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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
THE - j NORTHERN * Bowling Bar Pool and Billiards Wines, Liquors and Cigars Candy -THE NORTHERN LEO MARCH ES. I’ropV __I OLD CROW OLD HERMITAGE OLD WINES Blue Ribbon Beer Olympia Beer ONLY MINERAL CABINET WHERE? AT JACK’S J. P. Stotko - Proprietor H. X. Hopkins W. F. Weimer THE TERMINAL Olympia, Rainier, Budweiser and Lemps Beer Olympia Beer on Draught All Beer and Wines Strictly Cold Storage Trv Us onee then You he the judge The Commerce j F. W. POWERS Proprietor ROOMS IN CONNECTION % Wines, Liquors and Cigars , BEST BRWDS Draught ana Bottled Beers pioneer HOSPITAL OF SEWARD DR. J. H. ROMIG. Director Otticc Hours 2 to 4 p. m. HOSPITAL by APPOINTMENT Daggett Block ♦ _ The Carstens Packing Co. Wholesale and Retail Beef, Pdrk, Veal, Mutton, Poultry Lard, hams and Bacon. Butter and Eggs Orders from the Westward and Cook Inlet Olven Careful Attention Fourth Ave Seward EDGAR L. WEBSTER Life : Insurance : Expert 311 Columbia St., SEATTLE 111,,1 ; . ■,«, ,.-=rr;.— MAIN 275=^=^~~-~=r~:.—' : The best way Is to make life insurance payable in the form of a permanent monthly income, not iu a lump sum. Thus it cannot be lost, spent or levied on toy creditors. Many beneficiaries are receiv ing permanent income checks ranging from $10 to $250 per month. The present difficulties of investment make this the ideal, in fact the necessary, way to protect one’s family. Without obligation on my part please advise me the amount of annual deposit necessary to provide a monthly Income of .for a beneficiary born.of .18. My birthday.of.18 ... Name. Address. •••• . . .. -— — ■ — I Lang’s Smokebiirners Save Fuel Send for Catalogues on LANG’S Camp Stoves, Stove Pipe and Elbows, heating Stoves, Sheet rtetal Specialties, Family Ranges, Bake Ovens, Motel and Restaurant Ranges, Odorless Toilets. j From $1,00 to $300.00 Made in Three Sizes. f. S. LANG MANUFACTURING CO., 2756 First Avenue. South, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON UNION SAVINGS S TRUST COMPANY OF SEATTLE ===*==-*========= Capital. Surplus and Undivided Profits $825,000 JAMES D. HOGE, President N. B. SOLNER, Cashier Commercial, Savings and Trust Departments 4 per cent Interest paid on Savings Accounts We are a strong, conservatively managed hank DO YOUR SEATTLE BUSINESS WITH US L ..J FLOR DE CLEAR HAVANA CIGARS MADE IN BOND ASK YOUR DEALER SCHWABACHER BROS. & CO.. Inc., Destributors HOTEL OVFRLAN7 E. L. WHITTEMORB, PROP. Headquarters for Mining Men SEWARD, - - - ALASKA . —> H. V. HOBEN A. F. DAVIS ALASKA TRANSFER H. V. HOBEN, Manager —-Dealers In-——— COAL, WOOD AND ICE General Transferring Phones, Main 17 and 41 ” THE SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY' Incorporated November 1903 under the Laws of the Territory of Alaska S. M. GRAFF, President and General Manager CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN Electric Supplies and Appliances Office At the Station. TELEPHONE MAIN 123 ■ .. ■ ■ -j FULL QUART _I ■ ■■BOTTLED IN BOND Has Had no Peers for fifty Years v _ SOLD BY ALL DEALERS__ Location Notices at the Gateway ""I .-.— ' ■ ■ " Orders taken for all kinds of shirts, made to your individual measure by the Copeland Shirt Co., Seattle. A large line of samples to select from. Brown & Hawkins. “Quality First." Visiting cards, invitations, anything pretty is done by the Gateway just as well as outside. Finch's Golden Wedding Bye at The I Branch. All kinds of plain sewing done at the Hotel Panama. NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of William H. Hatch, deceased. You arc hereby notified that I, John H Rice have been appointed Adminis trator of the estate of William H. Hatch, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified j to present them, with the proper i voucher attached, to me, at the office of J. Lindlcy Green, in Seward Alaska, j within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication December 28th, n914. JOHN H. RICE, Administrator of said estate. SERIAL NO. 01,677 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE JUNEAU. ALASKA. Nov. 28, 1914. SOLDIER’S ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD ENTRY BY ASSIGNEE. --- ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JOSEPH P. HALLER, whose pout-office address is 110 Market Street, San Francisco, California, as the assignee of John Finlayson who made Homestead Entry No. 2352% at Sioux City, Iowa. Land Office August 4, 1869, for the E. % of the S. E. ^4 of Sec. 12, Township 96 Range 39 West, has tiled application in this office to enter under Sections 2306-7 R. S. the following described tract of land described as U. S. Sur. i 912, situated approximately 63 chs. due cast , of Nushagak Bay, and approximately 60 chs. northeast of Ekook Point, and in Latitude 68o 49' 26” North, and Longitude 158o 32’ 20 West, to wit: lie ginning at Cor. No. I of said survey, whence U. S. L. M. R. G. M. bears S. 26o 46 W. 40.57 chs., thence N. 4.14 chs. to Cor. No. 2; thence E. 4.16 chs. to Cor. No. 3; thence S. 4.14 chs. to Cor. No 4 : thence W. 4.16 chs. to Cor. No. 1 to place of beginning: containing an area of 1.72 acres. Mug. Var. 22o E. within the district of Alaska, which tract of land is j more fully described as to metes and bounds by the official plat herewith posted and by the field notes of survey thereof now tiled in the i office of the Register of the District of Lands subject to sale at Juneau, Alaska. Any and all persons claiming adversely i said tract of land, or any i»ortlon thereof, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are filled during the i>eriod of publication and posting or within thirty days thereafter, will \te barred by virtue of the Statue and regulat ions thereunder. it is hereby ordered that this notlco be pub lished for the statutory period of sixty days In the "Gateway” the newspai>er of general cir culation nearest the vicinity of the land, pub lished at Seward, Alaska. C. B. WALKER. First publication, Dec. 8. 1914. Register. Last publication, February 8. 1915. When in Valdez Visit THE j Big Place At. WHITE & CO. Proprietors By subcribing for the Gateway you get all the real news of the world through a great press service. You may not get all the details but you get all of which a knowledge is necessary. j y i Copeland Shirt Company, Inc. Shirt Makers to Particular People _________________________________ Shirts, Night Shirts, Pajamas and Underwear to Order Telephone Main b‘268 505 Union Street SICATTLK, WASH. -\ ALL ALASKANS PATRONIZE (jerald's £afc CLARENCE GERALD. Man'gr. 824 first Ave.. Seattle Tilt HOUSt THAT QIH1ITT BUIT I-— j The Brown-Powell Liquor Co. Oil THIRD AVENUE SEATTLE, WASH. CATERS TO THE ALASKA TRADE WHEN COMING OUT HAVE YOUR MAIL ADDRESSED IN OUR CARE Charles Pouell Felix Brown I.ATK Olf DAWSON I.ATK OK NOMK -— (HAS. H. MUELLER Designing Manufacturing . Furrier G^—so Opp. Washington Annex 1621 SECOND AVENUE SEATTLE, •• WASH. j I DICK DAWSON’S Barrel House 109 PIKE ST. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON C. W. PALMER KNIK, ALASKA THE BEST LINE OF MERCHANDISE OBTAINABLE On account of having our own ship bringing in merchandise fresh from the outside, we are able to quote you prices that competition cannot touch. W^SaveJfoiHVIoney The goods that we carry are the best that can be bought at any price. A trial order will convince you. REMEMBER WE CARRY EVERYTHING WE SAVE YOU MONEY ON EVERY ITEM O. W. PALMER, Knik, Alaska USE Canned Reliance Goods Highest Grade Brand We Design, Build, Install and Oper ate for a Period of 30 Days Mill Dredges Designed and Built to Suit Conditions under which they are to operate lllll Leading Builders of Smaller Sized Dredges with bucketsH to 5 cubic foot capacity Our Special Design Fine Gold Saving Devices Installed on Dredges of the Flume type lllll We build Light Drills capable of digging 4-in. holes 50 feet Two men can handle them lllll Write for prices and particulars AMERICAN GOLD DREDGES TYPE OF AMERICAN GOLD DREDGE OPERATING AT NOME AMERICAN DREDGE BLDG. AND CONSTRUCTION CO. 503-504 Pioneer Bldg. b. Bernard, Manager SEATTLE, WASH. =**a.rwwjimKKuwiWiMie. *»*«*w*w*w**»» **ir 1 Tr TT~imi»«iw«w .■ ■ uni CIITCD’C A Jewelry Store OU I Cl\ a For Everybody DIAMONDS—Extraordinary facilities for securing the Choicest Gems from the Diamond Markets, together with our Large Turn-Over, enables us to always Sell at the Lowest Prices—and the Same Price is made to every body. SOURDOUGHS ATTENTION—We make a specialty of Nugget and Ivory Jewelry, and Mounting Same to Order. WATCHES—All Reliable American and Foreign move ments will be found in our Watch Department, in both Solid Gold and Guaranteed Cases: Please remember that • Visitors are always Welcome at the Suter Jewelry Store. Mail orders promply attended to. I 141 UITFD J^eler and Silversmith SUL La TV a <311 ILK, 1115 Second St., SEATTLE CHARLES MEETING Pioneer Carpenter of Seward Contractor and Builder Cabinet Work a Specialty Third Ave. Bet. Adams and Glasur Telephone Main 54. DR. CHARLES T. DAGGETT Bridge Worlr and Porcelain Specialist Satisfaction Guaranteed in All Branch#* •<( Up'tO'Data Dentiitry. De|(eU Block Talaphona Sawerd. Alaaaa Miller's Barber Shop We make a specialty of removing warts, etc. Hot and Cold BATHS Always Ready J. LINDLEY GREEN LAWYER ! Over Hunk of Seward Seward. Alaska L. V. RAY Attorney-at-Law SEWARD, ALASKA Harold N. Nuzum ATIORNtY-AT-UW Suite 4, DajOfett Block. Phone Madison 114 J. L. WALLER Lawyer Makes a Specialty of Alaska Mining and Land 616-619 Pacific Bldg. SFATTIt i ■" 111 "" — — GERMANIA CAFE GABRIEL SANTOS Prop. Best Cooking and Service Seward Water and Power Company John A. Nelson. Manager Office-Bank of Seward Building SEWARD. - ALASKA I Igloo No. 9, Order of Pioneers Meets the First Tuesday Night ofeach month at the A. B. hall, J. LINDLEY GREEN, ISAAC EVANS, President. Secretary. i - NATE WHITE ROADHOUSE LYNX CREEK, ON 34 TRAIL || PETER ANDERSON ij Painting and Paper hanging __ When in Seattle Stop at the Place for ALASKANS It’s fire-Proof, Modern and Convenient RATES $1.00 per DAY and UP HOTEL BARKER Cor. Pike and Sixth free Auto Bus Meets all Boats and Trains C. 0. Walston & Conrad freeding, Props. ALASKAN SOURDOUGHS.