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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
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OUR BOYS WIN COVETED BASKETBALL TROPHY ! On Friday, March 9th, the Lincoln" Memorial basketball team scored a thrilling success when they defeat ed a strong Hazelcrest squad, 29 CHURCH DIRECTORY NEW FRIENDSHIP BAPT. CHURCH 139th & Monticello REV. F. C. TAURVIN, Pastor GREATER HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 136th & Lawndale Avenue REV. MATTHEW ANTHONY, Pastor ST. LUKE BAPTIST CHURCH 139th & Spaulding REV. LEWIS, Pastor BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH 139th & Turner Avenue REV. C. R. WATERS, Pastor WHEELER CHAPEL CME CHURCH 137th & St. Louis Avenue REV. BLEDSOES, Pastor CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 137th & Turner Avenue ELDER V/HITE, Pastor MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 137th & Turner REV. D. K. WATKINS, Pastor UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF GOD 139th Place SISTER OLLIS BOROUGH, Pastor -23, to gain first place in the South Suburban Area Elementary Basket ball Tournament held at Forest Ridge, Illinois. The game, watched by over 250 wildly cheering fans, including a bout 100 from Robbins, was a thriller, throughout. The Lincoln boys began the scor ing on a fast basket by Benny Marshall, but the sharpshooting boys from Hazelcrest quickly re covered and at the end of the first quarter Lincoln led by the narrow margin of 7-6. The next quarter was blazing hot with Lincoln leading 18-16. The third quarter was the slowest period of the game, but it ended with the score tied at 20-20. In the final peiiod, however, the boys from Lincoln began to forge ahead. With William Shelby end ing both backboards and William Nesbit and Esdres Hayes stealing the bail from Hazelcrest dribblers, Lincoln scored 9 points to 3 for Hazelcrest to come out on top by a score of 29 to 23. We are especially proud of ihis victory since we know what hard ships our boys had to overcome .in order to succeed in a venture such as this. They have never had a gymnasium in which to practice and for the majority of our players this is the first year that they have played basketball against outside competition. The boys who competed on this (Blue Island 1263 Telephones j Blue Igland 6i62 W SUBURBAN PHONOGRAPH SERVICE 3523 WEST 139th STREET ROBBINS, ILLINOIS ) * year's team were: Esdres Hayes, captain; William Nesbitt, Wilmer Rosemond, Jesse Lucious, Benny Marshall, Bobby Rechord, William Shelby, Curtis Monroe, Clifton Jack son and Carroll Nichols. They have proven themselves to be true sports men and we hereby recognize them as true heroes for they brought with them from Forest Ridge a beautiful trophy which will be ex hibited for years to come as a JOIN SUBURBAN FEDERAL CREDIT UNION • NEED MONEY? JOIN CREDIT UNION 13908 Claire Boulevard M. L. Smith, Treasurer Phone: Blue Island 1376 1 MARION L. SMITH REAL ESTATE | PROPERTY MANAGEMENT — SALES | 13910 Claire Boulevard ROBBINS, ILLINOIS IF IT'S GLASS McCRARY'S PAINT and HARDWARE WINDOW and PLATE GLASS — MIRRORS TABLE TOPS — DOORS Blue Island 5595 3522 West 137th Street ROBBINS, ILLINOIS TRIANGLE DEPARTMENT STORE < 1 13908 Claire Blvd. Phone: B. 1. 1376 i ' < ; A FULL LINE OF < ( , FANCY GROCERIES AND MEATS > | • HOSIERY — HOUSEHOLD NEEDS ( > , | DRUG SUNDRIES i | , 1 STORE HOURS: WEEK DAYS—8:00 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M. 1 i ' SUNDAYS: 9:00 A. M. TO 4:00 P. M. Z » _ _ (.lasting memory to their great suc cess. ROBBINS HEALTH CENTER 139th & St. Louis Avenue ROBBINS, ILLINOIS SCHEDULE Maternity Clinic: Second and Fourth Wednesday In each month. 9:00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon. Infant Welfare: Second, Third & Fourth Thurs day in each month 1:00 P. M. to 3:00 P. M. - Social Hygiene: Each Tuesday, 4:00 P. M. to 6:00 P. M. ¥Each Friday, 10:00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon. ¥Note change in Friday clinic hours. NURSE'S OFFICE HOURS Tuesday, 2:00 to 4:00 P. M. Phone Blue Island 4251 Myrtle White, R. N. Martha Willis, R. N