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*** IWDEPEWDENT WEEKLY SERVING AMERICAN CITIZENS OF JEWISH THE OLDEST AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED JEWISH PUBLICATION IN THIS TERRITORY vol. 23 NO. 2 {Capital Spotlight j by BEATRICE HEIMAN j (Copyright, 1947, JTA, Inc.) j WASHINGTON Along with Germany, China and South America, Palestine was one of the topics of discussion by President Truman with his new Secretary of State, General George C. Marshall, at their first reg ular semi-weekly meeting after the Secretary’s swearing-in. Official circles here were in terested in the unanimity with which leading American news papers expressed lack of hope for any constructive outcome of the London Conference on Palestine, even before the conference start ed. Whether the London corres pondents of the papers were fed the idea from government sources, or had figured it out themselves from talks with Arab and Jewish representatives, is not known. Pos sibly, persons concerned with the question painted the picture in its darkest colors. Then, if even some slight achievement is marked up, it will be more than was an ticipated. * * * * If General Eisenhower had re mained in Germany, he would have asked for an even larger occu pation force than the present one. Talking, as he put it, straight from the shoulder and from the hip, the General told the Women’s National Press Club that occu pation is the most pressing of our immediate post-war policies. Those displaced persons in Ger many and Austria who would like to leave the occupied areas and build a new life, in Palestine or the United States, are still with out any assurance as to the when or how of it. The draft of a law has been approved by the Office of Military Government in Berlin providing for the use of heirless property to resettle and rehabilitate displaced persons. It further provides for an international trustee body, which would include representatives of the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Joint Distribution Com mittee. The law must now be submitted to the German govern ment bodies in the American Zones. In a surprise move, President Truman recently asked Attorney General Tom Clark to look into possible uses, by displaced persons, of unclaimed property in our zone of Germany. At this juncture, it is not quite clear how the At torney General fits into a prob lem which has been the concern of the Secretaries of State and of War. Agencies interested in legis lation to allow for admission to the United States of “a fair share” °f the approximately one million DP’s in the American zones of Germany and Austria, are channel their efforts through the Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons. The Committee, headed by Earl Harrison, former Com missioner of Immigration and (Continued on Page Three) Observance of Jewish Musical Festival Opens Celebration Today Jewish Music Festival, organized by the Jewish Music Council and sponsored by the National Jewish Welfare Board, opens a month long celebration today. It will feature Jewish music programs over CBS, the Mutual network and 100 local stations throughout the nation. The Music Council's third annual observance, which will continue to March 6, will see churches, inter-faith bodies join ing the celebration, in which Jew ish centers and educational org i anizations will take part. Reports already received at the office of the National Jewish Wel fare Board indicate, that the \t terest and participation this year "is overwhelming and far sur passes the heartwarming response to the Music Council-sponsored Music Week last year,” according to Mrs. Frank Cohen, chairman of the Jewish Music Council’s ex ecutive committee. Mrs. Cohen said that the Music Council, In response to the re quests of the local chapters of the national organizations affiliated with iL-had distributed 3500 Music Festival manuals, 2500 bibliogra phies of articles on Jewish music, and had made available 5000 Jew ish Music posters. JEWS AND ARABS WOUNDEP IN CLASH OVER PLOUGHING OF LAND OWNED BY J. N. F. JERUSALEM (JTA)—A c!as v in which a number of Jews ard Arabs were wounded occurred this week in the Emek Heffer district when a group of Arab land-owners attempted to drive off Jews who were ploughing J. N. F. land which had not been cultivated previously. The land-owners secured the assistance of neighboring peasants, while residents of nearby Jewish settlements came to the aid of the ploughmen. The arrival of police dispersed the Arabs. President Truman Discusses Palestine and Immigration Problems with J.W.V. Commander 1 - s .. '. f £•> j President Truman was urged to continue his “diplomatic support” in behalf of Palestine by Milton H, Richman, National Commander of the Jewish War Veterans, on the occasion of a White House visit when he expressed the J W V’« gratitude to the President for “his repeated advocacy of a just solution Os the Palestine question.” Commander Richman also fjised *he President’s efforts in behalf of displaced persons and urged tnat the U. b. make “existing immigration quotas available for immediate use. JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1947 Honored By B’nai B’rith " iffy' '/TV,*-’' Congresswoman Edith Nourse Rogers of Mass., will be honored by the B'nai B’rith for her pio neer work in Veterans’ legislation at a testimonial dinner at the Hotel Statler in Washington on February 17th. The fete marks Mrs. Rogers’ recent appointment as Chairman of the House Com mittee on Veterans Affairs of the 80th Congress. The New Eng land Congresswoman, who helped passage of the “GI Bill of Rights” and other legislation beneficial to veterans, will be join ed in this gala affair by the most prominent people concerned with veterans affairs in official Wash ington. Sponsor of the dinner is the B’nai B’rith Veterans’ Advis ory Committee. BRITAIN MAY ISSUE STATEMENT ON PALES TINE WITHIN TEN DAYS JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Brit ish Government will issue a state ment on Palestine within the nex* few days independently of the course of the Conference on Pal estine, it was learned here. The statement will indicate that Britain is inclined to adopt a par tition plan for Palestine, it is be ’ieved in informed circles. The partitioning of Palestine into sep arate Jewish and Arab states is firmly advocated in editorials by the Manchester Guardian and the Times. U. S. Urged To Hasten U. N. Action On Nazi Loot NEW YORK (JTA)—The Unit ed States Government is urged u make representations hastening United Nations action for the re storation of Nazi-looted property to Jewish victims, in an eight point program made public by the American Jewish Committee. In cases where the looted property has disappeared, the Committee program urges compensation to the victims. The Committee’s pro gram is as follows: 1. Immediate and full restitu tion of all property rights and in terests should be made to the Jewish victims of Axis persecu tion. 2. Administrative obstacles to immediate effective restitution should be removed and appropriate administrative measures should be enacted to facilitate such restitu tion. 3. The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations should include among its respon sibilities such restitution to vic tims of the Axis Powers. 4. Just compensation should be made for property rights and in terests which cannot be restored. 5. Unclaimed or heirless prop erty..rights and inteiests of ewJ ish victims of the Axis, including organizations and communities should be transferred to appropri ate Jewish organizations for use in relief, rehabilitation, emigra tion and resettlement. 6. Effective. measures should (Continued on Page Three) RACE HATRED IS BLASPHEMY A MESSAGE ON RACE RELATIONS Issued by the Commission on Justice and Peace of the Central Con ference of American Rabbis in Observance of RACE RELATIONS WEEK Commencing February 9, 1947 At this season, hallowed by memories of Abraham Lincoln, the | Commission on Justice and Peace of the Central Conference of American Rabbis reaffirms its faith in the brotherhood of all men and urges th’e removal of all barriers to the achievement of one Humanity under one God. To maintain that God has placed any race or class of men in I a state of permanent inferiority is to blaspheme His name. Such j an idea, w hether based upon a misinterpretation of Scripture or a | misreading of nature, is but the rationalization of groundless bias I and contemporary prejudice. A hundred years ago the same ideas . were used to condone the institution of slavery. Our current preju dices are surely no more tenable or durable. In the years to come, our prevailing attitudes toward colored peoples will be repudiated as neither normal nor moral, and will have been outgrown by a humanity become more humane. Every Jew who believes in Judaism, every man who believes that God is the Father of all, must take up the struggle against discrimination. Man, we believe, is created in the image of God. Therefore, no man may say of another man, created in that same image, that he should “keep his place.” We who believe that to love our neighbor as ourselves is life’s highest aim must lead in efforts i to ameliorate the condition of our colored brothers. We applaud the strides made in recent years in the direction of inter-racial brotherhood: the opening of American shores to the citi zens of several, if not yet all, Oriental countries; the recognition accorded the heroism of Negro troops in our Armed Forces; the pro visions embodied in the federal aid bills guaranteeing greater edu cational opportunities for Negroes; the U. S. Supreme Court rulings requiring equal treatment for Negroes in cases involving the fran chise, education and union membership; the increasirg recognition of Negroes in sports; and the inter-racial activities of many religious and labor organizations. , (Continued on Page Four) Brotherhood Week Radio Program Is Slated, Feb. 16th As its contribution to the nat ion-wide observance of American Brotherhood Week, the radio ser ies, “David Harding Counter spy”, will feature a program aimed at subversive organizations on Sunday, February 16, 1947, at 5:30 P. M. (EST) over the nation wide hookup of the American Broadcasting Company. Designed to promote better understanding and good will the story will deal with three young Americans and what happens to them as a result of their involvement with an un- American organization and its demagogic leaders. The “David Harding—Counter spy” series has been on the air for four years and has high rat ing as a program that combines entertainment with a message of unity and the meaning of democ racy. The “Counterspies” are a composite of all law enforcement agencies. They handle all types of cases and have exposed swind lers, racketeers, international spies, and subversive individuals and groups. The series is written and produced by Phillips H. Lord. Local radio stations should be commended for the public service they are performing in the in terests of democracy in presenting “David Harding—Counterspy”. $3.00 A YEAR