Newspaper Page Text
G.W. PALMER KNIK, ALASKA Some of Our Specialties: WELLMAN CANNED GOODS RED CLOVER BITTER Tip TOP EGGS SPERRVS FLOORS MARSHFIELD CHEESE Amt a full line of HARDW ARE. STOVES. HAY AND FEED *o Better Bonds Can Be Bought At Any Price G. W. PALMER. Knik, Alaska ORE TREATED ~~ H E. ELLSWORTH. Assayer and Chemist A complete l^uipmenl for 'lining A IsKIt r) anJ technical L) latlons ^Ul U** iluollU Pioneer Hotel F. B. CANNON. Prop. Knik Alaska KNIK S LEADING HOTEL NO HA R Accommodations for Ninety (Quests Larj^e (Jeneral Lobby Private Lobby for Ladies 1 »kst Bates : : Best Treatment Best Accommodations _^_ ___ Over the Top of the W^orld by Electric Power The ‘'Olympian*' and the ‘ Columbian,” the Milwaukee * erark transcontinental trains, art* now hauled o\ < r mountain barriers bv electric power. Take ib - *mootb ndmg AIjL-STKKL train* ami avoid tin >tm»ke, soot and cinder* incident lo steam travel. Way m- I ills'. 1* \. N . A. 11. Mi-Dor.aUI. Alaska Steamship To., at Seward or A. K Harris, Traveling Pas*. Agent. Juneau, Alaska Chicago. Milwaukee fli St. Paul Railway DEMOCRATIC TICKET WILSON & MARSHALL Election November 7,1916 For Delegate to Congress From Alaska CHAS. A. SULZER For Attorney General GEORGE B. GRIGSBY For Senator, Third Division JOHN RONAN For Representatives, Third Division THOS. H. HOLLAND CHAS. McCALLUM THOS. C. PRICE FRANK. B. CANNON For Road Commissioner, Third Division JAMES E. WILSON 1 For Attorney General of Alaska G ORGE B.GRIGS6Y ELECTION NOVEMBER 7 [notice of advertising out AND DECLARING FORFEITURE OF INTEREST IN QUARTZ MIN ING CLAIMS FOR FAILURE TO PAY ANNUAL ASSESSMENT. Te J. A. bell, L. V. Ray ami M. J. Con roy; you aud each el you, your heirs executors aud administrator*, are hereby uotihed, that, 1, J. b. Slater, one of the owner* iu the following described Quartz Gold Miuiug Claim* oituate in me Moose i'ass Mining Dis trict, ixemu Recording District, ihiru Division oi the Territory of Alaska aud more particularly described a*> follow*, to-wit:—independence Quartz Aiming Claim, Alay Flower Quartz Alining Claim, lituc Kock Quarti Alining Claim, Fresno Quartz Aiming Claim, Mammoth Quartz Aiming Claim, Meadow Lark Quartz Mining Claim and Arctic Circle Quartz Aim ing Claim, you above named being in terested in the above described Q mru Mining Claims and each of them; l’hat 1 have perform id and caused to have performed on said claims anu each and every one of them, and have paid for the oauic, the anuual as sessment work for the year 1 olo, last past, amounting to the sum of one hundred dollars per claim, making the total amouut of said annual assess ment work on said claims the sum ot seven hundred dollars all of which i have paid, that there is uo.v due and owing to me from you, part of said assessment woik thereof; which said amouut became due and payable to me on the first day of January, 1910. You and each of you and each oi your heirs, executor's and administrat ors are hereby notilied to pay to me your share of said assessment work | on or before Ninety Days after tliei lirst publication of this notice, to-wit: ( —Ninety days after the hrst day of August, 1910 and in case you fail or refuse so to do, your and each of your interest iii above described Mining Claims aud each of them will be uud is hereby declared forfeited to me. and your interests and the whole thereof will be theu aud there terminated. In witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal this 1st day of August, 1916. J. B. SLATER. First publication August 1, 1916. New shipments of Stag Shirts ami ^ Tin Pants. Brown & Hawkins, ‘‘Quality hirst. __ _ I lumber! Alaska Un»l*«‘ Marie bv Alaska labor DIMENSION LIMBER In Any Quantity Now DRESSED LIMBER in Any Quantity Soon -THE - SEWARD SAWMILL CO. A. f. RASMllSStN. Prop. Phone Kenal 2 Anderson & Nelson THE TERMINAL RAINIER' BEER BEST BRANDS Of CIOARS Try Us Once, then You be the Judge - —- - . SAFETY FIRST! - - Ruhstaller’s Gilt Edge Beer Sacramento. Calif. SERVED AT ALL CAFES — ■' ! The Carstens Packing Co. Wholesale and Retail Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry Lard, Hams and Bacon. Butter and Ejjks Orders from the Westward and Cook Inlet Given Careful Attention Fourth Ave Seward Seward W ater and Power Company John A. Nelson, Manager Office—Bank of Seward Building SEWARD. - ALASKA NOTICE OF SALE The Alaska Northern Railway Com pany will sell its four buildings situ ated between First and Third Avenues on the waterfront at Seward. '1 hese buildings until recently were rented for warehouse and storage purposes. Award will be mude 2 I\ M., October 17,1916. Blank form of proposal may be obtained by calling at Room 2, Second Floor of Railroad Building. A. CHRISTENSEN, Mgr. Land and Industrial Dept. California Home Assorted Pickles, fifteen cents per can. BROWN & HAWKINS, “Quality First.” Heinz’s Fresh BAKED BEANS, fifteen cents per can. BROWN & HAWKINS, “Quality First.” Mackinaws, Pants, Socks, Boots, Packs, Underwear. Anything you need. SEWARD COMMERCIAL CO SERIAL NO. 02703 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Juneau. Alaska. July 25. 1016. SOLDIERS ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD ENTRY BY ASSIGNEE. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO ENTER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thut the NORTH ALASKA SALMON COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, and whose* IH>st otlice address Is 110 Murket Street, San Francisco. California, as assignee of Joseph K. Harrigan. administrator of the Estate of Kyhran Horan, deceased, being eulitled to the benefits of section 2306 of the Revised Statutes of the United States and amendments thereto, has applied to make entry of that certain tract of land situated on the East side o! KviehaV Bay near t'at*e Suworof, ubout 3 miles above the mouth of Nahnek River, in the District of Alasku, in latitude 58 deg. 45 min. 45 sec. North, and Longitude 157 deg. 15 mm. 00 sec. West, and described as U. S. Survey No. 015, and more particularly as follows, to wit: Beginning at Corner No. 1 of said survey, whence U. S. L. M. No. 015 bears S. 0 deg. 30 min. W. 46.81 chfl. distant, and witness corn er to said corner No. 1 bears Eust 1.58 chs. distant, and from which witness corner Cape Suworof bears S. 12 deg. 58 min. W. Va miles distant, thence from said Corner No. 1 East Var. 21 deg. 30 min. E. 20.83 chs to corner No. 2 from which witness corner to said Corner No. 2 bears north 38 Iks distant; thence North 14.25 chs. to corner No. 3. from which witness corner to corner No. 3 bears South 3.53 chs. distant; thence West 7.85 chs. to corner No. 4 M. C., whence w it nets corn er to said Corner No. 4 bears East 1.45 chs. distant; thence by meanders from true corner No. 4 M. C. along the line of mean high water on Kvlchnk Bay, S. 34 deg. 66 min. W. 1.90 chs.; S. 55 deg. 56 min. W. 0.80 chs : S. 21 deg. 14 min. W. 3.50 chs.; S 32 deg. 24 min. W. 4.67 chs. to Corner No. 1 M. 0.. the place of beginning, contain ing 31.93 acres. As Additional to Homestead Entry No. 1440 made August 26. by Kyhran Horan, at Ionia, Michigan Land Oftice. for the S. Vj of *>E '■* of Sec. 30. Township IS North, Range 10 West, containing SO acres. Any and all persons claiming adversely said tract of land, or any portion thereof, are hereby notified that unlens their adverse claims are filed during the period of publication and posting, or within 30 days thereafter, they will be barred by virtue of the statute and the regulations thereunder. It is hereby ordered that this notice be published for the statutory period of 00 days in the SEWARD GATEWAY, u newspaper of general circulation printed at Seward, Alaska, published nearest the land applied for. G. U. WALKER. Register. First publication August 4, 1916. Lmst publication (let. 14. ^^^ DR. O. J. KEATING Dentist Phones: Office Madison *t> Res. Madison 58 Office over Bank of Seward Hours 9 A M. to 5 l\ M. DOUGHERTY & ROMIG KHAL ESTATE AGENTS Houses for Rent, Rents Collected. Lots for Sale. Large Listing. Phone Red 147 Seward, Alaska. J. H. ROMIG, M. D. OFFICE FOURTH AVENUE Phones: Residence Adams 48 Office Adams *>3 Hours: 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. LEON C. BOOKER ATTORNEY AT LAW Bank of Seward Building Phone Madison 84 Fire and Accident Insurance OLD CROW i OLD HERMITAGE OLD WINES Blue Ribbon Beer Rainier Beer ONLY MINERAL CABINET WHERE? AT JACK’S J. P. Stotko - Proprietor Seward Steam Laundry I HARRY K AW ABE, Prop. Fifth Awenue Phone Main 157 jj Best of Work Latest Machinery Work delivered In 24 hours 5 ‘Cleaning and Pressing £ Flannels and Silks Washed by Hand C PRICES REASONABLE WHO THE MEXICAN COMMISSIONERS ARE To the Gateway on the last mail came the first issue of “The Mexican Review," a publication which is estab lished to educate Americans about Mexico. In its first issue it tells who are the three Mexican Commissioners now conferring with the American commissioners to settle the difficulties between the two nations. Following is the sketch of the commissioners: “To the gathering Mexico has sent Luis Cabrera, present Secretary of Hacienda (Treasury), her acknowl edged leading exponent of fiscal re form, and a man who, from the earli est stage of the revolution against the policy of reaction and indifference to the lights of the Mexican People themselves, has been affiliated with the liberal movement, occupying the highest positions of trust within the power of the government to grant. He is an excellent linguist, speaking Knglish with but a trace of Spanish accent. He is a fluent speaker and holds high rank as an orator in Mexico. ignacio Bonillas is also a member of Mr. Carranza’s cabinet, holding the portfolio of Secretary of Communi cations and Public Works. Mr. Bonil las is a graduate of the Massachus etts Institute of Technology at Boston and has lived in tin* United States for many years, serving hi.s alma mater in the eapacity of professor of civil engineering. His education in Knglish is even more complete than that of his colleague, Mr. Cabrera. Albert J. Pani is President of the fhe Seward General desires to acquaint the general hospi tal interest* of this country with the facilities of this institution for giving the latest devised methods of nursing, care to persons requiring medical or surgical treatment. Special attention given to patients requiring gyne cological treatment. Hydrotherapeu tic treatments carefully followed. This building, just complete, electric lighted, steam heated, hot and cold water. Physicians placing patients in our care will receive every ethical at tention. Prompt readiness for acci dents, obstretrlcs and emergencies, day or night. For further particulars address, • SISTER SUPERIOR. Broadway Barber Shop Shower Laths Ladies’ Shampooing Hot and Cold BATHS Always Ready ——————— ————— I MODERN OFFICES IFOR R NT New Van Gilder Block 5 Rlectrlc Litfht. Steam Heat, s Hot and Cold Water Lavatory z in every suite. ^ KRADY ABOUT OCT. 15th ji For reservations see W. P. HENRY 4th and Adams Sts. {'• Ji J;1 L’’! Edinburgh. I U. I\. u. * i L. F. P. & S.. Glasgow. J. M. SLOAN, M. I)., C. M. OVER GATEWAY Office Hours, I to 3 and 7 to 8 P. M. Fokmkki.y or Nomr. HOTEL SEWARD 511 THIRD AVE. Arctic Club Hldg. SEATTLE. WASH. ZBINDEN BROS., Prop*. I Wtth'B*lh0,S1.50 Special Weeil, Rales I National Railway Lines of Mexico, and is also an engineer of high attain ments. I*y reason of his supervisory powers over the great railway system of the Republic of Mexico, and his un surpassed acquaintance with every physical phase of the problem ol bet terment for the neighboring nation, Mr. I’ani's experience is expected to be a vast assistance to the commis sioners in working out the details of the general problem of rehabilitation for Mexico after the statesmen of the commission have had their . nnii.g; •jrjth the questions of international polity involved «n the di»!«sstons of the preliminary sessions.” CHILDREN STl'DY WHILE (JI NS RJAR RHEIMS, Oct. 2.—A correspondent of the Associated Press says that with a daily average of 1200 pupils attending school, above and below ground in Rheims during the last IK months under intermittent bombard ment, not a single injury has happen- ; ed to any of the scholars. Classes have to be interrupted for days at a time, but the fact never lessens the zeal of the teachers or the diligence of the pupils, though the enemy is not more than 2000 yards oil*. To a large extent the classes are held in the cellars and wine caves of the town, in some instances in taves two stories below the surface of the street. There the ail is more humid and there is less light than in the or dinary schoolroom above ground, but otherwise there is little difference in the conditions or the routine. When a bombardment begins some of the children show signs of fear; not always for themselves, but for father or mother whom they think must be in danger. When the bombardment has completely ceased the children are dismissed and sent home. 'I he streets are then safe excepting the exterior boulevards, where the child ren are warned not to go. Some of the school scenes are tragic, others comic notwithstanding tragical surroundings. A class will be at work when suddenly a servant opens the door and calls “They are bombarding close by.” A second or two later the noise of a shell burst ing on a nearby house makes the smaller children trmble anti cry. At once the classes are led down into the cellars, some of them carried by sold iers who have come in olT the street to avoid shell splinters.—Ex. FOB KENT New house, furnished, ready to move in. Kent $15.00. Apply Bazaar. Long distance tesepnone Dootb at The Branch. Boys knickerbockers in Cashmeera, serges and corduroy, hoc to $1 7:> .Brown & Hawkins, “Quality First '1 In* Lang Stove, horn in Alaska. Is the Stove for Alaskans. Jtody made of Armco Kust Ilesisting Iron. Polished Cooking Surface. W ill hold fire overnight with wood or eoal. W ill burn green wood. Ask your dealer for a Lang Stove. If he cannot supply you write us. Our line is complete from the small est camp stove to the largest hotel range. Any sourdough will tell you atx>ut the Lang Stove. They all know it. F. S. LANG MFG. CO. SEATTLE. WN. Get“MoreMoney for your Foxe« Black. Silver, Cross, Red, White an.l Blue, Lynx. Bear, Marten and other tar bearers collected la your section SHIP YOt'K Fl’HS DIKFCT to "SIIt'HKHT" the laraest house In the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMtRK AN RAW Kks a reliable responsible—sate Fur House with an unblemished rep utation existing tor “more than a third «>t a century, a ton* sue cessful record of nendink Fur Shippers prompt.* Ish M 1<>K \ AND PROFITABLE return*. Write r.»r <Tttr t^liubrrt tkhipptr tlteonly reliable.accurate market report and pricelist published Write for It—NOW-ll'u KIIKK A A D CUITPCPT Ine 25-27 WEST AUSTIN A VE. A. B. bHUBLK 1, Inc. Dept 73 Chicago.u.s a. OPENED JAN.I5T, I9l 3 J "j>he HOTEL than BEST In all the WEST" STOP «t the NEV^ FIREPROOF the PALACE BAR | SHERMAN HAYNES, PROPR. | Service Best Liquors | Cigars I Pool and Billiards Cafe and Lunch Counter in Connection The All-Alaska Review 25 Cents the Copy $2.50 per Year in Advance Subscribe Now for the Journal that gives you News of All Parts of the Territory of Alaska