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Stock Exchange Reaches u Best Level In 15 Years Specialties Lead Fast Short Session With Numerous Good Gains MARKETS AT A GLANCE NEW YORK Stocks—higher: steel, specialities lead advance. Bonds—mixed: secondary rails Improve. Cotton—firm: trade and mill buy ing. » CHICAGO Wheat—unchanged at ceilings. Com—unchanged at ceilings. Rye—unchanged to 5 cents high er; strong demand. Cattle—nominally steady. = Hogs — nominally steady, top $14.85 ceiling. CONCLUDES RISING WEEK . NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—UR-The stock market today concluded a generally rising week at the high est level in 15 years with steels and specialities leading a fast short session with gains of fractions to better than 4 points. Expectations that the White House wculd announce a steel price boost soon continued to keep the market’s inflation pot boiling, good — dividends and earnings were help ful as was further “split-up” talk for several “blue chips.” Skep tics still held aloof, however, to await strike developments. Although many pivotals faltered, closing figures for favorites were at or near the best of the brief proceedings. Dealings quickened at Intervals and transfers totalled 1,000,000 shares against 920,000 last Saturday. PRESS AVERAGE UP The Associated Press 60-stock composite was up .1 of a point at 80.4, a peak since March 27, 1931, and on the week showed a net ad vance of 2 full points. Of 876 issues registering, 498 rose, 185 fell and 193 were unchanged. On the day Du Pont was up 3 3-4 at 203 3-4, a high since 1929. Bethlehem added 2 3-4 at 112 1-2, Norfolk and Western 4 1-2 at 274 1-2 and Eastman Kodak 2 1-2 at 254. Lesser gainers included U. S. Steel, Chrysler, General Motors, Homestake, Dome Mines, Alaska Juneau, Paramount, Twentieth Century-Fox, Union Pacific, Gim bel, Warner Bros., American Tele - phone, General Electric, Texas Co., and Loew’s. On the offside were Electric Power and Light, Woolworth, San ta Fe, Boeing, Radio Corp., Inter nal onal Paper, International Tele phone, Aviation Corp., Northern Pacific and International Harvest ti . Bonds were selectively advan ced. At Chicago the May rye futures contract soared the limit of 5 cents a bushel. Oats were un .. changed to up 3-4. Cotton was up i 30 to 40 cents a bnle. In the curb Pittsburgh Metal lurgical moved up 2 1-4 points on a proposal to split the stock. Schulte preferred jumped 5. For ward learners were Cities Service, Electric Bond and Share, Humble Oil and Colonial Airlines, Tum ovp- here was 740,000 shares ver sus 590,000 in the previous abbre viated sess'on. The big board lit its fastest stride and widest upswing in near ly six years on Monday following the Ford-Chrysler union agree ments which were viewed as con firming the inflationary trend. De spite the beginning of the second week of non-margin, all-cash trans actions, volume expanded to 3, 480.000 shares, largest since May 21, 1940. The 60 stocks touched a new high with an upsurge of 1.8 points, best gain since Nov. 7, 1940. Steels placed a further advance Tuesday on an aggregate, of 2, 910.000 shares although profit cash ing on the bulge put numerous is sues in the losing ranks. This was the second broadest market on rec ord, 1,049 issues appearing. Ac counts were trimmed Wednesday on the fear that the projected in crease in steel prices might not cover costs and would restrict earnings. The averages suffered their first dip since Jan. 25. Activity slackened Thursday to the lowest since Jan. 22 as trends ■gain wavered. The month’s aver age upturn, however, of 4.6 points was the most pronounced since last April while the January volume ofi W .. ■ —■ Bond Quotations DOMESTIC ' At and Sf 46 95 ..135% B and O 4s 48 .106% C and Ei Inc 97---... 86 Cri and P R 4s 34-72 Cl Ut 4%s 77 ..106% D and Rg W 5s 55 ........... 18% Fla E C 5s 74 ..88 Hud C 5s 62a -81% Hud Man 5s 57 -80 111 Cent 4%s 66 - 95% Mo P G 4s 75-60 N Y C Rfg 5s 2013-■-101% Nor and West 4s 96 ......—138 Penn R R G 4%s 65 .126% Sou Ry Gen 4s 56 -105% foreign Aust 4%s 56 -106 u. S. TREASURY 2s 53-51 ..104.7—.2 2%s 72-67 June.103.1^.1 2%s 72-67 Dec _103.15—.3 CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, Feb. 2.—OF)—Another 5 cents a bushel was added to the rising price of May rye as brokers bid the grain up the limit allowed in a single day and held it there without bringing out more than light offerings to sell. The closing quotations of1 $2.17 1-4 a bushel was another 25-year peak price and only about 20 cents a bushel under the top in July, 1920. with an otner grams at or ncai government-fixed ceilings, the de. mand centered on May rye follow ing word that the grain shortage is up for presidential attention at a cabinet meeting next Tuesday. Reports from Washington said the light grain supply might force a downward revision of export quotas during the next five months and perhaps a return of meat ra tioning. Secretary of Agriculture Anderson appealed to farmers to reduce hog, cattle and poultry feeding in ordr to concserve grain supplies for adequate dairy use. Wheat, corn and barley held through the session at ceiling pric es of $1.80 1-2 $1.18 1-2, and $1.22 1-2; oats were unchanged to 3-4 cent up, May 81-cent ceiling; rye unchanged to 5 up, May $2.17 1-4. Com trading was at a standstill in the absence of offers to sell, and wheat transactions were limited to a few exchanges of new crop con tracts. Open High Low Close WHEAT: May - - —- -!- J-80% Jly 1.80%.— J-80% Sep 1.80%.1-80% Dec 1.80% _ 1-80% CORN: May -|- - —w- - 1-18% Jly _ 1.18% Sep . 1.18% OATS; May SI .... 1—— vl Jly 80% 80% 80% 80% Sep 78% 79% 78% 79% Dec 79 79% 79 79% RYE: May 2.12% 2.17% 2.12% 2.17% Jly . 1.44% Sep . 1-44% Dec .. 1.44% BARLEY: May __ m.... _ .... 1.22% Jly* . 1.22% Sep . 1.44% CASH GRAIN CHICAGO, Feb. 2.—{JP)—Wheat nominal; No. 2 red 1.79, No. 2 hard, L.79 (ceilings) No com sales. Oats: No. 1 extra heavy mixed 35; No. 2 extra heavy mixed 84. Barley, nominal; malting, 1.24-1. 39%; feed 1.10-1.23%. Field seed per hundreweight, no minal % red clover. 31.50; sweet clover 10.25; alsike, 28.50; alfalfa common 33.50-36.50; timothy 5.25 5.50; red stop, 11.00-50. 51,570,197 shares was a top since September, 1939. STOCK AVERAGES 30 15 15 60 Indus Rails Util Stocks Net change A.2 unch A.l A.l Saturday 106.6b 50.9 54.0 80.4h Prev day 106.4 50.9 53.9 80.3 Week ago 103.7 49.6 53.4 78.4 Month ago 99.0 47.0 51.2 74.9 Year ago 80.8 34.3 40.6 59.5 1945 46 high 106.0 50.9 54.1 80.3 1945 .46 low 78.6 32.9 39.2 57.8 1944 high 79.2 34.5 39.2 58.3 h—new 1945-46 What Stocks Did Sat. Fri. Advances . 498 529 Declines _ 185 264 Unchanged! _-_193 1164 Total ..„. 876 957 RAILROAD ISSUES MAKE GOOD GAINS NEW YORK, Feb. 2—(/P)—Rail road issues generally edged up wards in quiet trading in today’s bond market. The Associated Press average for 25 rails rose .1 of a point to a new 1945-46 high of 105.9. Sales at $2,490,000 were the low est for a short session since Sept. 29, 1945, and compared with $3, 430,000 last Saturday. Gains of a point or more were recorded for Seaboard Air Line 4s of ’50 stamped certified, New Or leans, Texas & Mexico 5 l-2s. Hock ing Valley 4 l-2s and Central oi New Jersey 5s of ’87 Others im proving included most Baltimore Sc Ohio, St. Paul, Southern Pacific and New Haven Liens. New Orleans, Texas Sc Mexico 5s of ’56 “C” certified jumped 18 1-2 points from the price at their last sale, and Wheeling & Lake Erie 2 3-4s were up 4 1-4. Among carriers declining were New Haven 4s of ’57, Florida East Coast 5s and some Missouri Pacific and St. Louis San Francisco issues. Industrials rose .1 of a point on average with International Paper 6s, Bethlehem Steel 2 3-4s and Texas Corp., Ss among those sell ing higher. Albany Perforated Wrapping Paper 6s were up 5. Utilities improving included In ternational Hydro Electric 6s West ern Union 5s and Brooklyn Edison 3 l-4s, while Consolidated Edison 3 1-2 and Abitibi Paper Sc Power 5s were lower. Edison Electric Illuminating 5s were down 18 points. BOND AVERAGES 20 10 It 10 10 Bails Indus Util Fgn L.-Yld Net change A.l A.l unch unch A.1 Saturday 10:9h 104.7 109.1 76.7 119.0h Prev. day 105.8 104.6 109.1 76.7 118.9 Week ago 105.5 104.7 100.2 76.4 118.6 Month ago 104.4 104.1 108.5 76.2 118.1 Year ago 97.3 104.8 107.2 69.1 116.4 1945 46 high 105.8106.5 100.5 76.7 118.9 1945 "46 low 96.2 103.4 106.8 68.1 116.2 1944 high 96.5 105.7 107.3 68.8 116.7 1944 low 79.5 104.6 104.7 63.2 114.0 h—new 1945-46 high. Security Quotations These bid and asked quotations re present prices at which one or more dealers, members of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., would trade with the general public at the time the quotations were gathered, 12 noon Wednesday, Jan uary 30: Description Bid Ask Acme Aluminum Alloys Common _ 21 22 5-8 Acme Aluminum Alloys Preferred _42 1-1 Alabama Great Southern Railroad _532 3-4 American Bakeries Com pany _ 86 3-4 American Enka Corpora American Trust Com pany (Charlotte, N. C. 700 American Yam and Pro cessing Co. Pfd _120 Atlantic & Charlotte Air Line Railway _254 1-1 Auto Finance Company Common _30 Auto Finance Company Preferred _ 50 Bassett Furniture Indus tries _28 Bausch & Lomb Optical 32 1-4 Bird & Son _ 23 1-2 25 ucu, xuv. , . ■_ 01 vi Butler's, Inc. Common 18 Butler’s, Inc 6 per cent Preferred _85 1-1 Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway _133 1-1 Carolina Insurance Co. 35 Carolina Power 8c Light Co. $5 Pfd. _ 116 1-2 119 Carolina Telephone 8c Telegraph Co. _175 Chadboum Hosiery Mills, Inc. Common _ I? 17 3-4 Colonial Stores, Inc. Common _ 37 1-2 39 Colonial Stores, Inc. 4 per cent Preferred_51 53 Dixie Home Stores_19 1-2 19 1-2 Duke Power Company -101 1-2 Durham Hosiery Mills Cl "A” 6 per cent Pfd. 100 Dwight Manufacturing Company _ 26 3-4 28 Empire District Electric Company _ 21 1-8 22 5-8 Erwin Cotton Mills Com mon -.- 30 1-2 32 Erwin Cotton Mills 6 per cent Preferred _115 Fidelity Bank, Durham, N. C. -100 Foremost Dairies, Inc. Common _18 1-4 19 1-2 Foremost Dairies, Inc. 6 per cent Pfd._51 Garfinckel, Julius 8c Co., Inc Common_ 40 42 Garfinckel, Julius 8c Co., Inc. 5 1-2 Pfd._27 Garlock Packing Co.-_ 56 3-4 Gleaner Harvester Corporation _ 22 1-2 23 3-4 Gnnnell Corporation_ 33 34 1-2 Gamble Brothers Common 14 Hanes, P. H. Knitting Cl ‘B” Common —__ 20 22 Highland Park Manu facturing Co. Common 48 Highland Park Manufac tunng Co. Pfd._100 Home Telephone 8c Tele graph - 7 3-4 Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co_ 35 1-4 36 1-2 Larkwood Hosiery T Mills, Inc. 5 1-2 Pfd. 108 Life & Casualty Insur ance Co. _ 23 1-2 24 3-4 MfJ-McEwen-Kaiser Co7 63 Mid-West Refineries, Inc. Common _ « **4 m Refineries, Inc. $1.50 Pfd. _ 26 1-2 28 1-2 Morganton Furniture Co._ 36 National Corporation 4 3-4 Pfd. __ 41 1-2 43 H?2K Blltain1. Machine Co. 45 1-2 47 1-2 North Carolina Railroad Company_ igg Northwestern National*" Life Insurance _21 2J Occidental Life Insurance Company _ 4 j.j Peninsular Telephone CoT 49 3-4 Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Co._ g2 i_o Piedmont & Northern Railway ..._ 6fi 1-s « Pilot Full Fashion Mills ” Common _ ji *•> & Dan River Mills Common_ 61 (0 Riverside & Dan Rivir Mills 6 per cent Pfd_109 Rose s 5-10-25c Stores _ 46 Rowman Cotton Mills_215 Sac o-Lowell Shops_44 1-2 44 Scott and Williams_78 Seaboard Finance Prefer Security Life~~and*~ Trust 31 • 32 W Company_._48 Seeger-Sunbeem Corpora non Common_ 25 25 1-2 Seiberling Rubber Com pany $2.50 Pfd._Be Seiberling Rubber Compa ny “A” $5 Pfd-__97 90 Solar Aircraft Preferred . 20 1-2 Sonoco Products Company 25 South Atlantic Gas Com _ mon_9 1-2 Southern Fire Insurance Company _ __ 51 Southern Webbing Mills 12 Standard Forgings _ 15 3-4 16 7-8 Stonecutter Mills "B” _ 8 1-4 .6 SENATORS CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY Senator Kenneth McKellar (left), Democrat of Tennessee, and Senator Walter F. George (right), Democrat of Georgia, join in a cake-cutting ceremony at the capitol in Washington Jan. 29 in celebration of their birthday. McKellar is 77 and George is 68. Stock Market Quotations (BY THE ASSOCIATED FBESS) Prev. Yesterday Close Close Alleghany _ 7% 8 A1 Chem and Dye_200 200 Allis Chal Mfg.54% 54% American Can_100 100% American Gar Fdy ... 67% 66% American Roll Mill ... 36% 36% American Smelt an Ref 70% 71% A T an T__194% 194% American Tobacco B .. <00% 89% Anacona _ 49 493A Arm 111 _14% 14% Atlantic Coast Line .. 79 79 Atlantic Refinery_36% 37% Aviation Corporation .. 14% 14% Balwin ___38% 38% Baltimore an Ohio_28% 29% Bam sail _... 24 25 Benix Aviat _56% 56% Beth Steel___109% 112% Boeing Airp_ 32 31% Eoren 1_...... 52 52% Bu Mfg..25% 253/4 Burl Mills __ 44 44 Bur A Mach_19% 19% annon Mills_65% 66% Case J I ..47% 47% Caterpil Trac _75% 7534 Ches an Ohio_,_60% 60% Chrysler ..139 139% Coca Cola..179 180% Coml Cre _52% 53 oml Solv _23% 23% Comwlth an South ... 4% 4 Consol Eis _35% 85% Cons Vultee .32% 32% Oont Can -i,.. 47 47% C°m Pro.69% 603/4 Curt Wright_11% 11% Curt Wright A_33% 34% Dow Chem _166% - Doug Aire ...94% 96 DuPont'_—200 203% Eastman Koq_251% 254 Firestoen _70% 79% Gen El..50% 51 % Gen Foos ...__ 55 Gen Mot.79% 80 Goorich _75% 76 Gooyear ...i_ 69 69 Gt Nor Ry Pf _. 62 62 Int Harvest _100 99% Int Tel an Tel.. 31% 31% Johns Manv_153 154 Kennecott _55% 55% Ligg an M B--95% 95% Loews-38% 39% Lockhee _42% 42% Lorillard .28% 28% Mont Ward_ 78 7814 Nash Kelv--24% 25% Nat Bis __33% 33% Nat Cash Reg__ 44 44% Nat Dist.._79% 78% N Y Cent ..._ 34 34 No Am Av .. 15% 16y8 No Pac .. 34% 34% Packard _ 12% Param Pic..69% 69% Penney J C.157% 157% Penn R R_... 47 47 Pepsi Cola -38% 38% Phillips Pet.. 54 53% Pitt S and B .13% 13% Pullman ..66%' 66% Pure Oil ....-22% 23% Radio ..18% 18% Radio K O._____ 20% 20% Rem Rand_ 37 37% Repub Stl ..39% 39% Reynolds B ..40% 40% Std Br .48% 48% Std Oil N J-68% 68% Stewart War__24% 24% Swift -.41 50% Tex Co .. . 58% Un Carb ..108% 108% Unit Airl ...... 49% 49 Unit Aire_..._36% 36% Unit Corp ... 6% 6% Unit Drug ... 31 31 Unit Fruit ..114 115 Unit Gas Imp ..27% 27% U S Indus Ohem_58% - U S Rubber__ 69% 69% U S Steel--95 95% Vanadium __ 36 36% Va Caro Chem_11% 11% Warner Pic _ 35 36% West Un A.51% 52 West El ----38% 39% Woolworth ............ 57 567/8 Approximately final sales, 1,000, 000. CURB Can Marconi_ 4% 4% Cities Service -—*—..'33% 34% Colon Dvmt_ 5% 55Z El Bond and Share — 24% 25 STOCKS IN SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—(1R—Sales closing price and net change of the fifteen most active stocks to day. Curtis Wright 31,100-11% up %. Comwlth and Sou 25,600-4-%. Sou Am and G and P 20,000-8% up 78. Packard 19,100-12% up %. Alaska Jun 16,500-11% up 1. Bamsdall 15,500-25 up 1. Aviation Corp 14,100-14% ud % United Corp 14,00-6%-%. hit Tel and Tel 13,600-31%-%. Sun Chem 12,900-19% up 1% Roan Ant Cop 12,200-13% up %. Gen Pub Ut 11,600-21% no Phil and Rdg C and I 11,200-18% up %. Philip Morris 11,100-57% no. Marine Midi 10,300-11% up %. TREND OF STABLE PRICES NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—The Asso ciated Press weighted wholesale prices index of 35 commodities to day advanced to 112.12. Previous day 112.02, week ago 112.36, month ago 112,19, year ago 108.30. 1945-46 1944 1943 1940 High 112.81 108.73 107.54 103 22 Low 107.90 106.03 103.43 93^54 (1926 average equals 100) N. C. EGGS, POULTRY RALEIGH, Feb. 2.—(JP)— fNCDA) —Egg and poultry markets steady o weak. Raleigh—7. S. grade AA large 44; Eryers, broilers and roasters 28 to 29. Washington—'7.S. grade A extra arge 43; broilers and fryers 2 sounds and under 31 to 32. NEW YORK POULTRY NEW YORK, Feb. 2,-W—Uve soultry frices firm and unchanged. N. C. HOGS RALEIGH, Feb. 2.— (IP) —Hog narkets steady with tops of 14.55 at HirUrm and Rockv Mount ‘ --- < NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—W)-The cotton market was firm today and prices, after gaining more than.50 cents a bale, closed 30 to 40 cents a bale higher. There was a steady flow of com mission house and trade buying which readily absorbed week-end profit taking. Early in the session hedge selling in July, October and December deliveries held the ad vance in check but this soon peter ed out when the market continued strong. Some of the demand was attri buted to pending surveys to deter mine the slow consumption of cot ton in the United States. Meet ings to be held by the office of price administration and ofther government agencies to study prices of certain textile goods led to the belief that an upward re vision on some textile items might spur consumption of cotton. This factor was paramount in the up ward movement today. Trading .volume, however, was not broad as many dealers were inclined to await week-end de velopments. Open High Low Last Mch 25.23 25.28 25.22 25.24 up 6 May 25.20 26.30 25.20 25.26 up 8 Jly 26.19 25.26 25.19 25.24 up 8 Oct 24.97 25.04 24.97 25.03 up 8 Dec 24.94 25.00 24.94 24.98 up 7 Mich 24.90 24.95 24.89 24.93b up 7 Middling spot 25.89n up 6. n—Nominal, b—Bid. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—(TP)—Clos ing foreign exchange rates follow (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents): Canadian dollar in New York open market 9 1-4 per cent discount or 90.75 U. S. cents, up .06 1-4 of a cent. Europe: Great Britain $4.03 1-2, unchanged; France (Franc) .845, unchanged. Latin America: Angentina free 24.57, down .08 of a cent; Brazil free 5.25; Mexico 20.65. SPOT BUTTER, EGGS CHICAGO, Feb. 2.—($)—The spot butter and egg markets were nom inally unchanged today. Receipts unavailable. Talon, Inc._53 1.4 Textiles, Inc. Common 17 17 3.4 Textiles, Inc. 4 per cent Preferred _23 04 Thiokol Corporation _ 7 7 « « Tidewater Power Compa ny Common _ 30 3, Trion Company 5 per cent Preferred_ log Virginia Electric & Power Co. $5 Pfd.- J1Q 1 n , n, , — Wachovia Bank & Trust 2 121 1-2 ' Co. —-„- 04 i ok 1 n Washington Mills _ I_ _2i5 88 1-2 Wilmington Savings & , Trust Co._“ 4, ‘ CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO, Feb. 2.—(JP)—(USDA) —Salable hogs 500 (estimated) total unavailable; compared with week ago, all weights and classes steady. ... Salable cattle 500 (estimated) total unavailable; compared Fri day last week; receipts locally aid not increase over strikebound pen od a week earlier although twelve large markets showed 64,000 head expansion; receipts at all markets far below a year earlier, however; fed steers and yearlings, including yearling heifers, advanced 25 to 50 mostly 50, instances 75, on good to* average-choice grade steers and yearlings; general steer market almost back to recent record high time, especially on medium and choice grades; cows 25 to 50 over week’s low time but bulls 25 low er; good a i choice weighty veal ers firm, all other vealers 1.00 to 2.00 higher; demand for stock cat tle broad but supply small and generally 25 or more higher at 13.00 to 14.25 mostly, choice light feeders reaching 14.85; only mod erate supply choice fed steers and yearlings reached 18.00; best heifers 18.00, bulk slaughter steers closed very active at 15.00 to 17.85; bulk heifers 13.50 to 16.25, relatively few heifers passing 16.50; good cows to 14.50, heifery kinds to 15.65; most beef cows 9.25 to 12.50, with canners and cutters at 7.25 to 8.50; sausage bulls weakening at close to 13.00 down when practical outside heavy fat bulls was 13.75; vealers down to 8.00, mostly 10.00 to 15.00 accord ing to weight and condition. 1 MIDDLING COTTON NEW ORLEANS, Feb, 2.—(IP)— The average price of middling 15-16 inch cotton at ten designated southern spot markets today was 25 cents a bale higher at 25.14 cents a pound. Average for the past 30 market days was 24.80 middling 7/s inch average was 23.54. NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 2.— (JP) _ Cotton futures closing prices were steady 20 to 35 cents a bale higher. Mch 25.29 25.34 25.29 25.33 up 5 Jly 25.23 25.32 25.23 25.27 up 4 Oct 25.00 25.09 25.00 25.06 up 7 Dec 24.96 25.05 24.96 25.01 up 6 ROOM awd board By GENf sF HERE'S A KEG OF FROZEN FISH, BY THE TiMiTFF~-~--!! f PINKY/ YUH CAN COOK IT UP Iff SERVING ALLTufT^ | FER DA BOARDERS IN CHOWDERS M TO THE INMAteX FlSj | AN' FISH PIES '--I GIVE MUH J7\ THEY'LL X|pnEREJ f> PET PENGUIN TUH DA 200 \ 7 AND WILL wLt |S \ ( WHERE IT'LL BE HAPPY WIT' ] \ MEALS UndIdV^ , V PA OTHER PENGUINS /-I HAD /——> FRCM THEN ■' DIS KEG OF FISH LEFT S’-V HEK1 °N •' gji OVER AT DA MARKET./ / ^ - SPOT COTTON NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 2.—<£•)— Spot cotton closed steady 25 cents a balye higher today. Sales 317 low middling 20.05, middling 2505’ good middling 25.45, receipts 44,,' stock 244,164. AUTOMATIC GAS HOT WATER HEATERS In Stock — Ready For Installation * 20 GAL.—30 GAL. CAPACITY MANUFACTURED GAS A 20 GAL. CAPACITY BUTANE OR BOTTLED GAS. Call Us far Your REPAIR SERVICE CONTRACTING — SUPPLIES — REPAIR SERVICE Wilmington Plumbing & Heating Co. R. M. Kermon, Jr., Mgr. * 28 If. Third St., Wallace Bldg D,al ^ ' ' WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF Mr. Paul a. Allen AS OUR REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE COASTAL AREA OF NORTH CAROLINA WITH HEADQUARTERS AT Wilmington, n. c. KIRCnOFER SJMOID SECURITIES FOR INVESTMENT INSURANCE BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. New York 5, Ni Y. Charlotte 2, N. C. PHONE 2-2621 TODAY Shop by Phone flHfli I It's easy , . . economical and fl smart. Pay when delivered fl Just telephone for any merchandise in Sears catalogs or fl .circulars. The salesgirls will be happy to order for you. This r fl conserves time and effort and is America's smartest way to The 9 shop. Sears speedy truck delivery service will bring your WoHdS fl order right to your door. On delivery, you pay the price of Most , fl | the merchandise, plus a small deiivery charge. TELETHRIFT ^ F^ >' B SHOPPING not only gives you Sears famous savings, but it ^ ^ flj saves you letter postage, COD charges and check or money CALL 0000 1H order fees. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. ___J EASY TERMS on Purchases of $10 or Mors H CATALOG SALES DEPT. I 307 NO. FBONT ST. WILMINGTON, N. C. Dial 2-3631JI I