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In $?uiarft (Satnuag_ Published Daily Except Sunday by The Seward Gateway Publishing Co. BERNARD M. STONE, President. Subscription Kates: Daily'—One dollar per month Ten cents tho copy. By mail, $10 per year. Weekly—Three dollars per year. (Payable strictly in advance). __ Advertising Kates; TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. Readers, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line each additional insertion. Legal notices, 50c per line. >i;\\ \ki> \i \SK MONDAY* NOVEMBER 22* *^L>. Dear Readers; Will you pardon the Gateway again? Some filthy little lies have recently been told about it. When a man misquotes another in print he is worse than a man who merely misquotes him verbally. The latter may In* guilty from haste but the other is a down right falsifier. Ami this paper has been misquoted in print recently. The Gateway published the neus as it receives it. It has the greatest and best telegaphic service in Alaska outside of Juneau and as good as any Juneau paper has. It never has to stoop to the disgusting practise of faking news. It prefers to pay a good, hig sum for its service and in this it is different from many others. Only last Saturday the leading “news” in an other paper told how Lord Derby made a speech in tho house of lords and that “Premier Asquith was pre.-ont and made a short reply.” This is faked new.- pure and simple. Remember, that this is only said in self defense. The Gateway scorns anyth a m the shape of wrangling until it is placed on the defence and must protect t olf. Several attempts to cause it to enter into a squabble have boon ignored. It declines to be undtgmhed enougn 10 labb 09. It wishes to give the best and most reliable news b it at the time an attack was made on it was the very time the attacker con tained this “story** a .out Premier Asquith making a speech in the house of lords. This one little examp » is being used because it is so easy to prove the fake. Premier Asquith i> a plain “commoner" and is only a member of the house of commons. He could not speak in the house of lords so the ignorance of the faker, it; this case and many others, gives the fake away. Hut that is only one iit'.Ie example of how purchasers of so-called newspapers can be deceived and hoodwinked and fooled. The (Gateway will try once more to ignore ill-bred and envious remarks. Let us hope we shall have patience enough to d*3 so. The complete and sudden ending of navigation in Cook Inlet for the year is to be regrett* 1 for the sake of Anchorage. The closing up of the water road to Anchorage at this time of the year is going to prove to the government and to the world that tor nearly halt the year anyhow, bow aid mu. t be regu’ded as the only possible terminal of the government railroad. The fact that so nuu h freight is unable to get into Anchorage shows that sonw shippers, the Fngineeriiu- Commission included, were deceived by the mild weather < ? last year and look* ir a longer season of navigation. No cue can be blamed for t ;is. It looks as though the weather gods had some thing against b’ewaid or the Democratic administration or something and made last winter mild purposely. From this time forward it will be at least mildly interesting to Seward people to observe the effects which the closing of the Inlet navigation will have on this city. SAVE YOUR CIGAR BANDS TO THE SMOKING PUBLIC: Whoever presents the greatest number of W. R. KING cigar hands at our office on Christina-* live, will receive a tine Turkey. , , ^ nt i of Qt EKN OP SEWARD cigar banes it our oftic on Ghr stinas live, will receive a Ir>\ of fifty Queen of Seward Guar* SAVE THE BANDS IT WILL PAY YOU! ALASKA CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. SEWARD, ALASKA “We’re not ^ * satisfied unless you are’* Trade Mark Registered THAT little sentence sums up the faith we keep with every man and young man who wears Schoenbrun sia a Tailoring Say **Shayttc-Drun*' From the least costly to the finest, that guarantee goes with every garment we tailor. 450 Pure Wool Weaves—brilliant novelties for you young men; sturdy distinctive patterns for those who prefer the more subdued. , __ «*’’_ The time to be measured is note and the place is: DETAILS OF THE SUICIDE IN FAIRBANKS FAIRBANKS—Either in a fit of despondency, or while temporarily 1 insane, Charles Skofland committed suicide last evening in the California saloon, by shooting himself through the head with a 38.-caliber revolver. Why he committed the rash act no one knows as he left nothing, so far as is known, to indicate that he had | any troubles. The shooting took place shortly after 7 o’clock, and notwithstanding the fact that the bullet passed through his head and about 28 feet from his body, Skofland lived until 0:20 passing away at St. Joseph’s hospital after everything possible had been done to save his life. Skofland was about 33 years of age, a native of Mandal Amt, Norway, about 5 feet 5 inches tall, of light ! complexion, with clear skin, and smoothly shaven. The Suicide Shortly after 6:30 last evening. Skofland walked into the California saloon, stood in front of the bar for, a couple of minutes, and calling an-, other man up, bought a drink for both of them. He was not drunk and had "hoV been drinking to excess, as he showed no signs of the least in toxication. Leaving the man with whom he was talking, Skofland walked to the rear of the large poolroom and, turn I ing to the left, took the last seat in a long row of chairs standing near the wall. As the lights in the room were not turned on, it was rather i dark where he was sitting, and no particular attention was paid to him. Pat Megan, of Graehl, who was sit ting about six seats away from Skof land, happened to turn toward the unfortunate man just in time to see him put the revolver to his head and tire the fatal shot. As soon as Hegan saw him put the i revolver to his head he jumped to nis feet and started toward Skof land, but not in time to prevent him from pulling the trigger. No sooner had the shot been fired than Hcgen had the revolver in his hand, wrest ing it from the injured man.—Times. The papers are poking fun at an Iditarod schoolma’am because she writes poetry and teaches school. After reading some of the effusions emanated by poetic aspirants, it is a source of wonderment that poetry and brains can occupy the same cranium.—Valdez Miner. ■ Wanted: to rent, a piano. Gateway. FR4NK J. COTTER, Prop. * SEWARD, ALASKA DAUGHTER OF IDITAROD MAN WEDS THE MAN OF HER CHOICE SEATTLE, Oct. 17.—Miss Irene Rudd, daughter of Albert Rudd, the well known mining man of Iditarod, Alaska, was married here today to Ernest Scherman, of Ellensburg, i Washington. The couple eloped from Ellensburg. They stated after their marriage that the parents of both objected to the wedding on account of the youth of both parties. Seen by a reporter a few moments after she was wedded to the young man of her choice, Mrs. Scherman said: “I don’t think I am too young to get married, do you ? I wonder what papa will say! Oh, yes, he’s away up in Alaska. Yes, I’m going back there myself next summer if Erny will go, as 1 like to be near papa.” For the present the young couple will make their home at Ellensburg, where the groom has lucrative em ployment. MARSHAL RENDERS REPORT FAIRBANKS—The report of the lT. S. Marshal’s office for the quarter ending October 1, was rendered to the court and accepted last week. It shows that the expenditures of the office during the quarter were $6«V :I62.06, as compared with an expendi ture of $49,729.51) during the Septem ber quarter of 1914. The increase r* explained by the fact that $17,0d7.10 was paid out during the quarter just reported upon as salaries of federal officials. The expenditures of the quarter were therefore smaller this year than last.—Ex. The four companies of infantry on duty in Alaska are to be brought up to their full military strength of about 1(>0 men each, according to an announcement by the war department. The posts at Fort Seward, Fort Lis cum, Fort (iibbon, Fort St. Michael and Fort Davis have at the present time about half of their war strength. Don’t get daffy on the other fel low’s taffy’. Best food and custom. Eat till you bust ’em. THE COM MERCE CAFE. IN THE PROBATE COl’RT FOR THE TERRITORY OF ALASKA, THIRD DIVISION, KEN AI PRE CINCT, AT SEWARD. In the Matter of the Estate of Walter H. Dickerman, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION. Notice is hereby given: That Curtis R. Morford, the administrator of the estate of Walter H. Dickerman, de ceased, has presented to and filed in said court his final account and his petition for final distribution to the parties entitled thereto, of all the residue of said estate, and that Sat urday, the 22nd day of January, 1916, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court-room of said court, in said Precinct, have been fixed and appointed by the court as the time and place for the hearing of said peti tion, and for the settlement of said ac count, when and where any person in terested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions, in writing, to the said petition, and to said account, and contest the same. Notice is further given: That said estate is ready for distribution, and 1 on the approval of said account and the granting of said petition, distri bution of said estate will be im mediately had. , Dated this 19th day of November, ! 1915. (SEAL) M. J. CONROY U. S. Commissioner and ex-ofiicio Probate Judge, Territory of Alaska, Kenai Precinct. First publication Nov. 20, 1915. Last publication Dec. 18, 1915. ■ -- 1.-- , - : : “Vitolitra.” A fragrant and deli cious South American tea. It invigo rates the brain and strengthens the body. Drown & Hawkins, “Quality First. See the ready made skirts and waists at Butt’s. ROMIG & ROMIG - REAL ESTATE AGENTS Houses for Kent, Kents Collected, Titles Examined, Lots for Sale. Large Listing. Phone Red 1-6 Seward, Alaska. Miller’s Barber Shop We make a specialty of removing warts, etc. Hot and Cold PATHS Always Ready| PALACE OF SWEETS ICE CREAM Cigars Cigarettes Tobacco Stationery Candy Post Cards Seward Water and Power Company John A. Nelson, Manager Office Bank of Seward Building SEWARD. - ALASKA Woodrow Park j SIX Milts FROM CITY Best Creek and Lake Fishing Most Beautiful of Playgrounds Perfect Accomodations for Visitors. Ig’oo No. 9, Order of Pioneers Mtvts the First and Third Tuesday Nights of each Month at the Plonuer Hull. J. LINDLtY GRttN, ISAAC bVANS, President. Secretary. ~____! J. ft ROMIG, M. D. OFFICE THIKD AVENUE Phone Main 48 ____ ; HOTEL SEWARD, 5 11 THIRD AVE. Arctic Club Hltlg. SEATTLE, WASH. ZBINDEN BROS., Props. With Bath $1.50 Special Weekly Rales _ GERAUrSCAFE Clarence.!.Gerald, Proprietor 824 First avenue Seattle, Wn. Seattle's Best Eating House i Everything Fresh from tlio Famous Gerald Hunch - SAFETY FIRST! - Ruhstaller’s Gilt Edge Beer Sacramento, Calif. SERVED AT ALL CAFES FRYE & BRUHNI COMPANY | SEWARD, - - ALASKA I Choice fresh Meats! Hams, Bacon and Lard I Butter and Eggs I Brown S Hawkins Exclusive Distributors for Southwestern Alaska ORE TREATED £££?“ H. E. ELLSWORTH, Assayer and Chemist A Complete Equipment for Mining SftWflffi. AI3SH3' and Technical Determinations QVW 01 U9 ™IU — \ GKO. MITCHKLL < KAI) WILLIAMS The Seward Grill COOKING FOR THE CONNOISSEUR Alaska Game arid Sea Food Sourdough Breakfast Merchants* Lunch Society 1 )inm r> "Open all night, every night. Fourth Avenue, Seward - E. L. WHITTEMORE. I'ROI*. Headquarters for Minin*,' Men SEWARD, - - - ALASKA _# |—-- ! i Pioneer kniics leading hotel T_T jl. 1 j NO HA li ) Accommodations for Ninety 0 losts f. «. cannon, Prop. Large General Lobh.v jr • I Private Lobby for T^ad - - - | Best Rates : : Best Treatment AmSKa Best Accommodations ADELMAN & QUILTY—SEWARD DAIRY MILK AND CREAM See Us About Your Cream Orders lor Thanksgiving, IIIIIIIRI!lllllllllllll!!IIIIIIIISIIIIIIIIII!IIIHIIIHIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIHllfll!CllllllimiIIIIII«llli;iH ” THE SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER CO.^ Incorporated November 1905 under the Laws of the Territory of Alaska S. M. GRAFF, President and General Manager Controctors and dealers in Electric Supplies and Apparatus Office' At the Station. TELEPHONE MAIN 123 -——J a 2 Alaska Lumber Lumber DIMENSION LUMBER IN ANY QUANTITY NOW DRESSED LUMBER IN ANY QUANTITY SOON The Seward Sawmill Co. A. F. RASMUSSEN, Proprietor Phone, kenai 2 _> _ _ lltlRIIIIIIIIRIIIIIlIRlIRRIIIIIRIIIHIIRIIIlRRIIRRIRRIIRRIIIIIIIIHIIIIiniRRRRIRRIRIRHIIIIIIHIRIRIRIRIRM | The Last Word 5 — in Quality I Society Chocolates 1 1 ! aud | 1 Tru B!u Biscoits I | iHECRAEKERfimlftlU IMPERIAL CANDY CO.. \ 2 Seattle H. V. HOBEN A. F. DAVIS ALASKA TRANSFER H. V. HOBEN, Manager ---—Dealers In— COAL, WOOD AND ICE General Transferring Phones, Main 17 and 41 j FURNITURE AND HAKDWflHE I | j COAL MINER’S AMD COLD MINER’S SUPPLIES ! Doors 8l Windows Gasoline Lang’s Ranges Gas Engine Oil Shot Guns I XL Parlor Heaters Marine Engine Oil Ammunition Gasoline Stoves Valve Oil * lAfkl° Cook Stoves Elaine Oil Giant Powder Camp Stoves P'loor Oil Caps Air Tight Heaters Linseed Oil f use Oil Stoves Cup Grease Bench Forges Alcohol Stoves Paints Blacksmith’s Coal Spark Plugs Lacqueret Paint Be}10™ Jump Coils Aaphaltum Paint Wheel Harrows Batteries Brushes Cutlery Granite Ware Varnishes hire Clay Aluminum Ware Turpentine Pire Brick ■ Asbestos Japan Lime P & B Paper Denatured Alcohol Cement Malthoid Roofing Coal Tar Glass ■ Tar Paper Lamps Bopo I Deafening felt Lanterns Mercury 1 Weatherstrips Tents Seine l wine PHONE BLACK 4 | J. L. QRAEF I Get"More Money” for your Foxes I Black. Silver, Cross, Red, White ami Blue, Lynx, Bear, Marten and other Far bearers collected in yoar section SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to “SHUBERT** the largest house In the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AlffcRIf AN RAW HRS a reliable—responsible—safe Fur House with an unblemished rep utation existing for “more than a third of a century.*’ a longisuc cessful record of sending Fur Shippers prompt.SATIS h At TOR ^ AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for“£be frbubrrt ihbipper. the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. Write for lt-NOW-lfs FREE An QI4ITRFRT In/. 25-27 WEST AUSTIN AVE. . D. OnUDLK I , Inc. Dept 73 CHICAGO, U S A.