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The Wilmington morning star. [volume] (Wilmington, N.C.) 1909-1990, June 20, 1940, Image 1

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Dedicated To The Progress Oi Served by Leased Wire of the
And Southeastern North | || | T1 I I I A| I With Complete Coverage of
Carolina State and National News
^tT73--NO. 252____WILMINGTON, N. C.. THURSDAY, JUNE 20. 1940__+ #_ ESTABLISHED 1867
' •
British Apparently Repay
Call Blow For Blow With
Attacks On Nazis
LONDON, June 20.—(Thursday)
(iP)—The battle of England, thus
far being fought in the air, raged
again today through sleepless hours
from midnight to dawn shattered
by the thunder of bombs and the
incessant barking of anti-aircraft
The Nazi air raiders came at ir
regular intervals, wave after wave,
and ranged from the southeastern
coast north into Scotland. Sirens
shrilled warnings even in some sec
tions of northwestern England
never before threatened from the
Repay Call
And again*, as yesterday,- British
bombers apparently repaid their
call blpW for blow with attacks on
Roaring little British fighter
planes and anti-aircraft guns that
banged away at dark shapes picked
up by search-light beams brought
down at least one of the German
aircraft and sent two others sea
ward in difficulty, barely clearing
the housetops.
Townspeople stayed in their
houses or scurried to air raid shel
ters. All civil defense units stood
by their stations until dawn and a
spell of quiet that indicated the
raid—or the worst of it—was over.
Bombs exploded near a northeast
coastal town, and anti-aircraft and
fighters battled off other raiders
from Scotland to south of London.
One of the raiding bombers was
shot down in Yorkshire.
The air-raid alarm on the east
coast of Scotland was lifted after
half an hour.
The first alarms were sounded
just before midnight, Wednesday,
and a few minutes after midnight
the Bremen and Hamburg radio
stations went silent, probably in
dicating British airmen had been
detected on their third successive
right-covered visit to Germany’s
busy northwest industrial and
shipping section.
At three a. m. (9 p. m. E. S.
T.) gunfire and exploding still were
heard in northeast England where
bombs were being dropped. The
sound of machinegun fire went on
for a considerable time after Brit
ish fighter planes took the air, and
the raiders also encountered heavy
opposition from ground batteries.
A powerful searchlight caught one
raider }n its beam and it made off
toward the sea with fighter planes
shooting tracer bullets in its wake.
The all clear signal was sounded
after three hours and a quarter in
one town in northeast England.
High flying planes were heard
repeatedly in southeastern England.
Planes Shelled
Sometimes the searchlights pick
ed out the dark forms of high
flying planes. Bursts of shellfire
were seen around them.
One large force of enemy planes
crossed the southeastern coast of
(Continued on Page Two)
France Submits Names To
German Officials And Is
Awaiting Answer
BORDEAUX, France, June 19.—
UP)—Reports were widely circulat
ed tonight—without official confir
mation—that Germany's major
peace terms are unacceptable to
the French and that President Le
brun and other leaders have gone,
or may soon go, to Algiers to pre
serve the framework of a fighting
Lebrun, one report said, was or
would be accompanied to Africa by
the presidents of the the chamber
of deputies and senate, respectively
Edouard Herriot and Jules Jean*
The reports seemed to converge
in the sense that France may try
to fight on.
Negotiators Named
Officially it was stated merely
that the French government has
submitted the names of its nego
tiators to the Germans and is
awaiting an answer.
However, tonight’s reports said
that the government of Marshal
Henri Philippe Petain had learned
the gist of the main German terms,
and had found them too harsh.
(A British radio broadcast pick
ed up tonight by NBC said three
French representatives, General
Huntziger, Paul Baudouin and Leon
Noel, had left for an undisclosed
If France does continue the
fight, it was thought likely she
would eventually fall back on her
North African possessions from
which her armies and those of
Britain could squeeze Italian Libya.
Nazis Push Drive
There has been no letup In the
determined Nazi drive, no halt in
the slow withdrawal of weary
French armies.
Latest German pushes apparent
ly were aimed at a quick cleanup
of France’s English channel coast,
and the cutting off of France’s
third city, Lyon.
Two strong German columns con
verged on Lyon—one from the
Swiss frontier to the northeast, the
other past Nevers, to the north
Along the Swiss frontier, the
French said, the battiefront is too
confused for a clear picture of
what has happened. Resistance
there was described as probably
“very weak.”
In general, however, the French
were fighting in an attempt to
pull their forces together as they
were driven southward against the
Mediterranean, the Pyrennes border
of Spain and the Atlantic.
They still had about half of their
territory in which to fight, and a
military commentator tonight said
that although the armies wera
fighting as isolated groups, ’“each
nevertheless has conserved its co
hesion of maneuver in retreat.”
“New Battle”
The French said their weary
troops had delivered a "new bat
tle” against the enemy on the mid
dle Loire before withdrawing “on
Maginot troops which had not
yet escaped from the German jaws
in Lorraine were described as
forming square formations, which
were revived in Flanders, to beat
off mechanized and motorized ene
my attacking them from east,
north and west. These troops were
attempting to cut their way through
to join main armies to the south.
In the region west of the Vosges
other French troops were fighting
southward, foot by foot.
NEW YORK, June 19—(At— The
Investment Bankers association of
America today proposed an Increase
in government expenditures for mil
itary purposes "regardless of the
effect on the budget” and an increase
in income taxes to pay the cost
■ A
Clean Up In Luxembourg '
The blitzkrieg having come and gone, Luxembourg civilians, super
vised by German soldiers, repair the destruction left behind. They are
clearing debris from around a partially wrecked bridge preparatory to
ebuilding the structure.
Within 20 Miles Of Lyon
French Troops Retreat
From Forts Of St. Louis,
Hunique, Rosenau
GENEVA, Switzerland, June 19
—Itfl—German mechanized armies,
taxed by cross-country dashes but
supported by uncontested air su
periority, were reported tonight to
have sent advanced elements down
the Ain valley to within 20 miles
oi Lyon.
(A German radio broadcast,
picked up by NBC, said the Ger
mans had “reached” Lyon, some
200 miles north of Marseille and
the Mediterranean.)
Machine Weakened
Reports brought by refugees nev
ertheless indicated the possibility
that the German war machine was
so near exhaustion that the French
might successfully defend Lyon,
their third largest city, a manu
facturing center whose normal pop
ulation is about 570,000.
The defense of Lyon fell, in part,
to comparatively fressh troops
from the now virtually abandoned
Maginot line. The last skeleton
garrisons of the great fortresses
on the Rhine north of Basel with
drew today.
The forts of St. Louis, Hunique,
Village Neuf and Rosenau fired
their last volleys at German posi
tions in Baden at 2:45 a.m. and
(Continued on Cage Two) ,
Bordeaux Is Bombed
Four Times By Nazis
BORDEAUX. June 20—(Thurs
day)— —(Via Radio) — Bor
deaux, provisional capital of be
leaguered France, was bombed
four times a little after 1:30 a.
m. (7:30 p. m., E. S. T. Wed
Nnewspaper correspondents
were forced to take refuge in a
cellar during the rains.
They heard the German planes
sweeping over the open city at
low altitudes, bombing the
streets and buildings jammed
with refugees.
The thunder of exploding
bombs came just as the towns
people, waiting for word of an
armistice, had beg|Un to hope
they had found retuge and were
Wen And Women Called To
Voluntary Enlistment For
Military Training
MONTEVIDEO, June 19—Little
Jruguay called today upon her
wo million people to destroy the
trojan horse.
The government summoned all
nen and women to voluntary enlist
nent for military training or for
vomen’s auxiliary services.
Officials acted to sharply limit
he influx of so-called ‘‘tourists.’'
The man-on-the-street took heart
rom the approaching visit of the
.Tnited States cruiser Quincy, due
omorrow on a good neighbor tour.
Uruguay is the Achilles heel of
louth America. A parliamentary
:ommission just has issued a 33
>oint indictment of Nazi infilltra
ion. The commission said it dis
posed a Nazi plan for military
>ccupation of the nation.
Disclosures from the report said
;vidence had been found of a
.cherne to make over Uruguay’s
(Continued on Page Two)
inns Tax Bill
Is Passed By
Senate, 75-5
Adds Excess Profits Levy
Designed To Raise $500,
000,000 Annually
gill Now Goes To Confer
ence Group Of Senators,
WASHINGTON, June 19 — (tfl—
Be Senate passed the defense rev
mi. bill tonight after adding an
excess profits levy to raise be
1,-een S400.000.000 and $500,000,000
unually and inserting a drastic
nr profits tax which would pro
vide additioal billios i the evet
of war.
Approval of the two changes in
lie measure, which had called for of new taxes took ad
ministration lieutenants by sur
prise. They opposed he excess pro
jts tax, which would be effective
at once, but many voted for the
proposal to impose heavy additio
nal taxes in the event of war.
Senator Connally (D-Tex), spon
sorin' the latter amendment, es
timated that it would raise $8,000,
COO.ODO a year from individuals
alone and possibly as much from
cpcrations. It would become ef
ktive au on-etaooetaoinietaoso
jtssional declaration of war.
Be vote on final passage of
ie bill was announced as 75 t
: tour republicans—Austin (VT)
Carney (SD), Hale (ME), and Taft
(hoi— and one farmer - laborite,
Ween (Minn),
The measure next will be sent
: a conference committee of sna
tirs and rpresnetativs to don
idr th tax increases votd by
a Senate alon. Democratic lead
ss indicated that boh he excss
polls and war profits proposals
would be thrown out in the con
Bey said that such legislation
(Continued on Hage Two)
,^’orth Carolina, South Carolina, Geor
P> and Florida—Partly cloudy Thurs
fc}' and Friday.
(Meteorological data for the 24 hours
wiing 7;3o p. m. yesterday.)
1;30a. m. 77; 7:30 a. m. 79; 1:30 p.
7:30 p. in. 77; maximum 95;
ttnainum 76; mean 86; normal 77.
J'? a. m. 88; 7:30 a. m. 77; 1:30 p.
7:30 p. m. 85.
_ Precipitation
i°tal for 24 hours ending 7:30 p. m.
-a inches; total since first of the
aonth 2.76 inches.
r Tides For Today
trom Tide Tables published by TJ.
• ^oast and Geodetic Survey).
rpj. . High Low
•'umington __ 9:56a 4:53a
iiie t 10:2Tp 5:06p
“asonboro Inlet_ 7:49a 1:50a
s ^ 8:22p l:53p
sJF1* 5:00a; sunset 7:26p; moonrise
CJjP: moonset 5:46a.
GTO X, June 19 — (A*) —
nier bureau records of temperature
‘ nunfall for the 24 hours ending
ln the principal cotton growing
and elsewhere:
Al In? . High Low Prec.
Av. ;.CloutJy_62 53 0.05
itlm e-,cIoudy-84 83 001
i “ ?■ cloudy-92 70 0.25
£,n.™ City, cloudy . 90 67 0.06
C™811""' cloudy _ 91 70 0.13
Bn!{??■ cloudy -85 60 0.11
UltHn.V C ear - 73 82 023
Hi ‘“Ston. cloudy_ 77 63 0.26
Ci' S». cloudy - 63 63 0.13
Ci l11' clear_ 87 71 0.00
Dallas d' •elear -78 — 0.00
C?; ain- 88 72 °-09
t«,5 e'0udy- 93 56 0.00
Duluth’ C ear- 72 83 0.09
tl pi!' c'0"dy- 65 39 0.00
G,lVP »' cloudy - 90 69 0.02
lavr, C,oudy - 88 77 0.00
iltks'cj.oody - 82 57 0.00
H'lisai r- e’ cloudy — 97 75 0.00
C^ity. Cloudy 85 73 0.00
kittle ti 0'0"dy- 84 79 0.00
l«s An.?. ’1 cloudy_ 90 69 0.00
louisvin les' clear- 79 56 0.00
Nr.hi „,C|T - 87 74 9 97
MC c oudy-85 72 0.41
JHami.i c'oudy- 92 69 0.02
fitn-St uUdf - 88 79 0.00
Jlohile i'11’ clear _ 70 53 0.00
few nPl car - 89 70 0.00
few y ‘i^s. cloudy _ 91 75 0.00
forfeit ?; cloudy 86 64 0.37
I'tsbuVh ;ly -97 73 0.00
Jutland® ■Coudy -— 79 66 0.13
cortland’ f, " cl"udy - 72 56 0.22
s cluiionil ." cloudy 75 61 0.00
7 US"?1’ c'oudy - 92 69 0.00
a" Anton?. ", "•- 88 71 °-00
s" PranS raln -— 88 77 1.02
r'Wna," p,co’ c'ear — 65 56 0.00
?ai"!‘a, ln ''"dy - 99 72 0.00
Jftsliur.--- 90 75 0.00
&hiiig„;n?Kly.,- 89 78 0.00
,'’Udy — 88 79 0.00
‘ton. cloudy _ 95 76 0.251
Cadets - „pect Flying Foidafefls |
■-* ^
As America looks to the air as one of her main arms of defense,
West Point cadets give their undivided attention to Lieutenant F. P.
Hunter, who explains the workings of a motor on a flying fortress at
Langley Field, Va. The cadets are among the 450 scheduled to visit
the field in three groups of 150 each.
U. S. Moves To Unite 21
Americas In Great Front
- M_
Tells Germany, Italy To
Keep Hands Off Allies’
Land In Hemisphere
The United States cautioned and
Italy to keep hands off British,
French and Dutch possessions in
the Western hemisphere today and
then omoved to array the 21 Amer
ican republics in a great untied
front for military and economic
Without waiting for disclosure of
the terms which Adolf Hitler and
Benito Mussolini will demand of
France as the price of peace, the
state department made known that
Secretary Hull had sent notes to
Berlin and Rome on Monday de
claring the United States was op
posed to transfer of any posses
sions in this hemisphere from one
non-American power to another.
Notes sent
The notes were sent to the Amer
ican embassies in Berlin and Rome
for communication to the German
and Italian governments soon after
word reached Washington that the
new French government had
sought to negotiate an armistice
which might involve the future of
French territorial possessions.
The views stated in the notes,
mnstitutine a reaffirmation of the
Monroe Doctrine, were the same
as those set forth in a resolution
which has been approved by both
branches of Congress but is now
pending in the Senate again for
consideration of minor house
Summer Welles, Assistant Secre
tary of State, Disclosed that this
government had proposed that all
the American republics meet soon
n extraordinary session in view
of European war developments. Al
though 'he said th# agenda had
not been formulated, he added,
that it probably would include a
proposal, now virtually ready for
President Roosevelt’s study, for
disposal of export surpluses in this
hemisphere. This proposal was un
derstood to embrace a plan for
marketing Latin-American exports
through a United States financed
corporation, designed to bolster
hemisphere economy against the
challenge of he Nazi barter system.
Important Place
The timing of the notes to Ger
many and Italy and the proposal
of a Pan-American conference in
dicated that defense of the hemi
sphere also would have an im
portant place in the discussions.
Thirteen nations already have
replied to the suggestion for a con
ference and Welles indicated that
their answere were favorable. The
other seven ar expectd to rply
by tomorrow.
Manwhile, the administration’s
latest move to give material aid
to the Allies met with opposition
on capitol hill.
Many .American Ships
Are In Mediterranean
NEW YORK, June 19.—
(AP) A dozen American ships
were still in the Mediterranean
and Black Seas tonight, either
steaming for home or prepar
ing to quit the waters closed
to U. S. shipping by Italy’s en
trance into the war nine days
Nine are American Export
Line vessels carrying some 250
passengers from the war zone.
The others are Lykes Brothers
Five other American Export
Line ships in the U. S.-Medi
terranean service were safe on
the high seas, bound for home.
Of these, three sailed from
Mediterranean ports before
Italy declared war and two,
eastbound then, turned back.
First Tenants To Be Moved
Into New Brooklyn
Homes Next Week
Plans will be made for holding
a dedication exercise for New
Brooklyn Homes, newly completed
low rent housing project, at a
meeting of the Housing Authority
of the city of Wilmington Friday
Although no definite decision has
been made, preliminary plans call
for the dedication early in July.
Speeches will probably be made
by prominent white and colored
figures in the city and in the hous
ing field.
The city commissioners, upon
the motion of J. E. L. Wade, yes
terday approved such a dedication
ceremony and offered their full
Red Soldiers
To Nazi Line
Sent From Bessarabian
Frontier With Rumania
To German Border
German Motorized Col
umns Are Being Sent To*
Eastern Prussia
BUCHAREST, June 20— (Thurs
day)—<iP>—Government circles re
ceived reports today that a large
number of Russian troops are being
transferred from the Bessarabian
frontier with Rumania to the Ger
man-Russian border.
These circles said more Russian
troops were being concentrated on
the frontier in Russian-Poland op
posite the frontier with German-pro
tected Slovakia.
Germans Move Troops
German motorized columns are be
ing sent to East Prussia, opposite
the Baltic states where Russia re
cently sent huge forces in a military
occupation, it was reported.
ATnpr.nfirmed reDorts of German
troop movements in East Prussia al
so have been circulated in the Bal
tic state*.)
Projected government changes to
accord with international situation
changes were said in diplomatic
quarters to be held in abeyance pend
ing the new Russian minister’s ar
These quarters said government
circles then might obtain more defi
nite indications of the actual status
of relations between Russia and
Gei many.
Mihai Manoilescu, former finance
minister and a close friend of Corne
liu Zelea Codreanu, slain iron guard
leader, was reported due to arrive
from Germany today with 200 self
eviled iron guard leaders.
The pro-Nazi iron guardists final
ly have been given permission to re
turn. Many of them fled the coun
try last fall when King Carol was
purging the iron guard. Codreanu
was killed with several followers in
that purge.
Government circles said their re
turn, together with the King’s in
terview yesterday with Horia Sima,
an iron guard leader, was the result
of a desire to ‘‘intensify national
Show At Airport Sunday
Added To List Of Week
End Festivities
Another attraction was added to
the festivities planned for the visit
of the Carolina Aero club this
week-end with the announcement
last night that the visiting pilots
will hold an air program at Blue
thenthal airport on Sunday after
noon beginning at 3 o’clock.
The Wilmington Aero club and
the Wilmington Junior Chamber of
Commerce are sponsoring the visit
of the state organization and have
made all arrangements for the oth
er entertainments, but the program
Sunday afternoon will be under the
(Continued on Page Two)
TOKYO, June 20-) thursday)
_UP)_Powerful political fac
tions urged tha Japanese gov
ernment today to turn to south
eastern Asia and even occupy
“protectively” the rich French
possession of Indio-China, in
anticipation of collapse of the
French empire.
Already the government,
timing its action to coincide
with discussion of the French
armistice terms, was reported
reliably to have dropped a re
minder in Berlin and Rome of
its “concern” over Idno-China.
This reminder, it was under- A
stood, was accompanied by
recollection of the friendly re
lations between the three pow
A reliable source disclosed,
moreover, that Germany has
reiterated to Japan that she
will not ask for the return of
Japan’s mandated islands,
stretching many miles east of
the Philippines, above the
These islands, the Marshalls,
Carolines and Mariannes, were
mandated to Japan under the
treaty of Versailles.
s It is not known whether Ja
pan is asking the axis powers
for a continuance of the status
quo in the 281,000 square miles
of Indo-China, or desires a
“blank check” from Germany
and Italy, to use as she will.
Japan is linked to the axis
powers by an anti-Communist
When Japan asked Germany
about the Dutch East Indies,
Germany said she was “unin
terested” in the problem, and
some people interpreted that
as an invitation to Japan to
take any action she desired.
At any rate, the Tohokai, in
fluential political party, urged
the government to occupy In
do-China: first, because it is a
major chaimel of munitions
supply for the Chinese centra!
government, Japan’s Asiatic
enemy, and second because the
collapse of the French govern
ment allegedly casts Indo-Chi- j
na loose without control.
The majority faction of the 1
Seiyukai, another strong politi 1
cal group, likewise urged Ja
pan to “settle” various im
pending problems in the south
(Continued on Fage Two)
V' . .

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