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Newspaper Page Text
®hr tprutarfi (Satrmay Published Daily Except Sunday by The Seward Gateway Publishing Co. BERNARD M. STONE. President. Subscription Rates: Daily—One dollar per month . Ten cents the copy. By mail, $10 per year. Weekly—Three dollars per year. (Payable strictly in advance). Advertising Kates: TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. Readers, 10c per line tirst insertion, 5c per line each additional insertion. Legal notices, 50c per line. SEWARI). ALASKA. MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1916 Three weeks from tomorrow Alaska will be again voting. It will elect a legislature, a delegate to congress, an attorney general, road supervisors and will give an ex-! pression on prohibition. Alaska lias more politics than any other place on earth of like population. It is likely that no other political community on earth with a popula ion of onlv fortv thousand has a legislature. There are one or two dinky little principalities or republics hidden away in the Alps or some such places with a smaller popu lation. perhaps, but they have no political representation like ours. i Now, all this shows that Alaskans have been very ef fective in their agitations for political recognition. It has been fashionable to say that Alaskans find agreement im possible on most questions, and we do have many agita tions within agitations, but we have got there pretty well. Too much freedom may not be too good for any of us, however, until we are prepared not to abuse it. It is a fact that Alaska by choosing certain sorts of men who run for office to represent them is endangering its own economic welfare. In all sorts of communities live men who have only an overdose of demagogy to give them an excuse for trying to enter public life. In new communities they stand a better chance to hoodwink a certain percent age of the voters than in places more politically sophisti cated. Their chief weapon is usually attacks on capital. If capital did not exist their own mental qualities would make it impossible for them ever to rise beyond “hewing wood and drawing water." It would be well for people to remember that the legis lature made it possible for a man to cast his vote in Al aska in future in a precinct which is not his own. If some man finds it necessary, for instance, to go away from Sew ard on election day he may cast his vote at Anchorage or some other place by swearing it in. In this connection it may be said that if any oversight occurred on the part of any officials, such as overlooking the giving of notice of election in time, etc., the people of the precinct which has not had arrangements made for election could go some where else and vote. This paper does not say and never did say that any such preparations had been overlooked. It only suggested that they might have been and it only suggests now that they might have been, and it speaks of this matter again to draw attention to the fact that the new law makes it possible, anyhow, to cast a vote some where else, although in some cases such a course might not be found practicable. It is well, though, to have this known in time. UK AY HAIR CAUSED problem. It is said that soldiers ten FROM WAK WORRY months in the trenches, exposed to the _ nerve shattering shock of shell tire, LONDON, Oct. .2 — What will be often come out with the appearance of the effect upon future generations of ten years having been added to their the premature aging of millions of life. A shorter period than this often men now at the battle fronts. Army suffices to turn iron gray the hair of physicians and men of science gener- a boy 25. ally are beginning to discuss the This premature aging is peculiar to JOHN RONAN] Democratic Nominee | Territorial Senator f ELECTION NOVEMBER 7 | Don’t Forget When purchasing your steamship tickets from Seward, take ad vantage of the new rates now in effect and secure same through to your final destination via the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM From Seattle. This will save you money. UNION PACIFIC is both a summer and winter travel route. Its geographical po sition not only insures its being a comfortable way to go fn sammer but also makes it comparatively free from anuoying winter delays. Through standard and tourist sleepers; dining car service second- j to-none; and automatic “Safety” Signal Protection. Information tickets, reservations and travel service upon application to WAYNK BLUE. Admiral I. ne. A H Me IX >N \ l.R j Alaska S. S. Co., or write Wyje_ d * *|P H. A. LAWRENCE TRAVELING FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT P. O. Box MX 111 Seward Street JUNEAU no one nationality. It is noticeable alike along the English and French lines and among the prisoners from Germany, Austria and Turkey. It is said to be perhaps a little more pro nounced along the eastern fronts where the vast amount of territory involved frequently makes neglect of the wounded inevitable. Men have lain for days without medical attention and when finally ad mitted to hospital have given their ages at 21 to 27 years when ordinarily they would have been classed as 40 to 45. “We attribute the gray hairs now so noticeable everywhere at the front to sub-conscious worry,” said a Cana dian army surgeon in discussing the subject with a correspondent of the Associated Tress. “A man will not be conscious of any worry at all, whereas his comrades will daily com ment u|m>n the whitening of his hair. I have never known of hair actually growing white overnight, as the nov elists are so fond of putting it. bat it often happens within the space ol a week or ten days. “The gray hairs come quicker to the officers than to the ‘Tommies/ which is again a corroboration of the subconscious theory. The strain of the lighting naturally is greater with the officers, although he may out wardly have the same joyous spirit of the man with the gun who goes over the parapet with a delighted yell when the command is given to ad vance. “Our nurses, too, frequently, go gray without apparent reason for mostly they are women of long train-j ing amid the scenes and sufferings of hospital life.” FOR RENT First class boarding house and three bedrooms, completely furnished. Sec Cooper D-28—tf. % w — - i ,i Oyster Cocktails at “The Branch.” CALIFORNIA Quickly Reached via Seattle Portland San Francisco on the ALL HAIL SCENIC SHASTA ROUTE Three Daily Trains * • SHASTA LIMITED CALIFORNIA EXPRESS SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS Through Standard Sleeping Cars from Seattle and Portland to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Dining and Observation Cars. ARE YOU GOING EAST? The cost via California is practically the same as on the Northern routes. For information call on or write to C. M. ANDREWS I), b\ iS: I*. A., 712 Second Aye., SEATTLE, WASH. Southern Pacific Lines The Seward News Company GEORGE PHELPS BOOKSELLERS, NEWSDEALERS AND STATIONERS SPECIAL SALE The BAZAAR ECONOMY JARS, PINTS, $1.15 l)oz.„ “ “ QUARTS, 1.25 Doz. an,S Variety Store * Get it at GOITER’S Whalebak Stags Hipress Pacs Neustadter Bros. Stags Arrow Pacs Dry Sox Shoes—Black and I an Patrick Mackinaws Kenyon Mackinaws KENYON RAINCOATS Just Received DOGG-DERENDEN SHIRTS New Fall Patterns STRAIGHT LINE GOODRICH RUBBERS Storm and Everstick THE MINER’S STORE “THE PLACE WHERE MEN OUTFIT” PHONE IN POR ANYTHING WE’LL GET IT //vv s- A* ' *> See that sole? it comes on white Goodrich “HIPRESS” Boots and Shoes I and it actually outwears steel! I No more hob-nailed half-soles for \ Ol It footwear, Mr. Miner. The soles on this wonderful Goodrich V. hito **111PRESS FAR OUTWEAR THEM. It is so superior to any other Rubber Boot or Shoe on the market that once tried you will never wear anything else. The only Boot in the world made under this HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS which MOLDS it INTO ONE SOLID PIECE! It won’t leak, buckle or peel like the ordinary layer built boot. And it’s very easy on your feet. Many a miner has found that this pliable, sinewy f<x)t wear d<x^ awny with discomfort and loss of time he has suffered due to the ordinary stiff, ill-fitting boots or shoes. ]V*wnre of imitations—the Pennine “IMPRESS” always has a RED LINE ’ROUND THE TOP! Made only by The B. F. Goodrich Company, akron, ohio Maker* of the celebrated Goodrich Auto Tire*— "Be»t in th« Long Run" HOTEL OVERLAN I K. L. WHITTEMOKE, PKOP. Headquarters for Mining Men SEWARD, - * - ALASKA r A Rainier Buffet THE BEST IN EVERYTHING WINES LIQUORS CIGARS LOUVRE BLDG. OPP. A. B. HAIL ALASKA sS;^r S SBATTLB SAILINGS ALASKA, Sept. 26 /1ARIP0SA, Sept. 30 AI.AMI:l)A Oct. 12 NORTHWIiSTISRN. Oct 5 Connects with S S. Dora All ships via inside* pa**saije, The Alameda and Marip* s.a touch at Skaewuv. fejTKi£ht reserved to change thi> schedule without noticed P. B. TUACY, General A«ent A. II. McDON.Vl.l), A*ent THE SEWARD LIGHE AND POWER CO. Incorporated November t90!> under the Laws of the Territory of Alaska S. M. GRAFT, President and General Manatfei Contractors nnd dealers in Electric Supplies and Apparatus. Office' At the Station. TELEPHONE MAIN 123 k_ FURNITURE AND HARDWARE a—m——wwm—«—» mmm — " ***«• COAL MIMfRS AMI GOLD MIMli'S SLITIOS ! _- - ——. I I - I Doors &. Windows Lang's Hang* s 1 X L I *arlur Heaters Gasoline Sto\ es Cook Stoves Camp Stove> Ail* Tight Heaters Oil Stoves Alcohol Stoves Spark Plugs Jump Coils Batteries Granite Ware Aluminum Ware Asbestos P & B Paper Malthoid Hooting Tur Paper Deafening felt Weather St rips Gasoline Uas Kntfine Oil Niatine Knjfine Oil Valve i )il Klaine <):! Floor oil Linseed Oil (’«p Urease I ’aims Laequeret Faint Asphaltum Faint Finishes Varnishes Turpentine Japan Denatured Alcohol Coal 'Par Lamps Lam erns Tents MONt MUHSO\ 87 Rifles Shot Guns Ammunii it»n Fishing Tueklc Giant Powder t ’aps FusJ Hench Forces Placksmith’s Coal Pel lows Wheel Harrows (’utlery Fire t lay Fire Prick Lime Cement Glass Pope Mercury Seine Tw ine J. L. GRAEF AOELMAN & QUI LTV I SEWARD DAIRY MILK & CREAM Why Not Try Our Buttermilk? --- l ■ -—--—■ ' -- MILK STATIONS AT BOTH BUTCHER SHOPS _k___ - ---—— ci/ \ r) nfifll PlnY'ff/ ijowLiN& B jfiilPKfe —--- leo maRGULlj.moil Open Day and Night! PACIFIC ALASKA NAVIfiATION COMPAQ ‘‘THE ADMIRAL LINE” PUGET SOUND-ALASKA ROUTE Vessels sail from Seattle every Sunday, 11 u. m. ADMIRAL WATSON ADMIRAL EVANS ADMIRAL FARRAUUT Extra Service--ADHIRAL GOODRICH PUGET SOUN D-C A LI FOR NIA ROUTE A DHIRAL SCHLEY A DHIRAL DEWEY_ SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, SAN DIEGO S, S, VALE_S. S. HARVARD A. F. HAINES, Manager. WAYNE BLUE, Local Agent REDUCED RATES VIA THE Are mils fro.n SEWARD to many Eastern Cities Tj got bmotio of redaction tickets mast be purchased with - steamship ticket Fall information and tickets from A. II. McDonald, Alaska Steamship Co., Wayne Blue, Admiral Line A S. DAUTRICK, Traveling Freight and Passenger Agent, Room 18, Valentine Building, Juneau. T. J. MOOR13, City Passenger Agt., Second and Columbia, Seattle. •_^.....•....•••••■•■■■■■••■■•AlllBliiaaaailiaBiafaaiflaiaaaBBaBaiBBiaiBiaaaillBfliailllltlBaillBfllBBI