s^^ailey of The Giants (Continued from Page 6) ____ _ t . , ,,'ireil mid fifty dollars re ] n,.t a cent more,” Pound s' '' ..;rti virtuously—and truth h ,,,,i so good a business man . vmi credit for being," the , ...ru'd mirthfully. “Two hun :: i iy dollars! Oh, Lord! . , you're funny. Upon my a scream." And the Colo ■ self up to a sincerely You call it a retainer," : presently, “but a grand all it something else. How mi after a slight pause. ..—-1 ?t in Politics for Your Health." politics for your health; iwn to brass tacks. How nnt to deny the N. C. O. extension of that tem ■-r hut also a permanent n they apply for it?” rose with great dignity, ngton, sir,” lie said, You've been insulted •'..re now. Shall we say dollars per each for your . :i.oilmen and true, and !i;it sedan of my niece's? I imagine it will please -ely and grant you sur i’o\v. Of course, I will out, I’ll sell it to you— An upon the signing of end in lieu of the cash, over that jitney Mrs. i ds so distasteful. Then \nur son, Henry, as the he Laguna Grande Lutn and give him a retainer hundred dollars for one !*-ave it to von to get this hundred dollars from my niece cash for the that strike yon as a per d sane proposition?” •a of paradise opened up stone, he could not have Mod. He had been abko in his plea to Mrs. 1-at he could not afford a ■ Ired-and-fifty-dollar se Me longed to oblige her itly-to-be-desired peace. ;was dangling before t ■ speak. At any rate it ■? ’he porte-cochere not ’nnt ! • e of a minute the mayor •n’s future as n corpora galnst Ills own future '.'Onolfi—and Henry lost e arranged, Colonel,” he a low voice—the voice of y arranged," the Colonel ully. “Leave your jit at and drive home In Shir i arrange sisttsra svlta .died shortly. “It means, ■ I'll have to telegraph isco tomorrow and buy " let. Tbank goodness, ■ lay tomorrow 1 Have a i ivor.” nington had little diffi ■ iiing the deal to Shirley, , and not at all inter undstones had bored her and upon her uncle’s as Ite would have a new car she thanked him and aie retired without offer for his good-night kiss, fter the Colonel sought us couch and prepared himself to the first good ■ eeks. He laid the flat io his soul that Bryce dealt him a poor hand d deck and he had played ■ ell. “Lucky I blocked car from getting those : Laurel Creek spur,” he • i have had his jump might—and then where i I liave been? Up Salt ; a puddle—and all the •endom would avail me liu off. when a sound | i r- Instant I,v lie was istening intently. Ids one side. The sound : evidently it was ap i da—and with a hound ' tip in bed, trembling ' of the deep, rumbling rd a sharp click—then another. He counted , I] and two flat cars!” he they just passed over < ng from the main-line my log dump. That m is going down Water switch into Cardigan’s age, they’ve outwitted | '-ility of a boy he sprang : !,s raced downstairs, and «»r I'oundstone’s jitney, fl'C darkness at the front | * ° Be Continued) bldren Cry r f0R FLETCHER’S ^STOR I A MAINE, Its Romance, History. and Interesting Features. Compiled by D. W. Hoegg, Jr., Publicity Manager, Maine Centennial. One hundred years ago Maine became a State of the Union and this year the event is to be ofTiciaily observed with a great celebration, the principal features of which will take place at Portland from June 28th to July 5 While Maine is only a century old as a State, in reality the territory was one of the first settled sections of North Ameri ca. A colony had been established on its shores sixteen years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, Mass., in 1620. 'lhe Maine coast, barring of course, possible discovery by the early Norsemen, was first visited, it is believed, by John Cabot, the English explorer, in 1498, only six years after the discovery of the new world by Columbus. In 1501 the Portu guese explorer,Corte-Real, came to Maine, and in 1524 Verrazano, an Italian, sailing under a French commission, cruised along the coast. In 1525 a Spaniard, Gomez, discovered and named the Penobscot Riv er, Rio de las Gomes, or Stag River, and in 1526 the French explorer Thevet visit ed the territory and returned to Europe with a story of Norumbega, Maine’s my thical city. It was in 1565 that the renowned son of | Great Britain, Sir John Hawkin?, came 1 to Maine and two years later three sur | vivors of his second expedition crossed its interior, the first white men to visit any part of the present State away from the coast line. In 1602 Captain Bartholo mew Gosnold explored its Southwestern shore, and in 1603 Captain Martin Pring, a British trader, discovered Casco Bay on which is now located the City of Port ‘ land. The premier attempt at settlement was made in 1604 by Sieur de Monts, the famous French explorer, who established | the lirat colony in what is now the United States, north of Florida, within the bor ’ ders of the present State of Maine, on ' Neutral Island, in the St. Croix River, | near what is now the city of Calais. The j renowned Champlain was a member of j the party and cruised along the Maine ; coast as far east as the Kennebec River, I naming Mt. Desert Island. After a ter | rible year in which the majority of the j party died from exposure and disease the ; colony was obliged to give up its exist I ence. In 1607 the first English colony was established at Popham, at the mouth of the Kennebec River, by George Popham. j This with the colony at Jamestown, Vir ginia, founded the sime year, were the ' first English settlements on the Atlantic j Coast. The little group, however, after j the death of its founder, was obliged to : abandon the site. The colony, however, I established one notable record for it con : structed, during its year of suffering, the Virginia, the first vessel to be built iu 1 North America. In 1613 the French Jesuits organized a ; mission on Mount Desert Island and in i 1614 the coast of Maine was visited by | Captain John Smith, of Pocahontas fame, ! who made the first reliable map of it and j named many of its principal points, in cluding Cape Elizabeth, He was the first , | to apply the name New England to this northeastern section of the United States. 1 Only three years after the landing of I the Pilgrims, Captain Christopher Levett j established a trading post on one of the | islands now within the limits of Portland, and m 1632 the foundations of the present ! city were established by George Cleeve i and Richard Tucker. Previous to this, however, in 1628,. settlements had been I made along tiie shores of Casco Bay on | territory now within the limits of Bruns wick and Cape Elizabeth. In 1641 occurred another notable event in the history of America when Sir Fer dinando Gorges established the first char tered city in the United States under the name of Gorgeana. This is now the town York. i iic ycai j was a meuiuiauie one in the annals of Maine. In June the first naval battle of the Revolutionary War, j the lirst naval engagement of the present United States, and the first time the Brit ish flag was struck to Americans on land or sea, occurred oil' Machias, Maine, when the British waiship Margaretta Was cap tured by the American ship, Unity. The latter was commanded by Captain Jere miah O’Brien of Machias, often called the “Father of the American Navy,” and for his notable achievement he was given j a vote of thanks by Congress. Another historic event of that year was the march of Benedict Arnold and his army across Maine in an attempt to capture the city of Quebec. Falmouth, now the city of Portland, also was bombarded and destroyed in 1775 by a British fleet under Mowatt. In 1779 Castine, whose career forms | one of the most romantic pages in Ameri can history, was captured by the British, and it was in this engagement that the famous Sir John Moore, the subject of that immortal poem, “The Burial of Sir John Moore,” received his “baptism of lire.” In that battle Paul Revere, who only a few years before had made his memorable ride, led the Massaciiusetts detatchment of troops. In 1803, Commodore Edward Preble of Portland, commanded the American Squadron at Tripoli wrhich defeated the Barbary pirates and upon his return to the United States was received with great distinction and given a vote of thanks and awarded a medal by Con gress. Hundreds of thousands have read Long fellow’s immortal poem, “My Lost Youth,” in which he describes his native city of Portland and in which he has made famous the naval battle between the American warship “Enterprise” and the British warship “Boxer” fought oil the eastern end of Casco Bay. In this bloody engagement the captains of the twro ships were killed in action and both were buried in the old Eastern Cemetery ! at Portland, their graves, side by side, I being visited annually by tourists from i every section of the world. The year 1814 was anotuer notable one I in tlie history of the State. During it the j present city of Eastport was captured by [ the British and Held as a part of Canadian I territory for about four years. The second I capture of Castine by the British also oc ! curred, and a day or two later was fought the remarkable battle of Hampden, much overlooked by historians, and in which ! both American and British soldiers were ! killed, and the present cities of Bangor j and Belfast captured. | On March 15, 1820, Maine officially became a separate State of the Union, up to this time it having been a part of Mas sachusetts and known as the District of Maine. In 1839 occurred one of the most notable events in the history of the United States JOYFUL EATING Unless your food is digested with out the aftermath of painful acidity, the joy is taken out of both eating and living. KIW0ID5 are wonderful in their help to the stomach troubled with over-acidity. Pleasant to take—relief prompt and definite. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT’S EMULSION nil m ynj ins AFTER TEN YEARS OF TROUBLE IS RESTORED TO PERFECT HELATH BY TANLAC. “Since I have taken Tanlac I am not only free from my troubles of ten years’ standing but I have also gained lifteen pounds in weight,” said Henry Peltier of 26 East Allen St., Winooski, Vermont, a few days ago. I had been bothered so long with indi gestion that I had lost my appetite almost entirely and sometimes even the sight of food would turn my stomach,” continued Mr. Peltier. “I was troubled with terri ble cramps and my heart would palpitate so bad it looked like I would choke to death. I could never get any rest or sleep to amount to anything for I would be come so nauseated after I went to bed that l could not retain what I had eaten and I would have to be getting up several times during the night. After I did get to sleep I would have terrible dreams the rest of the night, and through the day I was subject to awful dizzy spells. Of mornings I felt so tired out that I would never take a bite for breakfast. I was about lifteen pounds underweight and was so weak that my work was too hard for me and 1 had to change to lighter work. “I was very discouraged when I began taking Tanlac because I had taken so many different medicines and got no re lief. But Tanlac showed its merit right from the start and by the time 1 had finished my third bottle all symptoms of my troubles had disappeared. My diges tion could not be better and I have such a fine appetite that I am almost ashamed of the way 1 eat. I am not bothered with cramps any more and my heart action is normal and my breathing free and easy. I don’t have any trouble retaining every thing 1 eat and 1 have gained back ail my iost weight, fifteen pounds. After a good night’s rest I get up every morning ready for my breakfast and go to my work feel ing .ust fine. Dizzy spells never trouble me at all, in fact, I am in as good health as I could want and I owe it all to Tanlac.” Tanlac is sold in Belfast by Read & Hills; in Prospect by L C. Dow & Co., in Brooks by Albert R. Pilley, Stockton Springs by J. C. Gordon and in Winter port by Winterport Farmers’ Union. and in which Maine was the great factor around which revolved the principal in cidents. This was the Aroostook War which threatened hostilities between Great Britain and the United States. Large numbers of troops were raised and immense sums of money appropriated by botli nations for the expected conflict, the commanding officer for the United States being the renewed General Winfield Scott Actual bloodshed was averted, however, and the cause of all the trouble, the northeastern boundary of Maine, was adjusted by a treaty negotiated by Daniel Webster, Secretary of State, and Lord Ashburton, representing Great Britain. Maine was the pioneer which blazed the path of National prohibition when in 1851 the State adopted an amendment to its Constitution prohibiting the manufac ture and sale of intoxicating liquors. In all of the wars, from tne Revolu tionary down to the World War, Maine has more than done its share in the cause of right and its record along this line is one of the most glorious pages in its his tory. iiie worm owes mucu lo uie sons auu laughters of Maine. It has given it some jf the most remarkable men and women in history. Henry Wadsworth Longfel low, America’s gre itest poet, was born at Portland. Sir Hiram S. Maxim, inventor >f the Maxim Machine Gun, iirst saw the light of day at Sangerville. His equally famous brother, Hudson Maxim, inventor of smokeless powder, is a native of Orne ville. Lillian Nordica, one of the world’s greatest singers, was born at Farmington, and Artemuj Ward, the renowned humor ist, at Waterford. Franklin Simmons and Benjamin Paul Akers, two of the world’s greatest sculp tors, were born respectively at Webster and Westbrook. Rev. Elijah Kellogg, whose name will always live as the au thor of Spartacus to the Gladiators, and oilier orations, as well as the famous Elm Island stories for boys, was born at Port land. Maxine Elliott, the renowned act ress, and Gertrude Elliott, her talented sister, now the wife of Sir J. Forbes Robertson, are natives of Rockland. Many world renowned authors also were born in Maine, among them being John S. C. Abbot, the celebrated historian, at Brunswick; Elizabeth Akers Allen, author of “Rock Me to Sleep Mother” and other famous poems, at Strong; Rebecca Sophia Clark, famed writer of children’s stories, under the nom de plume of Sophie May, at Norridgewock; Sewall Ford, creator ol the ‘ Shorty and Torchy” stories, at Le vant; James Otis Kaler, known to hun dreds of thousands of boy readers under the pen name of James Otis, at Winter port; Sarah Payson Parion, one of the best known women writers of the Iasi century, under the pen name of Fannie Fern, at Portland; Harriet Prescott Spof ford, famous writer, at Calais; Sarah Orne Jewett, at South Berwick; Holman F. Day, popular novelist, at Vassalboro, anc Jacob Abbot, author of the Rollo books, nt Hallowell. Few people are aware of the fact thal Edgar Wilson Nye, known to the world as "bill Nye,” the famous humorist, was born at Shirley, near Moosehead Lake, Two of the greatest publishers of today are natives of Maine. They are Cyrus H. K. Curtis, publisher of the Saturday Evening Post, Ladies’ Home Journal ant oilier widely known publications, born ai Portland, and Frank A. Munsey, publish er of Munsey’s Magazine, New York Her ald and other leading publications, bori at Mercer. George Palmer Putnam founder ol the publishing house of George Putnam Sons, lirst saw the light of day at Brunswick. Many of America’s greatest characters in history were burn in Maine. Anions these are Hannibal Hamlin, Vice Presi dent ol the United States with Lincoln, born at Paris; Sir William Peppered, con queror of Louisburg, at Kittery; Sii W illiam Phipps, first Royal Governor ol M issaehusetts, first American on whom Great biilain conferred knighthood am the conqueror of Annapolis Royal, Novt Scotia, at Woolwich;Conimodore Edwarc Preble, "Hero of Tripoli,” at Portland General Joshua L. Chamberlain, “Hen of Little Roundtop,’’ Gettysburg, and tilt man who received the actual surrendei of General Lee at Appomattox, at brew er; General Oliver O. Howard, lamous Civil War commander, at Leeds; Gen, Henry C. Merriam, inventor of the Mer riam Infantry Pack, and renowned strat egist, at Houlton; Gen. James A. Hall, noted artillerist, who opened the batlh of Gettysburg, at Damariscotta, and Dor ochea Lvnde Dix, famed for her work foi the insane, and as head of the female nurses during the Civil War, at Hamp den. (Concluded in next week’s issue.) U&ilaren sJry FOR FLETCHER’S castors SWANVILLE CENTER. Mrs. Sarah Briggs is having a bad at tack of shingles. On account of a breakdown the mill will not run for a week. Herman Batchelder is at home from California for a few months to look after his business here. Mrs. Briggs and Mr. Gross have gone to the home of her son, Willis Briggs, for an indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson of Wat- J erville spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson. James Brown, who has been so ill for two weeks, was taken to the insane asy lum, Bangor, Monday. The family has the deep sympathy of a large circle of friends in their great trouble. Charles Riley had the misfortune to fall from a load of hay and fracture his hip. Dr. Tapley of Belfast and Dr. Watson of Monroe reduced the fracture and he is as comfortable as can be ex pected. “How We Cleared Our Summer Hone o f Kats,’’ by Mrs. Perry. “When we opened our seaside home last May, it was alive with rats They’d gnawed all the upholstering We cleaned them out in a week with RAT-SNAP. I prefer this rat killer because it comes in cake form, no mixing. Saves dirtying hands and plates.”. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by A. A. Howes & Co., Hall Hardware Co., and City Drug Store. MICKIE SAYS fvNHEN BOSVMESS.VS GOOO.T'] PONT NEED TO tvOMERTV^C \ Amelu, won evBovn xwe«4 \ bosvness vs POMK.7 I ~ ~ ~—‘^-^v Them V CKV»T MPFOEIO TO 0} ^WVVGOSW’. NMWCVPOtv S| THVNVU ] \ A.PMESrtVSVNG VS? V I „ \ IQXUfrS ? \ ] ft —why? A man at sixty years of age is . her a failure or a success. JEECHAM’S PILLS have been i made for sixty years and have he largest sale of any medicine in the world! Millions use iEECHAM’S I Sold everywhere, fet? ?. B I In boxes, is ilsalMj 10c., 25c. STATE OF MAINE COUNTY OF WALDO, SS. May 22, 1920. Taken on execution, wherein E. B Hunt of Unity is plaintiff, and A. L). Humps and Julia L), Bumps, both of Unity Plantation, in the County of Kennebec and the State of Main *, : are the defendants, and will be sold at public auction, on the thirtieth day of June, 1920, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, at the office of Arthur Ritchie in Belfast, in said C >unty, 11 the right and equity which Albert D Bumps 1 and Julia D Bumps of Unity Plantation afore ! said, have or had on the twentieth day of No vember. 1919, to redeem the following describ ed mortgaged real estate: — Certain pieces or parcels of land, together with the buildings thereon, situated in said Unity Plantation, in said County of Kennebec, and in Unity, in the County of Waldo ami I Stat? of Maine, and described as follows, to w t:— Being the Jsame premises conveyed 'o Savage Pooler by Nathan Parkhurst by his deed dated May 28, 1895, and recorded in Ken nebec Registry of Deeds. Book 401, Page 424, and in the Waldo Registry of Deeds in Book 239, Page 282. Said premises being also con veyed by deed dated September 9th A D. 1913, by Savage Pooler to Isadore F Whitehouse and recorded in the Kennebec Registry of Deeds in Book 314, Page 67, and the same premises.c .n veyed to Albert D Bump? and Julia D. Bumps by deed dated May 11th, A. D, 1914. Said real estate ^is subject to a mortgage given ty the said Albert D. Bumps and Julia j Bumps to the City National Bank of Belfast, I recorded in Waldo County Registry of Deeds, Bock 319, Page 405, and in the Kennebec County Registry of Deeds, Book 551, Page 14^, on which is said to be due about six hundred dollars. Said real estate is also subject to a mortgage given by the said Albert D Bumps and Julia Bumps to Lewis Bumps, recorded in the Kennebec County Registry of Deeds, on which is said to be due about five hundred dollars. Dated at Belfast, the twenty-second day of May, 1920. JAMES A. G. BEACH, 3w22 Deputy Sheriff. STATE OF MAINE COUNTY OP’ WALDO, SS. May 22, 1920. Taken on execution this twenty-second day of May, said execution being dated the twen ty-ninth day of April, 19^0, issued on a judg ment rendered by the Supreme Judicial Court, for the County of Waldo, at the term thereof , begun and held on the third Tuesday of April. I to wit, on the twenty-third day of April, 1920. m favor of E B. Hunt of Unity, against A. D. ! Bumps of Unity Plantation, for thirty-nine ! dollars and eighty-two cents, debt or damage, j aI‘d fifteen dollars and ninety-one cents, costs i Htit, arid will be sold at public auction, on the thirtieth day of June, ,1820, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the office of Arthur Ritchie in Beltast. in said County, all the right and : ‘•qui'-y which Albert D. Bumps of Unity PUn i tation aforesaid, has or had on the twen.ietii day of November, 1919, t > redeem the follow ing described real estate:— Ce rtain pieces or parcels of land, together wit! the buildings thereon, situated in said j Unity Plantation, in said County of Kennebec, and in Unity, in the County of Waldo and : State of Maine, and described as follows, to wit:—Being the same premises conveyed t<> Savage Pooler by Nathan Parkhurst, by his deed dated May 28, 1895, and recorded in Ken nebec Registry of Deeds, Book 401. Page 424. and in the W aldo Registry of Deeds, in Book ^39, Page 282 Said premises being also con veyed by deed dated September, 9. A. D. 1913, t y Savage Pooler to Isadore P’. Whitehouseand recorded in the K nnebec Registry of Deeds i in Book 314, Page 67, and the same premises conveyed to Albert D. Bumps and Julia D. Bumps by deed dated May 11th, A D. 1914. Said real estate is subject to a mortgage given by the said Albert D. Bumps and Julia Bumps to the City National Bank of Beltast, recorded in the Waldo County Registry of Deeds, Book 319, Page 4U6, and in the Kenne bec County Registry of Deeds, Book 551. Page 146, on which is said to be due about six hun dred dollars. Said real estate is also suhject j to a mortgage given by the said Albert D. Bumps and Julia Bumps, recorded in the Ken nebec Registry of Deeds, on which is said to be due about five hundred dollars. Dated at Belfast, this twenty-second day of May, 1920. JAMES A. G. BEACH. < 2w22 Deputy Sheriff. A Small Appetite For Coal And A Wonderful Oven No spoiled food, no loss of heat—everything is right from grate to damper in this truly wonderful range. Home Furnishing Co., Belfast “How’s the Cake Coming?” Every body’s interested. You want to know that it’s coming right and you test it time and again. That’s the way we make sure of William Tell Flour We test it at every stage of its mak ing several times an hour. We make absolutely certain of its uniform quality and purity. Because we have thus made sure of the quality of the flour, you can be sure of the quality of your baking. You will find that WILLIAM PELL will give a delicious flavor and a uni form goodness to all your baking. Don’t take chances on your [flour. Tell your grocer, WILLIAM TELL, and be sure. SWAN-WHITTEN COMPANY ALGOLA PILES Regulate the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Make Pure Blood. For Constipation. Relieve Gas, Indigestion, Biliousness, Sick Headache. Try them. 10c. 25c. At druggists. Duane Pharmacal Co., sole proprietor, P. O. Box 1103, City Hall Station, New York. See signature on each box. SURETY BONDS Why ask your friends to take the risk? Let the National Surety Co. bond you. CHA LES S. TAYLOR, Local Agent, Hayford Block, Belfast, Maine, bALVAGE I will pay you 2 1-2 cents for rags, 75 cents pt-r hundred for books and maga zines and 30 cents per hundred for paper, I will call promptly and pay you the high est market prices. SAM FREEDMAN, Tel. 229-4 16 Cross St., Belfast. Home Employment “CAN YOU BRAIL) YOUR HAIR?” If so, you can obtain pleasant, easy and well-paid work making braided rugs for us right in your own home. When writ ing for further particulars, send a small sample mat to show the quality of braid ing and sewing you are capable of doing PINK HAM ASSOCIATES, INC., 302 Washington Ave., Portland, Me. 6m49 Sale A 12-ROOM HOUSE, modern improve ! ments. with some furnishings. Also house hold goods for sale. MRS. W. H. COOMBS, I6tf 23 Washington Street. Special Notice We wish to inform the public that we are doing business all the time and if you wish to buy or sell real estate of any kind we would be pleased to talk with you. E. A. STROUT Farm Agency, ROY C. FISH, Local Manager, Rooqa 2, Odd Fellows* Block, Belfast, Me, tf47 Albert E. Andrews Real Estate-Timberlands i WITH CHAPIN FARM AGENCY 30DMS 3-7 003 FELLOWS’] 3L0CK Telephone lfi-12 tf30 WANTED Live Poultry. Shoats for Sale. R. J. MAYO. 3y-3 t7f AUTO trucking of all kinds and passen ger cars to let bv the day or hour. Call 114 3 20tf C. A. Paul Qarage. %A# p* Q I I V# raise and sen furbear ww Ca DU I 9 irig rabbits and other fur bearing animals. Place your order with us and list whatever stock you have with u< stating lowest ti it prices on large shiooQents. Address 515 517 N. P. A ve.,Fargo, N. D.