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MARRIED OR SINGLE. GONOVA Is a the positive cure of GONORRHOEA, Gleet, Unnatural discharges, Inflamma tion, Irritations and Ulceration* of the mucous membranes. An internal rem edy with injection combined, warranted to cure worst cases in one week. $3 per package or 2 for $5. Sent anywhere on receipt of price. Insist on your druggist selling you this kind, cheaper or other remedies "Will fool you. Bear this arnlng in mind. Act on it and get quick cure. THE GRAND PRIZE THE HIGHEST AWARD AT THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S PAIR WAA OIVfcN TO cp1YEJto WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING* slickers. HAT5 Pommel slickers A- J. TOWER CO.. ESTABLISHED 1636 -BOSTON- New YORK- -CHICACO TOWIR CANADIAN CO.. LiaiM. TORONTO. CAN (NOT MADE BY A TRUST.) Works Biscuits ARE SOLD BY Anton Grams F. E. Snanson J' C. S. Welk H. Pryley Thatcher Thatcher J. S. Pol ski Lawrence & Gllman Mrs. R. Louse & Co Johnson Bros. Richard Dimham Johnson & Moe A. Langrlofs Sivanrnm & Stohre Hartnett Grocery Co. Frank Suech Robt. Lneck Anderson & Ogg Molr & Walker Fred W. ricks on H. Christian Johnson & Nelson ,* A. Lysen A. Konecgny C. M. Brooks & Soa Victor Johnson Eden & Edlund Ed. Dormedy Thos. Foublster A. N. Donald J. A. Llndvall Every Day Cncreases the Demand for "Commander flour EVERY PACKAGE GUARANTEED. Manufactured by GREGORY COOK & CO. Commander Mills, Duluth, Minn. Ail Grocers ARTHUR J. HARKER, Sanitary Plumbing. Gas Fitting, Hot Water and Steam Heating. No. 407 EAST FOURTH STREET. Duluth and Zenith Phones. B. J. COOK. Manager. New building. Modern in every par* ticular. 210-212 West Superior St. C. 0. KRISTENSON, Manufacturer of MAGIC PIANO POLISH The best in the world. Ask your dealer for it. 326 E. Sup. St. Phone 1208. S- Duluth Candy G®s Manufacturing Confectioner*. JLak lor Alameda Chocolates, ••m.20 Eut First Street PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOB LADIES. H. V. G. HANSEN, GRADUATED MIDWIFE. Treatment of all Diseases Peculiar te Women. 413 7th Ave. E.. Dnlnth. Minn. Zenith Phone 1225. m|YY A cur* goarkntttd if 7mow PILESRU--suppositoml 11 -tsfg yity i'^v'^^VYu^WH:m It^»v-s 1 French treatment for Male and Female, for :r J. E. Roos Market Grocery Co. Hall & Burns J. A. Jeffery Gustnfwon Bros. N. J. Dahlateen Geo. H. Schulenber«r H. E. Buslkoldt E. J. Bouslsn S. G. MeT&KKert Rustad & Johnson D. Huu Tbsapaoa, Bupt. Grade* Sohoola, StMarrill*, X. C., write*: 1 can uy duy (to all jva claim for tham." Dr. S. X. Devon, RaTen Book, w. Va„ write*: They gtT* noirerMl •ati» fhction." Dr. H. D. MoOlll, GUrkibwg, Tni„ wiiuai I In a pCMtlo* ol year*. I htn found no reto*dT t* I oqual yomn." fvei, (0 Cum. SamplM Tra*. loll P™«*****• MAHTIN BUOY. LANCASTER, PA. Sold la Duluth by s. F. Boroa, Call for free samolet FISCHER PIANOS! 123,000 IN USE. HOWARD, FAR WELL & OO.f 17 West Superior Street. W. J. ALLEN*, n,- rm»i. Manager. Expert Piano and Pipe Organ Tuning. PAUL'S BAND AND ORCHESTRA OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS. I 0 N S 1 0 Address 3 WEST FIFTH STREET. A AMERICAN GIRL BEATS THE BRITONS LONDON, July 4.—Miss May Sutton of Pasadena, Cal., upheld the honors of the United States alone in the all England lawn tennis championships at Wimbledon today. William A. Lamed and Win. J. Clothier, were defeated in the doubles and Holcombe Ward and Beals C. Wright postponed their match against S. H. Smith and Frank L. Riseley. It looks as though Miss Sut ton will carry the championship to the United States. She has literally taken the breath from her opponents by her dashing game, meeting them at all points in speed and generalship. The American-Australasian match in the doubles was the feature of today's play. Notwithstanding their defeats, the Americans played great tennis and gave their opponents some uneasiness. Norman Brookes and Walter Dunlop, however, outgeneraled the Americans. It was a fine exhibition but the New Zealanders won on their merits. In the finals of the singles Brookes beat Smith and consequently the cham pionship lies between England and Aus tralasia, while in the doubles Eng land, America and Australasia, are still in the game. FOUR DEATHS AT PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA. July 4.—Four per sons dead, four fatally injured and more than 200 others wounded, is the result of the Independence day celebra tion in this,city up to late tonight. The most serious tragedy of the holi day was the killing of Michael Cleary by Albert Longfrend, a policeman, while the former was rislsting arrest. Cleary and a friend were celebrating the day when they fell into a fight with an Italian. Longfren stopped the fight and arrested Cleary and his friend. A crowd pounced on the policeman and were beating him when he shot into the crowd, killing Cleary. While sitting on the front steps of her home, Mrs. George Clements was shot in the abdomen by a stray bullet and died in the hospital tonight. George Ostrow, a nine year old boy, was almost instantly killed by a man who was examining a revolver. BROODS OP POULTRY KILLED BY DOGS CINCINNATI, July 4.—Mrs. Stillman, proprietress of the Winona Hotel, of Lockland, retired Wednesday night in joyful anticipation of the morrow, when a goodly number of tender young spring chickens which Mrs. Stillman had been fattening for her boarders were to die for dinner. Yesterday morning the startling dis covery was made that dogs had broken through the wire netting surrounding the poltry inclosure during the night and had devoured each and every one of the feathery creatures, numbering 120. Lockland citizens are aroused over the occurrence, as four or five other broods of poultry have been annihilat ed during the past week. It is said the source of the mischief is a pack of half-starved dogs which make their abode in Greenwood. There is talk of dog lynching and of licenses. CUPOLA TENDER HAS HARVEYIZED SKULL CINCINNATI, July 4.—Antonio Skullkey, 503 Augusta street, has a Harveyized! skull, according to doctors at the city hospital. Skullkey Is a cupola tender for-the Standard Pulley company. The cupola attended by Skullkey Is 15 feet high. Yesterday a bar of pig iron weighing forty pounds dropped from the top of the cupola and struck him on the head. Skullkey went down, but his skull was not fractured. Instead he quickly arose to his feet and made his way to the City hospital. The only Injury he had sustained was a scalp .wound. LONG RANGE KISSES FOR STRICKEN BABY CINCINNATI, July 4.—Unable longer to withstand separation from their only child Harry, who is confined in the city hospital with diphtheria, Mr. and Mrs. Nymaa Neurmann, 1424 Rice street yes terday visited1 the institution and told a pathetic story of sleepless nights and days of anxiety. Health regulations would not permit the child to be visited but the anxious parents were given a sight of their be loved little one. While they stood at the opposite side of Ann street the child was held up to the window by a nurse and, at long distance the mother and father threw kiss after kiss at the child and went home comforted. M'CORMICK AND RUHLIN MATCHED SAN FRANCISCO, July 4.—Jimmy McCormick today signed articles to meet Gus Ruhlin before the Colomax Athletic club on Aug. 11, the winner to take 75 per cent erf the purse. Billy Madden, Ruhlin's manager, has wired his acceptance from New York and will leave for San Francisco at an early date. Marvin Hart stated at Reno yesterday that he would meet the winner of the Ruhlin-McOormick fight at San Francisco on Labor Day. HOW POPE FEELS ABOUT FRENCH VOTE ROME, July 4.—The Vatican author ities have received numerous telegrams from Paris concerning the vote in the chamber of deputies approving the separation of church and state. After ward in receiving Cardinal Taliani, his holiness said he was not surprised at the result, which he had expected, but he was sure that God would give the church strength to overcome the crisis. GO OUT ON THE SPREE. BERLIN, July 4.—The American col ony here celebrated the Fourth of July with the usual steamer excursion on the river Spree to Germanau, where there were baseball games and other sports. This evening a banquet of 360 covers was taken at which formal addresses and other customary features were omimitted. TUCKER SUSPENDED. GRAND FORKS. July 4.—Player Tucker of the Winnipeg ball team has been indefinitely suspended by President Kent, for a threatened assault on Um pire Quigg. DIES OF HEART FAILURE. TORONTO, July 4.—Chas. M. Kemp son, prominent lumber merchant of the United States, and until a few months ago a resident of Chicago, has been found dead In his room here. Death was due to heart failure. He was a native of Concord, N. H. 4 Johnson ft Kaako Dontlsts. We Guarantee Our Work. Both 'Phones. Metaba Blk., 409 W. Superior 8i WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS ELECT OLD OFFICERS PORTLAND, Ore., July 4.—The National Woman Suffrage association today unan imously re-elected the old officers with the exception of vice-president-at-large and second auditors. The board stands as follows: President, Susan B. Anthony, New York vice president, Florence Kelly, Illinois corresponding secretary, Kate M. Gordon, Louisiana recording secre tary, Alice Stone Blackwell, Massachu setts treasurer, Harriet Taylor, Upton, Ohio. The delegates voted to change the bylaws requiring alternate conventions to be held at Washington and made it op tional. SAN DOMINGO HAS MASTERED REVOLT SAN DOMINGO. July 4.—Telegraphic communication with Barahona City has been re-established. The minister of war has wired the government that General Candelario De LaRosa Is trying to reach Haytlem territory and that tihis circum stance had virtually brought about a pa cific state of affairs at Barahona. The United States cruiser Des Moines re turned here today from Barahona Cii.y. The remainder of the republic continues quiet. STOP ALL TRAINS TO RESCUE WOMAN NEW YORK, July 4.—Seeing Cath erine Cowan, aged 35 years, leap into the North river, two New York Central railway signal men set the signals in their tower stopping all trains while they went to her assistance in a row boat. The woman was rescued, but died later in a hospital. DROWNED AT MINNBTONKA. MINNEAPOLIS, July 14.—Vernon B. Martin, son of J. W. Martin, of Minne apolis, was drowned while sailing a sloop in the races at Lake Minnetonka today. The mast broke as the sloop rounded a buoy and Martin was knocked into the lake, which was very rough. He was a university athlete. CHINESE AGAIN PROTEST. HONG KONG, July 4.—A meeting representing 20,000 Chinese was held at Canton July 1 to discuss the Chinese exclusion act. As a result the native Christians formulated a petition to President Roosevelt protesting against the exclusion act and pointing out the hardships it entailed on merchahtsand students. LADIES ONLY. fV|. T.o TYiift'aFrom Paris. Three ur. XJB jjuc a packages are posi Genulne French tively warranted to Female Regulator SSK of Monthly Stoppages, Irregularities. Obstructions and Suppressions brought on from wKatever PATHOLOGICAL cause, or return money. $2 a package or 8 for $5.Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of price. Insist on getting this remedy, other* will disappoint yqu. Druggists try to sell others, but do not be deceived. City Union Directory FEDERATED TRADES ASSEMBLY— Meets second and fourth Friday of each month at Labor World Hall, Man hattan building. President, Joseph Shar tel vice president, S. S. McDonald: finan cial secretary-treasurer, Chas. J. Mc Dowell recording and corresponding sec retary, Wm. Tunell, care Labor World, 206 Manhattan Bldg. reading clerk, Geo. Northfield, 121 E. Superior street. AMALGAMATED MEAT CUTTERS and Butcher Workman Local 12.—Meets at Labor World Hall, Manhattan Build ing, second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. President, L. Bernhard vice president, W. H. Sansam finan cial secretary, Geo. Northfield, 121 B. Superior street recording secretary, Wm. Tunell, Care Labor World treas urer, Fred Schoening. BUILDING TRADES ALLIANCE— Meets first and third Monday at Labor World Hall, Manhattan Bldg. Pres, Sa muel Mahan vice president, J. Mullen financial secretary, Robert Jennings recording secretary-treasurer, J. D. Mel dahl, 305 So. 63rd. avenue West. MAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS' TTN lon. No. 109—Meets first and third Saturday of each month at 18 West Superior street. President Conrad Neustel vice president, Henry Jacob son treasurer, John Llnd secretary of •lck and death fund, George Wassum. City Bakerv. West Superior Wis. fin ancial secretary, H. B. Ekstrom record ing secretary, Richard Richter, 218 West 4th at. BREWERY WORKERS' UNION NO. 133 —Meets the first Saturday or each month at the Kalamazoo building. No. 18 West Superior street. President, A. Stenglein vice president, Chas. Unden recording secretary, Robt. Wentland treasurer, Chas Gooder financial sec retary, Rudolph Schlpper, 415 East 9th street. CARPENTERS' UNION—Meets Tuesday evenings at Kalamazoo building. President, Geo. Berger vice president, James Johnston recording secretary, W. K. Fowler treasurer, Edw. Erick son financial secretary. J. J. Mork, 2407 West 6th St CIGARMAKERS' UNION NO. Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month at Labor World Hall, Man hattan building. President W. Wtl kins vice president, Peter Suffels finan cial secretary- treasurer. Matt Ettlnger, 326 West Superior street recording-corre sponding secretary, Paul Pneuman, 507 East Sith street. COOKS AND WAITERS' UNION NO. 63 —Meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at Labor World Hall, Manhattan bldg. Pres., Lillie Cope land vice president and business agent, Chris. Jenson secretary Andy Hogelson treasurer Geo. Wanch financial secre tary H. Wilcox. DULUTH MUSICIANS* UNION NO. 18. A. F. of M. Meets first Tuesday or each month at Kalamazoo Blk, Hall A. President, Arthur Howell vice presi dent, H. W. Lanncrs financial secre tary, Louis Mostue treasurer, Chas. A. Gregory sergeant at arms. Henry Flaaten recording secretary Ingvald Westgaard, 7 and 9 First avenue West, ELECTRICAL WORKERS' UNION NO. SI.—Meets on the first, third and fifth Thursdays of each month, in the Labor World Hall, Manhattan building. President, Wm. F. Murnlan, 229 N. 54th avenue W. financial secretary, C. W. Higgins, 418 8th Ave. W. recording secretary, H. J. Gibbs, 1029 W. First st LATHERS'UNION, NO. 12, W. W. A M. T* F.—Meets on the second and fourth Friday of each month at Labor World Hall, Manhattan building. Presi dent W. C. Campbell vice president, J. H. Tomlln secretary, Albert Meldahl, 305 South Sixty-third avenue West treas urer L. Hanson, South Sixty-first avenue West. LICENSED TUGMEN'S PROTECTIVE Association. Zenith Lodge No. 1.— Meets every Wednesday during the win ter season at Clark block, 21 West Su perior st. President, C. H. Green first vice president, Martin Cole second vice presi dent, Chas. McEachren financial secre tary, R. F. Barrows, 21 58th Ave. E. treasurer, J. H. Bishop. LEATHER WORKERS' UNION. NO. 83, *U- meets at Labor World Hall, Manhattan building, on the first and third Fridays o£ each month. President, C. E. Brownson vica president, Lent Stephens financial secre tary and treasurer, Frank Richardson, 8% West Fifth srteet recording secre tary, C. J. McDowell, 213 Third avenue west chaplain, Alex Johnson guard, Jos. Melik. MARINE ENGINEERS' BENEFICIAL Association, No. 78.—Meets everf Wednesday of each month during the winter months at Engineers' hall, Ly ceum Bldg. President, Jas. H. Bishop first vice president, Chas. Hector sec ond vice president, J. J. McCoy treas urer, A. Harvey corresponding secre tary, J. P. Burg, 2722 Minnesota Ave. financial secretary, George Trevillion. MACHINISTS' UNION, ZENITH LODGE No. 247, I. A. of M.—Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Axa building, 221 West Superior street. President, N. P. White vice president Jos. Pringle, financial secre tary, C. M. Lynn, 29th street, Park Point treasurer, Frank Booren, 514 Fifty-sev enth avenue West corresponding and re cording secretary, O. B. Paine, No. 4 Osborne Terrace. Affiliated with Trades Assembly. RETAIL CLERKS' UNION NO. 3.— Meets 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at Labor World Hall, Manhattan Bldg. President, C. W. F. Hegg first vice president, E. Boetin, second vice president, Matt Haller recording sec retary, John Stewart financial sec retary, Edwin Hoch treas., J. M. Ken nedy, care M. S. Burrows. SHEET METAL WORKERg^T* Hj No. 32, A. S. M. W. I. A.—Meets ta« second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at Labor World Hall, Manhattan building, at 8 p. m. President Fred Bur big vice president, Henry Rau financial secretary, L. C. Burman corresponding and recording secretary, Tim Timlin, 512% East Fourth street treasurer, R. Little conductor, Victor Berg warden, H. Jero nlmus. STATIONARY FIREMEN'S UNION. NO. 1S7 (I. B. of S. F.)—Meets on the third Tuesday of each month in Labor World Hall, Manhattan building. Presi dent, John A. Ledingham vice president, Jos. Franknowsky guide, Chris G. Lar son secretary-treasurer, John Noble, 310 Lake Avenue south. STEAMFITTERS' UNION No. 426—Meets second and fourth Friday of each month until July let, 1905, In the Brunnell Block, In Superior, Wis. President. E. J. Yea ger vice president, Chas. Oman treas urer, O. G. Larson, recording and cor responding secretary, Louis Kohier. 712 West Superior street. STEAM ENGINEERS* UNION NO. IS, —Meet every Thursday in the Marine Engineers' hall in the Lyceum Bldg. President, J. S. Abbot, vice president, Alex McDonald, financial secretary, Louis Huber treasurer, M. Brown re cording secretary, L. W. Gillelend, 2513 West First street. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. NO. 138.— Meets first Sunday in each month at Kalamazoo block. President, J. A. Barron vice president. William Fergu son recording secretary- W. R. East man financial and corresponding sec retary and treasurer, AuguL.lne Mur phy, 508 \*. 2nd street. TUG FIREMZ-N AND LINEMEN'S UN ion No. 2.—Meets every Monday even ing during winter months at the Labor World Hall, Manhattan building. Presi dent, M. B. Glockle vice president, Wm. Wilson financial secretary and treasur er, Albert Elliott, 412 Fourth St. record ing secretary, Geo. Faulkner. PLUMBERS' AND GASFITTERS'. local union No. 11.—Meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the Labor World Hall, Manhattan Bldg. President, John Keenan vice president, Maurice Connell recording secretary, Daniel Halpln sargeant at arms, Paul Heideman financial secretary-treasurer, J. J. Mullen, 224 W. Fourth street. PAINTERS, DECORATORS AND Paperhangers—Meets every Tuesday at Labor World Hall, Manhattan Bldg. Pres. E. ft Kromroy vice president, Jas. Hickey treasurer, B. A. Diers finan cial secretary, M. Olseth, 120 East Su perior street recording secretary, Jas. H. Powers. 81 East Third street. PLASTERERS' UNION, No. S3, O. P. I. A.—Meets on second and fourth Wed nesday of each month at Labor World Hall, Manhattan building. President, W. J. Darby vice president, Chas, McDon ald financial secretary®, E. Perrott, Du luth Heights corresponding secretary, W. J. Watts, Highland ave., Duluth Heights delegates to the Building Trades Council, Sam Maham, C. Stromgren, Carson. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF St. Louis.—ss. District Court, Elev enth Judicial District. ANTTI HUIPERO, ULRIKA HUIPERO, Plaintiff, vs. Defendant. The State of Minnesota to the above named Defendant: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action, which complaint has been filed in the office of the Clerk of said District Court, at the City of Duluth. County of St. Louis and State of Minnesota, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his ofTice In the City of Duluth, in said County of St. Louis, within thirty days after the service of this sum mons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, together with plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein. Dated June 21, A. D. 1905. JOHN R. HBINO, Plaintiff's Attorney. No. 802-4-6 T'orrey Bldg. Duluth, Minn. Labor World, June 24, July 1-8-15-22 29, 1905. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF St. Louis.—ss. District Court. Elev enth Judicial District. LIZZIE HILL, Plaintiff. vs. FRANK HILL, Defendant. The State of Minnesota to the above named defendant: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action, which complaint has been filed in the office of the Clerk of said District Court, at the City of Duluth, County of St. Louis and State of Minnesota, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his office in the City of Duluth, in said County of St. Louis, within thirty days after the service of this sum mons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service and if you fail to ans wer the said complaint within the time aforesaid the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, together with plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein.. Dated June 21st, A. D. 1905. JOHN R. HEINO, Plaintiff's Attorney. 802-4-6 Torrey Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Labor World, June 24, July 1-8-15-22 29, 1905. ORDER FOR HEARING APPLICA TION FOR APPOINTMENT' OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF St. Louis.—ss. In Probate Court, Special Term, June 20th, 1905. In the Matter of the Estate of Edward M. Maere, Deceased: On receiving and filing the petition of Anna Maere. of the County of St. Louis, representing, among other things that Edward M. Maere late of the Coun ty of St. Louis in the State of Minne sota, on the 15th day of May A. D. 1905. at the County of St. Louis died intestate, and being an inhabitant of this County at the time of his death, leaving goods, chattels and estate with in this County, and that the said pe titioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Anna Maere granted: IT IS ORDERED, That said petition be heard before said Court on Monday, the 17th day of July A. D. 1905, at ten o'clock a. m., at the Probate office. In the Court House in the City of Duluth, in said County. ORDERED FURTHER, That notice hereof be given to the heirs of said de ceased and to all persons interested, by publishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. In the Labor World, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Duluth in said County. Dated at Duluth, Minnesota, this 20th day of June A. D. 1905. By the Court, DAVID H. LAWRENCE. Judge of Probate of Lake County. Acting Judge of Probate of St. Louis County, Minn. (Seal Probate Court. St. Louis County, Minn.) Labor World, June 24. July 1-8. ORDER FOR HEARING ON CLAIMS. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF St. Louis. ss. In Probate Court. Special Term. June 21st, 1905. In the Matter of the Estate of Eleanor Abercrombe, deceased: Letters of administration on the es tate of Eleanor Abercrombe deceased, late of the County of Kalamazoo, State of Michigan, being granted to William Prindle. IT IS ORDERED, That three (3) months be and the same is hereby al lowed from and after the date of this order, in which all nersons having claims or demands against the said de ceased are required to file the same in the Probate Court of said County, for examination and allowance, or be for ever barred. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That Monday, the 25th day of September, 1905. at 10 o'clock a. m., at a Special term of said Probate Court to be held at the Probate Office in the Court House in the City of Duluth. in said County be and the same hereby is ap pointed as the time and place when and where the said Probate Court will examine and adjust said claims and demands. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That notice of such hearing be given to all creditors and persons interested in said estate by publishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks in the Labor World, a weekly newsrn-er printed and published at Duluth in said County. Dated at Duluth. Minnesota, this 21st day of June A. D. 1905. By the Court, DAVID H. LAWRENCE, Judge of Probate of Lake County. Acting Judge of Probate of St. Louis County, Minn. (Seal of Probate Court, St. Louis Co., Minn.) Labor World, June 24, July 1-8, 1905. SHERIFFS EXECUTION SALE. Under and by virtue of an Execution issued out of and under the seal of the District Court of the State of Minne sota, in and for the Eleventh Judicial District, and County of St. Louis, on the 21st day of June, 1905, upon a Judgment rendered and docketed in said Court and County in an action therein, wherein William Spencer was Plaintiff, and Clara J. Gibbs was Defendant, in favor of said Plaintiff and against said Defendant Clara J. Gibbs for the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred Three and 80-100 ($1,603.80-100) Dollars, which said ex ecution has to me, as sheriff of said St. Louis County, been duly directed and delivered, I have levied upon and will sell at nublic auction to the high est cash bidder, at the front door of the District Court House, in the City of Duluth, in said County of St. Louis, on Saturday, the 12th day of August, 1905, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that dav all the right, title and in terest that the above named Judg ment debtor—had in and to the real estate hereinafter described on the 12th day of May, 1905, that being the date of rendition of said judgment, or any interest therein which said judg ment, debtor Clara J. Gibbs has since that day acquired. The description of the property being as follows, to-wit: Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter, of Section Four (4) North west quarter of the Southwest quarter and Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter of Section Six (6) East half Northeast quarter. Northwest 'quarter of Northwest quarter and Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter of Sec tion Seven (7) West half of North east quarter and South half of South east quarter of Section Eight (8) North half of Southeast quarter of Section Nine (9) all In Township Fif ty-four (54) North of Range Fourteen (14) West South half of Southwest quarter of Section Eleven (11) Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter and Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter of Sec tion Twelve (12) Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter of section Thir teen (13) and North half of North west quarter of Section Fourteen (14) in Township Fifty-five (55) North of Range Fifteen (15) West Southeast quarter of Northwest quar ter, Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter of Section Three (3) South west quarter of Southwest quarter of Section Five (5) Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter of Section Fourteen (14) and Southwest quarter of South east quarter of Section Fifteen (15) all in Township fifty-two (52) north of Range Fifteen (15) West Southeast quarter of Southeast quar ter of Section Fifteen (15) South half of Northwest quarter and Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Sec tion Twenty-one (21) East half of Northwest quarter of Section Twenty three (23) West half of Northeast quarter and East half of Northwest quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28) Southwest quarter of Southwest quar ter of Section Twenty-nine (29) South east quarter of Southeast quarter of Section Thirty (30) Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter. West half of Northeast quarter. East half of North west quarter and Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Section Thir ty-one (31) and Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Section Thirty two (32) all in Township Fifty-three (53) North of Range Sixteen (16 West East half of Northwest quarter. Southwest quarter of Northwest quar ter and Northwest quarter of South west quarter of Section Thirty-one (31) In Townshin Fifty-nine (59) North of Range Fifteen (15) West East half of Southwest quarter and Southwest quarter of Southwest quar ter of Section two (2) Southeast quar ter of Northeast quarter of Section ten (10) West half of Northwest quar ter and North half of Southwest quar ter of Section Eleven Southwest quar ter of Southwest quarter of Section Fourteen (14) North half of South east quarter and East half of South west quarter of Section Fifteen (15) East half of Northwest quarter and North half of Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-two (22) West half of Northeast quarter. Northwest quar ter, and Northeast quarter of South west quarter of Section Twenty-three (23) West half of Southeast quarter and Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-four (24) Northwest quarter of Northeast quar ter of Section Twenty-five (25) l%st half of Southeast quarter of Section Twenty-six (26) Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter and Northeast quar ter of Northwest quarter of Section Thirty-five (35) In Township Fifty nine (59) North of Range Sixteen (16) West South half of Northeast quarter, Southeast quarter of Northwest quar ter and Northeast quarter of South west quarter of Section Twenty-two (22) Township Sixty-eight (68) Nortb of Rang* Eighteen West of 4th Prin cipal Meridian. Lots one (1), tw$ (2) and three (8) and northeast 'quarter of northwest quarter of Section Nineteen (19) Township Sixty-eight (88) North of Range Seventeen (17) West of the Fourth Principal Meridian, all situated in St. Louis County and State of Min nesota. Dated Duluth, Minn., June 81st, 1905. WM. J. BATES. Sheriff St. Louis County, Minn. By S. PIERCE, Deputy. WM. R. SPENCER, Attorney for Judgment Creditor. Labor World, June 24, July 1-8-15-22 29, 1905. SUMMONS ON APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF LAND. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUN+Y OF St. Louis.—ss. District Court, Eleventh Judicial District. John McAlpine, applicant to have regist ered the land described as follows: Lots one hundred and four (104) and one hundred and six (106) St. Louis Avenuo, Upper Duluth, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of said county. Plaintiff. vs. Laura Selby Converse, Maud Sanderson, Florence Blood, Male M. Walsh, T. Laughton Blood, Cornelius S. Lec, James W. Lee and Laura S. Lee, and all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, Ilea or Interest in the real estate described in the application herein. Defendants. The State of Minnesota to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the application of the appli cant plaintiff in the above entitled appli cation for registration and to file a copy of your answer to the said application in the office of the clerk of said court, in said county, within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service and if you fail to answer the said application within the time aforesaid, the applicant plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the application herein. Witness, J. P. Johnson, clerk of said court, and the seal thereof, at Duluth, In said county, this 7th day of June, A. D. 1905. J. P. JOHNSON, Clerk. By V. A. DASH. Deputy. (Seal District Court, St. Louis Co.. Minn.) Labor World, June 10-17-24, July 1-8. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF St. Louis. District Court, Eleventh Judicial District. AMBROSE BRIGGS, Plaintiff, vs. JANE BRIGGS, Defendant. SUMMONS. The State of Minnesota to the above named defendant: You are .hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in the above entitled action which has been filed In the office of the clerk of said court and to serve a copy of your ans wer thereto upon the subscribers at their office in the City of Eveleth, County and State aforesaid within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you exclusive of the day of such service. If you fail to answer the complaint within such time the plaintiff will ap p'- to the court for the relief demand ed therein. DAVIS & FERRY, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Campbell Building, Eveleth. Minn. Labor World, June 24, July 1-8-15-22 29. 1905. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF St. Louis. District Court. Eleventh Judicial District. Arthur E. Blake, Plaintiff, vs. Charles H. Purcell, the unknown heirs of Charles H. Purcell, also all other per sons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, eetate lien or Interest In the real estate described in the complaint herein, The State of Minnesota to the above named defendants: You are hereby summonded and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action, which com plaint has been filed in the office of the clerk of said District Court, in the Ci'y of Duluth, County of St. Louis and State of Minnesota, ana to serve a copy of your answer to said-complaint on the subscrib er, at his office, 502-3 First National Bank Building, in the City of Duluth, In said St. Louis County, within .twenty days after service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fall to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff In this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, together with plaintiffs' costs and dis bursements herein. Dated May 18th, 1905. LEO. A. BALL, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office: 502-3 First National Bank Bldg., Residence: 119 Ninth Avenue East, Du luth, Minn.. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF St. Louis. District Court. Eleventh Judicial District. Arthur E. Blake, Dated May 18, 1905. Plaintiff, vs. Charles H. Purcell, the unknown heirs of Charles H. Purcell, also all other per sons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. Notice is hereby given that an action has been begun in the above named court, by the plaintiff above named, against the above named defendants, which action Is now pending In said Court. The object of said action is to obtain Judgment of said Court, determining the adverse claims of the parties in the above Pi named action in and to the premises plaintiff Is the absolute owner in fee hereinafter described, and decree that simple of all of said premises, and that sala defendants have no estate or Interest in, or Hen upon said premises. The property above referred to, and de scribed in the complaint herein, and af fected by this action. Is situate In St. Louis County, Minnesota, deocrbed as fol lows to-wt: Lot forty-four, Minnesota Avenue, Lower Duluth, according to the recorded plat thereof. LEO. A. BALL. Attorney for Plaintiff, Office: 502-8 First National Bank Bldg., Residence: 119 Ninth Avenue East, Du luth, Minn. Labor World—May 27, June 8, 10, 17, 24, July 1, 1906. ORDER FOR HEARING ON CLAIMS STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF St. Louis, ss. In Probate Court, spec ial term, June 27th, 1906. In the Matter of the Estate of Brown Mallough, deceased: Letters testamentary on the estate of Brown Mallough, deceased, late of the County of St. Louis, State of Minnesota, being granted to William Brown Mal lough. It Is ordered. That three months be and the same is hereby allowed from and after the date of this order, in which all persons having claims or demands against, the said deceased are required to file the sams in the Probate Court of said County, (or examination and allow ance. or be forever barred. It is further ordered, That Monday, the 2nd day of Octobef, 1905, at 10 o'clock A. M., at a general term of said Probate Court to be held at the Probate Office in the Court Hbuse in the City of Duluth, in said County, be and the same hereby is appointed as the time and place when and where said Probate Court will ex amine and adjust said claims and de mands. And it is. further ordered. That notice of such hearing be given to all creditors and persons Interested in said estate by pub lishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks in tShe Labor World, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Dultuh, in said County. Dated at Duluth, Minnesota, this 27th day of June, A. D. 1906. By the Court, DAVID H. LAWRENCE. Judge of Probate of Lake County. Acting Judge of Probate of St. Louis Oo., Minn. (Seal Probata Court, St. Louis Co., Minn.) Labor World July 1-8-15-1906. V* -i hi, STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF St. Louis, District Court, Eleventh Ju dicial District. Edward Lynch, Plaintiff, vs. Frank L. Buell and Clement L. Eaton, Defendants. The State of Minnesota to the above named defendants: You, and each of you, are hereby sum moned and required to answer the com plaint of the plaintiff in the above en titled action which complaint has been filed In the office of the clerk of said District Court, at the City of Duliitb, County of St. Louis, and State of Minne sota, and to serve a copy of your answer to said complaint on the subscriber, at his office. In the city of Duluth, said county and state, within twenty days af ter service of this summons upon you. exclusive of the day of such service and If you fall to answer the said com plaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. H. C. FULTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Offices 414-417 Lonsdale Bldg., Dulutn, Minn. Labor World July 1-8-15-22-29 Aug 5, '05 FASTEST TRAINS. SHORTEST TIME. BEST SERVICB. Tke Only Line Running Solid IMm Between Dnlnth and Cbleaso Wlthomt Change of Can. CHICAGO FAST MAIL train Item Duluth 6 p. m., arrives in Chicago a. following morning. Mak ing close connections for all points East and South. 8t Paul and Minneapolis Service. TWILIGHT LIMITED** leaves Du luth 4 p. m., arrives at St. Paul aad Minneapolis tame eienfng early, making close connections for all points West. Ihnsn, Observation Cam, Dials Can and Chair Cata mm These Trains. POK TICKETS and sleeping ear reservations, or steamship tickets and reservations to all points in Burope, call on or write D. A. Blakeney, wim Street. Dnlnth* Railroad Time Tables. NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Leave. Arrive. :i$s Aafaland and East.....! Leave. 1 8:00 am }:BA pm •11:10 pm Defendants. Dallr. Da Union Depot and 8 •11:18 aa T:10pn T:68am 8:86 pa .....ASUad and Bast ...Mln, 4 Da*7 Express..^ No. Coast Ltd. "DULUTH SHORT LORE." Antra. ST. PAUL xpran^APOLis 8:loaa 8:10 pa rmvm ezecpt Sunday. West 8operlpr Street. RWI Tllimi ASHLAND C&HUX. (Stmdav Only) bf. 8:00 snj Ax. t:8T an Ax. 9:86 am As. :00 am DQLOTH..... fir. f:10i Brdle Kv. 8:80] ....Ilea River.... |Lt. 849 a a DLUUTH, MI88A0E A NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. P.1I. A.M. STATIONS. 8:501 4:05 4:20 6:15 7:10 6:33 7 :40ILT. 7:55JtiV. 8151 Duluth Lv.. 10:12 Ar. 10:40 10:37 10:29 110:56 11:20 10:56 Ar Ar 10:30 At 10:15 .Ar 10:00 .57th Ave. West. ... Proctor ... Iron Junction .. Mountain Iron Virginia .. Eveleth ... Sparta ... Blwabik ... 6:56] 6:55 7:42 .... Bibbing 12:18 12:87 7:15|1 Daily except Sunday. Morning trains from Dulnth make direct con nection at Rain Junction with D. V. & R, L. Railway for Asbawa end points north of Vir ginia. "NEWS TRIBUNE FLYER." (SundayOnly.*) 7:10 am Lv Duluth Ar| 4:40] iAr Proctorknott Ar| 9:43 ami Ar Eveleth Afl 1:58] 10:18 am Ar Virginia jAr 1:28] 11:00 amf Hibblng Lv|12:40 •This is a special newspaper train cbarat by the Duluth News Tribune. No passes cepted. DULUTH A IRON RANGE ft R. Leave. Stattoss. Arrive. 80 a»| 8:18 m»| .Deleth. |18.-00 8:S0 Arrive. Leave. 21:88 sa Mis :80 pm il 7:80 psj Virginia I T:88 am T:40 pal .Eveleth. I 1:80 am 8:10 pm( ...Ely... TO* am A. B. VIBLB, 0. r. D. s. m. m. NEWS TRIBUNE VERMILION 8PECIAL. (•esday Odri Seeth^enad. Ar. 4:48 pm Ar. 4:88 pm Ar. 4:08 pm Ar. 8:20 pm Ar. 8:08 pm Ar. 8:80 pa Ar. 8*0 pm Ar. 8:82 pm Ar. 8:80 pm Ar. 8:10 pm Ar. 1:88 pm Lv. 1:83 pm Lv. 1:27 pm Ar. 1:80 pm 1:18 pm 18:48 pm STATIONS. Vorth-bonad. Delnth Endion...... ...Knife Elver... .....Highland ..•Cloqnet Elver.. ...Two Harbors... 'Basse tt..... p. lifts Lv. S:ie am Lv. 8:00 am Lv. •:£sm yji= Bklbo ..Allen Janetlaa.. Mfesaba *Emb'a .Tower Junction.. Lv. 10:46 aa Lv. 10:80 aa Ar. 10:48 am Ar. 10:80 aa Tower .Tower Junctlea.. •Murray..... •.... .BIy. IAr. 11:80 aa •Train stops an flag only. DULUTH, 80UTH SHORE a AT LANTIC RAILWAY. CKy Ticket Office. 438 Spalding Betel Blei Bell 'obone 44. All trains arrive ead depart from Union Depet. *8:80 pa.Lv. North Country Xafl. At. *8i88 ea AH Points Bast. v- !T:4B aa. Lv LOCAL.... &.•»** pa Marqoette aad Copper tSmntf. Dally. THE N6hW Leave. Arrive. 8:80 ami ST. PAUL 8:28 pa 3:45 pml AND 2:00 pm *11:15 pmf MINNEAPOLIS *8:10 am 9:30 amlMontana & Pac. Coast 6:88 pm 8:15 pm C'kston, Q. Forks.Win. 7:10am 8:20pml.. Hlbbing. Virginia .. 112:80 pm 6:20 amlst Cloud, S City W'mar 8:28 pm Dally, Dally except Sunday. City sleepers ready at 8 p. m. Of Twin City sleepers flcejBpaldingHotel. NORTH-WESTERN UN Leeve. Dally. Duluth. I 8:00 aa 4:00 pa ••00 Mi 8:00 pm :r