OCR Interpretation

The Wilmington morning star. [volume] (Wilmington, N.C.) 1909-1990, October 14, 1947, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn78002169/1947-10-14/ed-1/seq-6/

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Woman's News
KAY GOODMAN—Social Editor Dial «-3311
-:UNC Names
To Dean's List
Wilmington students number
ed among the 235 students mak
ing dean’s list in the college of
arts and sciences, University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Sankey L. Blanton, Jr., of
Wake Forest and this city. Jay
R. Franklin, Carolina Beach;
Eleanor Highsmith, George
Johnson, Wilburn C. Parker, and
James E. Smith, II, all of Wil
To be on the dean’s list, the
above students were required
to have a grade of B or better
on all courses for the entire
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gran
ville Smith announce the birth
of a daughter. Zara Marlene. Oc
tober 12 at the Marion Sprunt
annex. Mrs. Smith is the former
Zara Smith of Wilmington.
[ Promptly Relieves
\ Child's Mild M [
i for average I
V baby's skin 1
Gregg Bros.
DIAL 9655
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rice, who
have been spending the summer
months in the mountains of
North Carolina, returned to
their home in the Oleander
Court apartments Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sprunt
have arrived from Lake Placid,
N.Y., and are at present stay
ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. Laur
ence Sprunt. 1806 Princess
Calvin L. Harrelson, Jr., and
Paul Chestnutt have gone to
Birmingham, where they will
visit Mr. and Mrs. David
Koonce. Mrs. Koonce is the
former Jean Harrelson of this
Theta Chapter
Plans Dinner
October 25
Members of the Theta chapter
of the Delta Kappa Gamma
fraternity made plans for their
annual birthday dinner meeting
Saturday when the group met
under the chairmanship of Mrs.
Emma Lossen.
It was decided that the dinner
meeting would be held Saturday
evening, October 25, at 6:30
o’clock in the high school cafe
teria. Initiations would follow
in the auditorium of the high
The organization decided to
take part in the world Christmas
festival. Members wiil bring to
the birthday meeting thei.
Christmas gifts to be sent to the
children of foreign lands. All
gifts must be wrapped.
At the February meeting a
legislative program will be dis
cussed and a white elephant sale
will be held with Mrs. C. B. New
comb acting as auctioneer.
Miss Shannon Morton had
charge of the program of the
afternoon which was a mono
graph. Miss Morton gave the
highlights using as her subject
“Differences which Matter, a
Study of Boys and Girls.” This
study was prepared by Dr. Mil
dred Schuell, a 1945-46 winner of
the national scholarships of Delta
Dial 2-3311 For Newspaper Service
ft A ft ft A ft ft rs 7» 7T 7V 7Vftft 7V 7T7T 7V 71 ft A
k Just Arrived! I
t - *
k Kew and Complete *
l Stock Ladies’
k 1st—Irregulars—3rd s ’
K _ ’
k 604 Castle St. Dial 2-8454 J
See Our Display
Liberal Trade-In
Harrill Music Store
Front and Grace St*.
Phone 5497
Lions Women
Plan Bridge
Party Tonight
The Lions auxiliary will en
tertain at its annual bridge
tournament tonight at 8 o’clock
in the Community Center, Mrs.
Donald Sewell said yesterday.
Playing will start promptly at
8:15 o’clock and players are re
quested to bring their cards. A
cordial invitation is extended to
men to attend the affair.
A number of attractive prizes
will be awarded and refresh
ments are to be served.
Reservations may be made by
calling any of the following:
Mrs. Walter F. Dent, 2-8235;
Mrs. Jack Baldwin. 7875; Mrs.
Harry W. Cherry, 2-3477; Mrs.
Gilbert Morton. 6523; Mrs. Wal
lace I. West, 2-2068; or Mrs. T.
D. Matthews, 5705.
* We, the Women
Meatless And
Eggless Days
No Hardship.
NEA Staff Writer
Observing meatless Tues
days, poultryless and eggless
Thursdays, isn’t going to be any
hardship on the American
In fact, she ought to welcome
the fact that her government is
backing her up in her deter
mined effort to cut down on
her food budget. Now, instead
of just economizing for the sake
of keeping her food bills down,
she will be economizing as part
of a great national effort.
Food rationing was no hard
ship in wartime, because every
body was rationed. Voluntary
food economy, now that a na
tional program for it has been
outlined, will work just the
same way.
When there’s no meat on the
table on Tuesday, families will
accept it as a matter of course.
It won’t be a question of “We’ve
had to cut out meat part of the
time because we can’t afford
it.” but ‘‘We’re doing what is
asked of us as a small but nec
essary part of the food eco
nomy program.”
In a way we are a spoiled
nation, used to having what we
want when we want it, or at
least feeling that we should
have what we want when we
want it. For that reason, it is
hard for us individually to cut
But if it’s the thing to do and
everybody else is doing it,
that’s an entirely different mat
ter. Now that we’re all together
in this food saving program we
shouldn’t mind it at all.
NEW BERN, Oct. 13. — Ques
tions as to the admission of cer
tain evidence for jury considera
tion today slowed the testimony
being offered by attorneys for
Stanley West, caveator, seeking
to break the will of his father,
the late James M. West, presi
dent and owner of the Seashore
Transportation company.
A number of witnesses today
testified to Mr. West’s excessive
use of intoxicants or drugs. The
caveator's side will probably
take the remainder of this week,
and all next week will likely be
required for the side of the pro
pounders. Regardless of how the
Superior Court jury decides here
the case will almost certainly
go to the State Supreme court.
With the exception of Califor
nia, the Philippines yields more
gold annually than any state in
the union as well as Alaska.
We Are Pleased To
Of The
Trade Wind
the only oyster Tomorrow Afternoon
SEAFOOD of all kinds prepared by experts
will be our specialty. However will have a com
plete menu of STEAKS, CHOPS, CHICKEN,
Visit Us And Enjoy The
Best Oyster Roast You
Have Ever Eaten!
Located 200 Yards South Of Station One, Lumina Ave.
Columbia Concert Agent
Addresses Campaign Opening
Headquarters For Community Concert Drive
Opens Today In St. James’ Parish House
tists and long-haired programs
are just as much a thing of the
past as long skirts,” said Mrs.
Marre Goodwin, representative
from the Columbia Concerts as
sociation, New York, whose short
address opened the 19th annual
Community Concert drive Mon
day at St. James Parish house.
Mrs. Goodwin, who was intro
duced by “dynamic” William G.
Robertson, secretary-treasurer of
the local association, enthusiastic
ally reported that Columbia Con
certs now brought music to more
than 680 associations, and would
send out over 4,000 artists be
tween November and May to
communities spread from Alaska
to Mexico.
Mrs. Goodwin concluded by
saying that the proposed con
certs for the year would be
“music for enjoyment.”
Igor Gorin, baritone, who
was such a success here several
years ago, will appear in another
concert, probably to be follow
ed by the Philharmonic Piano
Guests at the luncheon meet,
which preceded Mrs. Goodwin's
address, expressed a desire for
fewer concerts and better ar
Seated at the speaker’s table
were: Miss Emma Gade Hutaff,
second vice president of the as
sociation; Mrs. Marre Goodwin;
Mrs. E. K Bryan, president; the
(Dates to (Remember
10 a. m. — The Community Cen
ter’s arts and crafts class
will meet this morning.
Activities will include
stencil work and stuffing
2:30 p. m. — The Hemenwav
PTA will meet in the
school auditorium. Fol
lowing the business meet
ing, a tea will held in honor
or teachers. Miss Helen
Rouse, Miss Jennie Mae
Hartsfield, and Mrs. Lila
Head will present a musi
cal program.
2:30 p. m. — The Sunset Park
PTA will meet in the
school auditorium follow- ,
ing a meeting of the ex- j
ecutive committee at 1:30
p. m.
2:30 p. m.—The Winter Park
PTA will meet in the school
auditorium. All parents,
particularly parents of first
grade children or children
entering school for the first
time are asked to attend.
3:00 p. m.—The Chestnut street
PTA will meet in the
school. Following the busi
ness meeting, refreshments
will be '"■ved.
3:00 p. m.—The Mothers and
Teachers club of St. Mary’s
school will meet in the
parish hall.
7:30 p. m.—The Lake Forest
PTA will meet at the
school at which time Su
perintendent H. M. Roland
will address the. group on
Building for Tomorrow.
Miss Ruth Sharp, sixth
grade teacher, will lead
the devotional and Miss
Nancy Dickins, music
teacher, will sing several
solos. Following the meet
ing a social hour will be
held in the gym for the
teachers and parents.
8:15 p. m. — The Goldenrod
chapter. No. 142, OES, will
meet in the Masonic tem
ple at a joint session with
the Acme-Delco and the
Live Oak chapters.
8:00 p. m.—The Seminole coun
cil, No 34, will meet in the
Junior Order hall. The
meeting will be followed
by a social hour.
8 p. m — The Women of the
Moose, chapter 40, will
meet in the Moose hall to
discuss plans for a Hollo
ween party.
i 3:30 p. m. — The Cape Fear
chapter of the UDC will
meet today in the Ladies
parlor of the First Pres
byterian church.
8:00 p. m.—The Catholic Daugh
ters of America will spon
sor a bridge tournament in
the Parish hall, which will
be open to the general
2:30 p. m. — Bradley Creek PTA
will meet in the school,
following a special meet
ing of the executive com
mittee. Girl Scouts will be
on hand to care for small
children accompanying
3:00 p. m.—The Bast Wilming
ton Home Demonstration
club will meet at the Com
munity center.
8:00 p. m.—The Past Pocahontas
league will meet at the
home of Mrs. C. J. Craig,
910 Princess street. A
cordial invitation is ex
tended to all Past Poca
hontas members to attend
2:30 p. m.—The Bradley’s Creek
Home Demonstration club
will meet at the home of
Mrs. Garland Brown.
3:30 p. m. — The Crepe Myrtle
Garden club will meet with
Mrs. Miles Clemmer of
Winter Park.
8:00 p. m—The Myrtle Grove
Home Demonstratiorf club
will sponsor a square dance
at the clubhouse. An in
vitation is extended the
public to attend.
Philippine Independent
Church, which separated itself
i io°m t^le Church of Rome in
J1901, has approximately 1,500,
Rev. Mortimer Glover, William
G. Robertson, executive secre
tary and treasurer; Mr*. Miriam
Burns, campaign chairman; Mrs.
William G. Rboertson, and Mrs.
Mortimer Glover.
Other officials for the campaign
included: Mrs. Lewis Ormond,
assistant campaign chairman;
Mrs. A. V. B. Gilbert and Mrs.
James Murdock, assistant cam
paign secretaries, Mrs. A. H.
Harriss, Jr., is publicity chair
New workers for the year in
troduced by Mrs. Miriam Burns
were: Mrs. Max Gregg, Jr., Mrs.
M. J. Carswell, Miss Dorothy
Lewis, and Miss LilHan Bellamy.
Workers who will sell member
ships during the week are: Mrs.
Cecil Appleberry, Mrs. Vernon
Avery, Miss Lillian Bellamy,
Mrs. Dan Cameron, Mrs. M. J.
Carswell, Miss Johanna Duls,
Mrs. J. D. Edwards, Mrs. J, B.
Fenlev. Miss Katie Foard, and
Miss Bernardine Foyles.
Mrs. Max Gregg, Jr., Mr*. A.
R. Iardwick, Miss Claire Hughes,
Mrs. Thomas Hunter, Miss Emma
Gade Hutaff, Miss Dorothy
Lewis, Miss Nancy Lynch, Mrs.
R. C. Merritt, Mrs. Rudolph
Mintz, Mrs. James Murdock, Mrs.
H. L. McPherson, J. C. Parker,
Miss Ruth Patterson, Mrs. Hor
ace Pearsall, Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Peck, Mrs. H. M. Pickard,
Miss Julia Post, Mrs. Q. B.
Snipes, Mrs. Leo Sykes, Mrs.
Fred Tiencken, and Mrs. Evander
Mrs. Sam Troy, Jr., Mrs. Sam
Warshauer, Mrs. Conrad Wes
sell, Miss Louise White, Mrs.
Elizabeth Williams, and Mrs. A.
H. Yopp.
Campaign headquarters have
been established in St. James
Parish house, and will be staffed
Tuesday through Friday from 2
to 6 p. m. daily with workers
ready to take memberships or to
answer inquiries in regard to
Prospective members of the
Community Concert association
are asked to call 2-2417 or 2-2418
in purchasing tickets or procuring
“The days of long-haired ar
§ II A W’S
Featuring Style and Quality
314 N. Front Dial M3*
Dorothy Deal
CpI. Hollopeter
Are Married
In a lovely home wedding,
Miss Dorothy Jean Deal of this
city, became the bride of Cp .
Ralph Warren Hollopeter of the
United States Marine Corps on
Saturday afternoon, October 4,
at 2 o’clock. The Rev. Charles
H. Mercer officiated, using the
double-ring ceremony.
The bride was attractively
dressed in a suit of royal blue
gabardine, and her accessories
were of black. She wore a cor
sage of pink carnations.
Mrs. Hollopeter is the young
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Orion C. Deal of Ivey Circle in
this city. She was graduated
with the class of ’44 at the J. W.
Cannon High school in Kannap
olis, and since that time has
been employed with civil serv
Corporal Hollopeter is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hollo
peter of Martinsburg, Pennsyl
vania, and has served with the
United States Marine Corps for
the past two years. He is now
stationed at Camp Lejeune,
where the bride is also employ
At present the couple will re
side at 3021 Lee avenue, Mid
way Park.
Medical Auxiliary
Will Meet Today
Members of the Auxiliary to
the New Hanover County Medical
society will meet this afternoon
at 2 o’clock in lounge B of the
Community Center.
Plans for the year’s activities
will be made and final prepara
tions for the tea in honor of Miss
Alice Geraldine Maxwell, ‘‘Miss
North Carolina Student Nurse
1947,” who will visit Wilmington
next week, will be completed
All mergers are urged to be
Methodist Youth
Of Sunset Park
Plan Variety Show
In order that walls of the .Sun
set Park Methodist church Sun
day school rooms can be paint
ed and redecorated, the young
people of the church will pre
sent a two act entertainment
Friday night at 7:30 o’clock in
the new Sunset Park school.
Entitled “Variety of ’47,” the
first half of the show will be
a talent show and the second
half, a minstrel.
Following the program, re
freshments will be sold by
members of the class.
Admission for the benefit pro
gram will be 45 cents for adults
and 25 cents for students.
Miss Annie Trott and Richard
Woods are directing the show,
and Jimmy Stallings is direct
ing the music.
Virginia Girl
Betrothed To
Dr. Mahler
STAUNTON, Va., Oct. 13—Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Lambert of Wood
lee, this city, announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Bet
ty, to Dr. Andrew J. Mahler, son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. B. Mahler
of Wilmington, N. C.
Jonathan Swift, greatest of
English satirists, was born in
Dublin, in 1667. At 15 he was
sent to Trinity college in Dublin,
where he read much poetry, but
was disdainful of his courses
and of regulations, and received
his degree only by special grace.
Germany, Russia, etc.
when externally caused. Use Cuticura—prefer
red by many doctors, nurses and certain hospi
tals—to quickly relieve embarrassing extem
a ly caused pimples, rash, blemishes. Softens
blackhead tips for easy removal! Buy todav!
cuticura sm;
Installs Heads
Last Evening
The following new 0vf. „
the B'Nai Israel Sisterhood ' *
installed at the opening t' ®r*
held last evening in the i!*'8*
of Mrs. B. May, 1406 Ch ?'
Mrs. Marx Neuwirth
dent; Mrs. Jack Marlowe ^
vice president. Mrs \\ ‘ :i!
Freidman, second vice
dent; Mrs. Kenneth Abt.r, "
cording secretary; Mrs s*
Berger, corresponding
tary, and Mrs. A. Harris t^
urer. St"'
Guest and speaker for
evening was British nove'!,'
Joan Hewett, who has been
ing Mrs. J. Abel.
Mrs. Neuwirth and
Hewett were presented wun*1,1
sages and other officers w°a
carnations. '’■*
-—. |
Dial 8-3311 For Newspaper $ervlt '
Why Thousands of Doctory
pertussin acts at once. It not only
relieves such coughing but also
loosens up phlegm and makes it
easier to raise, pertussin »i j,
safe! Mighty effective for qu
and young! Pleasant tasting'
Custom Tailored Clothes for MEN and WOMEN
Tailored Suits
$45*00 up
$15*00 up
Custom Tailors
W« Carry The Largest And Most Complete Lin#
Of Woolens In The South
■ —- - ■ — ■■ ■ - ■ -■ ■ e- —
Alteration* and Repairing
By Expert Male Tailors
For Men
Smartly Stylod'
Corractly Fitted
*45 oo te
W, Alto
27 South Front Street •_Phone 2-0330 • Wilmington, N. G
You noed no blooeh.. .tho “extra A
suds" wash clothas cloanor, i
whiter! And eolors stay bright! M
No other soap can remove more dirt.. .UK
wash clothes cleaner... wash white V
clothes whiter than the new 1948 Super X
The famous laboratories of Colgate*
Palmolive-Peet have just released the
greatest Super Suds ever! Increased
amounts of costly ingredients were added
to the sudsing wonder, Super Suds, to
make even more suds... to wash clothes
whiter—and you need no bleach. a
Clothes washed with new 1948 Super
Suds are whiter because they’re cleaner! I
Sweeter-smelling, too! And the same in- X
gredients in new Super Suds that wash
white clothes whiter, wash colors color
bright! Gentle on hands, too!
So ... for the whitest, cleanest Super
Suds wash you’ve ever had, get new 194H
Super Suds! At your dealer1* new. No
soap in the world can wash clothes whiter!
s h

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