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The Seward gateway. (Seward, Alaska) 1914-1917, May 16, 1916, Image 1

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-Th—Great The Great
~ SEWARD. THE GATEWAY TO ALASKA, T1 KSDAY. MAY 16, 1916.____Ten Cents th. Copy
NANCY. France, May 1(5.—Addressing the refugees
from Lorraine yesterday President Poincare declaied
that France sees victory ahead and will tight until that
moment comes. The closing words ot the president of the
Republic were:
“France does not want Germany to tender peace but
Germany to ask for peace, and until then 1 ranee will not
cease to tight.**
LONDON. May 16.—The second day of the trial of
Sir Roger Casement, today, is taken up with the effort to
identify the prisoner as the man who landed on the Irish
coast in a collapsible boat. The war is almost forgotten in
the interest manifested in the proceedings. Casement still
maintains the same disinterestd demeanor. He appears
to utterly ignore his judges. His statement, it he makes
any before sentence is pronounced, is looked forward to
with intense anticipation.
PARIS, May 16.—General Marchand, “the hero of
Fashoda'* has been killed lighting at the front. Marchand
is the man who nearly plunged France into a >var with
Great Britain about twenty years ago. He encountered
a British force under Kitchener at Fashoda in Africa and
both sides claimed the territory for their respective coun
tries. War was very narrowly averted.
—■ 1 1 - —— % .. ~ - . —
shing officially denies the report that he is menaced. " The
troops are well placed." he says, “and there is no sign of
LAREDO, Texas, May 16. — One hundred and fifty
passengers were burned to death near Mexico City yes
terday when the coaches of a train wrecked by bandits
• *
took fire. About a thousand people, civilians and soldiers,
were on the train at the time. The survivors have reach
ed Mexico Citv.
LAREDO, Texas, May 16.—Five persons, including
an American named Hill, were robbed of $30,000 in gold
when Zapata wrecked a train last Friday between Palma
Gonzales and Guerrero.
BOSTON—The newly created Yu
kon-Alaska Trust has effected the
permanent organization with William
Loeb, Jr., as president. This trust
will control the Y'ukon Gold company
through the ownership of 2,842,625
shares which were held since its in
ception by the Guggenheim Explora
tion company.
It develops that one of the unnamed
assets turned over by the Guggenheim
Exploration company will be an im
portant interest in the Belgian Congo
company, in which the Belgian gov
ernment has a 50 per cent interest.
Other American holders of the Congo
shares include Thomas F. Ryan and
B. M. Baruch.
Although not yet on a dividend
paying basis, the Belgian company
has a steady income through the pro*
duction of rubber, diamonds and sev
eral other commodities. The terri
torial holdings were part of the con
cessions granted by the late King
Leopold of Belgium to a group of
The loan which the Braden Copper
company had with the Guggenheim
Exploration company has been repaid
but there will be turned over to the
Yukon-Alaska Trust about $1,000,000
cash in addition to various securities
and $5,000,000 notes representing the
loans to the Yukon Gold company to
cover its expansion policy.
A quiet wedding occurred March
13th, when Paul C. Partch of the
Kodiak Radio Station and Anna
Pavloff, daughter of N. W. Pavloff,
and grandaughter of the last Russian
Vice Governor of Alaska, were mar
ried by Supt. Learn. Mr. and Mrs.
Worley stood with them and were
their witnesses. We wish them a
happy life.—Kodiak Orphanage
E. M. Huff and Sidney Anderson
will be passengers this evening to An
chorage on the Farragut.
Weston Robinson has come to the
city on a business visit from Mile 20.
The van Campens will arrive in
Seward on the 19th. Mr. van Campen
and Henry Coulard have been hunting
bear but found conditions not favor
The Kodiak Orphanage News Letter
which came on the last mail, tells of
the marriage in that place of Mr. Ben
Kraft and Miss Anna Nyman. The
wedding took place just twenty-eight
years after the’ marriage of the
groom’s father and mother who were!
also married at Kodiak.
Uncle Joe Irvine was the guest of
honor last evening at a birthday party s
given by some of the local members
of the vocalist fraternity in the rooms
over the Alaska Pharmacy. Coffee
and cake were served during the even
Canyon Creek to
Be Hydraulicked
Frank L. Ballaine has leased three
groups of claims on Canyon creek and
the men leasing them will start soon
1 to put in a hydraulic plant and oper
ate them. The lessees are E. E. Con
dray, J. F. Jordan, D. B. Red held and
j S. Bailey. The claims are known as
the A. li. group, the 1. J. group and
the K. L. group.
AKRON, Ohio. May 1C.—Four men,
four women and a little girl are dead
j and twenty others are injured as the
1 result of the collapse last night of tin*
Ole Beacon Journal structure. The
j building has recently been used for a
restaurant and the collapse was due to
dynamite operations close by.
ORVILLE, Calif., May 16. — Rev.
! Madison Slaughter, of Chico, was sen
tenced today to fifteen years in San
• Quentin for criminal assault on Gert
rude Lampson, aged fifteen. The
testimony showed that the intimacy
had been continuous^
NEW YORK, May 16.—Willard and
Fred Fulton has been matched to
tight ten rounds on Labor Day at a
club in this city which offered the
most money.
WHITEHORSE, April 7. — The
! Whitehorse Star today says: h. A.
i Dixon, a pioneer business man of
Whitehorse, one of our most respected
citizens and the Conservative member
I of the Yukon council for this district,
has made arrangements to join the
overseas contingent which is shortly
to be recruited in the territory by
Commissioner Black, who on the 13th
of March qualified as captain of the
104th regiment and expects to raise
a company of 250 men.
The Vancouver Province of March
24 announces the death at the front
I of Sergeant Walter H. Philpotts, of
the 29th Vancouver battalion. He
left Vancouver as a private, and was
promoted to the position he held at
the time of his death after his arrival
in England. He was 38 years of age
and unmarried. His nearest relatives
live at Worchester, England. The
late sergeant was a resident of Car
cross, Yukon Territory, in 1907-1908.
The following clipped from an
Eastern paper will be read with in
terest by Gastineau Channel resi
CHICAGO, 111., April 13.— Emmet
Carroll and Gus4 Clary were pals in
Alaska. They worked in the mines
outside of Douglas.
Clary was killed in an accident,
and before he died he whispered to
I Carroll that he wanted to be “taken
home.” His home was far away—
in Reed, Ky., but Clary’s wish was
enough for Carroll. He passed on
through Chicago today with the body
of his chum, Gus, in the baggage car.
“I’m taking him home to Reed,”
j he said. “I have brought his body
j from Alaska here. We’lT be in Ken
tucky soon now. The worst part of
the ride is over. When I get him
home I’m going back to work in Al
A. Vucetich will leave for Anchor
age on the Farragut,
LONDON, May 15.—Treating \\ith
disdain every man in the court room
Sir Roger Casement, the Irish knight
charged with treason in connection
with the Irish revolt, came up for
trial today. Tne assembly was al
most entirely made up of the leading
statesmen of the empire but the pris
oner paid not the least attention to
any of them. By his appearance one
would judge that he was merely an
uninterested spectator. There was
nothing of the braggadocio in his de
meanor. He was simply a gentleman
who was apparently unconscious of
his environment or of the awful doom
in whose shadow he stood.
Sir Roger is 52 years of age. His
career in the consular service was
brilliant. While consul general in
Brazil he made complaints to the
British government that British com
pands engaged in the interior of
Brazil were ill-treating their em
ployees and even murdering thorn. A
royal commission was appointed to
look into the charges and Casement
himself was made its chairman.
After the investigations it was found
that his accusations were well found
ed and the result was the improve
ment of the conditions of the working
wretches all over the republic. Fol
lowing out this desire to aid the
under dog he first came into promin
ence in Dublin in aid of strikers. Up
to that time he had made no appear
ance in Irish public life as he had al
most all his life been in the British
consular service in foreign countries.
The enemies of the Dublin strikers
were the first to declare Sir Roger de
mented because the fact of a titled
man taking part of workers was
something wh ch they were unable to
undertsand. It is rumored now that
the government would be pleased at
nothing more than to have him plead
insanity to save his life, as such a
p’en might lessen the effect which his
actions have hai ip neutral countries,
especially his denunciation of British
government in Ireland. It is not be
lieved that the details of the court
proceedings will be permitted publica
tion although they arc in open court
and are witnessed by the leading par
Should he he sentenced to death
and should the sentence be executed
it will probably he the most sensation
al occurrence of its kind in the em*
pire for centuries.
♦ <* ♦ $
❖ - ♦
(The following are delayed cables
that come in an irregular manner.
During the interruption of cable com
munication earlier cables often come
after the ones that are sent later.)
Tried in Bow Street
LONDON, May 16. — The trial of
Sir Roger Casement on the charge of
high treason is taking place in the
Bow Street court house, the most
famous court in the city of London.
The room is filled but admission is
given only by ticket and most of the
audience is made up of the most
prominent personages. The prisoner
maintains the same calm demeanor
and hardly pays the least attention to
the proceedings. He carries himself
like a man who knows that he is about
to die and has made up his mind that
his death is only a minor part in a
great drama.
SEATTLE, May 15. — Ernest
Carstens, president of the German
American Mercantile Bank, died last
night of paralysis.
George Gordon, former Dawson,
Chisana and upper Stewart trader, is
being brought to the city today suffer
ing from mental trouble. He is said
to be quite violent. He left Glenboyle
this morning in charge of the police,
who are bringing him in a rig.—Daw
son News.
Orpet Case is Now
Before The Court
WAUKEGAN, 111., May 15.—Wil
liam H. Orpet went to trial here to
day for the murder of Marian Lam
The mystery that surrounded the
love and death of Marian, the pretty
high school girl, w’hose body was
found February 10th in Helms Woods
at Lake Forest, has resolved itself in
to a question of murder or suicide,
which must be answered by the jury ^
w'hich will try Orpet as the girl’s ,
Orpet, a junior at the University of
Wisconsin, has steadfastly maintain
ed his innocence since he was jailed
on Feb. 11. It is his contention that
Marian committed suicide.
State’s Attorney Ralph J. Dady,
who is leading the prosecution, bases
his case on the theory that Orpet gave
Marian cyanide of potassium, pre
tending to her that it was abortive
The defense, led by Former United
States District Attorney James Wilk
erson, planned today to contest every
bit of circumstantial evidence that
Dady will produce.
Because of the wide publicity given
the case and the opinions that have
been formed by Lake County citizens
as to Orpet’s guilt or innocence, it was
expected that the selection of a jury
would occupy at least a week.
Marian was pretty and 18. She and
young Orpet, who is of the Byronic,
almost “pretty” type of boy, had
been friends since childhood. In re
cent years the two had trodden the
primrose path.
Orpet was 21 only a few weeks ago.
He had planned to marry Miss
Celestia Youker, daughter of a minis
ter at Barrington, 111., and herself an
instructor in chemistry at the state
Normal School at DeKalb.
After arranging an alibi to conceal
the fact that he had left Madison,
Orpet went to Lake Forest on the
night of February 8.
The next morning Orpet met
Marian by appointment in the woods,
told her he was “through” and was
going to marry' Miss Youker.
Marian, Orpet declared, sobbed,
called him back, and evidently swal
lowed poison when he refused to re
turn. At any rate, he declares, she
fell to the snow-clad ground and
when he reached her side, she was
Marian died is his arms, Orpet said..
The boy admitted that he fled back to
Madison and made every effort to
conceal his departure.
Marian, Orpet stated, had told him
she was fearful of her condition,. An
autopsy showed there was no basis
for fear.
Friends of Marian stated she had
admitted to them that she knew she
was not in the condition she told Or
Orpet admitted he had sent Marian
abortive medicines some months prior
to the tragedy.
Marian’s body was found by her
father, Frank H. Lambert, superin
tendent on the Jonas Kuppenhcimer
estate at Lake Forest. There were no
I marks of violence on the girl and the
cause of her death remained a pro
found mystery until an autopsy dis
closed cyanide of potassium in the
stomach and also beneath the finger
The fact that poison was found be
neath her nails was counted on by the
defense today as a strong point to
establish the girl’s suicide.
Attorney Wilkerson contended that
Marian took the poison in crystal
form, and by that means retained
some of it beneath her nails.
E. 0. Orpet, father of the defend
ant, and Marian’s father have been
friends for many years. The families
have continued their friendship de
spite the tragedy.
The elder Orpet is in charge of the
SEATTLE, May 16. — Forty con
tracts amounting to $515,629 were let
by the Alaskan Government Engineer
ing Commission for groceries and
similar supplies here last Saturday.
The bids had been called for several
days and a large number of mer
chants sent odors in answer. The size
of the contracts has created the im
pression that a much greater amount
of work will be done on the road this
season than had been expected.
(Special to Gateway by United Press)
CHICAGO, May 8.—Advance forces j
of the G. 0. P. took Chicago today.
The Coliseum, scene of the coming Re
publican National Convention, wasj
turned over to the National Commit
tee for the convention opening June 7.!
Simultaneously the committee opened j
headquarters at both the Coliseum
and the Congress hotel and began
final arrangements for the “big
Preliminaries to the opening of trie
convention promise to be more routine
than usual because of the small num- j
ber of contests. The primary laws in
many states have practically elimi
nated contests.
The committee shortly will an
nounce when hearings on contests will
be conducted. Because of the small
number, contests may be be filed up
almost to the opening of the conven
tion. Heretofore the committee has
set a date for closing the lists.
Chairman Hides and Secretary
Reynolds of the National Committee
expect to arrive in Chicago the first
of next week, with their stafT. Ar
rangements for seating the delegates
is the big problem they face.
Delegates entiled to vote in the con
vention number 987, while there ar»
six more, two each from Hawaii, the
Philippines, and Porto Rico, entitled
to vote only by consent of the con
The number of delegates from each
state and territory is:
Alabama, 16; Arizona 6; Arkansas
15; California 26; Colorado 12; Con
necticut 14; Deleware 6; Florida 8;
Georgia 17; Idaho 8; Illinois 58; In
diana 30; Iowa 26; Kansas 20; Ken
tucky 26; Louisiana 12; Maine 12;
Maryland 16; Massachusetts 26;
Michigan 30; Minnesota 24; Mississi
ppi 12.; Missouri 36; Montana 8; Ne
braska 16; Nevada 6; Newr Hampshire
8; New' Jersey 28; New' Mexico 6;
New' York 87; North Carolina 21;
North Dakota 10; Ohio 48; Oklahoma
20; Oregon 10; Pennsylvania 76;
Rhode Island 10; South Carolina 11;
South Dakota 10; Tennessee 21;
Texas 26; Utah 8; Vermont 8; Wash
ington 14; West Virginia 16; Wiscon-1
sin 26; Wyoming 6; Alaska 2; District
of Columbia 2.
Bennett James arrived at Mile 29
today on the w'ay to town from his
camp at Moose Pass.
The Farragut has 129 tons of
freight for this place.
greenhouses on the Cyrus H. McCor
mick estate at Lake Forest.
The Tangle of Poisons: Murder or
Suicide, Which?
Chemists definitely determined that
the poison that killed Marian Lam
bert was cyanide of potassium.
Orpet had access to this poison at
the following sources:
It was used in gardening at his
father’s greenhouse.
It was on the shelf at the laboratory
at the University of W isconsin, where
he was a student in chemistry.
The girl Orpet hoped to marry,
Miss Celestia Youker, was a chemis
try’ instructor at DeKalb university,
1 and Orpet had visited her laboratory.
Marian could have secured cyanide
Her father’s greenhouse, when it
was used in gardening
From her high school laboratory,
where she studied chemistry.
FAIRBANKS, May 1G. — What is
regarded as a phenomenal wreck oc
curred on the Tatiana Valley Railroad
today when two cars fell over a trestle
twenty-live feet into a stream but not
a passenger was injured.
The train was running slowly at
the time and was rounding a curve in
the hills. Suddenly two of the cars
jumped the track and over they went.
They had twenty passengers aboard
and all were carried down. The
stream was not deep and to this fact
is probably due the safety of the peo
ple. The engine remained on the
track but the cars art* completely
A report has been in circulation to
the effect that a couple of big outside
contracting firms have taken over the
main part of the construction of the
government railroad but the local of
ficials of the Engineering Commission
are not able to verify the report.
.> <• <•
* - ♦
At its meeting last night the city
council empowered the school board
to proceed with the work of improve
ment on the school building. A steam
heating plant will be installed and
several changes will be made which
will give greater space. An architect
is to be employed.
City Attorney Coppernoll last night
obtained a leave of absence for six
weeks and J. L. Green was elected
to take his place by a vote of 4 to 2.
The other candidate was the city
During the meeting Councilman
Chamberlain brought up again the
matter of the pipe laid down by Coun
cilman Sauers and Mr. Sauers an
swered. Dr. Romig, city health of
ficer; said the pipe fulfilled the re
quirements. The council last ngiht
passed the ordinance for putting
Sixth avenue in shape and other
smaller items of business were tran
Seward got something to talk about
yesterday afternoon when a man
named Lawrence Bos was arrested
and wh* n the report got abroad that
the wife of Pet* Mwhaelson, a Ban
Pete the Greek, had taken three snots
at Mr. Bos when the aforesaid M».
Bos, it is alleged, paid an unsolicited
visit to the residence of the woman in
the case. Mrs. Michatlson is a Native
woman and lives down towards tFo
beach between First and Second
avenues. Her husband was absent, i4
is stated, last evening about 5 o’clock
when the unwelcome visitor appeared
on the scene. Mr. Bos had, it is also
asserted, been paying a social call
earlier in the afternoon in the house
of the lady who is reported to have
used him as a target. The weapon
used was a 38 revolver. The target
was arrested last evening and a war
rant was issued for the woman but it
was found this morning that she was
sick and her arrest did not take place.
The hearing has been postponed until
tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock*

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