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20c. and lbc. .eIOK SALE IN BELFAST BY ESSIE P. CARLE , .-i teiai arrangement has all the V i ;,atterns all the time. N waiting to send. ___ fridal Gowns and Wedding linery W iih Trailing Veils of Bil Rainbow Timings in Brides • 0 \ttirc. Ribbon Trimmings. - i dence of The Journal.) K, May 31, 1920. Spring ■ut all that is newest and , inonable attire, and have m i rainbow colorings in cks and the glow of rnod in the pews, . dal Costumes. smart brides have worn short as to skirt depend lines of their veils for . train, though a few have court trains elaborately f I | a ith beads and embroidery. ••!• adjusted in many attrac ways. Over the face or i :e coiffure or caught on at V. »: head to show the beauti j . ;>i' lovely locks. \ range flowers formed coro a or were tucked in care t he soft lace folds. There f individual fancy, and no r hieve becomingness. For b:- . beautiful white material is | : he folds of stately satin may it •: or embroidered until the ns't; idden. been less use of metal tis sues, even under lace this year, when lace has emerged on the top wave of style. Soft effects and combinations of colors that suggest the tender tones of the rainbow, are tht rules for the bride’s | attendants. Green and yellow and lilac, | blue and orchid and maize, pink and gray and lavender are some of the many combinations used for bridesmaids gowns and hats. Most of the latter are of the transparent sort, and quite as many small shapes are seen as those with spreading brims. Wedding Guests. Among the guests in the church one sees costumes simple or elaborate, tailor ed or fussy in make up, but the note of smartness prevails. That well gowned, well groomed look obligatory on a woman conforms to the rules of fashion. Coiffures are arranged with careful at tention to the silhouette, not stiffly, but every hair is held in place by a nicely ad justed Unicum hair net so perfectly matched that only the initiated suspect its invaluable aid in keeping the artistic arrangement just as when the wearer left her dressing table, and even though she dances at the reception, there is no fear she will not continue to look her trimest and most attractive best. Ribbon Fancies. Ribbons constitute many of the most effective garnitures of hats and dresses. As always when nets and laces are to the fore, sashes of all sorts are an important feature. Many liberties are taken with the line at the foot of the skirt and thin over dresses more often than not extend beyond the silk foundation half revealing the pretty hosiery that adds so much to the effectiveness of the modish shoe. The liking for lace has extended to hose, and very elaborate and pretty are many of the “open work” patterns seen, while clocks adorn even the plainer styles. Verona Clarke. Servant Girl Wouldn't Go in Cellar, Fear- j ing Rats Mrs. Tepper, Plainfield, N. J., says: “Rats were so bad in our cellar the ser vant girt wouldn’t go there. Bought some RAT-SNAP and it cleaned all the rats out.” RAT-SNAP destroys rats and mice. Absolutely prevents Oder. ’Comes in cake form, no mixing. Cats or dogs won’t touch it. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, SI.00. Sold and guaranteed by A. A. i Howes & Co.,Hall Hardware Co. and City Drug Store. CASTORIA | For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of WHITE’S CORNER, Winter port 1 S«uln8«-ii*U!'a ^^ite visited relatives in Swanville last Saturday and Sunday. « and Mr8- Charles Rogers of Hamp den were callers at C. W. Nealey’s, May j Henry Luce and family of Newburg | Nea1eyCent 8UPSts °f Mr’ and Mrs- c- w I Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Ward of Ban Larby’s*1* 86Veral days recent>y at A. G. Mrs. A. G. Larby is confined to her room with a serious illness. Dr. W. L. atson of Monroe is in attendance. p r?11, Sonant and family and F. * * ^Jements and family were at the for mer s cottage at Swan Lake, May 16. Miss Mildred Larby, who has been em ployed in Hampden for several months, is at her home here for a few weeks* vis it. Mrs. Herbert Richardson, matron of nD* ^as8 » City Home, spent part or the present week with Mrs. C. B. Jew ett. C. B. Jewett was a business visitor in Belfast May 19. He was accompanied by Mrs. Jewett and their guest, Mrs. Rich ardson. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clements, Mrs. Julia White, Mrs. C. B. Jewett and Mrs. jj* “• York attended the meeting of Worth Waldo Pomona at Sunrise grange hall, Winterport, May 12. ^ ?•* ^oss’ w^° :ia<1 the misfortune to saw his hand while sawing wood with a gasoline engine outfit, has been suffering with blood poison, but under the efficient care of Dr. W. L. Watson, no serious de velopments are apprehended. The remains of Guy McFarland, for merly of this town, were brought from Hampden May 15. for interment in Pil grims* Home cemetery. He was a sol dier of the world war and had been in ill health since being gassed. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Libby and son, Lewis, accompanied A. C. Croxford of Monroe went to Bangor Saturday and Lewis drove home an Overland-four au tomobile which his father pur hased for him. He is now driving to Brooks high school daily. Richard Palmer of Monroe accompanies him. $100 Reward $100 The readers of this paper will be pleas ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its [stages and that is ca tarrh. Catarrh being being greatly influ enced by constitutional conditions re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall’s Ca tarrh Medicine that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that its fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. ^oo\d by DWIGHT P- PALMER OWENS BROTHERS Soconv Service A wide variety of mixtures,is being sold under the name “gas oline.” The best way to be sure that the gas oline you buy meas ures up to quality The Sign of a Reliable Dealer standards is to buy from the dealers listed below. They sell only SOCONY Gasoline— pure, powerful. Look for the Red, White and Blue Socony Sign. and the World’s Best Gasoline DEALERS WHO SELL SOGONY MOTOR GASOLINE BELFAST EAST BELFAST ISLESfiORO LIBERTY MORRILL NORTHPORT SEARSMONT SEARSPORT NORTH SEARSPORT STOCKTON SWANVILLE WALDO BANKS’ GARAGE CITY GARAGE HALL HARDWARE COMPANY HARDING & RACKLIFFE LORD & CO. HARRY WALKER WINDSOR HOTEL STABLE I. MASON CO. COSTELLO M. WILLIAMS WALTER A. YOUNG GEORGE L. EDMUNDS CHARLES MESERVIE J. F. VICKERY C. O. DICKEY & CO. C. E. PERKINS V. A. SIMMONS & CO. W. R. GILKEY & SON C. O. SAWYER & CO. FRED E. STINSON AMES GROCERY CO. P. L. HUPPER NICKERSON & DAMM L. R. STEVENS Standard Oil Company of New York Superior Corn Flakes « Not thin wispy flakes that quickly 1 mush down when cream or milk is added, but substantial flakes—full of delicate flavor and food goodness. Post Toasties Best Com Flakes Made appeal to every one who likes corn flakes for they have all the goodness of old fashioned kinds plus a greater satisfaction in taste and eating quality which is immediately recognized. Order a package from your grocer; and to be sure of the best, specify Post Toasties by name. Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc. Battle Creek, Michigan - Web ABE goob Ikuas EVERY DAY IN Fri THE Sat Weer ! Thurston and Kingsbury Co.. I Importers and Packers ' Bangor. Me. *.4419) BANGOR LINE. i STEAMSHIP CAMDEN RESUMPTION OF SERVICE Schedule Effective April 9, 1920. Leave Belfast TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS at 4.30 p. m, for Camden, Rockland and Boston.; Leave Bangor TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS at 2 p. m. for Bucksport, Belfast, Camden, Rockland and Boston, RETURN—Leave Boston on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS »nd FRIDAYS at 6 p.m., leave Rockland TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS at 6 a. m. for Camden, Bel fast. Bucksport and Bangor. NOTE:—Landing will only be made at Win terport by steamer leaving Boston on Friday (due .Saturdays) and by steamer leaving Ban gor on Tuesdays. GEO. E.DUNTON, Agent, Belfast, Maine. /V 1 1 1 .. -N ■ scneauie oi mens For 1920 Beginning the year 1920 we have made a new schedule for all of our piece work ers with a great increase. All stitchers can be positive of making good money Come at once and secure your position. Bell Pants Factory BRIDCE ST., BELFAST. ME. Dr.M. C. Stephenson j DENTIST I MASONIC TEMPLE ROOM 3 Telephone 223-3 The Fraternities Health and Accident Asso. Buy your protection in the Fraternities, the leading health and accident associa tion in Maine. CHARLES S. TAYLOR, Agent, 18tf Hayford Block, Belfast, Me. KEEP A SUPPLY IN THE HOUSE " CANNED GOODS ~ Handy to have handy j when company comes — to say nothing of the something tasty, ever ready for service to your home folks. Any choice among the 40 odd fruits and vegetables labelled — Superba — is sure to be the choice. We ! guarantee that. Superba Teas and Coffees Always Please Your neighborhood dealer sells the Superba line. Ask for SUPERBA. Milliken-Tomlinson Co., Distributors jj | Portland, Maine BUY BY THE CASE SUPERBA ON THE LABEL SUPERB FOR YOUR TABLE | FOR SALE | To settle an estate, the house of the ; late E. S. Shuman at 116 Waldo avenue, | consisting of a nine room house, barn, carriage house, hen pen and 1 1-2 acre of i land with fruit irees and berries. Apply | to FAIR HOLMES, 17tf R. D. 2, Belfast, Maine 1 tucking I am prepared to do all kinds of truck ing. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Leave orders at the stable, corner of Main and Cross streets, and they will receive prompt attention. Telephone connection. W. W. BLAZO & SON, 126 Waldo Avenue, Belfast. __ __ __ J_I Mrs. Lizzie M. Watermen, 150 Waldo Avenue, is prepared to do dress making, coats, children’s clothing, both girls and boys, a specialty. Family sewing of all kinds. J p/DAHyN^^^^iH-lAYinG N Supplies'^ ^/ Tools of every f Rjght X for every ^description/f,nish Rigllt\ need i //Call or write beforeX / ff / buying these needs. \ f, jvL A /Our assortment and pricesX / will prove this the wise cours- X f!y0%\ -I to Pursue \ : / K.ndaHiWhiin.y ^ ,a5S \ /y^% jR^X / Pori.anu, Wa...e. \ f * -*• —— —.■dtt— When your are in Belfast come in to The Journal Office and subscribe for the paper. You will never miss the price.