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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
Newspaper Page Text
V $ 'u-^ir p*^wr 5r THE AMERICAN JEWISH WORLt Advance Showing of FINE FURS AT OUR FIFTH ANNUAL AUGUST FUR SALE Before buying see our com plete stock of the latest mod els. It costs you nothing to shop around—and our prices are of the lowest—our furs of the best. A deposit will secure your garment. Free storage until you need it. Buy now and avail yourself of these worth while reductions. Any Fur Coat in our complete stock at a REDUCTION OF 20% GERSHCOW FUR CO. 18 East Sixth Street Cedar 2510 Branch Store, 606 Selby Ave. Dale 2334 H. ABRAMOVICH SHEET IRON WORK PITCH AND GRAVEL ROOFING Do not wait till your roof leaks— Phone now—Dale 5762 Shop 247 Rondo Res. 304 Aslilaud Ave. and up Vuelta ffabsnO FIREPROOF STORAGE MOVING PACKING—SHIPPING Without a Scratch ill FIREPROOF ST08AGE &HAMERG0 .H became the bride of Mr. Alex Levin son, son of Mr. Chas. Levinson of Minneapolis. The service was read in the presence of the immediate rela tives by Rabbi H. Simon. The bride's attendants were Miss Elizabeth Tatkin, as maid of honor, and the Misses Anne Levinson, An nette Tatkin and Jeanne Tatkin, as bridesmaids. The groom was attend ed by Mr. Samuel Lavitch, best man, and Irving Frisch, Irving Levinson and Abe Levinson. The flower girl was little Miss Muriel Tatkin of Chicago. The bride was gowned in white Canton Crepe trimmed with lace. Her shower bouquet consisted of bride's roses and sweet peas. Her veil, made in coronet fashion, was fastened with pearls. The maid of honor wore a gown of cream colored satin, trimmed in fringe and rosebuds. Miss Anne Levinson \fras attired in a peacock blue gown trimmed with silver lace, bouffant effect. Miss Annette Tatkin was dressed in a gown of yellow satin and Miss Jeanne Tatkin wore an apri cot satin dress. They carried show er bouquets of sweet peas and roses. After the ceremony, a wedding din ner was served to about two hundred guests. Mr. and Mrs. Levinson left for a short motor trip. They will be at home after September 15th, at 1323 Girard avenue north, Minne apolis. Out-of-town guests at the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tatkin and family, Chicago Mrs. Alexander Frank and little daughters Muriel and •Elaine, Fort Dodge, Iowa Miss Bess Katz, Omaha, Neb. Messrs. Irving and Abe Levinson, Amery, Wis., and Miss Molly Weinstein, Birmingham, Alabama. Prior to the wedding the bride was extensively entertained. TEMPLE MT. ZION Services will be held at Temple Mt. Zion on Friday evenings during the summer at 7:30. Maurice N. Eisen drath, a student of the Hebrew Union College, is officiating, in the absence of Rabbi J. I. Meyerovitz. TEMPLE AARON Ashland Avenue and Grotto Street Philip Kleinman, Rabbi Telephone Dale 1427 Services during the summer months are held Friday evening at sundown, without sermon, Saturday morning at 9. -Daily morning and evening serv ices at 7. The Perek class meets with Mr. Jacob Barron on Saturday after noon at 5. Rabbi Phillip Kleinman and family are staying at the Hillside House, Lake Huntington, New York. Rabbi Kleinman will return to St. Paul on August 18th. CLASSIFIED Room Wanted Home Wanted: Respectable young lady, employed, wishes home with re fined Jewish people residing in St. Paul. Write P. C., c-o American Jewish World, 714 Pioneer Bldg., S't. Paul, Minn. Wanted elderly woman to assist in housework by young couple. Call at 353 Walnut St. or phone Cedar 2697. LADIES' AUXILIARY TO HAVE CARD PARTY AND PICNIC The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Capi tol City Hebrew School will give a picnic and card party at Como Park on Wednesday afternoon, August 16. No invitations have been sent out for this affair, and members and friends are cordially invited to attend. This affair is free of charge, and a good attendance is therefore expected. C. B. J. to Have Camping Trip The C. B. J., a young men's club of this city, will hold its second annual camping trip the week of August 13. Cottages have beeft rented at Chisago City, and the members of the club in tend to spend a good deal of their time in neighboring towns. The com- flM*• ""Wy^'WSgjfr'^, it' -^y -r«^ Established 1890 •to LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS GIVE US A TRIAL Cedar 3465 St. Paul 240-246 West 7th St.- M. Roberts Fred T. Swain M. J. Moeter ST. PAUL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. Filing Systems, Cabinets, Safes, Efficiency Desks, etc., Furniture, Station* »itftu.s,p*T.orr. ery, Printing, Binding: and Engraving 208-14 Pioneer Bldg. Cedar 7340 St. Paul Dale 7540 Elk 3659 Fo. 7288 SEND YOUR FAMILY WASH TO STAR WET WASH LAUNDRY Sam Greenberg 695 University Ave., Scientifically Pasteurized Means Protection Minnesota Milk Co, St. Paul, Minn. REDUCED PRICES ON LAUNDRY WORK A Big Washing for Little Money 18 pounds Soft Finish Wash, flat pieces ironed $1.50 22 pounds Wet Wash 1.15 Try Us for Dry Cleaning CAPITOL LAUNDRY 743 Wabasha St., St. Paul Our Wagons Are Everywhere Cedar 4622 Midway Decorating Co. Office: Midway 5309 J. Jensen Res.: Midway 6032 PAINTING, PAPERING, DECORATING 1589 Selby Avenue, Cor. Snelling, St. Paul FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE Call the Midway Plumbing & Heating Co. 1589 Selby Avenue business phone: Midway 5309 Residence phone: Nestor 2134 John J. Schaaf & Son MONUMENTS, GRAVE CURBING 765-771 Front St., Opposite Calvary Cemetery, St, Page Thirteen nn n. fit 11 Good Business Men Invariably Buy the Best DIEB0LD SAFES HAVE BEEN THEIR STANDARD FOR 63 YEARS DIEBOLD SAFE & LOCK CO. 389 Jackson St, St. Paul 238 S. 4th St., Minneapolis CO-OPERATIVE LAUNDRY CO. i $ St. Paul 1 Humboldt 3335 Paul I. "Wi