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pfe Southern Jewish Monthly Formerly The Southern Jewish Weekly AN INDEPENDENT MONTHLY SERVING AMERICAN" CITIZENS OF JEWISH FAITH THE OLDEST AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED "JEWISH PUBLICATION IN THIS TERRITORY 'Oh 19 NO. 1 ETWEEN YOU AND ME BT BORIS SMOLAR WASHINGTON TALKS: Amer can Zionist leaders who have been other concerned at the cool atti nde recently taken by high dr ies in Washington towards Jew sh aspirations in Palestine, are tow more optimistic ... - Politi al activities by Dr. Abba. Hillel Silver in Washington are begin ting to show results ... - There s no longer any doubt in Wash ngton as to whether the U. S. Government can intervene with Britain to have the doors of Pales ine kept open to Jewish immigra ion ... -It is pointed out that he United States Government las precedents going back 100 rears in making representations o European governments on be lalf of persecuted Jews . . . - . . - In 1850, President Fillmore nade such strong representations o Switzerland that a ban against rews in that country was partially ifted ... - In 1868 Secretary of Ktate Steward instructed the American Consul at Tangier to ise his influence to check the tersecution of Jews in Morocco, n 1872 President Grant urged Rumania to stop her pogroms a jainst Jews ... - In 1902 Presi '< Theodore Tt.ifl&evclt a „** -t■’ protest i the against iiic K’shiaev jx*c j >a. . , , - In ,! Jii tic: i'niwxl .i.t •» abrogated a cornea* *.* treaty with Czarist Russia when ito satisfactory reply was received From Russia with regard to the inti-Jewish policy of the Czarist regime ... - As regards Palestine, it is needless to recall that in 1922 the Congress of the United States lassed a resolution endorsing the establishment of a Jewish Nat onal Home there, using almost he identical language of the Bal our Declaration . . . - PLANNING FOR PALESTINE: You may soon hear details about the plans which are being prepar ed in the United States for the digging of a channel between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. . . - If the plans are carried out, tremendous quantities of water will be made available in the desert sections of Palestine, suf ficient to irrigate hundreds of thousands of dunams of land which could support several mil lion newcomers ... - Looking over the files of the London Times of the year 1883, we came across a remarkable article which re veals that a plan to dig a channel in Palestine, similar to the Suez Canal, was under discussion sixty years ago ... - The projected canal was to have been 80 kilom eters long and was intended to facilitate navigation ... - The Suez Canal is 164 kilometers long. ... - The present scheme is on a much smaller scale than the one of 1883 and its details are for the time being shrouded in secrecy. ... - We are asked to draw atten tion to the fact that Amos Ben Gurion, the son of the noted leader of the Jewish Agency, has not been killed in action fighting the Germans on the African front, as reported by a prominent Ameri 2an writer in his latest book . • • - Vfr. Israel Mereminsky, represent itive of the Histadruth in Amer ca, checked on this report and las just received information that lot only is Ben-Gurion’s son alive ind well, but also that he recently vas promited to the rank of -lieutenant in the Palestine units if the British Army ../. - JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1944 AS CONGRESS MEETS BY MURIEL LEVIN Copyright, 1944, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc. Pending now are several bills which Jewish voters will keep an eye on during this second session of the Seventy- Eighth Congress. Rep. Sol Bloom and his Home Foreign Affairs Commit tee have just completed hearings on a bill authorizing ap propriations for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilita tion Administration. The Committee as a whole is favor able. It saw the need for concerted action in helping refu gees return to their homes and in carrying out the other UNRRA projects. The House will undoubtedly be called on to vote soon. The Senate will then have its say. However, that is only half the battle. After “author ization” has been voted, an appropriations bill with specified sums must be introduced and referred to the Appropria tions Committee. The House then be called upon to vote on the bill reported by the Appropriations Committee. This is when UNRRA’s request for one percent of our 1943 national income may be cut down. The process is, of course, repeated in the Senate. i There is much appreciation in Congress of the import ance of UNRRA’s work for future economic and political security in the world aside from the humanitarian aspects of relief. However, voting may be held up by individuals who see our participation in an international organization as a threat to our national independence. Others who have done so before the Committee will rant about the national debt, although the sum we are asked to contribute for re lief and rehabilitation is what we spend for only five' days lof var, ; A?* this ‘-vrk’i.S-. • -lit!. ut:. /Ui .-r ■ > ,. < .Ur :• t-.‘ •-*.L i. s^.- ;.r . ppeai , senate : -vp*t&y already Hkvit <. *.• • • on: (a) a resolution urging the immediate feeding of the starving people of Europe, and (b) a resolution urging the establishment of a special commission of experts to save the Jews of Europe. Little opposition on the Senate floor is expected. Both measures were passed unanimously by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The House Baldwin-Rogers bill, identical with the Sen ate resolution to rescue European Jews, has caused a cer tain amount of friction. Open hearings conducted by the Foreign Affairs Committee have been stormy sessions with charges of foul play from all sides. Chairman Bloom has said he will support the resolution in Committee and on the House floor. Favorable action from the Senate Committee 1 will undoubtedly speed things in the House Committee. Discussion on the House floor, however, is expected to be a little more heated than in the Senate. Rep. Karl E. Mundt has said he would introduce an amendment to generalize the scope of the Commission to be established to include all persecuted people. Others may raise the question of Pal estine. Before the House Immigration and Naturalization Committee are half a dozen bills to reduce immigration quotas or suspend immigration for the duration. The Just ice Department expressed strong disapproval of such meas ures. They are viewed as unnecessary affronts to allied victims of aggression. Chairman Samuel Dickstein has been trying to squelch any further consideration of these bills. His Committee will hold hearings on these bills. If his efforts succeed, the Committee will consider Dickstein’s own bill to accept religious and racial refugees for tempor ary residence. Congress, though, is in no frame of mind now to act generously on immigration. Pressure from con stituents might better dispositions. Favorable consideration by a House Post Office and Post Roads subcommittee headed by Rep. Samuel Weiss has not yet provoked action on a bill to ban from the mails false defamations of religious and racial groups. Post Office opposition has slowed the wheels here. , In the hands of Carl A. Hatch of the Judiciary and Elections Committee is Gillette’s resolution to clean up elec tion campaigns. His subcommittee has done nothing until now. The Senate will have to act quickly if it is to outlaw religious and racial slurs in coming campaign speeches and literature. It is not impossible that the tussle between the Federal Communications Commission and the radio stations will re sult in stronger protection for minorities. At least consid eration has been promised by Chairman Burton K. Wheeler of the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee. • ® Propaganda Blamed For Anti-Semitic Acts in N.Y. New York (JPS) —The acts of anti-Semitic violence on the streets of New York City are the products of propa ganda and indoctrination emanating from organizations as Father Coughlin’s Christian Front and Joe McWilliams' Christian Mobilizers. This is the conclusion of a 170-page report submitted by New York’s City Commissioner of In vestigation William B. Herlands to Mayor F. H. LaGuardia on anti-Semitic disturbances in the city. The report took a year to prepare. The recommendations of Mr. Herlands, stressing the import ance of more effective police ac tion, are viewed as a criticism of the attitude of the Police Depart ment which has attempted to lump together all the anti-Semitic outbreaks as ordinary mischief and juvenile delinquency. Larger national aspects of the problem are only hinted at in the report, in a statement pointing out the similarity between the New York outbreaks and the anti- Semitic attacks in Boston. Mr. Herlands also draws a parallel be tween his finding of laxity in the New York police and Attorney General of Massachusetts Bush nell’s report that the Boston Police Department failed to in vestigate cases thoroughly and were guilty of laxity. I A lfVi/M.rrVi "MV TTerlnnfts dfIPS not '• V. *■ « ’ • *•'-. '*! -»• .W'.V— - 4* 4 » t 1 rvyi 2 •,, v 4 :.?■%: j ruuisn Dumiio LONDON (JTA)—The Polish National Council finally agreed this week that representatives of Polish Jewry be included in all political Polish bodies dealing with the post-war reconstruction and economic rehabilitation of Poland. REFUGEE MAKES OUT STANDING DISCOVERY NEW YORK (JTA)—Prof. Felix Ehrenhaft, a Jewish professor of physics at the University of Vi enna, who fled from Austria when Hitler came to power, has made a discovery which some scientists predict, may mean the ushering in of a new era in technology. News of the discovery came at a meeting this week of the Amer ican Physical Society at Columbia University at which the refugee professor presented lantern slides showing the existence of pure magnetic currents. The corrobor ation of his experiments, scient ists who were present at the dem onstration said, would make one of the greatest revolutions in technology, ranking with the dis covery of the principle of the dy namo, by Michael Farraday a century ago. ANTI-JEWISH OUT BREAKS PREVENTED IN PERU LIMA, (JTA) —Jews in Peru read this week with great interest an official announcement of the Peruvian Government disclosing how anti-Jewish outbreaks, plan ned by German and Japanese agents, were frustrated by the dis covery of the plot in time. The disorders against the Jews were to have served as a signal for a pro- Nazi revolution against the pres ent democratic Peruvian Govern ment. believe that there has been any “conspiracy or organized plan” he does state that "such acts, how ever, are not accidental, or for tuitous, and they are more than juvenile delinquency in the ordin ary sense.” Regulations Ban Hate Activities of N. Y. Cops New York (JPS) —New regula tions for the Police Department have been announced by Police Commissioner Valentine in an at tempt to stamp out subversive in fluences in the police force. Mean while incidents in increasing num bers of police laxity or even of sympathy for the anti-Semitic vandals are being reported in the metropolitan press. The new police regulations state that members of the department “shall not knowingly associate ... with any person or persons inter ested in or connected with any group or organization advocating or instrumental in creating . . . prejudice or oppression against any racial or religious group re siding in the U. S. A. . . . ” Patrolman James L. Drew, who was recently reinstated in his post in a Jewish section of Brooklyn by Police Commissioner Valentine, was accused of actions which are now banned in the new regula tions. Drew was accused of using his home as a warehouse for anti- Semitic literature, and of consort ing with Joe McWilliams, now under indictment on charges of inciting to mutiny among the armed forces of the United States and of conspiring with the Nazis. Lawyers To Defend Persons Affected By Acts Os Anti-Setnitism Members of the National Law yers Guild, in cooperation with the National Committee to Combat Anti-Semitism, have agreed to represent any person affected by any act of anti-Semitism through out the United States. This was announced this week in s a joint statement issued by Leonard E. Golditch, Acting Secretary of the National Committee to Combat Anti-Semitism, and Martin Pop per, Executive Secretary of the Guild. Jewish Calendar Join a Synagogue or Temple Attend Its Services 5708 - 1948 Chamshe-Osai-B’shevat Feb. 9 Purim March 9 Passover April 8 Lag B’omer May 11 Shovuos May 28 Fast of Av July 30 * Also observed previous day. Holidays begin on the evening preceding dates designated. $2.00 a Year