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A v ." Today and Tomorrow by WALTER LIPPMANN ! ___ I " franco and feron General Franco and Colons Peron must be surprised and de lighted to hear eminent voices li this country saying that they ar the victims of imperialist inter vention in the internal affairs o Spain and Argentina. Both of then firmly believe that the democ racies are decadent and full 0 moral confusion. Yet they hat little reason to hope that the; could count on prominent Ameri cans not knowing the difference be tween intervening in the interna affairs of a neighbor and squaring accounts with our enemies. Yet, as respects General France and Colonel Peron, that is exactlj what we are doing. That is all tha we are doing. We are dealing wit! two governments which have waged undeclared war against us It is preposterous to say that thej are the victims of our interven tion. We are the victims of theii tu caciliac xi, wu don. sui pojuicui for the damage done: for the ship! sunk, the property lost, the live: sacrificed, as a result of their il legal acts. Under Internationa: law it would be quite proper tc ask for money, or even territory, il It interested us, as compansation None of this would be interventior in their internal affairs. Like many another sovereigr state in the past they would sim ply be compelled to make a pay ment to another sovereign state for violating its rights. * ♦ * Though this course remains open to us, and should be kept open, we are not following it. We have assumed, on the basis of ample evidence, that Franco and Peron are ursurpers, and that were their people really free to choose, they would be overthrown. We shall 1 ’ see our me MOTOROLA RADIOS i NOW ON DISPLAY j B. GURR, Jeweler , , 264 N. Front St, I -1-tt19 mu. lady nearlychoked WHILE LYING IN BED DUE TO STOMACH GAS Of1# la<*y *aid a few days ago that she used to be afraid to go to bed at night. She wa, swollen with stomach gas, which always got worse when she went to bed, and the gas would rise up in her throat after she lay down and would nearly choke her. She couldn't lie flat. Had to prop herself up P^ows. Recently this lady got INNER-AID and now says gas is gone, stomach feels fine, bowels are regular and she can go to bed and sleep soundly. INNER-AID contains 12 Great Herbs; they cleanse bowels, cleai ««»«» ■wjiiacn, act on sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserable peo. pie soon feel different all over. Sc don’t go on suffering! Get INNER. AID. Sold by all drug stores hen in Wilmington. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 18 Miles • I Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Waste If you haveari asms of adds la year blood /our It mllea of kidney tubas may ba ever worked. Thaaa tiny filter* and tube* artwork ing day and night io halp Nature rid you: •r*tem of exceaa acid* and poiaonoua waste Whan diaordarof kidney function permit poisonous matter to remain In your blood, 1 maycaute nagging backache, rhoumatiepains lag Mina, lots of pap and rangy, getting U] night*, awelllng, pufflnet* under die ayet headaches and dizziness. frequent orscant Pauagca with cmariing and burning soma WltitS&VS&E?*1” wW Kidneys may need help the came at bow ab, so aak your druggist for Doan’s PUU, i atlmuiant diuretic, used successfully by mil ll0®» f®r over 40 yean. Doan'a give hepp] relief and will help tbs IS miles of kldng <5S*K?’rt P°«?»o»» **«•» W blood. Oct Doan's Pm*. continue to believe it regardless of 1 the election returns in Argentina. • To put in a claim for indemnity 1 would be to punish the Spanish and • Argentine people, and we prefer to • believe that we have no quarrel ! with them, in fact that they are the i victims, and in part the dupes, of . the two dictatorships. We have : said, therefore, that if they liber [ ate themselves, we shall consider that the injuries we have suffered . have been morally repaired, and that the cause of conflict will have : . been removed. Only by an abuse of words can ■ this be called intervention. The 1 situation would be quite clear if ' we said to Spain and Argentina. “Your governments have injured us; we have a right to reparation. ( We shall consider liberation from t your dictatorships the best form of reparation. It will repudiate c their acts and it will be a guar- j anty that they will not be repeated. , But if that is not possible, we shall . have to put in our bill of flam- ) ages.’” * * * 1 By a strange form of reasoning t our natural, simple, and inevitable ( reaction against the hostility of the i Argentine government has been 1 represented as somehow inconsist- 1 ent with the good neighbor policy f and the unity of the hemisphere. £ It is said that we had no right j to react to its hostility except with £ the consent—presumably more or i less unanimous — of the other t American republics. But why did I we not have the right to react: was 1 not the hostility of the Argentine government directed against us? It is said that it is unwise for us e to react without hemisphere con- « sent. In fact, it is the only manly 1 and decent way for us to proceed. \ For the good neighbor policy can. I not mean that before we can react £ to a grave injury, we must put all 1 the small countries within reach of Peron on the spot, exposing them t to his vengeance if they do not < help him "'cape a reckoning with < us. t We objected and reacted when 1 Japan struck us at Pearl Harbor, ( and no one said we had to consult [ the hemisphere before we could ! fight back. The American repub- ‘ lies, most of them, expected us to react to Japan. Now Argentina tried to stab us in the back after ' Pearl Harbor, and if we react, we j can assume that, once it is ex- : plained to them and not befuddled ’ for them by authoritative voices in this country, the American re- . publics will have the common 1 sense—and we may be sure also, J the chivalry—not to misunderstand ' us. — Copyright, 1946, New York Tribune Inc, , - j MORE ABOUT ALONG THE CAPE FEAR ■ FROM PAGE ONE 1 _ 1 Somebody stuffed up the Old Spofford Mills Whistle! Think of it! Silencing that old j giant who could be heard all the way iu r>urgaw ana xxocxy jroinii How are the mighty fallen. • * * * i DILEMMA—We don’t know what \ to do now. The old resident says . the Old Spofford MiUs Whistle is ( still there. But we can't run a . whistle that can’t talk — blow, rather—for president. That would be the Calvin Coolidge deal all over again. And we can’t run the Old ACL j Whistle for president if it’s not , there anymore. j Unless you folks tell us that it j is, or unless somebody can un-stop , the Old Spofford Mills Whistle, \ we're going to have to go down to j the hock-shop and get our old slide whistle out of pawn. . And, frankly, our old slide- \ whistle won’t win the BLEW so- • ciety presidency. It just doesn’t , have the background and oharacter ] for the job. ^ MORE ABOUT TELEPHONE FROM PAGE ONE Employes association, NFTW af- ^ filiate already on strike. , The break came after U. S. Con ciliation Commissioner J. R. , Mandelbaum had been in confer ence with both sides for 32 hours. With Policy Beirne’s statement said the unions were complying with NFTW policy “to do everything peacefully to compose the differences which exist in order to avert a strike on Thursday.” - itu v v »»wv uiauu ' any concessions that can be deemed favorable,” he said. "It appears evident, therefore, that the strike will be called as planned unless some new development changes the picture within 48 hours.” Work Stoppage Beirne warned that there would be a work stoppage unless there were settlements of all pending dis putes, including those involving the long lines workers, employes of the western Electric company, and workers in local telephone com panies. While negotiations have been underway at several places, he said, "the total picture revolves around the decision of one manage ment, namely the A. T. «t T. or Bell • System.” ,, ?e, 8aid thc BeU system was sheltered and protected" by gov ‘ GUARANTIED clock—watch repairing * SERVICE * EblBUS RESTRUNG ; :.r?n^snsri?sn,zKao,“tb STANLEYS _ w PRINCESS ST, eminent regulation and had en joyed “tremendous earnings' as a result. He asserted the company was “morally bound” to raise wages. Inevitable “There is very little encourage ment that can be given to anyone at this time in respect to averting the strike,” he said. “It appears to be inevitable at this time.” MORE ABOUT CHURCHILL FROM PAGE ONE he war, I am convinced that there s nothing they admire so much as itrength, and there is nothing for vhich they have less respect than or military weakness,” said the ’eteran statesman. Sounds Warning He cautioned against releasing he secret of the atomic bomb at his time. Churciiill, introduced by Presi dent Truman who accompanied him .cic uwu n aanmgion, sail ne .•anted to make clear that he poke "only for myself” and that le had no official mission. Members of Churchill’s party told eporters privately during the train rip westward, however, that 'hurchill had discussed his speech n advance with the Earl of Hali ax, rearing British Ambassador, ■hey added that it was ulikely the ormer Prime Minister would peak out on so important a sub set if he thought it might prove ■ n irritant to British Foreign Min- i ster Ernest Bevin. They said too 1 hat Mr. Truman was given an op- 1 ortunity to look over the text last ' ight. i Extension Needed Churchill, leader of the Attlee gov- i rnment’s loyal opposition, assert- 1 d that the United States already ■ as a permanent defense agreement i .’ith Canada and added that “this 1 rinciple” should be “extended to ; 11 the British commonwealths with ell reciprocity.” He advocated “continuance of he intimate relationships between ' ur mihtary advisers, leading to ’ ammon study of potential dan- 1 :ers, similarity of weapons and ! canuals of instruction, and inter- 1 hange ef officers and cadets at ollege” and “joint use of all naval 1 nd air bases in the possession of ■ ither courrtry all over the world." 1 To Destiny i “Eventually, 'the eloquent British :r continued, “there may come the irincipal of common citizenship, 1 iut that we may be content to leave ' o destiny whose outstretched arms ! :o many of us can clearly see.” i Turning to the atomic bomb, Ihurchill said that in view of the ] incertain world situation, it would < ie "wrong and imprudent” for the j j ct. j._n_‘a.i_ __s o confide the secret to the UNO j chile that agency “is still In its in- 1 ancy.” , Slept Better “No one in any country,” he ob erved, “has slept less well in their >eds because this knowledge and , he method and the raw materials ' o apply it are at present largely etainei in American hands. T do not believe we should have , leept so roundly had the positions ] seen reversed and some Coin- * nunist or neo-Fascist state monop- - slized, for the time being, these : tread agencies. The fear of them 1 done might easily have been used 1 o enforce totalitarian systems up- 1 ,n the free democratic world, with sonsequeneies appalling to the hu- 1 nan imagination.” i Add Strength l The “special relationship” he ad- t located between the United States < nd the United Kingdom, Church 11 said, would not be inconsistent rith the loyalties of those countries o the United Nations Organization, nstead, he went on, it probably j could be “the only means by which ] hat orga'nzation will achieve Its ] ull stature and strength.” j The British, he said, have a 20- , ear treaty of collaboration and nutual assistance with Russian and ‘I agree with Mr. Bevin that it night well be a fifty years treaty.” ievin recently proposed extending he treaty. MORE ABOUT CONVENTION i FROM PAGE ONE er was referred to the district :ommittee. The executive committee stood in lilent tribute to the late Walter Pete) Murphy of Salisbury, vet >ran legislator who recently died; ind remarked that North Carolina lational committeeman who is in :harge of the Jackson day dinner scheduled for March 23. Governor Sneaks Speaking briefly, Governor Cher •y called for more efforts in getting . jut the votes, told of the housing and road problems of the state, and remarked htat North Carolina now is almost free of labor difficul ties. Umstead presided over the short MORE ABOUT AVTO WORKERS FROM PAGE ONE of the company’s offer of an 18 1-2 cent an hour increase. The union, which demands 19 1-2 had countered with a strike-ending vote proposal in which the strikers could choose between returning on the company's proposal or return ing only on condition that all is sues are arbitrated by an appointee of President Truman. Federal Mediator James *"• Dewey announced, however, that negotiations would be resumed to morrow at 2:30 p.m. He said, in the meantime, he would “m,a^e some calls” to Washington, but he declined to elaborate on this. lnterveiHiuii. «**'*•*'* aid and comfort to our mortal en emies. They were not neutral. They were, in fact, as we can now prove conclusively, the ’underhand ed allies of Hitler. To argue that they are protected and have im munity of any kind under the prin ciple of non-intervention is to make a nasty joke of that excel lent principle. * * » It is altogether irrelevant to the basic issue whether Franco and Peron are dictators or democrats, whether they have the approval of 10 per cent, of 40 per cent, or of 90 per cent of their people. We have no quarrel with Portugal, which is not a democracy but an authori tarian Fascist state in its internal atructure. For Portugal carried out faithfully her international ob ligations and lid not aid our ene mies. We have no quarrel with any of the several Latin-American dictatorships. They did not aid our enemies. But Spain and Argentina did. They did all that they could and dared to do to bring about our de feat and destruction. For this grave injury, for this evidence of their deep bad will towards us, there must in justice, in honor, and as an example for the future, be a reckoning. The time has now come to settle the accounts. * • • There are two ways of settling these accounts. Under interna tional law the orthodox way would be to present these hostile govern ments with a demand of indemnity for the injuries they have done us. They violated their neutrality, and we have every right, if we choose MORE ABOUT TRAINMEN FROM PAGE ONE road trainmen and engineers jrotherhoods conferred—ostensibly to set a strike date—and authoriz ed a statement that a press con ference would be held at 12 o’clock noon (EST) tomorrow. P. O. Peterson, general chair man of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Engineers of the western area, made the first announce ment at San Francisco. He said t progressive national strike in volving about 300,000 engineers and trainmen was slated to start next Monday, unless there is a quick settlement of the long disputed issues. In Four Days He asserted that the strike would oe fully effective within four days ind said the country had been livided into four groups, each to jo on strike 0n successive days. At Atlanta, W. M. Nestlehutt, i local representative of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, said also he had received a strike lotice from Cleveland headquar ters giving a complete list of the lation’s railroads to be involved. “You can just say they are all ;oing on strike,” he commented. Whitney Silent President A. F. Whitney of the tkainmen and Alvanley Johnston, (rand chief of the Locomotive En fineers, were in charge of the inferences at the engineers’ Cleveland office, but declined visits :rom newsmen and issued no other somment. They reported last week, how iver, that 90 per cent of the re urns from a strike vote being urns from a strike vote being inducted had been received and ' hat 98.8 per cent of those voting avored a walkout. No Announcement Whitney said there would be no Inal results of the strike vote mnounced until tomorrow, but did , lot mention the possibility that a trike date would be announced it the same time. He has declared that a strike of he two brotherhoods, representing 5 per cent of the railroad em iloyes, would paralyze the nation’s ail system. Seek Increase The two brotherhoods reported o hove called a strike seek a vage increase, which Whitney aid averaged 25 per cent, and 45 ihanges in working rules. Three other “operating” brother loods and 15 non-operating rail ►rganizations have agreed to sub nit their wage demands to arbi ration, but the trainmen and en [ineers contended this would force hem to abandon their working ■ule demands and so rejected irbitration. Feeder Lines, Too Both Whitney and Johnston have ; laid a strike would tie up opera ions of all major roads—not only nain lines but many feeder lines. Washington sources have prev ously said that in the event of a • itrlke call, the National (Railway) ( Mediation Board probably would •ecommend that President Tru nan appoint an emergency fact indin g board, as provided in the lailway Labor act. Although the law does not pro hibit a strike while such a board s conducting an inquiry, no rail inion has so far failed to follow he act’s procedure in a major Lispute. ACL TRAINMEN WILL HEED CALL The bands on strike-bound Lmerica will be tightened another litch when the Brotherhood of lailway Trainmen walks off the ' ob on southern railways on Mon- < lay, March 11, at 6 a. m. The Atlantic Coast Line and five ither southern railroads will be , iffected, according to a dispatch ] ent out yesterday by A. F. Whit- i ley, president of the trainmen’s ■ inion. Will Strike E. C. Carson, local chairri^n of he union, said last night that un ess president Whitney and the >ther officials call It off, we’ll itrike as scheduled.” The other railroads affected by he strike are: Southern railroad, 3-eorgia railroad, Atlanta, Eirfh ngham and Coast, Atlanta and West Point, and Louisville and Nashville railroad. Tuesday Schedule On March 12, 6:00 a. m., train men of the Nashville, Chattanooga ind St. Louis and the Central of Georgia are scheduled to strike, followed by those of the Seaboard •ailway on March 13, 6 a. m. more about CHEST FROM PAGE ONE ‘he lines recommended in the sur vey by the State Board of Public Welfare, with the budget original ly appropriated to the Associated charities for this purpose. The sur vey states that the relief functions of the Associated charities should oe transferred to the Department of Public Welfare. The motion was PaSSed‘ Audit Bids Among other business discussed during the meeting were bids which were submitted by C. S. Lowrimore and company, and J. B. McCabe company, for auditing the 1945 accounts of the Community Chest and all member agencies. A motion was made and seconded that the contract be given to Low’ rimore, the lowest bidder A. rTe1„ Ae Junior So rosis for funds to continue the operation or the nursery school *t Nesbitt courts was referred^ to the -BUNDlMARINE HERO'S HAT IN RING SURPRISE CANDIDATE for Pennsylvania State Secretary of Internal Affairs, former Marine Sgt. A1 Schmid is shown with his wife, Ruth, and their son Albert, Jr., at their Frankford home shortly after he announced his candidacy at Philadelphia. Hero of Guadalcanal, winner of the Navy Cross for killing 200 Japs, and original of the principal character in a popular movie, the blinded veteran will appear on the Democratic ticket in State primary elections, May 21. (International) HOT PROTESTS FILED United States Flings Two Sharp Notes At Moscow On Troops In Iran, Manchuria United States Declares Russia Has Failed To Live Up To Agreements To Take All Troops Out Of Oil Lands Saturday WASHINGTON, March 5 — (JP) - rhe United States flung two fresh protests at Moscow tonight — over Soviet activities in Iran and Man :huria. It furnished a forum at the same ;ime for Winston Churchill to de iver a blunt warning against what le called Russia’s "expansive and proselyting tendencies." Announcement that two notes had seen sent to Moscow was made ate in the day by the State de partment. Withholding the contents pending their receipt at the Krem in, the department described one is relating to the continued pres snce of Soviet troops in Irna and ;he other as concerning Manchuran ndustries. Protests The fact that they constituted protests, however, was learned from officials in a position to know put who may not be publicly identi fied. The note on Iran was described is a direct protest against what he United States considers a fail ire by the Soviets to live up to a Community Council for further study. The request which was Dre sented by letter from Mrs. Lewis Bright, president of Junior Sorosis, jointed out that the federal funds 'or all nursery schools had been vithdrawn recently by the U. S. jovernment. Sprunt Reports Alex Sprunt, chairman of the lominating committee, presented tc he board members, his commit ee’s slate of nominees for officers lor 1946 as follows: Ranald Stewart, president; H. A. Marks, first vice-president; L. D. L-atta, second vice-president; and Frederick B. Graham, treasurer, the officers were unanimously ilected. Assumes Duties Stewart, the new president, took >ver his dirties as head of the joard and announced that the Ex ;cutive committee, as provided in he constitution, would consist of he following officers: H. A. Marks, chairman, (Firsi vice-president); L. D. Latta, vice :hairman, (Second vice-president); Frederick B. Graham (Treasurer), L E. Woodbury, Jr., (Campaign jhalrman); Rabbi Samuel A. Fried nan (Council chairman) and Stew irt, with the Budget chairman to Je announced later. Public Relations Rabbi Friedman, urged on mem bers that the Community Chest de velop a public relations program so that all citizens of the communi i-w rv» o -.r Viopnmp mnrft familiar ivith the many services rendered Dy the member agencies of the Community Chest. New board members present a1 yesterday’s meeting included Lenox 3. Cooper, Rabbi Friedman, Mrs. G. D. Greer, Girl Scouts; Mrs. J, B. Hughes, Social Service exchange Elliott O’Neal, and L. E. Wood' bury, Jr. Others Present Other members present were L, D. Latta, Public Health Nursing association; Pomeroy Nichols, L. A. Raney, Brigade Boys- club; Alex Sprunt, J. E. L. Wade, Travel ers Aid; Walter Webb, E. L. White, and Dr. L. W. Upperman, Shaw’s Boys club. MORE ABOUT VISITOR FROM FAGE ONE Burghisses of Bern, through the Swiss Ambassador to the United presented to New Bern by the States. This flag still hangs in the citj hall here. On the outside of the city hall are two bear heads, anc at the central fire station is an other copper black bear. The word Bern means bear. treaty calling for withdrawal of all their troops Irom the oil-rich little country by last Saturday. Iran Protests It was sent after notification from Tehran that the Iranian govern ment has protested. The British, at the same time, have asked Moscow for an explanation. The note on Manchuria was said to be a sharp statement of his country’s attitude opposing a Rus sian plan to treat all Japanese fa cilities in Manchuria as war booty and bring much of the country’s industry under joint Russo-Chinese operation. Rejected Secretary of State Byrnes told his news conference during the day that Russia had made such pro posals to China on Jan. 21, and that Chungking had rejected it. Nearly a month ago, he reported, the United States asserted in notes to Moscow and Chungking that the plan would be contrary to the open door policy and '“constitute clear discrimination against Americans.’’ See PROTESTS on Pag* Two MORE ABOUT ALLIGATORS FROM PAGE ONE nibbling habits of the alligators have been overestimated. “The American species,” they proclaim, “is particularly inof fensive.” But then, when you’re ready to cuddle the first American species you meet, the F. & M. people spoil everything by reminding that if you happened to tumble in where an alligator was napping, you might get a leg or two gnawed off at that. MORE ABOUT COMMENT FROM PAGE ONE • ■ i George (D.Ga.) said they feel as Churchill does, that the Unit ed States, Great Britain and Canada should retain the secret of the atomic bomb un til tested United Nations con trols are set up. Senator Wheeler (D.-Mont.) said he found in Churchill’s ad dress con firmation of fears he said he had expressed before this country became involved in the war. “Instead of making Europe to have succeeded in making it safe for Communism,” the Montana Senator declared. Other comment: Senator Aiken (R.Vt.): “I’m not ready to enter a military alliance with anyone. Britain, the United Nations work.” should pull together to make the UUnited Nations work.” Senator Tydings (D.-Md.): “I wish we might have what I thought we had—a five power alliance to enforce the peace.” Senator Taft (R.-Ohio) “1 agree with much of what Mr. Churchill says in criticism of Russia. But I think it would be most unfortunate for the Unit ed States to enter into any mili tary alliance with England, Russia or any other country in time of peace.” Truman, Churchill Leave Fulton For Columbus, 0. JEFFERsotTot^Tmo., March d. —(/P)—President Truman and Winston Churchill left here by specia! train at 7:45 p. m. (est) today enroute to Columbus, Ohio where Mr. Truman will speak at noon tomorrow. WEALTHY LAWYER KILLS SON, SELF Early Morning Murder, Suicide Follows Quarrel At Fashionable Hotel ■ 1 ■ ■' WASHINGTON, March, 5—(/P) Coroner A. Magruder MacDonald held Tuesday that Wilbur Stamm ler, wealthy New York attorney, killed his' recently adopted son, George D. Leist, 25, and then com mitted suicide m an early morning shooting at the fashionable Ward man Park hotel. The coroner issued a homicide suicide certificate after an autopsy. Leist’s wife told police she saw the 38-year old attorney shoot three times at her husband, a Pennsylvania Central Airlines pilot, before she ran screaming from their hotel suite. The shooting, she said, culminated a quarrel over the terms of the adoption of Leist by Stammler, which was completed at Shreveport, La., Feb. 5. For Education Detective Sgt. Harold C. Huffman of the homicide squad said police were told that Stammler adopted Leist, who had been married four years and had a three-year old child, as a means toward helping Leist further his musical educa tion. .tiuiiman said police had this further information: Returning from Shreveport, Stammler and Leist were met at Richmond, Va., by Mrs. Leist and the three registered at the hotel here last night. Quarrel Starts The two men began quarreling at about 3 a. m. A partly filled bottle of whiskey was found in the suit, but Mrs. Leist said there had been little drinking. Stammler’s body, fully clothed, was found lying across Leist’s head and shoulders. Leist wore trousers and shirt, but no shoes, Will Found A document, purporting to be Stammler’s will, was found in the suite. Drawn before his adoption of Leist, it bequeathed him a grand piano and left the bulk of the law yer’s possessions to relatives. A copy of the adoption papers also was found. Mrs. Leist gave Stammler’s New York address as 42 West 44th street, which is the location of the Bar Association building. Attaches at that building said Stammler had used it as a mailing address. Po lice said Stammler was unmarried. PROSPECTIVE BOARD MAY SEND DELEGATES TO AVIATION MEET If, as is exected, the New Han over County Board of Commission ers, in its special afternoon session with the Chamber of Commerce aviation committee in the Woodrow Wilson hut today, creates an air port commission to develop and manage Wilmington's 11,000,000 Bluethenthal airfield it is likely that a member or members of the new commission will attend an impor tant aviation meeting in Raleigh, March 13. The Civic Aeronautics Adminis tration announced yesterday that the aviation meeting will be held at the Carolina hotel in Raleigh, with airport operation, manage ment,, design and construction as the main topics of discussion. Among the CAA officials who will attend the meeting are George E. Garanflo, district airport engineer, and Harvey H. Perkins, regional manager in Atlanta. See PROSPECTIVE On Page Two The c o nfcuous centrifugal cream separfror was invented in 1878 by Dr. Gustav De Laval. Dial 2-3311 For Newspaper Service iiiSSiiiSiiiSiSiiSiiiSSiSiinSiiSiiiSmi SEE KAMER AND SEE BETTER Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted DR. W. A. KAMER Optometrist Bullock Building The Weather WASHINGTON, March 5 Weather Bureau report of ® - and rainfall for the 24 hour, m. In the principal cottor iln* * 3 and elsewhere; 1 *roW!n* irtj, Station WILMINGTON H‘lh-Lout W,, Alpena _ 1' W o.yg Asheville 33 21 On Atlanta -JJ 33 0s. Atlantic City _ 1* 45 4 Buffalo .... _ 68 46 4 Burlington_1 34 ,?■ Charlotte _ 28 27 Chicago _ZZ J? « » Cincinnati - 52 34 3 j, Cleveland _ l2 44 0r; Dallas _ 87 39 S Denver _2 I* — o* Detroit.. 22 25 »v Duluth .. .. 22 32 It « P“o _Z.ZZZ 2 *' 0» Port Worth_I- J8 34 0* Gal vest o.i _ ~~ 89 82 q ,. Jacksonville 03 0(c Kansas City .. !? M Om Key West -ZZ."" ? « £ Knoxville _ 11 79 O.OO Little Rock_I il O.oo Los Angeles __ » Oo« Louisville _ r O.Og Memphis _ Z" -i 52 0.00 Meridian _it 58 O.oo Miami _ ’ I8 58 OO: Minn.-St. PruZZ r, 79 On Mobile __ 22 23 o.!J Montgomery_ " 4 „ 0-00 New Orleans_ -? 82 O.Co New York_ Z 82 O.oo Norfolk _ 29 « 0.00 Phoiladelphia _ " r. 82 40] Phoenix _ " .. 42 Oft Pittsburgh_ ,, ~ 0.og Portland, Me._4! 8? 0.* Raleigh _ 27 0.0) Richmond . _ 82 0.x St. Louis _ZZ S 0.00 San Antonio_ Z" — « San Francisco__ u 0.00 Savannah _ _ 7, " o.oo Seattle _T 4 J? 0.00 Tampa - 77 9K Vicksburg _ 7fi .. ftOO Washington -IS :? MO 11 40 0,00 DEMONSTRATORS INJURE DEPUTY New Disorders Break Out At Tehran When Leftists Break Police Lines TEHRAN, March 5—(/p)—rn ft, second outbreak of violence in two days, Leftist demonstrators broke through police lines in front of the Parliament building today ar,d severely beat an associate of Eepu ty Said Zia Ed-din, described by Soviet publications as anti-Rus sian. One other man was injured in the disturbance, which occurred as members of parliament arrived for a scheduled session, postponed from yesterday because of a simi lar outbreak in which four per sons were injured. Only 70 deputies braved the mill, ing crowd of 2,000 to 3,000, mostly members of the Leftist Tudeh party, and they were forced to hold an "unofficial session” be cause they did not have a quorum present. The target of today’s attack was Sedigh Hazarti, a member of the National Will party. He managed to squeeze through the iron gates ot the parliament building after being beaten to his knees twice. I SEE OUR NEW SPRING FELT HATS Gibson's Haberdashery ! North Front Street ! — FOR — CORRECT TIME CALL 2-3575 — FOR - Correct Jewelry VISIT The JEWEL BOX Wilmington’s Most Populu Jewelry Store 109 N. Front St . ii i —— SCHENLEY j ! RESERVE ( i to proof. 63% groin Mvtrol opirits. Sch»nl«y Dhtillon Corp., N. Y. C. |