of the above described tract* of land are required to file with the Register and Re ceiver of the United State* Land Office at > Juneau. Alaaka. their adverse claim thereto, f under oath, during the period of publication or within thirty days thereafter, or they will be barred by the provisions of the statute. C. B. WALKER. Register. United States Land Office. Juneau, Alaska. July 7, 1914. It is hereby ordered that the foregoing no tice be published for the statutory period In the Seward Gateway, a dally newrspaper of general circulation printed at Seward. Alas ka. the nearest newspaier to said above-de scribed elaim #r survey. C. B. WALKER. Register. First Publication. July 14. 1914. Laat Publication, Sept. 26, 1914. T. 4 M. APPLICATION NO. 91676 Department of the Interior Tnited States Land Office Juneau. Alaska. September 8. 1914. Notice Is hereby given that the Port Heiden Packing Company of Portland. Oregon, a cor poration organised under the laws of the State of Washington, haa made application In this office under the provisions of the Acts of Con gress of March 8. 1891, and May 14. 1898, amended by the Act of March 3. 1903, for ths lands embraced in U. S. Survey No. 481 as a trade and manufacturing site, said lands be ing located on the east shore of Port Heiden. Bering Sea. Alaaka. In latitude 66 deg. 62 min N. and longitude 168 deg. 44 min. W. and more particularly described aa follaws: Beginning at Cor. No. 1, W. C. Cor. due E. 1.09 ehs.. on line of ordinary high tide of Port Heiden. thence due E. 25. ehs., to Cor. Ne I.thenee due N. 30 ehs.. to Cor. No. 1. thence due W. 13.88 ehs.. to Cor. No. 4. on line or ordinary high tide Port Heiden. whence low point at east entrance bear* N. 17 deg. 80 min W.. thence meandering along the shore of said Port Heiden. (1) N. 15 deg. 46 min. W 16 65 ehs.. (2) S. 26 deg. 07 mlm W. 15.51 ehs.. to Cor. No. 1. the place of begin ning, containing an area of 26.69 acres, Mag. Var. 11 deg. 24 min. E. Any and all persons claiming any portion of •aid lands, or desiring to protest said applica tion or entry, are required to Ale their said advarse claims or protests under oath within the period of the statute or thereafter they will be barred. C. B. WALKER, Register. Bate ef Pint PebHeetiea, Sept. 17, 1914. DR. CHARLES T. DAGGETT Bridge Worl* end Porcelain Specialist * SiUifitlltn G««rtnU*<i in All Branckaa of Up'twDal* Danliatry. DtCjatt Block TaUphona Sanard. Alaska L. V. RAY Attorney-at-Law SEWARD, ALASKA Harold N. Nuzum ATTORNEY-AT-UW Now located In new ofliees, Suito 4, Davrtfott Block. I‘hone Ada.ns 114 Sid Woolf, the Tailor CI.KANlNG, l’BUSSING AND hkpaiking Opposite The Northern Have your work done by an expe rienced tai'or BUTTS HAS IT Serial No. 01663. Additional Entry Under Section 2306 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. APPLICATION. United states Land Office. Juneau. Alaska. May B. IBM. Alaska Packers Association, assignee of Kdwin 1). MeKenney, James Hall and Jacob May. being entitled to the benefit* of section ; 1**5 of the revised statutes of the United | States granting additional lands to soldiers and sailors who served in the Rebellion, does here by ai p y to enter United States Surrey No j ;t:;>. situate at Cannery Pore. Olga Bay. Kodiak Island. District of Alaska, and more particu larly.deserit> follows: (Commencing at cor. No. I. being identical with cor. No. 3 of Surrey No. 45. and whence IT. S. L. M. Survey 2BB bears s 66 deg. lH min. j e 54.7 «chs. and me cor. No. .1. Survey 2BB. bear* s KB deg. 51 uiin. e 34 53 chs. and sw cor. of water tank t>ears n 35 deg. 51 min. e 3.38 chs; thence n6ohs. to cor. No. 2. whence point i of land in bay bears s 57 deg. 08 min. c; thence w 6 23 chs. to cor. No. 3: thence s 6chs. to cor. No. 4. whence point of the land in bay bears* 60 deg. 32 min. e. and thence e 6.23 chs. to cor. No. 1 and place of beginning. Area 3.74 acres. Variation *23 deg. SO min. e. as additional la) to Homestead No. 4474. made August 2. 1873 by Edwin D. MeKenney. at Grand island. Nebraska, land office, for lots 2 and 3. and sw quarter of the no quarter of 22. township 30 n. range 15 w containing 138 acres: and based upon the service of Edwin D. MeKenney in the Anuy during the Civil War from October 10. 1861 to July 34. 1866. in Com pany II”. 15th Regimeut. Iowa Infantry Volun-1 teers; (b> to Homestead No. 1731. made Nov ' i 16. 1866 by James Hall, nt Hoonville. Missouri, land office, for the n half of lots 1 and 2 In sw quarter of sec. 31 in township 36. range IB. con taining so.31 acres; and based u|*on the service of James Hall in the Army during the Civil : War from Nov. 1. 186:t to June 13. 1865. in Com , pany D'. 15th Regiment of Onvalry. Missouri Volunteers; and (c) Homestead No. 3853. made January 3. 187*2 by Jacob May. at I ronton ! Missouri, land office, for sw quarter of the se quarter and the s half of lots I and 2. sw quar ter sec. 31. township 31 n. range B w.containing 136 acres; and based ujhhi the service of Jacob May in the Army during the Civil War from Oct. 2. 1862 to Dec 35. 1865. in Company "G” 17th Regiment. Missouri Vounteers and trans ferred to Company ”C”. 15th Regiment. Mis souri Volunteers. Lat. 57 deg. 0B mi©. 04 seconds o: Long. 154 deg. 03 min. w. Notice is hereby given that any and all per-1 sons claiming any portion of the above de-; scribed land are required to file a protest dur-1 log tb • period of publication or thirty days thereafter, in accordance with law, with the Register ami Receiver of the United States Land Office at Juneau. Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION By Henry K. Fortmann. President. Address: San Francisco. Cal. Notice of the above application will he pub lished in the Seward Daily Gateway, printed at Seward. Alaska, which I hereby designate as the newspaper published uearest the land ap plied for in *aid application. C. B. WALKER.Register. United States Land Office, Juneau. Alaska. Serial No. OF664. Additional Entry Under Section 2306 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. APPLICATION. United States Land Office. Juneau. Alaska. May 9. 1914. Alaska Packers Association, assignco of F. S. Whitney, being entitled to the benetlts of section 2306 of the revised statutes of the United States granting additional land' to soldiers and sailors who served in the Re bellion. does hereby apply to enter the United States Survey No. 299. situate one quarter of a mile east of Survey 45. Cannery Cove. Olga Ray. Kodiak Island. District of Alaska, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at m c cor. No. 1. situate on the shore line of t annery Cove. Olga Hay. whence point of land In bay bears * 54 dog. 39 min. w. and U. S. L. M. Survey 299 bears n 19 deg. 29 min. w. 4.34 chs. and witness cor bears n 0.38 chs.; thence n 24 9t chs to cor. No. 3; thence w 18.77 oh*. to mo cor. No. 8: wbenoe cor. of Sur vey 45 boars n 89 deg 51 min. w 34.52 chs. and *e oor. winch-house bears n 22 deg. Ik) min. w 0.77 ehs.. and witness cor. bears e 0.71 chs.: thence meandering along the shore line of Can nery Cove. Olga Hay. 1. South 35 deg. 52 min. east. 3 64 chains* 2. South 26 dog. 37 min. east, l.8l chains; 3. South 31 deg. 41 min. east. 9.60chains; 4. South 29 deg. 21 min. east. 8.73 chains; 5. South 37 deg. 47 min. east. 3.81 chains; 6. South 54 deg. 52 miu east. 2.07 chains; 7. South 81 deg. 20 min. east. 2.53 chains to : cor. No. 1 and the place of beginning. Area 27.30 acres. Variation 23 deg. So min. e.! as additional to homestead No. 266 made Sept. 29. 1874 by F. S. Whitney at Fort Dodge. Iowa land office, for the a half of nw quarter, seo. 4. township No. 90. range 19 w. containing 132.16 acres; and based u|H>n the service of Ferdinand S. Whitnev in the Army during the Civil War . from Feb. IS. 1865 to Jan. 24. 1866. in Company j j ‘F *. 151 Ht Regiment. Illinois Volunteers, and as additional to the homesteadof F. S. Whitney as I indicated on the certificate dated June 29. 1906. ' issued bv the general land office, showing that ’ the Alaska Packers Association has submitted satisfactory proof of ownership and bona tide purchase for value of 5.61 acres of thecortifl-i cate of right Issued by the Land Office to said F. S. Whitney. Aug. 21. 1878. showing said Whitney to be entitled to make an additional entry under sec. 2306 of tho Revised Statutes of the United States for 27.84 acre# Lat. 57 deg. ( 09 min. 04 seconds n. Long. 154 deg. 03 min. w. Notice Is hereby given that any and all per sons claiming any portion of the above de scribed land are required to file a protest during the period of publication or thirty day# there after. ih accordance with law. with tho Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Juneau. Alaska, ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION. By Henry F. Fortmann. President. Address: San Francisco Cal. Notice of the above application will be pub lished in the Scwurd Daily Gateway, printed at Sewurd. Alaska, which I hereby designate as ; the newspai*er published ncare the land ap- . plied for in said application. c. B. WALKER. Register. United States Land Offlce Juneau. Alaska. Serial No. 01665 Additional Entry. Under Section 2306 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. application. United States Land Office. Juneau. Alaska. Mav 9 1914. Alaska Packers Association, assignee of Sarah L. Arnold, being entitled to the benefits of section 2308 of the revised statutes of the United States granting additional lands to soldiers and sailors who served in the Rebellion, docs hereby apply to enter the United1 States Survey No. 382. situate on Karluk River, Kodiak Island (at the Hatchery), and more particularly described as follows: Co a wien ring at me corner Ne. I en the lef bank of the Karluk River, whence witness oor ! ner bears s 58 links, from whence Karluk i Mountain bears s 73 degrees 3*. minute* w. thence 7.90 chains to oorner No. 3. whence | Karluk Cape bears n 70 degrees. 30 minutes, w. and point of lund across the river bears u 00 do grees. 11 minutes w: thence e Ifl.ou chains *o corner No. 3. whence Karluk Cape boars no 71 degrees. 30 minutes w. and church spire bears n 73 degrees. 37 minutes w and ne corner of water house bears n 81 degrees. 12 minutes w. 4.77 chains; tneneo n 18.30 chains to corner No. 4. whence U. S. L. M. 362 bears n 85 degrees. 18 minutes e. 8o links, from whence church spire hears n 76 degrees. 54 minutes w. and Karluk Mountain bears s 70 degrees. 54 minutes w; thence w 0.37 chains to me corner No. 5. whence witness corner boars e 37 links; thence meandering ulong suld left bank of Karluk 1. South 35 degrees. 13 minutes w . 4 50 chains; 2 South 50 degrees. 48 minutes w. 1.93chains; 3 North 61 degrees. 21 minutes w, 0.34 chains; 4 South 54 degrees. 15 minutes w. 2.10 chulns. 5 South 31 degrees. 01 minutes w. 0.89 chains; 6 South 82 degrees, 17 minutes w. 1.10 chains; 7 North 77 degrees. 48 minute* w. 1.13 chains; 8. Soutli 38 degrees. II minutes w. 2.17 chains. H> corner No. I. the place of beginning Area 21.54 acres. Variation 22 degrees. 00 minutes o. us additional to homestead Nr. 4095. made Aug. 8, 1868 by Sarah L. Arnold at Moon vllle. Missouri, lund office, for the sw quarter of the so quarter of section 25. township 38 n, ranee 7 w. containing 40 acres. Lai. 57 degrees. 33 minutes n. Long. 154 degrees. 33 minutes w. Notice is hereby given that any und all per sons claiming any portion of the above de scribed land are required to tile a protest during the period of publication or thirty days there after. in accordance with law. with the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Juneau. Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION. Hy Henry F. Foitmann. President, i Address; San Francisco. Cal. Notice of the above application will be pub lished in the Seward Daily Gateway, printed at Seward. Aluiku. which 1 hereby designate at the newspaper published nearest the lund up piled for in *»ih\ application. c. u. WALKER. Register. United Stales Land Office, Jut.oau. Alaska. Serial No. 01666 Additional Entry. Under Section 2306 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. APPLICATION. United States I^ind Office. Juneau. Alaska. May i. 1014. Alaska Packers Association, assignee of Sarah L. Arnold, being entitled to the benefits I of section 8306 of the revised sfatutes of the United States granting additional lands to soldiers and sailors who served in the Rebellion, does hereby apply to enter United States Sur-, vey No. 861. situate about one-half mile from; i cannot y of Alaska Packers Association. I.arsen Ray. kudlak Island. District of Alaska, and more particularly described as follows; ■ Commencing at corner No. I. whence U. S. ' L. M. 678 bears n 32 degrees. 15 minutes w. 60.85 I chains and cross on iron pipe bears n 30 de-1 grocs. 50 minutes e. 1.18 chains, und cross on iron |»tpe bears a 70 degrees. 48 minutes 6,1.111 . chains thence e 4.00 chains to corner No. 2; i thence s 6.06 chains to corner No. 8; thence w 4.00 chums to corner No. 4; thence n6.ufl chains 1 to oorrsr No. I and the plaee of beginning, i ; Area 5 42 acres. Variation 38 degrees. 80 j minutes e. Lau 57 degrees. 58 minutes u. L'yng. : 154 degi s?s \v, as additional to homestead No. 1 HW5. mule Aug. 8. 186* by Sarah L. Arnold at Hoonvilk Missouri, land office, for the sw i quarter of those quarter of section 35. township | 8s n. range 7 w. containing 40 acres. Notice is hereby given that any and all per ; sons claiming any portion of the above de- { scribed tand are required to tile a protest during the period of publication or th.rty day* there after. in accordance with law. with the Register und Receiver of the Uuited States Land office at Juneau. Alaska. ALASKA PACKKRS ASSOCIATION. Uy Henry F. Fortmann. President ! Address; San Francisco. Cal. Notice of the above application will be pub lished in the Seward Daily Gateway, printed at Seward. Alaska, which I hereby designate as the newspaper published nearest the land ap plied for in said application. C. 14. WALKKR. Register. United Stales Land Office, Juneau. Alaska. Seward Water and Power Company John A. Nelson, Manager Office- Bank of Seward Building SEWARD. - ALASKA The Commerce f. w. POWERS Proprietor BOOMS IN CONDUCTION Wines, Liquors and Cigars BEST BR4NDS Draught and Bottled Beers PETtR ANDERSON Painting and Paperhanging PIONEER HOSPITAL OF SEWARD DR. J. II. ROMIG, Director Oftlce Hours 2 to 4 p. m. HOSPITAL by APPOINTMENT Daggett Block The Gateway Job Printing Depart ment has just received the very latest in new type and machinery. Don’t send outside for your job printing. Patronize the paper that is helping to build up your city. Letterheads, envelopes, billheads, cards, posters, announcements of ill kinds at The Gateway Job Printery. See us before sending outside f )i* your job printing. We can do it. Job printing of every description. THE The Train of Luxury To Spokane, Butte, Miles City, Sioux City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago, via the Alaskans’ Favorite Route Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway NO EXTRA FARE ON THIS LliSti SEWARD AOENTS WAYNE BLUE, Pacific Alaska Navigation Company C. B. CUPTILL, Alaska Steamship Company Printing Point Does Not Bob Up and Down CENTER AT WHICH THE TYPE IS DIRECTED IS AT REST WHEN IMPRESSION IS MADE Ball Bearing; Long Wearing In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter the spot on the paper which is to receive the type impression is sta tionary at the instant the type hits. The carriage does not bob up and down when the shift is made to write capitals. Why? Because the type is shifted—not the carriage. The only movement of the carriage is back and forth on its closely adjusted ball bearing runaways—and this does not take place wuile the piint is being made. There is no lifting of the carriage. This is one reason why L C. S mith & Bros, typewriting is free from blurs and every letter in the right place. Ask For Demonstration L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. Home Office and Factory SYRACUSE, N. Y. Branches in all Principal Cities Seward Block JUNEAU, ALASKA Location Notices at the Gateway SCOTT WOOLIVER ROADHOUSE Sunrise .*. Alaska NATE WHITE ROADHOUSE LYNX CREEK. ON 34;TRAIL Beds, mattresses and all kinds #f furniture at Brown & Hawkins Hard ware and Furniture Department. “Quality First". See us before sending outside fo** your job printing. W anted Immediately 100 Citizens of Seward To make money on their real estate holdings List it with us We have a habit oi selling everything we get our hands on WHITEHEAD REALTY and INVESTMENT COMPANY Two doors below The Gateway Get the Password HHr< Get the Rap Join the Moose and Be a PapI SEWARD LODGE NO. 1425 >* J. J. McGRATH, District Director