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Page Fourteen Radin Bros. Men's Shop Always Something New .188 St. Peter St., Garrick Bldff. Below Aleph Club, St. Paul GOPHER CARRIAGE & TOY CO. REED FURNITURE AND BABY CARRIAGES We Manufacture and Soil Direct to You PHONE CEDAR 1628 Smith Ave. and 4th St., St. We Paul Also Do Repairing Phone Your Order* Instant Delivery BUTLER'S DRUG STORE SELBY & DALE Dale 3737-0345-0921 Office Cfd. 1181 Rei. Riverview 3452 ST. PAUL PLUMBING & HEATING CO. US No. Smith Ave. Near 6th St. Smith & Katz, Props. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Reference: Cosmopolitan Stats Bank RTVERVIEW CARPET CLEANING & RUG MFG. CO. C. L. Gebert, Prop. Carpets Taken Up, Cleaned and Laid. Air Cleaning, Renovating, Washing, Refitting, Sewing, Binding and Sizing. Linoleum and Carpet Layers. Riverview 3091, 163 Concord St., St. Paul CALL DALE 5489 FOR SEDAN TAXI SERVICE COMMODORE GARAGE Western at Ashland L. J. Anderson, Prop. LOUIS H. PETER PLUMBING AND HEATING 164 Pleasant Avenue Garfield 2626 St. Paul EXPERT BATTERY SERVICE We specialize in the care of au tomobile storage batteries—-Best recharging equipment in the city— Storage facilities unsurpassed. We convert your WET battery into a DRY by filling with ADCO DRY ELECTROLYTE, WON'T FREEZE You will have no more Battery Trouble NATIONAL DRY ELECTROLYTE CO. Distributors for the Northwest Dale 8077 365 University Ave. St. Paul DAMPIER BAIRD CO. Successors to Dainpfer-Fisher Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT Phone, Dial GA 1078 MS Wwst Third It, St. Paul, Mlu. PRACTICAL BUSINESS SCHOOL I 133 E. 5th St, St. Panl Dij and Wight School All Yw I With the Travelers Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Chertkow of Winnipeg, who have been spending the past week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Krasnow, Dayton ave nue, have returned home. Mrs. Louis Elfenbein, 34 North Milton, left Saturday for Chicago, where she will be the guest of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Blau. Mrs. Mose Skorish, 389 Dayton ave nue, returned home on Wednesday from the East, where she has been visiting with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers have taken the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Birnberg, Fairmount avenue, for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. Birnberg re cently left for an extended tour of Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levy, Good rich avenue, returned Sunday morn ing from a short business trip. Mr. Sam Spiro, Milwaukee, Wis., uncle of Mrs. Levy, nee Aimee Levin of Wau kesha, Wis., was their guest over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. B. Rosenstein, Summit avenue, have as their guests, Mrs. Rosenstein's mother, Mrs. Lesem, and her aunt, Miss Bertha Ginsberg of Louisiana, Mo. Mrs. J. Friedman, and her mother, Mrs. Posisky, Selby avenue, have re' turned from Excelsior Springs where they had been for the past few weeks. Mrs. Sam Rosenholtz, of Water town, S. Dak., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Levy, Ash land avenue. Entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Orloff (nee Ruth Elfenbein), 34 North Milton, en tertained seven couples at a surprise party Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Esther Orloff, 580 Dayton ave nue. Little Miss Ann Orloff enter tained with dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Silver man, 383 Dayton avenue, entertained at a dinner Sunday for members of the family. Covers were laid for twenty. A surprise party was given in -honor of Mr. A. J. Schweid, 1008 LOCAL NEWS—ST. PAUL Items for the news columns most reach this office by the Tuesday preceding Friday of publication. Telephone Cedar 0068 or write City Editor, The American Jewish World, 714 Pioneer Bldg., St. Paul. v Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goldberg, of Milwaukee, Wis., are expected in St.# Paul soon. They will be the guests of their sister-in-law and brother, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Goldberg, Linwood Place. Mrs. M. B. Goldberg, Linwood Place, who has been visiting in Chi cago and Milwaukee for the past month, returned last week to St. Paul. -hi V/p/i jr^npl %r„ By V/p /i jr ^npl V/p /i jr ^npl %r„ By %r„ By 'VIM TI virTrffTJgrgs* •l|r 'VIM TI virTrffTJgrgs* •l|r 'VIM TI Fuller avenue, Sunday, May 7th. Those present were Misses Jennie Pentelovitch, Eleanore Herman, Eva Burg, Bess Calof, Adelade Cohn and Messrs. Joe Schweid, Jack Calof, Sam Grossman, Ben Grossman, Dave Levy and Louis Herskovitz. The evening was spent in dancing, playing of games and auto riding1. Mrs. Gus Loevinger, Portland ave nue, win entertain at her home on Friday afternoon of this week. Mrs. J. Levy, Ashland avenue, en tertained at her home on Wednes day. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Savol Kalov, 673 Canada street, announce the engage ment of their daughter Alice, to Mr. Wm. Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaplan, 310 Kentucky street. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Friedman, 42 North Milton, announce the engage ment of their daughter Shirley, to Mr. Bernard M. Levinson of Los An geles, California. Mr. Henry Henley, Prescott street, announces the engagement of his daughter Clara, to Mr. Goldberg of Chicago. No date has been set for the wedding. Wedding The marriage of Miss Minnie Rob erts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Roberts, to Mr. Elkan Henly, son of Mr. Henry Henley, Prescott street, took place on Wednesday, May 10th. Change of Residence Mr. and Mrs. Julius Blumenthal and family, Grand avenue, moved Monday to East Shore Park, White Bear Lake, where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Berkus and daughter, formerly of 165 E. Indiana avenue, are now residing at 286 East Winnifred street. TEMPLE ZION NOTES Jacob I. Meyerovitz, Rabbi Tel. Dale 6935 Dr. Frederick M. Eliot, minister of the Unitarian Church, will give the address at the Friday evening serv ice. His subject is, "What is a Lib eral?" Rabbi Meyerovitz will speak at the Sabbath morning service upon a topic suggested by the portion of the week: "Teaching by Precept and Example." The Confirmation Class is busily training for the inspiring service which this year will be held on June 3rd. NO OTHER BUTTER WAS EVER AS NO OTHER BUTTER WAS EVER AS POPULAR AS STAR BRAND BUTTER virTrffTJgrgs* •l|r ASK YOUR GROCER Special Attention Given to Parties Will Arrange Menu for Same PHONE CEDAR 9039 WALTER FADDEN FADDEN & MINER RESTAURANT, Inc. 445 TO 449 ST. PETER STREET, ST. PAUL Between 7th and 8th COMBINATION NUMBER BREAKFASTS 35c TO 65c CLUB LUNCHEON 60« SUNDAY AND EVENING TABLE D'HOTE DINNER $1.00 St. Paul Milk Co. PURITAN BRAND DAIRY PRODUCTS ST. PAUL MINNESOTA GEO. A. MINER THE AMERICAN JEWISH WORLD ARCADE BEAUTY PARLOR Hair Dressing, Scalp and Facial Treatments, Children's Hair Cut ting, Hair Dyeing, Manicuring and Shampooing Marcel Waving a Specialty 214-16 Bremer Arcade St. Paul Mr. Haack, expert Hair Cutter for children, formerly connected with the Golden Rule and Emporium, is in charge. Gedar 6153 Chas. Cramer Herman Dudovitz MEN'S FASHION SHOP We feature IDE Collars and Harry Berger Shirts. Up-to-date Furnishings 152 Bremer Arcade Cedar 2655 St. Paul A. W. MILLUNCHICK Contractor and Builder 210 Exchange Bank Bids. Cedar 5183 St. Paul, Minn. Phones Mid. 2553, Drexel 0127 H. M. TEIPEL SPECIAL FURNITURE & DRAPERIES MADE TO ORDER Upholstering:, Finishing and Repairing 1545 Selby AYS. St. Paul SCHOCH GOOD THINGS TO EAT HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED AT THE SNELLING GARAGE 220 North Snelling Are. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Midway 4056 St. Paul f— Willys-KninJit Overland Cole Aero-Eight Kissel SALES AND SERVICE MIDWEST AUTOMOBILE CO., Inc. Dale 0763 Grand Ave. at Oxford St. l'aul Riverview 2641 Riverview 1381 Eagle Decorating Co. ARTISTIC PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, AND INTERIOR DECORATING 224 E. Congress St. St. Paul Lazar Peretz, Manager J.H. STEIN" -ae&SIXTH