OCR Interpretation

The Wilmington morning star. [volume] (Wilmington, N.C.) 1909-1990, December 17, 1946, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn78002169/1946-12-17/ed-1/seq-6/

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SOCIAL | and | CtUB
rln tP* to remember
8 00 p. m — The Lula McCraeken
Bible class of Fifth Avenue
Methodist church will hold
the Christmas party at the
home of Mrs. Floyd Brook
sire, 115 Park Terrace, Sun
set Park. All members arc
invited to attend.
8:00 p. m. — The Southside Bap
tist church circles will meet
as follows: Circle One with
Mrs. I. B. Strickland on the
Market street road, circle
four at Mrs. Carl Marsh
burns, Jr., 315 Queen street.
A Christmas party has been
planned for both circles and
members are requested to
bring gifts.
8:00 p. m. — Cape Fear Chapter
of the U. D. C. will meet
at the home of the retiring
president, Mrs. Charles Lee
Bragg. 1802 Market street.
Mrs. Bragg will give her an
nual report and present the
gaiel to Mrs. J. S. Crowley,
the incoming president. .Mrs.
St. Amand will report on the
General Convention held in
Jackson. Miss.
8:30 p. m. — The Colonial Village
Mothers club will hold their
Christmas party at the home
of Mrs. J. D. Stanford, 131
Colonial Village.
8:00 p. m. - The Sholar Bib.e
class of the Wesley Methodist
church will meet at the hojns
of Mrs. A. T. Mitchell, host
ess for the class meeting.
2-30 p. m. — The Bradley’s Creek
Home Demonstration c.ub
will meet at the home of Mrs.
A. B. Mincy. A Yuletide
social will be held and a gif^
3 30 p m. — The What-so-ever
circle of the Kings Daughters
will meet with Mrs. Adolph
Aherns, 802 Market street.
8:00 p. m. — The Past Pocahontas
league will meet at the
home of Mrs. Charles Regis
ter, 1012 South Fourth street.
3:30 p. m, — The Woman’s Mis
sionary society of the South
side Baptist church will
meet at the church. Mem
bers are asked to turn in
their calendars. The Sun
beams and G. A.’s will meet
at the same hour.
10:00. a. m. — The Myrtle Grove
Home Demonstration club
will meet at the club
house. Each member is re
quested to bring a small
Christmas gift for the tree.
Maffitt Village PTA
Hold Holiday Meet
The Maffitt Village Parent
Teacher Association observed the
Christmas season during its regu
lar meeting at the school Wednes
day. Miss Lena Fontaine, who was
missionary in Korea before the war
and now is a church worker at the
Cape Fear Presbyterian church,
lead the devotional. Her timely
message was the Christmas story
from Luke 2:8-16. Mrs. A. V. Fos
key sang the “O Holy Night.” The
school Glee club sang several
Christmas carols featured by a so
lo by Donald Stevens, of the Fifth
grade. The recently formed Toy
orchestra entertained with Christ
mas music and a mixed quartette
of first grade children sang “Away
in a Manger.” Carols were sung
by the entire group.
During the business meeting,
presided over by Mrs. R- C. Hunt,
president, future plans were made
for the completion of the cafeteria.
Recently the work on the cafe
teria has been halted because of
a shortage of workers. This work
had been done voluntarily by the
fathers of the school children. Any
men who are interested in helping
to finish the project are asked to
contact H. A. Blackburn at 121
Graham street or R. C. Hunt at
114 Ward street.
A membership campaign was
held at the school Nov. 13-27. Miss
Elizabeth Page’s room was the
only group to attain a 100 per cent
membership. Mrs. W. K. Penland
was named chairman of the hos
pitality committee and Mrs. H. A.
Blackburn was appointed chairman
of the budget and finance commit
tee. The attendance award was
given to Mrs. Mary Jane Bare
foot’s room.
The crescent moon always has
its horns turned upward at sunset
in Spring, but more horizontally in
Autumn. The tilt is seasonal, and
has nothing to do with rain or
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["Headaches Yield Quickly I
The quick-acting ingredients
■ in “BC” work fast to relieve
[ headaches. That’s because
“BC’’is a special combination
of several time-tested relief
giving ingredients. Keep a
package handy. Caution: Use
only as directed.
Lottie May .Hewett
Engaged ToWed
HJ. Otterway, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hewett an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Lottie Mae, to H. J. Ot
taway, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Ottaway of Masonboro
Miss Hewett is a graduate of the
Shallotte High school and at pres
ent is employed with the Kellex
Corp., at Camp Davis. Mr. Otta
way is a graduate of Yepsiianti
High school, Yepsiianti, Mich.,
and at present is connected with
Andrews Mortuary.
Wedding plans will be an
nounced later.
Senior Fraternity
Auxiliary Holds
Christmas Party
The Woman’s auxiliary to the
Senior Fraternity to the Brigade
Boys club held the annual Christ
mas party on Thursday, Decem
ber 12 in the clubrooms of the
Brigade club which were attrac1
tively decorated carrying out the
Christmas motif at which time 24
members and three visitors were
An impressive Christmas de
votional using the Christmas story
from the Second chapter of Luke
was led by Miss Naomi Yopp as
sisted by Mrs. Percy West and
Mrs. Howard Littleton.
After the routine business mat
ters were transacted and reports
read and approved the following
new officers were installed by
Mrs. Allen Brinson in a candle
light ceremony: Mrs. George
Gore, president; Mrs. Robert An
derson, vice-president; Mrs. Jack
Hart, secretary and Mrs. Howard
Littleton, treasurer.
The auxiliary presented the out
going president, Mrs. Brinson,
with a gift in appreciation of her
services during the current year
as president. Following the instal
lation Santa Claus visited the
meeting and presented gifts to the
members and guests. A delicious
refreshment course was served by
Mrs. Robert Williams, Mrs. Mavis
Smith, Mrs. Helen Robinson and
Mrs. Ann Belle Merritt.
Sunday School To Hold
Christmas Program At
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Baptist Sunday school
will present their Christmas pro
gram Friday evevning, December
20th, at 7 o’clock in the church
auditorium. A very interesting
program has been arranged, and
all members and friends of the
Sunday school are cordially invit
ed to be present.
CHARLOTTE, Dec. 16 — {IP) —
Bishop Clare Purcell of the Metho
dist church in the Carolinas has
announced he will meet with his
cabinets in the three annual con
ferences comprising the area dur
ing the first week in January to
intensify the stewardship phase of
the Crusade for Christ.
Miss Montague
Engaged To
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Monta
gue announce the engagement of
their daughter, Margaret Emily,
to David Nicholas Chadwick, Jr.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Chad
wick, 412 South Third street, Wil
The wedding will be a quiet
ceremony within the near future.
Miss Montague is a graduate of
Duke university and is at present
a secretary in the X-ray depart
ment of Duke university. Mr.
Chadwick studied at N. C. State
college, Raleigh, and is now a
student in accounting at Duke uni
Mrs. J. S. Harriss of Lake Forest
and'Mrs. Grover Lewis of Caro
lina Beach, recently visited Mrs.
Harriss’ relatives in Mt. Airy for
several days.
Ernest Bowden Coley, parachute
rigger 3-C USN, is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coley
at their home on South Third street
for the Christmas holidays and
will return to Norfolk, Va., on Jan
uary 2nd.
Friends will be sorry to learn of
the illness of Mrs. Annie B. Perry
of 116 Red Cross street.
Mr. and Mrs. Coy Carter og
Wallace have returned to their
home after visiting Mr. Carter’s
son and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey Carter of Myrtle Sound.
The also visited Mrs. Carter’s
sister, Mrs. Annie Bell Perry who
is ill.
Mrs. W. H. Northrop, who for
the past month has been visiting
her sister,. Mrs. Morrison W. De
vine at her home on South Front
street, has returned to her home
in Charlotte.
Miss Ruby Rogers
Carl McGowan
To Marry Saturday
Miss Ruby Elizabeth Rogers,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Luther
T. Rogers, and Carl Wright Mc
Gowan will be married on Satur
day afternoon, December 21 at 6
o’clock at the First Baptist
church. The Rev. James E. Al
lard will perform the ceremony.
Henri Emurian, organist, and
Mrs. Sam Troy, Jr., soloist, will
present nuptial music.
Miss Rogers will be given in
marriage by her father. She will
■have as her matron-of-honor Mrs.
W. Allen Cobb of Marietta, Ga.,
her sister, and bridesmaids will
be Miss Myrtie Peterson of Clin
ton, Mrs. James L. Kaler of Wash
ington, D. C., cousin of the bride,
Mrs. Lloyd C. Allen, Jr., and Mrs.
A. Pate Fish.
Claude J. McGowan, brother of
the bridegroom, will be best man
and ushers will include Luther T.
Rogers, Jr., student at State col
lege, brother of the bride, LeRoy
Standland, cousin of the bride
groom, Lloyd C. Allen, Jr., and
W. Allen Cobb of Marietta, Ga.
A reception will be held immedi
ately following at t h e American
Legion home, 100 South Third
Numerous Events
Throughout Week
Set On Calendar
The recreation calendar of events
for this coming week will be as
Tuesday: 10—Bridge club at
Maffitt Village; 10:30—Girl Scout
leaders meeting at Community cen
ter; 1—Girl Scout leaders luncheon
at Community center; 3—Dancing
class *at Community ce/iter; 4—
Cirls’ volleyball at Nesbitt courts;
8—Ladies’ Card club at Nesbitt
Courts; 8—Thalian Play rehearsal
at Community Center.
Wednesday: 10:30 A. M.—Wed
nesday Bridge club at Community
center; 3—Teen-Age club at Com
munity center; 8:00—Bridge club
and Chrstmas party at Community
center; 8—Thalian play and party
at Community center.
Thursday: 3:30—Dance club at
Community center; 8 — Thalian
Worwshop at Community center;
8—Atlantic Coast Line party at
Community center.
Friday: 3:00—Tap dancing at
Maffitt Village; 3—Teen-Age club
at Community cepter; 4—Rooster
club at Community center; 7:30—
Teen-Age Club at Cornelius Har
nett; 8—Teen-Age club at Nesbitt
Courts: 8—Teen-Age dance at Com
munity center; 8—Ladies’ card
club at Nesbitt courts; 8:30
Square dance at Maffitt Village.
A Christmas tree, similar to the above, in silver and blue, will be one of the many offerings on
display this afternoon at the Cape Fear Garden club’s 2-day exhibit, “Holiday House”, in the Ameri
can Legion home, Third and Dock streets. Holiday House will be opened to the public at 2 o’clock
today and from 11 a. m. until 5 p. m. tomorrow.
"Holiday House” Opens
At Legion Home 2p.m.Today
With just one week off before
Christmas the Cape Fear Garden
club members have taken time
out to decorate, arrange and make
unusual and artistic displays for
the “Holiday House” at the Ameri
can Legion home, Third and Dock
streets, which will be op«n for pub
lic inspection today at 2 o’clock
and throughout tomorrow.
Members of the club will be
present to assist visitors and ex
plain the various exhibits on dis
play. Such things as an entire vil
lage In miniature done in the
Christmas motif by Mrs. Leslie
Hummell, will be on display. A
Nativity scene done in soap by
Miss Ruth Loman, will be among
the many lovely holiday arrange
Thalian,s Yuletide
Tomorrow Night
On Wednesday evening the Thal
ian association will entertain with
a Christmas get-together for its
members in the Community center
Second and Orange streets, from
8 until 11 o’clock at which time
a one-act Christmas play, “Light
on Beacon Hill” by Francisca F.
Miller, under the direction of
Frnces Thompson Edmondson, will
be presented along with a program
of Christmas music featuring a
soloist and a social hour at the
conclusion of the program.
At this time of year when the
spirit of good will and good wishes
prevails the Thalians take the op
portunity to hold a social for their
members so that they may meet,
mingle and understand that mem
bership in the Thalians means
more than just attending plays—
the chance to meet and know all
the members that to use theatrical
terms “walk on boards” that other
members might be entertained.
The backstage crews, who slave
and work that the production will
live up to the standard the associa
tion has built through the years.
So that all members active
as well as inactive, can meet and
enjoy a pleasant evening a varied
program has been planned.
The one-act play will be staged
by the Workshop with a cast of
Frances Rosfe, “Tex” Watts, Elmer
Williamson and Evelyn Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Lewis, of
245 Pinecrest Parkway, announce
the birth of a daughter, Linda Sue
born December 10th., Marion
Sprunt annex. Mrs. Lewis is the
farmer Ila Pridgen
ments. Special tables with home
made cookies, candies and what
not gaily decorated and cut in
various Yule designs will be among
the many lovely items to be view
ed. A doll exhibit of story book
characters done by Mrs. Claude
Efird will add to the attraction
as well as mantel designs, door
ways, Christmas trees, and Christ
mas tables of all sorts.
Mrs. L. Paul Campbell, Mrs.
Rinaldo B. Page and Mrs. Henry
Gerdes are in charge of the ex
hibit and all ipembers have work
ed diligently in getting everything
in shape for this unusual attraction.
The public is cordially invited
to drop by “Holiday House” eith
er today or Wednesday.
Local Housewives
Urged To Invite
Christmas Guests
The USO office at Second and
Orange streets, has issued an ap
peal to Wilmington housewives to
have as many servicemen as
their guests on Christmas day as
posible as one of the largest crowds
of service personnel is expected
to be in Wilmington over Christ-'
Servicemen from Camp Lejeune
as well as from Fort Bragg and
other nearby bases are expected
to be in Wilmington over the holi
days as no holiday leaves are
being granted and many will not
be able to be at their homes for
All persons interested in having
Christmas dinner guests are re
quested to contact the USO office
at 9493, Miss Maria Davis.
Goerch-Powe Wedding
Invitations Issued Here
The following invitations have
been received in the city:
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goerch
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
i Sibyl
Mr. Edward JCnox Powe, III
on Friday evening the twenty-sev
enth of December
at hall alter eight o’clock
First Baptist church
Raleigh, North Carolina
A reception will be held immed
iately following at the Carolina
Country club.
Both the prospective bride and
bridegroom are well known in Wil
mington having spent several sum
mers at Wrightsville Beach.
Christmas Pageant
Will Be Staged At
Methodist Church
“The Christmas Pageant of the
Holy Grail” by Walter Russell
Bowie will be presented at the
Trinity Methodist church Sunday,
December 22, at 5 o’clock.
Miss Ida Jo Graham is direct
ing the presentation of this pag
eant. Mary Katherine Davis,
Elaine Smith, and Franklin
Graham have made a group of
stained glass windows in the Art
department of New Hanover High
school, under the direction of Miss
Emma Lossen. These windows
will serve as the background for
“The Christmas Pageant of the
Holy Grail.” Everyone is cordial
ly, invited to attend this service
of worship.
Garden Club Plans
Short Meet Today
All members of the Cape Fear
Garden club have been requested
to attend today s meeting which
will be held at 10 o’clock in the
American Legion home, Third and
Dock streets.
Only important business matters
will be transacted and members
will assist with the arrangements
for “Holiday House” which is to
open at 2 p. m.
Winter Park Church
To Show Picture,
Child Of Bethlehem
A motion picture will be shown
at the Winter Park Presbyterian
church Wednesday at 8:00 p. m.
“The Child of Bethlehem”, is the
title of the picture and the Christ
mas story will be fully presented.
The public is cordially invited to
attend the showing of this motion
Oak Grove Chapel To Show
Picture This Evening At 7
A special Christmas moving pic
ture, ‘‘The Babe of Bethlehem”
will be shown at Oak Grove chapel
this evening at 7 o'clock, by Dr.
Sandy Marks.
There will be no admit
tance charge, but a silver offering
will be taken at conclusion of the
The public Is cordially invited to
be present.
Dial 2-3311 For Newspaper Service
First Baptist Church Scene
Of Smit'n-McKinney Weddina
The First Baptist church was the
scene of the wedding of Miss Shir
ley McKinney, daughter of Mr. ana
Mrs. E. E. McKinney of Shelby,
and Owen B. Smith, Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Smith, 209
Brookwood Avenue, December 7
at 4:30 o’clock.
The double ring ceremony was
performed by the Rev. Charles
A. Maddry, pastor of the church.
The vows were spoken before a
back ground of palms and ferns,
centered with a silver basket of
white chrysanthemums.
A program of nuptial music was
presented by Henri Emurian, or
ganist, who played “Because,”
“All the Things You Are,” “I Love
But Thee,” “Intermezzo,” ' “O
Promise Me,” and "I Love You
Truly.” Mrs. Mary Eunice Troy
sang “The Rosary.” The wedding
march from “Lohengrin” was play
ed for the processional and Men
delssohns march was used as the
The bride was given in marriage
by her brother, H. E. McKinney
of Black Mountain. The bridegroom
had as his best man his father,
O. B. Smith. Miss Zella Boyd of
Wilmington was maid-of-honor and
Mrs. H. E. McKinney of Black
Mountain was matron-of-honor. The
ushers were Bill Meyland and
Parks Low.
The bride wore a beige wool
Miss Mills Wedding
Plans Announced
Miss Rachel Mills has completed
plans for her marriage t<i Bob
L. Goodwin which will take place
on Saturday afternoon, December
21 at 4 p. m., at Pearsall Memo
rial Presbyterian church, with the
Rev. Andrew J. Howell officiating.
Miss Mills will be given in
marriage by her father, C. Her
man Mills, and will have as her
maid-of-honor, and only attendant,
Miss Beatrice Campen.
Mr. Goodwin will be attended by
Herbert Moseley, as best man.
Ushers will be Herman Mills, Jr.,
brother of the bride, and Grady
Rogers, both of Wilmington.
Nuptial music will be rendered
by Mrs. H. E. Bullard, organist
and Mrs. Vernon Avery, soloist.
No invitations have been issued,
but friends of the coi^>le tire in
vited to attend.
Every newly bom female baby
has an expectation of life four
years longer than that of a male
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ljyhen a cold makes you feel all «|
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Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling
water. Then breathe in the steaming
medicated vapors and enjoy
the grand relief that comes
as VapoRub’s soothing med
ication penetrates to cold
congested upper breathing
passages to soothe irritation,
ease coughing, help clear
stuffy head.
foraddedr*lief,tWu3u « - —.
VapoRub on throat, chest If ICKS'
and back at bedtime. Try it! W VapoRub
V x
I —
gaberdine suit with which she
brown accessories and a 6h 4
corsage of white gardenias r
maid-of-honor wore a Ught' bl
wool dress with black accessorial
and the matron-of-honor wore
pink wool dress and she alj0 USed
black accessories. Their cor!aee.
were pink and light blue cam,
tions. Mrs. Smith the bridegroom,*
mother wore a gray crePe a{t‘
noon dress and a shoulder cors,«
of red roses. d*s
The couple left shortly »fte- tfc,
ceremony on their wedding ‘trio '
Upon their return they will resid.
at 207 North Fifth street, Wilmlns
ton. *
The bride attended Shelby High
school and was graduated from
Asheville College, Asheville, N C
She taught in Rutherford County
schools for one year. For the past
three and one-half years she was
employed in the Tabulating depart,
ment of the North Carolina Ship!
building company, Wilmington
The bridegroom attended New
Hanover High school. He was also
employed in the Tabulating depart
ment of the North Carolina Ship,
building company before enterim
the U. S. Air force* in 1942 Ha
served three and one-half years
as a staff sergeant in Statistical
Control section being stationed in
Washington, D. C„ and Orlando,
Fla. He is now employed with the
Atlantic Coast Line railroad here
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Inexpensive. vnCDTIIOOUl
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