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J. J. McGRATH, Editor B. M. STONE, Business Man’gr THE ALL-ALASKA REVI A Jr First Publication Printed in Alaska Devoted to all Alaska Knowing that you are interested in Alaska, we are taking the liberty of drawing your attention to THE ALL-ALASKA REVIEW which we are publishing monthlv THE REVIEW is chielly intended to-keep all people who have ever lived in Alaska in touch with the friends and places amongst whom and in which they form erly resided. THE REVIEW, it is safe to say, will be by a long way the most generally read publication ever issued in the territory or about the territory. In addition to the con densed news of all parts of the territory each month THE REVIEW will contain full information of mining, agri cultural and other industries, as well as profuse illustra tions. It is published at Seward, the ocean terminal of the 'government railroad, and thus it is in direct touch with the very heart of Alaska. As an advertising medium for Alaska it has never been equalled, and as a means of supplying the news of the territory and its people no pains will be spared to make it perfect. It has been established to give Alaska a great periodical of its own and this ambition is not only on the road to fulfillment but may be said to have been already actually fulfilled. Subscribe now to this great new publication which has come to keep strides with Alaska’s development.— _—j Price $2.50 per year in advance. All the News of all parts of Alaska For $2.50 per Year A great many people outside and inside Alaska are now anxious to get any news they can of the place where the government railroad will be. To ■ save writing letters you could send the Gateway, either your own read copy or get another. ■ i ..— —i ■ ■ —-■■■ i ■ in* * Job printing of every description at The Gateway. I -- Serial No. 01594. ADDITIONAL ENTRY. UNDER SECTION 2306 OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES. APPLICATION. United States Land Uilke, Juneau, Alaska. May 14, 1916. Alaska Puckers Association, assignee of Robert T. Jolley, being entitled to the bene fit* of section 230b of the revised statutes of me United Stales granting additional lunds to soldiers und sailors who served m the Rebel lion, does hereby upply to enter United Mutes survey au. loo2, situate on a narrow sand spu about one and one-quarter miles northeast ot entrance Point, Port Moiier, liering mu. Dis trict ot Alaska, and more particularly describ ed as follows; beginning at M. C. Corner No. 1 on the shore line of Port Moiier, whence Witness corner bears norm 1.47 chains, from whence Corner No. 1, Survey 227, bears north 47 deg. 24 min. east, 3o.42 chains, und Lniteu Males Location Monument survey 1147 beurs norm 5i ueg. 65 mm. west, chains, and ilurbor Point beurs south lb Ueg. uu mm. west; thence north 3.62 ennuis to M. C. Cor ner No. 2 on the shore line ol Love’s Lagoon, whence M. C. Corner No. 1, survey ludd, Dear* north 4.44 chains, und Witness Corner iNo. 2 beurs south 137 chums, from whence northeast corner cannery buiiumg bears soutu 82 deg. 36 min. west, Lienee meandering along the shore line ol Loves Lagoon; 1. Norm 79 deg. 65 min. west, U.95 chains; 2 North 6b deg. o9 mm, west, 4.21 cnaius; 3 North bJ deg. 64 nun. west, 1.74 chains, 4. South 11 deg. 12 mm. west, U.97 chains; 5 South 31 deg. 67 mm. east, 1.97 cnuin*; 6. North 75 deg. 53 mm. west, 3.29 chains to M. C. Corner No. 3 on the shore line oi Love’s Lagoon, whence smoke slack at can nery beurs south 53 deg. 06 min. west; thence south 2.14 chums to m. C. corner No. 4 on the shore line ot Port Moiier, whence Lntrance Point bears south 76 deg. 49 min. west; thence meandering ulong me shore line ol i'ort Muller; 7. south 64 deg. 44 min. east, 3.60 chains; 8. South 70 deg. 3b min. east, 6.25 chums to M. C. Corner no. 1 und the point oi be ginning. Containing an urea of 3.02 acres. Varia tion 19 deg. 16 min. east. As additional to the original homestead entry ot Robert T. Jolley, >.o. 17?S. entered December 3, 1568, at United States Land Of hcc at Springfield, Mo. for the northeast quarter oi the southeast quarter of Section 2, i township 31, Range 17, containing 40 acres, t Notice is hereby given that any und all per i sons cluinung any portion ol the uoove described land are required to tile a protest ! during the period of publication or thirty days I thereafter, m accordance with law, with the j Register and Receiver of the United States i Lund Office at Juneau, Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION, by Henry F. Fortmann, President. Address: San Francisco, California. Notice of the ubovu application will be pub lished in the Seward Lateway, printed at seward, Alaska, which i hereby designate a* I the newspaper published nearest the land up | plied for m suid application. C. b. WALKER, ; Register, United States Land Office, Juneau, Alaska. Date ol first Publication May 20, 1916. Last publication M*pt. 1. Serial No. 01595. _ ADDITION A1. ENTRY. UNDER SECTION 2306 OF TUE REVISED STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES. APPLICATION. ' United States Land Office, Juneau, Alaska. May 14, 1916. Alaska Packers Association, assignee of Robert T. Jolley, being entitled to the bene fits ol section 2300 ol me revised statutes ot me United Mates granting additional lands to soldiers und sailors who served in the Rebel lion, dots hereby ai»i ly to enter United stales survey No. 1031, situate near United States Survey No. 237 on Love s Creek, two miles east of Entrance Point Dering Sea, District ot Alaska, and more particularly described us tollows: Commencing at Corner No. 1, whence Coast Survey Monument bears north 10 deg. 46 min. west, and United Stales Location Monument Survey 1147 bears south 76 dog. 42 min. west, l3i.0a chains, and shore of Fort Moller bears south 6 deg. 10 nan. west, about 43 chains distant; thence east 7 chains to Corner No. 2, whence Corner No. 3 Survey No. 237 bears south 37 deg. 35 min. west, 6.7o chains; thence north 7 chains to Corner No. 3, whence Coast Survey Monument bears south 13 deg. 4b min. west, and (Joust Survey Monument bears north 14 deg. 12 min. west; thence west 7 chains to Corner No. 4, whenc Corner No. 2, Survey 1045, bears north 13 deg. 60 min. west, 9.30 chaius; thence south 7 chains to Corner No. 1 and the point of be I ginning. Area 4.90 acres. Variation 19 deg. 16 min. east. As additional to the original homestead entry of Robert T. Jolley, No. 1788, enter^u December 3, 1868, at United States Land Of fice at Springfield, Mo. for the northeast quarter of the southeust quarter of Section 3, Township 34, Range 17, containing 40 acres. Notice is hereby given that any and all Iver sons claiming any portion of the above described land are required to file a protest during the period of publication or thirty days thereafter, in accordance with law, with the Register and Receiver of the United Slates Laud Office at Juneau, Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION, Dy Henry F. Fortmann, President. Address: San Francisco, California. Notice of the above application will be pub lished in the Seward Gateway, printed at Seward, Alaska, which I hereby designate as the newspaper published nearest the land ap plied for in said application. C. D. WALKER, Register, United States Land Office, Juneau, Alaska. Date of first Publication May 20, 1915. Last publication Sept. 1. Serial No. 01596 ADDITIONAL ENTRY. UNDER SECTION 2306 OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES. APPLICATION. United Statei Land Office, Juneau, Alaska. May 14, 1915. Alaska Packers Association, assignee of Robert T. Jolley, being entitled to the bene fits of section 2306 of the revised statutes of the United States granting additional lands to soldiers and sailors who served in the Rebel lion, does hereby apply to enter United States survey No. 1045, situate on Love's Lake near Love's Creek, about two miles east of En trance Point, Bering Sea, District of Alaska, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 1 whence shore • line of Love’s Luke bears west 0.26 chains, snd Coast Survey Monument bears north n , deg. 46 min. west; thence south 6.99 chains to Corner No. 2, whence shore of Love s Ifke bears North 30 deg. west 1 cbain. aud Cor ner No. 4. Survey 1031, bears south 13 deg. 50 min east, 9.30 chains; thence east 6.6 J chains to Corner No. 3, whence United butee Location Monument Survey 1147 bear* south 70 deg. 46 min. west, 146.29 chains, and Coast Survey Monument bears north 13 oeg.' west, and Corner No. 3 Survey *.3* b*ar> south 2 deg. 23 min. west, 21.41 chains; thence north 6.99 chain, to Corner No. 4. thence west 6.99 chain* to Corner No. 1 and the place of beginning. Containing an area of 3.69 acres. Magnetic Variation, 19 deg. 16 min. east. As additional to the original homestead entry of Robert T. Jolley, No. 1788, enters*! December 3, 1868, at United States J>and Of fice at Springfield, Mo. for the northeast Quarter of the eoutheaet quarter of Section 3, Township 34, Range 17, containing 40 acres. Notice l* hereby given that any and all per eons claiming any portion of the above described land are required to file a protest during the period of publication or thirty days thereafter. In accordance with law, with the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Juneau, Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION. By Henry F. Fortmann, President. Address: San Francisco, California. Notice of the above application will be pub lished in the Seward Gateway, printed at Seward, Alaska, which I hereby designate as ths newspaper published nearest tbs land ap plied for in said application. C. B. WALKER, Register, United States Land Office, Juneau, Alaska. Date of first Publication May 20, 1911. Last publication Sept. 1. I SERIAL NO. 01597. ADDITIONAL ENTRY. UNDER SECTION 2306 OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES. APPLICATION. United Stales Land Office, Juneau Alaska May 14. 1916. Alaska Packers Association, assignee of Robert T. Jolley, being entitled to th<- bene fit* of section 2306 of the revise*! statutes of the United States granting additional lands to soldiers and sailors who served in the ReL*L lion, does hereby apply to enter Unit* <i ,*,.* survey No. 1046, situate just west of I vo Point and one-half mile east of DIulf Point, Mine Harbor, Herendeen Pay, Peri rig y. H’ District of Alaska, and more parties ir > described ns follows: Peginning at M. C. Corner No. 1 on U shore line of Mine Harbor, whence Witm .** Corner to Corner 1 bears north i ll chains, from whence United States Location Mono ment, Survey 1016, L ars south 65 deg. 10 min west, 19.57 chains, and Acorn Rock Lars soutii 12 deg. ot min. east, and < row Point henrs south 36 deg. 38 min. east; thence north 3.29 chums to M. (,. Corner No. 2 on the slior* line of Herendeen Pay, whence Shingle point bears north 68 deg. 23 min. west and Witness Corner to Corner 2 bears south 1.65 */,;*ins. thence meandering along the shore lm*. *,f Herendeen Ray ; 1. North 17 dog. 41 min, east, 4.75 chains; 2. North 9 deg. 25 min. east, 4.55 chains, 3. North 2 deg. 56 nun. east, 4.55 mam* . 4. North 3 deg. 28 min. west, t rheins to M. C. Corner No. 3, whence end of Hlulf Point bears south 57 deg. 30 min. west, and Witness Corner to Corn* r 3 L ars east .75 I chains; thence east 15.93 chains to Corner No 4, whence Crow Point iiears south 29 dog 50 min. east;thence south 11.51 chain* to M. C. Corner No 5 on the shore line of Mine Harbor, whence Witness Corner to Conor ■> i bears north 1.71 chains, from when** ; r situate on the survey boars north 63 <!*■ j.< min. west. 8.26 chains; thence m. and* ;mg along the shore line of Mine Harbor: 5. South 71 deg. 01 min. west, 3 <1 m r,i* . 6. South 61 deg. 36 min. west. 3 o <>i.;*ms. 7. South 68 deg. 01 min. west, 5.7* mains; 8. South 66 deg. 49 min. west, 3 5o chums , 9. South 62 deg. 28 min. west, t.,8 chains I 1° M. C. Corner No. 1 and place of L guming Containing an area of 25.66 a< r***. Variation 19 deg. 20 min. east. As additional to the original horn* s * a*J entry of Robert T. Jolley, No. i7v-, *i i i December 3, 1666, at United States L .id Of fice at Springfield, Mo. for the r.orti. ist quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 34, Range 17, containing lo acr* s Notice is hereby given thut any and all per sons claiming any portion of the aL»v*> described land are required to file a protest during the i>eriod of publication or thirty days thereat ter, in accordance with law, witn he Register and Receiver of the Uni’cd M.pes Land Office at Juneau, Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION, Py Henry F. Fortmann, President Address: Sun Francisco, ( alifori.ia. Notice of the above application will lie i ib lished in the Seward Gateway, printed at Seward, Alaska, which 1 hereby dcsi.rmi «• ** the newspajier published nearest the land ap plied for in said application. C. P. WALKER. Register, United States Lund Office, Juneau, Alaska. Date of first Publication May 20, 11*15. Lust publication Sept. 1. Serial No. 01592. ADDITIONAL ENTRY. UNDER SECTION 2306 OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES. APPLICATION* United States Land Oflice, Juneau, Alaska May 14, 1915. Alaska Packers Association, asuigM-c >f Robert T. Jolley, being entitled to tnv bene fits of section 2306 ol the revised « .uutea -f the United States granting additional lands ■) soldiers and sailors who served in the Rebel* lion, does hereby apply to enter Ini .-I Mate* survey No. 1034, situate on l’ort M< ... r Spit, about two miles northeast of United Sue * Survey 1148, District of Alaska, and in .re particularly described as follows: Commencing at M. C. Corner No. 1 on the shore line of Port Moller, whence north, ast corner of cannery building bears north 41 deg. 05 min. west, and Point Divide bears south 62 deg. 31 min. west, and United States Locution Monument Survey 1148 bears south j 27 deg. 23 min. west, laO.o'J chains, and wit ness Corner bears east 2.49 chains; thenco east 4.41 chains to Corner No. 2; thence south IT.94 chains to Corner No. 3, whence Point Divide bears south 63 deg. 36 min. west, and United Slates location Monument Survey 1031 bears north 8 deg. 25 min. east, 4j 60 chains; thence west 11.22 chains to M. C. Corner No. 4, whence Witness Corner bears east 2.79 chains, und Doe Point bears r v.n 69 deg. 34 min. west, and United Slates 1. .. lion Monument Survey 1147 bears n-.rt 7 deg. 03 min. west; thence meandering along the shore line of Port Moller: 1. North 21 deg. 44 min. east, 10.35 chains; i 2. North 19 deg. 39 min. east, 8.85 chains; | to M. C. Corner No. 1 and the point of be ginning. Containing an area of 13.86 acres. Magnetic variation, 19 deg. 15 min. east. As additional to the original homestead entry of Robert T. Jolley, No. 1788, elite re J December 3, 1868, at United States Land Of ■ lice at Springfield, Mo. for the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 34, Range IT, containing 49 acres. Notice is hereby given that any and all ivr sons claiming any portion of the above described land are required to tile a protest during the period of publication or thirty days I thereafter, in accordance with law, wife! the Register and Receiver of the United Scales | Land Oflice at Juneau, Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION, by Henry F. Fortmunn, President. Address: San Francisco, California. Notice of the above application will be pub lished in the Seward Gateway, printed at Seward, Aluska, which I hereby designate as the newspaper published nearest the land ap plied for in said application. C. II. WALKER. Register, United States Land Oflice, Juneau, Alaska. Date of first Publication May 20, 1915. Last publication Sept. 1. Serial No. 01600. ■■ ■ “ ADDITIONAL ENTRY. UNDER SECTION 2306 OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES. APPLICATION. ' United State* Land Office, Juneau, Alaska. May 14, 1015. Alaska Packers Ai«u< iution, assignee of David Jenkins, being entitled to Uie bene fits of section 23U6 of the revised statutes of the United Slates granting additional lanus to soldiers and sailors who served in tne Rebel lion, does hereby apply to enter United State* survey No. 1047, situate just souin of Coal Creek, lierendeen Ray, Reriug Sea, District of | Alaska, and mere particularly described as follows: Commencing at M. C. Corner No. 1 on the shore line of lierendeen Ray, whence face of Bold Bluff Point bears south 4 deg. 15 min. west, and Eagle Rock bears south 0 deg. »>5 min. east, and Witness Corner to Corner No. *. bears east 1.53 chains; thence east 3.57 chains to Corner No. 2, whence United Stales Location Monument, Survey 1047, bears south 62 deg. 43 min. west, 1.65 chains, from whence Pinnacle Peak bears south 7k deg. 06 miu. east, and point of land bears north 2k deg. 11 min. west, and Eagle Rock bears south 00 deg. Ik min. west; thence north 10.06 chains to Corner No. 3, whence Pinnacle Rock bears south 32 deg. 26 min. east; thence west, 9.6k chains to M. C. Corner No. 4, whence Eagle Rock bears south 3 deg. 66 min. east, and Witness Corner to Corner No. 4 bears east 2.29 chains; thence meandering along the shore line of Hersndeeu Ray: 1. South 14 deg. 27 min. east, 2.03 chains; 2. South 35 deg. 31 min. east, 5.57 chains; 3. South 32 deg. 42 min. east, 4.22 chains; to M. C. Corner No. 1 and the point of be ginning. Containing an area of 6.90 acres. Variation 19 deg. 30 min. east. As additional to the original homestead entry of David Jenkins No. 677, at Sioux City, Iowa, dated November 4, 1367, containing 120 acres. Notice is hereby given that any and all p*» sons claiming any portion of the above described land are required to file a protest during the period of publication or thirty uaya thereafter, in accordance with law, with the Register and Rscelver of the Unit d States Land Office at Juneau, Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION, Hy Henry F. Fortxnann, President. Address: San Francisco, California. Notice of the above application will be pub lished in the Seward Cateway, printed at Seward. Alaska, which I hereby designate as the newspaper published nearest the land ap plied far in said application. C. B. WALKER, Register, United States Land Office, Juneao Alaska. Date of first Publication May 20, 1916. Last publication Sept. 1. The finest kind of job work as well as the plainest is done by the Gate* way. ~ ‘I