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THE OLDEST AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED JEWISH PUBLICATION IN THIS TERRITORY VOL. 23 No. 4 Columbians Planned Hate Campaign Capital Spotlight BY BEATRICE HEIMAN (Copyright, 1947, JTA, Inc.) Secretary of State Marshall’s first public statement on Palestine has caused considerable specula tion. In the midst of his first press conference since entering the State Department, the Secretary, after a lengthy review of our foreign problems, volunteered some iv marks about Palestine. A warmth, and sympathetic note entered his voice, in rather sudden contrast to the brisk tone with which he dispatched a longs list of other questions, from disarmament to re organization of the Department. Marshall is not a man to talk for the sake of talking. Nor in the manner of many diplomats, does he talk to becloud an issue. Therefore, the words he uses carry significance. When he tenped as not the case at all, the generally assumed implication that the Brit ish plan strong military action in Palestine, he must have had good grounds for so saying. In the face of the chaotic, panic inspired measures so far enforced by the British, Marshall’s state ment is not easy to accept. But weight is lent it by reports from other sources. They indicate that Foreign Secretary Bevin, concern ed at the interpretation put on the ultimatum to the Jewish Agency, and at the nature of the publicity hare, has been assuring this gov ernment that repression is not Planned, and that the ultimatum was misconstrued. In any case, the American Em bassy in London has observed the negotiations of the British Gov ernment with Jewish and Arab representatives, and, as Secretary arshall said, we arc being kept closely informed about the critical discussions. Forseeing a chain of investigat ory bodies to add to the almost wo score which already °°hed into the Palestine situation, an acid cartoonist in a Tel Aviv newspaper took a long look into e future. He pictured a stratis- ere meeting of two planes in 7. Called out one pilot to t v e other: * I ’ m carrying a party of explor ers from Jupiter to Mars.” Hallooed the second pilot: -i fiave an Inquiry commission >mg from London to Tel Aviv ~° c °nsider remo\al of a traffic light.” * * * Preparatory Commission of e International Refugee Organ ization hrs opened meetings in eneva to plan the transition to e IRO. It is scheduled to be es ablished July 1, if the necessary unds are allocated. High on the Priority list of Secretary Marshall egislation deemed necessary by e State Department, is a bill Providing for United States partic ipation in the IRO. Radio Program, Feb. 23, For Jewish Music Week The Eternal Light marks Jewish Music Week on Sunday, (February 23, 1947, NBC 12:30 PM, EST) with the broadcast of The Song of Berditchev by Morton Wishen grad. The Eternal Light, a coast-to coast radio program presented under the auspices of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, is a public service presentation of the National Broadcastng Com pany. Dr. Moshe Davis is program editor. The Song of Berditchev is the story of how Reb Levi Yitzhok, c mrnamed The Compassionate, first came to sing the liturgy known as the Kaddish of Levi Yitzhok. Music for-the Eternal Light is composed by Morris Mamorsky and coridticted by Miltoh Katims. Can tor Robert Segpl will sing the lit urgical music. The production will be under the direction of Frank Papp and Milton E. Krents is pro ducer for the Seminary. At the conclusion of the program there will be a brief address by Mr. Fred Jacobi, composer, teach er of Composition at the Julliard School of Music and chairman of the music contest of the National Jewish Music Council. Jewish War Ms Praise Haganah For Its Resistance Program; Urge Liberalization of 11. S. Immigration Laws CLEVELAND, Ohio —Praise for the Jewish resistance movement in Palestine and criticism of Great Britain’s threat of martial law in the Holy Land was voiced in resolutions adopted at the quarterly meeting of the National Executive Committee of the Jewish War Veterans of the U. S. A. which met here last weekend. The Haganah, official Jewish resistance group in Palestine, sponsored by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, was likened to “the Amer ican Minute Men of the Revolutionary War”. Declaring that the “Haganah has taken up arms only for defense,” the resolution said that “the Haganah has shown remarkable forebearance, ddlpite constant provocation by the British, through acts of violence directed against the Jewish community, and through Britain’s refusal to allow 100,000 Jews into Palestine as recom mended by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine.” (The Haganah is not to be confused with Irgun Zvei Leumi and the Stern group, two smaller resistance groups not officially sponsored by the Jewish community through the Jewish Agency.) In the other resolution on Palestine, Great Britain was urged not to “impose martial law in Palestine because it would further injure rela tionships between the Jews and the British and would, in all likelihood, result in greater conflict with consequent loss of life.” The resolution also criticized Great Britain for its dilatory tactics” in implementing the recommendations of the Anglo-American Committee on Inquiry for Palestine. President Truman and Secretary of State Marshall were urged to continue to use “diplomatic pressure” on the British government JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1947 Acquires a Family >• . V -y J|||| Bencyen Szerman, 22, above, concen tration camp survivor, was discovered in a DP center in Germany by Lt. Nor man H. Gold, who saw in him a close resemblance to his brother, Berwyn, killed in action in France. As a result, young Szerman was brought to the U.S.A. with the aid of United Service for New Americans, who'se work is sup ported by the {170,000,000 campaign of the United Jewish Appeal for 1947. Lt. Gold’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jakob Gold, of Philadelphia, gave him a home and Szerman, who lost his father, mother, sisters and brothers in concen tration camp, now has a new family. to get an early and favorable solution of the Palestine question in accordance with the Balfour Declaration which pledged Great Britain to aid in the establishment of a Jewish State in Pal estine.” The JWV also urged Congress to “amend the present immigration laws so that displaced persons could be admitted into the U. S. to the extent that unused American immigration quotas have accumulated during the past ten years. The JWV pledged itself to “undertake a vigorous legislative program to influence the Congress of the United States to take the initiative in help ing solve the problem of the wbrld’s displaced persons.” Another resolution criticized the motion picture, “Abie’s Irish Rose” as being “inimical to the development of better relations in the United States between peoples of divergent back grounds.” The resolution declared that the pic ture “tended to perpetuate the caricature of Jews and Irishmen.” At the same time, Walter Win chell was praised for “initiating and carrying through his campaign against dialect comedians who hold persons of foreign background up to ridicule.” The JWV protested, “against the use of the word ‘veteran’ in connection with press stories of crimes”. It was maintained that the identi fication of a criminal as a veteran "was, in most cases, not essential to the news story and that it tended to degrade all veterans unnecessarily.” The 52nd annual encampment of the JWV, it was announced, will be held in St. Paul, Min nesota, from October 15 through 19. The next meeting of the National Executive Committee will be held in St. Louis April 26 and 27. Rev. A. C. Shuler of Jax Charged By Anti-Nazi League As Supporter Atlanta Plans of The Columbians to expand their Nazi-like organization into at least seven states outside of Georgia and to com bine their activities with other subersive or hate-breeding groups were revealed recently in the office of Solicitor General E. E. Andrews on the eve of the trial of three leaders of the terrorist organization. World Jewish Congress Prepares For Conference Dr. I. Schwartzbart, head of the organization department of the World Jewish Congress, announced that preliminary preparations had been completed for the Latin- American conference of the World Congress to be held at Montevideo, Uruguay, starting April 20. Pointing out that more than 600,000 Jews, or better than 10 per cent of Jewry- in the Americas, re side in TLatin American countries, Dr. Schwartzbart, who will attend the Montevideo parleys, said: “The Latin American Jewisn communities represent an immense source of devotion for our Jewish heritage and are imbued with a readiness to make sacrifices for the good of the Jewish people. (Continued on Page 4) in 8 States Emory Burke, president, Homer L. Loomis, Jr., executive secretary and organizer, and Ira Jett, a charter member, are being tried in Fulton County Court on four charges of riot, inciting to riot, usurpation of police powers and illegal possession of dynamite. They are being prosecuted by Andrews and, if convicted, are liable to terms of one year on each charge. Other indictments are pending. Burke and Loomis, according to newly discovered information turn ed over to Georgia authorities by Prof. James H. Sheldon, adminis trative chairman of the Anti-Nazi League, had already established a branch of The Columbians in Indi ana under direction of an individ ual arrested 14 times since 1931, and had taken steps to extend their fascist activities to Wisconsin, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, Califor nia and Minnesota. At the same time, Prof. Sheldon revealed that on February 13, 1943, when the tide of war had not yet turned in our favor, Emory Burke, president of The Columbians, de clared in a letter: “If Germany falls, the entire white race falls and the world will be turned over to the barbarian Asiatic and filthy jew!” By his own admission, Burke also worked in the National ist movement with George E. Deatherage who was indicted for sedition by the U. S. Government. New evidence was also offered to show that rabidly un-American groups in this country had been actively communicating with the Columbians and some had offered financial, moral and political sup port. These groups included the American Gentile Army with head quarters in Conyers, Georgia; the underground Nazi-like organiza tion called the Democratic Nation alist Party (the same title current ly used by the underground Nazis in Germany); Gerald L. K. Smith and his Christian American Veter and Organization; the Protestant War Veterans of America, headed by the indicted seditionist Edward James Smythe; The Stoner Anti- Jewish Party of Chattanooga, Ten nessee, and others. Frank W. Clark, also indicted for sedition, sent financial support and 15,000 copies of a violently anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic tract called “Anti- Gentilism”. The first “colony” set up by The Columbians outside Georgia, was at Indianapolis, Indiana. In early November, 1946, Loomis was In communication with one Raymond C. Vick of 2810 College Ave., Ind (Continued on Page 13) $3.00 A YEAR