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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
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THE AM I i It should be recalled, however, that the rules relating to Polish visas have long been under the same pro cedure. Another adverse feature of the new ruling is that it prevents relatives in Giving more return for every dollar spent here is why we enjoy such a large patron age. Good furs, inimitable styles and a depend able guarantee, too. Hudson Seal Coat 40 Inches long, self trimmed or Marten trimmed. Regular price $450—August Sale Price— $315 .WILLIAM WOSMAN COMPANY HAHUFACTUQIHG -n A ERIC AN JEWISH WORLD to ascertain tbeir possible radical affiliations. According to the new rule issued to the Consuls, they are given full discretion to vise the passports with out the inquiry in Washington, un less the Consuls desire to do so. While the new procedure will result in a great saving of time, it will deprives relatives in this country of the op portunity to intervene with the State Department in cases of nationals to whom a Consul had refused a visa. Formerly, the Consul's decision was subject to review by the State De partment, which is no longer the case. FUPQIEDS 508 NICOLLET 3avorites GLUEKS FAMOUS GUX GLUEKS GINGER ALE~ GLUEKSbranoroot beer GLUEKS GRAPE DRINK~ GLUEKS ORANGE DRINK Order by the eas&We dell ver direct to youv home -v Che*iu363l 3The GLUEK Co. Minneapolis Brewers of Beverages for this country from sending cables of inquiry or instructions through the State Department to facilitate the is suance of visas. The State Depart ment will decline to handle all such cables in the future, it is understood HEJJAS' FOLLOWERS RAID JEWISH QUARTER Budapest (J. C. B.)—Following a banquet in honor of Ivan Hejjas, the notorious White Terrorist leader, just released from prison, Magyars and members of the White Guard attend ing the banquet raided the Jewish quarter. Owing to the prompt inter vention of the police, there were no casualties, the raiders contenting LINCOLN OFFICE Hennepin and 8th Street George F. Orde Manager Charles I. Welch Asst. Manager Harry H. Sivright Asst. Manager J. D. Heising ......Asst. Manager H. C. Libby.. .:...Asst. Manager Arne O. Moe Asst. Manager THEODORE WOLD Vice-President JAMES A. LATTA ....Vice-President ALEXANDER A. McRAE._ Vice-President WILLIAM E. BRIGGS Vice-President ROBERT E. MACGREGOR Vice-President SCOTT H. PLUMMER Cashier HUNTINGTON P. NEWCOMB.Asst. Cashier J. CAMERON THOMSON Asst. Cashier JAMES A. ROSS .... Asst. Cashier mim*. themselves with storming the Jewish hotel, whence they drove out the guests, smashing the windows of ad joining houses and throwing the in habitants of that district into a panic. At the banquet, Hejjas boasted that he would see to it that "the Christian idea was predominant in Hungary." The raid on the Jewish quarter ap pears to be in line with the Hejjas understanding of the "Christian idea." Jessie Bogen, widely known for her notable accomplishments in Jewish communal and European relief work, was married recently in Warsaw to Abraham Shohan, another worker of the Joint Distribution Committee. New Lincoln and South Side Offices The merger of the Lincoln National Bank and the South Side State Bank with this institution enables us to offer an enlarged banking service to our customers and to the public. The present patrons of these two banks will continue to enjoy all the facilities they are now receiving, and in addition, the best service and atten tion that The Northwestern National Bank and The Minnesota Loan and Trust Company, backed by a half century of experience, can give. The advantages of an account with this large national bank are now made convenient and easily available for savings depositors and commercial customers who have not before found it convenient to do their banking down town. The present officers of these banks will remain in charge. A distinct feature of the Lincoln Office is the excellent safety deposit equipment. The public is invited to use this department, which is unexcelled in Minneapolis. Women will find the Lincoln Office designed for their especial needs. As for commercial busi ness, new patrons of The Northwestern will receive the benefits of a connection with one of the largest and strongest banks in the country. EDWARD W. DECKER, President Northwestern National Bank Affiliated with The Minnesota Loan and Trust Company Combined Resources $78,000,000 •MiiaiiiittwiiiMM. tittr-mnMiifri SOUTH SIDE OFFICE Cedar and Riverside O. O. Erling Manager S. T. Throbeck Asst. Manager H. F. Rosing Asst. Manager C. M. Jorgensen Asst. Manager Claudia Dahl ..Asst. Manager ROGER S. HUME .. .Asst. Cashier LEONARD N. BRENNA Asst. Cashier WILL M. KOON ... Asst. Cashier HENRY J. RILEY Asst. Cashier GUY E. MASTERS Asst. Cashier CLARENCE R. CHANEY Asst. Cashier HERBERT LEE POST Asst. Cashier JAMES E. NEVILLE ...Asst. Cashier Page Fifteen,* Romances in Jewish relief work in Eastern Europe have been many, the marriage of Mr and Mrs. Shohan be ing the most recent case, where men and women thrown together in this great humanitarian work among all the hardships they are forced to face, have fallen in love and married while carrying on their duties. Mrs. Sho han is the daughter of Dr. Boris D. Bogen, the director general of the Joint Distribution Committee and one of the best known social workers in the United States. Miss Jessie Davies, of New York, hiked across the continent and arrived in California last week. •igigi,.