UiltMtnglott 8*tar North Carolina’s Oldest Daily Newspaper Published Daily Except Sunday By.The Wilmington Star-News R. b! Page, Owner ana Publisher_ Entered as Second Class Matter at Wilming ton, N. C., Postoffice Under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879._ SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY CARRIER IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY Payable Weekly or In Advance Combi Time Star News nation 1 Week _$ -30 $ -25 $ .50 1 Month - 1-30 1-10 2.15 3 Months - 3.90 3.25 6-50 8 Months __- 2.80 6.50 13.00 l Year . 15.60 13.00 26.00 (News rates entitle subscriber to Sunday lssu of Star-News) ' BY MAIL Payable Strictly in Advanee 3 Months -_$ 2.50 $ 2.00 $ 3.85 6 Months _ 5.00 4.00 7.70 1 Year _ 10.00 8.00 15.40 News Rates Entitle Subscriber to Sunday Issue of Star-News When remitting by mail please Use cheek or U. S P. O. money order. The Star News can not be responsible for currency sent through the mails. MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS With confidence in our armed forces—with the unbounding determination of onr people— we will gain the Inevitable triumph—so help ns God. Roosevelt’s War Message. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1944, TOP O’ THE MORNING Of all the marvellous works of the Deity, perhaps there is nothing that angels behold with such supreme astonishment as a proud man.— Colton. -V Battle of Budapest Throughout the steady advance of Russian armed forces upon Budapest, capital of Hun gary, the public has wondered, and been deep ly concerned, whether Hitler would turn the beautiful city on the Danube into another Aachen or consent to the surrender of his troops engaged in its defense in the interest of stopping needless and utterly defenseless waste of lives and property. The New York Times discussed the subject on Monday and although the war is moving so fast that the facts contained in its com ments may have been changed by the time this reaches Star-News readers the broad con clusions the Times reached then are still force ful. Said the Times: “The criminal folly of the Hungarian Nazis in thwarting Regent Horthy’s effort to get his country out of the war while there still was time has now caught up with them. It may have helped them to stave off their doom for a few weeks, but it has also exposed their country to further ravages of war, in what Horthy called an “alien interest.’1 Now it has made Budapest, storied city on the Danube and one of Europe’s glories, a battlefield. “The Russian forces which swept across the Hungarian plains have reached the outskirts of the Hungarian capital and its fall is a foiegone conclusion. The only question is whether it will surrender quickly and thus ' save itself, or whether the Nazis will try to make anolher Aachen of it. According to some reports, they are already blowing up the bridges across the Danube for a stand in the western half of the city, whicn could only mean its destruction. But there is hope. The Germans themselves admit that Hungarian troops are beginning to surrender in masses, and Russian armor has driven both into Buda pest and around it to cut off the Germans reported fleeing from the city. In that case the end should come soon. “The capture of Budapest will be another major triumph for Russian arms. But it will also be of great strategic importance in the battle for Germany, and as Hitler's own news paper said, it will in part decide the fall o! the Reich. It should finally knock out what ever Hungarian resistance remained after Horthy’s armistice appeal. And it would open up the road for a Russian drive into Hitler’s vulnerable southern flank toward Vienna and Bohemia. Hitler is still fighting desperately to keep the front and back doors of his for tress shut in the west and east, nut the side door in the south is swinging open. His efforts to close it again by deflecting his dwindling resources should facilitate the Allied offensives now being mounted in the west and east. The fate of Budapest, is a symbol of the fate in store for Berlin.” -V Prelude to the Big Push English and Canadian forces in Holland are fighting and winning one of the war’s most important battles. It is not one of the spec tacular battles, as compared with the inva sions of France and the Philippines, the dash across France, or even the reduction of Aach en. But it will certainly rank as one of the decisive steps toward Allied victory. Slugging doggedly, striking brilliantly with Commando tactics, fighting waist deep in wa ter for possession of a rise of ground, these tough stout-hearted fighters have struggled for the great prize of Antwerp. And soon supplies for the invading Allies will be stream ing through this great port. Then it can safely be prophesied that the really big pushes will commence. Antwerp is one of the world’s chief harbors and ports. It was so 400 years ago, when as many as 500 ships would enter the harbor in one day, 1000 foreign merchants were num bered among the cosmopolitan population, and 2000 carts a week would lumber in and out with the goods of a flourishing European com merce. By the treaty of Muenster the Schelde was closed to navigation from 1648 to 1863, w th two brief interruptions. But in the years that i followed the reopening Antwerp again becarr a major port. Natural inland waterways wei supplemented by a system of canals. Thes with the growing Allied hold on rail tran portation in liberated France and Hollani will soon be speeding materiel almost to tb fronts from Antwerp’s 30 miles of docks. Of course the Germans have destroyed man installations. But they cannot hope to imped Allied progress seriously, not with the bitt< knowledge they already have of Allied ei gineering ingenuity and improvisation. The inspiration that led to the floating coi Crete harbors towed from Britain (which Ge: man air reconnaissance saw but couldn’t fatl om) enabled the beachhead to become th world’s second largest port in the early day of the invasion. Only New York harbor a( commodated more traffic. The trucks of th “Itedball Express’ and the engineers who lai oil pipelines almost as fast as the armie could march formed a connecting link b« tween the improvised harbor and the fightin men. It has beer superb teamwork, to the glor; of G. I. stevedores and truck drivers as wel as infantrymen. Now, with Antwerp at th Allies’ disposal, the Nazis can prepare them selves as best they can for the final smashini blows. -y Answer to Arnnem Its, says Neal Stanford, one of our bette: commentators on war changes, don’t win wars and might-have-beens are the weapons only o armchair strategists. But there are lesson* t< be learned from looking backward as well a! pushing forward. This, by way of preamble to a discussion of what might have happenet at Arnhem if the Army had been supplied witl the new plane designated the C-82 when the attaek was first made behind enemy lines ir that sector. Mr. Stanford spys of this and other matters of air interest: "If—there’s that word 'again—if the Allies had had C-82’s on hand last September when that vast air-borne army dropped out of the ciouds in Holland, Arnhem might have spelled victory. For the British air-borne troops there lacked heavy equipment. They had the men. They had the guns. But they didn’t have the tanks or tank-destroyers. When the British Second Army failed to drive through to a contact, their game was up. Had there been C-82’s to supply them with all the heavy equipment that a standard triangular infantry division requires, the story of Arnhem mighl have been different. Army officers here are confident it would have been different. The "-82, though still in the experimental stage, is already under production at a plant in Mary and. "But don’t think only the Allies miss the jus now and then. The Nazis have missed nore than their share of buses. The robot jomb didn’t prevent or defeat the Normandy nvasion. Rather than a lethal weapon dur ng those crucial days, it turned out to be i missing weapon. V-l is still dangerous, jut it has not proved decisive. And now the 'JAZis are reported perfecting their V-2, a •ocket bomb which could reach the United States. But neither can win the war. “With rockets being perfected for war’s de structive purposes, it was a hopeful note in he same day’s news to read that rockets ire being designed for postwar peaceful ises. Jet propulsion and rocket power open lew horizons for the future. They permit lew altitudes, new velocities, new power, rhey are expected to revolutionize this war’s postwar era as much as the airplane did the ast war’s peacetime interim. Though de leted to war now, they will be designed for peace afterwards. Already the Navy is reported spending $100,000,000 a month on rockets, and the Army is ■ pushing its own jxperimentations. If this is the age of the airplane, tomorrow belongs to the rocket. ‘The Allies have one weapon which if it ives up to all forecasts, is going to be leither too little nor too late. Already the B-29 Superfortress has forewarned the Japanese of things to come. They have oeen promised even more devastating air raids than those inflicted on Germany. As pur bases advance nearer their home islands, their industry is doomed to destruction. “For Japan’s industry is concentrated. She las no satellite nations to aid her. B-29’s are raiding the Japanese islands with in creasing regularity. Even their presence for reconnassiance purposes strikes terror among the Japanese. In a description of the msuing panic, symptomatic of the Oriental Hind, the Tokyo Radio reports factories osing their ‘calmness.’ If the mere threat )l a raid can destroy ‘calmness,’ what of •he real thing, what of a raid every week, wice a week, thrice a week, every day? Japan's ‘calmness’ is in for annihilation. And commenting on Japanese phraseology, pne recalls another utterly Oriental expression :hat occurred the other day in Premier Koiso’a report to his countrymen on ‘successes’ in --eyte Bay. Though the Japanese Navy suf fered the greatest defeat of its history, the Japanese Premier, fireside chatting to his peo ple on the ’victory,’ declared: 'Despite the jolossal scores achieved in Leyte Bay, self ponceit will absolutely not be permitted.’ Self conceit? It is self-deceit even more than self conceit that is proving Japan’s undoing. “Actually, self-deceit is one of Japan’s worst Bnemies. Admiral Sir James Somerville, who (or 2 1 2-years commanded Britain’s Eastern Fleet, can explain her rashness in attacking America’s Third and Seventh Fleets off the Philippines in no other way. By claiming extravagant naval victories off Formosa and the Ryukyu Isandg, Tokyo, he believes, ac tually deceived its own fleet. Impressed by e Tokyo’s claims that the United States Fleet e was mortally hurt, three Japanese forces clos ;, ed in on Leyte, apparently expecting a soft s- job. They got just the opposite. Their de i, struction is history. When will Tokyo learn e that self-deceit as well as self-conceit are in effectual weapons against strength and truth?” y -v e The Hard Way r ___ l" A crusading army of 77,000 British house wives have signed a petition to Parliament asking that they be given a legal share in the family income for housewifely services ' rendered. e Maybe British wives are different, but it s hardly seems possible that their American ‘ sisters would tackle the slow and cumber 8 come process of congressional action for the 1 same ends when it’s so easy to go through 5 a sleeping husband’s pockets. -V * Secret Weapon j ‘‘All the Japanese have to do in future operations is to project their indomitable spir its at the enemy and they will suffer internal fear that will defeat them before they get ’ into the fight.”—Tokyo broadcast. Undoubtedly Nippon will never again make the mistake of hauling these indomitable spir its part way on warships and letting them try to do their projecting at close range. -_V Dog’s Life | There have been quite a few critical com ments over the fact that Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery has chosen to name his well-beloved canine pet1 after the Nazi Fuehr er. The consensus seems io be that what has happened to Sir Bernard’s “Hitler” shouldn’t happen to a dog. -V Travels In America By EDWIN D. CANHAM A month’s travel in the United States, from New England to the Northwest, and to Texas and the Gulf, and back through the Central West, is a very thrilling thing in these days. You have only to stop at any crossroads to see things happening. People have never been so busy before. Never have so many inter esting things been going on. Never have we had more need to think of tomorrow. We are, for one thing, in the very last stage of a tremendously important political decision. Although a good deal of tension has been aroused there is nonetheless an under current of poise nnd balance Broadly speak ing, the Nation seems to realize that which ever candidate is elected, we must make the subsequent demonstration of national unity. The problems that lie ahead cannot be solved on the basis of partisanship, and a bridging of the gap between factions must be achieved if we are to meet the problems of the peace. Generations of soldiers and sailors and air men have graduated from training establish ments, and are winning great victories afield. And now the process of training is being tapered off. Our force is in being, no longer embryonic. Many camps are almost deserted, Many air strips are just broad stretches of paving in the desert. In the industrial production, the peak has been reached and passed in numerous lines. Great gleaming factories, air-conditioned, de humidified, indirectly lit, are practically de serted. Such derelicts of war are, in a way, almost as sad to see as ruined cities. It was mournful, the other day, to stand in such a factory and see the final wing assembly of a great bomber plant on whicn the work ers had sardonically inscribed the words: “The End.’’ But in other factories, even now the peak of production has not been reached. In the shipyards of the Pacific Coast they are urgently seeking workers and more workers, and their schedules of certain types of ships are seriously behind. In some plane factories, new types behind locked doors betoken com plete retooling and vast new production. And some factories, in unmentionable lines, are just coming into production. The stir of achievement is thrilling Amer ica today. Industry has jumped 20 years or more of technological progress in three years. There is scarcely an industry which is not using techniques that will carry its peace time production into new and exciting areas. This is particularly true in petroleum, Chemistry, and light metals. But it is also true in fabrication, in design, in mass-pro duction method and in engineering. Moreover, the economic and industiral geography of the country has changed, and indubitably much of the change will persist. Industry has been decentralized. The North east and Central West will not be stripped of industry, but they must share production with new factories along' the Gulf of Mexico and on the Pacific slope. nas maae great strides, too. New generations of industrial leadership have come into being. While there will doubt less be a postwar trial of strength with labor, there is at least a hope that the experience of labor-management committees will have raised the possibility of ultimate co-opera tion. Possibly labor leadership has also learned lessons. These are just a few of the major phe nomena. They hint at the problems we face: the reabsorption of our millions of service men and women, and the readjustment of the millions of formerly nonindustrial work ers who are now in factory jobs. Many of the hundreds of thousands of housewives who have donned overalls will be glad to go back to the homemaking job. We will realize that many of the gleaming new factories are as expendable as the tanks or airplanes they made. We are an adapiable nation. We will or. ganize the new America that lies ahead. Per haps we will do it in the mood of the com mittee which recently reported that the best and most economic postwar use of the vast bomber factory in the South would be to convert it to the mass-production of poultry. That’s for two chickens in every pot. Somehouw the conversion of the bomber plant into a poultry farm, likely to affect the price of chicken all over America, is symbolic of the transition we face. I believe we will demonstrate our capacity to beat swprds into plowshares, and Flying For tresses into fried chicken. -—V--— Zadok Dumkopf says he didn’t know chicken feed could really be bgi money until he tried to operate a poultry farm. “Time for a Change”_ '-•9P i r* ' WITH THE AEF Awakening By Drama Editor's Note: This is the third of a series of columns on combat fatigue. BY KENNETH L. DIXON WITH THE AEF IN FRANCE, Nov. 3.—(Delayed)— UP) —A small group of medics stood around a cot, silently waiting. The sergeant lying on the cot still twitched and trembled uncon trollably as he had since he was brought back from the combat line. Unlike almost all cases of exhaus tion or combat fatigue, he failed to respond to rest, sleep, food and sedative treatment. A line company rifleman, he had been twice decorated for his courage. He finally went to pieces after a week’s fighting in the worst possible conditiors — mud, moun tains and mines—during which he participated in almost constant at tacks. He was a veteran of three campaigns in two years. Doctors thought he finally crack ed because a buddy with whom he had been fighting since Sicily was killed before his eyes. Other ef forts to restore him to normalcy having failed, they now tried pen tathol, the “Truth serum’’ treat ment. Synthetically Drunk This made the infantryman syn thetically drunk due to intravenous injections. The sergeant became completely unaware of his sur roundings. This hospital where the worst ex haustion cases were brought was beyond earshot of the front, but suddenly there came a low, un mistakeable whistle. It never was loud enough to be heard 100 yards away, but it filled the little tent with sharp-pitched memories for anyone who ever had heard an oncoming artillery shell. The sound was coming from one of the doc tors, whose nursed lips were whist ling a perfect imitation of the shriek of a shell. As the sound grew louder and keener the sergeant’s body froze cruelly, in a tense attitude of fear ful waiting. The doctor broke off the whistle at the highest pitch, paused, and then* popped his hands sharply. The illusion was complete. The completely drugged soldier didn’t attempt to avoid it. He came sharply alive, his eyes wakeful, his body under control again. He began talking, shouting orders, warning, calling names. He addressed the doctors who in his mind had become members of his platoon. One was a lieutenant in charge of the platoon. It soon became obvious that he had little faith in the officer’s judgment. He argued angrily. Apparently the lieutenant had been new in com bat. Another doctor became the ser geant’s buddy. Twice shells almost got him and it became necessary to hold the soldier on the cot as he tried to leap out when shouting warnings. In the next few moments. All phases of the soldier’s last action exploded all over the tent, reen acted in terrible pantomine and unconscious precision to the mos minute detail. Twice he killed—once with a low voiced curse as he fired his car bine and again with an aroused angry yell. The ferocity of the attack wa; mirrored in his eyes as well as bj ihe wild ejaculations. Artillery fire obviously becami more intense — and, suddenly his comrade was killed. It never was quite clear jus how, due to the confusion and hi! now frantic excitement, but jus as suddenly the whole pantomini ended—the sergeant’s eyes glazec and he collapsed limply. Then the doctors brought hirr “back to the present,” quietly tolc him where he was, that he wa: worn out and needed a rest, tha he would be okay now. Meekly childlike, he obeyed, now that hi had cleared the offending incident! again. This type of treatment is usee only when necessary in a tiny pel cent of exhaustion cases. It ha! already been showing amazing re suits. Many “violent” cases soot are back on duty of some kind. Due to the terrific strain whicl precedes these seizures many sucl soldiers are unable to return tc combat, but through the pentatho treatment they otherwise becomi normal again. These severe cases constitute les: than 10 percent of the comSa fatigue total and the treatmen for the most advanced cases de bunks another “incurable” mis conception. -V Many Eviction Notices At Area Rental Office The Area Rent Control office re ceived copies of 334 notices of evic tions sent by landlords to tenants during October, the predominam number involving non-payment 01 rent, M. H. Moore, Assistant Reni director, announced Tuesday. Twenty-seven registrations were filed during the month for hotel and rooming houses representing 92 dwellings units in addition tc 295 housing registrations coverinj houses, apartments, cabins and structures in which there were less than two paying tenants. One hundred and six cases re garding landlords’ petition for ad justment of rent were received out of which increases were grant ed in whole or in part to 45 cases 24 were denied, and 37 are pend ing action. Out of 401 cases to be consider ed for possible rent reductions or restoration of servies, 156 were processed for adjustment or settle ment, 94 were dismissed, or drawn and action is pending on 151. Thirty-six refunds totaling $925.07 were made because of excess rents aharged by landlords, and out of 53 cases involving landlords' peti ;ions for certificates relating to aviction of tenants, 33 were grant ad, five were denied, and 15 are still pending. Moore concluded his •eport by adding that eight cases vere pending in the District En forcement division in Raleigh -V-— LETTERS DELIVERED WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 .—(£>)— approximately 400,000 letters writ en by soldiers now in the Philip lines campaign and Impounded or security reasons now are be ig delivered to families. Prayer FOR SHEER LOYALTY To the Infinite Lord over all, who inhabitest eternity, we raise this- simple prayer for a spirit of greater loyalty — loyalty to Thee, loyalty to our country, loyalty to our fighting forces, loyalty to our leaders in government and in war, loyalty to the whole mass of man kind. We confess our sin of im patience and of criticism. We are prone to let the little things of every day submerge our great purposes and passion of partiotism. Often we are disloyal to Thee and to our Cause in our petty selfish ness. Kindle anew in our hearts, by Thy mysterious Spirit, the bright flame of sheer loyalty. In all that we think and say and do, may we be animated by such fidelity as Christ showed when on earth. Thus would we become worthier soldiers in Thy great army of overcbmers. Amen. — W.T.E. The Literary Guidepost BY JOHN SELBY “Carl,” by Alex Celancon (Mac Millan; $2). Except in the vague way that any good literary job has social significance, Alex Melancon’s ‘Carl” is as devoid of that quan tity as a Christmas letter from Uncle Henry. Perhaps that is why it pulls so at one’s emotions, in these war-strained days. Carl is a little boy who lives in Louisiana. When the war came, Carl had no more idea what it was about than you would have, at the age of seven. But he had ears. These ears told him that a tot of people were trying to make a lot of soldirs and sailors happy by writing to them, and sending them small presents. Carl decided to adopt a soldier, and while turn ing through the New Orleans rimes—Picayune with a pretty good imitation of an adult man ner, he saw the name Alex Melancon over a story about one 3f the Louisiana bayous. The aame pleased Carl. He found that Melancon was :hen at boot camp, and began the ’®nes of several hundred letters hat eventually drew in “Miss Annie” (Carl’s mother); his Grandmother, whom he called Merma; Carl’s two sisters, his playmate, his two small - girl friends and other villagers in cluding the postman. Melancon began to have a picture of his very young correspondent and also of the family and the town. And Melancon was a writer. He wrote some stories about Carl for his old paper~~and Carl became “famous.” Carl eventually was bored by fame, too. He con fided everything, literally every thing, to “Soldier Boy.” He took seriously everything “Soldier Boy” wrote, even to imitating his cur-door shower baths with the whole neighborhood watching. It is this continuing contrast that makes “Carl” so touching a book: The contrast of a grown-up sol dier and a growing-up boy taking ' each other into his confidence, becoming fast friends without ever having seen each other, building each a picture of the ether that turned out remarkably ‘ accurate, when at last the two 1 met. This book has more charm 1 to the square inch than any simi- i lar effort J’ve read year. i | Interpreting TheWar -l""* -.u..malIull 01 Japan as , threat to peace in the pacific Ta kyo could read into it j.. n’i-.l. °* of ultimate Russian mn c'Dat * in that task. P Clpatl0“ Aiuex'xucin supenortress raid Singapore, and Jhe facl that the dry monsoon now is blowing Indian waters to invite active Al. lied air and amphibious operations' Targets of the big bombers fly ing from bases in India, was the dockyard facilities at Singapore So far as Allied information goes there is nc place other than at Singapore where docking facilities tc accomodate damaged Japanese capital ships can be found in sooth China sea or Dutch Indies waters Any Japanese battleship with damage below t n e waterline in flicted by torpedo plane attacks in recent actions is of limited fight ing value until it can be dry-dock ed for repairs. Denied the use of Singapore docks for that purpose, it is only in Japanese home ports such craft could be restored to use fulness. me superrunress vaia on Brit ain’s former naval base at Sing, pore may have been directed in part at finding and finishing oft Japanese naval ships crippled in the furious air-sea battles precipi tated by American invasion of Ley te. Admiral Halsey’s Third fleet carrier planes have been effectiv ly continuing the hunt for those seeking refuge in Philippine har bors including Manila. The mo ment must be close at hand when General MacArtnur’s land- based ships, taking off from American improved fields on Leyte, will take a hand in that business as well as in blotting out Japanese air power throughout the Philippines. Aside from the specific objec tives of the mission, however, the appearance of the B-29's over Sing apore, and previously over Ran goon, represents a change in the previous use of this master air weapon. It must be linked with the reported massing of British sea power in the Bay of Bengal and ' the crushing American blow to the Japanese fleet off the Philippines, i It has been generally assumed ■ that what is left of Japan’s main fleet has been concentrated north ; ward. To divide it now between 1 the depths of the south Cnina sea : and the American-threatened wa ! ters north and west of the Philip ■ pines would leave it exposed to complete annihilation. ! JAPS OPEN FRESH DRIVE ON LIUCHOW CHUNGKING, Nov. 7-W-Jap ' anese troops launching a fresh drive down the Hunan-Kwangsi ' railway advanced nine miles and 1 reached a point 36 miles from Liu i chow, important Kwangsi province rail center, the Chinese high com : mand announced tonight. 1 The communique also stated the ' invaders had captured Mosun, 45 ! miles south of Liuchow, yesterday. The Tokyo raido claimed the Jap 1 anese took Mosun Nov. 4. The high command said there ' was no change in the fighting for Kweilin, where the Japanese were last reported to have pushed into the suburbs of the city from three sides. Kweilip is 95 miles northeast of Liuchow. Foreign obervers arriving here from the southeastern China com bat zone said the Japanese forces . were well equipped while the Chi nese units opposing them were poorly outfitted and generally out classed. --v C. of C. Taking Census Of All Organizations The Chamber of Commerce to an effort to imprpove its informa tion service, is compiling a c.onl" plete list of all of organizations in the city, with the names ot their presidents and secretaries, city, county and federal officers, and city clubs, with information as to officers, time and P‘aC of meetings, Walter J. Cartier, chamber secretary, announce yesterday. He added that he hoped to have the list completed within the nex week so that the chamber of.ic will be qualified to answer n many requests received for 'ar‘ ous kinds of information. Realty Transfers The following realty transfers were recorded yesterday in me fice of the register of dee . Adian B. Rhodes: _ Frederick Willetts, et ux. to rothy O. Boone, part of lot 28 a all of lot 39, Chestnut Heights. Dorothy O. Boone to W. J- L-g lier, part of lot 28 and all of r - Chestnut Heights. • Esther F. Meistei- to R- A • dell, et ux, part of lots 2 an block 3, Carolina He'ghts. Ida L Konetes to John Konetes. lot 13, block 58, Carolina Beach. I