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Friday, December 9, 1955 Fort Myers, Florida Chanukah Gelts in Reverse BY JUDAH RICHARDS Ons of the most time honored methods of observing Chanukah has been the practice of making gifts to schools and teachers at that season. The teachers in Jewish schools—particularly in Europe and North Africa —have almost always lived in relative poverty. Chanu kah has been the occasion when people in the community who could afford to do so sought to reward the teachers in some measure for their devoted and unremunerative work during the year. This custom of giving “Chanu kah Gelt” to the schools is being reversed in a striking way this year by the young men who live at Boystown in Jerusalem. In one of the most unique and heart warming expressions of the Chan ukah spirit, these boys, whose ages range from twelve to seven teen, are observing the holiday by bringing baskets of fruits and vegetables to some of the poorer families of Jerusalem and its su burbs. The idea originated with a Best Wishes LEONE'S X-RAY SHOE STORE FIRST STREET PHONE 5-5401 FORT MYERS, FLORIDA CHANUKAH GREETINGS Hasting Gulf Service Station Monroe and First Phone 5-2561 FORT MYERS, FLORIDA CHANUKAH GREETINGS Fine Shoe Repairina at CHARLEY'S SHOE SHOP ALL WORK GUARANTIED 2113 MAIN STREET (Across from Court House) FORT MYERS, FLORIDA GREETINGS AT CHANUKAH TIME BLUE GOOSE RESTAURANT SEAFOOD A SPECIALTY Home Cooking Air Conditioned "You Catch Them ... We Cook Them " Alma Wells and Lula Lindeunuith 2*05 FIRST STREET FORT MYERS, FLORIDA GREETINGS AT CHANUKAH TIME BUD WILLIAMS PAINT STORE Paints Varnishes Enamels STORE PHONE 4-2782 HOME PHONE 5-5281 Bud Williams, Owner 1811 HENDRY STREET FORT MYERS, FLORIDA GREETINGS AT CHANUKAH TIME SUMMEY'S MUSIC "Your Complete Music Store" PIANOS INSTRUMENTS _ _ 1723 HENDRY STREET FORT MYERS. FLA. PHONE 5-4141 GREETINGS AT CHANUKAH TIME Knudsen & Adams, Inc. REALTORS 1539 Iroadwoy FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Phone ED 2-7401 Greetings and Best Wishes FORT MYERS PHOTO SUPPLY Everything Photographic Dick end Judith Harmon Commercial Photography - Candid • Weddings 1531 Broadway FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Phone 5-8541 GREETINGS AT CHANUKAH TIME GIEEU TOP CABS Phones 2-8241 - 5-6061 2141 FIRST STREET FORT MYERS, FLORIDA group of the boys themselves. Their regular program of activity includes the growing of various types of garden produce on the school's own land. They decided to keep some of the late harvest under refrigeration and distribute it at Chanukah time. The devoted teachers who lead this combined school and home for underprivileged but gifted boys take great pride in this decision of their students. It dem onstrates the effectiveness of their efforts to inculcate in these grow ing Israelis a sense of belonging, a feeling of responsibility to the community and the nation. To many of these youngsters, this woiild have been an unfamiliar idea before they entered Boys town. For Boystown. Jerusalem finds its student body among those groups which have the least understanding of the privileges and obligations of citizenship in a democracy. Many of the boys and their families are just one or two years removed from the backward lands of North Africa Best Wishes Tillis Furniture Co. FURNITURE AND ALL HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Your Credit Is Good "Will Treat You Right" Exclusive Dealer BADCOCK'S FURNITURE HENDRY STREET FORT MYERS, FLORIDA THE SOUTHERN JiWISH WEEKLY “Home of the Thomas A. Edison Shrine” and the Middle East. They have oeen accustomed to semi-slavery, and have little knowledge of tne roxe of the individual in a free land. *et each of these boys has real potentialities. Boystown selects its siuuents witn care, xinaing tnose wno are git tea tnougn unedu cated, witn genuine leadership qualities. These hoys, wno might otherwise arm aimlessly and find great difficulty in adjusting to tneir environment, are trained vocationally ana prepared for tne highest type of ciuzenship in tne State of'lsrael. The idea of Boystown origi nated wuh a group of American Jewish leaders who visited Israel, and were struck with the need for some specialized training tor boys of varying backgrounds who, be cause of language and other dif ficulties, couid not easily find their proper piace in the life ot the country. Through the initia tive of this group, buildings and land were obtained on she highest hilltop in Jerusalem* The school, of which Ira Guilden, noted Hew York communal leader, is Board Chairman, now serves 120 citizen students, who live there and carry on a rounded course of study. Palestine's Tangled Story Involves U.S. (Continued from Page 22) really meant was that they should give back to the Arabs that part of Arab Palestine which they had conquered in the fighting of 1948* 49. They said no. They appealed to the United States for arms. This country said it would consider their request. At once. Egypt warned the United States that if it gave the Jews arms it would lose the friendship of the Arab world of which Egypt is leader. The United States wants to keep the Arabs friendly but, be cause of the large Jewish popula tion in this country, has to think twice about refusing Israel arms. If full-scale war breaks out in Palestine, it would in the end in volve this country and Russia. Greetings and Best Wishes DAVIES CYCLE CENTER 1407 CITRUS STREET PHONE 4-6571 FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Compliments of "The Bank of Friendly Service" LEE COUNTY BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FORT MYERS, FLA. CHANUKAH GREETINGS DINE AT . . . THAD WILSONS DRIVE INN Yea'll Return 2335 CLEVELAND AVENUE Fort Myers, Florida TOP STASE, SCREEN An MUSICAL ARTISTS IN CHANURAH FESTIVALS FOR ISRAEL BONDS In many cities in the United States and Canada, prominent artists of Holly wood, Broadway, opera and the concert stage are taking leading roles in tho reenactment of the 2,000 year old Chanukah story and in a memorable Israel Bond salute to the Maccabees of ancient times and those who are struggling to assure the survival of modem Israel. Among the stellar performers appearing in Chanukah Festivals for Israel Bonds in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Boston are: (above top row left to right) Louis Calhem, Edward G* Robinson and Joseph Schildkraut. (Bottom row—left to right) Mischa El Jarmila Novotna and Jan Peerce. Chanukah Festivals and special concerts during the Chanukah season will highlight the Israel Bond campaigns in Detroit, Newark, Los Angeles, Oakland, Calif., Baltimore, Richmond, Va* Pittsburgh, Allentown, Pa., Toronto, Montreal and Winnipeg, Canada. CHANUKAH GREETINGS SHIVER FURNITURE CO. W. W. SHIVER 2143 & 2145 ANDERSON AVENUE IPHONE 5-5261 FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Greetings and Best Wishes Drake Feed & Ranch Snpply Co. Seeds Fertilizers Poultry and Cattlemen's Supplies ANDERSON and BROADWAY FT. MYERS, FLA. PHONE 5-6361 GREETINGS AT CHANUKAH TIME HEITMAN PROPERTIES 11 Theatre Arcade Phone 5-0501 Fort Myers, Florida GREETINGS AT CHANUKAH TIME The MARSHE Exclusive Styles Marshe Building Fort Myers, Florida Best Wishes SERAPIN'S TOWER RADIO Radio - Television - Sound Sales and Service George R. Serapin 1614 JACKSON STREET PHONE ED 5-6321 FORT MYERS, FLORIDA CHANUKAH GREETINGS jbiana Sltofi 2278 FIRST STREET TELOPHONE 4-1411 FORT MYERS. FLORIDA CHANUKAH GREETINGS Thirty-five Years in South Florida Real Estate Wm. H. Reynolds - W*. H. Reynolds, Jr. Rkhard H. Pritchett, Jr. - Thomas H. Baker REYNOLDS-PRITCHETT Real Estate Specialists 1536 Broadway Phone 5-2441 REFERENCES First National Bank Lee County Bank FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page Twenty-three