WILMINGTON LODGE NO. 319 A. F. & A. M. Special communication of this lodee this (Friday) evening at 8 o’clock for the purpose of con ferring the Sublime degree of Master Mason with a select team of Past Masters. All visiting Master Masons cordially invited to meet with us. By order of the Master, D. J. PADRICK, P. M., Secy. LUTS OF MILK FED FRYERS breasts, lb. 55c Wings, lb. 28c Legs, lb._45c Giblets, lb. 50c Necks and Backs, lb. -l“c Swift’s Sliced Coral BACON, lb-I6V2C Swift's Premium ROLLED BOAST, lb-29c Cube STEAKS, lb-—-35c Veal Rump BOAST, lb. -- 23c Swift’s Premium Sliced LUNCHEON MEAT, lb. __21c Swift's Premium Sliced BOILED HAM, lb_35c VEAL CUTLETS, lb-35c Swift’s Premium Chuck BOAST, lb-16c Fancy Slicing TOMATOES, 2 lbs._25c New White POTATOES. 10 lbs. _:_..21c Fancv Yellow SQUASH. 3 lbs. ——I.-IOc Fancv CARROTS, bunch -5c Fancy Large LEMONS, doz. 1———17c Fancy GRAPEFRUIT. 6 for_25c Golden Ripe RANANAS, 4 lbs-19c Our Truck will arrive from Florida this Morning with a complete load of Fancy Fruits and Vegetables. Watermellons, California Can teloupes, Fresh Lima Reans, Tender Okra, Native Straw berries I Fine Granulated \ SUGAR, 10 lbs. .7 J Brt.,k-0'Morn CSfrgfc, 2 Ik.I—29c Smarty DOG FOOD, 3 cans ——25c Jersey Tomato Catsup, I4-oz. bot. 10c Salad King DRESSING, pi. ———13c Way-Pack Dill or Sour PICKLES, ql_UVzc Prim Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls_17c Read The Classified Ads POPULA' )N GAINS IN JACKSONVILLE Census Gives Onslow Town Population Of 931, Gain Of 216 Since 1930 JACKSONVILLE, May 23.—Popu lation of Jacksonville is 931, a gain of 216 since 1930, Mrs. J. W. Bishop, census taker, reported yesterday. Greater Jacksonville, however, ii was believed by town ard county of ficials is well around 1,100 persons Two new residential colonies have sprung up since the 1930 census just outside the town limits on the New Bern and Swansboro highways, and residents of them could not be count ed as part of the town, although all of them work in Jacksonville. Neither does the count include any one beyond New River. Five Vote Contests Scheduled In Bladen ELIZABETHTOWN, May 23.—On the Bladen county democratic pri mary ballot, to be cast on Saturday, May 25, the following candidates and offices appear, W. R. Wliitted, chair man of the county board of elections, reported today. Senator: James H. Clark and N. L. Tatum. Representative: A. G. McDou gald, Jr., James A. Bridger, and U. S. Page. Register of deeds: Johnnie W. Shaw, D. T. Townsend, and Mrs. Lillian Johnson. Judge of recorder’s court: J. El mer Kinlaw, Louis Parker, J. K. Nicholson, and W. Leslie Johnson. County commissioners: Milton L. Fisher, PI. R. Allen, R. D. DeVane, L. I. Hester, W. A. Warlick, J. S. Elkins, and W. Oakley Melvin. Millis Yancey Is Given Eight Months On Roads On charges of breaking, entering, and larceny, Millis Yancey, negro, received eight months in jail, to be assigned to the county farm, when he was tried in recorder’s court yes terday. He was arrested yesterday by county officers for stealing five chickens from the henhouse of J. C. Batson. LeRoy Black, negro, was ordered by the court to pay $5 a week toward the support of his children. The negro, who was charged with aban donment and non-support, is from Castle Hayne. OPPOSES BILL WASHINGTON, May 23— UP) — Senator Taft (R-Ohio) told the senate today that a bill designed c at! labor spies and “oppres e lab practices” actually would >."i’r.'te sabotage in time of war. T -- he opposed certain pro visions of the legislation, sponsor ed by Senator LaFollette (Prog-Wis) as a result of investigation by the senate civil liberties committee. OPENING FRIDAY NIGHT UNCLE JIN S NEW PLACE Wrightsville Beach Station One—next to A&P new sanitary rest rooms. New equip ment. Specials Every Night. SIDE GLANCES 1 COPR. 1540 BY. NEA SERVICE. INC. T. M. REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. _J O “Adenoids? Well, you can just bet that’s something he inherited from his father l” Troops Fighting Above Graves Of Americans Killed In World War PARIS, May 23.—(iP)—Troops are fighting now above the graves of Americans who died in “the war to end all war.” American Legion officials said to day a cemetery near St. Quentin containing 1,833 American graves was the scene of fighting last Sun day Earlier Romagne cemetery, near Verdun, was reported damaged by bombs. There are 25,000 American graves there. Flowers cannot be placed on every grave this year, as has been the custom, so the Legion plans to place symbolic wreaths on the altar of the American cathedral at the annual Memorial service. Youths And Loot Held By Coast Line Police Captain Dickens of the ACL police said yesterday that two boys are be ing held in Laurinburg with a quan tity of goods believed to have come from Wilmington. They are William Boyd, 19, of Los Angeles, Calif., and Bob Ford, 20, of Clio, S. C., Captain Dickens told Chief of Police J. C. Rourk in a phone call yesterday. Among the loot reported in their possession was a Smith and Wesson 32 calibre pistol, one sawed-off shot gun, one pair of handcuffs, and seven new pocket knives 75 Cases Are Docketed For Civil Court Term A total of 75 cases are listed on the docket for the two-week civii term of New Hanover superior court, which will open Monday morning. A week's criminal term will follow on .Tune 10. Judge J. Paul Frizelle, of Snow Hill, will preside over the civil term, with Judge Walter J. Bone, of Nash ville, officiating at the criminal ses sion. Several murder trials will take place during the criminal term, it is revealed from the office of T. A. Henderson, clerk of court. A recess will be taken on Thursday, May 30, a legal holiday. TO DEDICATE DEPARTMENT CHAPEL HILL, May 23.—(IP)— The radio department of the Univer sity of North Carolina will be dedi cated Sunday .with a broadcast from 5 to 5:30 p. m. over most North Carolina stations and the network of the Mutual Broadcasting System, the university news bureau said to day. The speaker will be Chair man James Lawrence Fly of the fed eral communications commission. British Censors Remove Mail From U. S. Clipper HAMILTON, Bermuda, May 23— ip)—British censors removed 22 bags if mail today from the Pan-American Atlantic clipper, which was forced Dack here from the Azores by high seas last night on her east bounc flight from New York. Six mail bags were destined for Germany, four for Italy, four for Portugal, two for Switzerland and one each for Denmark, Sweden, Greece, Spain, Norway and the Az ores. Mail addressed to Britain and France was untouched. 3,763 Voters Registered For Election In Onslow JACKSONVILLE, May 23—A total of 3,763 voters are registered in Onslow county this year, the board of eleetions announced this week. mJt ?;„TIRE C*J» Rn»H .Ilu,lt; FULL PINT fun quart 80> *i-55 90 PROOF This Whiskey Is 3 YEARS OLD k $&wrdwj/> I PRIVATE STOCK! straight RYE whiskey | I P.’ • KH ' h; - — ‘ AMOVING? EFFICIENT Is the Word tor Our j ROVING SERVICE } PRICES REASONABLE j Farrar (TRANSFER & STORAGE § WAREHOUSE f CALL 883 I HALL’S MARKER STREET^ DRUG STORE 1608 Market Street Offers expert prescription service and i prompt de f liveries of medicine A Registered Druggist is in charge of this branch of our business and stands ready to serve you promptly and accu rately. CURB SERVICE —We Deliver Anywhere— Phone 3405 HAGOOD'S GROCERY 4th & Nun St. Phone 3418-3419 WE DELIVER SUGAR. 5 lb. Cloth Bag25c 10 lb. Cloth Bag. .48c Delmar OLEOMARGARINE, lb. ..10c MILK Carnation, 6 small or 3 tall 20c Rose, 8 small or 4 tall _.25c Kraft American CHEESE, 1-lb. Box_25c Break’O'Morn COFFEE, 2 lbs_1...27C PURE LARD, Carton, 2 lbs 17c STRAWBERRIESTqtsT 25c NEW POTATOES, 10 lbs. 25c Royal Gelatins New Tapioca Pudding, pkg 5c Delicious Meat Prem, can 24c FRESH TOMATOES, lb. 12 y2C QUAKER GRITS, 2 boxes 15c LEMONS, Lg. Size, Doz. 20c COCA-COLA, 6-bot. carton 22c SHREDDED WHEAT, 2 pk 19c BROOMS, 25c Size_21c 49c Size_39c VESPER TEA, lb_2?c MORTON'S SALT, 2 boxes 15c 1 lb. Box Vanilla Wafers TOASTIES, >/2 lb. box ..19c BACON, 2 lbs_33c COUNTRY SAUSAGE, lb. 15c BRISKET STEW, lb. .A2Vzc PORK CHOPS, lb_20c BUTTER, lb_-32c Streak’O’Lean PIG MEAT, lb_10c NEED MONEY? The CAROLINA is prepared to serve you in a. long-term, low-cost real estate loan. The discrimi nating borrowers today are getting all facts per taining to their loans. Why don’t you? Then, follow the crowds —it pays! ! Two The / Million Dollar Carolina Building & Loan Assn. “Member Federal Home Loan Hank" C M. BUTIJCR VV. A. FONVIELLE W D. JONES President Sec.-Treas, Asst. Sec.-Treas. ROGER MOORE. Vire-ITes. J. O. CARR. Atty. W. ERSKINE SMITH —FOR— LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR STATE SENATOR — FOUR TERMS PRESIDENT PRO TEM OF 1939 SENATE A FRIEND OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY “ASK THOSE WHO KNOW HIM” Calvert "Reserve” BLENDED WHISKEY: 90 Proof-65% Grain Neutral Spirits Calvert Distilled Gin: 90 Proof — Distilled from 100% Grain Neutral Spirits. Copyright 1940, Calvert Distillers Corporation, New York City. | ™Ke*uuf!i A/o^woad ! SANDWICH SPREAD with every quart purchase of fCetuufk /logwood SALAD DRESSING. "NO FINER SALAD DRESSING AT ANY PRICE" 1| At your independent neighborhood grocer | < 1 — —* Receivers Sale *r- •• ••• -*• • • -'^5. r By virtue and in pursuance of a decree of the Hon. J. Paul Frizzelie, Judge holding the Court of the Eighth Judicial District, j j in the suit of John W. Fredericks and Finley McMillan against 5 J W. C. Manson for the dissolution of the partnership known as the Manson Towing & Lighterage Company, the undersigned will ' offer for sale, at public auccion, to the highest bidder, for cash. ! at 12:00 o’clock M., on Saturday, the 1st day of June, 1940, at the wharf of the Manson Towing & Lighterage Company at the foot of Chestnut Street in the City of Wilmington. N. C., the steam tugs or boats “Battler” and "Cambria,” one derrick barge, one preaching barge, one barge A. C. L. No. 8. together with all their apparel, equipment, furniture and fixtures; subject to a ah ™ortga^e on the "Cambria” of about *2400.00 held by the Atlantic Towing Company, of Savannah, Ga., a scond mortgage or about *2600.00 on both the "Battler” and the "Cambria,” and a mortgage of $1400.00 on the tug “Battler.” or rejection^ Sa'6 iS to be reported to the Court for confirmation j R . A. S. BATSON, eceiver of the Manson Towing & Lighterage Company I [ 412 Southern Building, Wilmington, N. C. t Sour dollars work harder for you when you buy all your f, , needs here where every price is a low price every ,j:u help yourself to the BIG SAVINGS . . . choosing exactjj ,v|'llf you want just as easily as you’d take the foods from your truur shelves . . . shopping as easily or as quickly as yoott wish ( y in today and start to save! New Satin Creamed SNOWDRIFT, 3 lbs.fe Wesson ! OIL, Pints... 21c Quarts. Ja Pillsbury’s Best FLOUR, 12 lbs.,57c Fine Granulated j SUGAR, .10 lbs.49r Brookfield BUTTER, lb.m Delmar j OLEO, 2 lbs.18cj I Royal Tapioca _4 i«r ist II C and E —___ 11 BAPEjmciJi^^ J Royal Gold orange -==—iII 0®B(IRATL2hr J grapefruit "-htIL Ml I^SlAJS-oz. caws ?o, || MDDRESmQL 2 3Ih. jar to. II *AS/ 2 cans. ^ I BLETCORNc Jl rnia Crisp -^ .-—II BMQTS, 2 bunches He I Utoes ce;s*e jj, 15J| ed Bliss ---**» • 11 Fancy White » CAULIFLOWER, lh.\H I Scot's Tissue, three for__ 23c I Scot's Kitchen Towels, three for__ . 27c I Waldorf Tissue, four for__ ^ f Cocktail Glass With ■ French's Worcestershire Sauce, 2 for_ 25c I So-Tasi-EE French Fried Onions, No. 1 can_ IN OUR MARKI lj Swift’s Premium - HAMS, lh.j» Rindless Sliceu . BACON, lh.J Prime Rib .r ROAST, lh.J POT ROAST, lh. J* S’irloin Veal ft ft ROAST, lh.J Onslow County HAMS, lh.••••••••••:•■? —