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Friday, February 14, 1947 the kkk IN FLORIDA (Continued from Page One) table’’ organization which is “op- Lsed to violence”. However, one ! f the three incorporators of the Ku Klux Klan of Florida, which aS chartered in the Orlando area on September 7th, 1944 in a move to dodge the Federal tax lien •gainst the Klan, is A. F. Gillam 0 f Clarcona. Stetson “Southern Exposure” Kennedy reports that this individual is none other than Arlie F. Gillam, who was indicted for second degree murder in the death of Joseph Shoemaker in Tampa in 1935. Shoemaker, who had organized a Modern Democratic Party in an effort to break the strangle hold of a corrupt city political machine, was arrested and re leased when no charges could be sustained, only to be kidnapped in front of the police station by a band of Klan-Kops who pro ceeded to flog and castrate him and forced him to sit in a bucket of hot tar. Shoemaker died after nine days of agony. Gillam was arrested on Decem ber 22nd, 1935, at his home near Apopka, where he was a citrus grove tender, on a warrant charging that he “from premedi tated design . . . did commit an as sault upon Joseph Shoemaker, in flicting mortal wounds from which the said Joseph Shoemaker did languish and on the 9th day of December, did die.” At the time of his arrest, it was reported that Gillam and another man in Orlando were car rying Klan cards. According to arresting Sheriff McLeod, “The two men arrested at Orlando are members of the Ku Klux Klan, and Gillam told me he was a former state officer in the Klan.” According to the Tampa Trib une: “Gillam and Spivey were among the hundreds of men re cruited throughout south Florida, hauled into Tampa and armed with shotguns, pistols, hoe han dles and other weapons for the city election ... he said it was made known in August that men were wanted here on election day, and seven or eight automobile loads of them met at the Orlando railroad station and arrived here about 7 o’clock. He and Gillam rode all day in a police car, an swering radio calls, he added, and that night each was paid $lO at the police station.” This, then, is one of the three incorporators of the self-styled “fraternal, benevolent, charitable” Ku Klux Klan of Florida. The Klan’s record of violence and ter rorism in Florida is too notorious to require recounting. COLORED PROPERTY List it with me, I have buyers waiting F. Henry Williams Registered Real Estate Broker HP Broad St. Phone 5-0665 Golden Ring Do-Nuts OUT OF THE FRYER THS Iv ’? re d to the Restaurant • u - Rogers C. V. DeLettre hhk \/, terans ard Owners *f7s King St. Phone 2-8118 Best Wishes 591 STOCKTON ST. PHONE 7-7413 jaßßsSaffi: u -Tgjal; gl f«H| flrk,' DR. EDGAR MAYER Chairman of the National Medical Advisory Board of the National Jewish Hospital at Denver. LETTER BOX The Jewish Publication Society 222 N. Fifteenth St. Philadelphia, Pa. February 3, 1947 Mr. Isadore Moscovitz The Southern Jewish Weekly P. O. Box 903 Jacksonville 1, Fla. Dear Mr. Moscovitz: We deeply appreciate your co operation in getting us new mem bers for The Jewish Publication Society, whether $5 or $lO mem berships. For each membership secured through the cooperation of our friends in Jacksonville, a free book will be given to the Jewish Center or Temple as designated. With kindest personal regards, I am Cordially yours, Maurice Jacobs Executive Vice-Pres. Presbyterian Minister Represents Jewish Community (Continued from Page One) The Rev. Gilbert stressed the fact that this was the third time in 17 years that he had left his pulpit for out-of-town business. The JDA Conference, he felt, was so import ant that he could not refuse tne request when he was asked to rep resent the Jews of Freemont. In joining with my Jewish brethren in this event, I am only doing my duty as an American and as a Christian,” he said. After the Rev. Gilbert’s return to Freemont, he was tendered a testimonial dinner. Reporting that he was highly impressed with the work of the JDA, and that the Federal Council of Churches of Christ, of which his church is a member, is working with the JDA to combat intolerance and spread interfaith understanding, he de clared. “The responsibility of combat ting anti-Semitism is a responsibil ity of all Americans, regardless of religion. With economic decline will come a resurgence of the evil idea which did not-die with Hitler. Anti-Semitism is like a rattle snake, which must be killed while it is small.” FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embaras? Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment be cause their plate dropped, slipped or wabbled at just the wrong time. Do not live in fear of this happen ing to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH, the alkaline .(non acid) powder, on your plates. Holds teeth more firmly, so they feel more comfortable. Does not sour. Checks “plate odor” (denture breath. Get FASTEETH at any drug store. THE SOUTHERN JEWISH WEEKLY MUSINGS .. . By Mrs. Isadore Moscovitz If a persevering intelligent, pro fessional person in the Jewish field arrives in Jacksonville for any length of time you can rest assur ed that just as he has his Jewish duties started he will become en grossed in launching his Jewish brethren on a crusade for negro rights . . . Remember Rabbi Panitz? . . . Hershel Auerbach? . . . Carl Alpert? . . . and others who were here for short or long stays . . . Many of us have been sympa thetic and understanding of their stands and most of us have agreed wholeheartedly . . . Yet, I for one, have often wondered what these liberal-minded people hope to ac complish by the methods they em ployed by preaching to Jewish audiences what should be done to elevate the colored people , , , Be hind the fine addresses is the in sinuation that Southern Jewry must raise itself above the inherent prejudices of the Southland . . . This has never failed to amaze me inasmuch as approximately 70% of “Southern” Jewry consists of Northern Jews transplanted. . . Os course this doesn’t excuse any thing—prejudice North or South should be combatted . . . but I do not believe that the amount of accusations cast at Southern Jewry is in proportion to the facts . . . Locally, in the last few months Jacksonville Jewish merchants have done some fine things for the colored citizenry ... In answer to the charge that Jewish merchants in the negro shopping centers 00 not employ colored help may I say that the Jewish owned Daylight Groceries have opened one of the largest and most modern food markets in the South at Eighth and Davis streets and it is entirely staffed by colored personnel . . . Neither is this an isolated case . . . There are other colored salesmen and helpers employed by Jewish firms . . . The new Wolfson block complete with its clean, up-to-the-minute stores and its new theatre has done a great deal for colored morale issue ... I maintain that the that this is inconsequential in the face of the negro fight in the South for the right to vote, may I add that the prospect of a weekly fashion show conducted by colored models in the lovely new Roosevelt Theatre in the “block” is an up-lift for domestics living in hovels . 1 . There are other cases which can be cited . . . but stating example for example can often cloud the issue ... I maaintain that the problem is neither wholely a Sou thern one nor can Southern Jewry be set aside by itself and accused of silently bearing witness to a bad condition. The problems of the negroes is a national one and can be aided by supporting such measures as the FEPC . . . This business of de manding that one minority come to the assistance of another sim ply doesn’t work . . . There are toe many purposes of cross currents ... In this exhibition of brotherly love what are we to do with anti- Semitic negroes who do not want our good will? ... BROTHERHOOD WEEK GREETINGS FROM YOUR MUNICIPAL BROADCASTING STATION W J AX 930 KC AFFILIATED WITH NATIONAL BROADCASTING CQ. THOS. C. IMESON, Commissioner In Charge 3 JAYS RESTAURANT EDGEWOOD AND POST PHONE 2-9232 10th STREET AND MAIN Congress Lawyer Wins Merit Award | it; 3 wj Mies Pauli Murray, • member if the legal staff es the Cemmisettn on Law and Social Action of the American Jewish Congress, won tin 1946 Made-, moiaelle Merit Awarff. for lijML achievement in l*w> A graduate of Howard University law school and re cipient of a Reeenwald Fellowship, Miss Murray was temporary Deputy Attorney General for the State of Cali fornia before joining the staff of the American Jewish Congress to aid in its campaign against racial dhcrinunatien, Drive For $15,000,000 University Os Judaism New York, (JTA) —A 1947 drive for $1,560,000 in the metropolitan area toward the development of a University of Judaism at the Jew ish Theological Seminary has been launched here. Sixty-one congre gations and communities in this region will participate in the cam paign, it was announced. Judge Emanuel Greenberg of the New York State Court of Claims, who has been named chairman of the drive in the New York area, said at a press conference that the effort here was part of a national three-year campaign to raise sls, 000,000 toward the creation of the University, which would provide facilities for study, research and training in every aspect of Jewish life. The national quota for 1947 is $5,000,000. It is planned to develop a School of Jewish Social Work, a School of Advanced Jewish Stud ies, a Center of Jewish Music, Arts and Letters and other units at the University. The drive is being conducted in cooperation with the United Synagogue, national organ ization of Conservative Jewish congregations, and the Rabbinical Assembly, national body of the Conservative rabbinate. THE SOUTHSIDE’S EXCUSIVE MEN’S SHOP The Stag Shop Inc. “On the Square” 1967 SAN MARCO SQUARE Geo. Vetter. Mgr. Jacksonville SAN JQSE BEAUTY CENTER A Distinctive Beauty Service 1959 San Marco Blvd. Phone 9-3740 or 9-6631 CLOSE-OUT SPECIALS ON NURSERY STOCK To balance our stocks and, wind up the fruit tree planting sea son, we are offering our cus tomer-friends some real values in the following good quality nursery stock for Florida plant ing. Practically all prices are reduced 25% from our earlier list price on the seme fine qual ity stock. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT—CASH IN ON THESE EXCELLENT VALUES! THOMAS GRAPE A purple grape of the scupper nong type. Bears sweet, juicy grapes in August and Septem- Reg. 80c 60C PINEAPPLE PEAR Blight-resistant. Large vp fruit. Reg. SI.OO /DC TANE-NASHI PERSIMMON The favorite large pointed-fruit, Japanese persimmon Reg. SI.OO /DC CELESTE FIG The small sugar fig. vp Reg. SI.OO /DC JEWEL PEACH Adapted variety for Florida. Free stone; bears well when young. QP Reg. $1.25 YDC EXCELSIOR PLUM Wine-red; favorite plum origin ated for Florida by Glen St. Mary Nurseries. as Reg. $1.25 YDC BURBANK PLUM Lives up tp the reputation of its illustrious originator. QC#» Reg. $1.25 wX MEYER LEMON The hardiest lemon. Large fruit. <M TC Reg. $2.25 Mixed DARWIN TULIP BULBS 75c Dozen Mail Orders Postpaid Schley, Moneymaker Success Pecans All fine varieties of paper shell nut 4 to 5 Feet. M CA Regular $4.50 A few smaller sizes and other varieties available Mail orders—Add 10c per tree, packing charge, on orders up to 3 trees, 5c each for additional trees in order. E. A. Martin Seed Co. 202 E. Bay St. Phone 5-8481 Page Five