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page Eight NICOLLET UPHOLSTER ING CO. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR PROTEC TION AND OUR SUCCESS 3143 Nicollet Ave. So. 2983 Res. Locust 2070 EYES EXAMINED—GLASSES FITTED JORDAN & ARDUSER OPTICAL SPECIALISTS 5 South Fifth Street E. NEWMARK CO. EXCLUSIVE LADIES' TAILORS 919 Marquette Ave. At. 3564 Minneapolis A small picture of a large Steamer. It is the famous "Aquitania" of the Cunard Une. Company's Office, Met ropolitan Life Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. (Or Agents.) LADIES You'll Enjoy Reducing THE GARDNER WAY It's the 20th century method of rolling off the fat. 207 Phelps Bldg., 923 Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis 512 Bremer Arcade, St. Paul J. H. ROSENTHAL DRUG CO. Prescription Druggists Soda, Cigars, Drugs Sundries, Stationery Prescriptions a Specialty 2 Stores Cor. Plymouth and Morgan and 2123 Chicago Ave. H. L. ALTMAN & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Auditors, Systematize!!*, Income Tax Service 723 Plymouth Bids.—Main 0762, Mpls. 237 Hunm Bid*.—Cedar 3665, St. Paul POR SNAPPY AND UP-TO-DATE CLOTHES See CASPER MOEN MERCHANT TAILOR 314 8. Fourth St. (2nd Floor) Main #833 Minneapolis OSGOOD BROWNIE'S ROOT BEER AND 8IN6ER ALE MAIN 9219 i k With the Travelers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robitshek, who have been spending the winter in Cal ifornia, returned last week and are residing at Cottagewood, Lake Minne tonka. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kolliner re turned last week from California, where they spent the winter, and are temporarily residing at the Bucking ham. Mrs. E. Rose, 3813 Grand avenue, has left for New York to meet her mother, who has recently arrived from Europe, and to bring her to Minneapolis. En route home, she will visit relatives and friends in several Eastern cities. Mrs. E. Aaron of Harriet avenue, has left for Kansas City and Des Moines, Iowa, for a few months stay. Mrs. I. M. Friedman (Edythe Rubel), 1917 First avenue south, re turned last week from a three months' trip through Wisconsin, Illinois, In diana, Ohio and Kentucky. In Cincin nati, she was the guest of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alex E. Hochman (Lee Levin), of St. Louis, Mo., spent the Passover holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Levin, 1120 Knox avenue north. Mr. Hochman left for St. Louis Thursday, and Mrs. Hochman will remain in the city for a few weeks. Miss Reva Wolfe of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. M. Davis, 1228 Newton avenue north. She will stay two weeks. LOCAL NEWS-MINNEAPOLIS Tlwn for the news column* must rsaeh this offiee by the Tuesday preceding the Friday publication. Telephone Main 6250, or write City Editor, The American Jewish World, Tribune Annex Bldg., Minneapolis. NEWS items will be published FREE OF CHARGE if they appear ||i our column* before they are published in the daily prwia. litems which have lost their aewa value, such jurevlous appearance in dailies, will be published, only as PAID MATTKh •t the rate of $8.00 per announcement. Miss Susie Freed of Aldrich ave nue north, has returned from Miami, Fla., where she spent the winter. v Hon. Alex Stern of Fargo, N. Dak., spent a few days in the city, enroute South. Entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Cohen of Danbury, Wis., entertained fifty guests at dinner Sunday in honor of their newly born son, Glenn Stanley, at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosenbloom, 1027 Knox ave nue north. The out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brooks of Danbury, Wis,, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cohen of Webster, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. William Kaufman of Stillwater, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Levin, 1120 Knox avenue north, entertained the former Amicitia Club members at a home gathering in honor of their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex E. Hochman of St. Louis and their son, Dr. Harry Levin, who just recently returned to Minneapolis after spend ing eight months in post-graduate work in dentistry at Rochester, N. Y. Forty guests attended the linen shower given by Miss Clara Wender in honor of Miss Anna Baker on Sun day, April 23, at the home of Miss Wender's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Riche, 511 Bryant avenue north. Teas to Be Given Hyland 3766 Main 5363 MRS. LIBBIE SEGAL GENERAL INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A SPECIALTY 214 Walker Bldg. 17 S. 8th St. Minneapolis, Minn. NOT BETTER THAN THE BEST BUT BETTER THAN THE REST STEINS CAFE Tl» NICOLLET AVENUE—DOWNSTAIRS OPEN SUNDAYS, BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 4TB Mrs. Chas. Rosenfisld will give a tea party for the Ladies' Independent Bikur Cholim, at her home, 1143 Lyn dale avenue north, Sunday, April 30, at 2:30 p. m. The public is invited. The regular meeting will also be held at the same time. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Beth Is rael Hospital will give a tea party on Tuesday, May 2, at the home of Mrs. P. Perper, 401 Emerson avenue north. Betrothed Mr. aiid Mrs. S. Kellerman of 1519 South Seventh street, announce the engagement of their grand-daughter, Frances Fay Gluckman, to Mr. Max Schwartzman of Anoka. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bearman, 622 Fremont avenue north, announce the engagement of their daughter, Minnie Marion, to Mr. William Strim ling of this city. Mr. and Mrs. H. Karroll, 817 Gi rard avenue north, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Julius Fidell of this city, former ly of Chicago. Born Dr. and Mrs. Moses Barron (Leah Fligelman), 503 Southeast Seventh street, announce the arrival of a son, Sunday, April 23. Mr. and Mrs. S. Louis Shore (Tess Woolpy), 2121 Harriet avenue, an nounce the arrival of a baby girl on Thursday, April 20. Change of Address Mr. and Mrs. Israel Kreiner (Mar ion Cohen) have moved from the Oak Grove Hotel to 711 Oliver avenue north. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Friedlander and family will move May 1, to their own new flat at 909 Oliver avenue north. DIED Mrs. Anna Herschman Mrs. Anna Herschman, wife of Nathan Herschman, of 900 Fourteenth avenue south, died Monday morning, April 24, after a brief illness, at the a«re of 48. She was a resident of Minneapolis for twenty-eight years. She is survived by her husband, five daughters, Mrs. Aaron Rudoy, Mrs. David Labofsky, Mrs. Louis Orn stein, Misses Ruby and Sophie, and a son, Frank. The funeral took place from the late residence on Tuesday afternoon, Rabbi C. David Matt of ficiating. Interment was at the Adath Yeshurun Cemetery. TEMPLE ISRAEL NOTES Services will be held at Temple Is rael, Fifth avenue south and Tenth street, on Friday evening at 8:15, and at the Temple House on Saturday morning at 10:30. Dr. Maurice Lef- SEE messmm THE AMERICAN JEWISH WORLD GIVE A MAZUZAH An Inexpensive Gift for Birth days, Bar-Mitzvah, or Remembrance (Sold Filled and Silver, $1.00 Sent Anywhere on Receipt of Price T. S. DOBRIN 609 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis FOR LIFE INSURANCE LOUIS BERRY LARGEST MOTOR VANS IN THE TWIN CITIES CHAPMAN'S (R. M. Chapman) Ice Cream Ices Frozen Desserts Dependable Service Prices Reduced 2923 HENNEPIN AYE. Opposite Lagoon Theatre Telephone Kenwood 0306 UNITED STATES ELECTRICAL CO. INC. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Specialists in House Wiring and Electrical Fixtures We Can Finance You to Any Extent. HENRY UNSCHULD President and Treasurer 922 Marquette Ave. At. 5946 Sleeping: Porch Curtalaa Tents and Awninjrs Complete Camp Equipment American Tent & Awning Company Sll Wash. Ave. No. Geneva 7777 Minneapolis