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G. W. PALMER KNIK, ALASKA ■■■■ ...7-*- - : Some of Our Specialties: WELLMAN CANNED GOODS RED CLOVER BITTER TIP TOP EGGS SPERRYS FLOURS MARSHFIELD CHEESE Ami a full line of HARDW ARE, STOV ES. HAY AND FEED No Better floods Can Be Bought At Any Price G. W. PALMER. Knik. Alaska Lang's (Pat.) Hot Blast Smokeburning STOVE3 AND RANGES Are GUARANTEED to burn but one-half as much fuel as OLD STYLE RANGES. Because the\ consume all gases and smoke In luel. All fuel is burned from top. The "RACIITC.” as shown In cut. Is our Stand ard Family Range- made In three sizes. Sold at BROWN & HAWKINS* We make Stoves from $1.00 to $300.00 1 Write US for Catalogues, f. S. LANG MANUEACTIIRING CO. 2756 First Ave.. South. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON _ _———■— Eastern Trips by Western People 4«t M\Dt HITI1 lilt GR14HST COMfORT - VIA THE — GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY To St. Paul. Chicago and the East. To Denver. Kansas City, St. Louis and the South. THROUGH STANDARD AND TOURIST' SLEEPERS, DINING and gompartmen r OBSERVATION gars To Portland and California by Kail and Ocean— Steamships “Great Northern" and “Northern Pacific" Complete Information from Local Steamship Agents, or A. S. RAU TRICK, Traveling Freight and Passenger Agent, Room 18, Valentine Building, Juneau T. J. MOORE, Gitv Passenger Agt., Second anti Columbia, Seattle. FIRST IN SCENERY FIRST IN EQUIPMENT FIRST IN SERVICE and the only road operating over its ovvn lines all the vvay from Seattle to Chicago The “ Olympian" . The “Columbian” two crack all-steel trains every day. For information and literature write A. H. MCDONALD. Alaska Steamship Co., Seward. Alaska WAYNt BILL, The Admiral Line. Seward, Alaska Agents for the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway A. f. HARRIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Juneau. Alaska I Amuse— Yourself BILLIARDS POOL BOWLING FIRST-CLASS BAR Open Day and Night! j - SAFETY FIRST! - ✓ Ruhstaller’s Gilt Edge Beer Sacramento, Calif, SERVED AT ALL CAFES "germsIafT Gla rknck .I.Gkkald, Proprietor m!4 First avexuk Skattlk, Wn. Seattle's Best Eating House Everything Fresh from the Famous Gerald Ranch (.HAS. H. MUELLER Manufacturing turricr Honesty end Reliability Scud your Raw Kur> to uio to lx’ mode Into Sots while Sutmnor Prices prevail Remodeling and Repairing 1621 SECOND AVENUE SEATTLE, - WASH. ANDERSON & MURPHY THE TERMINAL Olympia, Rainier, Budweiser and Lemps Beer. Olympia B**or on Draught. Ail Beer and Wines Strictly Gold Storage. Try Us Once, then You be the Judge OLD CROW OLD HERMITAGE OLD WINES Blue Ribbon Beer Rainier Beer IONIA MINERAL CABINET WHERE? AT JACK’S J. !>. Stotko - Proprietor Seward Water and Power Company John A. Nelson, Manager Office Bank of Seward Building SEWARD, - ALASKA The Garstens Packing Co. Wholesale and Retail Beef, Park, Veal, Mutton, Poultry Lard, Mams and Bacon. Butter and Eggs Orders from the Westward and Cook Inlet Given Careful Attention Fourth Ave ' Seward Send Us Your Check ...ASSAYS... Falkenburg & Laucks Ore Testing and Milling Gold and Sil ver. 11.00 Copper 1 50 Lead 100 Seattle, Wash. “Analyze Anything* USE THE PHONE ALASKA ELECTRIC CO. S. M. tlRAFF President and General Manager NOTICE OF FORFEITURE To J. H. STEVENS and WM. H.i I CLAIMING; your heirs or assigns or whom it may concern. You are here by notified that the undersigned has j expended the sum of Six Hundred j Dollars ($600.) in labor and improve 1 meats on the following numed min ing claims for the years ending Dec. 31st, 1914 and Dec. 3lst, 1915, the above sum being the amount required to complete the anual labor during years mentioned above, and proof of labor being recorded with the United States Commissioner in the Recording precinct of Iliamna, Territory of Al aska. To wit: Reward, Roward No. 1, Reward No. 2 and Reward No. 3. Said claims being situated about 16 miles westerly from the S. West arm i of Kamishak Bay, and in the Iliamna Recording precinct, Toxritory of Al aska. The amounts claimed and due the undersigned from the parties above mentioned are as follows: J. H. Stevens One hundred and twenty two dollars ?vnd twenty-five cents, and Win. H. Cumming the sum of seventy two dollars and twenty-five cents. And if within ninety days after the serving of this notice by publication, you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of such expenditure as c^ owners your interest in said claims will become the property of the undersigned as specified in Sec. 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United States and amendment thereto con cerning annual labor or mining claims. All amounts duo to be de posited with Dexter Horton National j Bunk of Seattle, Wash., to the credit j of the undersigned. CHAS. H. McNEIL. Dated and signed at Ridgway, Colo. ! Feb. 7, 1916. First publication Feb. 29, 1916. | Last publication June 14, 1916. ' - - The Seward General Hospital desires to acquaint the general hospi tal interests of this country with the facilities of this institution for giving the latest devised methods of nursing, cure to persons requiring medical or surgical treatment. Special attention given to patients requiring gyne cological treatment. Hydrotherapeu tic treatments carefully followed. This building, just complete, electric I lighted, steam heated, hot and cold water. Physicians placing patients in our care will receive every ethical at tention. Prompt readiness for acci dents, obstretrics and emergencies, day or night. For further particulars address, SISTER SUPERIOR. C. C. BERG ladies’ Furrier ITaiidermlsI Send your Raw Furs. We do our own Tanning and Manufacturing. Twnty acvan Ysari in S«>ttl« 1425 First Ave. Seattle, Wash. Long distance unepnune booth at The Branch. --- Waterfill & Frazier whwkey at “The Branch.” NOTICE OF FORFEITURE i'o R. L. H. Marsnau, Hilda Marshall, Uiaries D. Haven, F. G. Miller, iCiiey E. Dill, Joiin lrwine, L. H. Herndon and George Kabehl, de ceased’s heirs, executors, admims trators or assigns: You and each of you are hereby notihed that the undersigned Co Owner has expended the sum of One hundred dollars ($100.00) in labor and improvements upon the Blank Associ ation group of placer mining claims, consisting of 160 acres, located on the Right Limit of Nugget Gulch, a tri butary of Cache Creek, in the Cook Inlet Precinct, Third Division, Terri tory of Alaska, in order to hold said placer mining claim, for the year ending December 31st, A. D., 1915, and if within Ninety (90) days from the service of this notice upon you, or the complete publication thereof, you fail or refuse to contribute your pro portion of said expenditure as Co Owners, your interests will become the property of the undersigned, under and pursuant to the Revised Statutes of the United States. Dated at Susitna, Alaska, this 20th, day of March, A. D., 1916. AL. STINSON. First publication March 2,7 1916. Last publication July 12, 1916. r THE SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER CO. Incorporated November 1905 under the Law. of th. Territory of Alaska s. M. GRAFF, President and General Manager Contractor* and dealer* In Electric Supplle.and Apparatu*. Office' At the Station. TELEPHONE MAIN 12i ll , -r ■ ”^1 The All-Alaska Review 25 Cents the Copy $2.50 per Year in Advance Subscribe Now for the Journal that gives you News of All Parts of the Territory of Alaska _,———■—————A—-— ■ PRINCE AND PAUPER, HIND AND NOBLE, MEET IN SHAKESPEARE TERCENTENARY $HAK.ESP£A%E 'WriD CHfiICES Ifl SHAKESPEAREAN FLOEAL MASQUE, HEW YO&Q . .. .,r intcrd-cicd normal activities. the memory of William Shakespeare is e»pe IThrouKhout the world. save where' ^nr ha. \x h Three hundred yonra n*o. on April 23. 1CK William Shake olaliy honored Uds year on April J• an . a . q *.ft v-uecond year Ho was famous In his lifetime, and ■pen re died at Ids home la Stratford-on-Avon^. of ^1. J ^7,,^ ',,,0 "restest writer of all time To the veers that have elapsed since Ins de.i a .,-itals representations of Ills works, meeting's. reading., honS fltly his memory, public Plants. flT ^production of a portrait bellevd authea rrT She kesnes r.‘-./the ehnrmtrrs In a ••Shskosponron.t lloral manque" In New I’"* clCv 1_ WHAT THE WOUNDED SOC IALIST SAID TO THE KAISER’S WIFE (Special to Gateway by United Press) AMSTERDAM, May 10.— An inci dent that is said to have occurred to the German Empress is told here to day by a traveler from Berlin, The Empress was visiting a war hospital. She leaned over a cot oc cupied by a mutilated German soldier ABERDEENS ASK HELP FOR IRISH BABIES LORD fltID LRDY RBERDEEti .. .. .... ..j (The Marquis of Aberdeen, former gov< nor general of Canada and until recei ly viceroy of Ireland, nnd Lady Aberdeen have begun a campaign In America to • raise funds with which to continue an Infants’ welfare movement In Ireland The Aberdeens will lecturo In Now York and other cities Lady Aberdeen Ir president of the Women’s National Health association of Ireland, which has been carrying on the work for which she Is now seeking funds In America Her plea It Is said. Is supported by mem bers of id political and religious organl cations In Ireland.1 Billiards and Pool at Butts. l'rorn the Western front. "My Good man, I hope things fcro going better with you today," said the Empress to the sufferer. “Well, 1 only hope it’s going as well with you and your sons as it’s going with me at this moment,” re sponded the soldier. The Kaiserin was greatly distress ed. The wounded soldier was an ir reconcilable Social Democrat. EUROPE EXPECTS CHINA TO BE SPLIT INTO TWO GOVERNMENTS (Special to Gateway by United Press) LONDON, May 10.—Declaration of its independence by the Chinese pro vince of Kwangtung is regarded here as an almost certain forerunner of China's breakup into a northern and a southern nation. It was believed Yuan Shi Kai might, by sweeping concessions, hold the country together. Kwangtung having cut loose, however, this is deemed possible. The other rebel provinces are considered certain to cast in their lot with Kwangtung. The split between north and south is looked for along the line of the Yangtse river. Yuan may make the north a monarchy. The south is ex pected to be a republic. Best judges of the oriental situa tion do not think Yuan will make much effort to fight the south. They point out that he stands an excellent chance of establishing his power per manently in the northern provinces if he devotes himself to them alone, while an attempt to subdue the south unquestionably would precipitate a bloody war. FOR SALE Three-quarter bed, springs and mattress, also full size mattress and folding bed. Practically new, at a bargain. Apply Gateway. Did you see the big full page in the last Saturday Evening Post, ad vertising the New Arrow Ashby col lar? We have them. All sizes. 2 for ! 23c. Brown & Hawkins, “Quality | First.” Get“Morc Money” lor your Foxes Black, Silver, Cross, Red, White and Blue, Lynx, Bear, Marten and other Fur bearers collected in your section «i¥iP YrtITR FFHS DIRECT to“SHUHERT”the largest house in the World dealing exclusively In NORTH AMERICAN RAW HUS a Vdiable-responsible-sate Fur House with an unblemished rep utation existing for -more than a third ot a tucy. uxCTORY re^tul record of sending Fur bhippers prompt,bAl ISFAt 1ORY A vn PROFITABLE returns. Write for tlx ^Ijubtrl AkPPtt. the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. Write for It-NOW—ft*» FREE K D CUI IRCRT Irve^ 25-27 WEST AUSTIN AVE. A. B. SHUdilK 1, Inc. Depl 73 Chicago. u.s.a.