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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
Newspaper Page Text
Page Ten LET US FIGURE YOUR WARM-AIR HEATING N. W. FURNACE AND SUPPLY CO. Minneapolis St. Paul RAZAVA HEALTH BREAD ?OR DIABETES AND INDIGESTION Sold by L. 8. Donaldson Co* C. 8. Brackett Co.• Baked by H. Baldinger 369 Carroll St., St. Paul, Minn. Decorative Art Glass Co. 1205-9 West Broadway- Window, Plate, Art, Leaded, Mirrors, Colored and Obscure Class WINDSHIELD GLASS Quick Service Repairing Cherry 4531 Resilverini Get your Rngt, Linoleum and Cong-oleum at the MINNEAPOUS RUG CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 320%-322 So. 6th St. David G. Newberg, Mjfr, Granville 6626 When in Market for Your CHEVROLET Call Atlantic 6764 for Demonstration GORDON MOTOR CO. Easy Terms Prompt Service N. L. ENGER UNDER TAKING CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant 412 Cedar Avenue Minneapolis FRESH MILK AND CREAM Delivered to us Every Day From Our Own Cows, On Our Own Farms. CLOVER LEAF CREAMERY COMPANY Milk, Cream, Butter and Eggs 420 20TH AVE. NO. Cherry 3691 LOWRY HILL GROCERY Hennepin at Franklin GROCERIES, BAKERY and MEATS Kenwood 6886 RENTAFORD IT VO! 10c Per Mile Seventh and Marquette Ge. 6665 GOOD COAL EIIIOIT FUEL tO AfUMTIC D4SB elected temporary secretary. Regular elections for the year will take place during Succoth week. JACOB DE HAAS IN TWIN CITIES Mr. Jacob De Haas, secretary of the Palestine Development Council will be in the Twin Cities Sunday and Monday, August 13 and 14, enroute to the west. He will meet men promi nent in Zionist work and others in terested in Palestine, to take up the details of the Ruttenberg plan. A week later, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland will spend Tuesday and Wednesday, August 22 and 23, in the Twin Cities. Mr. De Haas will be the guest at luncheon of the local P. D. C. group on Monday next, at the Gymal Doled Club. COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN All members of the Council of Jew ish Women are requested to notify Mrs. Jos. Solomon, chairman of the Notification Committee of any change of address made before September 1, as it is very essential in order that no notices go astray. SOUTH SIDE NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE A novel way of providing the youngsters of ^he neighborhood cool bathing without danger has been de vised by the South Side Neighbor hood House. Every morning hosts of children clad in bathing suits assem ble on the lawn while a stream of water from a hose is played over them, much to the delight of children. Miss Marcelle Monasch is recreation al director at the South Side Neigh borhood House. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Weisman and children, Audrey, Bertram and Mar vin, 2304 Lake Place, announce that on August 1, 1922, they have legally changed their name to Whitman. GYMAL DOLED PICNIC AT ANTLER'S PARK The Gymal Doled Club will stage its annual picnic Sunday, August 13, 1922, at Antler's Park on beautiful Lake Marion. Elaborate arrange ments have been made for games and contests including fat men's race, fat ladies' race, girls' races, boys' races, a base ball game and other events too numerous to mention. The park is easily accessible by auto, out the Lyndale road by bus from Seventh street and First avenue north by train on the Dan Patch line. There will be dancing all afternoon and evening. Those not bringing their own lunch can be accommodated at the Antler's Cafe. Members and their friends who attend the picnic are in for a good time. MUSIC NOTES Samuel Becker's Compositions A taxi driver by profession and a piano composer in his leisure is the unique record of Samuel Becker of this city, whose "Slavonic Romance" was rendered last (Thursday) eve ning at Lake Harriet by the Minne apolis orchestra under the leadership of Benj. Klatzkin. The young com poser is also at present his own pub lisher and distributor, having four compositions to his credit, which he entitles "Character Sketches for the Piano." Besides the "Slavonic Ro mance" he has composed the "Petite Valse Caprice," a waltz "Allurement," and the most ambitious of all, "The Trial." "The Trial" will be on the program of the Minneapolis Sympho ny Orchestra the coming season. It is descriptive of an episode in a Rus sian Court of Justice. These compo sitions which are well within the range of average pianists have been favorably commented on by the musi cians of the McPhail School of Music and other schools in Minneapolis, and the Warren School of Music, St. Paul, as well as by local musicians and musical eritics of the Minneapolis press. In his compositions, which include many songs in addition to the "Char acter Sketches," Mr. Becker shows a fine sense of melody and rhythm and MINNESOTA School of BUSINESS JEWELERS EXCHANGE FIRST AVE. N. & 7th ST. MINNEAPOLIS-MINN. FORTY-SIXTH YEAR We have trained hun dreds of Jewish young people for success. May we serve you? RICKARD GRUMAN PROPRIETORS THE AMERICAN JEWISH WORLD PURE AND RICH Up-to-date Dealers Sell It Manufactured by J. W. HAYES & SON Starke's Delicatessen Lunch Company Try Our Dutch Lunches and Sandwiches Our Specially: Koeher Corn Beef, Beef Tongue and all varieties of WursL "ITS THE TASTE THAT TELLS". 4 1 4 E N N E I N A V E N U E New Palace Theatre BMf. Open Dm mni Night MINNEAPOUS Don't let the contract for your building until yon have figured with SAM FLEISHER of the .. FLEISHER CONSTRUCTION CO. 606-8-10 Builders Exchange, Minneapolis WE ASSIST YOU IN THE FINANCING During 1920, our operations aggregated over $4,000,000.00, in cluding such buildings as the Sty le Theatre, Buckingham Hotel, Oak Grove Hotel, Belmont Hotel, Minneapolis: Commodore Hotel, St. PauL Previous to these, we built the Million Dollar Douglas County Oouri House, the $750,01)0 Sioux Hotel in Sioux City, and many other big buildings throughout the country. J.PJ'iMJU" i BUY BONDS You may buy bpnds on the Savings Plan and pay for them from future earnings. We offer a choice of indus trial, corporation, railway or municipal bonds yielding a re turn of from 4 to 8 Per Cent Call or Write for Descriptive Booklet and Bond Circulars The Minnesota Loan and Trust Co. Minneapolis DELICATESSEN LUNCH and CHICKEN SHOP Main 1319 We Never Close GOOD FOOD GOOD COFFEE 27 North Sixth St. Phone Orders Given Prompt Attention