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Page eighteen of the co-operative association is ex pected to exceed 200. The following clubs were represented at the organ isation meeting: Fidelis, Endymion, Y. W. H. A., Hatikvah, Harmony, Friendship, Sunshine, Herzl, Hedlite, P. C. B. and Coming Young Men of America. HADASSAH ENTERTAINMENT AIDS MEDICAL UNIT The Annual Passover entertainment of the St. Paul Chapter of Hadassah last Thursday evening at the Deutches Haus, was a splendid financial and social success, although the immense hall, which seats over 1,000 people, was only half filled. Those who could have occupied the vacant chairs missed a splendid evening's entertain ment, as both of the sketches, "Fare well, America," and "The Dream Sprite's Fantasy," written and ar ranged by members of Hadassah, were very well presented. The Flonzdell sisters, who are becoming well known as the "Lullaby Quartet," also enter tained the audience. Following the entertainment there was dancing. The proceeds are over $500, and will go to aid the Medical Unit in Palestine. ALEPH BETH NOTES Members and friends packed the dining room of the Aleph Beth Club last Friday noon when they were en tertained and honored by the presence of Vera Gordon, the Star of the mo tion picture, "Humoresque." A talk" On Jewish traditions was given by the guest. A stag which equalled any hereto fore given by the Club, attracted over 300 members last Monday evening, including a large delegation from the Gymal Doled Club of Minneapolis. A splendid program, including Bob Ge han and partners, Wessel and Mal varn, all of whom have performed on the Orpheum Circuit, Frank Busch, renowned story teller, who is playing at the Palace Theatre this week, sev eral members of the Broadway Scan dals, which recently played at the Metropolitan theatre, Harry Dayboch, the club's own, and Max Shallet and Zollie Dworsky of the Gymal Doled Club, who were called on informally. The special feature of the evening was a one act Farce comedy in Yid dish and English, which was splen didly arranged and directed by Ed. Helperin, chairman of the entertain ment committee, and participated in by Bernard Sussel, William Johnson, Morris Zalk, H. Jacobson, Milton Rosen, Louis Melamed, Gus Axelrod and Melville Meyer. Smokes, sand wiches and drinks* concluded the eve ning. DR. PROSSER TO SPEAK AT ALEPH BETH Under the auspices of the Intellect ual Advancement Committee of the B'nai B'rith, the monthly open forum GLUEKS FAMOUS GLXX GLUEK'S GINGER ALB~ GLUEK'S!«a3D ROOT BEER GLUEK'S GRAPE DRINK" GLUEKS ORANGE ORINK Qvdfitby the case-We deliver direct to your home -v Chepiy3631 STCie GLUEKCo. Minneapolis of the Lodge will be held Wednesday evening, May 3rd, at the Aleph Beth Club. The meeting is open to mem bers of both the Aleph Beth Club and the B'nai B'rith, and their fam ilies. A splendid program has been arranged, headed by an address on "Intolerance," by Dr. M. C. Prosser, head of the Dunwoody Institute of Minneapolis. Dr. Prosser has attained a reputation as a forceful and enter taining talker. The meeting wil start at 8:15 o'clock. *s DULUTH NEWS Items for this column must reach this office by Tuesday, 2 P. M. Tele phone Melrose 3045 or write City Editor, The American Jewish World, 703 Providence Bldg., Duluth. With the Travelers Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Levine of St. Paul returned home Thursday, April 20, after spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Cook. Miss Ethel Levy of Detroit, Mich., arrived Sunday, to spend a few weeks as the guest of Miss Elsie Silberstein. Mr. Robert Lazarus of St. Paul is visiting his aunt, Mrs. E. Sandler of East Fifth street. Temple Emanuel Notes At services on Friday evening Rabbi Luchs will deliver the second of his series of'lectures, this sermon being on "Judaism—Race or Reli gion." The Temple Emanuel Aid Society gave a rummage sale Thursday and Friday at one of the vacant stores down town. Died Mr. Emanuel Sandler died Wednes day, April 19th, at St. Luke's hospi tal. The funeral was held Thursday and interment was at the Woodland cemetery. Mr. Sandler is survived by his wife and four sons. Father-Son Banquet All the Jewish organizations of the city will be represented at the Father Son Banquet which will be given by the Young Folks' League, Sunday, April 30th, at Covenant Hall. There will be two toastmasters, one repre senting the fathers, the other the sons. Mr. H. Y. Joseph will introduce the fathers and Mr. Ralph Levine the sons. Short toasts will be given by representatives of every Jewish organization in the city. A Kosher dinner will be prepared by Mr. and Mrs. J. Weiner. The music is being arranged by Messrs. Sam and Harry Segal, well-known in musical circles of the city. A five piece orchestra will play during the dinner. Vocal numbers will also be given. "Sabbath Tea" The first of a series of Sabbath teas, a custom popular in Jewish com munities of Eastern cities, will take place at the home of Mrs. Harry Davis, 1616 East Sixth street, Satur day, April 29, from 3 to 5 p. m. The second will be given at the home of Mrs. Lyle Oreck, the date to be an nounced later. An interesting pro gram is being planned and a cordial invitation is extended to all inter ested. IF LIFE IS WORTH LIVING WHY NOT INSURE IT? CHAS. D. ORECKOVSKY Manager MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 703-704 Providence Bldg. Duluth, Minn. Club Meetings A meeting of the Daughters of Zion was held Wednesday evening at the Talmud Torah. The members dis cussed ways whereby they could help the circulating library which the Sis terhood of the Hebrew Institute is starting for the children of the Tal mud Torah Sunday and Hebrew Schools. An interesting program was presented. The B. N. O. B. Club met Sunday, April 23, at the home of Marian Las kowitz. Various means for raising money for charity were discussed. After the meeting a lunch was served. A new group of the Young Judea will be organized for girls of twelve to fifteen years of age. The organi zation meeting will be held Sunday afternoon at the Talmud Torah. All girls of that age are invited to join. Talmud Torah Notes The public examination for the children of the Talmud Torah Sun day school, on Sunday, April 23, was a great success. Prizes were award ed to children who distinguished them selves, The prizes were donated by three members of the board of trus tees, Mr. A. Garon, Mrs. Fieldmari, and Mr. F. Labovitz. After the exam ination, the children were shown Bibr lical slides accompanied by a lecture by Rabbi Lebendiger, explaining the pictures. Mrs. Ida Cook donated twenty-five pounds of nuts, which were served to the children after the examination. Mrs. Ida Cook and Mr. J. Polinsky, known as the "Mother" and "Father" of the Talmud Torah, were presented with gifts by the children of the Talmud Torah to show their appreciation for the interest taken in them. The local committee for the Jewish Theological Seminary Campaign was recently appointed by Rabbi Leben diger, a member of the national com mittee. The members are Mr. I. B. Aarons, chairman Mr. H. Y. Josephs, Mr. Nathan Kris, Mr. F. Labovitz, Mr. B. Davidson and Mr. J. Polinsky. The campaign started this week and will continue until the Iron Range, the Superior and the Duluth quota is raised. The Sisterhood of the Hebrew In stitute is planning to give a big ba zaar the latter part of May for the purpose of raising money for the Tal mud Torah. Mrs. Lyle Oreck, chair man of the Social Committee, and her committee are very busy making novelties for the bazaar. Personal Mention Mr. Ephraim Gomberg was a mem ber of the Central high school debat ing team which met and bested St. Peter high school team, thus winning the State Championship on April 25. J. WARREN ROBERTS FUNERAL DIRECTOR RESIDENCE 913 MARQUETTE THE LEAMINGTON MINNEAPOLIS THE AMERICAN JEWISH WORLD Paid Advertisement, prepared and issued for Henry Devlin by John J. Linehan, 341 Maria Ave., for which $2.00 per inch is to be paid. HENRY DEVLIN FOR COUNCILMAN Mr. Devlin was born in St. Paul and has spent his entire life here. He was the first Chief of the fire department under the present Com mission Form Charter, and he served in this position for six years, during which time the department was re organized to its present high stand ard his record in this high office indicates what the voters may rea sonably expect of him if he is elect-' ed a member of the City Council. In his platform he pledges an honest administration, with the in terests of the general public ever a paramount consideration. furs I Minneapolis and Los Angeles Fur Storage At Weisman's means all that the word "Safety" implies. Our moth, fire and burglar proof vaults on the premises guaran tees it. Phone Atlantic 4452. If .Willi AM WlKMAN COMPANY MANUFACTURE FIMIM\\ soe nicouitJ) MONUMENTS We have on hand a large assortment of fin ished monuments. Order now while we can give yon the best choice of stones and designs. Best Hebrew Lettering. Schiff's Granite and Marble Worfes 810 Lyndale Ave. No., Minneapolis Office, Hy. 3080. Res., Hy. 4810