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Serial Xa. I17M ADDITIONAL ENTRY. UNDER SECTION 2306 OF THK REVISED STATl TKS OF TilE UNITED STATES. NOTICE. United States Land Office, Juneau. Alaska, April 19. 1915. Alaska Packers Association, assignee of Charles M. Blair, being entitled to the bene fit* of section 23u6 of the Revised Statutes of the United States granting additional lands to soldiers and sailors who served in the Rebel lion. d.-es hereby apply to enter United States Survey No. 566, situate ou right bank of Xushagak River about 30 chains northeast of Cotlce Point. Hritaol Hay. District of Alaska, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at Corner No. 1 near the right bank of the Xushagak River, whence Corner No. 1. Survey 369. bears South 4 deg. 11 min. 06 sec. west, 20.14 chains, and Snag Point bears norm 35 ueg. 24 nun. east, and United Slates Location Monument 366 bears south 10 deg. 5 > min. east, 12.34 chain*, from whence l mted States Coast Survey Monu ment Clark's Point bears south 19 deg. 03 nun east, and l nited States Coast Survey Mounume nt Coffee Point bears south 6 .leg. 27 m u. west, and Corner No. 1, Survey 269, bear* south 25 deg. 31 min. west. 3.33 chains, and United States Coast Survey Monument at Corner No. 1. Survey 565. bears north 22 deg. 09 mm. east, and Snag Point bears north 34 deg. 4o mm. east; thence north 19.30 chains to Corner No. 2; thence east 13.06 chains to hi. C. Corner No. 3, whence Corner N >. 3. Survey 157. bear* north 1 deg. 47 nun. 53 *e.. west, 70.11 chains, and Witness Corner bears west 1.91 chains, from whence United States coast >urvey mark by Corner No. 1. Survey 5t>5. bear* north 22 deg. 57 min. east, and Snag Point bear* north 35 deg. 33 min. ea*:. ana i iu «d finales coast >ur%ey Mouu meat Clark * Point bears south 17 deg. 00 mm east; thence meandering along the right bank of Nushagak River, 1. South 3 deg. 42 min. west 15.45 chains; 2. South 6 deg. 01 mm. west, 4.55 chains, to M. C. Corner No. 4. whence Witness Corner bear* west 1.52 chains, from whence United States Coast Survey Monument bears north 21 deg ol min. ea* and tinted State* Coast Survey Monument C!art\ s Point, bears south 17 deg. 51 min. east, and southwest corner of building bear* uorlh 25 deg. 03 min. west, ciutin* and southeast corner «>t nuiiuing bear* north 31 deg. 03 min. west, 63 links, and Snag Point bear* north 34 deg. 60 nun. east; thence west. 10.25 chains to Corner No. 1 and p.aee- ot la iimuiK. Area. 22.91 acre*. Variation 21 deg. 30 min. east. As additional to the original homestead of Charles M. Blair as indicated on the certifi cat* issued by the General Land Office, dated May 29, 1396. snowing that M. J. Wine 1* entitled to inaive additional entry for 120 acres ui'.vler section 2506 of the Revised Statutes, based up*-ii the Charles M. Blair right, and further allowing said certificate satisfied as to 59.0a a>.res of land by Mooeehead fishing an-1 Mining Company, to which said certificate l* attactied a certification by the General Land Office to the effect that said certificate, or copy of paper, is a true copy of the original and to which certificate there is also attached an assignment of said right to the Alaska Packers Association Notice is hereby given that any and all persons claiming any portion of the above described land are required to file a protest during the period of publication or thirty daye thereafter, in accordance with law. with the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Juneau. Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION. By Henry F. Fortmann. President. Address: San Francisco. California. Notice of the above application will be pub lished m the Seward Gateway, printed at Seward. Alaska, which l hereby designate a* the newspaper published nearest the land ap plied for in said application. C. B. W ALKER. Register. First publication May 15, 1916. La*, publication J-ept. 1. Serial No. 01764. UNDER SECTION 24U6 OF THE REVISED nlATUlEs OF 1 HE UNITED STATES. N O TICE. United Slates Land O flics. Juneau. Alaska. April IV. IVid. Atas»a Packers Association, assignee of Chart** M. Hlair, being entitled to in* bene tus ot section 24oo of uie Revised Statutes of the Unr.eU Male* granting auditiouai iano# to soldiers aud sailors wuo served in Uie Rebel lieu. uoes hereby appiy to euier Uuited States Survey No. 4oo. situate on in* rigut baua of Nuanagaa River about four aud inree-viuarier* uules northeast ot Co dee Point. Hristol Hay. ot Alaska, aud more particularly ues cnbed as follow*; Ubiuiau.; a. vomer No. 1 near t*« ri v baua of Nushagak River, whence United State* Coast Survey Monument, Clara’s Point, bears Soutu 1 deg. 13 mm east, aud UuiteU State* Coaa. Survey Monument, Code* Poiut, bear* Soa.u _uvk. V. imu. *v» , «»»v. Cniveu State* Coast survey Monument bear* soutu Ueg. mi mm. wt» „ i >.»l cnains, anu Shu . Point bears north 41 deg. 4U min. east, aud United o.ate# Location Mouumeut, Survey geo bears soutu 4t deg. 41 mm. west, V.6i> chains, from whence United state# Coast Survey Monument bears uortu 74 ueg. 47 turn, west, and United Mate# Coast Survey Monu ment, Code* Point, bears south 44 deg. 41 min. west, and Luited states Coast Survey Monument. Clark * Point, bears south 2 deg. is mm. east; theuce north 40.44 chains to Corner No. 4; thence east 16.67 chains to M. C. Corner No. 4, whence east comer of house bears south 4V Ueg. *4 miu. west. 4.04 chains, and R. G. M. Cuurcn. survey Corner 4 btui) iwriU «o ui„. »o In.U. -- »vc. e.if-. 104.44 chains, and Witness Corner bears west 2.47 chains, from wheuc* United Stales Coast Survey Mouuinent bears south 4o deg. 04 mm. west, aud United Male* Coast Survey Monu ment. Code* Point, bears soutu 44 deg. 40 mm. west, aud United States Coast Survey Monumeut, Clark's Point, bears south 0 deg. 44 mm. east; thence meandering along the right bank of th* Nushagak River, 1. South 40 deg. 01 mm. west, o.62 chains; 2. Soutu 44 deg. 47 min. west, 14.04 chains; 4. South 47 Ueg. 44 min. west. 4.44 cnaius, to M. C. Corner No. 4 on the right bank of said Nushagaa River, whence Witness Corner bear* west 4.17 cnains, and Corner No. 6. Survey 147. bears south 44 deg. 23 mm. 17 sec. west, 247.VI chains; thence west 4.47 chains lo Corner No. 1. and the point of beginning. Area, .*.44 acre*. Variation, 44 deg. 00 min. east. As additional to the original homestead of Charles M. Hlair as indicated on the ceruh cat* issued by the General Land Office, dated May 2V, 1600, showing that M. J. Win# i# entitied to make additional outry for 140 acres under section 2406 of th# Revised Statutes, based upon th* Charles M. Hlair right, and furthsr ahowiug said certificate satisfied as to 6V.06 acres of land by Mocsenead Fishing and Mining Company, to which said certificate 1* attached a certification by th# General Land Office to th* etlect that said certificate, or copy of paper, is a true copy of the original and to which certificate there is also attached an asaignment of said right U> the Alaska packers Association Notice is hereby given that any and all persons claiming any portion of tne abo*e described land are required to fils a protest during the period of publication or thirty day* thereafter, in accordance with law, with tn* Register and Receiver of th# United State# Land Office at Juneau. Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION. Ry Henry F. Fortmann. President. Address: San Francisco. California. Notice of the above application will be pub lished in th# Seward Gateway, printed a. Seward. Alaska, which 1 hereby (ksignate as th* newspaper published nearest the land ap »“"* in •“'* “'^WALKER, fegttr. First publication May 14, 1V14. Last publication Sept. 1. Serial No. 017*2 ADDITIONAL ENTRY. UNDER SECTION 2306 OF TRE REVISED STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES. NOTICE. United States Land Office, Junesu, Alaska, April 10. 1016. Alaska Packers Association, assignee of Charles M. Blair, being entitled to the bene fit* of section 2306 of the Revised Statutes of the United States granting additional land* to soldiers and sailors who served in the Rebel lion, does hereby apply to enter United States Surwvy No. 361. situate at Ladd s Station, Cook Inlet, at entrance to Chuit River, Dis trict of Alaska, and more particularly des cribed as follows: Commencing at M. C. Corner No. 1 on the chore line of Cook Inlet, whence Point Poa cession bears south 80 deg. 16 min. east 1G miles and high point of land on east foreland £crs south .Odeg. 21 min. east, and Witness Corner bears West 78 links, and United States location Monument 364 bears north 14 deg. 24 min. west 1.09 chains, from whence north Let corner of houee on said survey bean wvuth 23 deg. 68 min. west 1.63 chains, and Point Possession besurs south 80 deg. i* min Let. and high point of land on east foreland beers south .0 deg. 21 min. east; thencs meandering along the ahore line of Cool South 28 deg. 68 min. west, 10.56 chains 2. South 44 deg. 18 mm. west. 2.20 cnains 2. South 68 deg. 38 min. west. 1« chains 4, North 46 deg. 14 ala. west, 4.23 chalm « to M. C. Comer No. 2; whence Witness Cor ner bears north 83 links; thence north 9.90 chains to Corner No. 3, whence cotton wood ti t* boar* north 39 deg. 10 min. west, 4.71 chains: thence east 11.90 chains to M. C. Corner No. 1 and place of begtnlng. Area, 9.63 acres. Variation, 26 deg. 40 min. east, As additional to the original homestead of Charles M. Blair as indicated on the certifi cate issued by tho General Land Office, dated May 29, 1896. showing that M. J. Wine Is entitled to make additional entry for 129 acres under section 2306 of the Revised Statutes, based upon the Charles M. Biair right, and further showing shUI certificate satisfied as to > acres of land by Moosehead Fisning and Mining Company, to which said certificate Is attached a certification by the General Land Office dated November 7. 1914, to the effect thut said certificate or copy of paper is a true copy of the original. There is attached to said certificate an assignment of said right to the Alaska Packers Association. Notice is hereby given that any and all Iversons claiming any portion of the above described land are required to ft’s a protest during the period of publication or thirty duys thereafter, in accordance with law, with the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Juneau, Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION. By Henry F. Fortmann. President. Address: San Francisco, California. Notice of the above application will be pub lished in the Seward Gateway, printed at Seward, Alaska, which i hereby designate as the newspaper published nearest the lund ap plied for in said application. C. B. WALKER, Register. First publication May 15, 1915. lu»st publication Sept. 1. Serial No. 01591 ADDITIONAL ENTRY. I NDKR SECTION 2306 OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES. NOTICE. United States Land Office, Juneau, Alaska, April 19, 1915. Alaska Packers Association, assignee of Robert T. Jolley, being entitled to the bene fits of section 2306 of the Revised Statutes of the United States granting additional lands to soldiers and sailor* who served in the Rebel lion, does hereby apply to enter United States Survey No. 1050, situate on the right bunk of Copenhagen Creek just above its confluence with hvtchak Bay, about twenty-five miles m*rtheaj>' of Etulm Point, Bristol Bay, Bering Sea, District of Alaska, and more particularly described as follows, to-vvit: t oumicntiiK: at .vi. c . turner No. 1 on the right bank of Copenhagen Creek, whence Witness corner bears west L21 chains, whence top of suitery budding bears north 22 deg. 3 nun. east, from whence United States Loot at ion Monument, Survey 1030, situated on suid survey, bears north 67 deg. 27 min. west, o...2 chains, from whence Johnston's Hill bears south 2 deg. 40 min. west, and water tanks at Codec Creek U „r norm o. deg. 25 nun. east, and peak of cannery building bears south 43 deg. 32 mm. cast; thence west 5.09 uuii;,s to Corner No. 2, wnence top ol suitery building bears north 23 deg. 46 min. east; thence north 19.v5 chains to Corner No. 3, wnence itua of cannery building bears south 12 deg. 35 min. east, and water tanks at Coll.ce t reek bear north 5> deg. 4,* mill, east, thence eust 16. 33 chains to M. C. Cor ner No. 4, on the right bank of Copenhagen ire**. whence Witness Corner bears west a.a. chains, from whence peak of cannery build ing bears south 41 deg. 43 min. east, and Johnston's Hill bears south 3 deg. 30 min. west; thence meandering ulong the right bank of Copenhagen Creek, 1. South 21 deg. 48 min. east, 3.07 chains; 2. South 7 deg. 35 nun. west, 1.87 chains; 3. South 52 deg. 23 min. west, 2.89 chains; 4. South 72 deg. 33 nun. west, 9.26 chains; 5. South 47 deg. 29 min. west, 3.80 chains; 6. South 27 deg. 36 min. east. 3.50 chains; 7. South 00 deg. 15 uiin. eust, 4.19 chains to M. C. Corner No. 1 and the point of be ginning. Area. 18.51 acres. Variation, 24 deg. 00 min. east. .vs mal to the original homestead entry of Robert T. Jolley. No. 1788, entered Decem ber 3. I'68, at United Stutes Laud Office at Springfield. Mo., for the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 3, townsuip 3t. range 17, containing 40 acres. Notice is hereby given that an/ and all persons claiming any portion of the above described land are required to file u protest during the period of publication or thirty duys thereafter, in accordance with law, with the Register and Receiver of tho United States Laud Otfice at Juneau. Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION. By Henry F. Fortmann, President. Address: San Francisco. California. Notice of the above uppliculiou will be pub lished in the Seward Gateway, printed at Seward, Alaska, which 1 hereby designate as the newspaper published nearest the land ap plied for in said application. C. B. WALKER. Register. First publication May 15, 1915. Las. publication Sept. 1. Serial No. 01783 ADDITIONAL ENTRY. UNDER SECTION 2306 OF THE REVISED ST ATI TES OF THE IN1TED STATES. NOTICE. United States Land Office, Juneau, Alaska, April 18. 1815. aiiOM PackerJ Association, assignee of Allen Love, being entitled to the bene fits of section 2306 of the Revised Statutes of the United States grautiug additional lands to soldiers and sailors who served in the Rebel lion. does hereby apply to enter United States Survey No. 368. situate on right bank of Nushagak River about 10 chains northeast of c oifee Point, iSriatol Hay. District of Alaska, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at Corner No. 1 near the rignt bank of Nushagak River, whence Corner No. 1. Survey 366. beurs north 4 deg II min. <t> sec. east. 20.14 chains, and United States Location Monument 366 bears North 25 deg. 3i mm. East 8.83 chains, and Church Steeple bears north 66 deg. 05 min. eust, and United States Coast Survey Monument Clark's Point, bears Soutn 18 deg. 45 min. East, and United | Mates Coast Survey Monument at Cotiee Point bears South 0 deg. 48 min. west; thence south 18.67 chains to Corner No. 2; thence i eust 5.83 chains to M. C. Corner No. 3. whence Witness Corner to Corner No. 3 bears west 2.10 chains, from whence United States Coast Survey Monument at Corner No. 1, Survey 365, bears North 20 deg. 25 ruin, east, aud l nited States Coast Survey Monument Coffee Point bears south 23 deg. 62 min. west chains, and United States Coast Sur vey Monument Clark’s Point bears south 20 deg. es mm. east; thence meandering utong ihe right bank of Nushagak River north 10 deg. 2s min. east, 20 chains to M. C. Corner No 4. whence Witness Corner to Corner No. 4 hears west 2.25 chains; thence west 9.56 chains to Corner No. 1 and place of beginning. Area, 15.23 acres. Variation 21 deg. 30 1 min. East. As additional to the original homestead entry No. 1859. Application No. 6503, of Allen Love, at Little Rock, Arkansas, for the northwest • iuarier of the northeast quarter and east hull of southwest quarter, action 7, township 1, range 12, dated July 7, 1868, and containing 120 acres. Said Allen Love was mustered «nto Company "A.” 54th Regiment, U. S. C. Inf. Volunteers under the name of Allen Rosser, on or about August 20, 1863, and was honor ably discharged on September 25, 1866. Notice is hereby given that any and all persons claiming any portion of the above described land are required to file a protest during the period of publication or thirty days thereafter, in accordance with law, with the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Juneau. Alaska. ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION. By Henry F. Portmann, President. Address: San Francisco, California. Notice of the above application will be pub lished in the Seward Gateway, printed at Seward. Alaska, which I hereby designate as the newspaper published nearest the land ap plied for in said application. C. B. WALKER, Register. First Publication May 15, 1815. Last publication Sept. 1. IN* THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE TER RITORY OF ALASKA, THIRD DIVISION. T. W. HAWKINS. Plaintiff, No. S—68 \ •. Summons for Publication. NAPOLEON WELLS, Defendant. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. GREETING: To tne above named defendant, Napoleon Wells: You are hereby required and summoned to appear in the District Court for the Territory of Alaska, Third Division, within thirty days after the termination of the required six weeks’ period of publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the 7th day of October, 1915, and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff (the original of which com plaint is on file with the Clerk of the above entitled court), and unless you so appear and answer said complaint, judgment will be 1 rendered against you for want thereof, and the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: > for a decree of said court directing said de 1 fendant to make, execute, acknowledge, and de liver to said plaintiff a good and sufficient deed conveying to plaintiff Lot Twelve In Block Ten i of the Townslte of Seward, Alaska, the same being real property situated within the Third ; Judicial Division of the Territory of Alaska, i and which property said defendant did here I tofore contract and agree to sell and convey to said plaintiff; and, that In the event aaid defendant should fail to make such convey ance to plaintiff, within the period of time to be fixed by the court, then that the clerk of •aid court, acting aa a master in chancery, be appointed, authorized and directed by the court to make, execute, acknowledge and de liver such deed to the plaintiff; together with a judgment for Interest on plaintiff's pur chase money which has lain idle from the date when said conveyance should have been made, and for damages, in the alternative, for the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for withholding possession of auid premises from plaintiff. This summons is served upon you, the suid defendant, by publication thereof in accord ance with an order of the above entitled court therefor made and eutered on the 18th dHy of July. 1916; and. said summons will i*o published once a week for six weeks, to wit: July 27th, 1915; August 3. 10. 17. 24 and 31, 1916, and on September 7th, 1916, the last date of publication being September | 7th. 1915. WITNESS, the HONORABLE FRED M. BROWN. Judge of the above entitled court, this (SEAL) twenty-fourth day of July, in the year of our Lerd one thousand nine hundred and fifteen and of our Indui>endence the one hundred and fortieth. ARTHUR LANG, Clerk. By Robert L. Wever, * Deputy Clerk. Date of first publication July 27, 1916. Date of last publication September 7, 1915. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE TER RITORY OF ALASKA, THIRD DIVISION LIZZIE JENKINS. Plaintiff, No. S.—66 vs. Summons for Publication. JOHN JENKINS. Defendant. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. GREETING: To the above-named defendant, JOHN JENKINS: «*You are hereby required and summoned to appear in the District Court of the Territory of Alaska. Third Division, within thirty days after the termination of the required six weeks’ period of publication of this summons, to-wit. on or before the 7th day of October, 1915, and answer the complaint of the above plaintiff (the original of which complaint is cm file with the Clerk of the ubove entitled court), and unless you so api>car and answer said complaint, judgment will be rendered agninsl you for want thereef ; and the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint, to-wit, for a de cree of absolute divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing be tween said plaintiff and said defendant, upon the ground of wilful desertion for more than two years next preceding the date of the commencement of this action. j This summons is served upon you by pub lication thereof in accordance with an order of the above entitled court therefor, made and entered on the 13th day of July, A D. 1915, and said summons will be published July 27, 1915, August 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, 1915, and September 7th, 1915. WITNESS, the HONORABLE FRED M. BROWN. Judge of said Court, this twenty fourth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, and of our Independence the one hundred and fortieth. _ ... _ (Seal) ARTHUR LANG, Clerk. By Robert L. Waver, Deputy Clerk. Date of first publication July 27. 1915. Date of last publication Scitember 7, 1915. Serial No. 01730 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. JUNEAU, ALASKA, June 3, 1915. SOLDIER'S ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD ENTRY BY ASSIGNEE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CRES ! CENT P. HALE, whose post-office address is 110 Market Street. Snn Francisco. California, as the assignee of John Finlayson who made Homestead Entry No. 2352'-j at Sioux City, Iowa. Land Office August 4, 1869, for the E. > j of the S. E. U of Sec. 12, Township 95 Range 39 West, has filed application in this office to enter under Sections 2306-7 R. S. the following described tract of land described as U. S. Survey No. 913, and situated on the north side of Alagnak River, approximately i l».j miles above its mouth, and in Latitude >9"deg. 0 min. 54 sec. North, and Longitude 156 deg. 37 min. 30 sec. West; to-wit: Beginning at Corner No. 1 of said survey, whence U. S. L. M. No. 913 bears N. 69 deg. 15 min. 18 sec W. 28.36 chs. dist., thence S. 13.21 chs. to Cor. No. 2, meander corner on ine of ordinary high tide of Alagnak River, whence witness corner bears N. 1.14 chs. dist. ■ hence meandering along the line of ordinary aigh water on north shore of Alagnak River N. 86 deg. 19 min. E. 1.80 chs.. N. 48 deg. 21 min. E. 3,30 chs.. N. 30 deg. 52 min. E. 3.20 chs.. W 35 deg. 42 min. E. 2.90 chs., N. 31 deg. 25 min, E. 3,30 chs., N. 37 deg. 46 min. K. 1.76 chs.. to Cor. No. 3. meander corner, i whence witness corner bears W. 2.18 chs. dist.; thence W. 11.60 chs. to Cor. No. 1 and place of beginning: containing 9.16 acres. M»(f V’ar. 22 deg. 55 min. E. within the District of Alaska, which tract of land is more fully described as to metes and bounds by the of ' ticiul plat herewith posted and by the field notes • if survey, thereof now filed in the office of the Register of the District of Lands subject to sale at Juneau, Alaska. Any and all persons claiming adversely said tract of land, or any portion thereof, are here oy notified that unless their adverse claims are >iled during the period of publication and post ing or within thirty days thereafter, will be oarred by virtue of the Statute and the regu lations thereunder. It is hereby ordered that this notice be pub lished for the statutory period of sixty days in the "Gateway" the newspaper of general circulation nearest the vicinity of the land, published at Seward, Alaska. C. B. WALKER. Register. Date of first publication June 16, 1915 Date of last publication August 27, 1916. Serial No. 01816. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Juneau, Alaska, July 12, 1915. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That L. A Pederson, a citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, and a resident of the State of California, and whose post office address is Number 95 Market Street, San Francisco, California, and doing business in the State of California and in the District of Alaska, and elsewhere, under the firm name and style of "BRISTOL BAY PACK ING COMPANY", has this day filed in this ofl!c« his application to purchase, under the provisions of an Act of Congreas, approved May 14, 1898 (30 Stata. 409) as amended by an Act of Congress approved March 3, 1903 (32 Stats. 1028), that certain tract of land situated on the East side of Kvichak Bay, near Cape Suworf, in the District of Alaska, described as U S. Survey No. 1020, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at Corner 1 M. C. of said sur | vey, in Lat. 58 deg. 44 min. 58 sec. North and Long. 157 deg. 5 min. 08 acc. West, at ‘ line of mean high tide on ths beach on the East side Kvichak Bay, from which corner U. S. L. M. No. 915, bears N. 0 deg. 44 min. 10 sec. West, 26.17 chs. distant, and witness corner to said Corner 1 M. C. bears East 1.79 chs. dist.; thence East, Var. 21 deg. 30 min. East. 1.18 chs. to bank 36 ft. high from ! which Naknek Point bears S. 6 deg. 28 min. W. approximately 2 miles distant; 13.44 chs. to Corner 2 M. C.; thence South, 19.32 chs. to Corner 3 M. C.; thence West 10.84 chs. to Corner 4 M. C., at line of mean high tide on East shore of Kvichak Bay, whence Naknek Point bears S. 9 deg. 18 min. W. approxi mately 140 chs. dist. and witness corner to said Corner 4 M. C. bears East 1.64 chs. dist.; thence meandering along line of mean high tide on East shore of Kvichak Bay N. 7 deg. 30 min. W. 9.60 chs.; N. 6 deg. 64 min. W. 2.20 chs.; N. 10 deg. 04 min. W. 3.60 chs.; N. 6 deg. 26 min. W. 4.11 chs. to corner 1 M. C., the point of beginning, containing 23.15 acres Any and all persons claiming adversely said tract of land, or any portion thereof, are hereby notified that unless thsir claims are filed during the period of publication and posting, or within 30 days thereafter, they will be barred by virtue of the statute and the regulations thereunder. It is hereby ordered that this Notice be published for the statutory period of 60 days in the Gateway, a newspaper of general cir cu'ation printed at Seward, Alaska, published nearest the land applied for. C. B. WALKER, Register. First publication, July 24, 1915 *. .. Last publication, Oct. 4, 1915. SERIAL NO. 01788 DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR United State* Land Office, Juneau, Alaska, June 22. 1015. SOLDIERS ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD ENTRY BY ASSIGNE. NOTICE OP APPLICATION TO ENTER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the NORTH ALASKA SALMON COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, and whose post office ad dr* ** is 110 Market Street, San Francisco, California, as assignee of Joseph R. Harrigan, administrator of the Estate of Kyhran Horan, deceased, being entitled to the benefits of section 2306 of the Revised Statutes of the United States and amendments therto, has ap plied to make entry of that tract of land del* oribed as U. S. Survey No. 914, and rttnated on the Weat bank of Kvichak River, approximate ly aix milea above the mouth of the Alagnak | River, District of Alaaka, and In Latitude 69 deg 06 min. 60 Bee. North and In Longitude 156*dog. 41 min. 44 eec. Wot. and more par- | tlcularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at Corner No. I of said «urvey. whence U. 8. L. M. R. G. M. beara S. 40 deg. 07 min W 20.70 cha. distant, thence East, var 23 deg. 10 min. E., 3.00 cha. to corner No 2 meander corner at line of mean high water on Kvlchak River, whence witness corner bears Weat 1.82 cha. distant; thence, meand ering along line of mean high water on weat XorS of Kvichak River, var 22 deg. E N. 28 | deg 26 min. E. 7.20 cha.; N. 29 deg. 64 min. K 3 60 cha.; N. 30 deg. 29 min. E. 6.86 cha. , ' Corner No. 3. meander corner, whence wit HM.wrn.r b..™ W«t I.M ch., dl.Unt; Thence Weat. var. 26 deg. E. 11.69 chs. to | corner No. 4 : thence South Var. 20 deg. E. 15.36 chs. to corner No. 1. the place of begin ninii containing 11.14 aero#, A,* additional to Homestead Entry No. 1446 made August 26. 1866 by Kyhran Horan, at Ionia. Michigan Land Office, for the S. Vj of SE. >4 of See. SO, township 18 north, range 10 weat. containing 80 tcroa. .... Any and all persona claiming adversely said tract of land, or any portion thereof. are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are filed during the period of publication and posting, or within 30 days thereafter, they will hie barred by virtue of the statute and the regulations thereunder. It la hereby ordered that this notice be pub lished for the statutory period of 60 daya In REWARD GATEWAY, a newspaper of general circulation printed at Seward. Alaaka, published nearest the land applied for. C. B. WALKER. Register. First publication July 7. 1916 Lot publlcutloA 1»15. -—■^^- i Send Us Your Check ...assays... Falkenburg & Laucks Ore Testing and ^Milling Gold and Silter. 11.00 Conner L50 Lead LOO Seattle, Wuh. “Analyre Anything * Woodrow Park SIX MILES EROM CITY Beat Creek and Lake Fishing Most Beautiful of Playgrounds Perfect Accomodations for Visitors. romig & romic HEAL ESTATE AGENTS Houses for Bent, Bents Collected, Titles Kxamined, Lots for Sale. Large Listing. Phone Red 1-6 Seward, Alaska. ■ ■ i- 11 ■ 1 " * PLUMBING and HEATING Hlffl Cliii Mpilrinf «nd Job Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED CHAS. LECHNER 6TH STREET._NEAR ADAMS Miller's Barber Shop We make a specialty of removing warts, etc. Hot and Cold BATHS Always Ready RAW FURS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Black, Silver, Cross, Red and Blue FOX PELTS OSCAR GARO 75 West Marion Street, Seattle, Wash. The Brown-Powell Liquor Co. 611 THIRD AVENUE SEATTLE, WASH. CATERS TO THE ALASKA TRADE WHEN COMING OUT HAVE YOUR mail addressed in our care Charles Powell Felix Brown IiATK or DAWSON I.ATK OK NOSIK G. K. CARTER General Contractor Plans Furnished and Estimates Given Jobbing Promptly Attended to Jlrnftssimtal (Earfos DR. CHARLES T. DAGGETT Bridge Worli and Porcelain Specialist Satisfaction Guaranteed in All Branches af 'Jp-to-Dale Dantlatry. Deceit Bloch Talaphona Saarard. Alaaha C. W. WINSTEDT ARCHITECT First At. between Adams and Jefferson Residence Phone Main 7. — J. H. ROMIG, M. D. Pioneer Hospital Phone Red 16 J. L. REED Attorney-at-Law Representing National Surety Company BONDS Valdez, Alaska <■ ' ■■ CHISANA IS RELIC OF PAST. JUNEAU.—That this will be the last season of mining in the Chisana district is the opinion of T. W. Hook er, who arrived from Cordova this morning on the steamer Admiral Watson. He is registered at the Oc cidental Hotel, and after a trip ,to Tenakee Springs, will go into the Tolovana. Hocker says that very little gold was taken out this year. Conditions for mining were good, there being plenty of water, but the activity was confined to the Nclson-James claims, which was leased to Fletcher T. Ham shaw and later sub-leased to other ■ men. In short, the Chisana is “petered out,” according to Hocker, and he pre dicts there will be no men there next' summer.—(Empire.) NEWS NOTES. Mrs. P. J. Hickey returned yester day after a few days stay at I* rank Young’s, on Cooper creek. She brought in with her some of the moose which her party killed recently out there. Anton Eide, of the road commis sion, spent yesterday repairing the .—"-i—- ■■■. ■■■ --—- i ♦ Brown & Hawkins Exclusive - Distributors tor Southwestern Alaska Muscott Beauty Parlors SHAMPOO SCAI.P TREATMENT FACIAL MASSAGE, MANICURING PRISMATIC RAY TREATMENT HAIR GOODS AND TOILET ARTICLES FOR SALE SKIN AND SCALP A SPECIALTY ADAMS ST., Bet. 4th and 5th Aves._ PHONE MAIN lot; ~TH I SEWARD GRILL FIKST-CLASS MERCHANTS CAFE We Buy the Best YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET Do Our Own Work I CRAD WILLIAMS Pay Us a Visit JOE MITCHELL Prices ers Tube __ _ uiofao Safety, Comfort, ijo! 3.0s javmg 1.90 4.40 ma^e^mmmZ \jo 5.40 Safety is built into every Fire Si 5.65 stone Tire through skilled and i.35 67o careful construction; comfort >.75’ 7.55 through quantity and character of fine, resilent rubber; economy through the mileage and service that such materials and “know-how” mean. And saving in the price—no more than is asked for the ordinary kind of tire. Let us equip your car with these tires of Most Miles per Dollar Fbmstone Lins Includes Tires, Tubes and Accessories for Automobile* and Motorcycle G. E. COLLINS, Agent JUNEAU, ALASKA bridge over Resurrection river. It had been damaged to some extent by the recent high water, but has been overhauled sufficiently to enable traflic over it. Robert Johnston and his family came in last night from Mile 6, and returned again this morning. Jack Lean came to town for a few days. He has been at Mile oi alt summer. F. C. Hall went out to the Bung alow this morning to spend a week. Dr. and Mrs. Schaleben, Hale and Gertrude Schaleben and Thelma hi Is worth went out to Mile 7 this morn ing to spend the week end. Better get a new Remington type writer this week. See K. C. Niles, Hotel Seward. The Seward Gateway, published daily and weekly, is the* only estab lished publication of this kind in the district included in government plans. Windows, Doors and Bishopric Wall Board, also all kinds of building materials at Brown & Hawkins, “Quality First." Remington Junior typewriter $a0. K. C. Niles, Hotel Seward. Subscribe Now for THE All-Alaska Review An Illustrated [Monthly Magazine Reviewing All Alaska $2.50 per year in advance Hdee sing! Chop-Suey and Noodles WASHINGTON STREET Phone Madison III \Z'"s<!r Traya Delivered Promptly R^, 1 ANA Q ErL |»*FdEATTLE w- ~A Complete Services IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. 1 1155Rooms with bath -50 Sample Rooms Remington Typewriter Wins THE ORDER OF THE STANDARD OIL CO. Of CALIFORNIA for Adding and Subtracting Typewriters For billing purposes in its fifteen Pacific Coast branches after thorough investigation ol the various makes of accounting machines. Results of the Tests show that the machines will pay for them selves in less than three months. Initial Order Placed With Is tor Equipment VALIED AT OVER FOURTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS Remington Typewriter Co., inc. New York and Everywhere See E. C. NILES, the “Remington Man,” Seward Hotel.