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LOUIS D. BRANDEIS NOMIN ATED ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT. Louis Dembitz Brandeis, who was nominated last Friday by President Wilson for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, was born at Louis ville. Ky., Nov. 13, 1856, the son of Adolph and Fredericka (Dembitz) Brandeis. He received his elemen tary education at the Louisville pub lic and high schools, and then stud ied at the Annen Realschule in Dresden, Germany, from 1873 to 1875. He graduated from Harvard Law School in 1877, and received an honorarv A. M. degree from there in 1891. He was admitted to the bar in 1878, and set up practice in Boston. He was a member of the firm of Warren and Brandeis, 1879-97, and LOUIS D. BRANDEIS of Brandeis, Dunbar and Nutter since 1897. He married Alice Gold mark of New York in 1891. Mr. Brandeis has figured notably in a great many cases of national im portance. He was the council for Mr. Glavis in the Ballinger Pinchot I investigation 1910, and for shippers in advance trade rate investigation before Interstate Commerce Com mission 1911 council for the people in proceedings involving constitu tionalitv of Ore., and of 111, omen's ten-hour laws and Ohio nine-hour law and in preserving Boston mu nicipal subways system and in estab lishing Boston sliding-scale gas-sys tem and the Mass., savings bank in surance: also (1906-1913) in oppos ing the New Haven monopoly of transportation in New England chairman arbitration board of the New York Garment workers strike 1910. February 4, 1916 THE AMERICAN JEWISH WORLD 407 Mr. Brandeis is universally recog nized as an authority on economic law. He is the author of articles on public franchises in Massachussets Life Insurance Wage Earner's Life Insurance Scientific Management Labor Problems and the Trusts, etc. A fewr years ago Mr. Brandeis pro claimed himself an out and out Zion ist. Since then he has taken active part in the organization and has been a member of the Provisional Zionist Committee. In the campaign for a Jewish Congress he assumed the leadership, and lent his untiring ef forts towards its success. By nominating Mr. Brandeis to the high office of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, President Wil son has crowned a noble career. Incidentally, President Wilson has most eloquently answered the ques tion: "Can a Zionist be a good American?" Mr. Brandeis is an ar dent Zionist and the Chief Magis trate of the republic has said that he is a good American. AMBASSADOR MORGENTHAU PRAISED. U. S. Ambassador Praised in Com mons for Aid to Allies' Subjects on Gallipoli Peninsula. In reply to a question in the Eng lish House of Commons on Mon day, Lord Robert Cecil, Parliamen tary Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, confirmed the assertion that early in 1915 the Turkish military authorities had sent to Gallipoli fifty British and French non-combatants for the purpose of exposing them to the fire of the Allies and that the British Foreign Secretary had no tified Turkey that Enver Pasha and the Ottoman authorities would be held personally responsible for the lives of these persons, and that, as a consequence, the latter had been re leased. The Parliamentary Under Secre tary gratefully acknowledged in this connection the services which had been rendered by the American Em bassy at Constantinople, saying: "Any explanation of the release of those British subjects would be incomplete which did not take into account the efforts of the United States Ambassador, Mr. Morgen thau, and his staff for the protection of those committed to his charge." Permission was only now granted to the French League for Human Rights to publish the debate in the Duma regarding Jewish persecu tions. AN APPEAL FOR THE RELIEF FUND. By Meyer M. Isaacs. President Wilson at the instance of the U. S. Senate proclaimed Thursdav, Jan. 27th, 1916, as Jewish Relief Day. Perhaps few of us realize what this proclamation really meant. When in the sixteenth century a small number of immigrants of Jewish faith wanted to settle in what is now New York, Gov. Van Stuyvesant would only permit them to enter on condition that they take care of their own poor. From that time on and up to the time of this proclamation Jewish charity has been taken care of by Jews. Many of our brethren in the war ridden zones once perhaps as pros perous as the best amongst us, are now on a level with the lowest of paupers. Food, clothes, and shelter are needed by two or more million Jews. The Central Relief Committee in New York felt that this country should at least raise five or more millions of dollars for relief of these perhaps forsaken people and with that end in view called the at tention of the senate to these condi tions, who in turn brought it to the President, hence the proclamation. It was hoped that all cities, especial ly where Jews live, would take ad vantage of Relief Day, and how well some of the cities came to the res cue has been told in the daily papers New York. $250,000, San Francisco $225,000, Portland, Ore., $30,000, Cincinnati, $85,000, Chicago $100, 000. Minneapolis has not done it's share. To date the collection per haps totals nine thousands dollars and we have a city of close to four hundred thousand, and a Jewish pop ulation of about eighteen thousand —a mere pittance indeed. Have you, my readers, done your duty? Perhaps you have already contributed. Can't you do more? Even should the five million be raised, how little it will mean when you consider that over two million are suffering—only two dollars per person. Do your share by being a generous giver. Help the Minneapolis Fund by sending as much as you can to Francis A. Gross, President of the German American Bank, or Fred Spafford, Vice President of the First National and Security Bank, both local treasurers. The committee has deemed it ad visable to extend the campaign for another ten days. The need is great. Do your duty.