OCR Interpretation

Palatka daily news. [volume] (Palatka, Fla.) 1919-1994, September 16, 1921, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn78001466/1921-09-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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"' ' f "'''' '
FrVar Morninjz, September
PvMlafe Err XonUiif Except
Mocday br
THm A CI LUKV. Paiatka. rt.
Jtatered at the P Ota: at Pslatka,
Flaw as Second CU Hail Matter
M. . V1CKEH9 .
Maima-nct rsrre tie rlsht
a Rjt all i.bj-ctionaoi adrertt-
si hat is to b done? Hav
ing been scored for their flimsy
waists, silken hose, iiy little skirts
ar.d ultra feminise attire, the girls
are veering in quite the other direc
tion an-1 adapting knickerbockers for
general wear. With the nt&nnUa
garment go srort waist, tat and
5h--., heavy ribbed hose and short
.' tailored coat or sweater. These cos-
STjEscKir-rios pfuce
year ii. Thre noetta V..T
Payable "loTartaoly" la ad-ranee j tumes Till be worn for school, ath-
f,-.r:H All I1KT1MX, KPHtJ' fcSS' t0 B
Ro-ri e. Ward. 3. Wabash iTenue. yo'jr.? authority, for home wear, to
v j?u!'Thir, rei-hes.' teas, dances ar.d the theater.
f. -,-.-t E. . Ward, its Fifth Ai.na v-ex York. Cleveland. Chicaeo and
! ever, staid old Boston boast their
------- J
Ne Tor City
knicktrbooker c'ubs pledged to pop-
kh or asiaieu press I ;ar;2e the style and doubtless all the
1st Associated I r-sa is -xciusivei7 -etltWHi
to the ui for p-jtUcation of cities a.-.d towns nave their lndmd-
Z.'SJ'ttZ?,,???? " "iual aiherer.ts to the cause.
a ad also th local news pa&usnea
fear el a.
The practicality of the costume
for r.iar.v occ-jcatior.s cannot be
hutted, r,ir its attractiveness in in-
i! instances. It may become
the accpted style of feminine dress,
.'trar.yer thir.es have happened. But
:; the crdinary, plain he-man to
think of pretty woman bereft cf a'.:
r. :r soft ani viiri-col. rod srarrr.ent.-
i c:
u.od In the
der.i.t? i
f f .,.r
o: tr.e ntaie, is jut as ?ai-
to think of flowers shorr
letals and rcibed of the!:
r WHAT Kll.iiS L'S.
u V. e were ?it wa
oo-rs ai
r with Gerr.a.-.-'
A man who salutes the ?.sg as i
troop by tim on the street and feel;
a cor.se io us glow of super-patriotism
thereby, is, to use a sian? expression,
kidding himself. Likew.ic, the rr.a.i
who pays his taxes without distort.--ty,
obeys the civil iaws a&i takes a-,
interest in his community and tits
welfare of hisj country' a; !ar?e b
not doing works of supererogation.
He is doio? his duty, r. j aiore, r:
I?ss. For the same reason, a i
who dies on the battlef.eld is
aainb He did his duty, no more, approximate! f t
Perhaps the fact of the her-.i.-rr. in-' about i:-,r.- Vol
volved in the perfurmar.ee of a ol- in? th ratr.f r
tier's duty accounts ftr the reason
why so many goo-i and noble men
have been soldiers in the fact cf the
apparently obvious villainy of war
as such. The old word "duty" is not
heard a great deal of late. It is
looked uptm largely as a relic of ra
ther stuffy times, now quite out of
date. It smacks of preaching. It i
rr.sch more exciting to f .rcet all
about duty ar.d fo .-l.lr.j up ir. the
air in pursuit of all torw of iridis-
cent altruistic rair.bv.os than it is to
stand right oh the around and "D it
the first thing next," f- -he English-. lit
man sail. Many are like the ra ts
writing treatises on social economy.be
who dl'i.i from typhoid fever as a re-. ar
suit of the filthy droir.s under his'ti'
ova house which he .-.e-'leoted to have:
cleaned. When you fr out of your,'
way and beyond your duty (having tonee it is the rr..-; ur..t-::e-
first performed it) ir. the ser.'ice of ar"! the easiest to i' r. : .
yur own pcop'o and your Govern- r. ;t ntt-y he -".:r--i 'f r.-"
n t-rrt, i"i when it costs time, money, !; 1 ; - r-l-tertly t.-eatei. !
iahor ar.d perhaps physical ssuffer- ttnf-rturste that r.tar.y e:
ing to o'o so, you may aspire to the people either think in terms, of
r.oble rrme of patriot. There are.lars or personal pleasure of the
pot s; many. The Rotarian. r-.-t, ar.d rot in t'-.s- .-f human
IReal Style Show Incidental
I - Feature in "Sheltered Daughters
Florida is making ft strenuous t
fight for the control 'of syphilis as
well as the other veneral diseases.
It is now believed that the percentage
of infection has been checked in its - -.
upward trend and that from now on; ifj hardly safe f r a man to take
a gradual reduction in the rate is j.is women fr.iks to the movies these
possible. There must not be n?!. d:M:,r5 have grown
laggtr-g m the Sght. ' j . . -,..:- r.ri)iuc-
mere and more be . on .--n pr.juao
tior.s. Half. tie pttrures.
stvie ih-7s. so tnat wi-.e:
. J - 1.- ..r i V -.rr; f. i-l h"
Ldugutci: t.'- - - -
Sinn F.-in wants peace with Ci- ;reater not only r. re than ever in
er, but not a separate piece. j love with some favi-rlte star, but per-
Ife-tiv enranturel over some stunn-
Loose morais are never enccur-
ge.l bv tight money. '. mciude
t Far'sUn fushi- r paraded be
" -he camera. Realart made spe-a-ranrements
with several of the
French costumers to secure
and exclusive models of
a-uwr.s and wraps, so
ises to be a sty e as we
matic treat.
a 5" ar.ee
0f East Palatka. Putnam Coun
ty Florida, formerly belonging to the
V'.J vliwin W. Johnson. ieced.
Jr C which, conaistinsr of ten aere
m .-1 Backing house barn.
citrus tr. PS , .jtaated
"thi" south siSe of "he 'pubUc bigh
i.v t ndlns east from the post of
!S. andthfother of wh,ch grove.
'Son .hichis an artesian wUJ
on tne n" which tracts are de
"ribdbr m!t,"and bound., a. fol-
he play protn-;--, ctrUin parcel of land lytn on
a dra-i F..it side t '
Johm P.iver. and de-
strtb-d as. 1'-' "" w m. I. 1
to J."eph A. Crandall. beln?
Vorthtast corner or jauas
ing costume s.oc'.v:'
If that disarmament conference
works, tne seat ci war win do sat !t -s sai-e to say.
upon. I fashion show seer.
within the year sur;
Scertce that see. ::
stone's latest ri.'
enable states-. Daughters," which
mad impulse to Grar.d theater in th
The ftory dea- w.
bcox-wonn ar.
e whole world
itrnrni t Ltt i vy. ana r e... ..,..
Deflation, masts a tire soft, but it
i.-r-.Vt have t'.at effect on times.
sarrnament wi
to control tha
an ultimatum.
A I". S.
cwn.- (t-or.f.r.
wever, that no tntea, anu wortn r
r - the screen Senator Duncan L
i,i in magni- t-. jrapn, and mar.)
Justine John- present cay inters'
"Sheltered magazine.
rr.es to th; In comrr.er.tir.J ;:
olace tiay. euitoria..y. tr.e
East about
baa flled taid cirti-,,,,
and baa made
r e
far a
ley goes a ii-.t:e larmsc no.
is still unable to go quite as
i nert payday.
Astronomers cr. explain a.rito '
everythir.i.' except the odd circum-stan.e-
that r.to-jnshine is more a'oa.n-
chance one day she :
gown shop on Fifth
Vc-rk. The pmrr-rt
olr! is a real v
irwed. and eng.----.
.r.t on dark
-japan is
-t make
t OS-'!
congested, an
arrangement wit
or the stork.
ce-troyed the world, and
; that the unprecedented
ir. Eirope will save it.
s i- .-t ;'),0 of her
.ar. -r. -J'l.o- from
I'-l.OOO from tuhercu'.os
;t .-f the-e deaths art p
f'ar..:er 1- r.elthr :nhr
oe a mirac.e
s to raise thoe
; In fine feathers
uousiy lovely and
attract attention
?o-on slje is plur.
inu' midst of wh
mere romance h'.i'
, an international :
Tne scenes ir.
f the j will be of the
nfar.t ' women patrons o
: dozen mannikin
ay 'irea:
fts when b;
ir.to a smart
rue. in Ne-v
ees that th-: '
r as a roar.-'
1 is c-'-nspic-is
not fail :
o the excit
a.i sc.
Li ar
tr.eater, as
f. r the f :.- o: u
m Pa-e 1 1 c'f.ains to the rr.id-ile of th -reeK
, ,- .,uth aim! the manderinirs
eiiinj caretui.;-.! -k about ten chains to the
' .-.nC-ast corner of the aforesaid cor-I-
; V, nfra-i1 lands of Joseph
er anicles of' r-andall. thence "est about ten
' the North bonnoary line
.rrear in , ;:aJ- ( randall lands to -he point
!". "f.-li-ntne. being a part of west
ti T.iwnsr.ip ien
Tw ntv-seven (2T) East, con--T-
.'.-r.. rnfir or l-ss: also
:i.V:" jZ-ain rarc-l of land bing part
. j rt,"ti! half of Southeast quar
. - ,'V ... ;in Five 15). Township Ten
,-,-,,'V .u-tr Kane- '1 wenty-seven tZ.
Fa- V.i East side of St. Johns River
tV,j";,.-ibed as becinning at the
s.i.-raV -rner stake of the land
i v V- v.' L. L. Bwen to Osborn D.
il'.vv " a-d running there East par
a "'--l t" 1 -(1' f-t from North boun
(.ttV.. ; tj-.. lar.d claimed and inci-'n--i
'V.l'wi- Johr.s-n ten chains to a
...o . -...0 and ther-ce in a Norther
;v - i:h the m-anderines of the
,'"-l i" -o a ir.t du Kast of the
; -f'-i-a;- -ir-.-.-r -if th- said Osboru
-ii-'ivv iand! th-r.ee West to the
v! '--i- ,,.:-: w. 3.ii'3 .'s!mrr,
jV ' SVvv lard. ti:-nce South with
f' : 'i aid 'kborn D.
: " -1 t" b-slinninff. con-
'.;1! ;:iat"' ;c--rta:nS' pScll of land . Evans, purchaser of I;
' -."."f, '.' .R,vr- ""No- 334, dat
. ;rV a: l"u -int where the Action : A. D.
!;-e -.etw-n actions na.-j $ ,., .
-- --, ,., (...-rs-.ts th- Kast line of;"' - Cm
th- r-itr i. th .-!., thjtion for Ta:.
. t r r. n. - 1 1 r - ' I itr.Hni
County. Florida. ,.
A. D. 1M1. at thI ,V
that day in and
then and there ,,' .
tiff in a i-lvii .?" i.
Witness my ha'J 1
Circnit CourtV., 1
ida. and the seal J?
"al, " ' V:
R. i
Nstlee of Ann....
a-.r.""" I.
A. E. Comer ru oha-ni ,
So. 32. dated
to lsaue In tccor Janct'
Ins; described prcl '
Putnam countv FImj,
Of N V( oi , , '
e.. is Acrf. '
The said lard Mn
date of Issustk 0f
th name ot t nk-ovo
deemed accordinj ti,i,tT cJ
Witness my official t
seal this tne 1; cav
Clerk Circuit Court. pJ
By .to,
Aug- 18-26; Sep. 1
I nder becticn S of 0,
La'-vs of Fkt:
Notice is h. rebv s;.
tr.e ;s
1910 has Slei ;
nas at
r.e press is wan
ric.s. He isn't 1
Peei :
T3t ! eoruance wit., n-.n-. s.
al'n,'" Sa;15 t il:;
...n yin in- .property situate ! r. j
li'Ots K.ve (5i .
: al.ina sa:d ' Florida, to-wit:
t""'1-". ao-t, 2a in v. v
toe nre-war :ev
.st a:, i
now -1
sors over
Tuberculosis -h
it is "catching."
r.ian has
ho wl-h-s
don't :
Kh- s
nl; T-.-n
f be
1) ot
( 10 I. j
Za m ?.
4, Bk 34,
26 E., 2 ,
of a-.-e.
of the
It has t-
I N T UK II !(l 1 It '
( ll M l. 1 l.uilll) ',
i nr. ri ii
:irr.iixt Jeji- tassessej at -.,
f- r i. ;l.!if r"ad. , of such C-rt::t.
io-d: -xcepuna; "' -' -h..r.-:r.w.fore
de- tificate shall U
a-.sct-!b-d 'and-1 ,
;..i nt where the I to law, Tax i'e
tinns 1-1 i.jj ci ,1.,.. I
en c:
tracte 1
of aire.
Witness r
al -this th-
tei: wntr.i at .n
t-f pride, a srrat
. .urore as.
K.issia witho
ids'r.ips that
trade udvar.t
I", 111 ! tTItiN
NO "
't "'as not
rouble nor h
Ea." ll.i"
Ir i-- th. nee Sou? h
- said Grant Six
- a-.d ( n' -r.alf f-et
;i-.-n .- XorthSnlia--
llii.t liii-- nf said I
-I. ll-"--l-ed forty- j
-.:"-s Five (5) and ! v
a!' ?ai'1 !
i: !: i a: d t, n 1 Ey W. A.
-. : atd land i m. a n
ida East
r v wantyi
1 -t papai
io now yo
of 24 leave
Ihe very Hi
paper In th
pbe That Be
ef of. Me
a railway! , , .tetyle Of a
. i' ii3 P-lattiesses Mair 0f the a
aVesleyan M
ft received fr
pen a gowi
pider' of Me
I.AniH n.. II..
in liUl, so
than ISO y
has, of com
le gown. St
and othen
Tlie mate
worked in
incing iiorse
a lltt
te hung aboi
'aimed that
Ki rt- gown, bu
:i:: to the eccle
0:,--fording to i
; i, pley wore in
teses an ord
Jl speaking, ii
t.-.at r.-.ne:
r ut. f r ho
y reti.i
-1 in the
fircult j
a;. .. at;.-, s. p. S-". i
t h.-r-l-y referred!
' - ! aces i:.i and iS
; int, sttd are herebvj
ie rind aoo-ar before Che I
cn-uit Court of Putnam j pnone 432
Old Matrro ;os !'iOmir of slip;
T"ork (in an:
Vego Hair M:
'"I,' -.r'yV'' TIZW
a,rn S3E3B', - vrwara. .-(5a -C7
I LlVJf .c
(S t-sfc -cv
For Three Days We Are Making Some 3up?r-Specials
Swift Premium Ham per pound
Sugar 15 pounds
VJ V v-i ,
Look them
$1.00 25 pound sack
These are 1
Priics EirhP' klnt
I aiuuy. ,
of course, i
IWtaln an
on his urea
Jsgested tin
Svu as a pr
pc condition
fesiey . muse
Iber of Inte;
1 !if!hnilaa wo
i g Vcliair of Join
I'S trom the don
S. la Jfesley's stud
broportlou 01
ome and Get Your SharRm
y history o
J a!L J W Ej
Kingan Reliable Ham p-r pound '
$1.70 100 poun-I sack
3 int of Scott
Mention to. Re
nt He Has O
. tfc. 2 for 773c
...38c, 2 for 75c
.. 43c, 2 for 83c
38c, 3 for i.io
... 38c. 2 for 75c
35c. 3 lb can 5
V. H. Coffee, per pound
Chase and Sanborn, per pound
Barrington Hall, per pound
Yuban, per pound
St. Regis, per pound
White Rose, per pound
Arbuckie. per pound
Maxwell i louse, per pound
Velvet, self rising. 24 lbs
Velvet, self rising. 12 lbs
White Rins-.. self rising, 24 lbs
White Ring, self rising, 12 lbs $ .65
Nancy Lee, self rising, 24 lbs $1-25
Nancy Lee, self rising, 12 lbs -65
Grits, 10 pounds for 25c
Meal, 10 pounds for 25c
Chicken Feed, 10 pounds for 25c
Chicken Corn, 10 pounds for 25c
Lard Compound, 2 pounds for ; 25c
Flake White, 8 pound can I 25
Flake White, 4 pound can 5c
Cottolene, 3 pound can ----- I45
Cottolene, 4 pound can 75c
tghxg? ( "rn- 2 can .
j p1"-prWf5''' W- y.x-':r "a (',;rn- X"- - can ....
j fij: -- Jlp?'" 'jj 1 ui'ivsnie O.-ii. N .. ; can
j teol'r .oolgk Ko: Vi1',' J::i
lunch o.' I
,(k I dtscovei
--. -fwoll hi my.
JH the chiirs
pt, with, pi
f ,r f'hich contai:
- - ' 'flih sniaii bl;
rr-.rjS -'tng turusl1.
" L" Later on I i
Mthe nest. 0
f but it apt
25C 4 ; was a hen
t x- , Ci r- It was a
-inia beans, No. 2.3-in the bird
2. 3 cans
It is hard work to think of something different for
dinner every day, so let us suegst for today "Ham and."
Buy a whole ham from us ar.J have it in the house so you can
get dinner without much trouble.
Our harr.s are sugar cured and hickory
are sweet and juicy.
smiea th
why thev
er r-ea 1 mv Green Per, V, ,
White Rose String Beans." No. 2...
Blue Label String Reone v -.
, t . u;,
String Beans, No. 2
Florida Round Steak
Florida Loin Steak ...
Western Round Steak
J western J.oin Steak
1 cr ti,r ' Jy vovered
C- I, r- ttlmt the n
2c 2 for-fru"s ce
" ' , cfenrts- The
3 I"' il'penred. Tl
4 for,ft7,foH",,f t
I5C, 7 tor.-ithe wall tb
I Of (ta out
If a cat
& endeavored
;f sitting. is
"III imiy have
.. nest taken
f. adapted to
"-;itlii riifK prions . . W birds, evei
Koast Beet
Edinburgh S
1 . oc- r i. -
tn Ute of
npire rest I
1 rh ,
Box Bacon. Kingan . Moh,me
" P ' out
17 Pounds Sugar for $1.00 with pound loose Coffee 35c CUE
Ited statutes
gmrpoge ami,
(e authority,
others h
,he nearest c;
JiWice Ik i
MARKET Phone 43
I) the law as
" !'-..w

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