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if# W"' ta#i Stetson Straw Hats. 'V S Norfolk and double-breasted two-piece suits—ages 7 to 16 Russian and sailor blouses and Eton Norfolk Suits, ages 3 to 8—they sold regularly at $6—-choice at one price— $3.75 WASH SUITS. We are having a great run on these cool, dressy and comfortable Wash Suits prices up^from— 95C $16 and $18 SUMMER SUITS $14.50. $14.50 and $18 and $16 SUMMER SUITS—In serges, fancy worsteds, cheviots, fancy mixtures—all the cor rect styles—suits that equal in every way those of fered elsewhere at $20 aryi $22— tomorrow you can take your pick of the lot at one price Heavy weight suits—broken sizes—our best sellers at $20, $25 and $30—tomorrow $14.50. Hamilton M. Peyton, Presi dent. Chester A. Congdon, Vice President. William G. Hegardt, Cashier. Isaac S. Moore, Asst. Cashier. C'olin Thompson, Second Assist ant Cashier. Intercut Deposit Dept. Books and certifi cates issued, and interest paid on deposits of One Dollar and Up wards. City National Bank A KENNY & ANKER 409-411 WEST SUPERIOR ST. STRIKING BARGAINS IN BOYS' WEAR. 3#* :jS» .... J. 7 mwmm Boys' College Clothes—Long trousers, nobby styles, extreme and conservative cut. QCfc "7 The swell fabrics that the boys all like, all sizes for Excitement in Men's Suits. Not often you see such fast selling as Is now going on here. Good reasons for it—we are determined to reduce our stocks—no matter how great the loss. BUY YOUR SUMMER SUITS NOW. mwoo wi* SI4.50 Statement of the Condition of the American Exchange Bank OF DULUTH, MINN. At the Close of Business Monday Evening, June 18, 1906. RESOURCES. Officers: Loans and Discounts $4,167,477.29 Directors: Overdrafts 2,898.20 Real Estate 18,272.15 Bonds' 9,502.40 RESERVE— Demand Loans $1,250,000.00 Due from Banks .. A 2,291,902.06 Cash on Hand 526,902.67 4^)68,804.73 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In ... .$ 500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 503,010.97 Deposits 7,263,943.80 COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVED ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. of Condensed Statement, Close of BnnlneM, June 18th, 1006. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $1,568,984 53 Overdrafts 1,891.75 United States Bonds 322,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures 4,000.00 Due from Banks $269)098.81 Cash on Hand 121,855.62 Due from U. S. Treasurer 13,750.00 404,704.43 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $ 500,000.00 Surplus Fund 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 36,598.27 National Bank Notes 271,500.00 Deposits 1,468,482.44 'ORGANIZED DECEMBER Duluth, Minn. $2,301,580.71 $2,301,580.71 15th, 1002. General Banking Business Transacted. With Savings Department In Connection. OFFICERS I Capt. Joseph Sellwood, President. A. H. Comstock, Vice President. W. I. Prince, Cashier. *. H. S. MacGregor, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS Capt. Joseph Sellnood. Capt. Alex. McDousall. Henry Turrish. A. H. Comstock. John F. Klllorln. Richard M. Sellwood. A. M. Chlsholm. Dr. Chaa. A. Stewart. W. I. Prlnc*. John Panton. Michael H. Kelley. Manhattan Shirts 5umm«r StjrlM' Knickerbocker and knee trouser suits in styles to suit the age of the boy. The ma terials ar£ the very best— handsomely tailored our $7 and $7.50 values—choice $4.75 BALL SUITS. Just what the boys want regulation Base Ball Suits cap, shirt, pants and belt all for— 95C $12 AND $15 SUMMER SUITS $9.50. $9.50 for $12 and $15 SUMMER SUITS—'Tailor-made in the fashionable materials of the season—Suits that cannot be bought in Duluth outside of JJiis store for $18.00—Come here tomorrow and see them in every size and the price is only We have heavy weight suits that sold earlier for $18 and $20—tomorrow, if we can fit you—only $9.50. S9.5Q HIIB OIVI IVI T. F. Oole, G. A. Tomlinson, W. C. Agnew, C. A. Duncan, S. G. Knox, A. Gowan, Kenneth Clark, H. M. Peyton, C. A. Congdon, A. H. Crass weller, "WJilliam G. Hegardt, $8,266,954.77 Safety $8,266,954.77 Deposit Dept. Ask to see our up-to-date Safety Deposit vaults. Large and small deposit boxes for rent. Prices $3 a year and up wards. Deposits THE LABOR WORLD. UNION UBIH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DULUTH. note Committee Sends Out Proposition for all Local Unions to Vote on. Beauty Spot Selected is Near Fairmont Park, Beyond West Duluth. The movement for the securing of public picnic grounds for member# of organized labor is assuming the real ity. The committee having the matter in charge are this week mailing to all local unions a proposition for the or ganization of a stock company. They propose to sell shares at $1.00 each, and it is hoped that every union will subscribe liberally. The following is the copy of the cir cular being sent to. the unions: To all Affiliated Unions, Dear Sirs and Brothers—About two (2) 'months ago the Federated Trades Assembly appointed a committee for the' purpose of ascertaining the best plans under which the Trades Union ists might own their own park and summer resort. "We are now able to inform you that five or six lots can be secured in the neighborhood of Fairmount Park, for about $700. The cost of erecting a pa vilion will be about $2500. This plan will give us the use of Fairmount park for park purposes, and seems the best proposition we can find. This place can be reached by either the Third street West or Superior street car lines. The plan of the committee is to have board of directors formed as follows: One for each union subscribing $250 or less, and one director for each addi tional $250 or fractional part thereof. The directors are to elect each year a permanent manager of the grounds. Trade unionists will now have an opportunity of deciding this question for themselves by. taking a referendum vote on the proposition, and if favor able to your union, state how much money you are willing to contribute so that an estimate can be made of the total amount to be available for this purpose. It should be an easy matter for the trade unionists to carry this through. Supposing each union man of Duluth was assessed one (1) dollar in four monthly Installments of twenty five (25) cents the necessary amount would be secured. We also submit an outline of the methods approved by the committee for the maintenance of the grounds, which is enclosed. You need not ap prove these, but the committee recom mends them to the board of directors. Kindly arrange to notify the under signed of the number of aye and nay votes taken in your union not later than July 15th. Detach the enclosed coupon and forward to the undersigned when your union has voted. Yours fraternally, 1HENRY DEROCHE, Chairman. The following' constitution and by laws are also submitted to the unions: Preamble. The object of this organization is to secure, equip and maintain a public amusement grounds for the use of the Federated Trades Assembly and affili ated labor organizations of the city of Duluth. To build and maintain a dancing pavilion which shall be operated ac cording to the plan hereinafter con firmed by a referendum vote of the labor organizations of Duluth, or such changes as may hereafter be adopted by the board in control of such public grounds and pavilion. CONSTITUTION. Article 1. Sec. 1. The grounds shall be known as the Labor Party of Duluth, Minne sota. Sec. 2. The board which shall have control of the grounds shall be known as the board of directors, to be elected from all unions that subscribe to th® funds for the purchase and mainten ance. CAPITAL,- $500,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $900,000 United States Government Depositary. Condensed Statement at Close of Business June 18,1906. A. L. Ordean, Pres. j. H. Dight, Cashier. Representation shall be on the basis of one (1) director for each union sub scribing $250 or less, and one director for each additional $250 or fractional W. S. Bishop, Asst. Cashier. W. J. Johnson, 2nd Asst Cashier. RESOURCES. Loans $6,008,962 90 U. S. Bonds, at par 600,000 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer 25,000 00 Bank Building 175,000 00 Adjoining Property 62,000 00 Due fr°m Banks ... $2,159,115 94 Cash on Hand .. 477,201 75 2,636,317 69 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In ....... Surplus Funds and Profits Circulation Outstanding Reserved for dividends. ...... Reserved for taxes .... A $9,507,280 59 $ 500,000 00 940,130 16 495,900 00 20,000.00 26,839.27 7,571,250 43 ... $9,507,280 $9 (-£"5f $1.75 For white wash skirts, gored circular styles, made of excel lent material and launders like linen. This garment would be considered cheap at $2.50. Our special price {£4 "ItT this week CJ) 1- suits, strapping and folds of same cloth, usually sold: at $3.48, our price $2.95 $2.95. amount thereof contributed. The board of directors shall annually elect a manager who shall have charge of the grounds and pavilion. Sec. 3. Not later than November 1st of each year a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures shall be prepared by the board of directors and forwarded to such unions as are share holders in the grounds and pavilion.. They shall declare and pay a dividend to the stockholders at the time of is suing their annual statement, if such Is permissable provided, that in their judgment such balance as may remain in the treasury may be retained for needed repairs or additions to the premises. Sec. 4. It will not be permissable for the board of directors to.rdispose of, for any consideration, or incumber in any manner, the aforesaid property. G. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE DULUTH SAVINGS BANK, fv.y.-i 5 tV 4* "j .-A t*^C:r A Great June Sale of White Wash Skirts 4 lots, $1.75, $1.98, $2.95 and $3.98.- Valued up to $6.50 The most reasonable offer in Duluth. White wash skirts in Dundees, Ducks, mercerized Poplins, Rough Linen, Raja cloths, colored Linens, colored Cotton, Homespuns and shrunk Cottons. Styles in full sweep circular gored skirts, dress styles in either plain tailored or fancy brai dtrimmed. We aim to make this the greatest sale of wash skirts of the season. $1.75 FOR SKIRTS WORTH $2.50 a !An immense assortment of fashionable white wash skirts—made of the latest fabrics for sum mer wear, double shrunk and launders beautifully—these -are the makers^ samples, extra QO made with points of excellence to impress retail buyers. Conse 7 O quently they are perfect, and intended to sell at $5 and $6.50 choice. $2.95 FOR SKIRTS WORTH $3.50 This will .prove a great seller from its many points of excellence and beauty White wash material made expressly for tailored Lake Ave.. Mich, and Superior St* Continuing the Sale of Tailor ed Suits at Half Price. Bear in mind, that all Broad-cloth, Cheviot, Panama and Scicillian Suits, of whatever Color, remaining from our spring purchases go in this Sale at HALF PRICE. No cloth Suit is held back. $15.00 Suits go at $7.50 $20.00 Suits go at $10.00 $25.00 Suits go at $12.50 $35.00 Suits go at $17.50 $50.00 Suits go at $25.00 Covert Coats, fitted black Coats and long loose Coats of the tourist type, whether black or mixtures—all go at reduction of to Agents for the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. Such power only being vested in tha unions holding stock, and such meas ures must be first approved^by a ref« erendum vote of the stockholders. It shall be the duty of the directors to use their best judgment in carrying on this work, and in their judgment, may hold dances as many evenings and afternoons each week as the demand 'warrants, unless such time is taken up by some union holding stock in the pavilion, which shall have the prefer ence. By Laws. Sec. 1. The sale or distribution of intoxicating liquors shall be prohib ited on the grounds under any system. DULUTH, MINN. (Under State Supervision.) At the Close of Business June 18, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts .$4^7,442.97 Overdrafts 560.95 Furniture and Fixtures 6,000.00 Cash on Haijd and Due From Banks. 88,089.90 Sec. 2. Labor Day of each year shall be reserved for the Federated Trades Assembly and Structural Building Trades Alliance exclusively for holding their annual celebration. ./ LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In .$100,000.00 Surplus ... 5,000.00 Undivided Profits (net) 5,238.01 Deposits 461,775.81 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. 3%—INTEREST—3% Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates. Under the direct management of the following well known trustees: JOHN WILLIAMS, FRANCIS W. SULLIVAN, DR. J. J. ECKLUND, JAMBS H. PEARCE, LOUIS S. LOEB, J. L. WASHBURN,.. I.R. MITCHELL, J. W. LYDER, JR. sills $1.98 FOR $3.00 WASH SKIRTS OQ 50 of them made in the full Cp O circular effect, material of the shrunk white cotton, several varietys of styles, a skirt that will sell any where at $3.00. Our special price this week $3.98 FOR SKIRTS WORTH $5.00 AND $6.50 $572,013.82 $572,013 82 11 $3.98 $2.25 WASH SKIRTS FOR $1.50 One assortment of wash skirts made of shrunk cotton, full circular skirt made"th the latest style, a first class utility garment, made to sell as a leader at Our special price for Sec. 3. Any labor organization may secure the use of the grounds on mak ing application to the proper person, for the sum of ten (10) dollars per day, whether they be stockholders or not.: Other organizations will ba charged at the rate of twenty (20) dollars per day or ten (10) for an eveningr. These charges shall be exclusive of the per manent refreshment stands conducted! by the board of directors. Smoke Puradora Cigar, Clear Havana Union Label and Home Made. MUTINY OF TURKISH TROOPS IS QUELLED CONSTANTINOPLE, June 20.— Marshal Feizi Pasha commanding the Turkish troops in Yemen province, whose hands are already full in at tempting to subdue the rebellious! Arabs has been obliged to deplete his slim stock? of ammunition in employ* ing his artillery against his own mu« tinous soldiers. Whole companies of regiments anxious to get home mu«. tinted and decided to proceed to tlie coast. A stubborn fight between the loyal and disaffected troops ensued. The latter finally were vanquished by the fire of the. artillery and sur rendered after sustaining heavy losa^ ea. ISSUES CALL TO r* $1.50 .•a ir BANKS. WASHINGTON, June 20.—The comp troller of the currency today issued a] call for the condition of national banks] at the close of business on Monday,!] June 18. PUBLIC LAND GUIDE. Showing location and character of «11 vacant Government land in the United States by Counties, also direction how to obtain same under the various Land and Mineral Laws. 200 pages. Prepaid, $1.00. GUIDE PUBLISHING CO...... 518 Manhattan Building, Duluth, Minn*1 LET US. WRITE YOUR FIRE INSURANCE on your dwelling and household furniture. W. M. PR1NDLE BL CO. LONSDALE BUILDING. A G00L COMFOR TABLE RIDE TO ALL POINTS UfTi via the D. S. 8. ft A. Ry., and eon« neotions. Through Sleeper Du luth to Montreal. Solid Veatl* buled Electric-Lighted Trainat Write freely for rates and Inform mat Ion, MART ADSON, CtcMral P«Mcagtr Acnt