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Newspaper Page Text
il hr ^ruutrh (bat rut a t|_ Published Daily Except Sunday by The Seward Gateway Publishing Co. BERN IRD R STONE, President. Subscription Rates: Dally—One dollar per month Ten cents tho copy. By mail, $10 per year. Weekly—Three dollars per year. (Payable strictly in advance). Advertising Rates: Readers, 10c per iinc first insertion, he per lint each additional insertion. Legal notices, 50e per line. SEW UCD. VI VSh V. WEDNESDAY. Jl NE 2. 1915. The fame of tee Seward city council is spreading far and wide. Erom several sourct s c«*rm tno-t uni avorahte comment on some of the actions of our city fathers am! hi *j«• e* -« u-c. foj the sake of the reputation of ourselves as intelligent voter-, it i- ivcivttuhle. The following «s taken from the May 2Hth issue ol the Doug Lis New-, a paper width invariably shows a keen common sense in its editorial and new - columns: ’The common conned ot the prosperous town of Seward has decided that it is not necessary to p: •:;{ ot - in the local paper, nor any other paper for that matter, but hi r ft : < they will -imply be posted in three conspicu ous places, wheie tin* people uui the horses and the mules and donkeys will have an equal chance at thorn. 1 i this respect the Seward fathers are on a par v\ith ih* Mask i legislature. It may be from a spirit of economy, or it may he thought h thr b» keep the people in ignorance. If through this same ignorance the people fat! into sin. the lawyers are always waiting for suckers. Of coin -e w k,;.e tin do not that the legislature was ashamed of ns work. am* tk ’» * he the case with the Seward council. We can’t say ♦ hat we admire »; IVno pc-? s*' lc of advertising at any time, and there may he several rea* its for V» know a case where a preacher whose con gregation had deserted him thought to attract attention to himself and his crude and -elf h notion- Hy wriim. hi- ideas on hoards, but only succeeded ir exciting ridicut * and attractin'., an excellent variety ot garden fertilizer. The Seward council may just a- .» II learn its H --on now as at some future time. The people of VI..-k ’. .id the newspapers and obey the laws, hut pay tittle or no attention a ,d- a- am! thing- found on Hoards and posts. and they know pretty well what they are about, too.” MYSTERY OF BOAT n ain until a short time ago when IS A BO I r Cl EAR! D l !\ and a catnpanion, both pros , peelers, found the wreckage of what! Capt. R. W\ Week-, of tlie launch appeaiv 1 to be a launch about the size ; Cappella, who stop e«. in Sev trd ust , • t. e l lion, in a cove between Dix n's Harbor and ley Point. They al-, o fount! a skiiT, which they identified i positive news l mu tk , . a- that belonging to the l nion, and! ember. He obtained 1 Capt. Germain of the I’m on was w ?- that the arum and skill* were the prop heavy gale. Sht never reached Ju- ! apt. Germain and his companion ■ ■■■ ■ — 1 ... ’ — — - - i Machinery lor Prompt Shipment Machine Shop Boilers and Engines Wood Working Shop Gasoline Engines blacksmith Machines Vir compressors' Sheet Metal Works Hoists and Pomps BOTH NEW AND USED MACHINES perim: Mu:m\m company SEATTLE COWBOYS RIDE INTO SAVOY DINING ROOM. — SEATTLE.—Two cowboys attired in the garb of the range and riding spirited ponies, provided a sensation al feature last evening in the dining room of the Savoy hotel during the progress of a banquet given by Alas kans in honor of Mr. and Mrs. 1*rank Manley of Iditarod. who are to de part for the North Monday. The row hoys galloped through the hotel cor ridor and the length of the dining room, bringing up at the speakers* table with a great clattering of hoofs. Mrs. Manley, herself an experienced horsewoman, not to be outdone by mere man, exorcised her prerogative as guest of honor and commanded one of the “punchers” to relinquish his animal to her. Her request com plied with, she mounted and rode the horse out into the lobby to the ac companiment of cheers from her I el low diners. The dinner was the idea of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Nixon, and the guests were members of the Alaskans. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lockhart, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Stanley, Barney McGee, Mrs. J. L. Bigtow, Judge and Mrs. W. A. Gilmore, Mr C. M. Mattice Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Norton, Miss Lorette Moore, Jack Irwin, James Mc Klroy, Mrs. B. H. Harris, Mrs. \V. L. Childs, Ben Herr. C. M. Williams, Miss H. V. Handy, H. W. Moulton, T. E. Handy. Ed. and Charles Terry. NO SHOW FRIDAY. ' Owing to the fact that the ( asino Theatre has been donated to the school children for their graduating exercises Friday night, there wi>! be no show on that night; But 'luesday s show will be repeated Wednesday night and the regular Friday change of program will he on Thursday night and repeated-again Saturday night. Next week the changes of tv •vrim will be as heretofore, Sundays, Tues days, and Fridays; No show on Wed nesday nights. Hereafter there will I Pay from $1 lo $2.50 lor Bear Skulls In good Condition J. R. STEVENSON Taxidermist Juneau bo* 731 Alaska Woodrow Park Sl\ MillS FROM cm Best Cree k and Cake Fishing Most Beautiful of Playgrounds Perfect Accomodations for Visitors. THE MINER’S STORE The Place Where Men Outfit Just Received THE GUARANTEE: WE ARE NOT SATISFIED UNLESS ] YOU ARE lR«|iitcrc<J! I Schoenbrun & Company MERCHANT TAILORS MEASURES TAKEN BY iiiiftaAiaflafiaaitiiflaifliiiiiiififtiaiiaaiflAAiitaaiiai Fox Spiral Puttees Frank J. Cotter Special Dress Shoes Original Chippewa Pacs Fiider Hand Made Pacs Hipress Boots Hipress Pacs Gold Seal Hip Boots TENTS TENTS TENTS Tarpaulins Blankets Quilts Pillows THE MINER S STORE FRANK J. COTTER, Manager Phone Adams 131 "Don't forget the Parcel Post” Seward, Alaska be two shows on Sunday nights start* ing next Sunday at 7:30 p. m. sharp. WANTED—Solictor, apply City Dye Works, Ashland Building. 6-1 -6t. PALACE OF SWEETS ICE CREAM Cigars Cigarettes Tobacco Stationery Candy Post Cards ROMIG & ROMIG REAL ESTATE AGENTS Houses for Rent, Rents Collected, ; Titles Examined. Lots for Sale. Large Listing. Phone Red 1-6. Seward. Alaska FRANK L. TORREY Dajjj'ctt Kids? House Painting Paper Hanging Decorating ESTIMATES FURNISHED SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., SEATTLE, WASH. Carry a complete* stock ol GENERAL MLLC1IANLISL ALASKA ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION Goods shipped from Seattle by first boat for Alaska after order is received. Uc him organized a special ALASKA DIVISION to look after the PACKING and 1NSPKCT ION of all Alaska orders. All goods selected from our catalogs will he shipped as ordered. All inquires and adjustments given prompt attention. READ OUR GUARANTEE WE GUARANTEE: That each and every article purchased from us is exactly as des cribod; that it represents full value for the price you nay. II, tor any reason wh it ever, you are dissatisfied with any article purchased from us, we expect return it to us at our expense. We will then exchange it for what you want, or will return your money, including any transportation charges you have paid. Our Large Catalog mailed free on request E,,^iihed Commerce CafeE>'™ Dinner 1 1 a.m to 7 p.m Short Orders at All Hours Special Chop Suey and Noodle Evenings Private Boxes Open Day and Night The Borgen Grocery Staple and Fancy Groceries Handles the Best Canned Goods from the Pacific Coast - Best Treatment to Everybody and Prices Right- Goods Delivered to All Parts of the City GUS BORGEN, Proprietor Phone Main 134 Clayson Building, Seward FURNITURE AND HARDWARE COAL MINER’S AMD GOLD MIMTS SttPPI IES Doors & Windows Lang’s llanges 1 X L Parlor Heaters Gasoline Stoves Cook Stoves Camp Stoves Air Tight Heaters Oil Stoves Alcohol Stoves Spark Plugs Jump Coils Batteries Granite Ware Aluminum Ware Asbestos P X B Paper Malthoitl Roofing Tar Paper Deafening felt Weather Strips Gasoline Gas Engine Oil \iarine Engine Oil Valve Oil Elaine Oil Floor Oil Linseed Oil Cup Grease Paints Lacquerct Paint Asphaltum Paint Brushes Varnishes Turpentine Japan Denatured Alcohol Coal Tar Lamps Lanterns Tents PHONE BLACK A Rifles Shot Guns Ammunition Fishing Tackle Giant Powder Caps Fuse Bench Forges Blacksmith’s Coal Bellows Wheel Barrows Cutlery Fire Clay Fire Brick Lime Cemeut Glass Hope Mercury Seine Twine J. L. QRAEF Una's (Fat.) Hot Blast Sirckcbcrning 5TQVES AND RANGES Are GUARANTEED to burn but one half as much fuel as OLD STYLE RANGES. Because they consume all gases and smoke In fuel. All fuel is burned from top. The ” PACIFIC,” as shovn In cut. Is our Stand ard Family Range- made in three sizes. We Make Stoves from $1.00 to $300 Write us for Catalogues, F. S. LANG MANUFACTURING CO., 2756 First Avenue, South, SEATTIF, WASHINGTON H. V. HOBEN A F,DAVIS ALASKA TRANSFER H. V. HOBEN, Manager ---Dealers In COAL, WOOD AND ICE General Transferring Phone*, Main 17 and 41 Remember the Big Ihing Starts June first j On the Government Railroad ! Hul llie Real Sale oil Bergman Hand made Shoes—Loggers and Miners’— I Starts Saturday, May 22 I We will sell Kverything in the Famous Uertftnan ami B (Yo.ssett Dress Shoes at just exactly 1." per cent above factory prices: * The Bergman Shoes, $10.00 Shoe at $K25 9.50 “ at 8 (HI 9.00 “ at 7.75 The Crossett Shoes, $8.00 Dress Shoe at $5.50 7.00 “ “ at 5.00 6.00 “ at 4.50 I 5.00 “ at .1.95 I SEWARD COMMERCIAL COMPANYJ A I A IX A STEAMSHIP SAKIJ ALASKA COnPANV 6 SPitO Vv Steamers Alameda, Mariposa and Northw. stern sail T—. from Seattle at v p. m. the Oth, 12th, I8lh, 24th \ 30th of each month tor Ketchikan, W rangell, Juneau, \ Thane, Skagwav, Cordova, Valdez and Seward. AtAMl DA and MVRIPOSV go to hnik Anihorage. SANTA ANA leaves Seward 13th of eaih month for InalasKa, and in Ma>. June. !ul> and August she goes through to Nushagak. Regular freight service tor Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Thane, Treadwell, Douglas. Skagwav, Cordova, Ellamar, Valdez, Latouche and Seward Freight Steamers sailing from Seattle each month: S. S. Seward. 5th; S. S. Latouche, 15th; S. S. Cordova, 25th (S. S. Seward carries Explosives) g.,v Right reserved to change thi> schedule without notice-?^ F. B. TRACY, General Agent C. B. GU1TILL * “SPEED UPr to 60 minutes an hour by taking the “grind99 out of typewriting ! AND smile ! For here at last is the maste "" machine that makes it easy for any stenog rapher to turn out MORE letters with LES effort in the ordinary working day. The ne\ Royal Master-Model “10” speeds up the day work and sets the pace that pays! “Just turn the knob” and get the “personal touch that fits YOURSELF! Write v/ith the fast, Royal roller trip escapement—the heart of the typewriter runs without effor Built for “Big Business and its Great Army of Expert Operators These new features of the Royal add to the sensitiv fingers of the typist, the ohe vital thing that the old-styl typewriter subtracts—speed! The speed with brains behind it—the all-day speed c the expert typist in the day’s work. Errorless spee< is the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense ha punctured the illusion of the other kind. Get the Facts ! Send for the “Royal man” and ask for a DEMONSTRATION. Or write us direct for our new bro chure, — “ Pc 11cr Service, ” and book of facts on Touch Typing sent freo to typewriter users. J? Price $100 ^ ^M,135a!n|Hgcs!So si2s fa Canada ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY L2I4 MARION ST., SEATTLE, WASH. _^