Btlitmtgtmi §tar North CaroUna’s Oldest Daily Newspaper Published Daily Except Sunday By The Wilmington Star-News R. B. Page, Owner and Publisher_ Entered as Second Class Matter at Wilming. ton, N. C., Postoffice Under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.__ SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY CARRIER IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY Payable Weekly or In Advance Combi Time Star News nation 1 Week _$ -30 $ -25 $ .50 1 Month _ 1-30 1-10 2.15 8 Months _ 3.90 3.25 6.50 8 Months -—— 7.80 6.50 13.00 l year _ 15.60 13.00 26.00 By Mail: Payable Strictly in Advance 8 Months ___$ 2.50 $ 2.00 $ 3.85 6 Months _ 5.00 4.00 7.70 j Year _ 10.00 8.00 15.40 (News rates entitle subscriber to Sunday issue of Star-News) When remitting by mail please use check or U. S. P. O. money order. The Star News can not be responsible for currency sent through the mails. MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS With confidence in our armed forces—with the unbounding determination of our people— we will gain the inevitable triumph—so help ns God. Roosevelt’s War Message. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1944. Our Chief Aim To aid in every way the prosecution of the war to complete Victory. _ TOP OF THE MORNING “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, beCieving, ye shall receive”. (Matthew 21:22) Not that the faith merits the answer, or in any way earns it or works it out, but God has made believing a condition of receiving, and the Giver has a sovereign right to choose His own terms of gift. FRANCES RIDLEY HAVERGAL. -V The Road To Berlin (By the Associated Press) 1 —Western front: 302 miles (from north of Venlo). 2. —Russian front: 310 miles (from Warsaw). 3. —Italian front: 564 miles (from Loiano). •-V Revenge According to a news item, a landlady con victed of charging a roomer above - ceiling prices drew such a stiff fine that she is going to have to give the plaintiff the rooming house if her appeal of the case is unsuccessful. Having listened to sundry complaints of landlords and landladies of late, we’re con vinced that giving one’s adversary a rooming house would be about the sweetest possible revenge in these parlous times. -V With Two Pair Pants A crusade for the return of the two-pants suit has been launched by Rep. E. P. Scriv ner, who is a Kansas Republican and, we have no doubt, a crusading knight whose blue serge trousers glisten as did the shining ar mor of the knights of old. Mr. Scrivner addresses his plea for the sta tus quo ante bellum in gents’ clothing to OPA Director Chester Bowles. “Through all the years of experience along with millions of others,” says the petition, “I am convinced of the economy of the extra pair. In view of the . . . actual surplus of both wool and cotton, is there any possible chance of restora tion of two-pants suits?” This, of course, is a far cry from the days when the Republicans were not asking, but promising, things in twos—two cars in every garage and two chickens in every pot. Nev theless we believe that Mr. Scrivner’s modest petition will have wide appeal. “Two trousers on every hanger.” It’s a nice campaign slogan. It’s a challenge to the OPA. And it will strike a responsive chord in mil What Mr. Scrivner actually is doing is plead ing in an oblique sort of way for the white collar worker. It might even turn out that the Kansas congressman is beating Vice Pres ident Wallace at his own game of championing the common man. Like the weather, the white-collar worker’s plight has been much talked about and little acted upon since the war began. Fixed in come, little or no overtime and higher living costs create his big problem. But there are subdivisions. One of them strikes him, if we may come down to cases, right in the seat cf the pants. This problem doesn’t strike the man who Stands at a machine all day, or the seated factory worker in overalls or coveralls. It doesn’t affect the executive who can combat the destructive friction with a swivel chair by wearing a dozen suits in rotation. But it does matter to sedentary workers who must maintain a neat and deluding look of pros perity and still watch their budgets. For them an almost-new coat and a pair of seatless trousers to match are no joke. Of course the two-pants suit creates its own problems. It requires care in alternate use of the spare parts. You just don’t wear out one pair of trousers and start on the other, for use and frequent cleanings change the coat’s shade and texture. It is no simple jacket-and-odds-slacks arrangement. And there’s no handy reminder to switch, like the blue toothbrush for morning and the red one for night. But we imagine that millions would still like to undertake the two-pants responsibility again. And if they get it, they might elevate Mr. Scrivner to a niche in the hall of fame right beside Vice President Tom Marshall and his 5-cent cigar. They both knew what the «mple wanted. Wendell Willkie Wendell Willkie’s death has shocked a people which during his later life was sharply dividec for and against him. No higher tribute car be paid to him than by the fact that howevej averse many were to his position -on primary matters, none ever accused him of insincerity or compromising his integrity for political sup port. Indeed, it was his outspoken frankness anc plain speaking that, paradoxically, won foi him thousands of friends and as many thou sands of enemies. Because he could not cul corners and had to “have his say’’ he gained the reputation among elements of the popu lation of being eccentric and unsound and therefore unfitted for preferment. Yet, despite these characteristics Mr. Willkie, polling 22, 333,801 votes in'the 1940 national election for the presidency, received the heaviest supporl of any republican candidate for that office, successful or defeated. Mr. Willkie’s career during that campaign and his subsequent activities are too well known to require review here. It is the in fluence he would havte exercised in the post war era, had he lived, that concerns us and, we believe, the American people, more direct ly When the war is over and this nation settles down to performing its share in reshaping world affairs with justice for all countries and governments, Willkie’s rugged, outspoken denunciation of pressure groups and isolation ism would have had inestimable value, not I only at home but in all quarters of the earth. When he declared, as he did shortly before his death, that the platform of neither major party dealt adequately with the problems of peace and this nation’s position in world af fairs, he gave clear indication that his efforts during the years ahead would have been con centrated upon helping to shape the nation’s course toward sound internationalism. He will be missed, if not in the councils of state, then in building up public opinion for having this country take its true place in a world commonwealth which, whether our government likes it or not, will offer the great est guarantee of security against further wars. -V No. 1 Exporter Many people speak of foreign trade in rela tion to this country as if it were an academic question. Usually it is spoken of in the future tense, with the implication that heretofore the United States has had but minor interest in world markets. Also, cheap foreign labor is usually thought of as a competitive impossibi lity, to be avoided at all costs. How abysmally uninformed many of us are on the facts of our own national existence!. The United States, before the war, was the foremost exporting nation of the world. We could not live alone without benefit of foreign trade and maintain our standard of living, even if we wanted to. The products of our factories and farms go to every corner of the globe. In 1938, our twenty best markets abroad for finished manufactures included Great Britain, Argentina, Philippines, Japan, South Africa, Russia, Brazi, Australia, France, Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, Sweden, Colombia, Belgium, Netherlands, Netherlands West India, and the Netherlands Indies. Who says we are provincial? Moreover, our exports were of an almost limitless variety, ranging from toys to trac tors and food. Cheap foreign labor hindered us little. For example, we out-traded Japan in Latin America by thirteen to one. For every dollar of goods Japan sold, we exported thirteen dollars worth to our southern neigh bors. In other words, our share of total im ports into Latin America before the war was 30.1 per cent, while Japan’s share was 2.6 per cent. The question of whether we will trade with the world is little short of silly, just as is the question of whether our mass produc tion and the efficiency of our workers can meet the competition of underpaid producers across the seas. We have done both. Trade barriers at home or abroad will hurt us more than they hurt the other fellow, § — -V Speaking Of Congress A bill has been introduced in the House which would create a sort of West Point-An napolis-New London to train women officers for various branches of the service in peace time. The debate on the measure promises to be a vicarious “Battle of the Amazons” which should be something to watch. But what intrigues us at the moment is that the bill was introduced by—O, shades of southern chivalry, Scarlett O'Hara, crinoline and magnolias—the gentleman from Georgia, Rep. E. E. Cox. Can i' be that the day is coming when the southern colonel will be identifiable not by a gray van dyke, but by a short gray bob and, perhaps, a trifle too much lipstick? -V Where Legislation Ends Congress has passed some good and neces sary benefits for returning veterans, such as financial help and job guarantee for former workers. But Congress can do only so much. Many veterans are going to need and deserve other and less tangible assistance. Probably the Owens-Illinois Glass Co. is not the only company which merits commendation for considering these veterans’ needs, but theirs is the firft outline to come to hand. In the sales and junior executive depart ments veterans already returned are work ing with “unofficial tutors.” Refresher courses are given to explain any changes in method or regulations, and efforts are made to make the ex-soldier feel that he has never been away., Factory workers in service who are eligible for reinstatement get a personal letter from their plant manager before their discharge. On their return they are met by veterans’ co-ordi nators who explain any changes in procedure, and consult with veterans on new skills, or | war-acquired handicaps. Such activities cannot be legislated or made compulsory. But they should be encouraged and made general. The added effort will cer tainly pay large dividends in helping men through what one Owens-Illnois spokesman call ed the "reverse shock” of returning to civilian life and work. -V Fair Enough (Idltor’i Note.—The Star and the Newt accept no reepoaelbilft; (or the pe'tonal views of Mr. Pogler, and often disagree wltb them as much as many of bis readers. Bis articles serve the good pnrpose of making people think. By WESTBROOK PEGLER Copyright, 1944, King Features Syndicate, Inc. NEW YORK.—I have said before that Presi dent Roosevelt is the worst enemy of Ameri can labor in all our history, more ruthless than the Rockefellers of old and more danger ous to the personal freedom and human dignity of our people than any combination of em ployers at any stage of the republic. Ruthless? Read this excerpt from an emergency ap peal for electricians to work on a vital, secret war construction job near Knoxville, Tenn. This vast plant is terribly important to the life - and - death chances of American men fighting in the war. And yet, in this almost hysterical appeal for electricians, issued on behalf of the army, this paragraph appeared: “Union requirements: Men must apply for membership in local AFL electrical union, ini tiation fee of $50 is paid $5 down and $1 a day. When payment is completed, men then take union examination for electrician. If he fails test, initiation fee will be returned, but he will continue to work.” Here, the ostensibly free American is im plored to give up hi* home and leave his family to live in barracks and work on a job to shorten the war and possibly save the lifn nf hie nwm enn Vpf a c a first rnnHitinn he must agree to pay tribute of $50 to : racket licensed by one of Roosevelt’s politica auxiliaries. “When payment is completed, men ther t|ke union examination for electrician.” WThy? These man have to be qualified elec tricians before they can be hired. The "emer gency appeal” for men to complete an "ur gent Army plant” is addressed to “electri cians,” not unskilled novices to learn t he trade. Yet, after “payment is completed’ the worker must take a test at the hands of e private organization consisting of a few loca! men holding an extortion license issued by an other private organization, the American Fed eration of Labor. But, if he flunks he wil continue to work as an electrician, anyway Then why make him take the test? However, does anyone think the union ex aminers will flunk any of these men and give up the $50 per head? That isn’t the waj these unions have been working their racke under Mr. Roosevelt’s privilege in this war They never give up a dollar once it has beer wrung from the victim. This is a temporary, emergency job, due tc last 90 days. When it is done, the men whc have paid the graft will drift away and thai money will remain in the local treasury. I: there are 1,000 temporary workers and 50 per manent local members, that means that the permanent, local membership may solemnlj declare a dividend of $1,000 each. No law forbids them to do that. Or the executive board of the local, consisting of three or foui men, may award it to themselves in ‘‘appre ciation of their valuable services.” This is common practise. The rank and file teams ters and young girl clerks of old Dan Tobin’s union were not polled when the executive body of which he is the chief, arbitrarily appro priated $100,000 of the workers’ money to buj and maintain, providing furniture and ever servants, a winter palace for Mr. Roosevelt’s esteemed friend. This extortion has prevailed in most of the great war construction jobs. In one place e little local union bestrode the road to an enor mous Army camp and collected loot frorr 3,000 carpenters drawn in from other regions, who dispersed and vanished when the jot was done. Many went on to other construe tion jobs and, again and again, had to paj $50 and up for the privilege of working or national defense. On most of the big proj ects a system prevailed whereby the unior racketeers had the men fired as soon as theij money had been paid, so that new victims could be fleeced. This happened right outside Washington and the Navy, whose job it was. and the Labor Relations and War Labor Board and the F. B. I. knew all about it and sc did Mr. Roosevelt. The Department of Justice has refused tc interfere beyond a few fake gestures and nol a man has spent as much as an hour in jai. for such extortion because Mr. Roosevelt plan ned it that way. Do these victims “bargain collectively” through agents of their own tree choice, as they are promised the right to do by the Wagner Act? The appeal of the U. S. Em ployment Service in the present case plainlj says the bargain already has been made, ar bitrarily This is a War department job anc the government set the wage scales. And the men are not invited to select a bargaining agent. They are just ordered to pay tribute to a private organization which has no inter' est in them beyond their money. Oh well, but if a man doesn’t want to yield he can work elsewhere. Do you really think so? Mr. Roosevelt has him trapped there, too. For, in many cities nowadays, by order of a government “direc tive” the newspapers are illegally required tc print a notice in their “help wanted, male” columns warning American labor that “all males over 16 may be hired only upon re ferral by or through arrangements with the U.S.E.S.” And the U.S.E.S will refuse a man a “referral” if he refuses to take a job in a plant where the ruling union has the ex tortion privilege. And millions of men and women, too, as a condition of keeping their war jobs have been compelled to give up a dollar or several dollars to Mr. Roosevelt’s fourth term campaign fund, or be fired for refusal. Does anyone think Mr Roosevelt, given four more years, would abolish these “controls” over the work and life and freedom of Ameri can “labuh” as he calls the American people? He has never yet given up a single “con 1 trol” once it has been established. INDIAN SUMMER__ jbPH * 'LANDING OFTBE With The AEF World’s Greatest Hotfoot . By SID FEDER (Substituting For Kenneth L. Dixon). IN ITALY, Oct. 1.—(Delayed)— UP)—The world’s biggest hotfoot is on display in an old schoolhouse here. It is a museum of mines and booby traps, the most complete of its kind anywhere, and it’s guaran teed to raise the hair on the dino ’ saur in New York’s museum of natural history. The exhibits are specimens of all the mines, booby • traps, detonators and prepared ex plosive charges which the Allies have dug up in five years of war. The display is maintained for l study by both American and Brit 'l ish military engineers. Maj. Evan ; I Pickett of St. George, Utah, who i has just completed the course, says lyou learn more about mines here than you do about bourbon in Ken tucky. Maj. Pickett knows what he’s talking about, because he and Capt. | Mark Reardon of 235 East 57 St., New York City, have run across some of the most ingenious mines on record. Recently, at a command post, there was an innocent looking stake sticking up in the center of their . motor park. One morning one of the Joes pulled it up and a half pound or so of dynamite went off deep in the ground. It injured no one, however. - Investigation disclosed it had been attached to a detonator cord hooked up to 1,000 pounds of dyna- 1 mite buried a short distance away. A truck had become stuck in the ; mud a little while before, and its driver had spun his wheels until : they went so deep that the de tonator cord was cut. Otherwise—. : But the museum has some even i trickier. For instance, there’s the one a tommy found in which the Germans had placed a package of TNT under an electric light shade : in a house. All you had to do was press the ' button. On one of the long tables there’s : a J. Feder (this correspondent ad- : mits no relationship) clockwork i time fuse, like the one the Nazis : are believed to have hooked onto ] ;he 1,500 pounds of dynamite which rlew up the Naples postoffice. There’s one that looks like a rowling ball, a spherical mine nade of concrete which the Ger nans tried rolling downhill ontc idvajicing infantry. And next tc hat is an oblong item that looks ike the box of blossoms you bring lome when you remember wife’s rirthday. They go on and on like that. Fhere’s the floating mine with the mtenna like an umbrella that the Sfazis hoped to use against our rontoon bridges in the Gariglianc •iver last spring. And there’s the rooby trap killer mine picked up ri Tunisia with a picture ol Churchill wearing a derby and rearing the message: ‘Happy New fear.” The unkindest one of all was ound by Maj. Pickett in a corner )f the living room ofa house, [here was a bar, and on the bar > full bottle of wine. It didn’1 r.ake any difference whether you ifted the bottle or placed a little sxtra pressure on it. Either way t activated a cap cut into the rar beneath the bottle. Hull Objects To Report j He’ll Be Aide To Dewey WASHINGTON, Oct. 9. — (IP) — In an extraordinary formal state ment, Secretary of State Cordell Hull today objected to published re ports that he would be asked to serve Thomas E. Dewey as a for eign policy adviser should the re | publican nominee be elected pres ident. “I wish to make clear,” Hull said, ‘‘that my support and loyalty belong primarily to the government and its present official head, Pres ident Roosevelt. And in order that no American citizen may be mis led this will continue to be my at titude.” Hull said he did not know wheth er the reports of Governor Dewey’s intentions were “authorized or un authorized” but added that he felt that stating his position “at this early stage” would “preserve the policy of non-partisan efforts” in j the development of international peace plans. I The New York Herald Tribune | published this morning a story as '! serting that Governdr Dewey, if elected, plans to ask Hull “to re main wi’th the government and work toward the building of an in ternational peace organization.” The story said it was not known exactly what arrangement would be proposed, whether Hull would be asked to remain as State de , partment head or serve under Dew ey as an adviser. “The prospect of this arrange ment is based upon two things,” the Herald Tribune said. “First, Governor Dewey’s conviction that the working out of international peace plans must be bi-partisan through the leadership of both poli tical parties; and second, his high regard for Mr. Hull ” Hull issued his formal statement from his hotel apartment where he has been confined for a week with a, cold. Ordinarily he deglines to make even informal comment on published reports pending the re ceipt of information through offi cial channels. “While the subject matter of ihe publicity is complimentary to that | portion of the work done by the I present national admi«stra/tion to insure lasting peace*’ Hull de dared, “I must object to it or any thing of the kind regardless of whether it is authorized or unauth orized.” At no point did the statement say specifically that if Dewey were elected and did ask Hull to stay as an adviser, the 73-year-old secre tary would refuse to do so. -V UNOPPOSED NEW YORK, Oct. 9. —{£>)— A large British aircraft carrier, whose planes have destroyed 10 German supply ships, has cruised for sev eral days less than a mile offshore from Crete in daylight and not a single German shot has been fired at it, the British broadcasting cot poration monitored by NBC said tonight. • A. T. & N. Reorganization Finally Approved by ICC WASHINGTON, Oct. 9.—UP)—'The interstate commerce commissior today approved final terms of the reorganization of the Alabama Tennessee and Northern Railroac corporation under the name of the Alabama, Tennessee and Northerr Railroad company and transfer ol the property to the new company. The ICC granted permission tc the new company to issue not ex ceeding $1,718,700 of general-mort gage series a 4 1-2 per cent income bonds, due January 1, 1992 and tc issue bond - scrip certificates. Also approved would be a 15 year contingent - interest note due January 1, 1957 to the reconstruc tion finance corporation in an amount not exceeding $271,407; and issuance of up to 15,937 shares oi common stock without par value. The Literary Guidepost BY JOHN SELBY “The Tollivers,” by Matee Howe Famham (Dodd, Mead; $2.50). People who have not been lucky enough to -be “born and raised" in small towns may not quite understand all of Mateel Howe Farnham’s purpose in “The Tol livers,” but even they will have a good time with the book. It is certainly one of the best small town comedies of recent years, and in some ways the best. Mrs. Farnham imagines herself a girl growing up in a New York town of about 10,000 souls and seve ral Tollivers. It is not that the -Tollivers are soul-less, but merely that their souls are of a different order, and therefore the Tollivers are suspect in Otsegi. The family introduced itself to Otsego curious ly — the only son of the family defrauded a bank, blamed it all on a presumably innocent woman, and then killed himself. His mother took him to the cemetery in a white hearse with her daughters inappropriately costumed in the entourage, and the Tollivers were launched. They lived in one of the best houses in town, precariously. Mr. Tolliver nearly always was away, seldom financially responsible, and or. the one occasion when he made a dent in Oswego, he was quite vocal and extremely flamboyant. One way or another, the three Tol j liver girls married well, and one after another, the three good mar 1 riages went on the rocks. The girls were always on top of the heap, or buried under the debris, i The town was alternately shocked I and aliVe with curiosity; it would | have liked very much to write off the whole thing, but how could it %hen a single Tolliver could marry a man she never had seen in her life, could acquire English garden ers and Bostonese manners, and could then toss it all over and eventually marry a movie magnate with a private railroad car? Or when another — There is no point to cataloguing Tolliverana. Books of this sort can be ruined by too much emphasis on caricature. Mrs. Farnham never once relaxes control, her gayety is infectious, and her back ground impeccably painted and full of variety. Interpreti™ The War By KIRKE L. SIMPSON Associated Press War Analyj) American First Army €ienie>i probably have joined hands of Aachen as this is writte ^ form a hangman’s knot lor'.," lethal noose worked about the £.' German community of ar.ys^1' tactical or strategic importjl to faU to Allied or Russian arm* Its fall within hours seemed ' sured. With Aachen taken by sault or sealed off to wither the vine, the time was at hand the whole weight of Allied PoJ to fall upon the foe through Dn*-' gateways to Germany and « once and for all the danger of winter stalemate in the West * There was little intimation» front line advices of Allied j» mediate moves to exploit the isf tion or capture of Aachen. yZ the pincer grip on the ruined Get man fortress city full set, % Army troops were in a position to drive deeper eastward toward the Rhine, or to swing sharp', northwestward up the flat lard,' west of the river, taking enerny fixed defenses along the Dutch. German frontier to Kleve j-'j Emmerich in flank and rear ,, thev advanced. Which ever direction the Arnett can break-through effort takes be yond the Aachen breach, however it is clear that a primary object tive must be to give flanking scp, port to the British Second Ann now heavily massed in the Nijm> gen-Arnhem pocket between the lesser Rhine and the Waal ani south of the Waal against the Art, hem-Emmerich gateway to tie north German plain. The chance to crack or turn the whole Nazi Rhine position, east as well ai west of the river, before winter sets in looks brighter there than elsewhere. Field Marshal Montgomery ob viously . has been widening hii operating theater and improving his communication lines in He' land for that purpose. Clearing of the western Schelde Estuary route to Antwerp appeared like!; through a surprise landing of hi) Canadian army on the southern bank. That landing also snappei shut a trap on Nazi garrison escape hatches from the Scheld islands that form the norther side of the water way. Use of Antwerp and its road rail and canal system to suppi; his forces would greatly simplifs Montgomery’s problem in loosing a hammer strike against Nazi troops now guarding the lessee Rhine front without benefit of Se ed permanent works to aid their. Every hour of delay gives then opportunity to dig in deeper ai well as narrows the time margin until winter weather foreclose) major operations in the north. Virtual isolation of Aachen b American troops spelled danger for the Nazis in the west, bit Russian crossing of the Tisa river in southeastern Hungary, was a even more ominous development for the Germans. It brought Rus sian spearheads beyond the Is* natural obstacle on the road " Budapest. Some Nazi reports in dicated Red army patrols were within little more than 50 miles:! the city. West of the Tisa, there are in numerable small lakes and mua marshy ground. Nazi-Hungari£ failure to hold the river line e der the circumstances indicate critical weakness. Beyond the Tisa the Hungarii' plain provides ideal terrain at ffiii season for Russian Cossati cavalry, living off the country £ J for fast-moving light tank column1 * stabbing into enemy rear com munications. Nor can Bens ignore the possibility that Russ® j breaching of the Tisa line W ! topple the last wavering satelw state left in Hitler’s once form--' | able Axis house-of-cards in sou::1, I eastern Europe. 25 Years Ago Today (FROM THE FILES OF THE STAR-NEWS) OCTOBER 10, 1919 CHICAGO—Oct. 9.—The wo™ baseball pennant for 1919 wi « from Redland field, Cinema next season. ^ Pat Moran’s athletes inva“ hostile territory and annexed , 8th and deciding game agao the Chicago White Sox by a sCC' 'of 10-5. At a recent meeting of the He : enway Drum and Bugle co J plans were made for the purch of new uniforms for the you sters. Edwin A. Metts Jr-. drum major and Kenneth Scot the president of the organizatio LONDON, Oct. 9.—The Gerrnad are marching on Riga, acCorJi | to a dispatch to the Daily “ 1 from its Helsingfors corresp dent. -V LEGION MEETING RALEIGH, Oct. 9.—W—The » member executive committee ^ the American Legion will bo # special meeting here Oct 23 consider the report of a comn"-1 ^ recently appointed to study P-^ posed statewide legislation on * ployment of additional service • ficers to handle claims of red ing World War II veterans, Geo« K. Snow of Mt. Airy, depart commander, said today. _V_• The use of pigeons as messe* gers goeb back to 3500 B C.