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General Contractor Fireproof hotel, Appartment House, Office Building Construction, Dock. Warehouse and Bridge Building All KINDS OF CONCREIE WORK Will be pleased to submit estimates and bids for all kinds of construction work. - ■ .. —— .——— J. P. MANTELL, Suite 4, Daisett Block G. W. PALMER KNIK, ALASKA Schooner Lucy Has arrived with a full cargo of WELLMAN CANNED GOODS RED CLOVER BUTTER TIP TOP EGGS SPERRYS FLOURS MARSHFIELD CHEESE And a full fine of HARDWARE. STOVES. HAY AND FEED No Better Goods Can Be Bought At Any Price G. W. PALMER. Knik, Alaska PACIFIC ALASKA NAVIGATION CO. J , - -- ■■■■..■!■ I' “The Admiral Line" STEAMERS SAIL FROM SEATTLE 5 P. M. 5th. 15th, 25th of Each Month for SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA PORTS bailing of 15th calls llliamna and Kodiak. All Vessels call at Knlk anchorage During Open Season. -CALIFORNIA-— Seattle to San Francisco, every Wednesday and Sunday, connecting with Steamers Yale and Harvard for Southern California Point*. Kight reserved to change steamer?* and >ailing dates without notice. RICHARD J. RINGWOOD. Manager. WAYNE BLUE. Local Agent. Pioneer Hotel F. B. CANNON. Prop. Knik Alaska KNIK'S LEADING HOTEL NO BAR Accommodations for Ninety Guests Large General Lobby Private Lobby for Ladies Best Rates : : Best Treatment Best Accommodations HOTfL OVERLAND E. L. WHITTEMORE, PROP. Headquarters for Mining Men SEWARD, - * * ALASKA THE SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER CO. Incorporated November 1905 under the Laws of the Territory of Alaska S. M. GRAFF, President and General Manager Controctors and dealers in Electric Supplies and Apparatus. Office- At the Station. TELEPHONE MAIN 123 Lang’s (Pat.) Hot Blast Smokeburning STOVES AM) RANGES Are GUARANTEED to burn but one-half as much fuel as OLD STYLE RANGES. ^ Because they consume all gases and smoke In fuel. All fuel Is burned from top. The “PACIFIC/* as shown In cut. Is our Stand ard Family Range- made In three sizes. We Make Stoves from $1.00 to $300 Write us for Catalogues, F. S. LANG MANUFACTURING CO., 2756 First Avenue, South, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON USE Reliance Coffee Rich and Satisfying NATIONAL 6R0CERY CO., Sole Distributors for Alaska - SAFETY FIRST! - Ruhstaller’s Gilt Edge Beer Sacramento, Calif. SERVED AT ALL CAFES PALACE OF SWEETS ICE CREAM Cigar* Cigarettes Tobacco Stationery Candy Post Cards Seward Water and Power Company John A. Nelson, Manager Offict-Bank of Seward Building SEWARD. - ALASKA CHAS. H. MUELLER Manufacturing furrier Honesty and Reliability Seud your Raw Fun* to me to be made Into Sets while Summer Prices prerail Remodeling and Repairing 1621 SECOND AVENUE SEATTLE, - WASH. OLD CROW OLD HERMITAGE OLD WINES Blue Ribbon Beer Olympia Beer ONLY MINERAL CABINET WHERE? AT JACK’S J. P. Stotko - Proprietor _._ ANDERSON & MURPHY THE TERMINAL Olympia, Rainier, Budweiser and Lemps Beer Olympia Beer on Draught All Beer and Wines Strictly Cold Storage Try Us once then You be the judge The Commerce F. W. POWERS Proprietor ROOMS IN CONNECTION Wines, Liquors and Cigars BEST BRANDS Draught ana Bottled Beers USE THE PHONE ALA8KA ELECTRIC CO. S. M. ORAFF President and General Manager Igloo No. 9, Order of Pioneers Meets the First Tuesday Night ofeach month at the A. B. hall. j. LINDLEY GREEN, ISAAC EVANS, President. Secretary. The Carstens Packing Go. Wholesale and Retail Beef, Park, Veal, Mutton, Poultry Lard, Hams and Bacon. Butter and Eggs Orders from the Westward and Cook Inlet Qlven Careful Attention Fourth Ave^ Seward The new Royal Price $100 (In Caned* $125) fell “The Typewriter of Perfect Presswork THE flawless presswork of the new Royal Master-Model 10 carries the high-grade busi ness message in as fine form as your thoughts themselves I Royal presswork reinforces the result getting power of your business-letters—for it adds the forceful stamp of quality to every letter you sign. Heretofore, you have been obliged to accept a standard of typewriting inferior to high-class printing, yet you would not accept poor printing. But with the new standard of “typewriter press work” created by the new Royal “10,” it is no longer necessary to accept inferior typing in your office. ‘•Th« Type Th.t TeiuM up the fetters you have signed to-day. Examine them—then see a sample of the faultless presswork of the Royal! On which kind of typing will you send your signature to represent YOURSELF? Which one will you trust to convey unmistakably to the world the character of your house ? Get the Facts / Send for the “Royal man" and ask for a DEMONSTRATION. Investigate the new master-machine that takes^tho "grind" out of type writing. Or write us diroct for our new brochure, “ BE7 TER SLR VICE,” and book of facts on Toucb-Typing-with a handsome Color-Photograph of the new ROYAL MODEL JO—all sent free to typewriter users. “Write now—right noiol " ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY. Inc. 214 Marion Street, Seattle, Washington The Last Word in Quality Society Chocolates aud Tru Bln Biscuits Ike Cracker Finttai imperial candy co., Seattle r/6cide WCfccololf Hotil S ward W. A. M'NEILEY. Pro*. MODERN CONVENIENCES RATES SI.00 TO S3.00 PER DAY HOT AND COLD WATER BATHS ELECTRIC LIGHTS The Coleman FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. GEO. SEXTON, PROP. Electric lights. Electric bell. Modern bath rooms. Rates reasonable. FOURTH AVENUE SEWARD, ALASKA We Design. Build, Install and Oper ate for a Period of 30 Days Hill Dredges Designed and Built to Suit Conditions under which they are to operate Hill Leading Builders of Smaller Sized Dredges with buckets li to 5 cubic foot capacity Our Special Design fine Gold Saving Devices Installed on Dredges of the flume type Hill We build Light Drills capable of digging 4-In. holes 50 feet Two men can handle them Mill Write for prices and particulars AMERICAN GOLD DREDGE9—TYPE OP AMERICAN GOLD DREDGE OPERATING AT NOMb AMERICAN DREDGE BLDG. AND CONSTRUCTION CO. 503-504 Pioneer Bldg. B BERNARD, Manager SEATT LE, WASH. _a_ — - OI ITETD’C A Jewelry Store OU 1 ELIV O For Everybody DIAMONDS—Extraordinary facilities for securing the Choicest Gems from the Diamond Markets, together with our Large Turn-Over, enables us to always Sell at the Lowest Prices—and the Same Price is made to every body. SOURDOUGHS ATTENTION—We make a specialty of Nugget and Ivory Jewelry, and Mounting Same to Order. WATCHES—All Reliable American and Foreign move ments will be found in our Watch Department, in both Solid Gold and Guaranteed Cases: Please remember that Visitors are always Welcome at the Suter Jewelry Store. Mail orders proraply attended to. I U/ CIITFD Jeweler and Silversmith ££%& La fla Oil ILK, ||15 Second St., SEATTLE REDFIELD TO TESTIFY. CHICAGO, July 30.—Secretary Redfield of the department of com merce has decided to testify at the in- ( | vestigation into the causes of the | Eastland disaster. His testimony will probably be connected with the re ports on the Eastland of the agents of the department. K ATM AI SMOKING. W. J. Erskine, of Kodiak, arrived on the Admiral Waston and will leave on the next boat for the Inlet, whence he intends to make a trip through that country and into the in terior maybe as far as Matanuska, to See how that district looks. He reports matters at Kodiak as progressing very nicely. He ex presses the belief that the volcanic eruption of a few years ago has aid ed the vegetation on that island. He says that all over the island, even where the volcanic dust deposit was the greatest and the vegetation kill ed, now everything is blooming and growing luxuriantly. Mr. Erskine state that while mak ing a trip around the island he could see Katmai Volcano smoking and that all over that country volcanic dust was in the a ir. NEWS NOTES. Mrs. C. G. Hubbard came in from the Blue Bell day before yesterday and will spend a few days here, re turning Monday or Tuesday. “Bud” Harmon, chairman of the sick committee of the Pioneers, re ceived a letter a few days ago from 0. H. Reese, who left Seward about five weeks ago. He is now in Castle Rock, Washington, staying with his sister. He writes about the many auto rides he gets and that he often goes fishing and fishes from the car. He writes in part “my unaffected leg is now getting worse and will soon be affected and my affected leg is get ting better. I am thankful that I am not a centipede.” Miss Mary Derby, a prominent | educator of Lansing, Mich., who has | been spending part of her vacation j with her old school day friend, Mrs. : 1 F. L. Ballaine, will return on the [ Mariposa for the states. On her way back to Michigan Miss Derby will take in the Exposition at San Fran- ( cisco. This morning at the Pioneer hos ; pital, F. C. Hall underwent a success ! ful operation on one of his feet, which i had been frozen last winter. After t this operation his foot will heal rapid | ly and Mr. Hall will soon be walking around on both feet. Dr. Sloan help ed Dr. Romig with the operation. Yesterday while Mrs. I* rank Nick erson and Mrs. Chas. Krefting were talking on the former's front porch a noble specimen of the Porcupine ad vanced on them quietly and took them by surprise. Mrs. Nickerson recover ed first and killed it with a stick. Corn is now being grown on the: “reserved” strip near the city of Se-; ward. <• *5* 'J* **,* *5* ❖ ANOTHER NEGRO IS * ❖ BURNED AT STAKE. * .> _ ❖ TEMPLE, Texas, July 31.—A negro who murdered three children and al most succeeded in killing the parents was taken from the court room here at midnight last night and burned at the stake. The burning took place in the public square. A great mob took part and many women and girls were present. FOOD RIOTS IN MEXICO. EL PASO, July 30.—Food riots are now proceeding in Chihuahua, the capital of Villa’s government. The people are said to be suffering severe ly and some of them have been driven to a state bordering on desperation. MEXICAN MINES SHUT DOWN. LAREDO, July 30.—Business is stagnant all over northeastern Mexico and several of the mines have been closed down as one of the results of the revolutions. A serious food shortage is also existing. JAPANESE CABINET RESIGNS UNDER FIRE. TOKIO, July 30.—The cabinet has resigned following the investigation into the alleged election bribery. Tho resignation has been taken to confirm the stories that some of the members of the government used corrupt methods to secure election and furth er scandalous exposures are expected. RECEIVER FOR R. K. NEW YORK, July 30.—The Rock Island railroad holding company has been placed in the hands of a receiver. Plumbing and tin shop at Brown & Hawkins, “Quality First." Force & Pitcher pumps, iron and steel pipe and fittings at Brown & Hawkins, “Quality First." Dr. Draney A. 1 dentistry at mod erate prices. Telephone Adams 114. 7-14—t f __— Visiting cards, invitations, anything pretty is done by the Gateway just as well as outside. I __ Wall paper at Brown & Hawkins, ten per cent discount. “Quality First’ Finch’s Golden Wedding Rye at The Branch. CHARLES MEETING Pioneer Carpenter of Seward Contractor and Builder Cabinet Work a Specialty Third Ave. Bet. Adams and Glasur Telephone Main 54. STANDARD GOODS at Eastern Prices GIORGE the Jeweler H. E. ELLSWORTH SEWARD, ALASKA 3Sfc ASSAY OFFICE ££ Reports on Mines Oro Analysis Gold .$1 W Gold and Silver. 2 00 Copper . 1 50 Lead . 1 50 Gold, Silver and Lead. I 60 Gold, Sliver and Copper. 8 SO Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead.4 60 Gold and Silver Umpere . 5 00 Iron . 4 00 Sulphur, Aluminum. Tin, Platinum, Quicksilver, Zinc, Nickel, Cobalt, Chromium, etc ..0 00 Mill Tests .$16 to $30 Ore analysis.$10 and up HARVEY & CO. Y. M. C. A. Building. Next to Commissioner’s Office Contractors and Builders ESTIMATES FURNISHED The Brown-Poivell Liquor Co. 011 THIRD AVENUE SEATTLE, WASH. CATERS TO THE ALASKA TRADE WHEN COMING OUT HAVE YOUR MAIL ADDRESSED IN OUR CARE Charles Powell Felix Brown l.ATK OF DAWSON DAT* OF NOMK