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fHE AMERICAN JEWISH WOkL& I just talked with an American army officer recently returned from Germany, having' been one of the Army of Occupation. The subject of conversation veered to the Kaplan in cident at Annapolis, and as the of ficer in question is a Jew I asked him whether it is true that Jews in the army, particularly the officers,. find evidence of discrimination against them He answered most empha tically that he has never experienced the slightest prejudice in his social relations with his fellow officers. That the word "Jew" is never even mentioned and that the subject is never thought of. He had also made it a point to discuss this matter with other Jewish officers and each one related the same experience: they and their wives have never been shown the slightest discourtesy because of the fact that they are Jews and their relations with their fellows, extend ing over a period of years, have been of the friendliest and most cordial. The officer admitted to me that in the event that a Jew does not con duct himself properly or is guilty of some undesirable act the fact that he is a Jew may for the moment be stressed, but except for this he states most positively that there is not the slightest evidence of Anti-Semitism in the American Army speaking from his own experience. That was a serious charge made by Abraham Cahan of the Jewish "Forward" that the funds raised by the Friends of Soviet Russia for starving Russians have been diverted to finance Communistic newspapers. It seems incredible that the Com munists who are in some degree re sponsible for the aggravated con dition that brought about such an universal famine should discover themselves to the world as the lowest of the low by stealing money that was meant to relieve starvation for their own political purposes. This money that Cahan refers to was con tributed by all people of every color, race and creed and all for the benefit of suffering humanity. A denial has been issued by those interested in the Communistic supremacy of Rus sia but the seriousness of the accus ation admits of no whitewashing but should be thoroughly investigated. The English press says he is "spoofing", while J. L. Wood, editor of the "Searchlight" official organ of the Ku Klux Klan declared after a trip to London and Paris that "The Second Hundred Thousand," a British organization and the Caucasian Lea gue of France have agreed to join the Ku Klux Klan in an international secret fraternity "for the mainten ance of white supremacy." But the most illuminating and significant statement that Mr. Wood made was "It is possible that the membership in the new order would not be limited to Protestants." This is surprising in view of the avowed purpose of the Klan to find only evil in Catholics and Jews. For according to the Klan program only harsh things are said against these two religious groups. "Ifihe Jews don't behave themselves they will be told where to get off" rants one demagogue representing the Klan: but how about a Protestant who doesn't behave himself? And since when 0 most Illustrious Imperial Buz zard have you been appointed by the nations of the world to be their Mon itor Who gave the Simmons and the Clarkes the Seat of Divine au thority to regulate the religions and the manners and the conduct of the men and women of this country. I ask WHERE DO THEY GET OFF? At the risk of trying the patience of my readers I cannot help but con ,i% V Random Thoughts By Charles H. Joseph. demn out of hand and characterize as unworthy of his position R. H. Wil son, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUB LIC INSTRUCTION of the state of Oklahoma, who ran for nomination of governor backed by the Ku Klux Klan. Where are the Christian ministers of the nation, where are those outspoken civic leaders who have charged the Jews with being a menace because they sought to eliminate from the public schools the reading of the Bible believing that religious instruction of a sectarian character should be lim ited to the religious schools? Where are all these leaders, I ask, who do not raise their voice in protest against a man belonging to a MASKED GROUP whose platform preaches RELIGIOUS HATRED and INTOL ERANCE of RACE and who holds a position of SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS? When is this tragic farce to be brought to an end It is time that AMERICA asserted itself. It is not often that the daily press has an opportunity to play up scan dals among the rich Jews of the world. Probably you have noticed how little space such news occupies in our up to date press. So the affair of James Henri Rothschild, "Jimmy," as so many know him, came as a shock to most of us. A five hundred thousand dollar breach of promise suit brought by a French girl against a Rothschild is enough to ornament the front page of any journal. It's a pity that one who came to this country on an im portant mission for the Jews should have become involved in such a light headed scandal. I don't see why we as Jews shouldn't rejoice over the fistic supre macy of Benny Leonard as we do over the high honors achieved by fel low Jews in the scholastic arena? It isn't so much that Benny is such a good prize fighter that interests me as it is that it is encouraging to note the PHYSICAL advancement of the Jew as exemplified by the Benny Leonards of the country. The Jew for many generations has been "top heavy," too much mind and too-little matter. He has over specialized in brains. For a long period in history he didn't have much chance to straighten up then, too, he always had an army held in protective atti tude in front of his head not know ing where the next blow of the enemy would be struck. Then, too, his occu pations were rather limited to those that forced him to mental exercise only and the physical side was neg lected. But of late he has broadened out he is taking his place among1 the outdoor men of the country. He excels in a great many instances in college athletics. So why shouldn't we take more than passing interest in the suc cess of a JEWISH prize fighter mere ly as an indication of the ever increas ing development of the Jew along physical lines Dr. Walter LaidlaW, Special United States Census Agent, devotes consid erable time to computing church sta tistics, that is with reference to mem bership. He finds the arriving at the membership of Jewish conerregations in this country rather difficult, be cause some report in terms of fami lies and some congregations in terms of individuals. So in the current is sue of the "Literary Digest" I notice where he questions the growth of Jewish congregational membership from 100,000 in 1906 to 357,000 in 1916. I am sure that even the lat ter figure is entirely too low. Of course there are so many kinds of "memberships" that it is hard to col lect accurate data. Yet having in mind affiliation with a synagogue or temple I believe that we have in this Country today over five hundred thou sand MEMBERS or possibly ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED INDI VIDUALS. I would ask Dr. LaidlaW to consider and if possible investigate these figures and I am sure he will find that my results are not improb able. If it is of any comfort to the read ers of this column I am of the opinion that the wave of anti-Semitism in this country which rose to perilous heights the latter part of last year and which maintained its position un til the early part of this year is grad ually receding. How do I know this There are some things that we can not measure with a foot rule but a careful observation of every day oc currences, the lessened activity of cer tain inimical forces, the obvious ne cessity for labored effort among cei tain elements to stimulate prejudice, and the gradual reassertion of the common sense of the nation all point to a much more comfortable situa tion for the Jew. The attitude of the daily press of the nation, as well as that of the representative weeklies and the monthly magazines, on the question of prejudice against the Jew, has warned promoters of such anti Jewish movements that public opinion in this country will not tolerate them. Some newspapers express surprise that Henry Ford would attempt to bribe an officer arresting him for speeding to avoid appearing in court. Why should we be surprised at a man doing that when he has done a whole lot worse by bribing men to tap wires running to the White House in order to listen in on fabled conversations that might occur between Justice Brandeis and the President? Why be surprised at anything that man of the ethics of Ford would do? He has stooped about as low in digging re fuse out of garbage cans that any man presumedly decent could possibly do This country will some day realize just what sort of an individual this very much self-advertised egotist is and then they will place him in the class that he belongs: a mechanic whose money has gone to his head. Balfour Einstein, Balfour Cohen, Balfour Winston Churchill Levy, Bal four Adler, Balfour Rabinowitz, these will soon be the best known names among the very young set in Jerusa lem. Exactly as so many parents in this country name their infants after the President so are Jewish families in Palestine naming their newly born after the Earl of Balfour, who has been so much a factor in enabling them to settle in Palestine. Three well known books were sup pressed last week, but I am not going to give their names fearing that the local book stores would be mobbed on Monday morning with eager custom ers. As a result of this it has been suggested that the authors select a censor or some pooh bah of respect ability as in the case of base ball, movies, and now the spoken drama with A. Thomas as head. The publish ers, that is, some of them, have agreed to co-operate with some well known author or critic who shall say wheth er a book is fit to be published from a moral standpoint. I am utterly opposed to any one man, such as John Sumner, for example, to estab lishing the standard of any book's morals. There are books being circu lated today that ought to be sup pressed and many that ought to be circulating that have been suppressed. We are being "mothered" to death. It's about time we stopped being "petted"—and began to show some signs of being old enough to take care of ourselves. The death has occurred at Lengnau, Switzerland, of Mr. Jules Wyler, the first Jewish officer in the Swiss army. The deceased was ninety-one years old. Page Pm RABBI ABBA HILLEL SILVER TO TOUR WEST IN THE INTER EST OF THE RUTENBERG PROJECT Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, President of the Central Committee, Palestine Development Leagues, who from the outset has been conspicuously associ ated with the work of the Palestine Development Council, will, beginning August 21, make a flying trip through the West. Rabbi Silver, who occupies the pulpit of the Euclid Avenue Tem ple, Cleveland, Ohio, and is recog nized as one of the most eloquent of the younger men in the Jewish pulpit in this country, will speak in the ilK terest of the financing of the Ruten-: berg project for creating hydro-elee-i trie power in Palestine. The Palestine Development Council, which took the initiative in this coun try in undertaking to raise capital for this great enterprise, and whose legal representative, Mr. Samuel J. Rosea» sohn, has recently been in England, for the purpose of conferring on the' organization of the Rutenberg corpor ation, is raising capital for this proj ect by the sale of trust cei'tificates in $50 units. The Palestine Development Council campaign opened very quietly recently for this purpose, and at the outset reported immediate subscrip tions amounting to over $300,000. Kabbi Silver will visit St. Paul and Minneapolis on Tuesday and Wednep day, August 22nd and 23rd, arriving in Seattle on Friday, the 25th, Port land Monday, the 28th, San Franciscb Thursday, the 31st, and during his stay there will visit Oakland. Wednes day, September 6th, Rabbi Silver will visit Los Angeles, and before return ing home, will make a trip to San Diego. The local arrangements are in the hands of the local Palestine De velopment League, the secretary of which is Dr. Thomas Ziskin, 410 La Salle Bldg., Minneapolis. On some part of his tour, Rabbi Silver will be accompanied by Mr. Jacob de Haas, Secretary of the Cen tral Committee, Palestine Develop ment Leagues, but in a good many places, Mr. de Haas will travel well ahead, or independently in the same interest. NEWS FROM PALESTINE Jews Give Balfour's Name to Children Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—A large num ber of Jewish children born in Pal estine during this month have had the name of Balfour given to them as their first names in recognition of the Earl of Balfour who is the authoy of the Zionist Declaration bearing his' name and who is also credited with* the approval of the Palestine Man date which secures the establishment of the Jewish National Home. Celebrate 40th Anniversary of Rishon Le Zion Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The celebra tion on Wednesday of this week of the 40th anniversary of the founding of Rishon Le Zion, the first Zionist colony in Palestine, will be marked by a large number of festivities. This celebration will also mark the, 40th anniversary and arrival from Russia of the first group of the "Bilu," the young Jewish pioneers, whose slogan was "House of Jacob Arrives, imt Us Go." Palestine Immigration Only Half in June Jerusalem (J. C. B.)—Only 474 Jewish immigrants entered Palestine during June, figures published by the Zionist Executive show. This repre sents a considerable decrease, the average number during recent months having been about 900 a month. The decline is explained by the un employment which prevailed during June, compelling the Zionist authori ties to issue only half the number of certificates allotted for each monthr