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Page Six Kenney Dress Novelty Shop 802 LaSalle Ave. Main 2674 Minneapolis Button Hole* Embroiderj Marking Button* Hemstitching Pleating Couching: SEE US BEFORE LETTING YOUR CONTRACT KIEFER PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. Hyland 1428 1230 MORGAN AVE. NORTH •atuuVJWVWlTU'LiPij^- A small picture of a large Steamer. -It is the famous "Aquitania" of the Cunard tine. Company's Office, Met ropolitan Life Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. (Or Agents.) MIDWEST COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC, INC. Largest and best equipped Chiro practic College in the Northwest. Day and Night classes. Public Clinics. Private adjustments by faculty members. "THE SCHOOL OF OPPORTUNITY" Phone, Main 1023 1509 Chicago Ave. Minneapolis If Ik's HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE or Life Insurance Think First, Then Call WILLIAMS Main 8690 or Dykewater 5737 ECONOMY TAILORS 1007 Oth Ave. No. CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Work called for and delivered. Ladies' work a specialty Suits Pressed 40c Cherry 6850 FOR SNAPPY AND UP-TO-DATE CLOTHES See CASPER MOEN MERCHANT TAILOR 814 S. Fourth St. (2nd Floor) 0833 Minneapolis r" tfSGOOD BROWNIE'S ROOT BEER AND OINGER ALE MAIN 8213 CEDAR 5409 With the Travelers Mrs. Maurice Adelsheim of 1521 Twenty-sixth street, has as her guest her mother, Mrs. Kalman, of New York city. Mrs. Lowenstein of Valparaiso, Ind., is stopping at the Hotel Kee waydin, Lake Minnetonka. Mrs. Louis Swarthe and children and Mrs. Geo. Leonard and children left last week by auto for Walker, Minn., where they will spend the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Ruben of James avenue south, have as their guest their sister, Miss Englander of Cleve land, Ohio. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley I. Rypins left Sunday, August 6, for San Francisco, Calif., where Dr. Rypins has accepted the professorship in Sociology re cently resigned by John Collier at the State Teachers College. Dr. Rypins is the son of Dr. Isaac L. Rypins who for many years served as rabbi of Mount Zion Temple at St. Paul. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and was sent to Oxford University, England, as Rhodes Scho lar in 1915. He received the de gree of Doctor of Philosophy in Philology at Harvard and became in structor in English at the University of Minnesota in 1919. He resigned in 1921 and has spent the past year in writing. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chapsky, 1465 west Thirty-third street, accompanied by their guest, their sister, Miss Ruth Frankenstein of Chicago, left Sunday, August 6, for a several weeks' auto trip through Minnesota and Wiscon sin. Miss Frankenstein will proceed directly to her home. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Goodman (Rose Taussig) of Chicago are the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Robitshek, 2124 Penn avenue south. Mrs. Lieberman and little daughter of Kansas City, Mo., who for the past ten days has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mayer, 5015 Emerson avenue south, left Thursday, August 10, for their home. They came here to attend the celebration of the May ers' 15th wedding anniversary which took place last week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rose and chil dren, 604 West Lake of the Isles boulevard, left Monday, August 7, for New York City. Mrs. Louis Golling and children, 2509 Grand avenue, returned Sunday, August 6, from a two months trip to Chicago, where they visited with their sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Hy man N. Kohn and attended the crys tal wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Kohn. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Abrohams, 3452 Girard avenue south, have as their guests, Mr. George Abrohams, Mrs. Florence Abrohams and Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Cohn, who motored here from Green Bay, Wis., on August 7, for a several weeks' visit. Mrs. Lewis M. Roseman (nee Min nie Wolfson) of New York City ar rived Saturday, August 5, for a two weeks' visit with her brothers Messers William and Frank Wolfson LOCAL NEWS-MINNEAPOLIS Hyland 3766 Main 5363 MRS. LIBBIE SEGAL GENERAL INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A SPECIALTY 214 Walker Bldg. 17 S. 8th St. Minneapolis, Minn. NOT BETTER THAN THE BEST BUT BETTER THAN THE REST STEINS CAFE Tit NICOLLET AVENUE—DOWNSTAIRS OMEN SUNDAYS, BEGINNING SSPTSMBSR 4TB at the Oak Grove. Mrs. Samuel Essey and little son Burnett of Cleveland, Ohio, are also the guests of her broth ers. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Wolfson, ac companied by their brother Maurice, and their sisters, Mrs. Samuel Essey and Mrs. Lewis Roseman, will motor to Omaha Saturday, August 19, for a few days' visit with their brother, Mr. Isadore Wolfson. Mrs. E. R. Segall and son Harold Irving and Miss Sara Ruth Horo witz of Milwaukee, are visiting with their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horowitz, 2103 Garfield avenue. Mrs. David Berman, 1125 Wash burn avenue north, spent the week as the guest of Mrs. J. Shapiro at her summer home at Deephaven, Lake Minnetonka. Mrs. Rubin Katz, 1508 Chicago ave nue, left Saturday, August 5, for Hol lywood, Calif. She will spend three days in Yellowstone National Park, and will be gone for two months. Mrs. N. Waisbren and daughter, Gertrude, 1325 Sheridan avenue north, left Saturday, August 5, for Milwau kee, where they will visit their son and brother, Dr. Ben Waisbren. They will also visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wexler and chil dren, who motored from Eden, S. Dak., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wex ler, 1312 East Nineteenth street, left Sunday, July 30, for their home. Mr. and Mrs. N. Cohen and children of Danbury, Wis., left Sunday for their home, after a short visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosen bloom, 1027 Knox avenue north. Miss Rose Rothberg of Chicago is the guest of her fiance's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosenbloom. Mrs. Morris Silverman of Daven port, Iowa, is visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Figen, 922 Oliver avenue north. Mrs. S'. S. Sachs and son, Colman, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. Sherman, 615 East Seventeenth street, for the past two weeks, left Friday, August 4, for Odair, Wis., accompanied by her niece, Miss Leona Sherman, for an indefinite stay. Mrs. M. Wilsher and son, Adolph, 800 Irving avenue north, left Mon day, August 7, for Chicago, where she will spend three weeks visiting rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Shure, 522 Emerson avenue north, have as their guest their cousin, Miss Jennie Ber ger of Detroit, Mich., who arrived Sunday, July 30, for an indefinite stay. She will visit other relatives and friends in the Twin Cities. Mrs. Alexander D. Frank (Reva Katz of Omaha, Neb.) and little daughters, Muriel and Elaine of Fort Dodge, Iowa, and her sister, Miss Bessie Katz of Omaha, Neb., arrived Thursday, August 3, to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walensky, 910 Morgan avenue north. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lichterman and baby daughter, Razel Arleen, 1014 Humboldt avenue north, returned Tuesday, August 8, from a two weeks' cTHE AMERICAN JEWISH WORLD GIVE A MAZUZAH An Inexpensive Gift for Birth days, Bar-Mitzvah, or Remembrance Gold Filled and Silver, $1.00 Sent Anywhere on Receipt Of Price T. S. DOBRIN 50t Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis FOR LIFE INSURANCE SEE LODI! BERRY LARGEST MOTOR VANS IN THE TWIN CITIES ZOUBER'S DELICATESSEN FRESM CORNBEEF, LUNCHES AND DELICATESSEN ALSO LIGHT GROCERIES 724 6th Ave. No. Hyland 3395 J. H. ROSENTHAL DRUG CO. Prescriptions a Specialty 2 Stores Cor. Plymouth and Morgan 2123 Chicago Ave. Wire Your Home Now Is the Time to Wire Your Home to Save the Increase in Cost EASY TERMS Call At. 5946-7 Sales Dept. U. S. Electrical Co., Inc. 922 Marquette Avenue CHASE & SCHANFELD INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Metropolitan Life Building s Sleeping Porch Curtains Tents and Awnings Complete Camp Equipment American Tent & Awning Company 811 Wash. Ave. No. Geneva 77TT Minneapolis