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pog€ Sixteen "^r*, 5* J» it V '""'V £'-1-.^v U'- DULUTH NEWS Items for this column must reach this office by Tuesday, 2 P. M. Tele phone Melrose 3045 or write City Editor, The American Jewish World, 703 Providence Bldg., Duluth. With the Travelers Mrs. M. Kastriner of Chicago, for merly of Duluth, is at the St. Louis Hotel for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. D. Shibel, of Virginia, are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Simmond, 420 East Fourth street. Mrs. Ben Monderer and son, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wetzler, left for their home in Springfield, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bondy have as their guest Mrs. Bondy's mother, Mrs. A. Abels of Chicago. Miss Elsie Silberstein is spending a few weeks in the East. Miss Becky Sasner, of St. Paul, mo tored to Duluth to spend a week. Miss Dorothy Kardonsky, of St. PHul, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J, Litman, Jr., of East Fifth street. Miss Isabelle Cohen, of 1215 East Third street, returned from Minne apolis after visiting her sister, Mrs. N. Poison, for three weeks. Miss Ida Oreck left for New York Oil the Steamer Tionesta. Miss Sarah Sinagel, of Minneapolis, is spending two weeks with Miss Isa belle Cohen, of 1215 East Third street. Miss Sarah Helstein. of Chisholm, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of East Fifth street. Miss Lea Gotkin of East Fourth street, after spending two months visiting friends and relatives in Pitts burgh and Detroit, returned home. Miss Ann Hoffman, who has been visiting Mrs. J. Litman, returned to her home in St. Paul. Miss Sylvia Idzal, of Minneapolis, Visited Maria Adler for the week-end. Rabbi Moses Eckstein, of Elmira, N. Y.. while touring the Middle West, visited Rabbi Luchs on Monday. Mr. E. A. Silberstein returned from the East where he was on a business trip. Dr. S. N. Litman, of the Walter Reed Hospital, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Litman. of 128 East Fifth street. He will bo located at Meadowlands. Dr. Wm. Medalie, of Chisholm, Minn., spent the week-end with friends in Duluth. Mr. L. Traubman left for the East on a business trip. Messrs. Harry Glickman, Rudi Se gal, B. Bessler and Joe Rudig, of Minneapolis, who are making an ex tensive tour of the Northwest, spent several days with their schoolmates, Felix and Abe Litman of East Fifth street. Entertaining The Duo-Decim Club entertained at .}• a kitchen shower Wednesday evening, £I August 2, at the home of Miss Cecil Laskovitz of East Fourth street, in fft honor of Miss Fanny Ovetsky,'a bride ]|t of this month. Twenty-five guests |jl| were present. Betrothed 'Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kenner, First avenue east, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Hattie, to Samuel Leonard Goldish of Duluth. ^-rs*v r^M^»t Change of Address Mr. and Mrs. Fleissner and son, Harold, moved into their new apart ments, 1727 Jefferson street. MARRIED Goldfine-Ovetsky Mr. and Mrs. Ovetsky, 224 West Third street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Fanny, to Mr. Abe Goldfine, which will take place on Sunday. August 13. Rabbi Teplitz will officiate. A reception will be held in the evening at the Odd Fel lows' Hall. Gotkin-Handlovsky The home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Hand lovsky was the scene of a pretty wed ding on Sunday, August 6, at 5:30, when their daughter, Sally, was mar ried to Tony Gotkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Gotkin, with only the imme diate family present. Rabbi Leben diger ^officiated. Among the out-of town "guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Langworthy of Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Gotkin will make their home in Duluth. DIED Mrs. Louis Wetzler MMi Louis Wetzler, formerly a res ident of Duluth, died at Milwaukee July 27. She is survived by her hus band T^iid daughter. SUPERIOR NOTES ZIONIST PICNIC AUGUST 13 The Zionists of Superior will hold their eighth annual picnic Sunday, August 13th, at Billings Park. As usual there will be the ball game with the Duluth Zionists, as well as other contests. The event is usually the occasion for many Zionists from the Range joining the Twin Ports Zion ists. The general arrangement com mittee include: Herman A. Aronsohn, chairman H. Cohen, secretary I. D. Cohen, Alex Shapiro, L. Kempinsky, Mike Shapiro, Chas. Arnovitch, Joe Zimmerman, Paul Hyman, Joe Levi tan, Hannah Kaner, Edward Lasky and M. A. Rudolph. The judges of the contests are: Al bert Mark, Duluth Nathan Nides, Hibbing Ben Milavitz, Virginia Har ry Rabinowitz, Eveleth, and Harry Goldenberg, Chisholm. A Milk Diet! First be sure that your digestive apparatus is in order. A Diet of Milk, Fruit, Greens and whole Cereals will keep your stomach happy. Regulate your health and your weight with Milk, after you have selected a rational diet. "JUST A REAL GOOD CAR" $890—DURANT FOUR—$890 F. O. B. Lansing $1650—DURANT SIX—$1650 F. O. B. Muncie K. T. WIEDEMANN CO. 77 West Seventh Street Cedar 2037 St. Paul (Modern OOifk Co. CALL DYKE WATER 1371 Res. 534 Wacouta St. THE AMERICAN JEWISH WORLD THE COL UMB1A LIGHT SIX IS HERE A $985.00—Continental and Timken Equipped—$985.00 SHOW ROOMS, ST. PAUL C. F. Cole Company 202-06 W. 6th St., Cedar 4644 Columbia Minn. Motors Inc. 1618 Harmon Place, Minneapolis, Geneva 7070 HENRY APPELL, Pres. $1,395.00—Columbia Light Six Sedan—$1,395.00 DREWRY'S DRINKS ARE BEST LIMETTA, GINGER ALE, WHISTLE, ROOT BEER, SODA WATERS AND CIDER All Flavors On Sale by Dealers or Delivered to Your Home Phone Us—Van Buren 1333 The Oldsmobile Co. Announces a Reduction in Prices of All 1923 Models A Complete Line of Open and Closed Cars Are on Display at Our Salesroom Northwestern Oldsmobile Co. Cedar 6237 118 West Sixth Street Service Station—663-5 Selby Ave. ED. KLOHN, Manager St. Paul BARBEAU AUTO LIVERY CADILLAC CARS Experienced and Careful St. Paul Dale 0118 Office: 200 E. 4th St. Cedar 1087 Driver*—SAFETY FIRST SPECIAL SERVICE FOR WEDDINGS We Never Close WHITE BEAR WASHING COMPOUND Saves Clothes, Hands and Energy For Sale at all Stores Sole Distributors THE LA SALLE CO. Wholesale Druggists 2218-20-22 University Ave. Midway 2772 f—— —"*"•TT^