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•Wilmington £>tar North Carohna's Oldest Daily Newspaper Published Daily Except Sunday By The Wilmington Star-News R. B. Page. Publisher Telephone AO Departments 2-3311 Entered as Second Class Matter at Wilming ton. N. C.. Postoffice Under Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY CARRIER IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY Payable Weekly or In Advance Combi Time Star News nation 1 Week _9 -30 9 -25 9 .51 1 Month - 1.30 1.10 2.15 3 Months_ 3.90 3.25 8.50 6 Months_ 7.80 8.50 13.00 1 Year . 15.60 13.00 26.00 (Aoove rates entitle subscriber to Sunday issue of Star-Newa) By Mail: Payable Strictly in Advance 3 Months ..9 2.50 9 2.00 9 3.85 6 Months ........._ 5.00 4.00 7.70 1 Year . 10.00 8.00 15.40 (Above rates entitle subscriber to Sunday issue of Star-News) WILMINGTON STAR (Daily Without Sunday) 3 Months-91.85 6 Months-$3.70 1 Yr.-97.40 When remitting by mail please use checks or U. S. P. O. money order. The Star-News can not be responsible for currency sent through the mails. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND ALSO SERVED BY THE UNITED PRESS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1945 TOP O’ THE MORNING Be not afraid of enthusiasm; you need it; you can do nothing effectually with out it. —Guizot. Japanese Dillingers As nearly as we can get at the true status of the Black Dragon Society in Japan, which General MacArthur has ordered dissolved and its leaders arrested, it has been a sort of quasi-official Dillingf-r gang whose chief pur pose was to make trouble for foreign “devils” and apparently is not disposed to give up its bad habits despite its ostensible disbanding last month. Throughout the period of worst racketeering in this country, police authorities, including the FBI, learned the only way to get along with bandits was to kill them. There is no reason to assume that the Black Dragoneers are a bit better than our own bandits or en titled to less severe punishment. It is gratifying to learn that General Mac Arthur feels his position in Japan sufficiently firm to take the step he has against the leader ship of the society. We cannot help hoping that if disposal of the leaders does not com pletely stop its activities he will take the same step against the entire membership. It was not only necessary to kill Dillinger in the interest of national security, but all his identified gang as well. Devereux Freed The rescue of Major James P. Devereux from a Japanese prison camp on Hokkaido, most northerly of the Japanese home islands, sends a thrill across the Pacific second only to that feit upon General Wainright’s release in Manchuria. For it was Major Devereux who commanded the little force on Wake island that fought off the enemy with exceptional (or typical) heroism when the Japs were tak ing all they surveyed in the early thrusts oi the war, and whose whereabouts has been in doubt since he, with the remnant of his vil iant force, was led away to captivity. Trim and alert, but thinner and grayer after his imprisonment, Maj. Devereux (he’s probab ly a colonel now) wanted it distinctly under stood that he did not send the message “send us more Japs,” which was so widely quoted dur ing those terrible days of attack. We had plen ty of them as it was, he said, “although I had to give the ‘cease fire’ order three times.” Like Wainwright, Devereux is a hero in de feat. He too will be coming home to rest and recuperate. Hopefully he will be permitted to do just that. A grateful people naturally will want to extend a welcome. A grateful nation surely will want to decorate him. But there is no better way the people’s gratitude could be proved than by cutting out much ol the fanfare that customarily marks the hero’s return. Industrial Expansion The report of George W. Simon, Jr., on Wilmington’s possibilities for industrial expan sion is in hand. A committee to guide Wilming ton’s economic development has been named. Request for the employment of an industrial agent has been made. Thus the foundation for the city’s postwar stabilization is laid. The superstructure will depend upon the manner of effort the people of the entire community make to carry out the program and their willingness to put their money to work not only for themselves but the benefit of all. The Simon report redirects Wilmington’s at tention to its opportunities, noting particularly the large population within a hundred miles the city’s normal trade area. It shows thai this population’s income is larger than thai of the people within the same area arounc Charleston. It calls for port development, and notes specifically the need for a tobacco warehoust and other facilities for storing and handlinj products and cargo. Among new industries which would do well hereabouts, it mentions small boat building, the making of fruit an< vegetable baskets, book publishing, canninj and drying of fruit and vegetables, (why no icing, too?), rug and carpet making, cottoi manufacture, furniture, cement, petroleum re fining, perfumery. Many of these industries are already estab 4 I lished. Their progress^ obviously indicates that they can be successful. The need, of course, is for more. The competition they would create among themselves inevitably would increase their volume of production and consequently their gross sales. The major need is to bring in more plants, an undertaking that ought not to prove too difficult as industry generally is moving south. In this, the industrial expert which it is pro posed to employ would have the leading role. His employment should not be unnecessarily delayed, but should, instead, be speeded. Declined With Thanks If Admiral Husband E. Kimmel had accept ed Secretary of the Navy, Forrestal’s offer of a court martial trial at this time he would have been caught in the crossfire of the Con gressional Pearl Harbor inquiry. Naturally he declined the offer, at least while this investi gation is in progress, but left the way open for a court martial, if he deems it advisable, al some future time. What we would like to emphasize in connec tion with past, current or future inquiries of Pearl Harbor is that no matter how many are held none will be satisfactory that fails to go to the root of the disaster, nor w.ll the people of this country' be ■ placated by any report thereon of which any portion is deleted before being submitted for public perusal. In the last analysis it is the people of the United States who have had to pay the cruel price for the Pearl Harbor attack and all the suffering and death and expense that it pre ceded. Having paid the price, they are en titled to know all the circumstances, all the blundering, that made it possible for a Japa nese task force to approach Hawaii in ojen waters without detection, and blast our de fenses and fleet at will, shooting up our naval craft with little or no steam in the boilers and destroying planes on the ground in huddles Instead of being scattered if they could not go aloft. These are things the “common man" should know, as it was the common men of America who made up the citizens’ army, manned the fleets and warplanes that finally broke the back of Japanese aggression, but not until Pacific atolls had been dotted with grave yards and the tremendous costs of the war had been shouldered at home. No single page of the Pearl Harbor record should be withheld, regardless of whom it af fects. If the Congressional investigation fails in this, then the people, demanding the sanc tion of government, should make their own investigation, which by the very nature of the investigating group, would have no political or military implications. Too Much For Us It becomes more and more difficult to understand Great Britain’s attitude on fi nances. Particularly is it difficult to account for the position taken by her representatives now in this country with their hands out but unwilling to sign a note for the money wanted. They don’t want a loan, but an outright grunt of from three to six billion dollars, and they emphasize with great particularity that they do not consider such a gift charity but something that is their due. We Americans have always had difficulty understanding the British viewpoint, particu larly when they were talking down to us as country cousins with little sense and unman nerly, but this time they have got us out over our heads. We have always assumed that a debt was something to be paid and that money gifts were charity. Now they tell us we are cockeyed and the only way trade in the post war world can be restored to normal is for us to give them outright and without any thought of repayment all the money they want to get back into business in a big way and, ii the past offers a precedent, in opposition of our own trade programs. Maybe it makes sense to the British, but we are hanged if it does to us. War Criminal Fritz Kuhn’s deportation is justified by his conduct in this country while he was still al large. When he reaches Germany we cannot think of any reasonable excuse for his not being declared a war criminal and subjected to trial as such. Kuhn served Hitler as faithfully in this country as a bund organizer as any German served him in the Reich. His field of opera tions was limited and his conviction and im prisonment prevented him from committing grave crimes against the state. But there is no reasonable shadow of doubt that he would have been a Quisling if opportunity had come. Certainly he does not deserve to go free, once he reaches Germany, to stir up trouble. He is as unregenerate now as when he was drilling oundists in secret in this country. QUOTATIONS Competition in the postwar world will be the most intense in our history. For nearly every need or use, there will be many ma terials. This means the buyer will again be king. — John D. Biggers, president, Libbey ; Owens-Ford Company. I Having had a prolonged taste in wart:me I of what it would be like to be managed and t mismanaged by bureaucrats, Americans are i better conditioned than ever to call the blufl ■ that government should be given responsibility for managing everything.—Canton, O., Reposi ■ tory. Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN Thanks to those who gave their lives, and to all who have suffered and toiled, the United States has been delivered from its most dan gerous enemies and has been raised to a leading place of power and influence through out the world. Their achievement is clear and unmistakable amidst all the complications and difficulties of the demobilization and the paci fication in the wake of so great a war. Never before have the young men of any American generation had spread out before them such a prospect of a long peace within which there is so much they can do that is useful and fascinating. There never was a better time than this to be an American and to be young, nor a more interesting one in which to be alive. The time to come is pecu liarly their own because they have themselves earned it and done so much to make it pos sible. They are^jiot merely the heirs of strong er and more resolute forefathers but they are, once again, a generation of explorers, discov erers, and pioneers, who can become the founders of good and enduring things. The opportunity can, of course, be stupidly and lazily missed. But if it is used, as it can be, there is no reason to doubt that this cycle of twentieth century wars is over, and that Americans have at their disposal all that they need in order to take a foremost part in inaugurating an age that mankind will long remember gratefully. Great works are not for the faint-hearted who doubt themselves. Yet only with that humility which opens men’s minds to wisdom, can greatness be understood. We have much that we must learn to understand. When a nation rises as suddenly as we have risen in the world, it needs above all to measure its power in the scheme of things. For it is easier to develop great power than it is to know how- to use it well. Wisdom always lags behind power, and for the newcomer, which is what we are, the lag is bound to be greater than in an old established state where the exercise of world power is a matter of long experience and settled habit. Even more than the Soviet Union, which is now resuming its connection with Russia’s past, the United States is the newest world power. We have never been a world power before, and we might say that in relation to the world we are just now at the end of our colonial experience and at the beginning of the time when all great affairs are as a matter of course American affairs. For isolationism, as it has persisted in our day, is in essence the view of the colonial who feels that the great affairs of history are not for the likes of him, and that he must live in a world which is ruled mysteriously from afar by others, who are shrewder if less righteous than he is* m m * An awareness that the great power Ve now possess is newly acquired is the best antidote we can carry about with us against our moral and political immaturity. There is no more difficult art than to exercise great power well: all the serious military, diplomatic, and eco nomic decisions we have now to take will depend1 on how correctly we measure our power, how truly we see its possibilities with in its limitations. That is what Germany and Japan, which also rose suddenly, did not do; those two mighty empires are in ruins because their leaders and their people misjudged their newly acquired power, and so misused it. Our own position in the world is fully recog nized, and our real interests are such that they need never be hidden. But there are many pitfalls for a nation which is not yet accustomed to the exercise of great power. We can be honest with ourselves, then, and recog nize that nothing is so tempting as to over estimate one’s own influence and to under estimate one’s own responsibilities, to be more interested in the rights than in the duties oi a powerful state, and like so many of the newly rich and just arrived to be jealously fearful of losing privileges which, in fact, can in the long run be retained only by using them well. Nothing is easier, too, than to dissipate influence by exerting it for trivial or private ends, or to forget that power is not given once and forever but that it has to be replenished continually by the effort which created it in the first place. The wisdom which may make great powers beneficient can be found only with humility, and also the good manners and courtesy of the soul which alone can make great power acceptible to others. • • * Great as it is, American power is limited. Within its limits, it will be greater or less depending on the ends for which it is used. It is, for example, altogether beyond the limits of any power we possess to dictate to any one of our allies, even the smallest, how it must organize its social and economic order. We can preserve our own order if we improve so that it produces progressively that greater freedom and plenty which we believe it can produce. By proving the results, not by de claiming generalities and making threats, we can offer an example which others may wish to follow if and as they have the means to do so. legal u 10 our military power, inciuaing the atomic bomb, we must have no illusions whatsoever. It is sufficient, if properly main tained, to make the United States invulnerable to conquest by any other nation. But no mili tary power we can conceivably muster can keep us secure if we dissolve our alliances, if we provoke or permit the other great states to combine against us. Friendly and reliable neighbors on both sides of our ocean frontiers are indispensable to our security and to our peace of mind. It would be as childish as it is churlish to think that because of the atomic bomb, or the prodigious size of our industry, we can now dismiss the friends with whom we fought the good fight side by side. Nor must we fall into the trap of imagining that the devastating power we brought to bear upon our enemies can be used to enforce cur arguments with our allies. Our influence is great, perhaps leading, but it is not com mensurate with the alleged fact that we pos sess a weapon which could, theoretically, kill several hundred thousand people without no tice and at one blow. If we are intelligent, we shall never entertain such a monstrous delu sion. We could no more use such a weapon in such a way than we could hire thugs to assas sinate foreign statesmen with whom we dis agree. But if we allow fools among us to brandish the atomic bomb with the idea that it is a political argument, we snail certainly end by convincing the rest of the world that their own safety and dignity compel them to unite against us. ^ ^ ^ Our power and influence will endure only if we measure them truly and use them for the emls that we have always avowed and can proclaim with pride. We are the latest grea power developed by and committed to the tra v,. th~ west. We are among the bearers nftWs tradition and we are numbered now among its proudest defenders. That is the pole t+Tr bv which we must set our course. At the star by wmcn dition resides the conviction ^ man's dii?ty rises from his ability to Son and thus to choose freely the good » - 1 ' - “VOICE OF THE TURTLE” • I departmwtoe LABOR STATES rtlGH COST OF LlOlNG will (REMAIN indefinitely ft -- Like Dandruff On Collars, Newsmen’s Grins Betray Their Vocation In Life By KENNETH L. DIXON HONOLULU- Ml —The trouble with being a newspaper man is it’s like having dandruff—you can’t get rid of it and you always wear it on your sleeve. When Morley Warren walked in to the office, officially he looked like Specialist 2-C Thomas M. Warren, which is the moniker he holds under Coast Guard aus pices. But his old friends at Albu querque, N. M., where he used to beat a typewriter to death for the Associated Press, would recognize the gleam in his eyes. He was Morley of the old by-line days be cause he had a story. And when a newsman’s in that shape, all you can do is aim him at a typewriter and turn him loose. So what follows is strictly Morley Warren’s story and the manage ment assumes no responsibility The “Fubar Maru’’ is back from the wars. Less picturesquely known as the LST (Landing Ship, Tanks) 71, she is a battered, war-scarred veteran of six Pacific invasions and more than two years at sea. She is manned by a Coast Guard crew that looks like the military edition of the “Dead End Kids” and skippered by a two - fisted, poker - playing Tammany Hall Irishman . named Thomas A. Buddy. The greatest present ambition of1 Ruddy, also a veteran of the First World War, is “to get back into a derby and checkered suit.” The LST 71 acquired the name “Fubar” (key letter of the expres sion “Fouled Up Beyond all Recog nition’) and Maru (Japanese for ship) at Okinawa. That label was hung onto her by Lieutenant Ruddy’s favorite passenger, a Marine major who let Ruddy ride his tank during the Okinawa invasion. “And what an invasion,” says Ruddy. “I thought I’d surprise the major and put a case of cold beer in the tank. “What does he do but comes out for battle wearing kid gloves and orders the Confederate flag flown from the tank’s radio antenna. “Then, off we go against the enemy—me working the beer over with a dry-ice fire extinguisher and the major proud as hell with that flag, which sure enough gets shot off just as soon as we hit the beach. “What an invasion!” It was also at Okinawa that the unorthodox “Fubar Maru” was fondly nicknamed “Task Force 71” after she had to drop beh.'nd the invasion convoy the first day out of Ulithi. She steamed on, alone and unescorted, to Okinawa. “Huh,’ snorted Ruddy on that occasion, “we don’t need an es cort anyway. This ship’s got the best crew afloat, bar none—and I said bar none.” He brought his | ham like fist down on his desk ! with a crash. “Take Taylor,” he shouts, re ferring to his youthful executive officer, Lt. (JG) Eugene E. Taylor of Wyandotte, Mich. “He’s rated as one of the top ten anti-sut.ia-' rine men in the Navy and Coast Guard and I said top ten, not top ten per cent.” Ruddy also boasts that not a man on his ship has been court martialed since he’s been aboard and that they all have unusually high ratings. “If they freeze one rating,” he declares, “we dig out another. That kid in the ship’s office had been striking for Yeoman for al most two years when I came aboard. So they freeze Yeoman’s rating. So I make the kid a car penter’s mate.” he grins. Although that system — strictly adapted Com Tammanys methods of rewarding the faithful one way or another—pleases the men of the “Fubar Maru,” it doesn’t always bring huzzahs from headquarters. “Most of the correspondence I get from Washington.” comments Ruddy, begins: ‘You can’t do this, however—’ . Ruddys crew set a record for speedy unloading of LST’s during its six invasions. His gunner knocked down two Japanese sui cide planes during unloading at Okinawa. The Literary Guidepost BY W. G. ROGERS Sixty Million Jobs, bv Henry A. Wallace (Reynal and Hitchcock, Simon & Schuster; pamphlet $1 bound $2.) A plea for a 60,000,000-job, $200-,• 000,000,000 income permanent boom, this is the sort of proposal for which Wallace’s friends praise him and his enemies condemn him. Here, in a book that deserves a wide reading, the Secretary oi Commerce and former Vice Presi dent budgets his proposals. Speci fic assigned roles for the various segments of the national economy add up to his goal. He begins by pounting out the country’s damned - up needs in housing, autos, refrigerators and so on, which for a while after con version might automatically sup ply his projected job and income totals. Then he describes the “high cost of failure;” it will not be enough to have 5,000,000 employ ed, he says, if we are to avert the social strains which are de mocracy’s great danger. If the country makes ■ an effort to win the peace as great as the effort made to win the war, it should manage to swing into a period of lasting prosperity by 1950, he predicts. Taking as the basis for his plan a national budget such as Roose velt offered, he thinks ‘‘the great preference to evil. We may claim without offense that this inner prin ciple of the western tradition is not loc-V tribal, or national, but univer sal. and in so far as we are its faith ful servants, we shall, in learning how to use our power, win the consent of mankind. Copyright, 1945, New York Tribune Inc. bulk of the 60,000,000 jobs would be provided by private initiative,” so that government at its various levels would have to shoulder only 17 per cent of the load, or $35 bil lion yearly. Full employment, with government taking up the slack, would be cheaper in dollars and cents, he asserts, than partial em ployment. An end to the excess-profits tax and a tax credit on losses for the benefit of the small business man are among his proposals. But the country will not “in our lifetime” have taxes again as low as in 1939 or 1940, his opinion. Persian Gulf Command, by Joel Sayre (Random House; $2). Triple value for your money is offered here: Sayre’s text, which appeared in the New Yorker; fore word by James Thurber; and il lustrations from paintings made by Bruce Mitchell for life. It is a masterly evocation of the tremen dous difficulties overcome in setting up and operating P-G.C MILK REQUEST DENIED BERLIN, Sept. 13.—(A5)—The Al lied Kommandantur or Berlin de clined today a city administration request to increase milk allow ances so children could have a half pint daily. The city’s total al lotment is about 140,000 quarts a day. MORE ELIGIBLE FRANKFURT, Germany, Sept. 13.—(JP)—Reduction to 41 of points needed by WACs for discharge makes approximately 2,000 more enlisted women in Europe eligible for redeployment to the United States, headquarters for U. S. Forces in the European theater said today. YOUR G. I. RIGHTS BY DOUGLAS LARSEN NEA Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 — Here are some questions from G$s who have just returned from overseas" Q. I will be out of the Army in about two weeks and want to get started back to college for this fall semester if possible. They tell me that getting tlje Government to send us to school involves a lot of red tape and that I might not be able to make it in time. What do you suggest as the fastest pos sible method of making applica tion, and do you think I will be able to make it for' the coming semester? A. If you meet all the qualifica tions for , the educational benefits there is no reason why you can’t get your application approved in time. Go to your nearest Veterans Administration office and fill out and file Veterans Administration Rehabilitation Form 1950, with the Regional Office. The application must be accompanied by a certi fied photostgtjc, copy of your cer tif’~at<' of discharge or release. Q. I’ve been looking around for a job for the last couple of weeks and although there are plenty ol ooeninrs there isn’t anything that just suitj me. What unemployment compensation is due me as a vet in case I want to keep looking for a while?. A. You can get a maximum weekly allowance of $20 a week while you are unemployed. De pending ■ upon your time in the service^ you can get this for a maximum of 52 weeks. Q. If a veteran is getting an in creased pension, or a subsistence allowance for educational purpos es, is he eligible to receive read justment allowances? A. No. Q. The Government has refused to give me my readjustment al TRY TO CONVmcT THESE JAPANESE theywerelicked BY CHARLES A r,RT«„ SINGAPORE, Sept British have tackled one J?' biggest peacetime jobs i heir east Asia _ convincing the aese they were licked8 Japa’ Mountbatten^ *“'*> Inal, teeeived tt,’ su^e^TS"' southern armies Sept n \u pan s ish devision p^ ‘ !? fare was busy with plans to h , torrdTtdered JaP3neSe soldi«v up to date on recent world Wt Up Mountbatten, speaking just a°fte' he formal surrender, took note „ troops"""16"1 Wh6n he told £ “In the new area you will h» occupying, the Japanese have no been defeated in battle. They mJ behave arrogantly. (They) ar. finding it very hard to accept de feat and may try to wriggle out of the terms of surrender " While the SEAC Commander au. thorized “the sternest methods" ;0 deal with apanese “obstinacy, im. pudence or non-cooperation,’’ h, simultaneously was trying persua sion to bring the erstwhile enemy back to the ways of peace. The staff of Domei, Japanese News agency, was put to work r after the occupation of Singa pore translating news into Japa. nese for printing and distribution to the 85,000 soldiers and sailors surrendered there. Simultaneously, plans were laid to extend the service to 500.000 others in Java. Sumatra, Thailand and other areas held for three years or more by the Mikados men. Even before the Bribsh arrived, the 13 Domei newspapermen said! they planned to rebel against the news blackout that Lt. Gen. Sei shiro Itagaki, commanding the Seventh Army, had sought to im pose on Japan’s surrender. Text of the imperial rescript or dering surrender was received Aug. 15, they said, but Itagaki held up its publication. This the news papermen called disloyalty to the Emperor, and they held an edi torial conference which ended with decision to publish the rescript anyway. However, after four days, Itagaki relented and authorized publication. The Domei staff is working under the direction of A. Kennard, longtime British resident of Japan and former Kobe newspaper pub lisher. Inspection of the news report dis closed that it is "angled” to fit the psychological warfare mission aries’ efforts to convince the Jap anese that they have been beaten, that war is bad and that peace is good. However, propaganda con tent is fairly light. The British say they are finding some Japanese violently anti-mili taristic. Most of these are univer sity graduates of the years before 1932. Later graduates apparently have been thoroughly inculcated with the will to war which the Japanese military deque sought to inspire in the entire nation. It was presumably to the former group, as well as to weary Japa nese soldiers, that Mountbatten re ferred when, in his order of the day at the surrender ceremonies, he said: ‘‘Many of them have had lithe desire for a long time now to con tinue to fight, and are only too thankful that it is all over. Prison ers of this kind must be humane ly treated. I may even consider it necessary to protect them, perhaps by separating them from the fa natics among their own coun rj* men. , or In making the surrender ar rangements, the British did every thing they could consistent w in dignity to regain some of “ “face”—important in the Far E -they lost with the 128,000,000 i • habitants of the southeast As.a re gions Japan so quickly conquci They complained, however, that the Japanese-headed by Marsh Count Juichi Terauchi, command of Japanese southern armies "regretted'' that illness at his ba gon, Indo-China, headquarters k P him from surrendering P r ona ly -were using every means to a the luster of the British triumph Daily Prayer try and Cause, 0 our Leader^ ^ our, may we n the lesser loyalties of veJy. A Teach us the importance of o» ence to all laws and of lo>aty all leaders. May none of b hoarders or evaders. s»v* s u3 the grip of greed; and with the spirit of sacrifice. In ^ fellowship with our dear ow have offered their bodies ml ^ may we learn loyalty e t. seem trifles. Make us underlie^ ed in care of all wh0 *u uraged. and are lonely and Jiscourag^ Quicken our minds to be -ice. in ways of helpfulness an fl]j Teach us to be he*rt®"ecoUntry. who serve Thee and o> du,v To every call of a r- "■ ’ rcrnpt: may our response bc f) a. “Here am I, send me ’ v< good soldiers of Jesus 'era. would serve our day an * tion. Amen-W. T. E. __ lowance because they cl*'^as ti ed down a good job t (hi3 fered to me. Can they legally? voU ac A. Yes, if they ProV* yd job. tually did turn down a S°