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C. W. PALMER KN1K, ALASKA THE BEST LINE OF MERCHANDISE OBTAINABLE On account of having our own ship bringing in merchandise fresh from the outside, we are able to quote you prices that competition cannot touch. We Save You Money The goods that we carry are the best that can be bought at any price. A trial order will convince you. REMEMBER WE CARRY EVERYTHING WE SAVE YOU MONEY ON EVERY ITEM G. W. PALMER, Knik, Alaska PACIFIC ALASKA NAVIGATION CO. ■ — — . -■ ———— “The Admiral Line” STEAMERS SAIL FROM SEATTLE 10 A. M. 5th, 15th, 25th of Each Month for SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA PORTS Sailing of 15th calls llliamna and Kodiak. All Vessels call at Knik anchorage During Open Season. -CALIFORNIA Seattle to San Francisco, every Wednesday and Sunday, connecting with Steamers Yale and Harvard for Southern California Points. Right reserved to change steamers and sailing dates without notice. RICHARD J. RING WOOD, Manager. WAYNE BLUE, Local Agent. UNION SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY - ...= OF SEATTLE Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $825,000 JAMES D. HOGE, President N. B. SOLNER, Cashier Commercial. Saviogs and Trust Departments 4 per cent Interest paid on Savings Accounts We are a strong, conservatively managed hank DO YOUR SEATTLE BUSINESS WITH US Pioneer knik s leading hotel 1-Trk'f-»1 I N0 BAR ilU | Accommodations for Ninety Guests f. b. cannon. Prop- J Large General Lobby i > Private Lobby for Ladies Alaska Best Accommodations vYAMP* tamp* CLEAR HAVANA CIGARS MADE IN BOND ASK YOUR DEALER SCHWABACHER BROS. & CO., Inc., Destributors HOTEL OVERLAP I E. L. WHITTEMORE. PROP. Headquarters^for Mining Men SEWARD, - - ' ALASKA A THE SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY Incorporated November 1905 under the Law* of the Territory of Alaska S. M. GRAFF, President and General Manager Contractors and dealers In Electric Supplies and Apparatus. Offlca At the Station. TE LEPHONE MAIN 123 ^ ENJOY YOUR SMOKE AND SMOKE Optimo Cigars Pet Brand of All NATIONAL GROCERY C0„ Sole Distributors lor Alaska Copeland Shirt Company, Inc. Shirt Makers to Particular People Shirts, Night Shirts, Pajamas and Underwear to Order Measures Taken by Brown & Hawkins A large Hue of Samples to select from. Telephone Main 6268 505 Union Street SEATTLE, WASH. ALL ALASKANS PATRONIZE Qerald’s f.afe CLARENCE GERALD. Man or. 824 First Ave., Seattle THE MOUSE TMAT QUALITY BUILT CUAS. H. MUELLER Manufacturing furrier Honesty and Reliability Smut vour Haw Furs to me to be made Into Sets while Summer Prices prerail Remodeling and Repairing 1621 SECOND AVENUE SEATTLE, - WASH. OLD CROW OLD HERMITAGE OLD WINES Blue Ribbon Beer Olympia Beer ONLY MINERAL CABINET WHERE? AT JACK’S J. P. Stotko - Proprietor U. V. Hopkins W. F. Weimcr THE TERMINAL Olympia, Rainier, Budweiser and Lemps Beer Olympia Beer on Draught All Beer and Wines Strictly Cold Storage Try Us once then You be the judge The Commerce F. W. POWERS Proprietor ROOMS IN CONNtCTION Wines, Liquors and Cigars BEST BRANDS Draught ana BottletLBeers PIONEER HOSPITAL OF SEWARD DR. J. II. ROMIG. Director Ofrlce Hours 2 to 4 p. m. HOSPITAL by APPOINTMENT Daggett Block J. ROTHFUS Shoe Repairing Shop Opposite The Gatkwat Best Workmanship Moderate Prices Give Us a Trial. The Carstens Packing Co. Wholesale and Retail Beef, Park, Veal, Mutton, Poultry Lard, Hams and Bacon. Butter and Eggs Orders from the Westward and Cook Inlet Given Careful Attention Fourth Avo Seward NO. 10705. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Office of Comptroller of the Cur rency. Washington, D. C., February 15, 1915. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evi dence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “THE HARRIMAN NATIONAL BANK OF ALASKA AT SEWARD" in the vil lage of Seward in the Third Judicial District and Territory of Alaska has complied with all the provisions of the statutes of the United States, re quired to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking; NOW THEREFORE I, JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “THE HARRIMAN NATIONAL BANK OF ALASKA AT SEWARD" in the village of Seward in the Third Judicial District and Territory of Al aska is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in Section Fifty-one hundred and sixty nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF witness my hand and Seal of office this fifteenth day of February, 1915. (SIGNED) JNO. SKELTON WIL LIAMS Comptroller of the Currency Date of first publication March 18, 1915. Date of last publication May 27, 1915. The Bank will open for business on or about April 21, 1915. Due notice will be given in this paper. Gaston Hardy, Vice President. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To CHARLES A. TECKLENBERG, WILLIAM NICHOLS AND FRANK NICKERSON, your heirs, personal representatives and assigns; Your are hereby notified that the undersigned, Thomas McConety, ex pended during the year the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) in labor and improvements on the fol lowing described quartz claim, to wit; The “MIST” quartz mining claim lo cated on Ground Hog Creek, Kenai Mining and Recording Precinct, Ter ritory of Alaska, the location notice of said mining claim being of record in Book 5 of Locations at page 279 of the records of the Kenai Mining and Recording precinct; that the expendi ture of said sum of One hundred dol lars ($100.00) on the above mentioned claim for labor and improvements was done for the purpose of holding said claim under the provisions of section 2324 Revised Statutes of the United States, and the laws supplemental thereto, during the year ending Dec. 31st., 1914; that each of the above named co-owners in said mining claim is delinquent in the amount due for annual labor for the year 1914, to wit; Charles A. Tecklenberg, $25.00; William Nichols $25.00; Frank Nick erson $25.00; that the amounts specifi ed are the amounts due from each of you as your respective unpaid proportions of the amount neces sary to be expended for the year named to hold possessory right and title to said mining claim under the provisions of Section 2324 of the Re We Design. Build, Install and Oper ate for a Period of 30 Days lllll Dredges Designed and Built to Suit Conditions under which they are to operate lllll Leading Builders of Smaller Sized Dredges with buckets II to 5 cubic foot capacity vised Statutes of the United States and Laws supplemental thereto; And if you, or'any of you, fail or refuse to make payments of the amount above specified and recited as due from you as a co-owner, according to law, within ninety days after personal service of this notice upon you, if personal service be made, or within ninety days after the completion of the publication thereof according to law, the interest of any of you who may fail or refuse to make the payment due from him as a co owne** will become the property of the undesigned who has made the re quired expenditure pursuant to statute. THOMAS McCONETY. Date of first publication Mar. 31. 1915 Date of last publication July 15, 1915. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Juneau, Alaska, March 18, 1915 NOTICE is hereby given that Gas ton W. Smalley, of Seward, Alaska, who, on December 21, 1914, made Homestead application, No. 01726, for W Vi, Section 23, Township 1 N., Range 1 W., Seward Meridian, has filed notice of intention co make Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United State3 Commissioner M. J, Conroy, at his office at Seward, Alaska, on the 8th day of May, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: J. H. Romig, of Seward, Alaska. D. C. Brownell, of Seward, Alaska. W. A. McNcalcy, of Seward, Alaska. Thomas Hambright, of Seward, Al aska. C. B. WALKER, Register. The finest kind of job work as well as the plainest is done by the Gate way. IN THK DISTRICT COURT OF THK TER RITORY OF ALASKA. THIRD DIVISION. ALBERT E. FERRIN, Plaintiff, vs. NINA I). FERRIN. Defendant. No. S 54 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, GREETING: To the above named defendant, NINA D, FERRIN: You are hereby required and summoned to appear in the District court of the Territory of Alaska, Third Division, within thirty duyti after the termination of the required six weeks’ period of publication of the summons, and answer tho complaint of the above plain tiff (the original of which complaint is on file with the Clerk of the above Court at Valdez, Alaska,) and unless you so appear and answer said complaint judgment will be rendered against you for want thereof, and the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit; for a decree of absolute divorce foroVer dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between said plaintiff and said defendant, upon the ground of wilful desertion for more than two years next proceeding the date of commencement of said action. This summons is served upon you by publi cation thereof in accordance with an order therefor of the above entitled court made and entered on the 18th day of February, A. D. 1915. WITNESS, the Honorablo Fred M. Brown, Jud*e of said Court this 25th day of March, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, and of our Independence the one hundred and thirty-ninth. ARTHUR LANG. Clerk. Date of First Publication April *, 1915. Datej>f LaBt Publication May 15, 1915. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To Fred McGary: You are hereby notified that we have expended Three hundred dollars in labor and improvements upon the Tanana Association, Homestake and Wild Cat Association Placer mining claims on Dollar Creek, Left Limit, as will appear by Affidavits Proof of An nual Labor for year 1914, recorded in the Office of the Commissioner and Ex-Officio Recorder, Cook Inlet Pre cinct, Territory of Alaska, Third Divi sion, in order to hold said premises under the provision of Section 2324 Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold the same for the year ending December 31-1914; And if within Ninety days after this notice by publication, you fail or refuse to contribute your pro portion of such expenditure as Co Owner, your interest in said claims will become the property of the sub cribers under said section 2324. Dated at Susitna, Alaska January 13th, 1915. Andy Taylor, J. Foss. FOH SALE] Two Billiard Tables Tour Pool Tables Perfect condition: also two bowl ing alleys—at half value for cash. Address E. JAEGER Juneau * Alaska H. E. ELLSWORTH SEWARD. ALASKA ASSAY OFFICE Reports on Mines Ore Analysis Gold .«‘«J Connor . “ Lend . ' Gold, Silver and U-ad. 3 00 Gold. Silver and Copper . •} M Gold. Silver. Copper and U*ad .J •»' Gold and Silver Umpere . » ' Iron »•••»••#••••••••••••••• ** ^ Sulphur, Aluminum. Tin, IMatlnum, Quicksilver, Zinc, Nickel, Cobalt, Chromium, etc .. Mill Tests .*15 to Ore analysis.V *,li Gold refined, melted, assayed and bought. Igloo No. 9, Order of Pioneers Meets the First Tuesday Night ofeach month at the A. B. hall. J. LINDLEY GREEN, ISAAC EVANS, President. Secretary. USE THE PHONE ALASKA ELECTRIC CO. S. 1*1. GRAFF President and General Manager ^ r OPEN DAY Commerce Cafe Short Orders at All Hours Bread for Sale Board, family style. Breakfast, from 0 to 8 a. m. pinner, 11 a- tn* to ) p. m. Supper, 5 to 7 p. m. Rates, $1.00. Service at Counter, Tables E. LEVIN, or Private Boxes Proprietor. Our Special Design Fine Gold Saving Devices installed on Dredges of the Flume type IIUI We build Light Drills capable of digging 4-In. holes 50 feet Two men can handle them Hill Write for prices and particulars AMERICAN GOLD DREDGES—TYPE OF AMERICAN GOLD DREDGE OPERATING AT NOME AMERICAN DREDGE BLDG. AND CONSTRUCTION CO. 503-504 Pioneer Bldg. B Bernard, Manager SEATTLE, WASH. Cl ITCD’C a Jewelry Store OU I ELIy O For Everybody DIAMONDS—Extraordinary facilities for securing the Choicest Gems from the Diamond Markets, together with our Large Turn-Over, enables us to always Sell at the . Lowest Prices—and the Same Price is made to every body. SOURDOUGHS ATTENTION—We make a specialty of Nugget and Ivory Jewelry, and Mounting Same to Order. WATCHES—All Reliable American and Foreign move ments will be found in our Watch Department, in both Solid Gold and Guaranteed Cases: Please remember that Visitors are always Welcome at the Suter Jewelry Store. Mail orders promply attended to. I U/ UITFD Jeweler and Silversmith ESS. La If ■ vv I LKj 1115 Second St*, SEATTLE CHARLES MEETING Pioneer Carpenter of Seward Contractor and Builder Cabinet Work a Specialty Third Ave. Bet. Adams and Glasur Telephone Main 54. Carpenters^ Guilders All Kinds of Cabinet Work a Specialty ESTIMATES FURNISHED Phone Main 47 DR. CHARLES T. DACGETT Bridge Work and Porcelain Specie list Satisfaction Guaranteed in All Branches of Up'lO'Date Dentistry. Deceit Block Telephone Seward. Alaska J. LINDLEY GREEN LAWYER Over Hunk of Seward Seward. Alaska L. V. RAY Attorney-at-Law SEWAHD, ALASKA Criminal, Trial and Probate General Practice Harold N. Mm ATTORNEY-AT-UW Law Offices, Daggett Block. Phone Madison 114 SEWAUD, ALASKA. J. L. WALLER Lawyer Makes a Specialty of Alaska Mining and Land 616-619 Pacific Bldg. SEATTLE GERMANIA CAFE GABRIEL SANTOS Prop. Best Cooking and Service IT HAS BUTTS Seward Water and Power Company John A. Nelson, Manager Office—Benk of Sewurd Building SEWARD. - ALASKA PETER ANDERSON Painting and Paperhanging Miller’s Barber Shop Wg make a specialty of removing warts, etc. Hot and Cold BATHS Always Ready The Brown-Powell Liquor Co. 811 THIRD AVENUE SEATTLE, WASH. CATERS TO THE ALASKA TRADE WHEN COMING OUT HAVE YOUR MAIL ADDRESSED I N OUR CARE Charles Powell Felix Brown LATE Or DAWSON LATE Or NOMH When in Seattle Stop at the Place for ALASKANS It’s Fire-Proof, Modern and Convenient RATES $1.00 per DAY and UP HOTEL BARKER Cor. Pike and Sixth Free Auto Bus Meets all Boats and Trains C. 0. Walston & Conrad Freedlng, Props. ALASKAN BOPUPOPCHH.